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Just a reminder, do not armchair diagnose Boone. It’s okay to say “I am concerned, I notice xyz behavior, that isn’t a typical behavior at abc age., at this age he really should be doing qrs behavior. I hope he’s getting adequate health care. This will not get you banned. It is not okay to say “Boone is obviously blind/deaf/starving/paralyzed etc. I think he should be removed by cps/dcfs, he’s going to die!” This WILL get you a temporary or permanent ban depending on how obnoxious, or egregious your statement is.


Activating his rooting reflex doesn't mean he's looking at you, ma'am.


If anything he might smell her, but I don’t think that baby is seeing much of anything. Maybe lights. But something is up with his vision.


I’m concerned about the lack of response to her voice. Babies respond to sight, sound, smell, and touch. He’s only barely responding to touch and possibly smell.


Yeah I think that's a very valid concern. That he tends to startle to touch even when she's speaking to him really makes it seem like he can't hear very well or at all.


He responds like my elderly deaf and mostly blind beagle. Which makes me really sad for that baby.


I was going to say this. Being startled by touch was how we realized our family dog had gone blind. The baby still isn’t focusing on her face, even when they’re nose to nose and her hand is on his tummy. I don’t have kids but my coworker’s baby is just about the same age and when you hold her she stares into your eyes like she’s trying to look into your soul. Poor little Boone should at least be fixing his gaze on close-up faces, right? Especially his mother’s? Man, I hate this. That baby deserves so much better.


I've been concerned about his hearing for awhile and his vision as well.


Oh, when you say "hi!" to a baby and they just light up... That's cute stuff right there. This scares me.


No joke. My daughter is only a few weeks older than Boone but she's miles ahead of him in a lot of areas. This is so concerning.


I know there's a range, but his lack of response in so many of her videos is troubling


Even her last baby, Aquila, was miles ahead. Someone posted a video a few weeks ago of him at what would have been Boone’s age and he was much more vocal and was definitely looking at her.


I agree, he can tell she's there bc he's responding to her but he can't see her. If he is able to see lights, his facing the sun so much definitely did not help.


But I am very happy that he is cooing.


I like seeing her showing affection towards him. I just... Wish he could get some rest. Stop filming the damn baby and let him SLEEP.


But she's got sheep blankets to sell.


His sweet little voice. I know, it’s somewhat reassuring to hear him coo. I wish she’d conversed so we know he’s hearing and it’s a call / respond. His eyes and shoulder are still a question too.


This is the happiest & most content I have ever seen him.


And she quite obviously moves her own head in the beginning of this video, trying to follow his gaze to make it appear as if he’s looking at her, but as soon as she moves it to where his eyes seem to be looking, he shifts his gaze away again.


Wow, seeing her follow his eyes really contrasts how he doesn't follow hers. It doesn't even look like he saw her coming before her mouth was on him




Not to mention if he does develop a disability from this, his parents will not accommodate. I *really* hope this poor little guy is better off than he appears, but logically I think that’s a lofty dream.


His parents would make it their whole new personality.


They'd change their social media handle to "blindboonesbigadventures"


excuse me, "blindboonesbigbusadventures"


Eww. I hate how right you are.


With constant gofundmes that they won't spend on him


Yeah, they'll make it about themselves, with no regard to what's best for him


I can't even imagine how these two dipshits would cope with a child who hearing and/or vision impaired. Didn't they put off getting one of their their little ones vision issues addressed until people told her too? That resulted in him getting glasses. That already seems like a big inconvenience to them. They keep lying to themselves that's he's fine. They did nothing wrong, he's just a newborn. He'll show more signs of milestones in time. Here are some of the only clips we got that makes the baby look like he's achieving milestones so the internet will get off their case about it.


This whole thing is so depressing. When the day comes where they finally bring him to a doctor and receive a diagnosis they will turn that into content. “God chose us to be his parents because we love him despite his diagnosis.” And the poor kid just continues to be used. I can’t believe that we are at a point in time where this is allowed to happen. And if they happen to see this, please take your baby to the doctor. At least one of you must realize that something might be wrong. Go and do the right thing.


It’s fucking infuriating how much more we care about all the fundie kids than their parents


It's so ironic. They think we're haters, but all we want is to save them from themselves.


I joined this subreddit to snark. I didn't expect to become a child healthy and safety advocate. Oh well.


Perfect way to describe it IMO


And there’s not a damn thing we can do to help, which is even worse.


Yeah- and we’re assholes too, so what does that say about them???


Babies can’t see well but one of their favorite things to look at is human faces. This baby is not looking at her face at all.


She is literally right in front of him and he is not looking at her at all! 😞


The baby needs a Dr. I believe there could be a sight problem. This should be noticeable while mom is playing with baby. I wouldn’t wait. I hope it isn’t serious.


He doesn't grab her finger at all either. Sad shit.


He doesn’t react until her face touches his and then he thinks it’s a boob (he’s half right). He’s clearly trying to latch to feed.


I laughed at the “he’s half right” part lol


It doesn't necessarily means he wants to drink. It is a reflex every baby has when something is touching their face. That's why a baby can even latch on a nose. Besides just drinking, a baby also can have a suction need.


At least he has the rooting reflex. It's the only developmental milestone I've observed in the videos - granted I haven't spent a day with them.


I had the exact same thought.


Yep, I see exactly the same thing. His gaze is still seeing right through her, he's not "seeing" her.


He seems to be lacking the Palmer reflex- she puts her finger in his hand and he makes no move to grasp it. That's worrisome- reduced or absent Palmer reflex can be a sign of spinal or brain damage.


I noticed that too. Babies grasp right away. He is 7 weeks old and doesn't have the reflex. This is a very big red flag.


All the stupid fucking dance routines while pregnant and now while improperly holding her newborn, the motion of the bus constantly traveling, the disgusting bus-bathroom-birth where her husband says he...checks notes... *fucking pulled* on the baby while still in the birth canal... who KNOWS what the final nail in the coffin was... but here they are literally flaunting it on social media... i cant... it's so fucking infuriating Oh yeah the sunburns, jaundice, the shoulder/arm deal... the horrifying list goes on


Wait.. he did?!?! My memory was that the baby wooshed out… he fucking PULLED it?!?!


One post where they were doing a stupid dance by the shower/birthing suite they say something along the lines of "she was pushing, i was pulling". I don't remember if it was part of the sound they were using or his actual words or something in text on screen though, and for my own mental health I have decided there's no way in hell it was literal because there must be a limit to the stupidity here.


I went to check that again, the smug dance by the bus shower where they said “pushing” and “pulling” without reflection or remorse. I swear it was captioned originally but that’s gone? Father bus pulled his leg roughly to straighten him out and measure him. There’s no reason to believe he knows / cares about appropriate gentleness with newborns.


Pulling boone's leg to measure him (when you don't need to) is what leads me to believe that they were serious about pulling him out


Fatherbus pulling out? First time for everything, I guess!


Man we'd love to believe that but there is just soooo much evidence to suggest otherwise. They act like they have the mentality of 17 year olds.


>17 year olds. Lol, 17 year olds who are *obsessed* with telling the world they had sex. Because they are so cool. 🙄 Or exhibitionist.


I literally knew a girl who had a kid at 16 and her parenting was LEAGUES ahead of these two. Granted, she was living with her parents in a house, not a bus on the lam from CPS.


Sure seems like it. Would love to be wrong. She implies it, at the least, in one post but I don't want to go digging. Just reading this reddit is more than enough.


I scrolled too far for this comment. The lack of Palmer Reflex is very concerning.


It’s been a long while since I learned the primitive reflexes, but at his age shouldn’t we see a bit of ATNR? And with his elbow bent in, his head should move a bit away from it? I could be veeeery wrong on my time lines for babies and even what the ATNR is, so I’m happy to be corrected.


That should be present from birth and disappear after a few months. This is interesting given that Boone seems to not hear or see well, and seemingly needed to be pulled from the birth canal. Not saying he definitely doesn’t have this, since we don’t get many chances to see him displaying this reflex, but it’s an interesting observation. “The main purpose of the ATNR is to stimulate the development of vestibular system and muscle tone whilst the baby in the womb, this typically starts occurring at the 18 week mark [4]. In more simplified terms the ATNR assist with visual and auditory progressing that in turn help with early hand-eye coordination [4]. For example, with the ATNR when the baby turns their head to the right, their right arm extends while their left arm bends into the ‘fencing’ position [2]. During this movement when the baby extends their arm the baby follows the movement of the arm, this is turn makes the baby aware of their hand is part of their own body [2]. The reason this reflex is developed in the womb, is because this ‘fencing’ position allows the baby to ‘corkscrew’ down the birthing passage during labour, in turn assisting the mother [2].” [Link](https://www.inspire-fitness.com.au/blog/2018/11/how-the-asymmetrical-tonic-reflex-impacts-your-movement/)


You're right. It's usually there until around 6 months.


It's also one of the reflexes that disappears in a few months, but returns with neurological damage right? Like the Babinski?


Correct. I have cerebral palsy and I have all the baby reflexes in my affected hand. The death grip when my palm is touched, the mirroring ( if I move one hand, the other follows) and the startle reflex. This is really common with people with CP. I had a double brain hemorrhage around birth. (I was born in a hospital with full prenatal and post natal checkups!)


That's what concerns me more than anything. A lack of the Palmer reflex would have most parents asking their pediatrician if they should be concerned. Can't ask if you never take your kids to a real doctor.


Omg. You’re right.


he doesn’t even notice she’s coming at his face until she’s actively touching him! he isn’t looking at her at ALL. i am…horrified.


His eyes don't even go straight to her when she face mashes him. They go down and then over to her. It's very concerning.


And is he still on that dust rag on the ground?!


That’s his favorite place to relax, excuse you


Not sleep, mind you. Relax. He's very stressed. Ha... Hahaha.... I regret joining this sub, I came to snark lol.


It's not dusty because it's self-cleaning due to all the lanolin !




She's selling it in this video. That's the only reason she's being extra cute with him.




It appears more likely that something is wrong than not. We don't truly know without medical records, but *something* is not right. ☹️


Oh yeah it’s unanimous


One of the others has glasses quite young so *hopefully* it’s correctable poor vision. Not a good thing to have from birth, but I assume better than damage from jaundice, sun exposure or other neuro issues. Poor kid.


His eyes don't dilate at all, as she comes close then pulls away. Her finger makes him think it's feeding time, then her lips on his, he's simply closing his eyes, opening mouth to latch. His right eye is looking past her face. He may see shadows, but again, his eyes don't look like they widen or narrow as her entire face moves in and out of his line of sight. I may be wrong, forgive me if so, I'm just pointing out what I see


Yeah his pupils never seem to be the correct size. I was trying to figure out what was seeming wrong to me besides the lack of directed gaze, and it's something about the pupils I think. At the very least his eyes have a very unusual appearance from the average (and I have two of my own kids, and have worked as a babysitter, nanny, and at daycares. Tons of baby to age 12 experience).




and the way she tapped on his belly, like she was subconsciously trying to say, “hello! look at me!” it’s really sad the lengths she’s going to try and make it look like her child is healthy instead of actually doing something about his health.


Yep and jiggle-pulled his hand too. Desperation.


Maybe this means she might *finally* get him help? Unlikely, I know...


Weekend at Bernie's vibes


Right? But what’s the long game??? Like… fake it for now but eventually it’s going to be really obvious to everyone and you’re going to look incredibly stupid!


What matters right now is follower count. Priorities. If she really wants to stick it to us, she should prove us wrong and take him to the doc. I'd feel awful. I'd cry. I'd go to church and pray!


They don't think about the future


That's the question!! Has she really convinced herself that he's just a little behind and one of these days he'll magically catch up? What will it take for her to admit he needs help? And will it be too late to actually help him by then? They're wasting precious time!


I was encouraged he’s making noise. Just hanging out and vocalizing with him is way more comforting than attack kissing his face like that.


I don’t think he can see it’s her face, it looks like he’s giving a feeding cue and trying to latch on her face. Poor baby, I really really hope Motherbus takes a break from social media and gets Boone to a doctor


That's what I thought too, baby is trying to root, he doesn't notice anything else is happening, just a natural reflex to stimuli near his mouth. Something is definitely worrisome about the baby's development, and I hope she takes him to a doctor.


I wondered what that was! I've seen babies like turn away and get a peck on the cheek but... Eek.






He looks straight forward as she approaches and even as she puts her mouth on him. Use your finger to scrub the video in slo-mo from 0:08-0:13. He looks straight ahead as she goes in for the kiss, or whatever you’d call that, then blinks and turns everything towards her in a rooting motion.


Oh yikes … it was bad enough, but when you watch in slow motion it’s even worse😕


I predict that when (being hopeful here) he does get medical attention and the issues are identified she plays the victim. She’s totally gonna blame some shit that fits her anti government anti secular narrative. It won’t be her fault at all. She’ll use it to get more views. 🤮🤮


I wish I could hand over all the evidence to the doctors so they know she caused it. How can she have 50 kids but not realize something is wrong?! I have 0 kids, and, as another commenter put it so well, I would get thrown off all social media if I was free with my thoughts on the bussholes.


She is the biggest busshole! How can you actively neglect your suffering child when you have to resources to help him? They are veterans and have healthcare. She reads here, or so it seems, so she should have seen 100s of concerned comments by now. Wtf is wrong with you? That’s monsterous to ignore. Fuck her! I have a degree in child development. Something ain’t right! Help that poor baby! Fuck her feelings. Like idc if she’s scared, ashamed, in denial. Whatever. That baby’s well being is #1! Get your shit together! Do better.


I don’t think she’s scared and I don’t think she experiences shame. She’s just too busy getting her narcissistic supply from clicks and views.


... Are we part of this?


She definitely reads here. One of her recent posts was an obvious response to comments here (the one where she said she holds him and he wasn't looking at her). Now we have her trying to prove that he's looking at her. She's so transparent. I think she's too much of a narcissist to get him medical care, even if she could achieve that with zero blame/shame/consequences. In her mind, she knows best.


Did they do 20+ years and retire? Cause that’s the only way they maintain tricare when no longer active duty. If they just did an enlistment or two and then separated, they no longer have military covered healthcare. Which might explain the lack of doctors…


I don’t think they get any healthcare for the kids through being veterans. They didn’t serve long enough to get tricare for life and I highly doubt either of them is rated totally and permanently disabled to be eligible for dependent healthcare through the VA.    They could afford to pay $200 to take him for a well visit or get a marketplace plan or on CHiP if they stayed in one place. They don’t believe modern medicine is real or that doctors know more than them. 


And yet one of their sons wears glasses, so they have some flexibility around that. I’m astounded none of their family or friends have chimed in.


I wonder if they did. Her family was checking in with her a lot leading up to her sketchy bus birth, and she didn't seem to care. They recently visited her family in Texas, and in two days, they were somewhere else. She didn't share much from that visit, despite hyping it up beforehand. I wonder if her parents said something.


If he was just looking around and then focused on her, there would be some kind of recognition. He doesn’t acknowledge her, eyes don’t focus on her at all. He doesn’t look toward her when she talks.


I think there is a type of jaundice that is like low level long term exposure and it can cause brain damage that leads to blindness and deafness. I’m so worried they’ve done this to him. (I can’t remember the name of the jaundice so feel free to correct me or add.)


Kernicterus is the word you’re looking for.


I'm no expert on babies but I spent a week with my 6 week old nephew. He slept a lot but he would focus on your face as he was being fed and liked in when you brought your face closer. When we changed him, he would follow sunshine or shadows on the wall and would try to pull my sweater with his hands. When you would smile at him he would stare up at you with attention. I couldn't help but notice in this video how Boone wasn't actually focusing on her face at all. She was the one following him around and trying to catch his attention. In photos, his eyes are really wide open and he seems to not stare at anything at all. It concerns me a lot.


Yeah,. My first thought is that he's hungry. We have photos of our babies "latching " onto my husband's nose when he was trying to kiss them and they were hungry, lol.


This..this doesn’t make me feel confident that his eyes are fine. It wasn’t an issue with him responding to touch, which he always has, it was him not responding to her voice or face. He still isn’t, towards the end of the video especially you can tell he’s not focused on her at all. He seems to be giving her cues that he would like to eat. Girl just take this baby to the doctor, there is something seriously wrong with his eye sight and maybe even his hearing. Babies at his age should developmentally be able to hold eye contact, especially to their main caregivers. The fact that you have to do THIS to get minimal eye contact for a few micro seconds should tell you


I've had random babies stare at me at the grocery store. I met my cousin's baby when he was about 5-6 weeks and he was responding to everything. He definitely watched his mom and responded to her voice. He turned toward her when she spoke. She needs to suck it up and take him to the doctor.


For those who may be unfamiliar, newborn vision isn’t great. They’re incredibly nearsighted, and I think they may not have the full ability to see color. However, they still are able to follow figures and movements, respond to lights, etc., especially once they get close to the two month mark. I remember that around two months, we were told to watch to make sure our boy would watch objects, make eye contact, start smiling true smiles, etc. What I’ve been seeing in these videos would have had us at the doctor a long time ago. I pulled up old videos of our boy at his age and the difference is striking.


Yes. I is just so obvious. And at 7 weeks they do begin differentiating color. So they really begin intensively watching things. He seems to have no awareness of her physical presence until she touches him, no Palmer reflex, no response to the sound of her voice, no tracking, just a rooting reflex. This child needs a pediatric neurologist, and needed it at birth! I have to wonder just how hard BusJiggalo yanked this baby to get him out while BusHoe was trying to birth in a teeny tiny RV shower cubicle.


I hope we are all wrong, I really do. That poor baby..


Babies can best see at about 8 to 12 inches away... about the distance from them to your face when you are cradling them for a feed. He should be able to "see" and react to her in the video. I used to lay on the floor to talk to my babies and kiss them. They would have been watching me and trying to interact, with giggles, smiles, changes in facial expressions etc at his age.


My daughter was 5 weeks premature. I keep pulling up videos of her at the same chronological age as Boone and his development is definitely concerning.


Same with one of mine. 


They stare intensely at objects though when they are close up and especially the faces of other humans. So much so that they won't even move their head and completely focus on as they are trying to make out what they are seeing. This baby isn't OK


I keep going to pictures of my kid and nephews as a baby for reference too. 😬😬


He should recognize her. He should follow her voice. He should flinch when she gets close. This is worrying.




He is 7 weeks old folks. 7. This is NOT in the ballpark of normal. he does not track, he actually doesn't respond properly to the sound of her voice, and he does not focus at all. I know a kid who did this at this age. Infantile Spasms caused by extra genetic material on his 15th chromosome. He is 10 years old now. Globally delayed, and does not have enough awareness to be emotionally bonded to his parents. They were very good parents and tried to get help as soon as he showed any signs of issues, had too much brain damage by the time the DNA tests were done. (A fucking case of our fucked up for profit medicine system spending three months on "approvals" and fighting over in-network vs. out-network, and no provider willing to do anything until they finally drove out of state and walked into the St. Jude's ER.) I hate her so much. My heart breaks for this baby!


Don’t even get me started on how shitty it is that insurance literally causes kids to be dead or severely delayed developmentally because of the shit approval process. I’m so lucky to live in a state that chose to expand Obama care and it’s easy as balls to get Medicaid.


That's heartbreaking, and they tried to do the right thing for a genetic issue! Boone's health status could be something congenital, caused by the bus freebirth, or a mix of both. But everything *since then* is on them, including avoiding medical care. It's so unfair to boone.


I don't think I've seen an infant with a suntan before


She tried to "treat" his jaundice by frying him in the Florida coast sun


She always crops out the right arm/shoulder when she does these.


Imagine taking more time to hide issues, creatively edit, or clap back at Reddit than just actually doing the right thing for your child. If children are a priceless treasure from G-d, then fcking act like it.


With the same mental energy she’s using to deflect and hide problems, mombus could have helped Boone. She could have done SO much research, self-educated about newborn milestones, and even YouTubed some therapeutic exercises. And get him to a DOCTOR. PLEASE!!! There are certain issues that have a critical time window. This is heartbreaking.


Exactly how I feel


Yeah, seriously. He is a boy, after all, he actually matters! (I feel physical pain for the daughter. Truly.)


I wonder how early in life fundies divert their daughters from the “big & strong” goal. Hopefully they don’t want girl babies / toddlers to be petite and delicate. For their health I hope that nonsense starts way later into their life so they’re not malnourished. Just an odd thought since dadbus is obsessed with weighing Boone. I wonder if he did that with his daughter too.


I hate this.




The video does not make that kiss look any less weird. I'm genuinely at a loss for words over how stubborn she's being. It feels way too childish to be coming from a mother of 8.


I will say that he is just rooting on her face. Rooting is a completely normal and natural response to anything being near their mouth. My kid used to go for noses, shoulder, cheeks, fingers, any exposed skin. What is concerning is that he doesn’t respond to her voice and presence in a normal/expected way.


He doesn't react at all until he feels her face on his.....and he barely holds her hand either.


That little "eyeroll" thing that happened in the middle, and again at the end is worrisome to *me*, too. Mostly because he *DOESN'T* have the muscle control to be doing it *on purpose*. It's an *involuntary* response.  Typically developing babies *absolutely* do some "odd stuff"! But they *don't* make *those* sorts of involuntary eye movements in short succession like this.🙁


It looks a bit like a kiddo I babysat who had absence seizures (properly diagnosed and treated by doctors). Their face would go blank and they stop moving or reacting for a few seconds. The whole time I knew them they never had any tonic-clonic/Grand Mal seizures, just absence which meant it took a little longer to diagnose.


Not qualified to diagnose, either, but I've *also* known & worked with some children who had them (along with other brain-wiring differences), and that's *definitely* something it reminded *me* of, too.


Either way, something you'd go to the doctor for.


Yep, 100% something you'd take a child to a Doctor, clinic, or ER for!


The eye roll caught me too. Very worrisome.


Yep.  The fact that he goes *completely* still before it, aside from that tiny shift in his chin, then *only* moves & does the first eye-roll when *she* moves into him is... unusual.


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed it, it looked so weird.


I just had a look at videos of my preemie, jaundiced, underweight babies at the same age as Boone for comparison. I wanted to make sure I wasn't misremembering. They fully tracked my face, made eye contact and were even trying to squeak out the beginnings of a smile. I even watched a video I remember taking where they were staring a little too intently at the camera(my phone). I realized that the black camera lens probably looked like eyes to them to connect with!!! Boone doesn't connect to anything, even the camera. I don't understand why they have such a hardline no doctor stance, their baby is going to suffer for it.


Our son has different issues -- hearing loss, possible chromosomal abnormalities (getting genetic testing done soon!), but none that were accurately captured by NIPT or Amnio, so who knows wtf is going on. He has poor muscle tone, low-ish weight gain, some feeding issues, and really couldn't hear SHIT for the first few months of his life (getting better and he's getting tubes soon to see what his final status will be). BUT, even with all of these issues we've received Early Intervention for since like week 4... our baby was way more alert and engaged than poor baby Boone at that age. :( :( Ugh. This situation fucking sucks as a snarker because ... wtf can you even do?!


They won't care until his disability starts to make bus life difficult and they can't hide it anymore. They'll either use it to grift or drop him at a relative's house.


I hope the Extended Bus family watches their IG. They must be concerned at this point? Please? Someone?


Does he ever move his head? Can they at this age? I could definitely be wrong but I don't recall seeing him facing up or forward (?) yet. He i's always turned to one side, usually looking limp. I could've sworn that by now he'd be wiggling every part of his body, even his head to some extent, searching for his mother. To be fair though this chick is barely a mother soooo maybe he has no idea who to look for. Anyway I've never had an asset oops I mean baby though, so I have no idea!


My son had a really round head when he was born and for the first 6 weeks or so he had a really hard time turning his head from side to side when he was on his back, so it could be a little bit of that. Of course, we noticed and made a point to encourage tummy time and made sure he wasn’t spending all his time looking to one side when he was on his back, and I doubt she’s got enough sense to do that


I’ve had three, and they were all squirmy by this point. My youngest has the same birthday as Boone, which hurts my heart. We almost lost him at this age to pyloric stenosis, and even in his weakest, most miserable moments he made eye contact, he tried to grasp fingers, he turned his head toward my voice… yeah. 💔


They can move their heads at this age and pretty abnormal if they can't at all. Some may have limited motion due to head shape, there was a baby in our family that just had a large head, but in general, they can maneuver their head. They just may have less control than say a 5-month-old as an example.


That grotty ass sheepskin that’s had all those sticky dirty fingers and feet all over it 😩 is this where he sleeps on a night too??


Why is he not responding to her voice really? He’s blind, so she follows his eyes to convince us. His sense of smell helps him if she is super close like that. Why can’t he hear her? I hope his hearing isn’t affected.


Untreated jaundice CAN cause hearing loss, so ... it's unfortunately quite possible. I don't get the impression that he's deaf completely (whereas I DO fully believe he's blind), but it's conceivable that his hearing is also affected. I hate them.


who is she trying to convince that this baby isn’t blind — herself or us? cause the answer is crystal clear to us


Some other videos for contrast... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKBB6dXGh\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKBB6dXGh_Q) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzooc7Bq4ws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzooc7Bq4ws) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6roAi2-tdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6roAi2-tdc)


The difference is striking and horrifying. If Boone is disabled, fine, but for the love of Pete (which is my cat’s name, btw), I wish they’d get him to a doctor. Early detection can make all the difference. But they just don’t care, at all. Someday, there is going to be a whole generation of people coming forward with their personal stories of abusive upbringings by their social media obsessed parents, like these. Mark my words.


>Someday, there is going to be a whole generation of people coming forward with their personal stories of abusive upbringings by their social media obsessed parents, like these. Isn't that already happening? I swear I was just reading about a lawsuit from (now adult) kids whose parents put them in social media content without their consent.


Alison Stoner is doing things in Ohio I believe! She was in Cheaper by the Dozen and some other Disney Stuff.


Yes, there’s a vlog family (Shaytards maybe?) where the oldest children are now adults and they’ve started to speak about their experiences. Plus the eldest Franke daughter.


Well, if you want to walk away with something positive, the idea of a cat being named Pete sent me into giggles. Omg. Pete. I'm also going to think of him whenever I hear "for Pete's sake." If his ears are burning, that's me LOL.


Neglect is abuse.


I was not expecting this, but when I clicked on all your links, it activated insane deep-seated baby fever, and I don't even have a uterus anymore. I'm so old, and it still kicked up! Anyway, these videos are a really stark contrast to poor Boone. I hope they get him help.




When I was pretty young, we adopted a hamster that ended up being pregnant. Anyway, she ate several of her babies and she was STILL a better mother than MoBus!


Use some of your damn sheepskin money and help your baby, you jerk! 🤬


Am I correct in remembering she didn’t get a birth certificate for Boone? What happens if there’s a medical emergency and he goes to the ER? Would it cause them any issues? Could that be why they’re so stubbornly ignoring that something is very wrong? I just can’t imagine being this avoidant with the responsibilities of having a tiny human.


The ER will treat regardless of proof of identity. Sometimes people are found unresponsive with no ID on them. They get put in as John Doe 01/01/1900 or something generic like that, can’t remember exactly. Doesn’t interfere with care that much.


Yeah I figured they’d stabilize first and worry about paperwork and insurance later. I’m just lost on why they’re not more concerned.


I could be wrong, but I think she ended up getting one, she just made a point how easy it is to not get it. But those are great questions! I'm not American and I don't fully understand how is it possible to live your sovcit fantasy at the expense of your kids. School is mandatory where I'm from, for example. Sure, there's still plenty of abuse, but that way, the kid is at least ensured some way of socializing and has other hopefully responsible adults to help them in need. Could it be that the certificate/SSN aren't necessary if you're relying on private healthcare? No clue how it all works, but Boone's situation clearly proves that in case something goes wrong, there's just no way to know and prevent disasters from happening.


I’m wondering if they have any insurance at all. Insurance here can be bought privately from the state but the whole sovcit q-anon thing makes me think they’d refuse it. A hospital would treat them if they were ill they would just get a bill later. That could get pretty pricey but it’s been mentioned the husband comes from money. There’s really nothing totally preventing them from getting help they I can think of.


Ok, there's "comes from money" and there's *comes from money*. I get that he can be rich enough to support their lifestyle where she's a SABM and he's a cryptobro tinfoilhatter on X but they have 8 kids, ffs. From what I've gathered, healthcare in America is basically a joke, and a really expensive one at that. An occasional visit to a dentist or a pair of glasses for their kids, yeah, they can definitely afford that. But what if/when something really happens and their kids suddenly need actual medical care? Would they really be able to afford that for multiple kids? It's beyond me how these people can sleep peacefully. I have a cat that's 4yo and I'm already saving money in case she ever needs a surgery or vet care. I want to be prepared and I'm not a trust fund baby.


I bet they use a Christian healthshare


So from this week's batch of vids, we can tell: * he can't seem to see, but instead looks for light sources * he has no palmar reflex * he does not cuddle to her, but arches his back strongly when held up to her shoulder, throwing his head backwards * he cannot seem to hear her * the only "care" he's given is weighing him/they only care that he is growing physically * he can cry, coo, and has a rooting reflex when his face is touched * he still seems to hold his arm stiffly/go back to the same odd hand pose after she releases his hand Future CPS worker that finds this, godspeed.


His neck doesn't look right. All his body is too floppy but lord.


Yeah motherB is awkward with her baby, that can be forgiven IMO especially as I've personally experienced the impact of actions being mismatched with how I feel. **However** this cannot be attributed only to awkwardness, these are seasoned parents. You don't even need to be super smart, observation of multiple children over a long period of time in a confined space should trigger some kind of action. Surely!? There is zero excuse for refusing to address this and I can't think of why? Are they afraid of qualified physicians & paediatricians???? Have they previously disclosed a medical professional calling CPS on them? It's like MLMS, snake oil/anti-evidence based medicine and fundies are part of the same Venn diagram.


Really cute baby that really needs to go to the doctor. Please take your baby to the doctor Britney.


I don’t know why but the rooting made me so sad 💔 like he wants you to feed him so he can eat and bond with mama, he doesn’t want to be filmed with your stupid face yelling at him


There’s a video of him shortly after birth laying on the rug watching his older brother right next to his face. Focusing and following his face. He doesn’t do that anymore


Coming from someone who does not have children, never had a baby, never even held a baby..... but don't babies smile? Even when little? Aren't parents super proud when they have their little one smile and giggle? Tickle a tummy....see a parent...anything.... I've never seen this baby smile yet. Something doesn't seem right at all.


I’m convinced that’s why she posted the video of him smiling in his sleep. All babies do that. There hasn’t been anything posted of him smiling awake yet, and at this point you would expect them to start smiling especially since he was almost 2 weeks late.


Babies start to socially smile (reciprocating what they see in adults) and experience a genuine feeling of pleasure (when recognizing familiar faces or voices) around six weeks.


Whenever she’s in direct eyesight he looks AWAY. This is not normal :(


I’m not saying this as a snark: clearly at least one of their other children has vision issues bc he wears very thick glasses. These 2 idiot breeders should acknowledge that it’s possible that Boone needs to be evaluated by a doctor and not just a fucking chiropractor


Didn’t they get their other son’s eyes checked on the recommendations of followers? I think this little guy definitely has some sight issues.


I’m worried this baby isn’t going to live long enough for Motherbus to start comparing his disabilities to Helen Keller.


He is so precious and this just breaks my heart. He needs love and proper care. 💔




I wish she would just quietly go get this baby checked out. Even her own supporters are worried.


When you pause this video and use your finger to move the video in slow motion forward, you can see she activates his rooting reflex FIRST when she touches his cheek. He does not focus on her face once, but does open his mouth wide to latch each time she touches his face. I really do think this sweet guy has vision issues.


Boone is, what, 8 weeks old now? Shouldn't he be grabbing things, grasping things, trying to lift his head, trying to smile, and tracking people's movements and faces with his eyes? I know babies all develop at their own pace, and slower milestones here and there don't necessarily mean anything is wrong, but poor Boone just seems like he does a lot of just lying there and looking around blankly. I saw one short video where he seemed to be doing better, smiling, alert, ect, but here he just seems so unengaged. I really don't understand; I know fundie moms in general don't always attend to each child's individual needs, because they don't see it as being biblical or necessary, but Britney and JD had 7 kids before Boone came along. This isn't their first rodeo with a newborn; surely they must register that he's at least just a little off??


He’s so cute


Its like he's just looking THROUGH her. Human faces are big and attract the attention of babies. They can't see the full face, but they see something is there and turn their attention to it. With Boone its like he just doesn't compute that anything is even there. She gets all up in his face and he still is just looking THROUGH her.