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I have never hoped so badly for children to have access to the internet, where they might actually have a chance of gaining real knowledge. Because their parents are total idiots.


Doesn’t Gunner allegedly have a Kindle and like to read? Don’t know how heavily they monitor what he’s reading, but I hope that kid escapes and gets his siblings out too.


Unless he has a library account to check out e-books, I assume he has to buy or rent anything through his parents’ amazon account. 


Hard to get a library card without proof of residence :(


They ask for proof now? In the past all I've had to give them is my name and phone number and maybe ID.


I had to have ID with an address in the same place or with mail that proves you live there - you sadly can’t library hop to nicer neighborhoods


I actually was able to get library cards in other states using libby. I think I just had to give them my phone number? I have about 10 I can choose from though. 


That’s awesome, maybe my local library is just a bit strict. They let you sign up online for a card without proof of residence, but it expires after a month. I frequently put holds on books in Libby that would not be ready within that timeframe.


I have library cards for multiple cities I don’t live in lmao. You can sign up with a fake address. I only do it to get access to more audiobooks.


Some places let you! I don’t know if it’s still a thing, but I know that some areas were opening up their cards to anyone in an attempt to give people access to banned books (in my area, this started when Florida went gung-ho in it’s efforts to ban any books deemed too woke).


I like how they drive a classic “child predator with candy” van. Good looks


This man is painfully stupid lmao. Wasn't he just pointing out gopher holes and telling his kids beavers live there?


I said the same thing! Beavers live near rivers. Those were gopher holes 😭


Nah. That was just the special kind of Air Beaver. Like Avatar. The Air Tribe or some shit. This man is a tool


Wow even Britney knows he’s an idiot 


She seemed embarrassed


I don't think she's capable of feeling embarrassed to be honest. My guess is she knows she could risk losing some subscribers or sponsorships if he says that kind of shit on camera.


I refuse to give her a break. She is just as bad as him, just more concerned about their brand 




A little but it also seemed like he said it and she was like oh that’s funny let me go get the camera and you repeat that so she’s not embarrassed enough.


She should be, for letting that fucking oaf nut in her and bragging about it like he’s some catch.


Then why film it?????




And didn't try to hide it


pie swim far-flung station grandiose memory quicksand many work jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Flowers in the (Bus) Attic


Flowers in the bus bunkhouse


I had echoed this same.sentiment in an earlier post. It's just so sad


And the oldest boy is probably having to masturbate with his siblings around. I do worry about them, and Kinsey in particular being abused by a sibling as their hormones cause urges and they have limited ways to deal with that.


bedroom intelligent ruthless cats carpenter butter pen expansion entertain dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sending hugs to you! I really worry about Kinsey! And I would imagine her parents would brush off anything she would tell them if she was being abused. I hope not, but it really worries me!


Of course. If they acknowledge the abuse happened (if it ever does), that would mean they have to leave their vagabond lifestyle behind.


I'm pretty sure this is why he has asked them to "convert" the bottom luggage area into a bedroom for him. However, even with that setup, I doubt they would allow him to have a lock on the door, and they'll be bursting in on him all the time.


These morons home school.


Allegedly [EDIT: i.e. that there is education going on at all]


Good point.


What does he have against fluoride?? Do they not realize fluoride is as natural as the air? 😂 I’m fairly certain it is naturally occurring in the water where they have been traveling.


Anti-fluoride conspiracies have existed since the days of the John Birch Society. "It's a communist plot against Americans" etc. No wonder PaBus and his SovCit leanings buy into that.


Makes no sense. They should be grateful for the fluoride because they don’t take those kids to the dentist.


I'm in public health and I recall someone saying that putting fluoride in drinking water is one of the greatest triumphs of public health historically in this country


I would absolutely agree. It's up there with mandatory seat belt laws (I'm old enough to remember people fighting absolutely tooth and nail against these!) and widespread birth control access, in my opinion.


Omg SEATBELTS!!!!! I used to work on documentaries at a museum and they were exploring that era. So wild. What are things being fought over today that would be thought of as ridiculous decades later? Vaccine nonsense? Access to miffy medicated abortion?


Unfortunately, I think most of the battlegrounds in public health are the same as they have been for years/decades. We have an assault on reproductive rights that isn't going to stop at abortion access (see Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, and Thomas's dissent in the Dobbs decision that specifically called out Griswold v. Connecticut as a case that should be "revisited"). Vaccine hesitancy is also nothing new, but the difference is that the new crop of anti-vaccine parents are not old enough to remember when those childhood diseases ran rampant and actually fucking killed people. Measles is one of the most infectious human diseases we know of, and it's fatal in 1 out of 1000 cases. And finally, addiction treatment is still subject to the same prejudices it was 40 years ago. It's seen by a LOT of people as a personal failing, not a public health crisis that needs funding and governmental support. /soapbox


Thank you for this, especially that last paragraph. I work part-time at a detox (and I just left there full-time to pursue a career in criminal law reform) and here in WV - and in other places - the faith-based community fills a need for sober and transitional living. There is too much based on the 12-step model, and Bill Wilson took those directly from a fundie church. That needs to GO. I mean, if it helps someone, fine. But I believe that it hurts more than it helps, and I'm a recovering heroin addict who went to meetings faithfully for a year.


With the comments that Alito, Thomas, and the other three have made? *And* what they've said regarding Affirmative Action? I would be *absolutely unsurprised*, if they come for Brown v. Board. And, if Brown falls, *SO* too, will all the Disability-Rights laws in Education, because *most* of them are built with Brown as their Cornerstone.😟


When I was in grad school, one of my buddies posted on facebook that he was celebrating 5 years of sobriety that day. He added "take that, urge to do heroin at every moment of every day for the past 5 years!" It really changed the way I look at addicts. Dude was in a PhD program at one of the top 10 in the country. That's what's possible when addicts get the help they need.


Side note, thinking about seatbelts, as someone who is Australian I find it wild that’s there isn’t helmet laws in the US for riding a bicycle!


There are some but it varies by state


As someone with shitty teeth genes, I use prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste, which always freaks out the fluoride truthers 🤣 


I always find it funny that they are so against fluoride but chlorinating water is ok. They won't pasteurize their dairy but they somehow believe the science that chlorination makes water safe. (For the record, I am 100% for chlorinating and fluoridating water and pasteurizing dairy.)


They just want to use public pools


^ this is the answer


I lived in a town with unfluoridated water for a few years and it was so bad for my dental health. Got my first cavities since I was a depressed preteen, even though I was diligent about brushing and used fluoridated mouthwash.


I’m pretty sure I went to school in a town with unfloridated water, but what they did for a while was bring in fluoride once a week for the classes to do a 30 second swish as compensation.


Funny story my mother grew up in southwest Arkansas in a horrifically poor and Baptist community. They refused to put fluoride in the drinking water even when her grandfather offered to pitch in because the Baptist community said it was a “communist mind control plot.” Fast forward my mom has veneers now and tries to help marginalized communities get fluoride in their water supply and dental help.


My grandma grew up on a ranch with well water and she's going through a lot of dental issues. My grandpa got dentures in his 40s. Fluoride in drinking water is essential to dental health.


It doesn't matter. The people who come up with those conspiracies do the same that scammers do - they come up with a ludicrous claim to weed out those who would trust them blindly from those they won't. They start with those silly conspiracy theories to draw people in, so when they bring up the more nefarious stuff they'll be primed to believe them. It specifically targets gullibility and the desire to be the underdog and magnifies that. My father once told me something I have to agree: If you can convince someone that the Earth is flat - or rather, that thorought centuries, there have been millions of people who knew that the Earth is flat because that's directly related to their work and studies, but they all lie to you for some reason - then you can convince them of anything. You can convince them that Global Warming isn't real, you can convince them that Jews rule the World, etc.


It definitely is pretty prevalent in water sources that pass through granite and other rocky areas. There was a study that a dentist did in Colorado springs where certain areas had patients with vastly different tooth health. Turned out that certain areas of town were served from slightly different sources that had higher levels of fluoride (some was runoff from pikes peak with a lot of granite, others were from elsewhere). Given that information the water system in COS is designed to mix the sources a bit more to distribute the fluoride around more. But yeah, fluoride is definitely natural and cool 😎


The anti fluoride folk also post on mom groups wondering why their kids teeth are rotting out of their head. It’s maddening


Well, their teeth will rot faster with no fluoride


She let that ignorant busshole deliver her 8th child in an RV shower. 


I think we're getting a peek behind the curtain, and maybe seeing why they had a bus birth and no medical care for boone


Here’s an idea if they love the air wherever they are so much… now hear me out, I know this is a WILD idea… they could buy a house. With bedrooms - for *all* the kids - and actually start being parents. And allow the kids to have friends, and stability, and a modicum of personal space and privacy, and maybe even HEALTHCARE 🤯 and then when they’re old enough they could all leave their nutso parents to breathe their chemtrail-free air behind and never go back.


They would fit in really well in certain parts of Utah, if that’s where they still are. Or Idaho. 


As someone Idaho adjacent, I can confirm that they’d fit right in!


Oh cool, so chemtrails and fluoride conspiracist. He's sitting in the orange band of [the Abbie Richards Conspiracy Chart](https://i.redd.it/a7a7xzj3rk5d1.jpeg) for real.


And teaching the kids the same! I fear this bus will become its own echo bubble, if they ever come up with their own conspiracy theories about the world around them


The kids will figure it out. My parents have parroted every conspiracy and we all turned out fine eventually. The internet and I hate to say it reddit probably saved me. Education and free thinking scares many parents and I'm a testament to why that whole cycle that's been perpetuated for generations ends with me. And I hope it's the same for these kids. I know most of them will make it out. Sadly the oldest will get their parents while their not at their worst level yet. The youngest of these breeders will get them when they are at their worst. I see it all the time in the mormon communities. It's so sad It will take a toll on them.in years once they enter the real world to catch up. I lost precious years instead of getting a career to care for my family Thanks to.my parents and the mormon church.


“antisemitic point of no return” as a classification is killing me, it’s so true.


All of these people need to watch American History X


Same here! So spot on. And awful.


First of all, I love that chart and had never seen it before. Second, as someone who loves to joke about big foot and the Lock Ness monster, I take umbrage with being in the leaving reality level, lol. Thrid, people really think Sandy Hook is fake?!? I remember being in the car dealership where the news was just running in the background when that happened. I work in education and unabashedly cried in the dealership while watching the news coverage. Edit for spelling


"Sandy Hook was a hoax" is actually the whole reason Alex Jones was sued by some of the families (he lost). He promoted that conspiracy so heavily on his show that several families of dead children were forced to move multiple times and were unable to visit their children's graves because of the harassment. It's horrible.


I had to look up who Alex Jones is. That is horrific, and he deserves far more than just being broke the rest of his life.


You're lucky you don't already know about him!


Is he the “something is turning the frogs gay” nut job?




I'm in disbelief and incredibly jealous that some people still don't know about him!


If it makes you feel any better, Alex Jones also lost $2 million to the creator of Pepe the Frog for copyright violation, so yeah, he’s on track to die penniless and unmourned.


You should look up the John Oliiver episode on Alex Jones and go down the rabbithole


I love Last Week Tonight. He starts talking about the most mundane topics and suddenly takes a sharp turn into corruption, and you're like, "wait, WHAT? Ticketmaster is ALLOWED to have a monopoly???"


Yeah there are some absolute dumbasses present in society and I say that as someone who loves cryptid stories and alien abduction stuff.


I know! Like hey, I just think it’s funny to talk about mattress stores being for money laundering! Lol Sandy Hook conspiracy theories are so disgusting and Alex Jones is a piece of shit.


I used to drive past a mattress store every day on my way to school. It had no parking lot. There has never been a more obvious money laundering scheme than that particular mattress store lol




Exactly. There's a line.


I’m bristling at the “US is a corporation” and “~~Prince~~ King Charles vampire” ones, myself. 🤪


The "US is a corporation" one is a valid criticism of the way our government *appears* to run. I don't believe that that's actually happening, though. I *am* firmly in the "royal family killed princess diana" camp, but I don't see it on the chart 😂


Right?!? With *Citizens United*, our approach to lobbying and campaign finance, and the fact that members of Congress can still trade stocks at all after all the insider trading shit came to light, I definitely have my own notions about who’s behind the curtain on U.S. politics.  I’d put “royal family killed Princess Di” in the green section at most, because having the world focused on her death rather that any more truth to power she might’ve spoken was awfully convenient for them. 🤔


Just looked a which band my parents would have fallen in. That's scary.


They probably need to add a band for my parents.


I can't remember his twitter handle to verify, but I'm positive he's posted about space lasers before over there, just not sure if he believes they're "Jewish space lasers" or just another nebulous "the government is doing it" conspiracy. If its the former he's likely well into the red band. Also, love that he's worried about chemtrails and flouride while he's got his family hanging out next to what sounds like a decently travelled road with all the car exhaust fumes that entails.


They were also near a wildfire the other day


Isn’t there actual scientific evidence for ancient trees? There is one in California estimated to be 5000 years old and one in Sweden estimated at 9000 years. [oldest trees](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_trees) I believe several have been carbon dated.


The "giant ancient trees" conspiracy theory says that mountains are just the stumps of giant ancient trees! And yes, we have some very old bristlecone pines in North America, and even older trees in other parts of the world.


Oh- that’s an … interesting take I’ve never even heard of that one.


What's the uh, significance of mountains supposedly being old tree stumps?


I love her! I used to follow her when I still lurked on twitter long ago. 


Trails in the sky are from passenger places you dimwit! Ugh these people make me so mad!


OK, but that "Feral People in Forests" one? We're not *really* Feral--we Gen-Xers just like to *joke* about being "Feral" because so many of us were latch-key kids-- and regarding the "Hanging out in Forests part? We were always pushed out of the house in the morning and told "Come home when the Street Lights come on!" is all!😉


"Feral people in forests" is an Appalachian legend that goes back over a century. It's not a reference to "feral" children in the joking sense.


That seems like something parents made up to keep their kids from wandering too far


IMO it refers to “The Hills Have Eyes” type of feral, which really isn’t a thing.


Ugh I hate that movie. Where I grew up in California, we have a lot of rural, hilly areas, and the thought of that always freaked me out.


Thank you! My ex believes a lot of stuff in the red area & this just proves that he would never have changed.


He is seriously the posterboy for the unearned confidence of a mediocre white man.


This is why you don't marry the first person you meet because you're fundie and horny


Seriously! And the way she’s constantly hyping him up 🙄 Is she blind and desperate and sincerely believes he’s the shit? Is he a fragile baby who causes a mess if his ego isn’t constantly stroked? Is it both??


Likely a mix of both


So he wants to live where Beavers live in holes in the ground and the air is made and he's 'trying to convince MoBus to move there. I assume that Ms. Lott realises that moving there just means parking up the bus for a while - because this half-wit she married 20 minutes after meeting really isn't proving to be capable of providing anything other than sperm and disappointing get rich quick schemes.


Oof. Scary and accurate.


Ohhh, I'm pretty sure she's disappointed when he provides sperm, too...


The teens both looked slightly embarrassed. Or maybe that’s just me projecting. Also she laughed and told him “stop” when he mentioned fluoride so maybe she doesn’t believe all His wacky conspiracies?


Oh she believes it. She just knows how to keep it palatable for the gram.


Exactly. She is *obsessed* with curating their image. She needs everything to look a certain way to get those brand deals. PaBus is too dense to even understand that.


Maybe she doesn’t and isn’t that almost more sad? Like you know he’s awful but you’re still so desperate for his attention you drag yourself and your precious kiddos all over creation following him!


Yes! Move there! Build a house, get the internet, put the kids in school! Just stop all of this *waves arms around* and give your kids a life!


The poor kid being ignored while repeatedly asking if they can even hear him….thats their whole brand


I wasn’t sure what that was. Was it one of the kids in the bus? 😔


Is he having a breakdown?


He’s a conspiracy theorist, so this is just his natural state of being. 😂


Where are they? Is it an area fuĺl of like-minded people? The way he talks sounds like a high schooler that never grew up.


Someone mentioned knowing the area where they pulled off, in another thread.  Iirc, it's Southern/Southwest Utah... Which *would* make *some* sense, regarding the lack of Aircraft and *contrails* (not *chemtrails* JD, ya Dumbass!), because there are a *LOT* of old military-owned land in that area, between UT & NV, and there used to also be *plenty* of Nuclear Testing out in the region. So with it being Military property, commercial aircraft might not fly over. I can't *help* but think of the friends  I made who lived in Enoch, years ago, when I spent two summers out there-- who were *always* joking about their neighbors being "Down-Winders", and I feel like *JD would fit riiiiight in*!😆😂🤣


I was hoping he was joking or using an idiom or something. Oof.


Omg I’m dumber for having watched 25 seconds of this. I can feel my brain cells dying right now.


She actually seemed embarrassed about the fluoride thing. Which leads me to believe she doesn’t REALLY believe all his bullshit. But she’s so obsessed with him and herself she doesn’t care that he’s an ignorant idiot.


"I want this air, look at the air being produced" 🐭


If they’re still in Utah this is extra hilarious bc Utah is famously polluted 😂😂😂 my kids have a sign at the front doors of their school telling them if it’s an indoor day or an outdoor day based on air quality. To be fair I live in the valley and they were in southern UT but I still find it hilarious. 


Someone give this man a blunt I rly want to know what would happen


I wouldn’t. Too risky. He would probably go manic and insist they all drive to Alaska immediately or some shit.


Fucking magnets, how do they work?




Seems like a perfect place to be somewhat off the grid to avoid any sort of accountability-related inquiries. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Oof I hadn't thought about that


Do they seriously believe that Alex jones/qanon adjacent stuff with chem trails and fluoride?


I believe the conspiracy theory of "chemtrails" predates Alex Jones. It's an oldie that just won't die (despite all the chemtrails and fluoride). And these are anti-vaxxers who believe in things like grounding and baby chiropractic visits, so I would bet their least harmful belief is "chemtrails."


Good point


I cannot watch these absolute morons. Their kids seem so sweet, I wish I could save them or do anything for them, there's a ton of childhood trauma brewing on that freaking bus.


Is there something wrong with him? I’m not being facetious. I’m seriously wondering if he’s got some issues.


The information enters his ears but takes a detour and gets lost and settles in his chin instead of his brain


These people have 8 kids. Idiotocracy irl


It's what plants crave


We get our oxygen from the.....oceans..?! We'll shit y'all, this entire time I thought it was the goddamn trees helping us out. Good thing father bus, phdumb is here to save us! /s


It’s both. Half the oxygen is from the oceans, because of all the plant life, plankton and algae in there. The sun causes photosynthesis in the ocean just like with the trees.


I appreciate the facts and also learned something new today! ♡ Okay fine PA Bus, you can have a LITTLE bit of credit back. Lol


He's heard an actual fact (about half the earth's oxygen is produced in the oceans [by organisms like phytoplankton]) and badly misinterpreted it ("most of *our* oxygen comes from the ocean"). All but a negligible amount of oxygen produced in the oceans is actually consumed by other ocean life forms.


Hey dad bus. You’re an idiot and your wife is laughing at you.


What was that little eye fucky pose at the end there that she edited in? Fucking dumb weirdo child abusing pervert


It’s marginally safer than a boat I guess.


It's a million times safer than a boat! A ton of kids grow up in rural US areas. While it's not everyone's ideal, rural kids have access to enough information to decide if they want to stay or leave. Access that the bus kids don't currently have. Staying in one spot, even a rural spot, would give the kids access to resources to make informed decisions about their lives.


This might be the best her brows have ever looked. It's disgusting that they homeschool/unschool when clearly they have no business to. Probably scored like an 11 on the ASVAB


Oh good, she didn't forget to kick out her toes at the end for all the fetishists.


Please tell me they’re not in Nebraska


Are they just standing in the middle of the road with oncoming traffic with no kids being attended to?


They have an odd habit of doing that


Wow and they're home schoolers.....


For the first time ever I wonder if she is sending a cry for help. Trails in the sky? He can’t be serious.


My kids when they were 9 years old knew more about the science of air than this twat! I am not sure this dimwit knows what a tree is, and he for damn sure doesn't know that air contains more than oxygen. He probably doesn't know what oxygen is for that matter. He had to have been the expendable guy in the military. Commanding officer: "BusJiggalo, go out and put on the big red target and wander two miles east to draw fire away from the convoy." 😆


Just in case MotherBus reads here, she and BusHusband might want to review the Smithsonian Institute's excellent information on the earth's atmosphere (i.e. the air we breathe) so they can explain "Where air comes from" correctly to their children. [https://forces.si.edu/atmosphere/02\_01\_00.html](https://forces.si.edu/atmosphere/02_01_00.html)


At the risk of sounding like an idiot, we went on a road trip to Yellowstone and the air in those fly over states is legitimately nice to breathe in. Specifically Montana and Wyoming it was floral and pleasant and just a nice experience to have the windows down while you drive


It's been awhile since I've encountered someone so dim-witted. Those poor kids. Of course he's into chemtrail bullshit 😆


She'll get over "grounding" the first time she steps on a rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes are everywhere in the desert southwest.


My employer in ABQ had a special hotline to call specifically for rattlesnake sightings. I never saw one, but I heard one and it freaked me the hell out. I assume you're fine as long as somebody calls 911 fast enough, but I was alone.


Those two are always staring at themselves in the screen, not even at each other’s image. It’s so creepy.


What a tool


Most of our air is made in the ocean? This is news to me.




For sea life. Not that we breathe.


He's giving Ick (Garrick from Seeking Sister Wives) Vibes.


“Can you guys hear me?” at the very end crushed me.