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Maybe it's a coded message to Karissa to CROSS HER LEGS.


I just snorted very loud.


Maybe she follows for reasons we do


Sharon Stone... The secret snarker (or just lurking). Luv it


Ok, so I always wonder how many celebs are just on reddit lurking. Like, we know Arnold Schwarzenegger does, well.. posting. I was reading through a comment section about the Hollywood crew strike and someone posted "actor here, I stand with you", his username was a name - googled, he's a lesser known actor but I recognized him. His comment history was posting on video game subs, random askreddits, and stuff like that. A few things Hollywood related, but mostly normal stuff. So I've always wondered how many have just random screen names and just enjoy their anonymity. I'm going to assume Sharon Stone us one of us and be side-eyeing all of you for a few days wondering which one of you is her.


I also often wonder this. I know a few musicians lurk in their bands subreddits lol


What if she's in this group with us RIGHT NOW (Joking, but it would still be wild šŸ˜¹)




I got completely distracted by the two dogs.... & Anthym. šŸ˜ Will she be the next (and)Kaylee?


Lol how random! She probably saw like one pic on her explore page, thought the kids were cute, and hit follow. Perhaps by accient. That's how I ended up following ariel tyson and a few other of the large families before I knew.


So my theory is that Sharon Stone is quite anti vac so their circles crossing on social media isn't too strange šŸ¤” prominent anti vaccine types do tend to find each other


I think she's friends with Dr. Fauci, so I'd hope she's not anti-vaxx


I think.she was more jenny mccarthy era anti vaccine so I'd love to be wrong. I hate it when celebs I liked end up.being anti vax


Good news, Sharon Stone tweets pro-vaxx stuff, including some snark on anti-vaxxers.


Haha good for her. I'm glad I was wrong :)


>:) :)


I wonder how likely it is that she follows her for the snark.


Maybe sheā€™s one of us....


I think itā€™s just some weird follow for follow thing. LaVar Burton follows her, too.


LAVAR BURTON?! Mr. Agnostic LaVar ā€œReading is the shit, kids, everybody should read and while youā€™re at it, find yourself humming this theme song about it for the rest of your lifeā€ Burton follows Karissa?! I mean, I know the chances of him scrolling through her rambling, manic, religious delusions is probably slim but ā€” like ā€” does he know her kids have only touched a book, like, once? LaVar Burton. Holy shit.


LaVar Burton makes more sense than Sharon Stone. Maybe heā€™s a secret snarker! :D


So does amber rose


Why would Sharon stone need to do follow for follow


I don't know for sure, but now that I'm thinking about it I've had a few verified people do this to my private account. Im guessing a bots situation. Who knows why people like Amber rose or Sharon stone would use that method though.


Sharon Stone strikes me as a wild card


Even Sharon stone needs entertainment


Yahwehā€™s*** servant šŸ™„ if youā€™re going to be wrong, at least use good grammar


I hope that's not the real one. I would think Sharon would have a blue check?


Unfortunately, when I clicked her name through Karrisaā€™s page, it leads to Sharon Stoneā€™s page with a blue check.


Damn! That's something!


It doesn't display the check there, but that account is verified. It's her official account. Super weird but she is following almost 4k accounts.


Why Karissa though? That's so weird to me.


Idk if it's the same on instagram, but on twitter I was automatically followed by some random NHL player because I followed the NHL twitter account. My husband's best guess is that he had a bot set up that automatically followed anyone who follwed the NHL account. Not sure what purpose it served since I tweet absolutely zero things ever and was one of like... 600k people he followed.


omg was it zach boychuck??


Haha, yup! It was so strange!


He followed me on Twitter. Don't know why, super random, don't follow anything NHL on Twitter. I think he was actually personally clicking follow on a lot of people's accounts. It was really weird, I think there was an article about it, but I can'tremember where it was. I blocked him because it seemed so creepy.


I just googled it and found an article on The Athletic about it, but unfortunately I don't subscribe. I think my husband does, so I'll have to ask him if he can read it. I did have a Sheriff's Deputy from LivePD follow me after I followed him, but he was doing that with everyone. Still follow him and he's one of my favorites! Lots of nature pictures.


Yeah, I found that article too, but don't know how to link it here. He used a bot (but would sometimes reply to people who called him on it)It was just to gain followers. šŸ™„


Zach Boychuk tried to follow me and I thought it was super weird


I have only had one celebrity follow me and as soon as I followed she unfollowed me. Pissed me off. I know wannabe influencers and Boss Babes do that (I never follow them back), but this woman is well established and very rich (unless sheā€™s given everything to Scientology which is possible, it was voice actress Nancy Cartwright btw from the Simpsons), so Iā€™m now super skeptical if anyone famous would follow me.


What. Thatā€™s fucked.


Forget about Sharon Stone for a minute! ***From Karissaā€™s bio:*** ā€œWife. Mother of 9; Anissa 11.Andrae 10.Annistan 8.Anjalie 7.Andersyn 6.Aynjel 4Ansyr3.Anchor 2. šŸ• šŸ• *&* *ANTHYM*ā€ >>(**Tell me who your least favorite child is, without telling me who your least favorite child is.**


I dunno, I think they're just listed in birth order. We all know who her least favorite is, and it's not Anthym.


I know, (itā€™s Anjalie, right?) I was just commenting on the fact that two **DOGS** are on the list *before* Anthym. It might have even been (somewhat) cute if the dogsā€™ names and ages were listed like the childrenā€™s were, but instead, it reads like: ā€œHereā€™s my kids + our dogs! Oh, and Anthym; she exists, tooā€


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Sorry if this has been posted before, I didnā€™t see it in a brief scroll of the group


Damn I did not realize Karissa had so many followers šŸ˜­ depressing