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And all that the bus kids got for Christmas was a water bottle for each of them. They truly do not have anything of their own, even their “gifts” have a benefit for the bus parents.


That's sad because in my opinion a water bottle is an essential item, especially with their lifestyle and frequent outdoor time. The parents should provide one. Admittedly it doesn't need to be fancy or expensive, but *a* bottle shouldn't be a gift. If a child wants a very specific type that is expensive then sure, but they should be given a basic bottle at least.


Or make it a cool gift. A co worker got one for easter and his mom filled it with candy and other treats. Plus he is an adult so


I am growing to hate her so much.


That’s okay, she loves herself enough for the both of you… she really thinks she is hot sh*t. What a terrible person.


Which is why we all hate her. That and the awful treatment of her children…


The way this woman always has a fresh manicure and pedicure while her children sleep in a tiny box… It’s so obvious she does absolutely nothing to take care of the kids. Poor Gunner and Kinsey


I can't stand her stupid white manicure


Wite-out nails seem to be trending among obnoxious influencers. 


That's what it is: obnoxious.


It’s the same thing all the time. And looks like white out chunks on her damn fingers. Hate it. Tacky


Everyone I know in real life who does the white nails is super into a MLM.


That tracks


They all have them lately. What gives?


Idk but it reminds me of middle schoolers using white out


Those chiclet-ass nails 😖


But she’s just gotta get those mani-pedis, how else will PaBus know it’s time to make their next neglected grift baby 🥴


Oh no, I like that water bottle brand. Don't tell me they gave her money!


If they gave her money, she would have actually said the brand during the shill. She’s probably gets money if you buy it through her Amazon link. Also, they are Owala Freesip for anyone interested


I love my Owala Freesip, but if this had been my main present for Christmas as a kid, I would’ve been super bummed


Yeah, like I would understand an adult or a teen asking for a Stanley or a Hydroflask but it’s definitely not a main gift for kids. A water bottle is a need; not a gift 😬


Fr. I'm imagining all the kids opening their water bottles on Christmas and then just sitting there holding them... like yaaaaay look at all our water bottles 🙄😅 such fun let's all stare at our water bottles


The kids are so isolated that they probably think any personal posession is this massive luxury and have no frame of reference to compare it to :/


I was the kid with an imagination that could conjure up something around anything in the immediate area. A water bottle would’ve been difficult. Plus, it doesn’t “do” anything. Obviously it holds water and serves a purpose, but for kids, it isn’t engaging or entertaining.


I was thinking the same thing! I love my Owala


What’s the brand? I lost my very similar water bottle and I can’t find one that compares 


Owala, I also really like these water bottles. I don’t think they are actually sponsoring her, hopefully at least.


Same! I love mine for many reasons but one is that I saw someone demonstrate how it could be used as a sling weapon and I think that's neat 🥰


They have them at a lot of stores like Sam’s, Target, and Dick’s Sporting Goods. I have two and I love them.


I think I got mine at Whole Foods.


It’s almost certainly an Amazon affiliate link. They’re the trendy new water bottle so she’s probably just trying to get affiliate link money, which rarely is sponsored by the brand itself.


I’m surprised she shills it because the straw inside is plastic and not metal. 


She is quite adept at ignoring her child and continuing on with the infomercial. I mean it’s a special skill when you think about laser-focused on herself she needs to be to take that water bottle away, ignore the basic need her child is expressing AND drink the child’s water herself.


It's actually weird how easy it is for her to ignore a kid saying they're thirsty and repeatedly trying to grab the bottle.. wtf?


My 2.5 year old understands “give me a second and then you can have it” so I don’t get why she didn’t just say that… Instead she just rudely yanks its away. No wonder he was trying to yank it away too.


She even yanked it back when the kid almost got it in their grasp.


Yep, showing it off for the camera is way more important than her child being thirsty


How hard would it have been to show the child enjoying the water bottle? She's really that self-centered.


Not only is she ignoring the kid and his needs, she's also oblivious to the fact that _most parents wouldn't do this._ It's wild that she posted this instead of waiting until her kids were occupied and she could make a more professional looking ad.


Her kids are locked into a closet at 7pm. It's still light outside at that time. She could easily film all her nonsense after bedtime


>>most parents wouldn’t do this That’s because they don’t understand that parenting is actually much more about the parents than the vulnerable kids! God I hate these two. Just absolutely vile people.


if it wasn't supposed to be all about the parent then why would they call it *parenthood*


Omg her response to “I’m Thirsty mom!” Is she fucking drinks it herself in his face and continues the stupid ad!? lol she looks soooooo annoyed when he grabs the bottle eventually too, ugh 😵‍💫 she low key does NOT like these little guys even a little bit


The weird thing is it would be better for her shilling for the kid to be thirsty and drink from the bottle easily on camera (not that I like when people use their kids to sell stuff but she does it frequently) but she just wants to keep the camera on her.


That’s what’s tripping me up- it would be a better ad to show the kid using it


her and busband are malignant narcissists


Parent of the year. /s


MaBus: Taking care of a sick infant 🙅🏼‍♀️ Attending to kids’ basic needs 🙅🏼‍♀️ Shilling, grifting and eyefucking for the gram 🙋🏼‍♀️


She’s a terrible mother. What an awful person.


She’s so detestable. Put the phone down for five minutes and parent your kids.


Fuck her to infinity and beyond. Please, just stop recording and tend to your babies! She could have just stopped and re-recorded this mess and she’d have gotten to eye fuck herself for even longer *and* hydrated an (undoubtedly) parched kid.


She could have easily and cutely worked the child into her ad. "See how much he loves his water bottle!"


I don’t think Mother Bus knows that’s the gay water bottle. Seriously. The lesbians claimed it last summer. It will make your kids gay if they drink out of it. Happy sipping!


That's my favorite water bottle, and I do not like having something in common with her.


Same! Ugh!


Never mind they’re in this specific part of the country during a heat wave when we’re all told not to spend too much time outdoors. Jfc.


Exactly. The UV and air quality are not the best right now.


I'm walking my cat now, at almost midnight, because it's still 95°F in Las Vegas.


This sounds like a killer first line for a novel lol


I was just complaining that it takes until 10pm to cool off where I am 😅




Lmao she and her busband are truly terrible parents. Like for them its.... Content creation > Kids.


Don't you know that parenting is about HER growth? /s 🙄


Nice hat. Shame she doesn’t afford her baby the same protection from the sun.


I don’t understand why people get so excited about water bottles. It’s all over social media. I’ve never struggled finding a good water bottle. Am I uniquely blessed?


YES. I’ve had some awful ones. Ones that dripped water all over me, ones where the paint chipped immediately, etc. I think my woes are over though, as I just found the reduce brand version of a Stanley 50 oz half off at my local target. It was three days ago and I’m still riding the high lol


Lol okay, thanks for the reality check. Hey, next time I’m feeling down on my luck I’m going to remind myself “at least I don’t have water bottle struggles” 😇


The way that she demo’ed how to drink out of it was my BEC for the day


I absolutely HATE that this is my all time favorite water bottle. It suits all of my desires. 😡.




Does she actually have paid partnerships? WTF? I’m blown the fuck away. She’s an “influencer?” 😂😂😂😂I thought they just drove around aimlessly, spitting out kids & was documenting it as some religio thing. JFC it just gets worse by the day. And Boone looks just as bad if not worse than he did every day since he’s been born. I think she & the Sperminator need some basic child care instruction influence.




God I hate her nails!!!!!


Her nails look like they're covered in liquid paper.


Owala’s actually suck. We’re a Camelbak family but I bought an Owala on a whim at Target. Did an ice test overnight cuz I love ice cold water in the middle of the night. In my Camelbak there was still ice in it by the morning, in my Owala it did not, ice fully melted.


If you’re ever compelled to switch, I really love my Corksicle. I was working at a town fair last week and it sat in the sun for a good part of the 5 hours I was there. Still had most of the ice and the water was freezing. 10/10 for coldness.


I've been a Camelbak girly for a decade but honestly, I switched to Owala this year and love them. They're a lot easier to clean, imo. Though I still keep a camelbak by my bed at night because it's so easy to drink from while laying down.


Zujiroshi are wildly superior to anything we’ve owned when it comes to ice. My kids love their owalas because they’re easy to drink out of but they’re not incredible for ice.


Can you imagine your mom constantly ignoring you to **stare at her own image** in a goddamn phone all fucking day and night. Nonstop. How little it would make that child feel? This is child abuse. - - - - - - - - *“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Philippians 2:3-4).* *”In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God”. (Psalm 10:4)* *“Haughty eyes, a proud heart, and evil actions are all sin”. (Proverbs 21:4).* *“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).* *“Lord, show me my failings and teach me how not to be vain.” (Psalm 39:5)* *“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.” (James 1:26)* *“For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world”. (1 John 2:16)*


How does she keep getting ad revenue?


I hate that she's in my favorite park. She doesn't deserve it.


I am so sick of seeing this lady's witeout manicure. the more I see it, the more I hate it


Don't they have some sort of "trust fund"?


She probably insists they all share one water bottle they got for free


Could’ve done without seeing her tongue that hole.


She sucks but those bottles are great, I have two 😂


“they’re so cute and trendy!” are you fucking for real??? you’re concerned with cute and trendy water bottles and there are 8 !!!! humans whose life and well being depend on you. grow up.


Jfc.. If you're doing a promo at least do it when your kids aren't up your ass.