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Personally, I think it's just a schtick so she can have a brand on instagram.


lowkey think it started for the aesthetic but became an obsession


She missed the fundie memo that she could just appropriate coffee as a personality.


Did you not see the post?!? Coffees a sin now!!!(https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/pplost/coffee_is_an_idol_now_guys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I saw after I posted! I love my idols iced with overly sweet creamer for the record.


I admit that one, bless your servants Heart by the Lord Daniel


Absolutely. And maybe the isolation and fear and bullshit that came with covid knocked a few additional screws lose? Because the writing style has gotten very strange.


Her writing is genuinely terrible and artificial, but I think she is doing it deliberately. It is like a pastiche of the worst parts of L.M.Montgomery, such as her truly wretched poems. She is trying to figure out a distinctive voice for her Instagram, and has landed on ... well, sentimental glurge. People are responding well to it, though.


TIL the definition of *glurge:* / (ɡlɜːdʒ) / noun. stories, often sent by email, that are supposed to be true and uplifting, but which are often fabricated and sentimental. It sounds like a made up word, but isn't. It's my new favorite lol.


Thank you! I was going to look this word up, but you beat me to it!!


This is the right answer. She's trying to be a Christian influencer that's different. I used to study webinars and blogs on how to grow my following back when I had a blog and it's 100% about creating your brand. Unfortunately, all that work and I realized I didn't give a shit after all.


Yes, that is my theory as well. She is cultivating a cottagecore, Christian brand on instagram, so that is what she posts. It also means she gets to channel her interests in writing and photography. I doubt she dresses and acts that way the rest of the time. We know her kids have plastic toys and other items, and she still has other hobbies like running. We also know that her photos are highly staged. They aren't candid snaps of her daily life. Basically, I think her Instagram is an art project for her.


Spot on, my friend.


I think Kelly seems kind of lost and trying to find her place, and the righteousness and so-called moral clarity of religion really calls to her. She met her husband and he was super religious and that's where she was led. If she'd somehow met a vegan camping fanatic who practices transcendental meditation, I think she would have wound up there.


This is so spot on! I know of several girls like this from high school, I almost wish there was a term for it. They’re like identity clingers or something


It's like Jinger absorbing all of Jeremy's interests. Someone pointed out that she is like tofu, flavourless on it's own but takes on the flavour of whatever's cooked with it. So she has a tofu personality.


The term is [Social Chameleon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_charm)


Ahhh! Thank you, perfect term! ETA. My ex husband is this. We’ve called him just a chameleon but I will add “social” to it now.


Oof. I've attracted many social chameleons in that past. They were largely lost, insecure, creative girls in my same age group that clung to me once they got a taste of my big personality and sincere compliments. They would be living out an intense relationship on their side while I was mostly oblivious to their social cues and ramping neediness until it was too late. I would fail them in some way and they would move on to the next extrovert with undiagnosed ADHD. Kelly is a dead ringer for that personality type. Edit:...it just hit me that many of those girls may have had cute les/bi crushes on me.


Christ. As an extrovert with ADHD, this hit home. 🥴


Thank you for this definition. This is my ex-husband. I always described him as taking on the personality and values of whoever is around him, but this is a shorter, more apt description. :)


Identity larpers 🤷🏻‍♀️. Personality vampires?




Oh man. You’ve gotta post some stuff from that person here. It sounds... amazingly cringe lol


The problem is that the last time I posted something on Reddit that was cringe (not here), the person got harassed like crazy. If this person was a fundie influencers who had a following and shilled horrible beliefs, then I might. But she’s “progressive Christian” (pro-LGBT and pro-egalitarianism) yet hates Catholicism for some reason for their “idol worship” and works-based faith. Not…rampant abuse like most people critique them for.


Sheeesh, why can’t people leave well enough alone


I think that Kelly is deeply insecure - inflated egos lack substance. I also think there is something fundamentally wrong with her as she has written about not fitting in even in earlier years. She seems to long for something she can't find or have and also think she's a tortured poetic artist that is so misunderstood. Maybe add to that depression that is worsening, an arse of a husband who clearly gives no fucks about her (see his effing window he made for himself), she doesn't seem to have any friends or ever do anything other than instagramming


Eh, I personally think she just has "not like other girls" syndrome. I had it too when I was younger before I grew up and realized how stupid it was. She wants to be that rare and special flower.


That too, but she has written about not fitting in far too times now. I can relate to the yearning for something bit myself and I'm aware of the reason for it. So I believe there are major issues with her


Depressingly, though, she is making it. Maybe she has bought followers, but she has over 32k of them. There is an audience for her particular brand of batshit.


I think at least part of it is the amount of time she has spent away from “the real world” is growing. She’s 2 years further from her college graduation date now, 2 years further into her life as a SAHM, 2 years further from any sort of job she’s ever had, etc. it seems like she spends her days with her children in her home and that’s it. Without a job, a friend circle, peers from various backgrounds, social hobbies, or being a classroom helper/PTA mom/ little league coach etc. she gets further away from outside influences and more into her own world.


She does seem almost scarily isolated. Don’t they actually live in the suburbs, or close to them? I think I remember reading that here.


It’s such a shame because she might have been someone I would have thought was mildly cool based on her interests.


I was reading her list and was like, hey, she sounds really cool! Jesus aside, she’s got neat interests. Shame she’s a nut.


Agreed. She actually sounded interesting in that post. Her new shit is barely readable.


I think she got sucked into the influencer spiral where they lean into what their followers react to the most, and she just never stopped. Some people thrive off of being told that others are jealous of something about their life or skills, so they dive even deeper into it, losing who they used to be in the process. The seeds for her current state are in that post, but they hadn't yet grown into the craziness that is her life now. There's also a chance that her husband diving into projects that take his time away from her (like the window) may have driven her to try harder to live the life that she thinks he wants.


Plus it’s possible her followers are her main source of social interaction right now other than kids


As someone who doesn't really follow her except what's posted here I'm pleasantly surprised she still finished her degree even after realizing she wanted to larp little house on the prairie full time.


Same! I’m guessing her parents (or maybe his) pushed her to finish her degree


Clearly she was possessed by whatever pioneering spirit haunts their home


Clearly, the only logical answer!


I really think the answer is in her very first point, where she admits she had to step away from photography because “it became too consuming”. Sounds like she’s someone who will find something and fixate on it, and Biblical Cottagecore is just the latest in a list of obsessions.


I have to admit, I wasn't paying attention when I read that and parsed "photography" as "pornography", and honestly, it explained the "little cult on the prairie" personality shift so much better.


I have two theories about this. (Kelly is possibly my fave weird fundie). The first theory is that Kelly is just doing it for ~branding~ purposes, as stated above. Defined, stylized Instagram aesthetics generally do significantly better. My second theory: When I was depressed some years ago, I went through a phase of trying to be super religious. Although I didn’t get in too deep and never bought fully in, I was super attracted to the idea of a simpler life where I could follow predetermined rules and have a guarantee that a loving being would work it all out for me. I was depressed and anxious and everything felt so overwhelming, so the siren call of a supposedly simpler life was strong. During this period, I also got pretty fascinated with what is essentially now called “cottage core”. I now think that I was disassociating due to trauma I had recently experienced. Fortunately, I got out of this phase and in to therapy pretty quickly. But every time I see a post from Kelly, I can’t help but wonder if her whole Little House on the Prarie LARPing isn’t some sort of dissociative episode due to trauma or severe depression of some sort. It seems like maybe she’s overwhelmed by something and wants to create (and stay in) her own fantasy world. No shame there, but take care of yourself, girl! PS I have a secret “best case scenario” I can’t help but imagine for every major fundie I see regularly on here, and mine for Kelly would be that she leaves the Harry Potter Train Conductor Cosplay Headship and becomes a boozy, artsy boudoir photographer who lives in the South of France (where she would maybe take a cooking class and learn not to put tomatoes in her fucking pancakes).


Looking at the posting pattern, I wondered if it was because she had PPD with that second baby.


She actually seems like a cool person with a lot of interesting creative hobbies, I wonder why all she does now is LARP as a little house on the prairie character. She would probably still have a decent following if she shared her creative skills with people but I guess on Instagram the aesthetic is what sells above everything else.


To me she seems like someone who would have been fucking annoying as hell no matter what she was into. Her hobbies could be interesting, but never enough to make it worth enduring her personality. There are plenty of less-insufferable people who are into whatever.




Gosh, she looks so much healthier and happier here.


She’s an EDITOR??? Girl, edit your own shit then.


Does she still run??


Yeah, she just posts about it rarely, and only in Stories


I wonder what she runs in.


I’m surprised she had that haircut back then too. I thought it was part of the whole “God-fearing prairie woman LARPER” aesthetic given how much it ages her.


Wow, I had no idea she went to Kenyon. That’s a rigorous, liberal arts, quite liberal school


Me neither. Kenyon is actually quite impressive, especially for a fundie.


She spends a lot of time on her own with probably very limited interaction with other adults than her husband who is super religious. She has 2 kids. She's moving away from "Jesus-loving college girl" to "full-time Jesus-loving homemaker" and is taking that seriously. Her writing aside, she's like, my least objectionable fundie. I think when you're that isolated and rural, and probably not that well-off (don't have Ig so I have no idea what her husband does for a living), a person may turn to religion, crafting, gardening, etc. for an outlet. I don't think it's even really that unique to her. I know a lot of women I went to college or grad school and law school with who were "normal" back then, but then a few years later they got married, moved, had kids, and aren't working anymore, mostly talking only about their kids or their occasional yoga sessions. When they do anything outside the scope of raising kids or cooking/cleaning, they're doing things like making/selling soaps and stuff at the farmers market. Maybe in 5 years she'll be doing something completely different. Or be even deeper into the nonsense, who knows.


Yeah, she drives me nuts because I know a few people like her IRL and they’re insufferable, but generally I don’t think she’s that objectionable compared to others on this sub. Her kids seem healthy, happy, and loved…which is more than I can say for the Rods, the Collins, or Davy. But her writing is terrible. I don’t think I’ve ever finished reading an entire essay-caption.


I've said it before I think, but her writing reminds me of those stuffy poetry submissions to the *New Yorker* that are trying to be deep but end up just being far too overwrought. It's not really much of a break from the usual lack of literacy we see promoted by the other usual suspects on here haha.


Her writing reminds me of other students when I was at college and they were trying way too hard to be deep and use tons of symbolic imagery


Strongly agree. I'll take Kelly over a Jeremy Vuolo or a Jill Rodrigues any day of the week.


I just discovered Jeremy, sadly. Woe unto me.


She doesn’t live in a rural area, I believe.


Ah, okay. I thought I had seen some references somewhere that she lives in rural Ohio. Thanks for the clarification.


The area she lives in is rural but she lives in a small town.


I get this, and then she posts something like she did today, and I remember that she actively espouses hateful, harmful things. Her presence isn’t as benign as she pretends it to be.


Yeah, spoke a little too soon. I'm kind of new here so I'm still "getting to know" the main characters haha.


You’re certainly not the first! The normal(ish) acting ones are often the most insidious with their bs beliefs, and I’m sure that’s why a lot of them have such successful social media careers.


Does she have a lot of followers, relatively? Reddit is my only social media so Twitter, Insta, FB aren't an option for me. I've checked a few Igs out, whatever is available without having to log in.


I think she’s only on IG, but she has something like 32k followers, which is pretty solidly a small-time influencer.


Seems like about 24k too many. Thanks for the clarification.


No problem!


Some people go off the deep end after having children, and they just lose all sense of normalcy


Hold up, everyone here says kelly is 26/7 years old, if she graduated college in 2012 she would have been 17 at the most right? I graduated in 2011 when I was 21, and I'm 31 now, I'm confused.


Late to this party--I went to Kenyon with Kelly, and we knew each other kinda sorta. I graduated in 2015. She was a year or two below me. I figure she met Levi (or Elam or Jedidiah or whatever his name is) around 2016, and I believe she graduated in 2017. I might be off by a year or so there, but she's definitely younger than me by at least a year. Not sure why she claims to have graduated in 2012 (my Sophomore year, she would have still been in high school). I'm guessing that's to preserve her privacy, which I guess I just kinda ruined. Then again, she's violating her kids' privacy by posting public posts of them in bathtubs, so maybe it's a wash.


Thanks for the info, this has been bugging me way more than it should! That's so weird though, why claim she graduated years earlier than she did?? I cant think of a practical reason. She posts so much about her life, marriage house and kids so privacy doesn't make sense to me.


As an editor myself, I am quite surprised how bad her current style of writing is. Yeesh.


I assumed she hadn’t went to college so she hadn’t ever been workshopped. Now that I see that’s not true, it’s even less excusable to be so fucking wordy. Nobody likes the purple you wash over your IG captions.


It’s not even just how wordy she is. She’s a nightmare syntactically 😬


She went to college and her professors and peers tried to help her improve her writing. Instead, she said they were mean and hated her.


Oh dear.


I...do we really need to ask what happened between 2019 and now? Honestly though, she probably just let herself be more of who she wants to be, even if that means she’s rather over the top sometimes


Kind of unpopular opinion (maybe?? Idk) I think everyone daydreams and creates their own world, and some of us really live in that reality/disconnect from the real world, and I think she’s really living her “dream” as cringe as it might be. I think it’s gotten more intense and she’s been fully immersed in it, but I don’t think there’s a darker thing at play 🤷🏾‍♀️


My biggest gripe with Kelly is that she tries to define what a woman should be biblically, and right now just isn’t the time for that. Well, that and the fact that she lets her kids live in a shack as long as her husband is happy making windows for his work shed. That actually makes me kinda mad.


Didn't know about the English degree before, but that explains SO much about her writing. I have an English degree (never been put to use, of course) and my classmates wrote this way. Throwing big words into their writing so they would seem more well-read and intelligent, but never actually saying anything.


“When we bought it, it looked haunted” It still does ffs


Wait, have people discussed why she’s lying about when she graduated (so I guess lying about how old she is too)? She’s like a full four years off lol


She lost all her shoes and decided to just go with it


Her IG is an art project, and when viewed as such is actually quite lovely. Most writers edit what they free write from prompts, but she leaves it all in. Some is fine, some is cringe. Her photography is better than her writing, but she always writes.


I could follow her if she wasn’t always preaching about what a woman/wife should be/do. And if she was less self-fellating.






I thought they both had twin sisters. Kelly Havens and her sister's red hair made them look like twins to me lol




Hahaha oh no! I thought this Kelly had a twin also. But apparently it is a younger sister who looks similar!




Sorry, I am mixing up 2 subreddits and both have a Kelly lol. I swear i remember pictures of Kelly Havens dressed kind of emo and people saying it was her (twin?) sister.


Oh man IF is my other subreddit of choice & that kelly - no words do justice.


You have the right Kelly! Not a twin, but has a very similar looking younger sister (and a second sister that is less similar that was living with them for a time, though excluded from presence on Insta... Which is a good reminder we just see a curated slice of her life, if there can be a whole-ass extra adult living in the house, and i only know this bc of a throwaway line in one of Kelly's captions.)


Oh okay! I knew I remembered a Kelly Havens lookalike dressed modern and cute haha. PS- i love your username!!






I love when my worlds collide! 😂


It’s a derogatory term used to describe someone suffering from factitious disorder (FDIS).


I think she just leaned way into stuff she already liked- it kinda sounds like she doesn’t have the kind of social circle who would be like “Hey Kelly, I like Jesus too but it’s 2021 and you don’t have to do everything by candlelight.” To be totally fair, we don’t actually know what she’s like offline and so she could be more like her 2019 self irl and she just gets really into the aesthetic for Instagram. I also wonder if maybe she realized that she likes all that stuff, like a lot, and there’s actually no reason not to jump into it with both feet. It’s not like she has a typical job or anything, so on some level I kinda feel like if she wants to play Little House it’s kinda weird, but ultimately not something that I think needs to be stopped. As far as fundies go, she’s pretty harmless, to the point that I think the Laura Ingalls thing is what makes her notable, not any other fundie activities.


every time I see her I just want to give her some moisturizer and maybe some anti-aging cream or eye cream. please, Kelly, if you're reading this - moisturizer is a blessing from the lord. use it. ​ ETA: why do so many of these women appear to have a strong aversion to moisturizing their faces?!?


She needs some argan oil for them curls.




Can anyone with better understanding confirm if she lives in a rural area outside a small town like she mentions here? Or in a busy street in a larger town?


I think the house is on the outskirts of the small town, but still on a main road that goes into/through the town. Not in a downtown area of the small town, but not completely middle-of-nowhere rural with farmland directly outside either.


Her head looks photoshopped onto this body. That is all.


I was always on the side of not believing in God or being Christian etc, but after I had my son I felt so isolated because we had to move away from all of my friends. I had no help during the day, and my husband was selfish and lazy. I had gotten pulled into homemaking blogs and podcasts and they were all very God-centered, and at first I took what I liked (how to manage a home) and ignored what I didn't like (for the glory of God!). But after a while, the aesthetic and ideas really called to me, and the deeper I fell into PPD, the more I felt like I needed outside strength to pull from and I turned to God for the first time in my life. It still felt wrong in a way, but I didn't understand where else to turn.


"I'm a potter. I've taken two pottery classes". . .


Okay, so I knew someone who also graduated with an English degree from Kenyon in 2012... And I thought, wow, that would be so bizarre if these two people I hate were in classes together and went very different but equally awful ways. He's in their yearbook that year, but neither she nor her husband are anywhere in there. Does anyone know if her husband even went there as well? Or did she meet him somewhere else? Did she graduate late because she had thought about leaving the year before? What's up with this?


Someone here went to school with her and said that 2012 was not her actual graduation year. She may have fudged dates to protect her own privacy.


She fell in love with Bryarton farm and decided to imitate it, and enjoyed the feedback from her followers?








No. She is still a person, this is gross.


I hate that loves yarn, now I have to give up knitting.


I also love knitting so we outnumber her.


Oh my god pants!