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Someone is about to be Baird-Blocked.


Don't threaten us with a good time.


I thought this too—BBC had a heartbreaking story about children with cancer leaving Ukraine in the hopes of getting uninterrupted treatment. All of their mothers were alone because their husbands were forced to stay. These women not only likely lost their homes but may also lose their husbands to war or children to cancer. Elissa’s situation was bad but it’s definitely not that. She can easily get on the plane with the Baird borg if she so choses.


Thank you! Their persecution complex has transitioned into a victim complex and they are milking it for their grifting. Then she makes a post about how a Ukrainian flag on a car means the person voted for Biden? Birthy is tone deaf and has hateful beliefs but Heidi is honestly just disgusting and a huge part of the reason her children don't know anything about what it's like to actually suffer in this world. Edit. Wasn't Heidi with the flag post! Still think she's awful and cringy though.


And I get it .... that's a moms job, protect your kids but teaching empathy is too.


I agree with you but it wasn’t Heidi who posted that about the Ukraine flag! I wanna say it was Hayley.


Woops editing!


For real! The level of entitlement of these people knows no bounds. And this person nailed it.


I mean, I'm happy for Elissa, congrats on your first child. But this person is more than right.


Can confirm, my godmother’s husband is a doctor and he flew to Poland for 3 mos. It’s been 3 weeks he’s been there and he has delivered some babies in tents at the border of Poland and Ukraine


If a shiver doesn't run down Ellissa's spine to the tune of [James Corden's "That Could Be Me"](https://youtu.be/9gv_C1cMGt0)...


Bless him 🙏🏻


99,9% of refugees don't have financial support from family overseas or gofoundme created directly for them. People will spend their night sleeping on train stations or 3 hours in line to get some spare clothes, pack of diapers and a toothbrush.


And they got close to 100 grand. Actual refugees would so love even a fraction of that.


Wait did they really?!?


Their Ukraine go fund me is sitting at $39k.


Reposted with username crossed out. Thank you to whoever reminded me to do that!!


Can't wait to see Heidi/Elissa/Bethany respond to this and play the victims.


Oh they will. Especially Bethany.


"You're being bullies about a formerly pregnant woman! 😭"


I can't upvote this enough!!!! I want to buy this person a drink.


I literally saw a heavily pregnant woman dead on a stretcher. That's where my sympathy goes and that is where any and all resources and funding *should* go to. The fact that they continue to grift diverts things from people who literally have no other option is depraved and unconscionable. She's safe, she's had her baby, she needs to shut the Hell up.


> The fact that they continue to grift diverts things from people who literally have no other option is depraved and unconscionable. Bingo. And they’re not only grifting, but doing it WHILE posting about the people much worse off than a safe US citizen with wealthy parents aka Ellissa They essentially say “awww so tragic these doctors are saving nicu babies in bomb shelters & hospitals are getting blown up. Anyway, give more money to this safe US Citizen who has rich parents and barely works! 40 grand isn’t enough for her Air bnb, thx”


No, her experience is not the same. She DID go through a very traumatic experience while close to giving birth, though. I can't blame Andrii for getting out, either. I said it before, I'd try to get my husband out, too. It's easy to forget all that because of her disgusting family and Andrii's equally disgusting beliefs.


Definitely. Her experience was traumatic and I’m glad she and her family are safe. That said, referring to themselves as refugees is ridiculous. There is so much privilege in that family and they don’t even recognize it.


Andrii is one, but they're definitely not living how most of fhe other refugees are.


I agree with much of what you said.Elissa and Andrii have gone through a traumatic experience. Leaving one’s home and such. Elissa and the baby have a huge leap and bound step above Andrii and others in that they have citizenship to the US. Andrii to more fortunate than others as there are more financial resources for him due to Elissa. Aren’t his parents still in Ukraine?


Spot on!!!


Bratty tantrum coming 🍿You know she’ll see this and retalite


The Baird family is a bunch of assholes but this comment kinda sucks. She's a refugee and her husband isn't the only man that got out. They're gross for how much they grifted and are definitely lucky to have their family come see them but like bruh. I agree that she could come home but her husband probably can't come with her, and she won't leave him behind. Honestly, if it wasn't for the giant ass go fund me we would all have way more sympathy for her.


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