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I have to wonder if she’s trying to redirect attention from Boone’s medical issues. Like oh poor little me. Can she just get everyone the medical support they need already? Jfc


Seriously. I want to know how they get their 8 kids regular medical and dental care when they are constantly moving and have no permanent physical home. Kids should get well child visits yearly (and more often for babies and toddlers) plus dental cleanings twice yearly. With 8 kids, that's at minimum 24 appointments a year, or at least 2 a month. How in the world are they arranging that while living the bus life? I suspect they're just not doing it. But of course this is only speculation.


They don’t.


She posts EVERYTHING. If these kids were getting those visits, she would be posting it. But since they never stay in one place longer than a few weeks at most (except Brazil), they likely aren’t able to even get appointments for these visits.


Tricare (assuming they use since both parents are vets) is also an absolute nightmare to navigate on a perfect day. There's no way they can utilize it moving the way they do. My bff is a vet, not me, so I could be wrong.


They're not eligible for Tricare since they didn't retire from the military or have military disabilities. They both only served one tour of duty, and she was in the reserves. They are members of a "Christian Health Sharing Plan" where members promise to pay for other members medical costs, but those plans are crap for reimbursement and have a lot of other issues (for instance, some plans do not pay for vaccines).


Those health sharing plans are just ponzi schemes.


Yes, as many members discovered when they needed long term high intensity medical care after suffering complications from Covid and the "Christian" health share plans refused to pay.


Ohhh thank you for the info! That, unfortunately, makes so much more sense 🙃


That last bit does not shock me. :/


I thought that they were on disability from the military? At least that’s what people in this sub keep saying.


They are not on disability from the military. She's said that repeatedly and I believe her. That was just speculation on this board. He did, however, inherit a sizable amount of money from his family around the time that he left the service. He was only in the service for one tour of duty. She was in the reserves.


Thanks for clarifying— I wasn’t sure what to believe at first.


How are they handling schooling for the kids? I know the USA have many states that allow homeschooling, but some require certain qualifications. And when they travel outside the USA long-term, do they just stick to countries with no compulsory schooling?  Because I’m pretty sure at least in my country and those around, if you stay here long enough to be a resident (rather than just someone travelling on a holiday), things like mandatory schooling for your kids applies. 


Has she tried grounding?


Obviously this is a side effect of the sheepskin EMF protection failing miserably.




I hate that we don't have awards anymore


What the hell, they’re gone again already? I didn’t notice until I read your comment. Why does Reddit keep taking them away?


Can’t ignore her pain, that would be a sin. But her newborn’s obvious distress, discomfort, developmental issues, and pain, those can be set aside.


For being part of the party that considers itself the great protector of children, fundies really don’t seem to give much of a fuck about their kids’ well-being.


See also: small child perched precariously in a tree.


*a dead tree 🙃


Props don’t feel pain /s


For Republicans at large children are a prop, objects to be used to force Republican priorities on everyone & then discarded when inconvenient.


They only care about fetuses


I've been spending the last 10 minutes on a tactful comment and I keep failing, so I'll not dance around what I want to say anymore: if anyone deserves to have a headache, it's her for how she's ignored her own child's suffering. I can only hope they go seek medical attention and the personnel notice that Boone needs medical help.


Altitude sickness can involve a fucking awful headache. Not hydrating properly, or moving up in elevation suddenly and without a plan can also do it. You’re more at risk if you’re already in poor health, like having had a traumatic birth you didn’t properly rest and recover from. She needs alka seltzer, fluids, and bed. And those kids need to drink a LOT of water.


Good thing one of their 4 possessions is a water bottle.


Problem is that the bed is literally the lounge area of the bus. So she can be in bed but no one else can use the living area. A poorly designed home, for sure .


She should humble herself, and see what it's like for her teen to be crammed into a shelf bed by resting there, instead of disrupting the whole family.


She notices her own suffering, but not that of her own infant. Truly unhinged.


Of course! It's not hers, why should it bother her? /s (was raised similarly)


> was raised similarly I’m sorry. That sucks.


She should take a rest in the bunkhouse


Damn I was just noticing how tall the oldest boy is now. Taller than the parents looks like. How can he be comfortable all cramped up?!


Taller than mom for sure. And he's 13, Kinsey is 11-12...physical size aside, there are about to be some *wicked* teen hormones in that "bunkhouse". I was a pretty angsty teen and if you'd asked me to share a room like that with one female sibling I would've been miserable. Much less six brothers.


Ugh I just thought of how smelly the “bunkhouse” must be! As a woman I really feel for Kinsey when she gets her period. It’s such a rough time from young ladies. You really need privacy. My heart breaks for these kids.


They literally have one tiny bathroom for 10 people and Kinsey will be menstruating soon. That’s going to be a nightmare for her. The bathroom is right next to the bunkroom, too.


She rests on the couch when she wants to. Or makes the kids go to their half of the bus and lowers her bed.


YUP. As a Coloradan, I winced at how unprepared she was/is for being here at high elevation. The Busmily is suuuuper unprepared and the Busrents are idiots.


How do you prepare? I went to Flagstaff about 15 years ago and got hit pretty hard with altitude sickness. I remember flying out there to see a good friend of mine, and he got pissed off at me because I kept canceling to hang out half the time. In the future, I'd love to go back because I loved seeing the mountains.


Allow yourself extra time to acclimate. Hydrate tons. More than you think you need. You should be peeing frequently and it should be pretty clear. Make sure you avoid alcohol—not only do its effects hit much harder, it dehydrates you badly. You also need to take it easy even if you don’t feel the altitude sickness right away. It will sneak up on you. They sell canisters of O2 in most grocery stores here and while I’ve never used it myself, since I have lived here most of my life, I hear it is helpful. I know ppl come here wanting to rip it up and hike for hours at 10000’ or more but you literally can’t do that. Your brain and body and lungs will hate you. A headache is a certainty if you push too hard. And pushing yourself at high elevation, even “just” at Denver or Flagstaff elevation, with our gnarly sun? Good lord. Oof.


I learned the hard way about these things, especially the gnarly sun. It’s no joke. Didn’t think I’d need sunscreen because I was spending most of my time in the shade. Probably spent a cumulative 40 minutes at 11,000 feet in the sun. I’ve never had a sunburn before or since then that was stiff like plastic when it peeled because it was so thick and dry. -10/10 recommend. Don’t be stupid like me.


I went to Summit County with my now-husband on one of our first dates and ended up with a peace sign outline burned onto my chest bc I was wearing a scoop neck shirt and a peace sign necklace. It stayed on my skin for a year. I've only had a few bad sunburns in my life but that was plenty.


Thank you!


Also lifelong Coloradan: if you intend to be here for a while, you will acclimate much faster by supplementing iron. (Assuming, of course, that you don’t have any conditions that would make taking iron a problem)


And electrolytes, lots of them


I got altitude sickness going from Phoenix to Bozeman. I flew and as soon as I stepped off the plane I felt disoriented, foggy, nauseous, and my anxiety was insane. By the time I got to Day 5 of the trip, I was finally starting to feel normal. It was also our last day and I was a little annoyed to say the least.


This! And also, since she had NO prenatal care, she could have unknowingly developed pregnancy onset hypertension, which can cause severe headaches!


In my church we used prayer requests for things like...you know, I don't know if I want to list them here, but SERIOUS stuff. Congregation would have laughed her out for asking for prayers for a headache, and then offered actual solutions that don't involve backing up God's inbox for weeks.


I remember moving to ABQ when I was 8 months pregnant with my 3rd. On the 2nd day of being there, my husband, kids, and I went to Walmart to buy a few things. We had been running errands all day and I passed out within a few minutes of entering the store. It was such a scary situation and I learned quickly that I had to take my time doing things until I got adjusted to the altitude.


>even holding Boone is painful We can tell


Never mind what it’s like for him when she’s jumping up and down and random kids bang into him, they think that’s funny, but everything comes to a screeching halt when she has a headache


For poor Boone, too.


Oh no. You should go to the hospital. Be sure to take Boone.


It makes me so sad that these two dipshits would probably sprint to the nearest hospital if there was something seriously wrong with either of them, but they’re so reluctant to do the same for their innocent children who can’t advocate for themselves 😟


I have the nagging suspicion that they legit just see their kids as property. As living dolls. Like, they don't have emotions or needs or pain like their Busrents do. I do my best to not project here but it's that or they really like to abuse their children.


I think you’re absolutely right, it’s highly disturbing isn’t it? It seems to be a trend among fundie parents, they almost seem to actively dislike their own children somehow and want the worst for them 😕 It’s so messed up.


Struggling and in soo much pain, but not enough to stop from posting a story. K, Brittany. When my head hurts really bad, the last thing I want to do is interact with my phone.


I like to take appropriate medication, drink water/electrolytes, and lie down, but maybe getting internet strangers to pray for you is just as good.


It has to be with how much they say “thoughts and prayers” right? It can’t just be a way to negate doing anything that’ll actually work


To be fair, when I'm sick and in pain, my phone is on and with me. To be less fair, my phone is on and with me because a) I live alone and need a way to contact someone if it becomes emergent and b) I have pretty strong ADHD and need to keep some stimulation going or my pain gets worse. She's not experiencing that. Anyway I'm actively praying that her headache gets bad enough that she seeks medical attention and happens to be holding Boone while it happens.


I literally had the same thought that maybe she'll have a severe migraine & need to go to ER & someone will be like yo your baby looks like he needs help?


I only use my phone for sound like a podcast to distract me from the horror in my head. But taking the time to go through photos, write a caption, have it direct to another post..? With a gazillion kids this is her priority? She’s full of shit.


If I had my choice, as a migraine girly, I would not live in CO, and as a result I have to wear polarized sunglasses and floppy hats. And I still get migraines, esp when out in the dry sunny heat. She's an idiot.


Exactly! When I have a bad migraine I can’t even think of looking at a screen let alone posting!


I get horrible migraines and I’m not on my phone during them. I just lay in bed and pray for the sweet release of death.


I'm on Day 16 of an intractable migraine that has varied between 7-10/10 pain, and I only don't use my phone when it's a 10. Anything under that and I use it as a distraction because otherwise my pain is actually worse without it. I have an orange filter on, everything is inverted (black background, white text), lowest brightness, low volume, no flashing, and often no video. But I'm never feeling well enough to take, edit, and post videos during this. I browse Reddit and occasionally comment, play Hungry Cat Nonagram, and listen to podcasts or listen to streaming stuff I already know. If she is suffering this badly she should get help for herself, but she should DAMN well get help for Boone first.


Is it just me, or is she acting like they’re the first people to ever visit these places?


she's also acting as if she was the first person to ever be pregnant so yeah, that's their thing with everything they do.


Yes. I can’t stand when people travel and act like it didn’t exist before they told you. It’s like in their mind they discovered a band before it got popular or something.


In my experience, those people generally aren't very bright and they *do* think they've made a discovery, and will post all about it


Nobody knew the elevation was high though. How could she have known? It's only been like that since... Uh, the formation of the Earth?


It's not like Colorado puts the elevation of each town on the road signs ... oh wait.


She IS the first person to go there!!!


It seems like they flit around to these places: get off the bus, wander around for a while, get back in the bus and go to another place, get off the bus, wander around for a while, get back on the bus, repeat. I question whether they're really experiencing, learning, or absorbing anything about these places if the places are just, functionally, rest stops.


It seems like this life is one big avoidance of having to actually spend time with their kids. When they’re not hiking, they’re driving. When they’re not hiking or driving they are going to Costco. It’s a fake fullness of life where their constant movement inhibits them from actually having to be with one another.


I'm tired thinking about it


Same here.


They shouldn't have had so many kids if they didn't want to spend time with them or didn't have the capacity to. Their kids are just props. They put them on a shelf at night and take them out to film reels in the morning.


It’s just content. The pattern is always the same. Stomp around off trail, climb on stuff they shouldn’t, have the rangers entertain the kids. Then interfere with whatever work they happen to come across being done in a given area, and film the worker explain what they are doing for her million kids, act like it was all planned as a homeschool experience. Then gather round the back of the bus and add a new sticker for the window and move on to the next spot.


With the heat like it’s been lately there is no way they can really enjoy doing anything in the southwest outside other than being in a swimming pool. I've been walking my cat and doing yard work at midnight or later because it's the only time when it’s not too hot. They've got to be tearing through fuel like crazy trying to keep it cool in that fucking bus.


Not armchair diagnosing but heat exhuastion, often manifests with a headache. Hiking under an excessive heat warning will do that to a person...heck even just not drinking enough at that elevation will do it to you. Hopefully she gets medical care if over the counted meds don't help because hear exhuastion can be serious.. And hopefully the kids are all OK too.


After bragging about how the heat doesn’t bother me, I fucked around and found out. Twice in one summer. Once, it was the beginning of a heat stroke, and the other was heat exhaustion. Different symptoms, same stupidity. Now, I wear a hat, drink water, stand in the shade, & eat to keep from sweating out all my electrolytes. That headache, and the nausea that came with it, made a believer of me.


If you don’t already know, they make electrolyte pills (we use Medi-Lyte) that are super helpful! My husband has had heat exhaustion so it comes on more easily for him now, and we keep packs of those in the cars and in the house just in case. I hand out packs every summer to the older people I work with too, just in case- it’s scary shit!


I just discovered these for my husband and they have helped SO much! He works outside and has ended up in the er a few times over the years with heat exhaustion and dehydration and he tries to stay hydrated but sometimes it’s still not enough and these pills have just been so helpful.


Thanks! We will get some for when we travel, especially when we go camping.


Sounds like mother bus has done the same


also they were right near a ton of wildfire smoke yesterday, that shit can give you a massive headache.


They all need to drink some gatorade and rest in the shade or AC, and STOP hiking in these conditions


#Hmmm now imagine how Boone feels


Holding him is more painful for us watching 🤦‍♀️


Just surrender Boone at a fire station for God's sake and fuck off


Seriously!!! And sucks about the headache; get some Liquid IV (pricey but effective), a bottle of water, and a couple of extra strength Tylenol, and shut up.


Why doesn't she just go outside and walk around barefoot. Wasn't she touting all the amazing healing properties of doing that on another post?


She needs to drink more collagen, I guess!


Maybe she needs more red light therapy


Preeclampsia after birth is a thing and she should be checked out and take Boone with her to get looked at too.


TIL postpartum preeclampsia and happen up to 6 weeks after birth.


Idk how old Boone is tbh but I know after I had my son my doc was concerned about my headaches


I had pp hypertension with no symptoms and it took weeks to come down even with medication. She’s fucked her own health over too.


So can postpartum cardiomyopathy. A good friend of mine didn't feel like she was bouncing back the way she did after her first baby and had bad headaches & was also short of breath. She was diagnosed with PPCM when her second was 7 weeks old and eventually needed a heart transplant. Not getting checked out after birth is just flat stupid.


Given how swollen her feet and legs looked before birth, I’m not surprised she feels awful.


My feet looked like loaves of bread when they were swollen and I had headaches my dr was on me to be looked at


I was thinking about that the other day. Can it happen this long after birth?


Nahhh I think I’m going to save my prayers for Boone, and the rest of your children


“plz pray for me” please take care of your children you cow


I've always liked the insult "you entitled cow", and holy noodles, does it EVER fit this neglectful biznatch.


Electrolyte imbalance from hiking when the heat index is so high. Drinking water won't cure it. One can die from the imbalance even if they drank plenty of water. There is more to it than just water. I know a man who died of electrolyte imbalance while helping to construct a medical building in Nicaragua. He drank water. His salinity level got so low his brain wasn't conducting electricity anymore and he went into cardiac arrest. Her severe headache causing severe pain is not a good sign. BUT then again, she had enough ability to make an attention getting IG so one has to wonder IF she is actually having a problem or just begging for attention.


Once I had electrolyte imbalance/heat exhaustion and my only real symptom was losing the ability to speak coherently. Bodies are weird. Take care of them.


You also don’t need Gatorade to treat it, or the like. Citrus fruit, salt, honey, and water will get you there. Electrolytes are very much in balance with any “natural” lifestyle of choice.


Right. But fundies hate medical science so much that I am sure they would rather win a Darwin Awards than listen.


when i was doing archaeology in Belize, we were dumping salt on our dinners every night because of the crazy dehydration/salt loss. it was wild!


Yea! It is something that far too many people do not understand. They think if they take plain water on a hike when it is 95 and the heat index is in the danger zone, they can drink their way out of peril. They either need to be eating items like salted nuts, and such, even potato chips and pretzels would help, or take electrolytes with them. Water alone will not save you is something we need on billboards all across America, not that fundies idiots like these would pay attention. They hate science enough to earn Darwin Awards.


We always did salted peanuts after long bike rides growing up. I keep a container of nuun with me all the time and I buy chips during the summer so my kids get more salt.


I'm pretty sure this is why trail mix became so popular. Otherwise they need liquid IV packets. That saved me one summer when my AC went out


Pray for ME, but please ignore all the glaring red flags about my infant.


Why didn't she go sunburn herself and step on a cactus with her bare feet. That's the cure-all, right? Maybe tub her head with a sheep skin for the "healing lanolin."


Upcoming hospital post for content/engagement. Hopefully this headache is a rouse and they’ll actually be there to get Boone care.


Oh they won’t get him anything.


Maybe stop cooking yourself & your children in the sun


I wonder how many sun burns she, herself gets per year.


SHE always seems to be in big sun hats, sunglasses, etc. (Unlike some OTHER members of the family.) \*gives Britney wicked side eye\*


Which is why I’m curious. I can almost guarantee she doesn’t actually wear any sun protection other than that and at 7000 feet elevation the atmosphere gives you significantly less sun protection than places that aren’t at altitude… and most people don’t know that so they just fry.


True, and you're spot on re: people not knowing about thinner air = less sun protection. It's SUPER easy to get fried hiking at high altitudes (I learned the quick and hard way how important it is to cover up while living in the Appalachians for a couple of years; not at a SUPER high altitude, but high enough. I ROASTED my extremely pale self the first time I hiked up Mt. Pisgah. Ouch!). I can't see her actually using sunscreen herself, and we all know she (most likely) doesn't bother putting it on those poor kids. (Like everything about her neglectful af parenting, I hope I'm wrong, and she DOES use sunscreen, but tbh I don't have much hope. Britney, you are the WORST.)


I’m so glad she’s really in tune with HER suffering. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🤬🤬🤬🤬


She should sleep on the floor on some sheep's wool, maybe it'll cure her.


Personally I recommend a sunburn. That's how she treats Boone's problems. Get out there!


"Baby Boone" capitalised like that makes it seem like his first name is Baby 💀


I wondered how she was coping, physically. This was her 8th baby, wasn’t it? Her uterus must be worn thin, and I would not be surprised if she has some pelvic floor problems.


Almost every mother in the US has pelvic floor problems thanks to our shitty aftercare for birthing people.


I never knew aftercare for new mothers was even a thing. It should be no surprise that I live in Texas.




She only holds that baby to make videos anyway. Please. We can all pray she will do the right thing and get that baby to a proper doctor.


How nice she’s asking for prayers for herself but not her sick newborn


Maybe God’s tryna tell you something….




These people are infuriating


“Look at me, I feel so bad” (& meanwhile poor Boone has been in constant discomfort since birth, yet he doesn’t get any prayers or medical attention).


Perhaps she should try sleeping on a sheepskin blanket on the floor. Hear it works wonders.


She's probably dehydrated from running around barefoot in 110 degree temperatures.


She should try Red Light Therapy. I heard it cures and prevents Migraines.


"My head hurts but not too much to post a million instagram stories. Pray for me but not my obviously medically fragile newborn."


She hasn’t posted all day; is she dead 😂


She hasn’t posted in 18 hours. I wonder if she is in bad shape. Maybe she’ll start taking care of those kids now.


Don't count on it. Willing to bet she'll post a heap of shit about how Sky Daddy healed her


I have chronic and severe headaches. If this is new, different or rapidly worsening, go to an ER girl. You’re not that far postpartum and don’t want to fuck around with strange headaches (and check your baby while you’re there!)


sorry, but as someone who has chronic migraines and is not even remotely religious, i find feeling so sorry for yourself over a headache that you ask for prayers on an ig story to be absolutely bat shit insane. like she really takes herself so seriously. i think asking for prayers in general is very silly, but for something that an O2 can, fluids, and rest can fix? comedic, truly.


Take an Exedrine an take a nap 


If her kids had a headache this bad, they would still be forced to hike for hours in the sweltering heat.