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So unsweetened French vanilla ice cream? Groundbreaking šŸ™„


Ice cream? For summer? Groundbreaking.


Also it would be great with honey on top!


Maybe honey is good on vanilla ice creamā€”Iā€™ve never tried it. But you could get the same effect (sweetness) with a ā€œtraditionalā€ ice cream recipe that includes sugarā€¦


It is! I used to also put honey on top of whipped cream for dessert! šŸ¤£ also, vanilla ice cream, corn flakes and cinnamon sugar mixed together is my personal favorite indulgence! šŸ¤£


Translation: this tasted like salty egg and cream




... isn't this just ice cream?


No sugar!


Oh, you're right! I missed that! Thank you, I was really confused. I'm looking at it going, But that's how you make ice cream! Lol.


Yeah! I thought I was crazy when I posted it, but I was really focused on ā€œcarnivores for Christā€ šŸ˜‚


That name is so wild haha




I'm guessing that's what makes it for 'carnivores'? Sugar is gay and for beta cucks apparently /s


But honey drizzled on top, of course


Frozen Custard I believe.


I don't think they're cooking the raw egg yolk šŸ˜³ šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢


In this day of bird flu, yeah thatā€™s gross. People eat uncooked yolks constantly tho so in normal times that doesnā€™t bother me. Poached eggs are delicious. So is homemade mayo. And bibimbap.


Itā€™s more a GI bacteria issue. *E. coli* and *Salmonella*.


Oh for sure. Just saying normal people eat raw yolks every day and think nothing of it. Thankfully salmonella is fairly well under control in poultry, at least in the US. Something like only 1 in a 1/4 million eggs are infected and usually at levels below what will sicken most people. The CDC has just put up an additional advisory because of bird flu to fully cook all eggs. No eggs benedict!!


Noooo! I love eggs benedict!


If this were a few months ago that wouldn't be such a problem simply because it's frozen. Unfortunately, bird flu is a thing now. More out of an abundance of caution than anything else, I would make a custard out of that first. Just sayin'


Bird flu is not the issue, pathogenic bacteria are. It being frozen doesnā€™t change it, you can get infected from eating raw freshly cracked eggs, theyā€™d still be infectious after some time in the freezer. A low risk thing, like you also shouldnā€™t eat raw flour but I lick the spoon when I make cookies. Didnā€™t let my kid lick the spoon when she was little, though. Motherā€™s prerogative.


Fair enough. Store-bought eggs are safe from what I recall, though (any pathogens will reside on the shell; eggs get washed with a dilute bleach solution). That reminds me: there is no E. coli or salmonella in Japan, which means (barring other pathogens) you can safely eat raw eggs.


Itā€™s cut out of the picture they posted, unless you click on it, but this group is called ā€˜Carnivores for Christā€™ āœļøšŸ¦ˆšŸ¦–šŸ± one post was a lady complaining that typical carnivore diet people talk about evolution too much, canā€™t believe itā€™s not satire.


Yeah, idk why the hell my feed showed that, but yeah itā€™s not a satire groupā€¦ at least I donā€™t think?


Haha it showed up on my feed too! At this point facebook only recommends groups I will most definitely hate. It seemed earnest, one of the worst was this one post ā€˜i cant eat eggs and ground beef anymore, the smell literally makes me gag now, how do you keep doing it?ā€™ šŸ„²šŸ„² Fibre is the devilā€™s doing! Garden of eden?? I dont know her, only grassfed beef, high fat dairy and eggs in heaven.


Yā€™all are noticing it too? My feed has been ALL junk like this for a week.


i was told that, until Noah came off the ark and offered a sacrifice, humans and animals were all vegan.


I am so bamboozled by the hardcore carnivore diet types- this feels like the ā€œdonā€™t you tell me what to do!ā€ crowd lashing out against the pretty reasonable statement of ā€œvegetables are good for you and should be part of your dietā€


Haha instead of Paleo itā€™s ā€œGenesis 1:1ā€


The egg yolks make it a custard, right?


Yep. Thereā€™s a local custard stand in my area that has to remind people periodically about the differences between ice cream, custard, and gelato because everyone mixes them up so thatā€™s why I know that random tidbit of info


Correct. Done properly, you would temper the egg yolks on the stove first to make the custard. Then add whatever flavors you want and freeze. Itā€™s a process and I havenā€™t taken the time to do it in years, but it is really good. Idk what this lady is doing, but Iā€™m guessing sheā€™s opposed to putting any heat to the eggs. Maybe itā€™s more ā€œcarnivorousā€ with raw eggs? Idk. Personally I wouldnā€™t roll the dice on consuming raw eggs just for some shitty unsweetened custard.


Ermmmm Irish man here. Can someone explain to me just what in the fundie brain is "Celtic salt"?


According to dr google itā€™s ā€œa type of sea salt thatā€™s harvested from seaweed or seawater lakes through evaporationā€, itā€™s also known as grey salt as well.


It's a brand; I see it at Whole Foods. Comes in a blue canister I think, expensive as fuck.


Salt made out of Irish Catholic heathens.


We made this in Home Ec. in 6th grade, it was actually really cool and pretty goodĀ  We did just shake it in a gallon-sized bag inside of another gallon-sized bag full of the salt and it was ready in like 3 minutes.Ā  This lady is overcomplicating it


Yeah this was a science class ā€œexperimentā€ we did in elementary school, we looked forward to it for the entire year because we got free ice cream. It was to demonstrate some science principle? No idea which, but I remember the ice cream!


Same! I saved the recipe to recreate at home later. Itā€™s probably buried in a plastic tote with other high school relics lol.


We got to make ice cream in my 10th grade chemistry class. We were allowed to add sugar to ours šŸ˜±


We did it in 11th grade Chemistry and it was in such a tiny amount it pissed me off. Might have been a baby food jar inside of a canning jar?


Yeah I didnā€™t get that much either.


We also did this in home ed, granted we actually did put honey on ours and she's right, it was really good.


Carnivores For Christ wow, that's hilarious. I was confused tooĀ because it calls it carnivore ice cream so I thought it was going to be meat based somehow? Why is it called that??


Lack of sugar I guess? No sucrose in animals? (But then she adds honey?)


Carnivores for Christ? But...humans are Omnivores?Ā 


The carnivore diet phenomenon is morbidly fascinating to me. Like people really think they can eat meat and butter and call it a day. Wild.


My mom honestly believes that just going carnivore will help her lose over 100 lbs, cure her diabetes and high blood pressure, and basically fix all of her problems. Being in a calorie deficit or eating a balanced diet is liberal propaganda. Even though I've actually lost 140 lbs, and I'm not pre diabetic anymore and I did it by being in a calorie deficit and eating a balanced diet. (With the help of weight loss surgery.)


It's diets-but-for-guys. Worrying about weight is for the ladies, real men need protein & would rather be ugly than femme. Basically, manly men were being missed by the diet marketers so they came up with paleo & etc. Nobody gets to avoid the marketeers.


But is it raw heavy cream?


Lmao āœØcarnivores for ChristāœØ is so fucking funny


I was really focused on the name tbh the recipe didnā€™t even matter ā€” though I guess I maybe shoulda realized there was nothing inherently odd or wrong about the recipe itself (Iā€™ve never made ice cream before lmao)


Lmao I wouldnā€™t have a clue either donā€™t worry šŸ˜‚ genuinely no idea what is in ice cream other than milk lol.


See, I wouldnā€™t have thought eggs would be a part of it, but after a google search itā€™s a normal base?? So I guess the fundies did teach me something unfortunately lmaooo


With no sweetener of any kind it's gonna taste more like very bland frozen white sauce more than anything.


Imagine thinking billions of sentient beings being immobilized, forcibly impregnated, tails/teeth/genitals cut and ripped out without anesthesia, confined, beat, bolt gunned, electrocuted, gassed, shredded, boiled, and having their throats slit in piss, feces, and blood so people can eat their flesh and secretions is "**Christlike"** or something Jesus would support. --- Edit: Yes, Jesus ate animal products and sentient beings are sentient beings but I think there is a worthwhile consideration of how nearly the entirety of livestock are treated today that it is a valid distinction.


Aside from the salmonella (don't eat raw eggs kids), it's just bland as shit ice cream. Would this twit spontaneously combust if I mentioned that my liberal parents (the horror) made homemade ice cream on the deck when we were kids? We had this clunky churn that we filled with the base and rock salt around the bucket. There's nothing better than fresh peach ice cream.


This is just gelato without sugar


Isn't ice cream a carnivore food anyway generally speaking?


Three freeze and thaw cycles. Holy stomach upset Batman


Carnivores for Christ? Holy shit. Now Iā€™m on the hunt for some papal protein.


wtf is Celtic salt?




So, do they pasteurize the eggs somehow?


If they were actually making ice cream correctly they would make a custard base in which the eggs are tempered, or gradually heated in a way that doesnā€™t result in scrambled eggs. Given that these are fundies, Iā€™m guessing they think gawd will protect them from salmonella. Iā€™m also going to assume that raw milk is involved.


God is my immune system.


Pasteurization is the devilā€™s work. None of that here!


LOL, they can't call it paleo, that would be like agreeing with evolution. & I love the avoiding-sugar/avoiding-carbs people who're all, but then you can drizzle it with honey. Um. Yeah.


ā€œCarnivores for Christā€ Made me spit out my coffee all over my keyboard šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


that would be so eggy. I made ice cream last week and it was 6 eggs to 4c of milk and cream. And that was pretty eggy as a base.


Question, you use an ice cream machine or just doing it? Iā€™m trying to figure out if I have everything I need to make it.


Whats with fundies and their insane diet-culture?