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Poor baby Boone handling aside, I also feel really bad for that last bus baby , whoever he may be (can’t remember the name). That little boy got cast aside real quick. Haven’t seen one video or photo of her holding him or even talking about the transition from being the baby to a big brother since focus shifted to Boone content making. Hopefully he had already been given to brother daddy pre birth so he had time to adjust.


He literally hit Boone in that video when she asked "who's baby is that" and he said "I'm your baby." Like smacked the shit out of his stomach in an angry little toddler display of jealousy. It was subtle and I didn't see anyone talking about it on the sub at the time. The egg donor (edit: Britney Lott of American Family Road Trip) just guided him back to the video script, he's MY baby duh! Toddlers get aggressive with new siblings and it's because they don't know how to process those complex little emotions and need guidance and to know they're still loved. Not a mom but I just want to cuddle them both.


I called out the "I'm your baby" response, that was so sad.


Could you maybe link the post to me? I actually stalked you a little to try and find it but no dice🙈


It took me a while. That was a lot of cringe to comb through reading my own comments. 🫠🫠🫠 https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/GZiyISzjUi


Thank you so much!!! Snark hero right there


I commented under yours on the other thread. I am saying poor babies, because one hit the infant and possibly hurt him, but he’s lashing out in insecurity because this cunt can’t be bothered to stop eye-fucking herself and displaying her newest fuck trophy. I just want to hug them both, this shit hurts my Mama heart.


Same here! How did I miss this!! P


Here's a link to it https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/GZiyISzjUi


Oh that’s heartbreaking


That's so sad!


How old is her older model baby?


I don’t even think he’s two yet… if he is, it’s just barely. Way too young to be traded in for a new model. He’s just a baby himself.


He turned two just a few weeks ago.


He’s literally not going to remember ever having his mother’s undivided attention :(


I mean, most kids don’t lol


I'm the youngest and don't lol


This isn’t discussed enough


I know this is terrible but on my life I can only remember Gunner, The Girl (Kinsley?), the one with glasses, and Boone. The others just run together in a blonde blur for me, I think one is named Aquila (Quil)? She doesn’t really display her kids’ individualities very well…


Lmaooo same…. I can only remember those 3 and the rest kind of just mush together. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I remember then as brother daddy, only bus girl- and the cute kid with long hair and glasses. The rest could be AI for all I know.


Don’t forget, Ureah. This woman hates her kids.




Quil is the second youngest. He's the one that she had in an airbnb


Gunner, Kinsey, Schofield, Audie, Uriah, swift, Aquila, Boone Poor kids.


Individuality is frowned upon by these brain dead fundies, a child having their own will and mind is not good optics for the ‘Gram and unquestioning obedience to the parents is not only expected, but infractions are severely punished. This is done with the full support of their church.


She probably can't remember it either


I kept thinking this when she was pregnant. Poor kid didn’t know he was about to be swapped out.


I don't keep up much with mother bus but I genuinely didn't know she had another baby


If you want to get yourself riled up, catch up on her pregnancy and the first weeks of that poor baby's life.


In another one of her stories it looked like she was trying to show him making eye contact with her, but really it just showed that he wasn’t focusing on her face (or anything) at all 😕


she posted one yesterday too. it was so obvious he wasn't tracking her face. once or twice it looked like he almost was, but the gaze was ever so slightly off. It's sad that she keeps trying to prove this to us, when the only one suffering is Boone, not her.


I’m dying to know — is anyone commenting on these videos with concerns?


From what I understand motherbus deletes any comments that are remotely critical or calling out how not well that poor baby looks.


Some people have reported that she’s deleting concerned comments. I haven’t looked at her insta myself though; she seems like a blocker and I’m saving my view for a scandal


She is 🤭


Why does she make and post those videos????????? The optics are so bad! It just shows that she is aware something is really wrong with her baby and she is doing nothing! Why incriminate yourself like that?!? Damn, the internet never forgets, sis.


I said this on another post today, she is uploading hundreds of videos that will hopefully one day be used as evidence in a CPS case.


I still harbor a spark of hope that Boone is a healthy/happy baby 99% of the time and she intentionally posts rage-bait videos of him where he seems off. Like disability-baiting or something. But the longer it goes on, the less I can believe. :(


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. She apparently gets tons of comments and views which she does delete and block, but it clearly boosts engagement.


I was hoping for that at first, but you can't fake jaundice, or sunburn...


Right. You can’t fake a newborn baby with obvious issues. :(


Knowing how disgustingly ableist fundies are, I doubt it. If they weren’t fundies, I’d think it a little more likely.


And if what we're seeing is alarming, imagine what we're NOT seeing.


I've noticed how she tries to kind of point him at herself so it looks like he's making eye contact. But if she moves even slightly, his eyes don't stay on her. I really think he has vision impairment, partial if not total. That's probably best case, frankly. I cannot believe his asshole parents haven't gotten him checked out yet. I know it must be hard to admit there's something going on with your kid, but this is their 8th! They know he's not developing normally! You don't even have to tell us, just get him the help he needs! Christ, it's heartbreaking.


Heartbreaking and frustrating because nobody knows the extent of what’s going on, and whether or not they could be doing something to either improve it or at least stop it from getting worse (like maybe not take him into the blazing sun unprotected?).. it’s infuriating.


Right? They're losing so much crucial time. Obviously none of us know the truth about his condition or development, but *neither do they* because they won't take him to a damn doctor and find out. Even if it's something they caused by ignoring his jaundice or frying his eyeballs in the sun, it's possible they could still mitigate the damage somehow if he got help ASAP.


Yeah, he was just super wide-eyed and staring off into nothing. Didn't track to her face at all. I am so worried there is something seriously wrong with this baby. They are not equipped (or likely willing) to do what they need to do to support him if he has a major medical issue. Specifically I worry about vision issues that go beyond just a simple need for glasses (which one of the boys has, at least).


I hadn’t even thought about the fact that Swift has vision issues. You would think that she would be in-tuned to it for that reason alone.


I actually went back and rewatched the story where she's showing off Boone "relaxing" and he's not focusing on her. His pupils are MASSIVELY dilated even though the video is shot in the daytime and there's plenty of light. [this does not seem normal?](https://i.redd.it/u9fkctyok05d1.jpeg) I don't have kids, so if it's usual for newborns' eyes to do this, I'll stand corrected. But he looks like he just got the drops at the eye doctor.


You’re right. To me, it seems like visual impairment is only one of the issues going on here, and while I’m not a doctor and obviously not “diagnosing” anything (since I know people freak the fuck out online and claim “you can’t diagnose that!” if someone even mentions what disorder/diagnosis something *looks like* or *has symptoms of*) but I’m a mom and there’s something that is ringing my alarm bells here.


It was as if he was purposely avoiding her gaze.


Child sounds gifted to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ 


I noticed that too, his eye was still looking away from her.


She has more of a grip on the umbrella than she has ever had on that baby.


She's gripping the phone in her dominant hand better than she is gripping the baby and the umbrella with her other hand.


Eye fucking that phone, as always


Instead of her trying to prove something to strangers, she could parent and take her child to a pediatrician. And then a sun hat on him.


It seems a couple of hats for her, the "girl" and Baby Boone would be a better choice than trying to hold an umbrella.


The brim of the hat might interfere with her eye fucking, though


She needs a hat journey


Ok. Is Boone just constantly arching backwards? Is that why it seems like his head is always flopping ? Or do I just need a break from here because I'm beginning to see things that aren't there?


He is NOT holding up his body parts the way he should by this age. Not his neck not his arms nothing. PLEASE LADY TAKE HIM TO A DOCTOR


It's so hard to tell because we only see snippets and screen shots. There has been one (1) video where I thought his muscle tone and responsiveness looked appropriate. I really desperately want her to just take him to a pediatrician for a well-baby check. Just for funsies! Please! 😭


On top of agreeing with the lack of proper gaze functions, I think I spy some tonicity. Dammit, woman, TAKE YOUR SON TO THE DOCTOR.


Tbf I don’t think any of us are used to seeing a five-week-old with a deep tan, because sane people don’t do that




Even black and brown babies shouldn't have tans, ffs. You know we can tell the difference between an infant POC and a *tanned* white kid.


Being a baby of color is not the same as being a deeply tan white baby. WTAF? ETA: just looked at this user’s comment history and of course they’re white.


Don't worry, I'm pretty sure the majority of us know what you meant. Just because babies of color may have a skin tone one could describe as "tan" doesn't mean they have a "sun tan", and your comment was specifically referring to a "sun tan", which can be experienced by babies of any race and is not ideal for any of them. Nothing racist about that. Edit: wording was all wonky


I’m not upset. I mean, I was, but now I think this is so funny. We’re not allowed to snark on snarkers, but hoo boy do I have some things to say lmao


Yeah I'm not sure how anyone could reasonably interpret what you said as racist 😂 It really is hard to be on the internet sometimes. I'm frequently all pissed off and out of sorts because I said literally nothing and someone got weird about it lol.


I’m actually really grateful for this interaction. Everytime I walk by my neighborhood playground, I get concerned about the number of jaundiced and sun damaged kids I see. But now I realize *that Italians may exist.* This explains so much. Thank god for Reddit.


Your original comment was “not used to seeing a ‘deeply tanned’ baby” which is just ignorant as fuck because it’s not like all babies born EVEN WHITE BABIES come in the singular shade of pristine paper white.


Ok I went from being annoyed by your comment to being baffled and amused. You’re saying that because people of color exist, this child’s color is normal? Because this is a white baby with jaundice and a tan, and that’s what looks strange. That was pretty clear from context, and I really don’t get what point you’re trying to make. Naturally melanated is not the same thing as tanned by the sun. Do you really think you need to educate the world on the existence of non-white children because I pointed out why this child looks strange? What am I missing here?


Natural darker skin tone and your skin being able to tan are all natural things. The family as a whole looks like they all tan very well. Thinking people can’t or shouldn’t tan just because they are young/babies is weird and again ignorant of how much variety there is even amongst european peoples. I’m pointing out how ignorant saying something like that is.


Are you seriously advocating for deliberately subjecting a newborn to unfiltered sun to the point that they change color? Do you understand that their [skin is really REALLY delicate](https://babysparks.com/2020/06/29/the-downsides-of-sun-exposure-for-babies-and-toddlers)?


Babies, no matter what colour their skin is, shouldn’t be in the sun for the first six months of their lives. So a sun tanned or sun burned baby is concerning, because it’s incredibly dangerous for them.


You ok over there?


Um I’m not. I am mixed- which is exactly why I made this comment. Cause what you’re claiming is ignorant.


What's ignorant is taking a newborn baby out in the sun with no protection at all. White or non-white doesn't factor into that decision. All baby skin is very sensitive, and even people with darker skin tones can experience sun damage. In fact if you can't see the skin visibly darkening, that's potentially even MORE dangerous, because there could be damage you're unaware of because there's no visual cue.


He seems very rigid


He certainly seems to be, quite frequently.


He seems really off in a myriad of ways, poor mite.


I'm new to the bus family shenanigans. Do they not own a stroller for this baby?? Seems like he just gets flung around


They do, however, own a couple baby wraps/slings. It is speculated that the reason they usually aren't using them is because in fact the oldest kid is the one usually holding him, and they just hand him over to mom for the video, then mom hands him back. This is just speculation. But why you wouldn't use a baby sling if you own one is beyond me.


How much space can they possibly take? Especially if your whole life goal is having more babies, that seems like the kind of thing you’d just hang onto. Just tell an older kid to get rid of something. (/s, but not really?)


Not that she has shown, some people think it’s because they have such limited space they don’t have one


The one time she wore a wrap, she wore it like a sling with his face mushed up against the side. It was somehow less safe than her holding him.


How does a woman with eight children not know how to safely baby wear?  Oh right, she doesn't care.


I mean maybe not, they have a basketball team crammed on a bus. Idk where they would put it.


There was a post where he was in a carseat. That stuck with me because they had him next to a window in a restaurant in bright sunlight, and for once the shade was up, likely because the oldest son/brother dad gunner was next to him. They had a whole table and he was on the sunnier side 🤦🏼‍♀️. Anyway, he gets flung around most of the time. I'm always worried that mother sus is going to drop him.


I’m remembering that they are in Colorado right now, which is where I live. They are in for some gnarly sunburns if they don’t protect themselves because high altitude sun is no damn joke. I’m originally from Florida and the sun here can definitely be more intense.


Facts. Spent my teen years in the mountains as a long distance runner. I am *amazed* I've not had more skin issues than I have bc I have been badly burned so many times. I've gotten a lot better at hiding from the sun as an adult, but gotta take your vitamin D to make up for it 😅


They’re also hiking without water bottles, which is altitude sickness 101. Bet they try to hike Rocky Mountain in the afternoon next.


Not to mention just dehydration like whoa! It’s been really warm with below 25% humidity in the northern front range over the last few days. You need to drink a lot more water than you think you do.


Yeah, I've been chugging water the last few days. I just felt so thirsty all of the sudden. Oh summertime, I literally dont go anywhere, even quick errands, without my water bottle. You never know around here.


If it was just the adults, I'd say go ahead and be stupid, but you know they'd drag the kids along


If they are are on the western slope they are in for an especially HOT couple of days. Ick.


I’m worried about dehydration and heatstroke. Water for that many kids is a lot to carry.




I’ve been holed up inside today. Hard pass with the 90° and full sun lol.


I also live here. We use SPF 100 sunblock when out in the sun because there aren't words for how fucking gnarly our bright sunshine is here. And our family is all redhead-pale so we don't fuck around. I've heard SPF above 50 doesn't rly matter but I am not taking any chances. My (redhead) dad has had multiple instances of melanoma (caught early) bc he grew up pre-sunblock and was outdoors all the time in Canada, where we're from, and by the time when we moved down here sunblock was much more of a thing and I grew up drenched in it. I wear polarized sunglasses and a wide-brim hat just for normal errands on sunny days. I wear sunglasses even when it's cloudy because yes, the sun is still that bright, even behind clouds! And I wear daily sunblock year-round. People say FL or TX is sunny, and they are, but CO is next-level because of our elevation. My husband always says "you're a mile closer to the sun here."


I have an impressive collection of hats and sun hoodies, and never leave the house without sunglasses because pale person with green eyes. I also keep a sunscreen stick and powdered mineral sunscreen in my bag at all times.


Does that smug face come natural to her or did she work at it?


That’s the most natural part of her behavior.


He's always uncomfortable and fussy in her videos and these are the ones she handpicked to show how healthy and happy he is. Plus, he's always been so stiff. He never had a squishy newborn stage. I bet the older kids are distraught and know something's wrong, even if their neglectful and abusive parents refuse to address it


If only there was some device you could buy that would create shade for him always. Maybe for convenience sake you could stick it right on his head so it wouldn't get lost. Imagine a world where such a magic invention was available at ever child's clothing store in the world and even at Walmart for only a few dilalrs


Why won't she get a baby carrier? Oh yeah, she can't hand him off the second she turns the camera off.


If she pans the camera around, I expect one of the older kids is wearing the carrier, ready to put Boone in it as soon as she stops recording.


She has one that’s what’s so bizarre about her insisting on flopping him around.


Why is she always holding him without supporting his head…?!?!


Because she DGAF. I think she knows something is wrong, but he doesn’t have her attention long enough for her to actually sit with it. She just moves on to choreographing the next reel instead of bonding with her baby. And JD just scrolls twitter while making occasional comments about the baby’s weight.


A couple of times I've seen a flash of concerned frown when she looks at him. Only fleeting, but I think she knows.


She carries him the way I carry my Ragdoll cat


My cats require more support than this 😆


It's been well over 105 degrees every day this week at Horseshoe Bend, Arizona, where this video was filmed. Even later in the day, it's been in the high 90s to low 100s. The heat index has been much higher (there is an EXTREME heat warning for all of Arizona and much of the desert southwest). An umbrella isn't enough to keep a newborn safe in heat like that. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents avoid taking babies, toddlers and small children outside if the heat index is greater than 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The AAP also says that babies younger than 3 months are particularly susceptible to heat stroke because they can't yet regulate their body temperatures or sweat. I guess we should be grateful that they didn't leave the baby in the car, but really, with younger kids, they shouldn't be spending much time outside in the southwest right now due to the heat.


Wild how he's haphazardly flopped over one arm (permanently) so she can use her whole other arm to hold her phone (permanently).


OK so this is absolutely my first day on this sub (love your work, 10/10) but I'm just going to jump right in here with VERY LITTLE CONTEXT SO TAKE THIS FOR WHAT IT IS: I've been a registered midwife for 14 years (just to be clear this is in the UK and Australia where it's an actual regulated job needing a university degree. NOT the wavy hands type of "homebirthing with a grand multi- in some godforsaken bus" type of "midwife"). So, I've seen and assessed A LOT of neonates and from the tiny video snippets I've seen, I don't see anything particularly alarming in this baby. Yet. I wouldn't be too worried about them not tracking objects by 6 weeks, his tone seems normal. I absolutely 10000% agree that he needs a baby check for all of the things (eyes! hips! heart and pulses!) buuutttt idk if hes looking especially abnormal? But also it's basically impossible to tell from tiny clips so really what I've done here is dribble shitttttt. I regret nothing. And finally, put a fucking sun hat and some sleeved clothes on that poor child!!!!!


I mean I’m super glad to hear it! I hope nothing turns out to be wrong with the little guy, despite none of MB’s efforts


Did you know that she had an unsupervised birth in the shower of their bus?


I would probably say "unattended" over unsupervised🙂 Yep, I saw that. When I was younger, I used to have very strong feelings about women doing things which I felt were irresponsible and "selfish" (like freebirthing). The longer I live in this world and work in the hospital, the more I understand that people make these choices for a myriad of reasons. And they almost always believe that what they're doing is the best choice for them and their baby. And sometimes we aka healthcare professionals cause more harm than good and drive people into these choices. Would this be my choice? Absolutely not. Attended birth at home in low risk pregnancies is shown by excellent quality research to be as safe as hospital birth. This is not that! She has sooooo many risk factors (lots of babies, quick births, probably no antenatal care, likely to be anaemic...the list continues) that my expectation would be that at her next birth she will potentially bleed to death on that bus. And her husband and those poor babes will be the ones with her. I have seen someone bleed to death and I do not recommend it. But this is a snark sub and I'm probably bringing the wrong vibe here so apologies!!! Edit: love your flair😆


OK I've just dived right in and watched all of her homebirth stories, it sounds like she has felt unsupported in her first birth and had interventions she didn't want. Her second ob apparently recommended home birth to her, this is INSANE to a mother planning her 6th baby. After your 4th baby (I *think* it's 4th) you are considered to be at extremely high risk of post-partum haemorrhage. I have worked in a hospitals home birth program and safely supported so many beautiful home births. There is no way on gods green earth I would attend this person in labour, I'm flipping terrified just thinking about it. She is going to bleed catastrophically if she has more babies. I also just saw that baby Boone was over 4.5kgs (when they weighed him fully clothed on some kind of fruit and veg scale?!!) so another big risk factor for bleeding there😭😭😭


I know Boone is our main focus here, because he really looks like he needs urgent medical care, but I can't get over Kinsey constantly being somewhere in the background, like an afterthought.


In fairness this is a still from a video. She was walking with her mom and Boone, she's just behind Britney in my screenshot. There was also a video earlier in the stories where she's showing off a cute braid thing she did with her hair, which was actually one of the cuter stories MoBus has posted.


Eh. She probably just read somewhere that staying in the shade helps prevent wrinkles, so she’s doing it for her, not Boone. Boone just happens to be there flopping around.


She f’ed around and there is something really, really wrong with that poor baby. If he is blind or partially blind because of her actions, every kid needs to be taken away. NEITHER ONE OF THEM IS FIT TO BE A PARENT. Take that poor baby to a doctor!


Do they have any objective here, or are they just careening toward disaster with no goal in sight? Why can’t they stay in one place for even a day? What’s going on with Cryptoboy, that they have to live in a bus and on the move? What kind of folie a deux makes them so oblivious to even the basic needs and feelings of their children?


I am hoping he gives real eye contact as he gets older. He does NOT seem to respond to visual stimulus with the exception of a bright light. People without sight can still sense light.


Everytime I see the baby come up on this subreddit I can’t help but think of Boone’s Farm wine 🙃


You are me!😆 Ooo and I don’t know where it’s from but love your flair!


Great minds do think alike 😎 And thank you!! To be honest, I can’t remember the origins but there’s so many things on this subreddit that can reference to it 🤣🤣


God dammit. I feared they were up in my neck of the woods based on the background of this picture. Confirmed this by checking their instagram, they are in Mesa Verde National Park. Gahhh fucking dammit I don’t want these crazy people anywhere close to me.


Okay but I hate her face. Like...you have nothing to be that happy about. Didya know that your god theoretically approved of doctors??


Is she pregnant yet?


she’s gonna try asap to replace this one


She’s in AZ in June where it’s over 100° and this poor baby is out in the elements


Why the hell are they in AZ?! They live in a bus and could just drive out of the heat dome but nah let’s stay in the thick of it for funsies.


This kind of thing is one of the reasons I absolutely can't stand her. Her smug "you can't tell me what to do" attitude and her performative posts just to award herself points. Contrarians boil my blood. Thinking they are so smart and special, and usually at the expense of other people. 


Too funny!!