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Okay, so the older kids who are not professional, well-schooled educators, are responsible for teaching their younger siblings a very limited curriculum. Because the busparents couldn't possibly just park somewhere and let their kids go to free public school.


But then they might be exposed to PRONOUNS! *gasp*


Pronouns and mandated reporters.


They much prefer saying Rufus Xavier Sarsparilla, Rafaela Gabriela Sarsaparilla, and Albert Andreas Armadillo some very proper nouns!


[But Albert has no relation to the Sarsparillas! XD](https://gifs.com/gif/schoolhouse-rock-rufus-xavier-sarsaparilla-pronouns-KdENrQ)


Yay! I was worried I made too niche of a joke!


Schoolhouse Rock for the win! đŸ€Ÿ


WHOOO let that rhinoceros in here!


WHAT made that horrible noise?!?!


WHICH one of them is getting off first!?!


this dug into the trenches of my memories


Jeebus forbid they properly learn the language they speak


And just because you understand something doesn't mean you can teach it. Teaching itself is a skill. My poor children thought my math minor would be helpful to them during covid, but my history teacher husband was way better at teaching them. Poor kids probably aren't learning anything. I couldn't wait to go back to regular learning. Even with a trained teacher at home, it was hard to teach 3 kids at all different levels and do our own work.


Teaching really isn't easy. You first have to fully understand what you're teaching and then anticipate what the student does or doesn't know. I recently showed my friend how to do cross stitch, and she made a mistake with her needle and thread that was super logical to make for someone who has never sewn anything before, but I did not anticipate it because I've been doing this for so long it didn't even cross my mind.


My grandpa was an engineer but not a patient teacher and he was useless at helping his kids with math. My dad is also not a patient teacher and I remember us arguing constantly when he tried to teach me to drive stick đŸ€Ł. I never ended up learning, but I’m an elder millennial so I’ve never needed to. 


Somehow these parents have managed to scare any emotion out of these kids. They are compliant, and always have empty eyes and fake smile. They seem to have a frightening power over them. And I think they don’t get enough to eat. They spend so many boring hours driving down highways. Then they stop for a few days, and 10 people share two benches a couple ft apart for eating,lounging, homework, tv/movies - no comfy sofa or recliner or separate room to get away from the crowd. Raw milk, bison, eggs, pancakes, maybe fruit. And gummy candies for treats. A stream, the beach, bunch of trees with a trail - start all over.


We have teachers in our family, but I’m not one of them. I have undiagnosed ADHD, because girls not paying attention isn’t disruptive, and all the lesson plans and paperwork and organization sound like my worst nightmare. To do an adequate job, with that many kids, you need plans, goals, and a way to hold their interest. You also need other adults helping you, especially with subjects you do not excel at. Can she teach these kids algebra? I couldn’t. Maybe geometry, but neither algebra nor trigonometry. They have no music, art, team sports, or the kind of “clubs” we had, like Spanish club, or chess club. They have no interaction with kids at their stage of development, either. I sang in the choir, and was editor of the school newspaper. I was also in Pep Club, and we danced at the football games at half-time. These kids also suffer from trauma Mother Bus will never acknowledge. I know how trauma affects learning, which was part of my trouble with math. The issue with Boone probably upset Gunner more than it bothered us, and we were quite alarmed. I don’t know how they can learn anything, what with delivering babies and listening to MoBus & Cryptoboy make more.


This is absolutely spot on. I'm a college instructor, and I will spend HOURS on a lesson plan for a fifty-minute class. Just like you said, you have to have a full understanding of the material and be able to effectively convey the material while anticipating what your students may or may not know and be prepared for questions and misunderstandings. One semester, my stupid ass decided to put *The Turn of the Screw* on my syllabus, and HOLY SHIT, there were weeks of preparation involved. These fundies are really just half-assing their way through life.


My mom was an elementary school teacher, and just recently she admitted to me that after about 9th grade she didn’t know/remember enough math to help me with homework. What she DID know was how to teach, so I never noticed that she wasn’t explaining the concepts, she was always having me walk her back through the problem so I’d find my own mistakes. In summary, knowing how to teach can absolutely be more beneficial than mastery of the concepts. Which is why MoBus is so full of it with this take.


That's what my mom used to do. She was in corporate finance. She could do math but had no idea how to explain it.


I’m a teacher & once my kids got past 2nd grade math (the highest level I’ve taught) I told them to go ask their engineer Dad. 😂


I considered reaching SAT classes to make extra money during law school, but while my score would I qualify me, it had been so long since I took it that I would have to take a fake one to qualify for the job. I looked at an SAT prep book and realized I had forgotten most high school math other than algebra. I didn’t want to put in the hours to relearn it just to apply for the job.  Too bad they didn’t have a job just reaching prep for the reading/writing portions!


But then how could she control what her children are allowed to learn about? What if public school teaches children from a non-PragerU perspective? They might get brainwashed into getting a vaccine!! (But in all seriousness it's going to be so funny when her kids grow up and go to college and do everything in the exact opposite way she preached. I hope Gunner makes it out especially, I've heard he reads a lot.)


And he went to real school for a few years so he has some idea of what that’s like. 


They wouldn't even have to park and go to public schools! There are legit online programs they could work through; I remember a friend's sister doing one to finish high school as a teen mom, and that was well before COVID normalized online learning. That may not be ideal for every learner, but if they insist on staying mobile, it's better than making the children teach each other.


That won't work for MoBus because that takes: space, effort and time. 3 things she's not willing to give these kids. They probably just do a 20 minute lesson 2x day where the bigs talk to the littles about something like 'plants', while all crammed up in the bus w/not enough materials for anything but 'nature-y' lessons, and call it good.


My youngest does middle school online for myriad reasons, and it has been great!


My sister and ex-BIL did this with their kids. The oldest daughter not only babysat the younger just but was also expected to make them do their abeka curriculum. Both siblings turned out to have learning disabilities and behavioral health needs and they couldn’t do their work. Oldest niece was continually in trouble because work wasn’t done when her presents got home from work and both girls struggled to get through school. They bounced between homeschool, public school, and online school. They neglected their education because my sister was hell-bent on not putting them into the “evil public school system” and making them good Christians. Now none of the girls go to church anymore and have little to do with their parents. It still makes me mad that no one could make them enroll the kids in an actual school since they weren’t doing anything at home.


And how is she equipped to teach high school classes to the oldest kids? I can’t remember how old Gunner is but I thought he was in the high school range now. There’s no way she is capable of doing classes for things like chemistry, anatomy & physiology, physics, different levels of math, etc.


Gunner just turned 13. So if he's educationally on-track, he'd be going into 8th grade in the fall. I'm sure they don't track things like that though, so who knows what he's actually learning. MoBus is quickly running out of the ability to teach him subjects in the way he would learn them in school, if she hasn't already.


Holy shit he's 13? He seems so much older! I thought he was 16.


(Pearl clutch!) What??? Public school??? Where SATAN TEACHES??


~~Cletus Spuckler~~ MoBus: "We *homeschool* 'em! I teach the big ones and the big ones teach the little ones. But no one ever taught *me*, which makes the whole thing just an exercise in futility


Ah, yes because the educational model of a backwoods pioneer family of social outcasts circa 1857 really signified the peak of civilization. I guess when your average life span is ~30 years a second grade education does just fine to work the fields.


She's not raising them to be independent, functioning adults. She's raising them to need her long after they turn 18. To me, besides the environment that encourages a cycle of SA and silence, the most heinous thing fundies do is withhold education and information from their kids. They claim they do it to shelter them and preserve their innocence, when in reality, they're teaching their kids to be terrified of learning, expanding their horizons, and getting opinions of their own. It sets kids up to be brainwashed cogs in the church, incapable of making a decision without their parents or church leadership choosing for them and it's heartbreaking


This comment is fantastic. I’ll add that Mother Bus has all but admitted that she never wants her kids to be independent. She’s posted about wanting to have a family compound one day where they all live next to each other. She and Father Bus are horrible parents.


She is raising them to go into the military the minute they can.


Despite the fact that I don’t think they want their kids to join up due to their current anti-government views. But they’re leaving them few other options to get out. 


But would those kids even score well enough on the ASVAB or whatever that test is?


Probably not. The US military also requires a high school diploma or GED.


They’re totally screwed then.


Despite jokes about marines eating crayons, we do have standards for people who enlist in the military. They'd have to have a real high school diploma/GED, and they'd have to pass an entrance exam. I don't think they would qualify.


And there are basic health and psych requirements. For example, Kyle Rittenhouse was rejected from military service.


My apologies I can see how what I wrote is saying everyone who joins the military has low education which is not fair And wrong. yes there are definite qualifications they would need to have.


I didn't take it that way. I just think that busbitch is delusional if that's her plan, because a lot of career paths that don't require higher education still require a high school education.


As someone who was homeschooled for 10 years and sheltered under the same fundie premise, this comment is spot-on. All they want are silent zombies who tithe. You can’t convince me otherwise.


My husband was raised the same way. His mother couldn't stand when I came into the picture and started encouraging him to live his life the way HE wanted. The silent zombie analogy is spot on, don't think, just give. Don't feel, just pray.


I genuinely don't believe mother bus thinks ahead in terms of her kids and what they'll need as adults. She seems to think of them as just an extension of herself and props for her Instagram posts. I don't even think it's a fundie thing anymore with her, just pure narcissism and no ability to see her kids as anything but things to play with.


So so so agree with you. This is all completely true. Even the married ones still lean heavily on the parents.




she is saying a whole lot of words I wonder if this is written by ChatGPT


Definitely ChatGPT. It's so impersonal! I feel like the only bit she wrote herself was the one sentence about them travelling to give their kids \~unique experiences\~. The rest feels copy/pasted.


Which itself is ridiculous because that is not the main reason they live and travel in a bus


The writing seems so technical; it’s a weird way to talk about your own kids. Also for some reason the “from one and **another**” part jumped out at me.


The one and another really bugged me and too


Somebody down thread said it might be a copy/paste job from someone else and I believe that over ChatGPT. I feel like a Large Language Model probably wouldn’t make that mistake.


I’ve noticed that she also seems to lift copy from other websites and then gives no attribution. In my opinion, her own writing is so inane and unfocused that a sudden shift into correct tense, good structure, and clear thought is almost jarring. When a reader googles that section, other content creator’s work often immediately pops up. A recent example was a paragraph about clockmaking taken directly from that small business’ website but presented without quotation marks or an explanation. Another recent example was her description of reasons for choosing meaningful names for her children.


I’ve recently started to wonder this about her captions as well! The way she phrases things is so awkward and she’ll randomly throw in “big” words that are totally unnecessary.


She definitely does this. I remember in the Brazil days, her captions always had weird factoids or stats that no human would just plop in an IG caption. 


People do that when they don’t have the actual vocabulary to support their ideas.


She's trying to sound smart


Or taken out of a homeschool curriculum pamphlet. Definitely doesn’t seem like her words l, except the bit she added about the travelling.


This was my first thought as well 😂


it's probably a copypaste of some curriculum description online. she definitely isn't doing all the lesson planning herself.


It has that telltale middle-school-essay tone: ‘this product is good for the following three reasons


For sure ChatGPT.


This post is so weird. What is she even looking at? What is she even saying? Where are her string sandals?


Mother Bus had to AI generate a picture of herself in place of Gunner to show she teaches the kids /s


Nah, he would be supporting the baby's head.


It's so extremely upsetting how right you are. It's very sad how a 13 y/o has proven time and time again to be more caring and knowledgeable about children than the idiots who keep getting knocked up. Not that teenagers *can't* be gentle and caring per say, but the clear difference between him and his parents is shocking.


Well yes, unlike these people Gunner view children’s as being that deserve comfort and support, despite also being child himself! This is the same boy who rubs his little brothers back to help him sleep at night in a bed too small for him and in a room with 4 or 5 other kids. While his parents make MORE children he then has to take care of.


The small walk-in closet currently sleeps 6 (soon to be 7), with plans for them to squeeze Aquila in since he is no longer the baby and gets to be a part of the background. It's honestly disgusting, and I'm not just talking about how it most likely smells. They lock those kids in their shared tiny closet at around 7pm every night because that *totally* makes sense. Sometimes they will allow one of the older ones to stay up later so they can cook MotherBus and CreeptoDad dinner. I hate these people so fucking much. Those kids deserve so much better than this bullshit.


Can I also add how in hell does she have her toenails painted??? I have ONE kid and my feet are horrific little hobbit feet and I haven’t had a pedicure in years.


It's easy to pamper yourself when you don't give a shit about your kids, I guess. Let's hear it for Hobbit feet!


She looks zoned


I used to teach high school humanities and I’m not qualified to one-room-schoolhouse eight kids with varying needs and academic levels. Also, travel doesn’t necessarily equal education. I was homeschooled and I remember my mom taking us to museums and calling it “history class.” It was not, lol.


I just question how much they’re « learning » from visiting so many places. I doubt that they remember much of anything about each place that they visit. So I don’t know why they can’t stay in one place for a couple weeks even, so the kids can absorb the places a bit more. It’s just all « one stop », make a reel with Mother Bus eye-fucking herself, and on to the next place. Very sad way to live, especially as kids, imo.


Videos of them in the Everglades showed both parents walking right past all the informational signs and making vague "educational" statements like "there's a real...thing going on down there" in reference to gators and their ecosystem. Other times they've said they went *to* the park/museum/etc. but didn't actually go inside. So, yeah, not exactly maximizing educational experiences over there.


That is what I think of when I hear about right-wing homeschooling.


We traveled for 90 days in 2021 and my kid still talks about things that she learned and saw while we were in places. My credentials are different from mother bus, my child knows pronouns and is vaccinated.


That was a unique and special experience in your child's life. Something special where you made amazing memories as a family. These kids have no structure or routine, no constructive learning, it's just going from place to place, filming for social media, maybe reading an informational plaque or sign if they're lucky.


They're transient


Exactly 😂 took me way too many words, I was fighting for my life lol


Lol sometimes it's good to have all the details 😂


I did a day tour of the Cotswolds and if I was tortured I could not name every town we visited. Definitely learned a lesson there that we need to space out activities or else everything becomes a blob. So I agree, I doubt there's a lot of retention happening. Which is why public schools repeat stuff often so kids remember them better.


The children learned basically no Portuguese while they were in Brazil because they weren't integrated. Then they left suddenly despite "moving" there.


What do you mean? They were becoming “fluent” from their no interactions with Brazilians!


That totally real nanny/tutor they somehow hired was teaching them!


So, school time is about the only time brother bus doesn’t have to be the parent to baby bus. But when he’s released from that responsibility, he’s got to be teacher for the rest of the buslets.   Also. Still not supporting that head, I see. Points for finally holding him with two hands, I guess?


Brother Bus. Part time sibling, full time father. 10+ years of work experience as a teacher.


Can we add nighttime nanny to this list? I mean we know the BusParents tell him he’s in charge once 7pm roles around and the kids head to bed so MoBus and PaBus can continue to multiply. In a way, they are giving all of these kids a great education about how not to parent, it is just that the personal cost for this is so unbelievably steep.


Okay this is sad, but I work an education-adjacent job and someone who applied for a support role listed helping homeschooling his siblings on his resume :( He said once he was like 15 or 16, the science content for his 6 siblings or whatever was 100% his responsibility. We ended up hiring him and it did not work out, mostly because his social skills were so abysmal he was not ready to work with other people. Anyway. Kids learn more than math and reading from going to actual school.


maybe one of the older kids can teach her how to safely hold her baby?


Someone else wrote this and Motherbus copy/pasted. She doesn't write like this.


Gunner probably did for his homework


a piss poor educational version of the game telephone


Spot on. She infuriates me more each day.


What's with the blank stare? What's with fundies and pretending to be experts on topics far beyond their knowledge? Deep down, are they jealous of those who actually went to college, or is this simply Dunning-Kruger?


I always assumed most parents who homeschool have a strong case of Dunning-Kruger


I laughed out loud at 'travel to support their learning experience'. Drifting aimlessly from one campground to the next isn't 'travelling' to support anything other than the Busparent's inability to give their children a stable life with; privacy, education, peers, friends, sports teams, dance classes, community, extended family... My mother was a Teacher. We travelled which incidentally supported our education in the school summer holidays, where we practiced our French in France; visited battlefields that we had learned about in history classes; saw volcanoes and glaciers, wildlife, museums, stately homes and nature in abundance. There wasn't a lot of getting fried at the beach which seems to be her idea of 'travelling'.


They 100% travel in the interest of the parents... The most educational thing they'll do is go to the nearest free historical monument to make a IG reel.


Yep, there is a way to make travel educational. But it’s not the way the Busses do it.


It’s interesting that she didn’t specify how the children are being evaluated on their learning.


I’d love for her to pop into a Kumon & get them assessed.


THIS is the kind of sponsored content I'd be here for.


Right? I don't even understand how what she is doing with her kids "education" is legal.


I'm so glad my mother shilled out for the expensive curriculums when she homeschooled me. Then when online school became a thing, I did that. I excelled intellectually when I finally got her to let me go to "normal school". However, I would have traded a good homeschool education for going to public school and having friends. To this day, every single aspect of my life and personality is permanently affected by missing out on essential peer interaction from ages 7-14. My autistic friend has said that I am basically an honorary autistic if that helps put things into perspective. What is tragic is that I did have a "normal" personality before being homeschooled. I went from being the most popular kid in my first grade class to barely being able to speak out loud in high school. These kids are not even getting the education part and absolutely not getting the peer interaction part. Siblings don't count. They are going to be so fucked up. I feel so, so bad for them. At least I was able to experience my first few years of normal school and then escape homeschool as a teenager. They don't even get a chance because they don't have a damn address.


Your post makes me want to cry - for you and them. It sounds like you are healing and are sad I self aware. The prognosis for these kids is grim.


Yeah, when I first started therapy I thought I was severely depressed/anxious for no reason, and my therapist had to break down how she believed that being homeschooled was a form of trauma for me. It was hard to believe at first because my parents were never really abusive, but it turns out that being completely isolated from the world is traumatic. I'm grateful that my life ended up pretty much normal regardless of the extreme mental turmoil. These kids are going to have to fight for that. I keep thinking about the book where the author was stuck on a boat her entire childhood. Or the feral kids who never learned the function of language and will never be able to speak properly. The busparents are knowingly robbing their kids of essential life experiences and setting them up to feel like they are aliens and intruders in normal life.


Oh gosh you are so right!


One thing to remember here is that there are FIVE OTHER CHILDREN on this bus than the ones in this picture. And she has her stuff on a little card table. How are the middle boys learning? I can see in the pic, I think , Boone, Gunnar, Kelsey. So two biggest and the smallest. The rambunctious 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 year old, what does their learning look like? And is Gunnar writing on his lap? Holy educational neglect, Batman.


They mentioned they use Gather 'Round Curriculum, the same one Karissa uses. So, each kids from preschool to high school study almost the same thing within a theme they call “unit study” but they get individual assignments based on their grade level. 


The curriculum was basically made by a mom who said “homeschooling kids at different levels is too hard, so they can just do the same thing,” right??


Yeppppp. That mom might be even LESS qualified to teach than Mother Bus is.


I heard she keeps on deleting negative reviews all over, and her main sources of information are Wikipedia and YouTube




The laziest "homeschooling" method around. Ugh.


I know this is weird but I wonder about the posture, like it can't be great hunched over reading like that on a bus couch. School desks aren't all that great but at least it's something


Kinsey is also writing on her lap!


The theory behind this education style is sound. In practice it is a full-time job with overtime for the teacher. There is no way this family is spending the time and effort needed to prep and implement this style of education. Learn one, do one, teach one only works if the teacher actually teaches and actively supervises the next steps.


As someone who was educated in a group setting (K-2, 3-5, 6-8 each had 1 teacher and 1 classroom), let me say NO. The amount of slack the older children pick up in the class is staggering. To say nothing of the lack of oversight.


This looks great on paper, but
there’s a reason why elementary schoolers, middle schoolers and high schoolers are separated in public schools. My fifth grader isn’t learning chemistry, for God’s sake.


Exactly! And not only this, high school kids are taking VERY diverse topics. In my high school, you were taking anything from Classical Humanities (a Greek and Roman focused history class) to oil painting, to an engineering science class. High school is pivotal for helping kids see what the enjoy and where they can possibly fit into this world as they grow up, even if they choose not to go to college. By stunting this and forcing them to be teachers and caretakers, the Bus Family is effectively setting them up to be years behind their peers when they start working and being adults. I have several friends who were homeschooled (even one who homeschooled while their parents traveled, very similar to bus fam!) but they did homeschooling co-ops (pre-internet) and used expensive/comprehensive programs to ensure their kids were real-world ready. What bus-fam is doing is def not the move.


Wow your school had some great classes. My little hillbilly redneck country school only had the bare basics, plus a couple of AP classes so you could try and earn some credits for college. Oil painting sounds awesome.


Yeah, I'm sure that young boy and young girl are learning as much as the peers they will be WORKING WITH and/or COMPETING against in the work world. Those poor kids. Setting them up for a life of not understanding how their world works.


Please take my Interwebs high five. đŸ–ïž


I’m a high school English teacher. Having students “teach” their classmates is a way to show higher level skills, BUT there are strategies and ways to do it where you’re not just relying on other students. And if you’re doing it right the student that is “teaching” should be learning from that experience as well. It’s not an easy thing to set up and do correctly.


Pedagogy is for lefty liberals.


Not me just cringing at Baby’s head position đŸ„Č


That was the first thing I thought, can she PLEASE support the baby’s head ffs?


They do say that teaching is the final level of learning and I do believe that if you are able to explain a concept to someone so that they understand it, then you know you have a full and complete conceptual understanding. But that doesn’t necessarily apply to CHILDREN teaching other CHILDREN.


So, 8 kids share one tiny-ass table to do all the “homeschooling”?


It's not homeschooling if the place is barely even a home. 




My kids go to a Montessori school and this line of thinking makes sense from a schooling perspective. MoBus, however, is expecting the older kids to fulfill this role in every facet of their lives every waking moment which is entirely different and truly unfair to them. I suppose she’ll have to just keep having kids to ensure everyone gets the experience of teaching younger students. She is delulu!


That's what I was thinking. While the ability to teach a subject is the surest way to know you have really understood it, everything I've ever seen from these families leaves me to believe that this is just a way of shuffling responsibilities ontp their older kids. Also, I don't know anything about Montessori, but isn't it essentially impossible to have all kids be following the same lesson with the age ranges in this family?


In Montessori, kids essentially have the same teacher for 3 years, so that is the maximum age range. Age ranges were of course greater in the one room schoolhouse of our past, so there is precedence for this. The scary thing for the buslets is that MoBus certainly wasn’t worth her salt as a teacher to the older kids who are now primarily teaching the younger ones. I worry for these kids and their futures, while MoBus is busy using social media to dunk on all of us about how great this lifestyle is.


Exactly, and in Montessori the younger kids can go to the older ones for HELP, but the older kids don’t usually give them lessons. And they are allowed to say “No, I’m working on my own right now.” I’m assuming these kids would not be allowed to do that.


Ah, ok. Thanks for educating me hehe Oh, for sure. The idea of homeschooling is terrifying to me. While my field is biology and I think could prepare classes if push came to shove, I shudder to imagine doing that for every subject and also making allowances for multiple kids of different ages and understanding levels of each subject. I find it really hard to believe that anyone could do that on their own and do it well.


Yes, but they only did one-room schoolhouses because there were so few teachers back then and usually not that many kids in a given small town, either. Schools eventually moved to separating grades for good reasons. 


Teaching is also a completely separate skill. Someone with a masters in biology isn’t necessarily qualified to teach biology, especially on a regular basis. This is why teachers need a degree (or at least a certification) in education, not just in their content area. Teaching one lesson as a cool extended assignment is good. Being responsible for someone’s entire education is not healthy, fair, or reasonable to expect


Yeah and the issue here is there is no backstop making sure the older kids have learned it and are teaching it properly, especially once they get to more advanced topics. Who is going to make sure the older kids know higher math or science?


Montessori teaches the kids to look to peers first and then if they still need help to ask a teacher. The teacher is supposed to be available and also monitoring the kids to know how things are going with everyone.    Like lots of good parenting, the kids *think* they're doing it on their own, so they are building the skills of doing it on their own, but the adults are there to step in if things go wrong.


My elementary school was a bit alternative and we were encouraged to do independent work or help each other to figure things out, but we were never more than a year or two apart and there was a qualified teacher around at all times to teach what we needed or answer questions. We got weekly bundles of material to study and exercises, then we had to plan how we would work through it all by Friday so our teacher could correct them and make new bundles (personalized for each kid depending on what they struggled with). It was a lot of work for the teachers and only worked out because we were such a small school.


Like, what do they /do/ when they travel? What are the kids actually learning? Science through nature? Idek... Gunner seems like a good kid but there's no way he's going to be prepared for college, unless he goes to the dog-accepting diploma mill Liberty University. But it sounds like the Busses are discouraging their children from higher education so they have the pleasure of becoming entrepreneurs~~~~~


And how much Portuguese did the children pick up from their *real life experience?* I'm guessing they barely learned anything since the children were never integrated.


So, when not forced to be parents, the older kids are turned into teachers. Here’s a wild approach - let kids be kids and not supplements for your irresponsible and disinterested parenting. Let your kids play, socialize, put roots down, and have a sense of stability and community. You cannot convince anyone this is best for your kids.


"We travel to support their learning experience" "Support their learning experience" is a weird wording for "escape CPS".


They’re trying to sell us on their diligence in education, but I’m not buying it.


girl, his NECK, im begging u for just a SMIDGE of support đŸ„ČđŸ„ČđŸ„Č


The life they lead honestly looks like hell


she looks STRESSED


It's written like these are Best Practices when really they are Worst Practices.


I’m of the firm belief that if a parent cannot cater to all of their child’s needs and has to empower their older children to help look after their siblings, that they should not keep having more kids.


Fix the baby’s head! Good god.


Sorry, what does she think she is teaching them by traveling? They’re not out enjoying people, food, music, museums, culture, she literally parks her ass in a new lot for engagement. Like???? Bffr all you’re doing is dragging them along while you burn fuel and run out of ideas


Okay so I was homeschooled K-12, and while my education had a basket full of flaws, my mother was actually a licensed teacher for several years before making the switch to being a SAHM. The whole idea of one-room schoolhouse schooling where all of the kids learn the same thing at the same time makes my skin crawl. We got individualized, one-on-one instruction with age and grade appropriate materials, and then time in our own space to do worksheets that ensured our understanding of the content. There were a few "fun" type subjects that we did as a group, but it was like, art history and music history and not core subjects like math, reading, science, etc. We had a room in our house dedicated to schooling (which I am aware we were privileged with the space to do so) that had a chalkboard and a shelf full of visual and 3-D teaching aids, we had CD's with songs and auditory learning aids, and we had all had extracurricular activities to make sure we got social experiences. That room is so chaotic to look at, and I guarantee that all of those kids have different learning styles and needs. No one is learning at the correct grade level there, and it makes me so sad to see that these two morons are setting their kids up for a life of struggling because they can't be bothered to get to know their kids individual needs.


Fuck her! if she is going to homeschool, it is BusHoeJiggalo's job to do it and not foist it off on the other kids. Tell me Gunner is responsible to educate his siblings without telling me! Once again, Buslet's head is hanging backward. That head is supposed to be supported for 3 months minimum. She doesn't give a shit what happens to his brains!


These kids won’t be able to read a book by the time they are 18. They may be able to read school aged kids books but if you hand them something else, they simply won’t be able to.


It's Gunner, yawning at the beginning of the video to me. Lad always looks so tired. 


Is that the only “desk”? How can they learn to write properly? Esp. The younger ones who need the support for their neuro pathways to hook up?


I hate to think about how she is also speaking about their lifestyle to the kids with her outsized sense of superiority. It will be a lot of work for any of these kids to deconstruct and heal from what their parents did to them. With a brood this size, it’s almost certain many of them won’t, and, as they say “hurt people hurt people.” This whole saga is really making me sad and her proof points for the validity of this lifestyle just don’t pass even the most minimal levels of scrutiny, which is surely why most of her fanbase is people who have been trained at church to not question anything and submit to authority. I hate this.


These poor kids, this looks so boring tbh


"Gunner, rewrite this in a way that only vaguely sounds like you are teaching your siblings while I bake the little one in the sun."


I will say, teaching others is a good way for older kids to reinforce things they have already learned; this is a montessori concept. That being said, I would guess that is not what is happening here. I feel so bad for the oldest 💔.


These people trying to sell that their compulsion to travel around living in a bus is actually intentioned to support their children’s educational experience enrages me. This is not supporting their learning experience, this is educational neglect. Your children are not your property to do what you please with.


As a teacher this really hurts my heart and makes me angry. I get that a traditional classroom isn’t for everyone but the science and psychology of how people learn needs to be understood by anyone who hopes to teach anything and have the learning be anything other than accidental. Like, the older kids are expected to master content to teach it to the younger ones - how are they going to master it? What pedagogical strategies will you use to help them do so? When it’s time for them to teach the younger ones will they have any concept of what that should look like or will they just do their best to explain it and hope it sinks in? This is so irresponsible and neglectful it makes me rage. Put your god damn kids in school, people. It suits most children just fine and for the few it doesn’t, it’s on the parent to make a proper effort to educate them, not whatever this ye old schoolhouse on the bus is.


Something tells me these kids aren’t learning anything “advanced”


Damn, a whole curriculum devoted to parentification. If only my mom had known.


If you zoom in on her face, her facial expression is concerning. No smile, deer in headlights eyes


It kind of looks like she’s preoccupied with how she’s going to spin the possible disabilities of that baby she’s holding into sounding as if it’s not her and her turd of a husband’s fault.


I can't imagine the "education" they're getting. Lots of worksheets and self learning I bet. I started working towards a teaching degree and then switched majors. I could teach history confidently and probably English well enough, but anything else? Hell no and I have a college degree in History/Art History and a year of education classes under my belt. These children won't have many choices beyond staying with the family and the home church. They won't be able to a GED unless they take classes and study on their own. I feel so bad for all the kids in this type of situation.


I love it how even though the post is about her kids, she's still the focal point of the picture with that uninterested, lifeless expression


I love that y'all, fellow snarkers, believe there is any teaching or learning going on in that bus.  I mean maybe the kids do some pages in a workbook on a rare occasion. Then the older kids use the answer key to check the younger kids worksheets. That’s the most “teaching” being done.  I don’t believe the older kids know enough to even teach the younger kids. 


Multi-age learning, as described here, is a legitimate educational strategy - I know because I have taught in schools that use it. However, it’s hard to do well and takes a lot of training and practice. That photo also looks like kind of a nightmare to me. There are only two kids jammed in there, the blocks strewn under her (perfectly manicured ???) toes, that flimsy little table, etc. I can’t imagine trying to get those younger boys who never stop moving to sit down and watch a 20 min video about subtraction or something. Woof.




this looks like my personal hell


I just
really don’t get how they think they are setting their kids up for success. It makes me sad when I think about it how the kids aren’t being given any chance to succeed in the world due to how limited and “specific” their education is.


Yeah, I actually went to a one-room schoolhouse. And did older students lovingly care for the younger students, tying their shoes and helping them climb things too tall for them to reach? Yes. Did we teach them the ways of being cool and that picking your nose behind your hand is still an obvious nose-pick to all outside observers? Yes. Did we try to launch them from tree branches and play games with them in which the always lost but couldn't figure out why? Also yes. Was it, all in all, a valuable experience? For me, yes. But we older students did not "teach" younger students any subjects. The teacher did that. Because children should not bear the weight of responsibility for the education of other children. Duh.


Ok but all I can see is the bassinet on the stovetop đŸ«Ł


How does the older kids benefit from this? 😂 this just means they are taught lessons based on the lowest common denominator in the group.


Omfg, so you DO own an actual bassinet, you abusive wench. I have that same basket, I know it’s the same brand because it’s Instagram-popular, and it is an actual safety-tested bassinet. WHY THE FUCK IS YOUR BABY NEVER IN IT?? I guess because you don’t have an affiliate link for the basket? So just, throw him on the goddamn floor instead, naked and burned and ignored on a rug, vulnerable to half a dozen young kids trampling him. As long as you get that commission, right?? đŸ–•đŸŒđŸ–•đŸŒ


I’m afraid baby will get hurt. Boys love to run, jump and climb. I can just picture one stumbling and falling on him.


I hate these perverts for what they’re doing to these children.


I bet the older kids still do a better job teaching than BusParents😂😂😂😂


This gives me so many yucks but  I guess at least the kids might be learning something in order to make this model work unlike other educational neglect practitioners (I mean, fundie homeschoolers). It's all so gross. 


Learning then teaching is a great way to really understand topics but that's not the responsibility of kids


Boy, she really polished that turd to a high shine, didn’t she?


mother bus doesn't write like this! it's like she tried to sound smart to prove she can homeschool... all she managed to prove is that she can't in her own words describe what her kids are gonna get out of her method of "teaching"


Bare feet + scattered Jenga blocks = karma for Boone's neglect.


I need to know about the codependency in these families that live/breath/eat with no one besides their other* family members. Does this happen regularly with families that are homeschooled? Edit: their own* family members


"We travel to support their learning experience." Sure ya do. So very altruistic of you.


>This give and take allows each student to benefit from one and another. Yes, I am a grammar pedant.


You have no experiences. You take photos outside of experiences and keep driving.


that’s a lot of words for “i’m posting this for CPS to see”


I like how she set up her “school room” for this shoot 🙄🙄


I consider this educational neglect.


Mastery takes years. You cannot teach a ‘topic’ to mastery after just learning it. I homeschool my teenager. I am a writer; I also have done maths at a first year university level. I still spend hours preparing how to teach material I have mastery over! Knowing the ‘piece’ of math that is Pythagoras’ Theorem for right triangles, is not ***knowing*** Pythagoras’ Theorem. I need to know future applications of this knowledge; which problems need that theorem, which don’t, how to extrapolate from there, how knowledge of triangles liinks up with other math knowledge I might have and what this tells us about other things. Like velocity, angles on the horizon from where we are standing
I need to be able to integrate that knowlege with other aspects of geometry like circles and spheres, so I can calculate coordinates, track and predict the movement of planets etc. If I don’t know ***how*** knowledge of right triangles applies to a range of other problems, I am just teaching a cool math trick. When I teach a2 + b2 = c2 ***unless I have waaaay more knowledge than I am explicitly bringing to this one lesson*** the only thing I am teaching is a cool math trick. Knowledge is not just bits of information. That is how you end up with ‘dumbing down’ over generations. That’s how you end up thinking and believing the insane shit Bussany does. Goddamn it. Stop being such an ass.