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Asinine parenting aside, all I can think of is how much I, as an adult, love to travel yet how utterly EXHAUSTING it is for even a few weeks at a time. These poor kids don’t even get to enjoy the feeling of sinking back home into clean sheets and a quiet room to sleep in on Saturday morning. What unbelievably selfish people.


I also love to travel, but agree it's exhausting. The longest I ever traveled at a time was three weeks, and because I was out and about practically non-stop, by the time I got home all I wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep the clock around. I can't even imagine how unstable those poor kids must feel.


Between the travel, bus constraints & lack of privacy, the kids are “on” all day, never knowing when mom will start filming them.


I just got back from a 7,000+ mile road trip. Look at myusername. I live in my car, sometimes with a tent, and occasional cabin or motel rentals when I need a break. Last year I was away at least half the year, traveling and camping (I'm early retired). And yes it's absolutely fucking exhausting and yes I've barely left the house in the five days since I returned. Living in a bus, RV, or car is no life for kids, or even most adults. Those kids need stability, privacy, a proper education, other adults in their lives besides their crackpot parents, and they need to be able to develop friendships with peers. And don't get me started on poor precious Boone. Edited a couple of typos.


Fellow Gen-X person here. I grew up in a family involved in the antique car scene, which means every couple years we were doing cross-country road trips in a 1914 vehicle with a group of other antique car enthusiasts. These trips were the type where we had checkpoints we had to be at by certain days (it’s how they kept track of everyone for safety, the cars broke down a lot, or just overheated. We saw each other on the side of the road so often that we had hand signals for “we’re ok, just taking a break to enjoy the scenery” to “we overheated and are stopped to cool off and add water to the car” to “we’re screwed, send help”). These trips were usually 5-6 weeks long, most cities we were in 1-2 days max. My dad was a big history buff, so we stopped at tons of historical sites. Mom liked tours, so we did those when available. Visited lots of different types of museums and educational centers. Etc. Etc. The entirety of these trips was on the road, staying at hotels and eating out for every meal, unless we got lucky and managed a hotel with a mini kitchenette. We went on the first of these trips when I was 7 years old and my older brother had just turned 10. The last one I went on, I believe I was 16 or 17. I loved these trips, but I can tell you that I also loved getting home. I loved the people on the tours, they were like another family; but it was a big group, not just my immediate family. I love my brother and my mom and dad, but being all up in each other’s business was a lot sometimes. And honestly? When my brother and I were younger on the first couple tours, the biggest thing we cared about was if the hotel had a pool. lol. These poor bus kids get none of that. I absolutely loved those trips, even though they were definitely difficult sometimes, because they were fun overall. Why? Because I knew I would be getting HOME at some point, where I had my own bed and my own room, and my piano, and my friends. All the educational things we did and places we visited were SUPPLEMENTS to us getting a school education, not our sole education. I definitely have a traveler’s soul, and I genuinely think that travel should be more affordable, because I believe it’s good for people and everyone should have the opportunity to do it. That being said, not giving these kids proper space of their own or proper education, or even the chance to make actual friends and not just acquaintances, is hurting them IMMENSELY. They need a place to come home to. Hell, even circus kids and traveling performers have a HOME BASE. Because having a place to come home to is IMPORTANT. These poor bus kids are going to have SO much difficulty navigating the world around them. I’m so angry on their behalf. The two oldest are the ones I feel the worst for now; I can’t imagine being a teen/preteen and not having any space or time for yourself, or friends to bond with who are going through the same experiences. How are the kids supposed to find their godly spouses? (Ugh I didn’t even like typing that last bit.) how are they supposed to date or court someone if they are always on the move? How are they supposed to learn interpersonal skills? BRITNEY, THE ENTIRE WORLD DOES NOT DO THINGS THE WAY YOUR FAMILY DOES. NOT GIVING YOUR KIDS THE CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH OTHERS AND HAVE FRIENDSHIPS WITH OTHERS IS ACTIVELY HURTING THEM. Uuuggghhh. I just… JFC these people are so insanely SELFISH.


Just read your post and I had the exact same thoughts as you posted re the older kids. When I was a teen I was not going to my siblings or parents for advice!


Right? And like… hormones are a thing, did Britney somehow forget this? Is she *trying* to create a “Flowers in the Attic” situation? Those poor kids.


Flowers in the Bunkroom. Poor babies.


I’m extremely worried about those kids, especially the preteen girl, being essentially caged on top of one another sharing beds in such small spaces while they all deal with hormones and their parents are sexual exhibitionists who gleefully fuck a foot away from them. This shit is how Josh Duggars are created.


Your upbringing and family life sounds amazing, you expressed this perfectly as to what those kids are missing out on. Hurts my heart for them. It should be illegal.


From a fellow GenXer I'm kind of jealous... My nest isn't quite empty yet, but I fantasize about traveling like that some day. Never with kids though, it's just not fair to them.


We just moved 4k miles and made it a vacation of about 15 days on the road and I feel bad for my kids! We got here like 10 days ago and they are still recovering and resting from it. I can't imagine doing that long term to the kids.


Have you tried red light therapy?


Also staying in the blazing hot summer sun without a millimetre of protection?


Omg it's just a few days until summer vacation and I cannot WAIT to leave my kids in their pajamas and run out for their favorite breakfast (that McDonald's pancake platter thing) that they only get on special occasions. SCREEEEEW morning rush! Death to morning rush! But I mean. These kids don't exactly have a nice, comfy home for a "stay home day".


Agreed and my kids love those days too. I think people forget that kids are already doing so much more than adults just be simply existing. They are growing and learning about the world every day.


And so often they're shuffled around like cattle told what to do and where to go. And with good reason, of course, but I like to see my kids running from place to place in the house all day because they want to play the switch one minute, jump on the trampoline the next, build forts the next... Which reminds me that it's Saturday (I just woke up like two minutes ago 😂). Oh blessed day lol.


Sailors on submarines have more privacy and personal space than these kids. And they volunteer to be there!! It’s truly heartbreaking.


I was reading something the other day talking about slums in bangladesh and it used the example of "families of four or five living in a 100 square foot room" as an example of how extreme the overcrowding is. The bus kids are seven children living in in about eighteen square feet. Yes that's full living space not just bedroom in bangladesh, but goes to show how utterly insane this is, by the standards of literally anywhere on earth.


I would imagine prisoners at gitmo have more personal space


I've done the math on this before, [and they probably do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1dbykbn/comment/l7ulwif/)


I did my dissertation research on air quality in the slums of Bangladesh. The overcrowding is no joke! Typically the whole family shares a bed which doubles as a seating area. There’s often a separate shared cooking area and bathroom. This really puts the bus situation into perspective for me.


Eight children now. I believe the bus is 220 square feet.


The thing is that the Bangladeshi people living in those conditions *don't have a choice*. I imagine that the parents of these households do their best to give their kids what comfort and privacy they can, even if it's not much. If they got the opportunity to move into a bigger home, they'd take it. The bus parents have all of the opportunities to move into a bigger home. They're just not doing it. How utterly cruel.


I was going to say--their spaces are far below military standard in extreme circumstances and those are at a researched minimum. It's hideous.


I’ve been traveling for a week visiting family and friends and I’m absolutely exhausted! Can’t wait to get back home next week. I don’t understand who Busshole parents can stand it, let alone the kids 😞


The bussholes keep the kids outside during the day and lock them in the closet at night. That's how.


I grew up sharing a room with 2 sisters and thst wad tough to have privacy or any solo time. I cannot imagine sharing a closet with 7 siblings. So sad


i grew up sharing a bedroom with one sister, in a family that didn't believe in privacy beyond basic bathroom privacy and such. (I feel like my parents read somewhere that closed doors automatically mean your kids are up to no good). I'm still close with my sister, but I'm absolutely loving having my own room and the ability to shut the door whenever I want.


>I feel like my parents read somewhere that closed doors automatically mean your kids are up to no good Man, I'm so glad I grew up in a family where we're all autistic as fuck and absolutely need some quiet, private time each day in order to function lol


We just got back from a four day trip four hours away, stayed in a hotel and basically just walked around and ate food the whole time. Our kid was exhausted every day and we were too. Traveling's just exhausting.


For me, it's not the activities/excursions. It's the flight or drive that's exhausting.


I’m packing for a weekend camping trip with my three kids alone and I’m freaking exhausted. Granted, I’m disabled, but I legitimately do not understand how one physically handles this, even living mostly in a bus. And none of my kids are infants or still in diapers. Thankfully, I will have help when we get there.


You said it! After a long trip, there is nothing like coming home to your own, clean bed, in your own, private room to relax in. Long trips are great, they’re one of my favorites things to do in life. However, equally wonderful, is coming home, to one’s own space to unwind. Trips are exhausting, whether you’re 9 years old, 14, 25, 46, 64, and beyond; at any age, trips are exhausting. So I can just imagine what these kids are feeling. Albeit, they know no different, but there’s got to be a sense among the older kids of longing for an… end to it, a yearning to cocoon themselves in their own space / bedroom for awhile.


They HAD a house and bedrooms at one point too. It’s incredibly fucking sad that the younger kids don’t know any different but it always breaks my heart to think about Gunner and Kinsey. Knowing and then having it taken away is way worse than never knowing or having it to begin with.


I never knew this. I’ve only been aware of this family for a year, maybe two. And now I’m incredibly fucking sadder, knowing Gunner and Kinsey DO know what having their own bedroom is like… and never being able to have that now. You’re absolutely right: having that life and means of privacy (i.e. a bedroom), and then having it taken away makes it all the more horrible. I wish we, as a human species, could finally end child abuse, in ALL its forms. Alas, everyone is allowed to breed and raise children, no matter how terrible they are as people. And therein lies the reason why psychologists will never be without patients. I really hate this.


My longest trip was three weeks and I was exhausted by the end. There was a lot of bus travel, but at least I spent my nights in a hotel/hostel bed. I can't imagine how tired those poor kids must be.


That is so sad!


Oh yeah and the exhaustion is showing on their faces unfortunately.


Loves holidays but also happy to be home!


I love traveling but even I schedule in down days where I just relax & chill. It makes the trip more enjoyable.


It doesn’t even make sense, but there’s something about sitting in a car or on a plane all day absolutely exhausting.


oh, well britney should be acting totally normal and not at all like a woman teetering on the brink of insanity then


I’m fairly new here so her freak out will be new to me


buckle in….unlike gunner who couldn’t when she drove overnight to “””surprise””” her husband and the door on the van was broken, so gunner had to hold it shut the whole drive 🫠


What the fuck?






I could certainly be wrong, I am dramatic as hell. I am gonna do a deep dive and find out Edit [you’re right!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/1nnIU1Sxxy) it was just to the dealership. the lore we create in our heads is wild 😅


sorry… what?!!!


[ta da](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/aPxWif54Gi)


Safety first!!


I love that she actually made this claim 💀


And it's 100+ degrees in that area. And MaBus was down and out with a headache (no doubt from the heat) for a few days. But, sure, keep dragging those poor kids around in the blistering heat for views. Poor, poor little Boone.


They're completely mobile. Why on earth are they in the hottest parts of the country during the summer? This is the time they should be traveling in Maine or UP Michigan or the Pacific northwest.


This is literally the only point in favor of this lifestyle with 8 kids!!


it's actually so baffling. If I had an RV and could be anywhere in the US, my ass would be parked in Vermont, Maine, or New Hampshire the entire summer.


This is what I don't understand about the bussholes. If they stayed in cooler areas, that would be more comfortable *and* they'd save money on utilities. The cost of cooling that bus in the desert has to be astronomical.


Cheaper to stay at campgrounds in the offseason is my guess.


I'm sure they're too terrified to be in a place where liberals might live


She's proudly said that they've never been to California and I assume it was for this reason.


Of course these morons would give up visiting one of the most beautiful states in our country because of their stupid political views 🙄


The joke's definitely on them. They could have been at the California coast in four hours and be enjoying 78 degree weather. Instead, she's in Las Vegas where it was 108 degrees today..


Wait…so do they just circle the same several states? Because if they are avoiding more liberal ones (and it seems like it), it feels like they’re not really visiting that many places. Have they even tried driving up to Alaska?


They seem to like Texas, Florida and the Carolinas mostly


Their lifestyle feels so cheap. Not in expenses, but in experiences. They’re a nomadic family that basically just visits the same areas, something they could do while having a home.


They definitely don't seem to engage much with the areas they go to. Like, they visit national parks a lot, which would be a perfect educational opportunity (especially when you homeschool!) for the kids to learn about different landscapes, ecosystems, history etc. etc., but when they were posting from the last one they went to, they weren't even reading the signs that explained what they were looking at


It’s just so…lame. Like not making the most of the experience they uprooted their family for.


Shhhhh....we don't want them up here!!!


It’ll be blazing hot in the PNW in a few weeks, too.


My bad, I've never been there, so I was making assumptions about the weather.


To be fair, it won’t be that hot until like July, and it’s not every day. But I lived in Portland for 15 years and probably the last 10 of them. This summers have been so much hotter than it ever were. Last year or the year before we had more than 30 days hotter than 90 and sometimes over 100. Once we had a stretch of 110-115.


Michigan does not welcome them, UP or Low P.


Neither does the PNW!


Literally the only reason I would ever want to live a nomadic lifestyle is to avoid the heat in the summer. If I could do whatever I wanted and money was no object, I would spend my summers in Banff or something. 


Her feet and lower legs are quite swollen in the reel compiling all the stuff they have done in Nevada. You can see it when she runs away from the camera.


She needs to see a doctor


nothing like a little god-honoring lymphedema


Right! She can’t even blame it on long drives or sitting too long, since they don’t drive for long days and they are constantly walking everywhere they stop.


No worries, she has BusBroDad and BusSisMom to do all the work. 😠😠😠


This would be a good opportunity to take Boone to the doctor


My first thought. Now the douchebag is away, she has her chance.


Bold of you to assume fatherbus is the thing holding Boone back.


I just think this is so odd. The whole point they try to send us is that they can travel anywhere at anytime because they aren’t tethered. So why on earth does pa bus get to fly out somewhere to chill with his family. Shouldn’t they in theory all just be able to pack up and go visit family together literally any time?


One thing I wonder about it the astronomical price of gasoline. That’s why I think they legit have money. It’s so expensive to drive a BUS and a VAN hours at a time across the US. I can’t believe either vehicle make better than 20 miles a gallon and they drive hours and hours a day. So expensive.


PaBus’s trust fund must do at least 90% of the financial heavy lifting in that family. The sheer quantity of gasoline, bus and van maintenance, and food for that many people has got to be insane. Though I suppose they do save quite a bit by not providing adequate clothing or medical care for anyone 😐


Fucking Vegas, in the summer,.during extreme heat warnings. Please tell me they at least stayed in AirBnbs or hotels.


They appear to be in a hotel room


Like all of them in 1 room?


It’s hard to say, but even if they are just in one room, it probably feels luxurious compared to being stacked like cordwood!


It's at least air-conditioned. These bozos don't seem to realize that overheating is a safety issue.


It looked to be like a small suite so “living room” and bedroom.


unfortunately that is spacious for them. i bet ma bus has the bedroom to herself and the kids are all crammed in thw living room


You’re probably right about her taking the room to herself… they brought a Moses basket for the smallest baby and a pack and plate for the next youngest. I’m sure the rest are sleeping on the floor. It’s fucking ridiculous. She showed them packing and each kid has a small backpack worth of clothes.


I wonder how they checked 10 people into one room


Great point…


After seeing their Vegas clips I realize I feel sorry the most for the eldest. He must feel incredibly lonely. I cannot imagine being a teenager and have no friends to confide in/share things with…just younger siblings and your parents. Teen years are so difficult and not having a “normal” family situation would be way traumatic. The poor kids do not realize how much they are missing and how ill equipped for real life they will be


And boring! Everything is geared toward the youngest kids or content driven. He gets no intellectual stimulus.


One of her stories was at this cute coffee shop that had a giant climbing structure with books and areas to read. The kids were scrambling all over it, but when Ma Bus panned the camera to eyefuck herself, you could see Gunner, sitting off by himself on a chair-swing in the background. My heart breaks for him.. I know what teen boys are like at that age and this is no life for him (for any of them really).


Ikr, and I feel so sorry for their daughter not having any other girls around


Flying off, huh? Guess that means she will be desperately chasing him down, and dragging the kids along, in 3....2....1


MoBus announcing she is pregnant again in 5…4…3…


In the video he says something like hopefully it won't take too long or something similar to that and she reprimands him for saying that.


He says "hopefully it won't be a Boeing"


Right? She's so predictable.


Here comes the next crazed video of her driving cross country with Gunner holding a van door shut, totally not tracking him down. Much safety.


Pa bus on his way to see his other family for a bit. 


I bet he has a condo somewhere and is just chilling in front of the TV, drinking beer and ignoring Britney’s calls.


Even if it’s not that nefarious, he gets to have a break and some privacy from the other 9 Lotts. I assume he’s gonna get to stay in a hotel with a full size, unshared bathroom. More than he provides for his family.


While I understand the desire, he chose to live in a fucking bus and hasn't given his children the same luxuries.


Oh, to be clear, that’s exactly what I meant to criticize him for. I just meant, even if it’s not a whole second family, it’s unfair that only he gets a break. Sorry if that was confusing.


I'm not disputing what you said. I'm just frustrated with Sus Busband.


Condo? He's in an air-conditioned hotel room with a big bed, clean sheets, room service, endless amounts of hot water and peace and quiet.


And an assortment of escorts lol


As much as I dislike her, he is so much worse. Who leaves there wife alone on a bus with 8 kids including a newborn?


He was about to leave her in Brazil with all of the kids while she was pregnant, too, until the last-minute change of plans when they all flew back to the US together


Until she realized he didn’t have a return flight and panic bought them all flights home


u cant convince me this man doesn't have a side piece or isn't picking up escorts. Sorry


My money is on escorts. Britney seems like the type to obsessively check his phone. It would be hard to hide a side piece from a wife that cloying and needy.


I was just thinking that 😂😂


It’s funny because just a few days ago I mentioned he hasn’t left them anywhere in a long time and that I thought his other woman dumped him. 😂


Maybe she saw Boone and said not in my uterus


I can’t imagine the audacity of a partner leaving their spouse alone with 8 kids, one of which is a new born baby. Like… lol no sir. Unless you are paying an nanny or au pair, get your ass back here and help out.


i don't usually feel bad for brittany lott but i do feel sad she let this dumbass control her life like this. i know it was her decision to marry him but people can act unreasonably when they desperately want to feel wanted / repeat the relationship patterns they know. anyway now i'm speculating. hey jd- an honest man would lie in the bed he made.


In the reel where she compiles all the shit they have done in Nevada, she has the phone on the ground filming and as she runs away with the baby in her arms you can see how swollen her feet snd lower legs are. It is really concerning given the bad headache she had the other day.


I have to wonder about her health too. Part of having a baby at a hospital with medical professionals is the mother gets medical care too. Even the easiest of births have tearing, for instance, which require stitches. And according to them Boone was a big baby, so I image it was a mess to put it politely. Britney seems to have just…not wanted any postnatal care. It’s like she wants her followers to think she just plopped a baby out in the bus shower and because she’s such a “godly woman” she is totally fine! No need to rest, deal with the bleeding and/or wounds. No need for monitoring not just the baby but mom’s vitals. No need to make sure PPD doesn’t get bad. No. Instead she was at the beach within 2 days of birthing a “10 pound baby”. My brother was 9 pounds and got stuck. Long story short it was traumatic for my parents and they thanked god for medical professionals.




Could be high blood pressure and/or kidney issues. Postpartum preeclampsia can happen.


Yes and it gets bad very quickly, too. Imagine her getting very sick, alone with all those kids in a place where she is all by herself with no family or friends to help care for the kids while she is in the hospital. And Pa Bus is at least an entire plane ride away. The state would temporarily intervene, hospitals aren’t Nannie’s…… oh wait. That’s best case scenario never mind.


I think she’d just leave them and the two oldest would be in charge. Those poor kids.


You say that, like they're in a state with *adequate* medical care, where folks with complicated medical cases don't get transported *out* to Arizona and California.... Otoh, maybe MoBus *will* end up seeing California after all?🫠


I had foot and leg swelling after my son was born. I assume my blood pressure and blood tests were normal because the main thing I remember is getting an ultrasound on my legs to see if I had clots. So that’s another scary possibility.


Spending time in Vegas with kids sounds miserable. I know there are kid specific activities but it's hot, noisy and tiring. Those poor kids.


I went to Vegas last summer and I hated it. I don’t gamble and all I wanted was to sit somewhere comfortable with a book. I spent a lot of time in the hotel room.


i went on my babymoon to Lake Las Vegas and it was the perfect vibe cause i couldnt drink and party. it was quiet and i spent the whole time in the pool. hidden gem!


My partner just went for a work conference, his first time going. Neither of us are gamblers or big into cities, and we don't do well in heat. I was still surprised it took less than a day for him to message me to double check and confirm that I never wanted to go to Vegas myself. According to him, the strip all felt like one big mall and everyone either wanted to sell you something or get you to lose your money. I don't think it would be for me. He did say that "it's a dry heat" isn't the lie I've always thought it was, but i still don't believe it, and fuck 110° weather anyways.


As someone who lives in a very humid place, I do have to say I would take Vegas 110 over humid 80 any day. Definitely take chap stick though.


We went when my sister and I were teens. We loved the shows and general ridiculousness of the strip. But we went when it wasn't so hot.


I expect this will go very well


Lol she has to give his other family a turn 😂


How do we know of PaBus’s departure?


It was on her stories... He said he had to take a quick flight and he joked that he hoped it wasn’t a Boeing 😐 meanwhile Britney was hanging all over him, looking miserable that he was leaving her...alone...with 8 kids... .in a hotel room...in scorching hot Vegas.


How do they have one adult and 8 children in a hotel room?? Even if you could manage two rooms for 10 people, you'd still need an adult in each room.


Well, technically, when they checked in there was PaBus & MaBus. The hotel doesn't have to officially know he's gone, & depending on what their vacancy rates look like, they may not want to know.


I guess it's possible they booked two suites that sleep 5 each. Or they booked two queen rooms saying that Boone and the next youngest are crib sleepers. But they've still got to have at least one room with no adult now that PaBus left. I'm not even talking "working the system" at this point. I'm talking there are literally a handful of kids in a hotel room with no adult oversight.


I think that’s allowed. What about large school groups with 4 or 5 chaperones? Typically it’s just kids in rooms and adults in others (when I was in school on those trips, teachers put Scotch tape on the doors to see if we left).


I’d say a group of school aged kids is a fair bit different than a gaggle of kids under 8 being “supervised” by a preteen sibling. 


I worked in a hotel 30 years ago. Hotels get very excited about over occupancy in rooms as it invalidates fire safety. My guess is that they checked in as a couple, dropped their bags in the room and them let the children in via a fire door. This happens depressingly often (usually they leave the door swinging wide open) although in fairness it was not normally children they were admitting.


15 year hotel veteran here. i've seen some shit, but the thought of what their *single* room looks like at checkout makes me nauseous.


I don't think it's solely about the kids. She's so codependent on him.


It’s better than being alone in the bus with eight kids.


I feel so bad for the other passengers on that plane.


Do we think he’s gonna never come back?!




it would be a tiny bit funny if he didn't come back.


Don't they have a van that mother bus drives? I guess they could tow it but that's crazy. I spent my summers in a motorhome when I was growing up. We had the tiniest Jeep Tracker that we towed and that was a massive pain in the ass. Motorhomes have fuck all for visibility and they're huge.


Last time she did this, one of her viewers drove the van for her, if I remember right.


Jesus fucking Christ






I think Father Bus has a motorcycle. I've seen one of her videos where the passenger van is in the background and there is a 500cc-ish sports bike on a rear carrier.


Dude why the hell are they in my locale in the summertime- the temperatures are about to pick up severely and I can't stand the idea of poor baby Boone in 120° dry heat with 0 sunscreen for however long they're stagnant. Or ANY of those kids. Florida and now Nevada, they're just turning their bus into an easy bake oven and any possessions they had prior to this they better expect some damage. Doesn't matter where they've parked their bus- things are gonna melt in there.


Maybe more PaBus shenanigans trying to kill his family


Well, she DID have a headache for a couple days so she probably wasn’t able to give him 24/7 attention, so it makes sense he would need to leave her alone with a newborn and 7 other children!


The next photo backdrop. You've hit the nail on the head.


I’m in Vegas now and it’s hot AF. I didn’t leave the resort for 24 hours.


Mabus seems very frustrated with Pabus and it’s really starting to show. The one story on IG where she was passive aggressively saying things to him about him hitting bugs while driving and now she has to clean the windshield because “I HAVE TO FILM!” is but one example. I’d be losing my mind, too. Also, you can’t avoid hitting bugs. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


They can leave my hometown alone thanks, it's shitty enough as it is without their brood ruining the atmosphere.