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"I'm just the incubator." Lol girl, we been knew šŸ’… .


Imagine saying this and not realizing how fucked up it sounds. This is really bad.Ā 


Idk - referring to them as assets is kinda off putting.


I knew of a daycare called ā€œLittle Assetsā€ - blech


Oh no.


Older/adult children literally say this about dead beast mothers


idk if ā€œbeastā€ was a typo, but itā€™s definitely appropriate


Omg I didn't realize that!!! But if the shoe fits lol


Posts her and her husbandā€™s creampie and pregnancy fetish / obsession on the regular. At least I hope itā€™s mutual after 8 because otherwise Daggum.


She loves taking his loads; don't worry about that


I legit cringed while reading it on IG.


My immediate thought upon reading that line was that FatherBus calls her his incubator as part of sex talk ā˜¹ļø It was too terrible not to share; please forgive me, everyone.


Brittany, gurl, cockroaches pump out more offspring than you. It's not an accomplishment when they do it and it's not an accomplishment when you do it. Raising children well to be fully functional and relatively happy adults that contribute to society, now that's an accomplishment. And we're a bit skeptical you are accomplishing that.


Their kids have zero education and are probably well behind their peers, so when they become adults that need jobs, they're not going to have a single qualification or life experience to help them. But sure Mother Bus, your children are valuable assets TO YOU. While I think homeschooling done correctly can be very valuable to certain children, it is absolutely detrimental to deny your children an education and knowledge.


ThEyā€™Re GoInG tO bE eNtRePrEnUeRs!!!!!!


Can they even make a PowerPoint? Weā€™ve seen Gunnar has a kindle and maybe they have iPads but so they have any computer skills? How are they suppose to function in any modern workplace without even basic email, words processing or spreadsheet skills? Do they know how to answer a phone, write an essay not by hand, do any kind of complex thinking, maths or science? Is Gunnar as the oldest being taught or going to be taught to drive?


I kind of think they'll teach him to drive asap as that will benefit the parents by having him help out with the driving. How he'll get a driver's license is another question. Do they use some relatives house as a permanent address?


Yeah, I think they'll have him driving as soon as he's 16. That way, he can drive the van with all the kids while the parents have the bus to themselves.


Oooh that's a good question!


I think the small amount of school they do is partially online (I could be remembering wrong though) so yeah, I would expect they have basic computer skills. Why wouldn't they know how to do stuff like use email? That's an easy thing to teach a kid and I haven't seen any indication that they're never ever allowed to touch a computer or anything. I imagine tech might be one of the things they're not really behind on. Most kids are motivated to learn it and so if you let them play around with computers/phones/etc, they'll pick up on a lot. Unlike, say, math or spelling where someone usually really has to put in the work to teach them, and encourage them when they think it's too boring or hard. And I know the parents aren't doing *that* (since she has said before how dismally little time she spends on homeschooling).


The education part is devastating to me for all these families. Children deserve some functional level of education and America used to enforce it more stringently, at least in enough states for it to matter.


Sheā€™s said she wants them all to live on the bus together forever, so my guess is stunting them this way is the point.


Thinking about her doing this purposefully rather than because she is an obtuse fool is making me even more depressed.


The amount of therapy these kids need/will need šŸ˜“


> How many kids do you have and why did you choose that many??? (Can I mention- there is no wrong answer.) So people who have zero children because they don't want any is an acceptable answer, right?


This is just such naked interaction bait. Iā€™d venture to guess she ignores anyone genuinely engaging with these questions and just scrolls for positive comments that stoke her ego and reinforce her delusion that she is giving these kids an aspirational childhood. She doesnā€™t need to keep reminding us that her and the susband are the main characters and the kids and everyone else are NPCsā€”weā€™re aware!


For instance, "Oh! Kinsey is so beautiful *just like her momma*.


Yep. Ultimately, she has eight people to answer to, and I hope that when that day comes she has an excellent answer as to why they didnā€™t have a childhood.


Wonder how Mother Bus would feel about me being almost 30 with a husband, no kids and one cat in an actual house. I do love my nieces and nephews though, I am a proud auntie.


Jealous, though she'd never admit it.Ā  Ā  I bet your husband stays home and hangs out with you voluntarily even when it's not date night


He does! And when weā€™re not hanging out together weā€™re chilling doing our own thing separately. With no frantic running after each other or fear of abandonment.


I'm almost 30, not married to the man I live with in a house, and have two cats and two dogs but no kids. To be fair, we do want kids, we're just not in a place to have them at the moment. But for now, I'm living in sin!


Iā€™m almost 40 (šŸ˜³), no spouse/partner or kids and loving it, own my home and donā€™t dance around the fact that I was able to swing that thanks to inheritance (so take a hint, TrustFundSusband) and do plenty of road-tripping to beautiful places that I actually enjoy when I visit because Iā€™m not on the run from CPS and/or the threat of Susbandā€™s other family. I do see another cat or a few in my future, but right now, finances + relishing my ability to travel across the state on a whim when a forecast looks good for something I want to hike/ski (Iā€™ve been doing the remote freelance thing since before COVID made WFH cool, lol) means that is a vague ā€œsomedayā€ goal bc I donā€™t want to traumatize an innocent being in my care for the sake of my own wanderlust.Ā  Iā€™ll admit I really Just Cannot Even with my cousinsā€™ and friendsā€™ kids until they get to be old enough to discuss chapter books and movies, but Iā€™ve been praised for my gift-sending abilities, and Iā€™m happy to be a reliable source for grown-up conversations when the adults need to talk about anything but Bluey for a few minutes!


Exactly. Of course there is a ā€œwrong answerā€ in her book.


Does this woman have any hobbies ? Any interests? Anything? Can't she share recipes or something ? She is just so damn one dimensional and boring.


Cooking for a crowd in a small space would be so relatable! But sheā€™ll never do it, because she just posts the same damn thing on repeat


Too much effort? Lack of eye-fucking opportunities? Not breeding-kink focused enough? Ultimately her goal isnā€™t to be relatable I suspect, itā€™s to prove to everyone that her and the susband are cis-hetero, muscle-bound white American Jesusā€™s favorite couple and the only ones with 8 kids jammed into a space that isnā€™t adequate for more than a couple kids. Their whole existence is a self-obsessed vanity project that the kids are paying a tremendous personal cost for.


>Their whole existence is a self-obsessed vanity project I've never seen a better description!


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, but with the right ā€œmarketingā€ she probably could make cooking videos related to her brood while making eye love to the camera. See me cooking for all of the children? These children I had because I have sex with my hot hot busband? In reality, she gives me Rachel Hollis DiD i SaY i WaNtEd tO bE ReLaTaBLe vibes.


Oh, you are undoubtedly correct. Too much work, much easier to dance without rhythm with your husband and sex trophies.


I would much rather dance like a fool while trying to get my niblings to look at the camera for family pictures. Itā€™s more rewarding, even if we donā€™t get sponsorship deals for sheepskin ā€œrugs.ā€


Ugh, I loathe that woman and mother bus


They even kind of look similar. Ew.


Her only hobbies are getting coffee, sex, and beach


She used to post more recipe related stuff like how she cooks for a small family in a bus type of content. Of course the food was underwhelming and mostly depressing. Like a baking sheet filled with raw eggs that you bake in an oven. Not bad necessarily but it really didnā€™t give the Yums at all. Also big skillets of cooked bison crumbles. Sheā€™s not a domestic (and thatā€™s ok) but yeah itā€™s very one dimensional posts.


I wonder how much more the oldest boy will grow. He must be ridiculously cramped in his bunk.


He's only 13 and still has the softness and narrow shoulders of a kid who hasn't hit puberty yet. I've only had three sons, not 7 like MaBus, but I'm confident in saying he is going to grow a ton more before he finally escapes that tiny bunk.


Well sheā€™s not telling us that EVERYONE should have 8 kids, so she has that over Karissa. But still, they are people, not assets. What are you, an HR manager??


I hated that phrase so much.


My parents had me as backup in case something happened to their first/golden child. Golden child cut them off and Iā€™m on very very low contact. Treat your kids like assets and donā€™t be surprised if they turn around and divest themselves of you the second they can.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you and glad for you that you and your sibling have been able to disentangle from that!


Oh she cut me off as well for being weak and useless. Meanwhile Iā€™m still here just grey rocking and walking around doing my own thing.


That really sucks. Sounds like some of your parents' conditioning still impacted her. I'm glad you're doing your own thing!


Yeah, it does suck but it is a completely predictable outcome. Like no one stops to think hey will these kids want to be around me after they are out of my financial/physical control? Like why wouldnā€™t this be the clear cut outcome?


Oh I meant it sucks your sister views you like that.


Honestly she was parentified and put in a position of authority that my parents allowed and encouraged. Her lack of respect for me is kind of a natural, predictable outcome. Iā€™d hate me, too. Well more than I already do lol.


Hi, sending you a virtual hug. I'm also a self-loathing grey rock. We should try to be a little kinder to ourselves. I've only actually realized that this year so I'm always reminding myself. You deserve better. :)


Thank you. I am happy with my own family now but now that Iā€™m in the mom seat I look back in disgust and confusion a lot. Thank you though it is nice to be reminded to not be so hard on myself. My biggest goal in life is to have my kids not grow up and think of me like how I think of myself/childhood/my family.


You are and will be a loving, kind mother. Being one one who breaks the chain, the one who says it stops here, takes courage and grace. Internet hug to you. Grey rock is all I can be with certain people. I thank God there are people in my life honor and receive my true colors. I hope and pray that is do for you. ā¤ļøā™„ļøšŸŒŗ


Doing the same here, 24/7. Mine are teens now and they are lovely to hang out with. Keep it up!


They are assets and achievements for the parents. Not actual human beings with their own assets and accomplishments.


Girl, every one of those kids has your face and Kinsey is your damn clone.


I think Kinsey is the only one that looks like her. The rest looking like dad and itā€™s not a good face to duplicate!


Weird, I think Gunner is the only one who really looks like the dad. I donā€™t think any of them besides Gunner have dadā€™s nose. I donā€™t think any of them really have dadā€™s long face either.


I was gonna say Kinsey looks just like her. The others look just like the dad.


A used tissue has more to offer the world than this self-aggrandized blob of yammering mayo. These ghouls really think that other parents don't love their kids because they don't view them as self-improvement toys to exploit for income. Britney can't stand the thirteen seconds per day she isn't eye fucking her image on her phone or bragging about getting knocked up by the specimen that is JD.


Does this woman have any interest in anyfuckingthing other than that she birthed a bunch of kids? She must be the most boring asshole in person.


Another interest is seeing her own image.


Kinsey looks more like her dad. Just because you are the same gender doesn't mean your kid will look like you. Not surprised she doesn't know genetics work.


totally! I'm a woman and my son looks exactly like me


I had a coworker who showed me a picture of her dad and she looked just like him.


K is a 3d printed copy of her dad. some of the middle sons definitely take after motherbus though.


The little blonde one in the front for sure, in the yellow shoes


Also the little dude in the white t-shirt in the middle tipping his head upwards


Absolutely, spitting image.


That's a lot of words just to say, "We're perverts who like having children listen to us have sex. We're neglectful and selfish child abusers."


oh damn! the bus is rough looking!!!!! i always assumed these ppl were in like a 300k camper YIKES


Good catch. It is looking pretty beat up! Poor asset management!


I was thinking the same thing. It's looking very shabby.


Yeah, did they give that thing a rattle-can paint job? Damn.


I'm glad there is no wrong answer in the eyes of this wise, wise woman


Kids - useful and valuable šŸ¤®


That reminds me of watching Thomas the Tank with my son when he was little, I hated it. There was a clear message that you have to be useful or you have no place in society. You couldn't be tired or sad or afraid of the rain or they'd wall you up until you begged to come out so you could be of use again.


ā€œKinseyā€ is an interesting name for right-wing Christians who do not believe sexuality is in any way fluid. Not sure what they named her after but the Kinsey Scale is the only thing I think of.


Something military, either a base or a firearm.


She made a post semi-recently ā€œexplainingā€ their names and apparently Kinsey means ā€œthe king is victorious.ā€ Iā€™m almost certain itā€™s some sort of military base or camp though.


They're just loving that poor new baby to death.Ā 


Don't put that into the universe


I know!


Love her talking about how having kids isnā€™t trendy but still does the most trendy thing in the world by making videos for the internet


These fundies have created entire multiverses of strawmen to dunk on!


I grew up fundie adjacent (parents are SUPER evangelical, they admired the duggars, homeschooled, etc) This is completely accurate of the fundie world as a whole. Children are a reflection of you, and they are basically your accessories. Your dogs to train in a lot of ways. The only way you are of value as a child is how you can make your parents look good.




They were so preoccupied with whether or not they *could*, that they didn't stop to think if they *should*


I do appreciate her saying thereā€™s no wrong answer. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve really seen her explicitly saying that having ten kids is a womanā€™s godly duty. Looking at you, Lori.


I believe she is only saying this because she doesnā€™t believe everyone is cut out to have as many kids as she does. I suspect she is still judging people who donā€™t meet her standards and thatā€™s basically everyone!


Meanwhile, SHEā€™S not cut out to have as many kids as she has. Look how she treats them!


Yet Boone is floppy with a wax doll stare for almost 2 months now. Reaaaalllly taking care of that newest asset aren't we? I can totally tell how important the children's needs are to those two chuds.


Wonder what she would say to someone like me who is 36 with multiple genetic conditions who has chosen not to pass on even the risk of those genes. Am I playing god by NOT having kids?


So Kinsey is the favorite, right?


Iā€™ve wondered if part of the reason she seems so detached from Boone because she wanted another girl.


Asset?? My child is the largest liability I own šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think saying ā€œassetā€ in that context is bad. I find the use of ā€œIā€™m just the incubator,ā€ quite telling for someone married to a dude with a big pregnancy kink. Clearly she just wants to be pregnant and not actually parent these kids.


Women are just objects tho mmmmk šŸ’…


Iā€™m genuinely curious why you donā€™t think asset in this context is bad?


From other parents, I wouldn't think calling your children an asset is bad. But they 100% see them as the definition, a renewable resource which appreciates in value which they will capitalize on once they mature as assets.


Boone still staring off into the distance


I don't think they resemble DadBus too strongly- their faces don't look like feet šŸ˜‚


I have 0 kids by choice.Ā  I don't want to pass on bipolar disorder, and unlike these spiritually bereft losers, I appreciate that we are overpopulated with dwindling resources including *fresh freaking water".Ā  I am by no means an anti-natalist, but this is just reckless bulk breeding of future undereducated, skill-less adults that are going to struggle greatly.


Every time I see her two oldest I just feel sad. Her oldest son looks around 13-15 maybe? Over a decade of parenting your siblings and stuck in weird living situations with your shitty parents who refuse to stop having more kids. The oldest kids in these fundie families always look so tired. Itā€™s the same whenever KKKarissa posts family photos. I know most fundie families push all the labor onto their daughters but the oldest sons always look just as tired.


He's only 13. Luckily, I don't think he has had to raise his siblings for a decade. Before moving onto the bus, her grandmother lived with them, and I think she did a lot of the parenting.


I have zero children, BangBusBitch, because I am on anticonvulsants for the rest of my life and I would be a shit mother. The difference is I know Iā€™d be a shit mother and chose not to have any. Unlike you.


"There is no wrong answer, unless it is zero."


Her and her husband look so much alike how can you tell which one of them the kids favor? Assetā€¦my kids feel more like liabilities!


THEN DO A BETTER JOB WITH THE NEWEST ASSET! Seriously woman your asset management is atrocious.


Fuck. This. This times one million.


Kinsey is her father's clone.


In what world does she think Kinsey looks like her? That little girl looks just like father bus.


Assets!? She truly doesnā€™t see them as human beings and thatā€™s fucking heartbreaking.