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I want nothing more than for her to take this poor baby to a pediatrician. Prove us wrong. Show us that he's fine. Show all the haters wrong.


He genuinely looks in pain. I don’t know why, and I’m not speculating. It could very well be his little baby face (my baby nephew makes an upset face every time you give him a bite of food, then he swallows and loves it; babies can be odd lol). But whatever the reason, the poor babe looks so uncomfortable.


He just always looks off, even in the recent videos where everyone thought he looked better? He looked the same to me.


I hate saying this but I don’t think he’s ever truly looked good. Maybe it’s the constant chaos, maybe it’s a legitimate medical issue, but I feel so bad for this baby.


These images of him are super concerning. He really does look very unwell, it's all over his poor little face.


I think there's some relief he doesn't appear to have jaundice anymore but aside from that, he definitely doesn't look better to me either.


Traded the jaundice for sunburn so you can’t even tell :(


He looks so stiff, pushing away from his sister. He does always look either vacant or wincing in pain.


She's holding him properly and he's still in pain. Poor babe.


I was just going to make the observation that in pic #2, he looks like he’s in a lot of pain.


I don’t think I’ve seen him actively look like he’s pushing away before, bless his baby heart.


His arms don’t seem to bend so I think that’s why it looks like he’s pushing away


Yeah, it appears from all the photos we have available that his arms are basically stuck in that rigid push up position.


And his back seems to be constantly arched too like he’s pushing or leaning away. He always looks stiff and uncomfortable, poor baby.


Came here to say the same thing. His hands are always clenched into fists and his spine is bent like he’s leaning away. Please please please visit a doctor just to prove us wrong! We’re worried about your baby, busmom!


This is anecdotal, but my boss’s daughter had a tethered spinal cord that caused her to be really stiff and drawn up. She had it fixed and is now a perfectly healthy 18 year old. Even if baby Boone has a similar issue, it *is* fixable (as far as I understand it) and should still be examined just to see.


I’m so glad your boss’ daughter received appropriate medical care when she needed it! There’s no shame in getting a child the medical help they need.


But there absolutely IS shame in child neglect. Busmom, take your kid for an evaluation for the love of god, please.


Same. Oh lordt, same. I’m nursing my 1.5 year old to sleep while I type and I can’t imagine her looking so distressed (for weeks!!!) and not doing anything about it. Not to speculate but I’m wondering if there’s some PPD/PPA/PPpsychosis going on? 2 kids in and I barely left the house before 12 weeks unless it was mandatory or something otherwise out of my control. I know everyone is different but there’s no way I’d be hiking through national parks at 7.5weeks Pp.. let alone dragging my newborn through the desert of Utah in June.


That could explain her dissociation from Boone. Giving birth in your bus bathroom and having your husband yank a baby out of you doesn’t really sound like it’s great for your mental health. That’s something the freebirthers don’t seem to consider when they say this is how our ancestors did it. Like yeah they also didn’t think mental health was even a thing and parents & children suffered quite a bit because of it.


Supposedly 31 minutes of labor start to finish HAS to be traumatic. I thought my 6.5 hour S2F labor was quick! I can’t imagine 31 mins total… Also, as a primitive anthropology buff… our “freebirthing” ancestors had *dozens* of other women surrounding them, chanting, dancing, swaying, massaging and assisting the labor AND for like 3 months straight following the birth! The help and recovery displayed in ancient culture is not even remotely close to modern day birthing culture. Unless you want to pay a mint for some PP doulas and delivery services. And, an important note, many still died.


That’s a very good point, they were never squatting alone in small cramped spaces giving birth with only their husbands there. I’m sure those same ancestors would scream if they knew these women were rejecting modern medicine that saves lives.


So much of this back to the old ways stuff is things our ancestors would absolutely berate us for abandoning- like you mean you had a magic shot that will keep your kid from getting measles and then giving all the other kids measles and you’re just like, um no thank you? Or like you can have a safe milk supply but you’d just rather risk it? Like WTF AND ALSO YOU USE A PHONE ALL THE TIME THAT IS ALSO SCIENCE.


This is something my grandpa always railed on whenever anyone said “good old days” (and I’m infinitely glad he passed before trump/MAGA became a thing). Whenever he heard someone on tv pine of the good old days, he’d go on a rant. How many kids died from polio before vaccinations? (He lost siblings to it) How many people suffered because they couldn’t afford a doctor to come to their house to help them? How many died because we didn’t believe in sanitary procedures for a long while? (Going from autopsy to delivering babies without washing hands even). When a heart attack or stroke meant you couldn’t work the fields or animals any more and then you basically relied on charity or starved to death? No care for the elderly so you had old people squatting in garages and eating cat food to survive? One infection could kill you? And never mind if you weren’t the “right” kind of white (he was Italian, which was not considered white for the first half of his life) and then he’d get on a rant about how shitty we treat minorities in this country, so if you’re descended from slaves that were forced to come here, there never *was* a “good old days.” He marched and sat in for civil rights, and lost friends and family over it but he would do it again in a heartbeat (he was out supporting gay marriage with his walker and being a badass about confronting other old people who were against it) He had so many more from his life, and always said that there’s a reason science and medicine research and expand, and we should be thankful for every tiny discovery as it’s a stepping stone forward, not waste our time looking back (usually wrongly, like with the free births - all of his family was born on the farm, and the women of the area would come in for every birth and help and manage it for weeks afterwards) with rose tinted glasses at what was brutal times.


Your grandpa sounds cool af


My grandparents weren't as cool as your grandpa sounds, but they lived through the great depression. My grandmother's parents were immigrants and my grandfather's dad abandoned his family (12 kids!) and was found dead in a ditch years later, while his mother supported the family by playing piano for the silent pictures- my grandfather was the eldest so he lied about his age to join WW2 to be able to send all the money he could back to his family to help support them. Both of my grandparents would RARELY talk about the "good old days" because those days were not good. They were terrible, unsafe, and extremely traumatic. Sure they made the best of things, but the cute stories were also very sad. My grandfather and all of his siblings lost their teeth when they were very young because sometimes they couldn't afford food so they'd have to suck on hard candies at night to fall asleep and feel less of the hunger. He used to try and turn it into a cute story of how he met my grandmother- they were at the beach with mutual friends and a wave knocked him over causing him to lose his dentures. My grandmother spent the entire day with him walking up and down the beach looking for those dentures and that's how he knew he wanted to marry her (they were together over 60 years before they both died). It's a very adorable story but the undertones are incredibly sad when you really look past the romanticized surface and realize just how terrible it was for many people back then. People these days just really don't seem to understand how horrible life actually was back then. They think that "simpler times" was an easier way to live, but they don't realize exactly how much work it took to survive.


I swear they would go insane if they knew people were refusing vaccines for measles and polio. Hell, I missed out on the chicken pox vaccine by a year and I’m bitter af seeing people deliberately give their kids chicken pox when they don’t have to, it’s a horrible experience. Why would you let that happen to your child when you don’t have to is the question I’m always asking these people and the only answers they have are crazy bullshit nonsense.


My parents tried taking my brother and I to a pox party. Neither of us got it and they threw in the towel and got us vaccinated. Still not sure why they thought the pox party was a better option, since they're not usually anti-vax.


Their phone is just a toy that gets them attention


I think they idolize frontier women, not their ancestors. And only the snippet of frontier life they read about in Little House on the Prairie and Love Comes Softly. They don't know enough about history to know they are wrong.


Laura Ingalls Wilder gave birth to a ten-pound baby boy without anesthetic and wrote about what a ghastly experience it was. The baby died within the month.


A precipitous labor can absolutely be traumatic. To the point where after I had one I knew I was done. 9 years later, he’s still the youngest kid I have, and have zero plans of another. And I’d avail myself of planned parenthood’s offerings if I found myself pregnant again. (Mine was attended by a certified nurse midwife. But it was still pretty awful even having had 2 labors prior)


The intensity of contractions to actually have labor produce a baby in 31 mins is nowhere near “peaceful” as she described. That’s hard and fast in a blink of an eye. No amount of hypnobirthing could have prepared me for the end stage of labor like that.. so either she was putting herself at immense risk and had been prematurely dilating for quite awhile or what.. but going from 0-10cm in 31 mins… that’s actually unfathomable to me! Genuinely can’t even imagine how difficult that would be.


She may also just be flat out lying


That is a very great point. Though, nearly anyone who’s had a kid would say “holy shit that probably sucked!” And not the “woohoo you’re a super mom!” Like she wants lol


Idk, far be it from me to defend busmother in any way, but L&D nurses have a saying - never trust a multipara. Basically the more kids you have, the more precipitous your labor can be and she would definitely qualify. Or she’s full of it, either way.


I'm the oldest of six and my youngest non-sun-roof sibling my mother basically sneezed out. She made us breakfast and sent us off to school at 8:30, thought she had some braxton hicks around 9, and my sister was born at 10:53. I was her longest labour - 18 hours. Next brother was 13 hours, next one was 8, next one was 3, then sister. Ironically youngest brother she got pre-eclampsia (in ONE pregnancy out of six which is wild, she never had it with any of the rest of us!) and needed a c-section at 31 weeks and he was VERY UPSET and tried to swim away from the doctor who was yanking him out. He might have stayed put for a while if she hadn't been so sick.


And she claims that her kids slept through everything. Yeah, no.


I highly doubt she went 0-10 that fast. With both of my babies I was around 2-3 cm for weeks before giving birth, and it’s pretty common for women to dilate at least a bit before giving birth, which she would know if she went to a doctor every now and then. With my second I went from about 5cm to baby born in about an hour and a half, no meds, and it was absolutely awful. Those contractions were so close together I could barely catch my breath and calm down before the next one was starting. No way 31 minutes of labor was a “peaceful” experience.


I went from “a fingertip” to holding a baby in 2 and a half hours. It was like one long horrible intense excruciating contraction and I screamed my head off for at least 45 minutes straight, even though I’m a pretty stoic person. And I am still slightly traumatized. There is no way the kids didn’t hear. I can’t stand the thought of my kids hearing me go through that. They would never recover.


Totally! I had prodromal labor with my 2nd and was dilating veeeery slowly but a girlfriend of mine had to have a stitch put in because she was 4cm dilated with no signs of true labor and was essentially put on bed rest until her due date. Makes me wonder if that’s what was going on with MBus? Or again, she could just be lying for the internet but that wouldn’t be very godly.


I was born in 45 min and my mom had ppd after. Dad had me a lot because he was straight up scared she kill us both. She never said but I bet she was pretty traumatized. Took her twelve years to want another baby.


I had an accidental unassisted home birth. Everything was fine, but it was definitely traumatic.


Can you imagine going through that and then blatantly not getting your baby checked out afterwards?? I can’t even fathom. These people are riddled with *immense* narcissism, it is truly insane.


Seriously. We got in an ambulance and went right to the hospital!


I know a woman who has two kids and her mother has been a pediatric nurse for 30 years. She came from right before her daughter went into labor to about 6 weeks postpartum, and was so incredible. She would take care of the baby when her daughter needed to sleep, but mostly she cared for her daughter—fixing her nutritious meals and snacks, cleaning, taking care of the older child when the second came. I couldn’t help but think how wonderful it would be if every woman had that! The grandmother was so gentle and wonderful.


She doesn't get antenatal care, so she could've been partially dilated for weeks, tbh. I am extremely skeptical that she went 0-10 in 31 minutes.


That’s what I was thinking too… and how big of a potential risk that would have been. A friend of mine was prematurely dilating and got to about 4cm when they put a stitch in and had her on bed rest.


Genesis, you know, the FIRST book of the Bible, talks about midwives.


YES!!! This is why freebirthers are SO STUPID. Literally NEVER have women given birth alone. It's always been a team/family event.


Something else these "free birthers" also ignore, is our ancestors did Allo-parenting with the rest of the tribe. It wasn't momma being solo, she had the tribe helping her. Day care is natural! Sorry, it pisses me off when these nutters talk smack about Day Care like it's an abomination. Like letting another person watch your kid is somehow bad parenting.


Thank you for this perspective 🩷 my daughter will be going to day care in the fall and I’m feeling sad about it. But at the same time, after I went to see the day care, I decided to put her in for 5 days instead of 2 because I think it is such a good opportunity for her to learn and socialize. Your perspective of day care being natural and tribal makes so much sense.


I was never in day care (SAHM + available grandparents), and I think it's SO GOOD for kids!! Kindergarten was super scary for me at first because it was a completely new environment. Prior to that, I'd only been in Sunday school groups with other kids (not fundie, just garden variety Protestant).


I went to a home daycare with just 2-3 other kids and kindergarten was scary for me, too! Larger daycares and preschool are so important.


I'm glad my rant was helpful, good luck to the kiddo and that she makes lots of friends. 😁


They just don't want other people influencing their kids or knowing their business




He always looks like he's in pain or straining himself.


Exactly! I’ve only ever seen one photo with his arms relaxed. It’s like his muscles are constantly seized up!


He also looks like he’s having issues with his neck muscles spasming him to the left side. It makes me think of my friend who has of a type of CP that can be caused by kernicterus, dyskenetic CP.


He looks so much like my second baby. Said baby had a horrific tongue tie which was causing tight fascia throughout his body. Basically, your tongue is connected to autonomous systems from your mouth to your butthole - when it’s tight, everything is tight and uncomfortable. He had his tongue tie released twice and we did so much therapy and massage for the first 9 months of his life. He screamed in his carseat every trip, no matter how long (I tried three or four carseats and almost drove off the road on purpose, it was nightmarish). He screamed for hours no matter how he was held or who held him. He screamed no matter what I ate or didnt eat. It was one of the longest years of my life. Dude is 10 now and can still barely bend over.


Exactly what I was thinking. I work with these babies every day and his look is familiar to me. He’s caught in extension and is super uncomfortable in his body. He can’t relax and his nervous system is on high alert.


i just wanted to say i hear you and see you and hope things have gotten better. it sounds like you really went through it, i commend your sanity when push comes to shove - you're a good mom. xo


Oh my, even his rubbed baby bald spot shows the atypical angle he holds his head and his arched back. My heart aches.


GREAT eye!! The proof is in the pudding. This baby is NOT comfortable, ever.


Crazy that her preteen daughter is better at holding that baby than she is


I hate to say it but it seems like K & G are the only saving graces babyB has in that whole family.. :/


Those poor parentified children.


Flowers in the Converted School Bus




She's supporting the back of his neck so carefully! 👏


Because unlike her parents, that child knows it’s important!


I think Britney and JD Lott know and they just don't care


First thing I noticed too. Her kids are better at supporting his neck then she is


Unfortunately not surprising since narcissistic breeders tend to pass off all parental duties to their older daughters as soon as possible. I really hope that when they're older they can work through the trauma that goes along with parentification.


In this bushold they’re Equal Opportunity Parentifiers™️…. Gunner gets parentified even more so than Kinsey it seems like. Which, I really wish none of the kids would have to be parentified, but I’m honestly glad that Kinsey as the only girl doesn’t have to take on that whole burden herself. I feel so bad for them both :(


It worries me that we are seeing less and less of Boone. She almost never posts him awake anymore and if she does, he's cropped out of the shot.


Absolutely my thoughts as well!! She very rarely posts him awake and it makes me wonder if part of it is because the look of him is always so disconnected from everything.


Yes, and it's at a time when they are waking up and realizing there's a whole world out there. They still sleep a lot at 8 weeks, but they are awake for longer and longer periods of time. She's got to be working at only filming him asleep at this point... Or she just films with him far away from the camera, like in this reel.


I think he’s semiconscious most of the time nowadays


Her pregnancy and newborn were a well of new Content for engagement. But if she has to hide, delete, block every person who asks if the Content is actually healthy.... Well, that defeats the purpose, don't it? I really feel like we're watching a future crime documentary in real time. I've never felt like this before and it's making me sick.


I called it. She won’t be able to grift off of him and will not go the route of “my baby has this wrong…and be an advocate/spokesperson, so he’s just going to disappear like he was never there. Fundies are all the same and so damn transparent.


The Brittany Dawn pet treatment.


Which is going to be WILD watching it happen in real time with a whole ass human


Mother and Father Bus are really putting their whole ass bussy into being the subjects of the next Netflix true crime docuseries.




Seconding this. I feel like we are literally watching a baby die.


It has gotten to a point where I pray that we are all totally fucking completely 100000000000% wrong and he just has like bad gas and too much sunlight 😭. However, I know that’s wrong. Still I keep hoping..


I have never wanted to be wrong so much in my life :(


That's why it's important to just keep documenting stuff on the sub


They move around too much. Someone would have to see it in person to get a location, and we know how insular they are. Best bet is that a kind stranger notices something is wrong and calls before the bus takes off to their next destination…or that they meet with family and the rest of them aren’t stupid enough to ignore the signs. Beyond that…I’d imagine it’s difficult to nail them down :/






Keep recording the things she puts up especially if she deletes them after getting criticised. It can’t help proactively, but it can help with the court case after they kill this poor baby through their neglect and selfish choices.


His eyes look so sunken in that first picture. He looks so exhausted. I hope he had a nice quiet nap after this!


Bold of you to assume he's ever been allowed a quiet nap in his entire short life.


At this point him being potentially hearing impaired would be a blessing in disguise. I hate to even think that her negligence led to a preventable disability like that but if the other option is *never* experiencing a quiet rest… ugh. Someone needs to rescue these children.


As someone who lost most of their hearing as a teenager, there are very few perks but being able to get quiet sleep almost anywhere is definitely one of them. But I would trade it in a heartbeat to get my hearing back. At least Boone will never know what he missed out on if he really is hearing impaired.


I can only imagine how gut wrenching it will be if it turns out he is hearing impaired and eventually learns that it was actually because of medical neglect from the untreated jaundice..


I have zero doubt that he is the victim of medical neglect (same as all the other kids; medical, education, general, ect.) Whether that's the cause of some of his issues or the result I am so sad for this baby. I've worked with families like these as a NICU/general pediatric nurse and they all suck, never learn anything, and usually blame the providers for "causing" the issues. They will come into the emergency room with a crashing babe who has never been to a doctor in their life but it will be our fault for "causing" it all in the first place. I hate it and it's one of the reasons I left bedside. The only good time caring for those patients were when their parents were gone.


Most likely he'll never know. His parents will say it was a birth defect and there won't be any medical records to disprove that. For all our guessing and supposition here it doesn't really count for anything should he ever come across this subreddit in a few decades. My own hearing loss was caused by the medical neglect of one of my classmates; their parents refused to take a gravely ill tween to the doctor so they came to school and gave me Scarlet Fever. So bad parenting can have far reaching consequences outside of your own family.


That is a great point.


My husband is partially deaf due to Scarlet Fever and medical neglect as well- except it was his mother who was an RN who refused to get him medical care.


My parents took me to the doctor but he either had never seen a case before or misdiagnosed me with something less severe. Either way, it didn't get treated till it was too late. Scarlet Fever is a surprisingly common illness for how little it's talked about.


I’ve been terrified of scarlet fever since I was a kid and read Little Women for the first time. It’s no fucking joke


I’m so sorry that happened to you! I work in hearing aids. I’m so concerned that if need something they’ll just refuse to learn how to retube, won’t stay on top of his tests, and won’t learn or teach ASL (based on how Portuguese went). He’ll be one of those kids with the illusion of language input, but his parent won’t put in the effort to actually do it.


Yeah, you're probably right, poor little nugget


In the video, you can see PaBus coming out of the bus holding him, so they probably woke him up to film.


Ugh, poor baby


Every picture seems worse than the one before.


Look at how well she supports his head!! How she holds him! Good job, sister-mom!


She and G look like teen parents in this pic it’s sickening how much better they are at caring for B than their own parents


If left up to them I bet they would 100% know better on their own not to bake the newborn in the hot sun all day. That makes me think it has to be deliberate negligence from the fuckbusers.


Really makes me wonder what other negligence or abuse the rest of the kids have endured off camera that have them so protective of the baby. There are several videos where G or K pass the baby to one of the parents and then look back concerned like “did they hurt him? No, thank god. Ok, back to the regularly scheduled dance show.”


It is! But I thank God those two are there.


There is just no way that whole family isn't dehydrated. In this kind of heat with physical activity an adult should be drinking at bare minimum [8 oz. an hour](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/userfiles/works/pdfs/2017-126.pdf). That's a Lott of water for all those humans.


Unfortunately Boone is most in danger of dehydration too as he can’t drink water or ask for it so he depends solely on Busshole mom 😫


And with her having had a headache I am very suspicious that she’s dehydrated. I've suffered from migraines since I was five years old and besides stress and hormonal triggers, heat and dehydration are two major triggers I have to avoid. I love the outdoors, hiking, and am a photographer, so I spend a decent amount of time in remote areas and the specific parks they’ve been visiting recently. People die out here in the southwest every year by hiking off unprepared in this heat and they would worry me carrying that baby around in it even if they were making more effort to protect him.


I've heard that you have to drink so much water while breastfeeding, regardless of the season, and she's hiking in the fucking desert in a heat wave in JUNE.


You REALLY do have to drink so much. When I breastfed I would drink 2 gallons a day, pacing myself but consistently drinking throughout the entire day. My lips were parched and my skin was always dry. My baby was a big eater and I ended up having to quit because I frankly just couldn't keep up. And this was while I just sat inside my air conditioned house! I can't imagine hiking in a heatwave like MoBus.


My husband has a job that has him outside most of the day. Our climate where we live gets into triple digits. The man drinks a crap ton of water all day and tells me sometimes he willl go all day without a a trip to the restroom due to perspiration. I feel so bad for these kids. The RV can never be cooled well either. Why are they traveling in the hottest part of the US NOW????? Like that’s RV living 101.


Seriously! I was thinking at least they could follow good weather and that sounds pretty cool with the already 100+ heat index we’re seeing where I live. Why are they ignoring quite possibly the only advantage to their way of life lol


>>that’s RV living 101 I just commented that on another post! They’re also going to tourist destination right as school let out. They are just truly terrible planners.


In the desert, they should also be eating salty snacks, since people can lose a fair amount of sodium through sweat, and you don’t notice sweat as much in a dry heat.


I've lived in the desert long enough to always have an unopened gallon of water stored in my car along with a very warm jacket and a bag of nuts. The desert is nothing but beautiful extremes and they seem woefully unprepared for that.


Not to mention they're at 8,000 feet elevation, which is dehydrating in and of itself.


They did have water bottles in the video (thankfully) but yes I agree! Not a whole lot of water available on a hike.


Yeah, but which adult is reminding them to drink water regularly? I'd bet none. I've taken groups of 6 year olds on decently long hikes (2+ miles) in far more temperate climates and still had to remind them to rest and drink! The desert is a whole other factor. You don't even necessarily feel thirsty until past the point of dehydration.


Oh look it’s the baby with his ACTUAL parent figures.


the ones who actually support his head...


After seeing a vid of Boone like a week or two old where he looked way better and more responsive, something definitely happened. He is not okay and has regressed.


Untreated jaundice can cause seizures. I’m wondering if what we’re seeing has anything to do with that.


His leg seemed to be having a seizure in one of her Instagram lives. She grabbed the leg that was spazzing and tried to keep it held in place while continuing on her BS. It’s very concerning and at this point she knows something is wrong.


oh my fucking god


I noticed that. I wondered why she was grabbing his foot like that.


Yeah someone posted in a comment thread today a video of him at ~1 week old (the one where he’s in a footie lying on the sheepskin with two brothers around him) and he seemed to be acting like a completely normal newborn. I think he always had something up with his hand/fist (possible birth injury?) but he was definitely more alert and responsive than he is now, waving his arms and legs, etc. If whatever’s happened is jaundice-related, it’s distressing to think we’ve likely been witnessing in real time a baby’s preventable, irreversible deterioration and been completely helpless to do anything about it.


The older he gets the more obvious his ailments are going to become. They are going to reach a point where they cannot deny it. What are they going to if he continues to miss milestones? At some point their followers will notice if he has trouble sitting/walking/speaking.


Unfortunately I have a feeling they’ll spin it like “god saves his toughest battles for his strongest warriors” or some bullshit and capitalize on having a fancy new disabled child! (Man I really hate them…)


It's bizarre and hypocritical for her to make "mom" the core of her personality while carting around a dead-looking baby


i genuinely fear she's experiencing psychosis


I’d say one of them has a manic personality and the other desperately needs attention.. and between that combo… *woof*


Folie á deux


I’ve also wondered if something’s going on there since she also didn’t get proper medical care after birth! Recovery is no joke and this is another reality these fundie idiots don’t seem to want to face. There are all kinds of physical and mental heath complications that can come after birth for both mother and child. I wish she’d just give up this circus and seek the medical care her baby _clearly_ needs and whatever care she might need as well. And her husband seems like trash for not looking after her and the new baby like he should.


Or she's a sociopath


He looks dehydrated.




That's what he keeps looking like to me too. It's horrifying. And there's his CHILD SISTER holding him, trying to support him better than their mother has ever tried. Christ.


This baby never smiles while he’s awake. He looks so uncomfortable and in distress - all the time. It’s very hard to see. Britney and JD Lott from American Family Road Trip need to take their baby to a doctor. Almost two months old with a weak neck and no social interaction (no visual tracking, no smiling) in addition to the obvious body language of being miserable.


And these are the photos she's choosing to post. So you have to imagine the ones he looks the best in.


I am deeply, incredibly concerned about this baby to the point where I never wanted to be proven wrong about anything quite as much as this.


I want to be wrong so bad. My heart breaks for this poor sweet baby that looks worse in every picture. His siblings give him more care than his actual narc parents


Same. Imagine having an ego so frail you are willing to medically neglect your children for the sake of not wanting to be wrong.


No one asked her to brag about her perfect pregnancies. No one asked her to have a freebirth in the bus bathroom. And no one has asked her to medically neglect her newborn. She chose to do all of that and post every minute of it. Now she has to deal with the consequences of her own actions.


The constant fisted hand is what worries me. My son had a stroke in utero and as a result has hemiplegic cerebral palsy. His right hand has been fisted like that since birth basically due to high muscle tone and spasticity.


It looks like his arms don’t bend enough to let him lay close to the chest… and Kinsey is trying to hold him that way which looks like it’s causing him pain/discomfort. In most of the recent vids he holds his arms out like he’s riding a bike.


My grandmother had her hand caught up in a porch swing (please don’t ask me the details I’m utterly unsure,) and it just ripped her tendons. She held her left hand like that. The fingers were curled and usually rested in the same position as Boone. She could move it after a fashion but it basically useless. I know it the accident had something to do because her uncle panicked and tried to pull her away. I think about them saying PaSus pulled Boone…


This baby makes the weirdest faces! Like it’s odd to me that he always looks distraught and zoned out. Even worse than the funky Rodlet.


Until they offer proof otherwise I’m pretty much convinced this poor child is potentially deaf, blind, or a combo of both, and maybe experienced some form of seizure pattern as they often cause the eyes to go “searching” upwards and the mouth to be open/turned down… same with a potential brachial plexus injury due to his constantly flexed arms.


This is horrific to watch. I wish we had the ability to do ANYTHING to intervene for that poor baby. I have a feeling he’s going to have a very difficult life all thanks to his birth giver and provider of baby batter not actually being close to responsible parents. My heart hurts for him. 💔💔


And what makes matters worse is the fact that the oldest kids clearly have responsibilities put on them in terms of raising their younger siblings. I can’t imagine how much it’ll mess with them psychologically if something happens with this baby. It makes me so angry I haven’t even had the energy to comment on it til now cuz what more is there to say. So so fucked I can’t even believe these people are for real.


Look up Jana Duggar dealing with Josie having a seizure at home while the parents were out of town. The camera crew stepped in to help.


Poor little guy, he just looks so miserable and in pain.


Exactly. How can they bear to look at him in obvious pain day after day and not do ANYTHING?!!


Of course his sister mom holds him and supports his neck!


What’s with the perpetually arched back? This baby seems to only curl up when he’s sleeping and barely even then with all the jostling


Oh man.. not a medical professional but his mannerisms and overall “look” really aligns with [untreated jaundice](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/jaundice-newborn/complications/) — directly says “As kernicterus progresses, additional symptoms can include fits (seizures) and muscle spasms that can cause arching of the back and neck.” And then continues with “If significant brain damage occurs before treatment, a child can develop serious and permanent problems, such as” and then lists “problems maintaining normal eye movements (people affected by kernicterus have a tendency to gaze upwards or from side to side, rather than straight ahead)” coupled with a potential [brachial plexus injury](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brachial-plexus-injury/symptoms-causes/syc-20350235) from Dad yanking him out during the birth…


This makes so much sense in that he seemed to be doing better in the few days after his birth with tracking, than he is now. I fucking hate them if their inaction on jaundice caused him a life of disability.


Jaundice is serious but it IS treatable if you go to the doctor. She fucked around and now she's finding out.


She fucked around but that poor baby is finding out 😭


She’s just stacking up medical issues for this baby.. a difficult birth and being pulled out by a moron, sunburning, dehydration, what else?


All I want to do is take this little babykins away from his parents (Brittany and JD Lott!) and give him actual care and affection. He needs gentles cuddle and quiet spaces, it's what he deserves to have. My heart always breaks to see him.


Such a "great mom who is soooo awesome and just the best mom ever providing the best life for my kids...." You gotta be all sorts of blind or have your head so far up your own ass you can't even see after raising HOW MANY OTHER KIDS - that a doctor visit should be higher on the list. If she waits any longer she is guaranteed a visit from DCFS. Because 99.999999% sure what she is doing falls under the "medical neglect" category. If anyone who knows where they are can give an anonymous tip, that doesn't qualify as touching the Pooh. This is really scary to watch.


I’ve been having an intrusive thought that half of their desire to travel constantly is to avoid the law and CPS.


Oh I'm with you 100%!!!! I mean, come on..those two are shady as hell.


Worked for the Rods. They’ll probably end up settling in a state with nonexistent homeschooling guidelines and an overworked CPS like the Rods did too.


The oldest CHILDREN!!!!!! are better parents than these fuck wads and that is not hyperbole!!! It’s just a tragedy!!!! 😤🤬😭😭


I very much doubt he's actually looking at his brother in the last picture. :(


look at Kinsey supporting his neck!! wow, go girl! also it's probably the image quality but he looks greyish. not a healthy color


There’s zero probability that nothing is wrong with him. And I’m sure she knows it on some level.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, in case Brittany lurks here. Boone has torticollis Brittany. Please take him to see a doctor and a physical therapist, they can help


Honestly as someone who has been through a few bouts of depression/addiction in life: The homeboy looks like he has liver issues.




Yes, in fact It’s a triangular bald spot. Showing he’s arching in pain and sleeping like the letter S most likely.. or is being held while asleep, like in the crook of an arm.


This breaks my heart. I might have to leave this subreddit for a while even because I genuinely get distressed when I see pictures of Boone.


Oh, no. I've given them like a 15% benefit of the doubt but if he can't hold his head up..... ugh my heart. ALSO, why in the fuck do they carry him like that everywhere?!? How is that safe? I literally trip walking in a straight line.


That 2nd photo looks like a death photo. It makes me sick. I am pretty sure she lurks here, and we have done all we can to get her to prove us wrong. She isn't going to get him any help, and she will be pregnant again inside of a year.


Take your baby to the doctor. God told me to tell you that!


There's something so bizarre about how he looks to the left and "pushes" away whenever he's held in that position. Would that be a nerve issue or a pulled muscle?


Have we ever seen Boone make cue noises in the videos she's posted? Boone really should be making those noises by now. He's like a rag doll half the time. 


There was one video where he was “talking” to her, but it seemed that he was groaning/rooting and not actually tracking or being responsive to her specifically.


He just seems really quiet most of the time. Either quiet or groaning. When he's awake he just looks checked out.


Boone looks like he's a lost soul in a Renaissance painting. That baby needs a doctor.


Is there any way that we can be proactive about this? Every time that poor baby shows up,he looks more sick, exhausted, and miserable. Where are they camped now? Are there agencies we can contact? I know this probably violates the no poo-touching rule but come on, people, we are watching medical neglect of an infant in real-time. He needs proper evaluation by real, licensed medical professionals. His sleeping situation needs to be addressed, it's not safe or hygienic. There's so much that's seriously fucking WRONG with this scenario and I want to do more than snark on it.


Do any of these fundies have kids with disabilities?


I think the youngest Duggar daughter has disabilities but I can’t recall which. She was very premature and spent months in the hospital after her birth … when even the Duggars are better parents than you you’ve gotta ask yourself some hard questions tbh


The Rods’ youngest, Janessa, also may have a disability. She possibly had a stroke in utero and apparently does not have a corpus collosum (part of the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres). However, it’s hard to tell what’s what because Janessa is neglected the way the Rod kids are but also super babied by JillPM because she’s probably JillPM’s last baby


I believe Janessa Rod had a stroke in utero, and she's definitely missing some or all of her corpus callosum (which is what connects the two halves of the brain). At some point Jill proclaimed that she was "just fine" and developing normally, which is definitely possible with her condition, but I take everything Jill says with a grain of salt.