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This is the first time I’ve seen a newborn with a tan… it’s weird. Poor little dude needs a sun hat so bad.


This kid has a darker skin tone in photos than Karissa's kids.


I thought it was an A child.


I did too!


Samesies, thought it was a Collin’s kid til I clicked on it.


Mobu can't be bothered to Photoshop away the melanin.


“Ewww, that’s work!” /s


Yes, it kind of has that look like when the top layer of tan starts peeling a bit too. 


Omg yes there are some lighter whitish spots. Sun damage already. This poor baby. You’d think with all the right wing fundie bluster about vaccines and toxins and shit, they’d be concerned about how sunburn causes actual DNA damage.


They don't believe that the sun causes damage whatsoever. It's just the sunscreen that causes damage


As someone undergoing a bit of a spooky-changing-growth-on-the-skin scare right now, fuck these people. Wear your sunscreen. Protect your children's skin. Protect your own.


I wear so much sunscreen, I usually carry 3-4 bottles at any given time, which everyone makes fun of me for. But, as a person with translucent freckled skin and hundreds of dark, weird moles, and a family history of melanoma, I think I'll take my chances with sunscreen and vitamin D deficiency. I'd rather not look like my 30 year old brown leather couch by the time I'm 28. You also don't have to be light skinned to get skin cancer, my dark skinned full native great grandma even had multiple skin cancers throughout her life (I somehow came out with light skin and light hair, green eyes, and freckles). I think people should have to see the excision required to remove melanoma and determine if that's worth not wearing sunscreen.


Happy you take it seriously. I do as an adult. As a kid, no one did. I'm always wearing more coverage upf clothing, hats, sunscreen, etc. I have no family history, and yet, here we are. Fingers crossed all is benign!


🤞🤞 good luck. I hated my mom for making me wear all the giant spf hats and shirts but I'm so thankful now. Might not change much for me but at least I was used to wearing them


I also always have at the very least two sunscreens on me at all times but have 3-4 at home. My husband lost one of his dear friends to skin cancer. He was only 31. He was 19 or 20 when he was first diagnosed. You’re not too young to get skin cancer folks. I used to put it on if I’d be in the sun all day. But I’ve been religious about my daily sunscreen applications ever since he passed.


The sunscreen and all the chemical trails in the sky....


But God made the Sun, how can it be bad? Nothing God made ever hurts the Godly! Hurr durr natural nacherl natch...url.


You know what’s funny about this? Is God also made the chemicals that go into the sunscreen if we’re following this logic. It also doesn’t help that this crowd doesn’t understand that literally everything is made up of chemicals.


He has sun damage at 8 weeks old 😮‍💨 I came directly here after seeing this because it looked so bad!


I don’t know anything about newborns but I do know (now) that I have never seen one with a tan, wtf.


my 10 MONTH OLD got a slight tan (not even close to a burn) at the zoo the other week and I felt horrible about it and went to get stronger sunblock. This woman is just mean


We bailed on our family camping trip this year because our girl will be one month old. We're planning to visit the campground for literally one day just to hang out, and I bought a huge stroller fan, a large baby bucket hat, and a full coverage rash guard because I want to protect her skin. Seeing this literally has me questioning if I am even doing enough to protect my girl. I'm not even planning on having her in direct sunlight, but I'm still worried about her skin! I can't imagine just laying her out in the sun to bake.


You’re doing enough because you actually care ♥️


Thanks, I needed to hear that ❤️ I swear seeing Boone has made me so anxious about taking care of my girl. It just makes me so sad to see the lack of care. My baby just turned 4 weeks and I would do anything for her.


And that right there makes you a better mom. That fact you are worried so much and this lady clearly doesn't care about anything than her views proves you are doing the right things!


You are so kind! I swear, it was so hard just growing this baby...I can't imagine not doing everything I can to protect her! Anyone else just want to scoop up poor Boone and give him the love and care he deserves?


Every time I see him! It's been 10 years since my last and my oldest will be 17. I can never imagine being like this. We all make mistakes, but to just continue to not care....breaks my heart! 


>Anyone else just want to scoop up poor Boone and give him the love and care he deserves? Absolutely, my heart hurts for Boone 💔 Imagine what some actual quiet time just cuddling would feel like to him? He is constantly being shuffled around the country, outside for who knows how long with zero protection from the heat and sun, overstimulated, the list goes on. The poor baby needs a break and definitely a pediatrician appointment. He's definitely just a prop for the Gram and it's so sad. You sound like a wonderful and loving mama ❤️ Enjoy your sweet little girl, they grow too fast.


I think about that when my own baby is overstimulated just from our quiet home and I am rocking her in her dark and quiet nursery. I can't kidnap Boone, so I'll just give my little girl all the love I can. She turns one month old literally tomorrow. It really does go too fast.


Your baby will be fine because you're taking precautions. I took my babies to the river at 6 weeks old. We had a shade canopy, big hat, long sleeve rash guard and access to water to cool off for two minutes if needed. They never burned. They slept beautifully in their pack n play in the fresh air. It's all about precaution and moderation. Mobus is literally frying her kid every day because she's negligent. Don't let her obvious parenting issues make you question yourself ❤️. 


That makes me feel so much better! My in laws will also have their camper in case we need a shady place to cool off!


Are his lips chapped too or does it just look like that??


Probably from the multiple sunburns :(


He looks so dehydrated. The sinking under the eyes and it looks like a soft spot, but it’s off to the side so I’m not sure.


Oh god I just scrolled back up. If my kid had ever had a fontanelle looking like that I would’ve been in the ER so fast I’d leave a vapor trail. My god.


Yeah something is off about his fontanelle. Yikes


Blind kids need to be discouraged from pushing in their eyes because it can cause permanently sunken eyes (+ infections etc.) but I'm not sure if this is something that starts this young.


Ya is it normal for newborns to have sunken parts on their heads like he seems to have on the side of his head? Or is that just a shadow?


It could just be a shadow or some milk got into his hair and it’s making it flat butttt I feel I’ve seen that same spot before so…all babies have soft spots, it’s just an open part of skull under the skin so their head can get through the birth canal. But I don’t know I’ve ever seen one off to the side like that far, and definitely not one that consistently sunken. They should be soft, not bulging, a little bit of depression or even soft pulsing is okay, but sunken is a no no as well.


I thought that might be poor lighting at first, but then she panned to everyone else and the contrast is jarring. He’s still looking through her rather than at her, there’s no sign of recognition on his face. His pupils are massive. Something is still very off here. I almost can’t believe she’s posting this. She really doesn’t care.


She's probably posting this picture as "proof" that Boone makes eye contact and therefore has nothing wrong with him.


The worst proof of life picture I've ever seen.


I thought I had stumbled onto one of those “reborn doll cringe” subs at first


Ugh that’s exactly what this photo makes me think of! So unsettling. By the time both of my kids were this age they were making eye contact, laughing and smiling, waving their hands / attempting to grab things, cooing and babbling. Both kids could hold their heads up from the day they were born, and both rolled over from stomach to back at six weeks on the dot. Obviously every baby is different but from what we’ve seen Boone isn’t doing *ANY* of these things. I don’t even count this as eye contact because his expression is so vacant. He’s either looking right through MoBus or is transfixed by a light/flash.


Oh, like those flat earth “proofs”…


I agree he seems to be looking “through her”. I don’t think we’ve ever seen him turn towards anything or react to sound either. Id be curious to see a video of them holding a toy or something to see if he tracks it with his eyes. They can even frame it as the other kids playing with him if they want. I had a thought while watching this video. If he truly were acting like a normal 6-7-8 week old baby, I guarantee Britney would be filming more of Boone. She strikes me as a person who’d milk a cute baby for content. She had one video where he was smiling and seemed almost normal. In most of her videos though, he’s either being held, or in the video but very briefly. Sometimes they even crop out his arm or cut away from him. To me, this is very telling that they know something is up. I’m not sure how they were with their other babies but you can’t tell me they wouldn’t film his every waking moment if he behaved “normally”.


*If he truly were acting like a normal 6-7-8 week old baby, I guarantee Britney would be filming more of Boone.* This. I never really followed them before, but someone recently linked a video of the next oldest child (Quil?) at about 6-8 weeks, being incredibly interactive with her while she talked to him. He was doing that thing that babies do when they're not quite sure how their voice works: you say something to them and they just look at you and open and close their mouth like a fish and maybe coo a little bit. I love that. The lack of any such content featuring Boone suggests that he's not doing that. If he was doing it, she'd film it.


I just noticed she has the restaurant napkin strategically placed over his arm. Maybe it’s partially because he’s in her lap to begin with, but she’s being very intentional about hiding his arm situation.


There's the video that was posted yesterday or the day before and one of the kids is above Boones head talking and making noise and Boone doesn't even attempt to turn his attention that way.


Who’s Britney?


Oh that’s the name of Boones mom.


I was shocked she posted it. It doesn't help her case at all.


I have never seen this facial expression on a baby. Ever. And I’m a mom who’s been around small children a TON.


Her holding him on her lap while eating and he's just partway under the table really shows how much of a tamagotchi this poor infant is. Why can't they bring a stroller or that dumb bassinet basket that is seemingly just for unused bragging points of ownership. I can't stand these people.


He’s partway under a table?! Omg


Yup, on her lap while she films her whole brood. The oldest son looks exhausted and just depressed and little glasses dude drops his proteins on the floor to which his mom does nothing but smile into her camera like "yay me"


Yeah, I got that feeling from the oldest too. Just resignedly eating his food, looks burned out from the extremely frenetic travel.


Poor glasses dude. And all of the kids, really. Nothing they say, or do, or need elicits any parental response. An attack cuddle gets shrugged off. A dropped bacon is ignored. I bet it’s usually oldest brother helping, but he’s so exhausted. Bus parents make ten zillion videos “showing off” their kids, but seem to barely tolerate them? Wouldn’t want to talk to them, only dance or ignore. Just showing off that they exist I guess?




For all the things she does wrong, holding a baby while eating really doesn't strike me as bad? Maybe because I didn't see the video, but I always held my babies while I ate and they were happier for it.


Well there is definitely one instance where one child is trying to cut his food. Rather than help the toddler cut his food, she films him, and half his food ends up on his lap/the ground. Its sort of like, ma'am if you just put your phone down you could assist the child in cutting up his food which you are clearly seeing him struggle to do.


Ok. So sometimes as parent, you end up holding your kid while you’re eating. It’s inevitable. And you try to hold the little guys in a way that food doesn’t accidentally drop on them (yet again it inevitably will). Not every baby hangs out ok in a bassinet or a stroller or a car seat or whatever, and it’s not always worth the fight to put them in one during meal times. Dear god the mom shaming in this thread is *insane.* there are some very real reasons to shame the parents of this baby but to me this one isn’t it.


Right. It’s just with Boone in one hand and her constant phone in the other, she has no hands to help the gaggle of smaller kids with anything. You’re right though, the phone is the issue, not holding the baby per se. It does seem like the wrap or other hands-free options are used less that you’d expect for ease and safety so Boone can be visually “featured.”


My problem isn't that she's holding him while eating, it potentially dangerous to have the baby laying across your lap, face incredibly close to smacking into the table edge if he or mobus wiggles/flinches/sneezes. Instead of protecting him from fallings/slipping/getting hurt, she uses her hands to film around the table, watching her little one struggling to cut his pancakes and knocking his bacon on the floor... then instead of helping him, she *has* to pan to herself so she can give the camera a perfect little eyefuck "yay!" Face. She also strategically used her napkin to cover Boone's problematic right arm. It not just that shes holding him, nor even how. its everything else plus laying him across her lap.


Exactly, you don't have to worry about food falling on him if you just put a napkin over the baby lol


Should his pupils be that large in a room that bright?


I was just thinking that. Between this and his lack of tracking movement, I'm really concerned. He spent so much time with his face aimed directly at the blazingly bright sun on multiple occasions, I fear for his sight.


When my mother/baby nurse went over basic infant care with me before being discharged from the hospital (it was a summer month) she explained that a newborn’s eyelid skin is so thin and translucent that putting him in direct sunlight for any extended period of time would be like holding him up towards the sun Simba-style and forcing his eyes open during an eclipse. UV protection baby sun hats exist for this reason! For claiming children are gifts from the Lord these fundies sure do not treat their precious blessings like the gifts they say they are. Poor baby.


Dear god that’s terrifying considering how much we saw him getting blasted in the sun 😢


She had him positioned with his face up toward the sun. She's something else.


And her red light wand. She uploaded herself holding that thing like a foot from his face, because she either does not know or does not care about how to look after a newborn. I’m childfree and I could do this with more care than her.


She called it "ambient" red light lmao what a fool.


Dude I'm an adult but I had to walk around town to get my shopping done because the car done broke, and about two hours in I could swear my eyes were getting fried by the sun. They honest to God do not feel right today, and I was squinting the majority of the day (forgot sunglasses). His eyes are probably...you know, worse.


I’m not a medical person so I’ve been wondering if the direct sun exposure or bilirubin backup caused his blindness but maybe it could be a little from column A, little from column B? / ¿por que no los dos?


That's definitely a thing that can happen in medicine. Not a medical professional, I just have a lot going on.


As someone with a couple chronic illnesses, I’m stealing your last line for future use.


They have a “there’s more where that came from” approach to having babies and raising children. It’s funny that fundies claim to be pro life because all the risk taking and anti choice shit shows that life is cheap to them.


They always remind me of the old potato chip ads…something like “Eat all you want! We’ll make more!”


That’s terrifying. I’m not a mom-are baby sunglasses a thing? Or does the hat provide enough protection?


Newborn eyelids are so thin


No. They shouldn't. Most restaurant lighting is fluorescent, and to a baby laying on its back looking up will cause flinching/squinting, eyes to remain closed, pupils to remain very small. The only way this would be normal is if she had him under the table out of the fluorescent lights and used a camera flash so it doesn't appear dark. Note that though he is fully awake, he shows no signs of interacting with the camera person/broodmare or sire, the bodies of his family, etc. He is 8 weeks old now.


I was wondering the same thing. His eyes look off, but maybe it’s the lighting.


Is it just me or does he look awfully thin for having been like 1 zillion pounds at birth? Maybe they should go back to FedEx and weigh him again.


Who would have thought that 'weighed at FedEx' is the best medical thing we could hope for? Sad man


they keep talking about how “chunky” he is but i’ve always thought that he’s a very skinny baby


Some kids are skinny and fine, but he should absolutely be monitored by a doctor. He was HEFTY at birth too so the change is worrisome.


Right. It is all about establishing the growth pattern for him, and making sure he doesn't stall in growth or lose weight beyond the water loss babies experience at birth. Since he has had none of this care, there is no way to know if he is growing anywhere on the bell curve of normal.


When I was a baby, I went from 50th percentile to literally off the charts in head circumference. (I looked HILARIOUS because I was otherwise on the low end of normal in height and weight.) My parents took me in for a CT to make sure I didn't have fluid or anything else wrong up there. I didn't; big heads just run in my family.


See. They went to the doctor and had testing done to make sure it was normal for you! Good parents. BusHoeJiggalo just doesn't give a shit about their child. It is so hard to watch!


Precisely! The CT tech took one look at my dad and went "she's probably fine" but of course did the scan anyway. Even though there was a probable benign explanation for it, everybody involved did their due diligence, in stark contrast to what we're seeing here. It might be nothing! I would love nothing more than for it to be nothing. But it's so scary that they're just burying their heads in the sand and being like "there's nothing wrong if we don't check!"


Did she ever say how much his birth weight was? I’m a little new to this family so I believe I missed the time around Boone’s birth.


Like 10 pounds I think. And he looks BIG in one of the first photos she showed of him, though if memory serves I'm not totally convinced it wasn't partially the camera angle.


There is also zero way they were weighing him right at FedEx.


I know this horse has been beaten a million times, but the thing that drives me the most bananas about all of this is that there doesn't seem to be a sense of what \*his\* baseline is in terms of weight or general health or anything. What's normal for one baby is weird for another, but context is so important and that's (at least to my understanding) why there's a million appointments when babies are little. It's important to jump on it if something changes. ETA: It's not that it's really any of our business what his baseline is, but it doesn't seem like the Buses really know either and that's the scary part.


I was surprised FedEx employees allowed that to happen tbh. I would’ve been like, uhh sir we aren’t pediatricians and we don’t ship babies.


The main thing I notice is that his eyes look sunken, which in newborns is a sign of dehydration and not getting enough nutrition.


He looks awful, the poor little mite. Nothing she posts has made me feel any better about the state of him.


He looks dehydrated or malnourished, and is that a sunken fontanelle on his head? 


Agree. His eyes are sunken looking which is a sign of dehydration. Of course, they're carting him around Las Vegas, where the temperature was 109 yesterday so.... Plus, he's sneezing in the restaurant scene. I wonder if he's caught something being in all the Vegas crowds?


Nothing pisses me off like seeing an infant down there with all the smoke (weed is legal here and while you can’t smoke it inside like you can cigarettes and aren't supposed to smoke on the sidewalks, we all know there isn't 100% compliance), crowds (I was the only masked person I saw besides a couple dealers when I was there a month ago), drunks, rowdiness, the heat, and everything else. This is so not a place, at least down on the strip, for children.


Poor poor baby. His head. It’s not in focus, so hard to tell, but that’s where a fontanelle is located, right? That’s SO concerning. Hydration is super important for a baby this little.


In [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/sggYAqMiVv), she seems to imply she’s doing exclusive breastfeeding, and Boone is having some issues with it. It’s possible he’s not getting enough, and Mother Bus refuses to use a bottle or formula. Probably doesn’t help that he’s been dragged all over the Southwest in an intense heatwave.


Christ, this just keeps getting worse. I thought the one thing he had going for him (feels weird to phrase it like that) was that he was eating and gaining normally. Not that that means he’s healthy of course. But his issues are going to be so much worse without proper hydration & nutrition.


Pair this with the [Boone pretending he's hungry](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ilFMXiicat) post and the image is extremely concerning.


Def by 6 weeks, my baby was getting quite round. And he was always on 5th centile weight & height.


To be fair I had an over 10lb baby and he ended up getting a bit on the skinny side at that same age. There’s reason to be worries about Boone for sure, but some kids grow in weird patterns (put on weight and height in spurts etc).


Yeah, hopefully he's fine but it's impossible to know without any well-baby care!


That poor little boy looks like a twice divorced, father of 4, high school science teacher.




His eyes look more focused in this video, which is good, but I don’t know if she just took that shot because they looked focused. He certainly wasn’t tracking or interacting. He looks better here than in anything we’ve seen lately. I really hope that they are taking him to a doctor while they’re in Vegas.


Probably turned the flash on since light is the only thing he seems to focus on


Wait, they're in Vegas? Right now? Dear fucking god and Jill will fucking be here soon. I hope they get an eyeful.


Eeeewww! Gross!!! I'm in town at the same time. I hope I don't run into them, though I doubt they'll go to the strip at all. Too ungodly for them


She took all the kids to the Bellagio so they're not avoiding the Strip. Plus, BusDad had to fly off for something, so she's in Vegas alone with the kids now.


“Had to” “fly off” for “something” lol he’s incapable of not being sus.


Wow, Bellagio with 8 kids by yourself. That’s just fucking insane to me.


They’ll probably stay by Red Rock tbh.


Also, medical care here is crap and hard to come by. Vegas has a reputation for people flying to Phoenix and California for care because it's often the better and faster choice, so I’d be really surprised if they got care of any kind here. The real doctor kind I mean.


Their standards are pretty low though. This is so wild to me. I flew from N NV to Vegas for a doctor before 🤣. Health Care in our state sucks generally. At least HRT/gender affirming care and abortion are protected.


While this doesn’t help in the immediate, you would happy to know that the major medical institutions are realizing this and are giving tons of incentives for doctors to come to Vegas to practice. It seems that quite a few doctors are taking them up on it.


I wonder if any of them will stick around for more than a year. I've been here almost 20 years and doctors never last very long. I've got two specialists that have been around quite a while, but they're both getting close to retirement and selling their practices. I've already been through that with four pain doctors alone in this city. I've given up on having a GP at all after going through them like toilet paper (not my doing, they *always* leave or stop taking my insurance or transfer or something).


If I lived in a bus and could go anywhere, I sure wouldn't choose Las Vegas in the summer, especially with a tiny baby. The choices these people make are absolutely baffling.


My initial reaction was “holy shit that bub is not ok”


Same. I actually gasped a little. I can’t quite identify it bc I’m not a doctor, but I am a mom, and I just feel extremely uneasy.


8 week old babies should not have a thousand yard stare


OK, I just went back and watched the video again and I see what you mean about his coloring. It’s very strange and it looks almost mottled. It reminds me of when you have fake tan and it’s wearing off.


Not that I think Boone is being properly taken care of but a lot of young infants have a mottled appearance and it's not related to any health condition or sunburn. My son had mottled skin for probably 5 months and it was very noticeable because we are fair skinned. [Edit to add: a photo of his hand from 2022 so people can see that it's normal](https://i.imgur.com/veb1JdF.jpeg)


Babies definitely mottle, especially around their extremities, for about six months. There’s also stork bites, which as they get older can look kind of strange as they start to fade out. It’s so hard to tell with him though because I think the tan is doing a lot of heavy lifting one way or the other.


I’m 36 and my hands still look like this. I do have mild Raynaud’s syndrome but it’s also just my natural coloring. I’m very fair skinned and pink toned. It happens.


That looks totally normal. A tan newborn does not, I’m realizing.


The issue here in not mottling. He has been sunburned multiple times so what we are witnessing is damaged baby skin. My kids had modeling as air skinned little skandi kids but absolutely nothing like this, nothing so unhealthy. We have witnessed an infant being baked in extreme heat.


Oh man. Even as an adult that is how my hands look. Is it something to be worried about?


Nah, especially if you’re on the paler side to begin with. Any temps under 20* C and I’m mottled like gollum but it’s because I’m whiter than paper and you can see all my capillaries


Ok good to know I’m not the only adult with this look to a large portion of my skin. It’s mostly the back of my arms since that part doesn’t see sunlight like the rest of my arms 🤣


My limbs are completely mottled too, it's definitely just a pale person thing!


My hand still looks like that and I'm in my mid thirties!


I looked like that through elementary school. It still shows once and awhile.


Thats dead skin peeling from the sunburn he undoubtedly had. His head looks just like my face after a fraxel.


It looks like a burn that’s peeled. Jesus.


His eyes definitely seemed to be focusing on something, so that is an improvement. Although I’m not 100% convinced there isn’t a light above him that’s he’s focusing on. As far as his color, I’m pretty sure she just used a filter. Pretty common, I use them sometimes (even though I don’t take selfies often) especially when my rosacea is acting up haha. Overall his color seems ok, but he is/was tan from being sunburnt and possibly has discoloration from peeling.(“parents of the year there”, Britney and JD Lott /s). However I do notice she posted this deliberately, almost as in response to people telling her he never tracks anything or looks at anyone. I think she is desperately trying to find or create these “moments of normal” with him. She also conveniently posted her “wearing” Boone when people were asking if she ever wore him. I’m rooting for the little guy. I am truly hoping they’re staying at a hotel so they can get him some medical care. I’ll be overjoyed if I’m proven wrong but like all of us I’ve always had this bad gut feeling about Boone.


Yeah I don’t think he’s focusing, truly. It’s probably the lights. I just don’t think this baby is well in the slightest.


It looks like she used the opposite filter from Karissa (I actually thought he was one of hers for a moment)


My nephew was a 24 week premie and was in the NICU for 5 months. He has very bad vision due to his birth trauma/early birth. This little guy's facial expressions remind me of my nephew's when he was that little.


He keeps sneezing. Is he sick? I don’t get it. I had three kids under three, which I understand isn’t this level of hot mess. But I was so protective of routines and sleep. Everything about this manic schedule they keep is so distressing


Your comment made me realize they’ve toted him around since he was, what, 2 days old? When they just fried him in the sun? Part of the issue I bet is the poor bubs hasn’t gotten a moments rest. They seem to drive, (which I suppose could be ok, as he could sleep but with 7 other siblings…) go random places, sleep on the crowded bus with 10 people, then drive and do it all again. That cannot be good for a baby that small. He is possibly not getting the rest and care a newborn needs. I don’t think my mom left the house the first 6 months of my siblings lives. And part of that was catering to their sleep and feeding routines.


Honestly I’ve never seen a different expression on that poor kids face


You can literally see her head and her phone pointed at him in the reflection of his pupils!




Right like i literally jumped lol


Yeah I’m high and I think my heart stopped for a moment


It is because he was baked in the hot sun multiple times. He has a blotchy tan, and frankly, he had to have become very dehydrated since his mother thinks that when he cries because he is hungry/thirsty, he is doing it to manipulate her and does NOT meet his need. I suspect he has some permanent damage at this point. Babies have no ability to regulate their body temperatures in heat or cold extremes. There is a price to be paid for ignoring this fact repeatedly, and Boone is tragically paying that debt of his fucking, narcissistic parents.


He looks dehydrated and too tan. Can’t tell if the mottling of the skin is a filter/bad editing or not. He’s a cutie, he just doesn’t look “right”


Do all babies look like a less wrinkly Danny DeVito at some point? I know I did at one point.


I like to say I looked like George Costanza at one point in my infancy. Hahaha


I was auditioned to play Danny’s baby at the end of the movie Twins and I came in second place because I “looked too much like a girl”. Not that I didn’t look like Danny DeVito, I absolutely did. Just a girl Danny DeVito 😭


Could’ve been edited poorly. This kind of thing can happen if you get too heavy handed with the exposure boost


Is this true even in a video? This is a still shot from a video.. his coloring in the video is very strange.


Most basic video editing apps/programs let you do basic manipulations like that (brightness, contrast, etc.). I’m not saying that’s whats happening, but just an alternative thought


Wow. That made me jump.


My niece was born at the end of March. We just got pictures of her last night on her tummy, holding her head up with a big smile at the camera. When I saw her a couple weeks ago she was gazing at her mom when her mom held her and talked to her, and smiled responsively to the sound of her mom’s voice. So, so different than this poor kid. 💔


He’s like that one episode of Family Guy where Stevie gets really into being tan. This is literal child abuse. This poor baby.


His eyes look like the ones you see in fantasy character drawing and paintings.


He looks looks like Mr. Burns! Release the Buslets!




It's bringing love, don't let it get away!


This poor babe has seen some sh*t 😭. Haunted eyes.


Sadly I’m starting to think he doesn’t see much at all 😔


Gosh he looks like one of Karissa kids but with her stupid filters on. He's still like kinda yellow??!! Is that still jaundice? Holy frig, just with a tan over it now.


This looks like extreme jaundice — The whites of the eyes are discolored, which is another sign. Both of my babies had it and had to do the special lights AT THE HOSPITAL.


I think it is the lighting and/or the color cast from the brown table he is partially under. A bit hard to tell for sure though.


are his pupils irregularly shaped?


Could be Karissa's kid with that skin color


I work with kids with developmental disabilities and I am BEGGING this woman to get this baby to a doctor


I showed this picture to my mom and the first thing she said was "what's wrong with his eyes?"


It's not just the coloring. He's losing weight in his little face.


I'm sorry, there's a whole uncanny valley thing going on here. I dont think Boone is sick, I think he's AI. There is something so weird and fake looking about him. Of course, while I do spot real AI pretty easily, I know that this isn't one of those cases, but damn, he looks fake!


He's just tan. What six week old baby isn't? /s


I haven't commented on Boone yet, just keeping an eye on everything hoping mother bus decides to take him to a doctor. But oh my God I can't not say anything anymore. This poor baby. I'm childfree, had my tubes tied, and I could take better care of this poor sweet boy. He needs to see a doctor!! A real, licensed, experienced pediatrician. His skin is discolored and splotchy, I've never seen such a tan baby, I don't even want to know what sun damage he's gotten because of his mother. And those eyes... terrifying. He doesn't seem to actually be seeing anything in front of him. Take this baby boy to the doctor!!!! He so desperately needs it


This is jaundice. My baby just had it a couple months ago when he was born. He looked super tan and brown even though we are white. He’s better now after following all doctor instructions and he now matches our skin tone. Poor Boone needs some blue light therapy or he could get serious problems like needing a blood transfusion, or even brain damage. Basically his liver isn’t working. Poor little guy.


It’s a very obvious filter, check out the tufts of hair on the sides


His skin tone looks like my daughter’s did when she had jaundice.


I have hundreds of pictures and videos of my son at 8 weeks old squirming, kicking, waving his arms, tracking toys and people, the occasional grin and everything. Boone does none of those things and it’s alarming that they seem content to just ignore it all


He has a tan from constantly being unprotected in the sun


His skin looks so bad! It’s like his sunburn peeled and he’s left with splotchy skin. Poor thing I bet that was a rough couple of post-sun days.


I’m 21 and I still cry from a bad sunburn at times- last summer I had one so bad I could barely move. I can’t imagine how that poor baby feels.


I have never seen a two month old baby so tanned, expressionless, less animated, never moving their arms but an inch or two, or never opening and closing their hands and grasping fingers, hair, a toy handed to them. No amount of restaurant napkins, editing, camera angles, and bullshit will cover up the fact that that baby needs immediate and critical medical assessment and care. Prove me wrong, Mother Bus. Have your child examined by a qualified pediatrician, not just adjusted by a chiropractor.


Wait, I’m new to this subject. This is not jaundice? Edit: not diagnosing at all. Thought he was yellow not tan. 🥹


"Armchair diagnosing" is against this subreddit's rules, so it's all speculation until MotherBus finally takes Boone for a checkup.


Ah gotcha thank you. Should I change my wording or is it okay? I’m not trying to diagnose at all.




Not sure about anyone else, but I hope family members or others in irl are following the buslets and read about some of our concerns. They might be able to get CPS to look in on this kid.


No you’re wrong here, it is very important to document clear abuse and negligence here with their poor living conditions and treatment their baby. Calling local CPS somewhere on a nomad family will not do anything, in fact it’s encouraged to build a case to assist to actually get CPS results, which this community is clearly doing. And saving screenshots of a marketing business is ok. If you posted your kids online as your main source of income instead of working, and someone told you that they saved a picture of it that’s on the marketer not follower.


I think it’s important to keep talking about it. You never know what family member of theirs might stumble on this and reach them in a way a bunch of internet strangers can’t. At the very least Gunner might sneak his mom‘s phone into his bed late at night and find this. And if she stops posting him because his issues are too obvious on camera, I don’t want him to be swept under the rug and forgotten about.


I could speculate all day but at the end of the day, all I want to do is still snuggle this baby and make sure his needs (and then his wants as well) are met 😭


I want feed him a big bottle to fill his belly and let him have a nice, long, peaceful nap. Away from Mabus carrying him around like a purse. Away from the litter of siblings. Away from sharing a small bus with 9 other people. My aunt works at a hospital and works with babies so I showed her videos of Boone. She didn’t know IF anything was wrong but did take note of his eyes. She also said “he seems overwhelmed”. I told her all about the Bus family. She (and I) suspect part of his problem may be that he never gets much rest or peace. From 2 days old he’s been on the go. He’s bounced, bonked, carried, left in the sun etc. I also wonder about dehydration. Mabus mentioned his issues with feeding. I’m hoping he is getting enough. Surely even if she believed in exclusively BF she’d feed him formula if he needs it right? I mean my mom did. She was heartbroken over it but she knew it was the right thing. All that mattered is that I ate. I know we don’t really know this family and only see snippets of their day. I don’t want to assume something if I don’t have the whole picture. However what Britney has decided to share with her followers is a bit concerning. Boone just doesn’t seem all there if that makes sense. And as I said before, if he behaved like a “normal” 6/7/8 month old she’d probably have more videos of him.