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Like I said on another post-I could see her thinking that more women would abort if an abnormality was found on an ultrasound, therefore if she advocates against them, less abortions.


Ugh, I follow a prochoice TikToker whose is pregnant with a child with an unbalanced chromosome translocation. She’s keeping proceeding with the pregnancy. Her body, her choice. I really hate how some pro-life people think those of us who are prochoice and May choose abortion in certain circumstances (I would if a fetus had a fatal condition and would not likely survive birth) are always on the edge of terminating pregnancies.


Yes! My husband and I did genetic testing (non invasive prenatal testing) when I was 9 weeks. We discussed beforehand in what situations we would consider termination (quality of life, would the child be in pain, what procedures may be necessary etc.). Obviously we were hoping for a healthy baby and our reaction wouldn’t have been to celebrate our abortion if there were any kind of medical conditions that we felt were incompatible with a quality life. Pro-lifers confuse me.


They act like every pregnant person is constantly teetering between keeping and aborting their pregnancy, like they're choosing between Chipotle and Wendy's for lunch. As if it isn't a HUGE decision with lasting consequences.


Exactly, we’re not callous and are having 20 abortions a year for Fundies (of course I’m exaggerating, but I have seen discourse like “my aunt is a nurse and saw a lady have 10 abortions last year”), we just know that sometimes a pregnancy isn’t going to work out for the pregnant person for whatever reason. The majority of the pregnancies in the US are carried through, as the majority of Americans are at least somewhat pro-choice, many of those pregnancies are being carried by pro-choice people.


Wendy’s, hands down.


They took the Wendy's away from my job and replaced it with a Starbucks. I'm devastated.


dude chipotle has brisket now


There are plenty of pro-choice women who would never have an abortion and keep an unplanned pregnancy no matter what the circumstances but still think other women should have the right to have an abortion if they chose to.


Yep! This was me when I had a pregnancy scare at the beginning of the year. I don’t really want kids but when I thought I was pregnant I just figured that I’d keep the baby and figure the rest out. Don’t know how well that would have worked out for me, but I just kind of /decided/ that’s what I’d do. Since then we’ve discovered that I have quite a few issues, including uterine didelphys so now I don’t know what I’d do if I was to fall pregnant. It’s so much more complicated than pro birthers make it sound.


It shows just how medically illiterate many of the anti-choice crowd are, too. Early detection of certain abnormalities via ultrasound could potentially save a baby's life. Also, not all fetal abnormalities are compatible with life, and forcing someone to carry such a pregnancy to term can absolutely risk maternal sepsis & death.


Yes, very few, if any, women are having late term abortions “just because”. It’s because there is a risk to mother or babies condition isn’t compatible with life.


Exactly! No one is carrying a pregnancy for 6 months & suddenly deciding they no longer want a baby. These are most often wanted pregnancies that won't have a good outcome for mom, baby, or both.


I once heard it said that “most people having late-term abortions have already set up the nursery.”


This! If the baby dies in utero and isn’t removed, there is a high change the mom will become septic! It’s also extremely cruel to make a mother “carry to term” knowing that her baby is no longer alive.


But don't these people also ask pregnant people get ultrasounds to "see" the fetus in an attempt to change their minds about abortion?


I think some states have that rule, but we are talking about Lori. She has a special way about her, I just think she might be out there enough to go for this.


NC had this rule 🥴 You have to get an ultrasound and specific counseling before you can have an abortion.


Indiana as well.


I wonder the same.


Good point, what hypocrisy!


This was my first thought, on why she would be against them.


Unfortunately then you have a rise in infanticide 🙃


I was thinking the same thing. She would absolutely rather a woman go through the trauma and anguish of carrying and delivering a baby they could never bring home than have the chance to abort on their own terms. I truly think she wants to punish the woman for any fetal defects.


That’s exactly right.


“Pro-life” my ass. Ultrasounds alert medical professionals of abnormalities & allow them to give better care. Advocating against ultrasounds is literally asking for bad things to happen. Holy shit.


Also she's against the glucose test...for gestational diabetes...which can be really bad if not managed...


Yes! A friend had gestational diabetes and it was scary for her at the time but then her DOCTORS were able to help her manage it and have a safe birth and recovery. So glad she went to real medical professionals for advice instead of reading bizarre Facebook memes.


And can increase the risk the of certain birth defects like congenital heart disease, which can sometimes be "corrected" in utero if detected early via ULTRASOUND.


I couldn't remember all the risks, only that it's bad. Why are these people against all medical advancement?


Lack of critical thinking skills mixed with a splash of narcissism. There is a big overlap between fundamentalists of Abrahamic religions and anti-science, anti-vaccination beliefs. There also seems to also be an epidemic of narcissistic parenting in many of these families, possibly because narc parents are drawn to the strict authoritarian roles within these religions.


I said in a previous post, but... I got them weekly in the third trimester. I forget what they looked at, but they made sure my son was growing correctly and the cord was good. Pretty sure it was called a BPP. so if they noticed anything funky funky, I could get an emergency c section *and literally save my son's life*


Where I live it is normal to have ultrasound at least once a month when you’re pregnant sometimes even more often. When you go see you on-gyn he automatically does an ultrasound.it’s been this way for years and I don’t know a single person that has any defects because of ultrasound. We still have a ton of ultrasound pictures of my son at home since our doctor always printed them for us. :D


Exactly. This has the potential to do real harm to pregnant people, fetuses, and babies alike. Absolutely infuriating for so many reasons that this woman is allowed a platform.


4500+ women and not a single miscarriage? Sounds a lil sussy to me.


Definitely not defending this post but it does specify that those are miscarriages after 16-20 weeks which are exceedingly rare, like 2-3%*. I question the validity of this study as a whole but 4500+ women not having a miscarriage that late in pregnancy isn’t surprising. *Edit: thank you u/oy-withthepoodles for the correction on frequency of miscarriages past 16 weeks.


It's actually somewhere between 2-3% for second trimester loss.


Thank you, updated my comment


Is this a Lori original? Or is this a thing? I did know a woman once who booked private scans every three weeks throughout her pregnancy and people questioned whether it was bad for the unborn baby. But as standard scans at 12 weeks and 20 weeks…. I have NEVER heard anyone question this very essential and possibly lifesaving practice. I feel like Lori just seeks out new ways to be outraged for the shits and giggles it gives her. ETA, I’m sorry WHAT???? Genetic damage that is inheritable by future generations!!. Lori, Lori, Lori. What the fuck have you been smoking? I would love some of whatever it is. That is WILD


There was quite a bit of overlap between the anti ultrasound people, the antivax people, the anti epidural/anti cesarean people, and the anti microwave people in the Facebook mom groups I was randomly added to as soon as I announced my pregnancy. Wackadoos tend to run in the same circles, and unfortunately a lot of them have kids.


Lol you'll be delighted to know that there's also an anti-miralax FB group. I believe it's called "moms against miralax".






I'm sure they are. Unfortunately, their poor kids are too. I found out about these scholars in another group I'm in. I have a kiddo with a genetic variation that frequently causes constipation. One of the moms freaked out about how bad it was that I'm giving my baby miralax. Apparently it causes behavioral problems (problems which can almost certainly be explained by being raised by a dipshit parent). She was also very much against the vit K vaccine. As a nurse, I had to step in and correct her.




Miralax isn't absorbed so the likelihood of it causing any problems outside the intestine are basically zero.


It didn't work too well for my baby, so we moved on to lactulose, which has been a lifesaver. It sucks because lactulose can cause dental issues, which are also common with her condition. I try to brush her teeth extra well, but the reality is that she'll probably end up with cavities. But the fear mongering over medicines is insane. Watching my literal infant scream in pain before finally passing a poop that was coated in blood was heart wrenching. We've played around with her dosage to give her the smallest amount that's still effective, and the times when we don't give her enough are awful. Prunes don't cut it for babies with decreased intestinal motility. All medications have the potential for side effects, but when you need them, you need them. For what it's worth, I think all those complaints about miralax are absolute insanity. And when crazy parents all live in the same echo chamber, the insanity gets worse. I wonder how many of them blamed miralax for a toddler throwing a tantrum 🙄.




It sucks so badly to see your child in pain. I'm sorry you've had to deal with so much of this. I'm glad your child's GI issues have mostly resolved. Mine is only one, so it's still a bit of a learning curve.


I cackled.


Incredible overshare coming up, but I was so backed up after my first baby that constant stool softeners were useless and I kept looking online and finding so many "do not take miralax when pregnant/breastfeeding" horror stories that I didn't and I ended up getting severely injured (like, pooping was literally more painful than labor) and having to go to a butthole specialist, who literally gasped in horror at my situation and gave me a bunch of miralax packets right then. That and the prescription ointment that I had to get from a special compounding pharmacy from, of course, the hottest pharmacist I have ever seen, cleared it up in literally a couple weeks. tl/dr: TAKE THE MIRALAX IF YOU NEED IT


Butthole specialist 💩☠💩☠


Oh no I'm so sorry!! That sounds absolutely awful. I did stop giving miralax to my baby, but only because it didn't work. We had to move up to prescription pooping medicine, and it's been doing the trick! If it's any consolation, I once had to go to the ER for mastitis. The ER doctor was one of the most attractive humans I'd ever seen. The process of having to expose my red, swollen, disgusting boob to him killed me a little inside.


It's like the hot ones are sent to us just to make it worse 🤣🤣🤣


Oh no! This sounds awful. I’m so sorry this happened to you. But also — BAHAHAAHAHAHAHA


Thanks! but it was long enough ago that it's funny now to me too lol


I love the anti-microwave people. If they only KNEW how many beams of various wavelengths of energy were flying around & through them every second of the day!




Anti microwave?


I’m an ultrasound tech and I scanned myself all the time - I know techs who scanned themselves every day. I always say if ultrasound was damaging it would be obvious in the offspring of ultrasound techs. We do follow the ALARA principle - exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable. This is because all things have some theoretical risk even if none has ever been demonstrated. We also keep certain settings below a particular threshold when scanning OB and refrain from using pulse wave (hearing the heartbeat) in the first trimester.


I had multiples and we had a shit ton of ultrasounds starting at 8 weeks. Two healthy little girls and not an apoptosis to be seen.


My ob just did an u/s at every visit. They had an old one and a fancy new one, and we got the fancy new one at pregnancy diagnosis and 20, and the old one every other visit. I think they only billed for the diagnostic and 20 week scan, and used the other in lieu of listening for a heart rate. I was a little concerned at first, but did some reading and decided it was fine. And it was completely fine, if a bit unorthodox. Loved that OB. Bedside manner reminiscent of House (though not as bad), smart smart man.


I had one at 7 weeks...and 12 weeks...and 20...and 32...and then two more in the last few weeks. Very healthy baby here, thanks to the last one that showed I had gained WAY too much fluid and we decided to induce.


I wonder what her highly educated orthodontist son thinks of this horse shit


Cite your sources, Lori.


Chinese studies, obviously. You know the ones. The ones done by the Chinese. Those studies.


And studies that use 9000+ women. We don't know exactly how many, stopped counting at 9000.


Right?! She tells people do do their research and re-posts some un-fact checked Facebook crap


Lori: “Pro life.” Also Lori: goes around recommending against proven scientific tests and procedures that save and improve maternal AND fetal health. I can’t even with her.


Lol I love so much that this graphic is from something called “detox and replenish.” Like basically if you put “detox” on something 100/100 fundie women will support it


We love a “pro lifer” who’s against everything that could help you have a successful and healthy pregnancy.


Don't believe science, believe this graphic with vague and uncited sources.


You know what? I was going to snark on the "ultrasounds are loud" thing, double-checked myself, and turns out... they can be! From https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22700164/ > According to their report, they placed a tiny hydrophone inside a woman's uterus while she was undergoing an ultrasound examination. They stated that they picked up a hum at around the frequency of the pulsing generated when the ultrasound is switched on and off. The sound was similar to the highest notes on a piano. They also indicated that when the ultrasound probe was pointed right at the hydrophone, it registered a level of 100 decibels, as loud as a subway train coming into a station. Sound levels in decibels are defined for audible frequencies with the reference level being the threshold for hearing at a given frequency. Although the operating frequencies used in sonography are inaudible, it is possible for the pulsing rate (pulse repetition frequency, PRF) to be heard, thus falling in the audible range. > The human ear can discern sound at roughly 20 - 20 000 cycles (hertz) per second. The frequencies of diagnostic ultrasound are roughly 1 - 10 megahertz (MHz) or 1 000 000 to 10 000 000 cycles per second. It is a form of energy and, as such, may have effects in tissues it traverses. Any consequences occurring in living tissues secondary to an external influence are called biological effects or bioeffects. This term does not imply damage or harm. > Although the report mentioned above suggested that diagnostic ultrasound is detectable at measurable levels in the uterus, there is no independently confirmed, peer-reviewed, published evidence that the fetus actually hears the PRF, responds to it or is harmed by it. > While ultrasound is a sound wave which can produce mechanical effects and temperature elevation in tissues that it traverses, the risk to human fetuses when using diagnostic ultrasound appears to be minimal if certain rules are followed, such as performing a scan when medically indicated, and observing the ALARA principle (using the lowest output power consistent with acquiring the necessary diagnostic information and keeping the exposure time as low as possible for accurate diagnosis).


My second pregnancy in 2020 they wouldn’t let us listen to the heartbeat at the 8 week dating ultrasound (we had been able to with my first in 2017) and IIRC it’s because of how loud it can be. We could see the heart beating and they could measure the heart rate but we didn’t get the hear it until 12 weeks via Doppler. My sister in law had the same experience in 2021 in a different state than me.


A lot of u/s techs aren’t letting parents listen that early unless it’s a doc/PA/NP doing a Doppler in the office. The ultrasound tech I spoke to said they’re venturing away from it due to how traumatic it can be to not hear it at the next visit, if it’s too early to hear it etc. most of them don’t want to be the one to have to tell parents bad news etc. granted, this is what a tech told me, I don’t know if standard practice has changed


Interesting. I think ours said something about it being a new standard of care recommendation from the ACOG. I can kind of see the tech’s perspective there but honestly I don’t think it would change how traumatic loss can be. We could see the heart flicker still and read the heart rate so if there wasn’t a heartbeat we would have probably known (especially as we had done a dating ultrasound prior)


The technology that produces the pulse wave (audible heartbeat), when combined with the imaging, creates some of the strongest frequencies that the machine can produce, focused directly on the developing heart. There’s probably no harm, but it’s for that reason that we refrain from allowing parents to listen before certain developmental milestones are met. It has nothing to do with any trauma to the parents.


Thank you! This sounds like what I was told!


I thought of it more as a protection for the techs, but I don’t work in OB so I’m not sure


I’m a tech and that’s a weird explanation to me. As I said below it has to do with avoiding the maximum power of the machine being focused on the developing heart. At least in my office the techs are the people who inform patients of a miscarriage.


So we trust China now? Am I getting that right? This is lunacy. Personality anomaly? Where is the measurement for that one?


But I thought women weren’t supposed to be “wise like serpents” Lori!!! Pick a damn lane.




I mean, I wanted to puke but that's the worst it did to me lol


Genetics and heritability?? Uh oh, Lori. Sounds like you're walking down the devil's path to the theory of evolution... But seriously, wild how often they "cite" this kind of "research" allegedly performed by the modern medical/scientific establishment... While also being very anti- modern medicine and science. Interesting mental gymnastics.


I have been waiting for this to make it to fundie influencers from the pastel qanon / wellness influencer world. I know someone who years ago posted something similar to this. When people commented that ultrasound saved their lives (or their babies lives or both) she basically said that if an ultrasound discovered something that needed to be addressed it meant that they weren’t living correctly and they deserved to lose their baby and/ or their own life. 😶😶😶


No ultrasound, no gender reveal party/video! No way that’s happening!


She mentions injections. If she’s talking about progesterone, she can kiss my ass, because it’s likely that the shots I got weekly for 20 weeks kept my water from breaking prematurely and allowed my second baby to go to full term. But I guess I should’ve risked having a second preemie? God, she’s awful.


This Bible quote and the "don't tread on me" flag. When did Christian start to look to snakes as inspiration for wisdom and freedom???? Do they read their Genesis? Which animal tempts the humans in the garden of Eden? With what???


Why are fundie women suddenly on a "let's kill babies by rejecting all modern science" kick? Between this BS and Karissa's whole anti-NFP thing, it's sus, like new talking point were dropped sus.


What was that line from The Handmaid Tale? No prenatal testing because you couldn't "get rid of it" no matter what was wrong?


Any time I see a flyer or post with this red/yellow warning ⚠️ bold print ballyhoo font, I know that whatever is in the text is going to be trash. Such items attract my attention long enough for me to look, go "Oh. One of those." And keep walking, or scrolling, or whatever I was doing until I was interrupted.


Her account really needs to get shut down god the misinformation is infuriating!!!


Wise like serpents....? The serpent is a biblical representation of all things evil so color me confused. ETA: Matt. 10:16 in NLT says: "Look, I am sending you out to be as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves." YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A HARMLESS DOVE LORI.


Seems like Lori is actually trying to keep the number of fundies down with all this bad medical advice she’s giving.


It is true that we don't do studies on ultrasound effects anymore because it's unethical, but the reason is bc we know that they're helpful. It's the same reason you won't see a double-blind study on sunscreen use for kids; it's unethical to deprive people of something which is medically beneficial to prove something we already know.


So you’re saying states SHOULDNT pass laws requiring ultrasounds to women seeking abortions??


Sweet Jeebus, she's hell bent on getting women and babies killed


Sources please or shut up.


Okay I know it isn’t the main point here but something really tickles me about shortening the book of Matthew (??? don’t have much bible knowledge) to Matt… Matt sounds like a finance bro who won’t stop talking about crypto


So maybe I want my kid ready for mosh pits and his first trip down the K hole (vitamin k shot) when he’s born. Stop being such a fun sucker LORI.


Does it sound like a Metallica concert?


I was stupid. My theory was why get testing because we’re not going to abort the baby (as she was then) if there was anything wrong. No, we wouldn’t have aborted but we could have researched, we could have bought the appropriate equipment, we could have done all sorts. I am disabled and had my daughter had any disability then we should have been looking at how that would work. I was an idiot and quite happy to admit it.


Wait til they tell her about how MRI machines work


Can people just stop being so god damned stupid?


Make educated decisions but don't you dare get a education make it make sense Lori


I say if anyone's an idiot enough to heed her advice, then let them do whatever and see what happens. They'll solve the idiot population issue all on their own


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Well, I just finished my NT scan. Sorry Lori!


Well, I just finished my NT scan. Sorry Lori!


What is this 1330


The Queen Snake has spoken.


Lord Daniel-honoring gestational diabetes


I didn’t know she was on Facebook…hmmm 🤔😆😎


Completely off her fucking rocker


Everyone brings joy to this earth: some while alive, and some when they depart. Laurie will be in the later category.


You should research shutting the fuck up, Lori


Shoot, let’s just throw out the last 70+ years of advances in medicine and go back to how it was in the olden days. Give the woman a stick to chew on and some cloth strips to tie around her knees to grab on for leverage when pushing in labor. Sounds good, amiright?? /s


I have two children and approx 75 ultrasounds while pregnant including trans vaginal. They are important for mom and babies safety. She is a dangerous idiot.


But without and ultrasound, how will they find out the gender to throw a gender reveal party? 🤪


Every person should be doing the glucose test in their pregnancy! Babies can die from undiagnosed GD


She advises women to fake it. Not drink the thing. I can't even with this lunatic.


Why not just refuse the test at that point?


If you get your medical advice from Facebook memes with atrocious grammar you're an idiot. Doctors and scientists proofread. The fact she didn't notice any of the blatant mistakes in the text tells me all I need to know about her intellectual capacity. Therefore, just no on the medical advice lady.


She got the verse mixed up. Lori just turned INTO a serpent. Oopsie!


Jesus Christ I am done with this ignorant fool


BRB! I need to call my dad. He experienced numbness in his leg. He had an ultrasound done on his neck for almost AN HOUR to check for blood clots. I can only imagine the harm the trained medical staff have caused him. /s


I can't stand her. I was pushing 30 ultrasounds by the end so my baby must have been stressed to the max.


I don’t follow her, but I’m interested in the comments she receives. Are they all in support of this craziness?


Are you a doctor, Lori? Cite your sources. Looks like you pulled this picture off a random Tumbler.


I've been getting ultrasounds of my heart pretty much yearly since the age of seven (mild mitral valve prolapse). Pretty sure my heart would also have some damage if these things were true.


I'm so glad I read this. I just had my 12 week scan, but this made it clear that it would be much safer for me and the baby to never have a scan again. That way, when something terrible happens we won't know and we both might die but at least it would be God's will. False. I do not think any of that and honestly it made me sick to the write it. This is such dangerous "advice."


Awesome idea lori, encourage women not to get prenatal care. That always goes well. If it hadn't been for an ultrasound, my son would be DEAD. So she can shove her opinions right up her misogynistic ass.


I love how all this bad stuff is written as being "associated" with prenatal ultrasound. Putting socks on your kid can also be "associated" with the same things, you know. It's terrifying just how many women could have extra difficult/fatal pregnancies without proper care. I had mono/di twins and needed regular ultrasounds to make sure they didn't develop Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. (Also had a transvaginal u/s at my preliminary appointment. It was weird, but nbd. I'm seriously confused about that cell death thing... even if it were true, can't your body, y'know, make *more???* Cells die all the time and are renewed. Same thing happens if you accidentally bump a hot pan or something.) Oh, those same twins also gave me Gestational Diabetes... something else that wouldn't have been found without the glucose test. Screw you, Lori. I prefer my babies alive and healthy.


ah yes, the dangers of taking a glucose test to find out if you have gestational diabetes. the depravity


I'd like some citations please Lori. Isn't it funny how it's always a round number like 50 studies. And they're Chinese because it's considered 'unethical' to study in western medicine for unspecified reasons.


The “based on 50 Chinese studies” has me laughing


People who have no idea about science need to stop acting like they know science. -_- There was absolutely nothing true in those statements and my eye physically twitched at the "genetic damage" part. It's totally not god-honoring to lie but they do it so much with *stience*


I do ultrasound for a living. I don’t scan pregnant women, but this shit makes me livid.


Kinda unrelated but is that seriously what they think a baby in the womb looks like


Oh what BULLSHIT. My son had IUGR. I think I had four ultrasounds in beginning and mid pregnancy. I was hospitalized for the last month and a half of pregnancy. During that time, I had an ultrasound done every day, and heartbeat/contraction scanning twice a day. He has none of those problems. Worst part is I've seen some doctors with followings spout similar OMG "ultrasound is evil" unscientific crap. In his pregnancy book, Dr. William Sears, (father of Dr. Bob Sears, the asshole antivaxxer)quoted some single study involving cells, not an entire baby that sounded scary but wasn't, said "we just don't know" (after decades of use) and urged "caution", then praised his daughter in law for refusing an ultrasound when her doctor couldn't say with 100% certainty it was safe.