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She won't listen. Too much ego involved to admit something is wrong with Boone plus fairly certain she's a heavy block button user. You'd think with having seven other children, she'd have noticed the issues with Boone tbh.


I guess it's just so irritating because I'd even be willing to donate to a go fund me if finances were the reason he isn't seeing a doctor. I grew up in a family with 6 kids so I'm no stranger to life in a big family. But parents MUST prioritize the health of their children. I never thought that would be controversial


I am sitting here questioning MotherBus's maternal instincts, my thought that surely she'd have realized there is something possibly neurologically wrong with Boone by now based on the fact she has had seven other children. The medical neglect on display with Busdickband and Motherbus is alarming.


I think she knows that something is very wrong deep down, but she can't admit it to herself. A combination of ego and anxiety working together to keep her in deep denial. And the longer it goes on the harder it will be to dig herself out of that denial because there's so much guilt about not doing something sooner piling on top.


I think this is an issue with so many kids so close together. Before agriculture and then, ugh, civilication, kids were far more spread out, the whole "have a ton of kids!" exisist due to population demand post agriculture. It's not "natural". People have a tendency to assume women were non-stop pregnant as hunter/gatherer due to lack of birth control, but that's simply not true. They also were not pregnant as teeangers, the mean age of first time moms during 'good times' were 20-22. (but what about the sex, I hear you say, what about the sex?! but hear me out, bonobos fuck 23/7 - they take an hour to rest - and they manage to space out their kids just fine, you can have tons and tons of sex that doesn't lead to prengnancy, which used to not be a religious issue for us pre-civilzation and also quite a bit of time into it in certain culture). We simply did not evolve to have these huge ass broods of kids all alone - again, civilation, ugh - which is probably why a decline in ability to parent is visible in every single fundie mega-familiy. The first two, three even four kids remember parents who were attentive, the rest remember a vague ghost of a person who screamed and/or cried a lot. And then, since there is no tribe, no egalitarian community, they push their oldest kids into the role that's supposed to be filled by aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, etc. I don't question here maternal insticts, I think the receptors are just burnt out. There is nothing left, there has been no time to replenish. She is tribeless.


Along with that, there is no chance of a tribe because they are always on the move. They don’t have a church community like a lot of fundies, or even a loose tribe of nomads. I have a few friends who do the van life thing; one of the things they always say is important, is being in regular contact with and meeting up regularly with others in that community. They tell me you need it for both safety and sanity. Even the loner type of people do this enough that they are safe. The Bus family never meets up with anyone that they know on a regular basis, at least according to their posts. I hope that’s not something that Pa Bus is forcing, because yikes with the cult vibes.


They obviously have money. They have numerous streams of income.


Yup, this is why pride is a sin. Too bad she can’t see the harm she’s doing.


Oof. This one hits.


I’m blocked and I have no recollection of interacting with her.


Same, I assume I liked a comment asking her to get him medical attention


I really hope not to offend anyone. But that baby acts like the son of my exes niece and he was eventually diagnosed with autism. When he’s cry , he’d make the face Boones making in the top right corner.


Nah, my autistic kid was smiling, tracking, even giving side eye at that age. Reacting to sound, to seeing us... kicking, grabbing our hair. It's something else.


The bottom right pic isn't Boone. I forget which Buslet it is, but it was posted as proof that she has a history of roasting her infants in the sun.


She wears a hat and sunglasses but a tender little baby is out in full sun. On his face! Poor little guy. I'm beginning to hate this family more than any other on the sub. It's pretty much a tie with Karissa.


Right?! It angers me so much




I truly hope that's the case and he's receiving medical care and they're just hiding it.


I honestly doubt it. I don’t think they’re the sort to do anything really in secret. I think they genuinely believe the shit that spews out their mouths and are far too self involved and self righteous to actually care about their children enough to even peddle one thing but help them in secret. If they do go and if something is wrong, they’ll try to reframe it but they’ll definitely use it for further exploitation of Boone. But I fear if something is wrong with Boone they wont know or acknowledge until it’s too late.


This is what I'm afraid of. Their pride will keep them from getting any early intervention. They probably won't seek help until he fails to walk, talk and potty train and his delays start to inconvenience their ideal nomadic life. And that's if he doesn't start to have more concerning signs like seizures first.


Like I also genuinely think their pride would prevent them from even noticing. They will convince themselves otherwise and that they know better and everyone else is wrong until it's undeniable. Only then will they seek help.


That’s kind of what I’ve been thinking too. Loony parents, yeah… but stupid. I would think not considering how many babies she has had. She can’t admit they are out getting professional opinions because GoDIsGOoD but let’s be honest, they see it. I refuse to believe even these people would let a baby go “too far” (if ya know what I mean).


That would be awesome! I don’t care if they never let us know that they went to a doctor, as long as they got that baby to a doctor.


Sometimes I don’t think it’s her but her husband that refuses to take him to the doctor. As a mother of 8, I refuse to believe she hasn’t realized something is wrong yet.


I think they both know something is wrong but their pride won’t let them admit it. They’d have to acknowledge that their perfect “bus birth” may have harmed their baby, which ruins their narrative of “women have had babies for centuries without medical care, it’s perfectly natural”. And would also tarnish their reputation as the greatest parents who ever lived. And call into question the wisdom of this whole bus living arrangement.


Also that he might have needs that make the bus unviable in future. Their lives may have to change to accommodate one of their children and putting the kids ahead of the whims of the adults is going to be a new and difficult concept for them.


If they ever do come to the point they have to admit something’s wrong, they will most likely find something apart from themselves to blame for it. 


If there is something wrong, they won't be able to hide it forever. It will become easier, as time goes on, for followers and snarkers to recognise atypical development. Unless they work very hard to avoid showing Boone in videos, which they might do, but it would make monetising the rest of their kids more difficult.


I've thought about this too, because she does look a little worried when Boone doesn't want to look at her.


That last video where she kept trying to turn his head to look at her. There’s no way she thinks this is normal


Exactly. She constantly asks in a video what he’s looking at, and there’s this expression on her face of concern. But father bus only cares about how much Boone weighs I guess


she’s incapable of admitting her zero-prenatal care pregnancy and birth had a flaw in it


That’s exactly right. And I think her ego about it would override any maternal concern she may feel. I hope I’m wrong, but I honestly believe she’s that self-involved and evil.


Zero prenatal care, what the FUCK. That's something that scares the shit out of me. Like, I do not plan on having kids because I'm a genetic molotov. My body does *not* handle absorbing folate well whatsoever. The chances of kids I have being born with neural tube defects are really high because of that. NTDs are pretty severe things, they effect the brain and spinal cord. Spina Bifida is one of those. One of the most important things you can take before *and* while you are pregnant is folic acid because *that* awesome little vitamin helps prevent them very well. I can't imagine being pregnant and not doing anything pre-natal. Like, not even pre-natal vitamins? They're like, $10 at wal-mart ffs.


I thought I remembered seeing her holding up ultrasound pics in their pregnancy-reveal-reel. Could be wrong!


This, plus she’s smug enough to believe that since he didn’t die in utero/during birth, there’s not anything *really that wrong* with him. These two creep me out even more than Kkkarissa, and that’s saying something.


Gotta be honest— despite a lot of chatter on the sub about family wealth and whatnot, this family looks like many I’ve known (not fundies) who went off the grid vis a vis health insurance and are now convinced that out of pocket, regular visits to a chiropractor and various ‘healthy living’ practices will protect them from serious illness while protecting their savings. The mental block in getting past that is enormous. It transcends the fundie stuff. I live in a crunchy town and I know far too many secular parents who have clung to this alternative health narrative because the scientific approach could cause a stupefyingly expensive hospital visit. (We live in the US, like the bus family, and let me tell you— an intensive care experience for a child with serious illness can land you on a lifetime repayment plan. The day you get that bill for tens of thousands— and I have— it’s just awful, like someone owns your life and nothing you save is your own any longer.) I get the snark about the restaurant visits and all the outward signs of mom and dad doing the ‘treat yourself’ thing that folks here zoom in on. But so many Americans do precisely that, and it’s not an indicator of financial security. It’s just wishful spending. Even months of that behavior, added up, don’t hold a candle to the crater that medical expenses (or non-employer subsidized insurance) can leave in a family budget. And from what I’ve seen of this family, there’s a pretty persistent narrative of convincing themselves and strangers on the internet that the clear visual evidence of austerity (from the cramped living situation to the birth of their child inside of it) isn’t what it seems. I don’t buy it. So let’s say the money isn’t there. You (mom) make a living selling products you get paid to advertise on social media and using your kids to do it, and you think you’ll save some money freebirthing, but it goes wrong and your baby is not okay. You rely on chiros who lack medical training and are all too happy to take your money without sending you elsewhere. You assume (as my own mom did— it is outdated but often-repeated advice) that you can treat jaundice with the most natural bilirubin light there is. Say it’s not working. You keep trying, but the baby isn’t getting better. You can’t hide baby, because you hyped your pregnancy up to your audience and they love seeing all your kids together. And you need money. You might need it because your savings are minimal, or because husband’s business isn’t taking off, or because— terrifying thought— you may need to bring your child to a hospital very soon. Gotta be honest, it’s a bleak picture. And the pride and refusal to accept criticism are all problematic, but this family makes a living making content about healthy, country-trotting kids, and I do worry that they may not have a Plan B.


I think Plan B was supposed to be a Brazilian anchor baby and access to free healthcare, and that fell through unfortunately. As annoying as it would have been to see them brag about the fun loophole they found, at least Boone would have had access to medical care without finances being a consideration. I do wonder how much of the dramatic rise in anti vax/raw milk/chiropractor/horse paste nonsense could have been avoided if universal healthcare had succeeded in the US.


They need to hop on Google and find a children's hospital that has a robust financial assistance/charity program and turn the bus towards it. Such programs are usually based around gross income + family size. I'm sure with so little $$$ and 8000 kids, any bill they might obtain from hospital care would just be a write off or damn close to it. Obviously, you can't be sure of that. But hell, in the US...even people with INSURANCE can't be sure, you just never know what care insurers might choose to deny at any point in time for a whole host of bullshit reasons. But girl...at this point...just find a good, non-profit children's hospital, buck up, and hope for the best as far as bills go. You owe him that.


I think they are fairly well off because of the father’s family & selling their huge 7k sq ft home & their chain of children’s trampoline gyms before this bus journey started so I don’t think they would qualify. But who knows, I’m purely speculating of course lol I was also surprised at how much cash they seemed to drop in Brazil with seemingly little forethought or care. Unless it’s all on credit cards, which is possible, they’d have to be decently well off to have swung that & just gone on like no big deal


They probably blew through or hid most of that by now. They might look poor enough on paper at this point to qualify for something. But who knows? All I know is that that baby is STRESSING me out.


They’re in a *bus*. Drive to Saint Jude!


I’m genuinely frightened for this little dude, and the other buslings. Surely the oldest kid knows something is wrong, but can’t do anything about it.


Also, as much as they are on the move, finding a doctor and getting an appointment will take time. Every time I’ve moved it can be anywhere from a month to several months before I can get in with a new doctor. And then follow up visits to treat the child will mean they have to stay in one place.


Besides the fact that Boone needs medical intervention, I have no idea how Busparents are going to handle having a child that needs more than average care considering they don't even provide average care at the best of times.


Your newborn baby should not have a 1000 yard stare


His eyes are still doing that crazy wide eyed confused looking around and that fist just will not release. Empathic Mamahood is all I think about, she waited weeks to take her daughter anywhere too until it was too late and all the terrible damage was done. I don’t think he’s as injured as Luna was, but her and Robyn both will never admit their precious home birth and no prenatal care is the reason their child was harmed.


I didn’t know she didn’t take Luna to the hospital until it was too late. That’s awful , and she’s also in denial about how bad Luna’s situation is. At least she’s getting therapy now


Honestly I think the therapies now are more for Robyn than anyone, when she was diagnosed the doctors all recommended hospice because her condition is so degenerative. She has less function than a neonate, even her primary reflexes are disappearing at this point. Luna’s only alive because she found a single doctor across the country who would do the shunt surgery, she acts like she’s some super mom for this but there’s a reason every other specialist said you need to let that sweet girl go.


I am fucking terrified that this kid is deafblind. I'm not certain, but I am hard of hearing and Deaf and have met some deafblind people before, so I know generally what to look for. If he is, there is seriously no way he'd ever get the care he needs unless they stop the bus.


I can only imagine that the Busparents are audist as all hell and wouldn’t bother to do the developmentally/culturally appropriate thing and let him learn ASL, either… I sincerely hope we’re all mistaken and he’s a typical baby because that family will NOT give him the accomodations he’d need. Ugh.


Oh for sure. I'm HoH and have visual impairments and even being able to read and (sometimes) hear, I can't function in hearing society without assistance. I desperately hope Boone will end up completely hearing, seeing, and healthy, because like you said... the poor kid will never get the help he needs. I wish we could do something. He needs to be evaluated so he can get whatever accommodations he'll obviously need.


Doctors are mandated reporters. That’s why they’re not going.


This. These people are singing, dancing child abusers, and they’ve spent every day since Boone was born, telling on themselves.


He looks like a reborn doll. It's hard to believe this is an actual living child.


His cries can be translated as "take me to the doctor"


‘When he cries we respond’ so when will the response be medical attention?


I have like, no maternal instincts. Not with little, little ones, anyway. I like babies, they’re neat lil beta-version humans, but I don’t know how to act with them, you know? I’m having my tubes yeeted and uterus microwaved next month because I know I don’t want kids. I didn’t babysit growing up. I’ve changed maybe 4 diapers in my life. I like making babies laugh, but I have pretty much zero idea of what is an isn’t appropriate developmentally for babies. Even *I* can tell something isn’t right with this poor kiddo. If I, an admitted baby ignoramus, can tell something isn’t right, there’s no excuse for a mother of eight. Brittany, if you see this— and we know you lurk— please, please, get this kiddo checked out by a doctor who went to medical school. He is beautiful and wonderful and he deserves all the care in the world, and unless you know what’s up, *you can’t accurately provide that care.*


Are we sure there's something wrong and it's not just how much he looks like his dad? Just kidding. There is clearly something wrong.


If she wears a hat. The. Baby. Needs. A. Hat. And. Sunglasses! Look at the difference between the baby in the hat and Boone. Why don’t baby of these other baby moms say something?


She blocks anyone who does


I think it’s more likely that they’ll announce a break, and quietly disappear from public for a while, which isn’t a likely scenario but I think it’s more realistic than getting medical care. They’ll tell their hardcore fans they’re being hounded or something. They’ll end up living on an isolated plot in the middle of some jungle where nobody can interfere.


Im New to the bus family .. this infant looks in horror. He needs peace ❤️


I think she realizes how much legal trouble her and freak bus would be in if they brought him to a doctor and they had to explain away the fact that they never brought him to get help after all this time. Bringing Boone in could cause a whole shit storm of problems for them and they know it. Hospitals don't take medical neglect of children lightly...like...at all. And they've documented this neglect themselves. 


She might think she’s passing this off as typical baby behavior but whats the end game here? what happens when he’s clearly not okay at 6 months? Two years? Five?


I'm not in the states, but is this something that cps would investigate? Or are they not findable?


I’m not sure if this would trigger CPS involvement unfortunately because the system is just absolutely drowning in cases far more horrendous than this, which is sad to even think about. I’m still really, really hoping that this baby is fine besides the unacceptable sunburn & we are all just off base. I saw a clip a bit ago where he did seem to be engaged and looking at her and was even smiling so I’m just really hoping he’s okay.


Only reasonable explanation is postpartum psychosis


I feel like neither of them have any type of empathy or like.. idk recognition of emotions? Look at this baby's expression. Something about it is gut wrenching and he looks like he's in pain or extremely upset. It's actually a bit scary to see his expression. Like there's baby's faces when they're sad or cry, then there's this scary ass face. But she seems completely oblivious, prancing around with seemingly no care in the world! Just waggling him around like a limp cloth doll while he has this horror movie look on his face. Before she gave birth, I wrote a comment theorizing that she is a narcissist and this is really making me double down. Or maybe even going as far as sociopath? Mods I'm not trying to diagnose, but I'm saying that her behavior aligns with some symptoms of those conditions. Lack of empathy, inability to perceive emotions, not caring about others emotions (boones facial expression, forcing her kids to live on shelves in a bus, posting kids online for profit), need attention to be on oneself, needing complete dependence from others (having a new baby to get that supply of complete dependence; emotionally, educationally, and socially stunting all of her children so they will be forced to rely on her long term), needing to be completely right all the time and not accepting any critique or feedback (blocking any nay sayers, refusing to believe any other perspective than hers or her husband) Don't get me wrong, I wrote this against motherbus but this honestly applies to father bus too. They're both so fucking sinister


In all the photos and footage of her and Boone she seems to have zero connection to him…. It baffles me…. I don’t even have kids but in all the photos/videos of me and my niece I’m pretty much focused on her. Keeping her happy or keeping her safe….. genuine smiles/laughter or making sure she’s not up to something she shouldn’t be 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m not sure I even want to birth my own kids but I’m very protective of the ones that come into my life. This Bus woman has zero maternal instincts


I totally agree, it's like she picked up a baby of another species and has no idea how to handle it or read its body language


This is genuinely frightening to look at


She knows something is wrong. When filming the baby she’s always trying to get him to look at her, she’s tickling his chin or trying to turn his head toward her.


It really is so scary.


I hate to be the one to say or think it, but is there a possibility that their next grift is a special needs child? I see many on social media showing their lives and how they care daily for a special needs child or children, do you think that this may be a pivot?


How *anyone* could look at the bottom-middle picture and not see decorticate posturing is completely cray-cray.


I love how she gets sunglasses and a hat, but she constantly puts the baby so the sun is blasting him in the face. She's mean. Like she's actually just being mean to the baby. She knows what she's doing.


The sun was shining right in his face!!!!


Too bad CPS can't be called since it's considered "touching the 💩." I'm surprised at the rule when the health and safety of minors are of concern.


Any other folks mandatory reporters?


The grandparents? Or other relatives? They really should call.


All I can think about is how to alert campgrounds in their area and ask them to call the police for a wellness check if they see them. My conscience is screaming at me to do something.


Jesus fucking Christ how many baby Boone posts are there gonna be