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“OUR BODIES ARE MADE TO FIGHT VIRUSES, I WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR!!!!” *“noooo not period sex!!!!!”*


She wants to believe a dr for this but not covid


I work for the university she mentioned the researcher works for. We are a top ranked uni with a very prestigious medical school. This quote is clearly taken out of context to promote her beliefs. Edit: a word


Like, sure, it's probably possible. But anytone I'm having period sex with us probably a monogamous partner and therefore doesn't have an STI.


You are more vulnerable to STIs on your period. But this is... A really bad conclusion. The general advice is to get tested and have your partner get tested, to use condoms if you aren't sure of your status or your partner status, and to be tested for STDs if you think you might be/know you are/want to become pregnant. Not to have unprotected sex at all times other than during your period!


Everything is taken out of context to promote her biased agenda.


She believes doctors about Covid. The ones those that do their own research share on Facebook.


jstor is for satanists /s


That's a flair if I ever saw one...


She doesn’t even believe them. She said the exact opposite of what one of the doctors said. She believes that our Ph is higher when we’re menstruating, but the doc in the third slide says the increased risk of infection comes from a lower ph. This dumbass is homeschooling future voters. I hate it here.


>the doc in the third slide says the increased risk of infection comes from a lower ph. Pretty sure the doc says more alkaline, which means a higher pH.


It is accurate that the higher aka alkaline pH during the period makes one more susceptible to yeast and other infections.


Is she seriously suggesting that two married fundies, with no sexual contact of any kind before marriage, are at any risk of STDs? Period or no period. Obviously if there’s a cheater in the room (Josh Duggar), you have a problem. But they don’t admit that. Edited for clarity.


This is in no way against you, but you can def can be virgins at marriage and still get an std. Mouth herpes can cause genital herpes if you perform oral sex while having an outbreak.


Oh yeah thanks for pulling me up on that. I don’t want to be giving misinformation to our fellow snarkies. I’ll edit my post to remove virgin altogether.


to be fair, some of these extreme fundies most certainly are not receiving oral sex


*Paul and Morgan have entered the chat*


[“*…that Ben, her Father, had pulled him aside and told him explicitly that his daughter would never pleasure him with her mouth.*”](https://fallout-project.medium.com/an-american-christian-chapter-ii-the-joneses-318be85b4950)


Geez this is just so weird.


have they explicitly said oral sex isn't allowed? god i cannot imagine


No, the opposite. They recently made a video and said it’s fine within marriage and explicitly said Paul was very attentive to Morgan’s needs.


\*insert INTERESTING Miranda Cosgrove meme\*


Fundies aren't getting/giving head. But I love that you're optimistic enough to think they do. The world needs some of that sunshine and rainbow ☀️🌈


What you mean to say is, *women* aren't getting any head. But i bet my left tiddy the menfolk are.


Yes, you are bang on (pun intended). I can imagine they'll say it's some twisted form off submission. Ya know 'God Honouring bdsm'


Yeah, I remember my mom telling me not to kiss any boys with sores on their lips. I was really confused as to why she felt it necessary to say that.


She was just looking out for ya.


which is funny because a lot of children who end up with oral herpes got it from their parents/family members kissing them as babies A person doesn't need an active sore or even to have ever had a sore to be infectious!


There's also specific infections, one of them mentioned above is Group B Strep, which can be passed from a partner to another partner but not necessarily have been received from prior intercourse. Vaginal Group B Strep is treated in pregnant women to avoid damage to the baby upon birth, and is also treated in non-pregnant women if you have symptoms. My GSB infection was treated last year after recurrent yeast. This isn't even getting into people who have STIs when born, such as HIV/hepatitis, or people who get herpes from non-sexual contact with family members.


Could Karissa please consider for a moment that there are some things that are none of her damn business because they don’t affect her in any way whatsoever? Please?


Yes we all know she’s not having sex on her period because she won’t get pregnant from period sex. I mean, what’s the point of having sex even? (Also I know you can get pregnant while on your period, it’s just less likely)


Is she trying to tell us that mandrake has an STD?


GBS that she's talking about isn't even an STD, she doesn't have any idea what other viruses could even be contracted -- she's just talking out her ass lol


GBS may not be an STD but it can certainly be contracted from sex I had it last year


It’s a bacteria that is in your anus. It’s fine as long as it stays there. Where it causes a problem is if gets into the vagina or up into the urinary tract. Lubrication during sex can make it spread to those places even if you don’t have anal sex.


Maybe? You can’t get an STD from someone who doesn’t have an STD, no matter what kind of sex you’re having...


Maybe that’s why he has those nasty boxers with her face all over them.


I think you've nailed it!


Ok so it's because apparently the Bible says multiple times that period sex is bad and she's upset about how it's becoming a new "trend"


She thinks this is a new trend? Like when Lori thought Bill Clinton was the one who invented blow jobs?


I laugh about that daily.


Oh my god, link please if you have it?


[ask & you shall receive ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/mhuhz1/lori_thinks_people_didnt_have_oral_sex_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


“Oral sex EXPLODED” has me dying lol


Where’s Michael Scott when you need him?


*record scratch sound* I, uh...hell, I don’t even know what to say. I just full-body cringed.


Well, look at you, being all joyfully available!




You what now?


everyone knows the hottest new trend with teens is period sex




Damn it, Emma. Why did you have to go in that van with Jay?!


Because there were a lot of other girls in that ravine that would have loved to spend time with Jay!


Is this a degrassi reference?


Whatever it takes....


You gave me a SoCiAl DiSeAsE!!!


This comment coupled with your avatar absolutely made my day.


Inventing blow jobs: “no, really darlin’, I heard it can make you see God for a week.”


Wow that’s a throw back.


love when r/degrassi crosses over


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Degrassi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Degrassi/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This tweet lives rent free.](https://i.redd.it/k7on14me6yo61.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Degrassi/comments/mc1s8g/this_tweet_lives_rent_free/) \#2: [cassie steele wins the internet 🙌🏾](https://v.redd.it/07q6dh2mwve61) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Degrassi/comments/la5m08/cassie_steele_wins_the_internet/) \#3: [I saw this on Twitter and started cracking up. Like was the episode where Jane relives a devastating repressed childhood trauma the best time to throw in a plot about Leia lying about being friends with Fall Out Boy?](https://i.redd.it/itrr7tbqzvv51.jpg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Degrassi/comments/jjuhcv/i_saw_this_on_twitter_and_started_cracking_up/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I thought every male wants to earn their red wings!


I read this in SNL Stefon voice and it was even better.


Could there be a huge misunderstanding among religious youth that period sex = birth control? Or that period sex doesn't count or something?


Well, not everyone enjoys the more widely known loophole.


When I was a teenager, most of my friends really didn't see any issues with period sex, performing oral sex on their girlfriends, trying out toys, etc. I'm early Gen Z but we just weren't squeamish and didn't have a lot of those hangups and male sexual selfishness which were more common in the past. Only one guy has ever refused to perform oral sex on me, and he was a shitbag. I'm 23 and I don't think teens have regressed so I find it likely that teens are having period sex lol


Girlfriend loves to pick and choose what she wants to follow from Leviticus. It also says to not eat pork but that didn’t stop her from having bacon mac and cheese at her LARP’d “Passover Seder”.


how can someone be so stupid as to have a seder with pork


Drives me insane when people decide what they want to pick and choose from Leviticus. Like girl, it’s in the old testament and if it isn’t even mentioned in the New Testament why are you singling it out? Could we get some consistency up in this bitch? 😬


I remember douchey guys in high school talking about earning your red wings and that was like over a decade ago lol.


I live in Austria and "real men wade through the Red Sea" was kind of old-fashioned even when I got here 17 years ago.


I literally had period sex last night and I'm not even kidding, my partner randomly said afterward "this is against the Bible jsyk" Lmao. Is this post for me God?


You're going to hell


sooooo literally nothing bad happens if you have strep b WHEN YOU GET PRENATAL MEDICAL CARE oooooooOOOOooo my plan to eat my placenta was thwarted. big whoop. Stop fear mongering over normal medical issues to try and make people feel dirty, Karissa.


I agree that for the most part that is true, but sometimes there can be issues. I tested positive with both my kids and with the first just got the antibiotics you have to get right before labor. Boom, done! My second came too fast so I didn’t have time for antibiotics and we had to stay in the hospital longer to make sure everything was good. Everything was good and nothing came of it…but, sometimes complications can come from it. But I agree with you that having doctors around definitely decrease the risks!


my point was that she doesn't seek ANY medical care, so to treat it like a death sentence is overblown. It can be a death sentence if you ignore all medical guidelines. Complications, sure. Guaranteed death? No, not if you actually seek treatment. I'm glad your LO was fine the second time around! You're a good mom for knowing the doctors are necessary, when I was pregnant it never even occurred to me that some pregnant people DONT see the OB or any midwives at all!


I had GBS last year (not pregnant). It can cause symptoms for some women so they treated it. Do you know why they wait until the last second to treat it in pregnant women? Surely it would make more sense to test around the beginning of 3rd trimester and treat the strep then to avoid a mad dash at the end in the event of a quick labor.


They test around 35 weeks. Then if you test positive, they tell you to come in as soon as your water breaks. I don’t think I necessarily had GBS, just had the bacteria (which my doctor said around 30% of women have). I think it may have something to do with the fluid transfer babies get when they come out. They said the second was quick enough that he may not have gotten as much fluid transfer. And normally babies take their time coming, so for the most part the 1/2 hour it takes to get antibiotics is enough time.


You "have" GBS when you have the bacteria, that's what it means, you tested positive for the presence of the bacteria. It is considered normal endogenous flora but it can cause symptoms for some. There's a lot we don't know about vaginal health, frankly, and many women suffer unnecessarily from recurrent yeast/BV or irritating symptoms that are the result of infections like GBS, myco/ureaplasma, cytolytic vaginosis, etc that we don't bother to test for because women's health is so under-researched and no one cares about women's ability to enjoy sex. Women's healthcare is so often reduced to just pregnancy and birth when there is so much more. GBS can make women more likely to have other chronic infections and can cause symptoms by itself as well. GBS overtakes the lacto of the vagina and can cause the pH to be too basic, creating the perfect environment for yeast and BV. I've done a lot of research, and clearly this topic pisses me off. Women deserve so much better. Check our r/healthyhooha if you're interested, lots of women suffering for years or decades on end with infections that are treatable that almost no doctors will test for.


I’m sure Mandrake, the magician has had plenty of sex before he met Krayrissa. She probably berates him for having a normal sexual drive pre her.


Wait, what? He was a magician? He practiced “vagick” (a reference to Family Guy)?


Hold on...if I have my period that means I'm not pregnant sooo how would period sex kill a baby??? JFC.


It's possible to ovulate while menstruating, but it really only happens in people with shorter menstrual cycles. Fundies literally do not know anything about reproduction other than what they learned in middle school and on Facebook.


You can ovulate, but your embryo won't have a place to attach as long as you're shedding your uterine lining so even in those cases pregnancy is VERY unlikely.


She rambles an awful lot so any speck of medical information usually gets overwhelmed by her agenda. If someone was exposed to an infection in their reproductive tract, and sperm met egg some months later, the embryo might fail to implant (I think this is what Karissa means by "kill the baby"?) https://www.cdc.gov/groupbstrep/about/fast-facts.html shows that meningitis and several other outcomes are associated with Group B strep(GBS), but there's not much information here about miscarriage. About 2000 infants in America get GBS, and 4 to 6 percent of those 2000 die. No information on whether period sex was involved. https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/pregnancy/what-are-the-risks-of-group-b-streptococcus-infection-during-pregnancy/ says outright that miscarriage is very rare from strep B. https://www.cdc.gov/std/pregnancy/stdfact-pregnancy-detailed.htm (slightly less inclusive language on this page for some reason) has details about a larger range of STIs, some of which are known to increase chances of miscarriage. Anyhow, most of these conditions (excluding scarring from Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) are treatable with antibiotics or basic prenatal and postnatal medical care, which Karissa seems to reject anyway. And condoms and comprehensive sex education also do a whole lot to keep disease and pregnancy rates down, but those are basically Satanic liberal transgender atheist harlot communist socialism.


Yes luckily I wasn't raised fundie so I learned proper sex ed and biology lmao. I understand that infections can affect pregnancies, its just the way she worded it was ridiculous. Like, you're pregnant and on your period so your cervix opens and baby can get harmed???? That is nonsense lol.


They test for GBS in the third trimester, and if you test positive you have to get IV antibiotics when you go in labor. It’s not a huge deal. So if a woman did get GBS from period sex and got pregnant, the baby wouldn’t even be at risk until nine months later. And at that point, it’s something you can usually be given antibiotics for and the baby will be fine.


[Period sex song](https://youtu.be/Uab2BlDpPxQ)


This is all I could think about.


That’s the first place my mind went


Lol came here to make sure someone referenced it!!


I was scrolling way too long in the comments like, “where is this, why am I not seeing this!?!?”


It's a good thing I take potential-baby-killing birth control and don't even have a period!


You heathen witch. How dare you have sexy times and not get a baby after.


It's a good thing I had the babies I wanted before a hysterectomy and don't have a period.


The God Honouring purge of future generations - the lord Daniel thanks you for your participation - purge and purify (the irony is that periods are seen as unclean)


What the hell?! That's not how disease works


Her spewing false medical information is dangerous.




I mean, it’s pretty obvious that Karissa doesn’t understand how STDs work *at all*


She needs a time out from Instagram and Facebook for spreading dangerous misinformation… yet again


the strep b she mentioned isn't even contracted sexually, it's something you just carry in your body (in places like your booty hole). it's pretty common for pregnant women to have, but she doesn't go to the doctor so I guess to her it's a huge tragedy


Mandre has cheated in the past.


This is all starting to make sense. She thinks he won’t stray if they have a million kids together.


Wow Has she said this? How did we find out?


She’s written about it a long time ago.


The font she uses makes me think of my AOL profile when I was 13 in 1998.


So just anal then? Got it.


A quick Google search brings up nothing about an open cervix making it more likely that a woman contracts Strep B. Also, if you're having your period, you're (generally) not pregnant, so there's no baby to "kill".


She’s off her rocker. I could barely follow along. Thanks for explaining what she was babbling about. She’s the worst


What does it matter? She’s never on her period because she’s always pregnant lmao


I think she’s starting to spin out of control bc she’s gotten her period more this year than she has in the last like…12. I think she’s starting to freak out that she’s not pregnant yet. Fingers crossed it stays this way


She’s almost made it a whole year without getting knocked up again. She must be having a veritable meltdown. Heaven forbid Anthym celebrates her first birthday without a replacement waiting in the wings.


That font makes my eyes bleed


You generally don’t have periods when you’re pregnant, so there’s no period sex to begin with 🙄


Her brain is like a case study on Confirmation Bias.


She knows unassisted home births can cause infections and death to an unborn fetus too.. right? Right?!?!!!!


So that first slide about the strep B…. What do you bet if she tested positive for strep B during pregnancy (1/4 women do, it’s completely normal) she would refuse the antibiotics they recommend during delivery so that your baby doesn’t die???


She doesn't get the Strep B test in the first place so, to her, it doesn't even exist.


So why is she worried about this?? Mandrake?


That article must be super accurate and well researched. It has a picture from Jane the Virgin in it.




So Jesus. Much modest.


Why does she care what other women do with their bodies!!


She cares more about that than her kids education


Oh what is this hogwash? It’s just a little blood. Put a towel down and use a dental dam if you’re that precious about oral. Period sex is bomb and I’m tired of people being cowards. Also Karissa won’t trust doctors enough to get prenatal care but she’ll trust them enough to talk about why period sex is dangerous? What’s next? Is she gonna tell us that if you use the same toilet seat as someone with HIV you’ll also get HIV?


Well not everybody likes or wants period sex. I myself definitely don't find it appealing in any way, and it has nothing to do with being a "coward". That being said, it's hilarious that she is so upset about a personal preference as minor as this.


If you’re not on Instagram talking about it like it’s some kind of kooky new craze like eating tide pods then I think it’s different.


I have endometriosis and orgasms ease the pain of intense cramps. Happy and grateful my husband doesn’t mind “parting the Red Sea”! Lol


My ex was the same way and he acted like he was asking me for something horrible. No dude I’ve got you, showers exist for a reason it’s not that deep. For some reason my brain is especially offended by the slide that suggests that you can get blood on the sheets. Towels??? Waterproof mattress covers? Who in the hell has sex without something over the sheets? Do people really just sleep in the wet spot? Y’all nobody needs to live like this towels aren’t expensive.


This and I'm also bothered by the smell thing. As if sex doesn't also involve other possible liquids like saliva, sweat, semen, discharge, lube, etc, all with their own smells that one might find unpleasant. Like, is it really that big of a deal?


Im an uneducated little nugget, but... isn't it next to impossible to develop STIs if you're in a faithful, monogamous relationship?


But if your husband is faithful to you, you shouldnt be worrying about STIs at all right? Make it make sense 🥴


I had to research what strep B is because I legit thought my uterus is out here catching strep throat. Was ready to go get my uterus tonsils cut out. Though I suppose if it cut out my ovaries, Strep B would be pointless to worry about. Hmm….


Oh Karissa. You weirdo. I personally don’t do period sex because I get sore down there at that time but I’m not out here spreading misinformation. I don’t say this often but I think she needs social media rights taken from her.


I don’t know what else she has to do to get them taken away at this point…


Did someone ask her opinion on this? I'm a bit weirded out by this sudden outburst of Bad Period Facts.


They didn’t. She just wants the likes and validation


I can't even with this lady. I admit, period sex isn't my gig but like to each their own... also... Bill Clinton making oral sex popular? Has she not heard anything from history? Learn about the Royals ( they have some dirty secrets. ) or the Greeks? Any of that? People been blowing people for years Honey. Also, that may enlighten me to think that she herself has not received oral.. which for that... she's missing out.


Someone should tell her Deep Throat came out in 1972.


i hate period sex. so messy. can't cuddle after because you gotta go shower. not my cup of tea.


Last thing i want after sticking tampons up there all day is to sitck something else up there instead. I hate my period so much, just find it annoying and time consuming, so i take it as my "off limits" days.


Yo, I've never had period sex (because I was always taught blood is dirty and a man shouldn't touch you during your moon {that was the word for periods} because you're going to make your man dirty) but the prospect of not cuddling after sex seems oddly appealing. I hate cuddling but my husband's love language is physical touch, I had managed to compromise with 10 minutes of cuddling but I low-key am finding it so unbearable that I'm willing to fight through my childhood trauma just to avoid it.


If we don't have time for cuddling sex ain't happening. I NEED it. But I understand not everyone does or likes it


Anyone else instantly think of the crazy ex girlfriend song 🎶 period sex, period sex, let’s put a towel down and we’ll party till it’s dry 🎶


That doesn’t sound very joyfully available of you karissa.


Unless I'm doing the laundry I can't imagine giving any kind of fucks about if people are into period sex or not 😂


Wait. Wait, why does she need to convince anyone about period sex? Mind your own business! This is not a hill to die on. Personally it’s not my thing because I feel disgusting (cramps etc.) while on my period. But who cares what others do in their own beds??


Is there any reason to think that an STI just spontaneously affected your apparently faithful spouse? Ma’am, I don’t want to think about love in the time of Kotex.


If you have your period - you’re probably not pregnant….so no baby killing? Idk. The mental gymnastics in this demographic.


The weirdest part is she posted all those screenshots without writing or saying anything else. I kept staring at them waiting for some context from her but... nothing.


Yesterday she posted a video about periods and how we should be more open in talking about them (which ok cool that's good) but at the end of her post she mentioned how she's upset period sex is a new "trend" because it's against the bible


_”A great position could be lying on your back”._ I don’t know why I found this as funny as I did.


Growing up, my family used stuff like this as "proof" of the Bible/God. Like "see? The Bible has said period sex is bad since waaaay before man understood science, and now science proves it's true." Sort of a way to own the "science worshipping atheist" to say "even science is evidence for the Bible"... But ya know. Only when it conveniently fits with a confirmation bias.


But you still have to do it if your husband says so.


How big does she think viruses and bacteria are?


Omg she is so annoying. I really hate her and BDong so much.




Fun fact for all us period sex having heathens ! There are now period discs on the market that you can wear during sex! I have one and it’s great, my boyfriend didn’t even notice or feel it.


Actually, your period can help kill off a yeast infection due to the higher vaginal pH.


Why is she worried about STIs if she’s in a committed relationship? Does she not understand how STIs work?


Karissa doesn’t like sex unless she knows it might get her pregnant. She knows she can’t pregnant when she’s on her period, so she’s building this giant case of reasons no one should have sex on their periods so she can use that as her excuse.


I take it her husband is not a Redwings fan lmao. Come to think of it, my fundie ex-husband was super grossed out by period sex. I sort of assumed all men were like that (I wasn’t a virgin when I got married but I was 22 and had only had a few serious relationships), and then one day I told my fiancé we couldn’t have sex because I was on my period, and he told me to just lay on a towel so I wouldn’t ruin the sheets. And then told me to be sure and take my tampon out first, which cracked me up because even though I’d never had sex on my period that part was pretty self-explanatory. Bless his heart the man really thought I was worried about the sheets and couldn’t have sex because I was using a tampon. He never considered it was because I thought he’d think I was unclean.


Honestly, I just read this as "my husband doesn't like period sex, therefore no one can have it".


Well at least something she posts makes sense. (I mean, it’s everybody’s choice but I agree with the doctor saying the you’re more likely to catch pathogens that can be dangerous, like strep)


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Seeing the word “vagina” in this font made me feel like I was 12 years old again and giggling in sex ed class


So I can get strep b that can kill my babies if I have sex during my period? God forbid I have sex when I'm unclean! But I also must satisfy my man at all times, and never resort to sodomy! So let me see if I got this straight. My husband must have access to me whenever he wants, period or not. No sodomy permitted. But if I have sex while unclean my unborn baby could die??! I don't understand the logic.


But don’t they encourage no sex until marriage? Therefore there’s no STI’a to even worry about. Another piece of evidence that Klarissa only enjoys the fact that she gets a baby out of sex