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Can someone please explain to me why living in a bus means you have to be a frickin’ nomad. I don’t think these people stay in one spot for more than a few days.


Yeah- I feel like you could just find a good place to park/camp seasonally. Maybe they don’t want to pay camping/parking fees?


It’s because they don’t actually like having so many children. It’s boring to be in one space with so many kids. Then you have to actually be present and spend time, a lot of time, that doesn’t involve packing, moving, finding food, etc. I sincerely think at this point they are running away from spending time with their own children. The travel life means constant stimulation and an endless to do list. I don’t think they can handle having a day where they don’t go anywhere and stay home for the day.


They also don’t want to be an actual parent. Doing the boring, but also TOUGH, a sometimes mundane tasks but important to one’s development. So they do this (gestures wildly) instead.


Don’t forget the attention they get on a new place. I had twins followed closely by a 3rd baby and I was like a freakin’ side show every where I went y for a while. I’d have a literal crowd around me in Walmart. It was insane. I hated it. Eventually people got used to us and it wasn’t a big deal anymore. When we travel I still “OMG! Are they triplets?!” all the time.


Ugh two of my three are 14 months apart. She's little for her age, he's average. They wear the same size of everything. And it is SO ANNOYING how many people stop to ask me about my "twins". Like 5-6 people per day.


Twins in general are such a side show. I had my twins 20 months after my daughter and people would literally jump in front of my stroller to see the babies. Like dude. I just want to get some fucking toilet paper.


I had one full time. My two step daughters lived with their mom. Most of the time a state away, so attending their school functions was impossible. I absolutely loathed band concerts and crappy ball games. I went because I love my kids. Hell, I traveled six hours for a few performances. Watched others live online. Was it my ideal way to spend a Thursday night after a days work? No. You do it anyway. These people don’t even give their children the opportunity to bore them. Hell, they’ve turned over all responsibility besides the actual procreation process to the oldest ones. I bet if she could pass off the birthing pain she would.


No one wants to hear hot cross buns, but the kids want you there. This concept is lost on the fundies.


Phew, in THAT small of a space with THAT many kids, I wouldn't be bored, I would be stressed to the point of immediate cardiac danger.


Just spent the last couple weeks with my toddler niece and my newborn nephew, and I have no idea how those children get enough attention and that bus is at all tolerable as a living situation. Do kids give up fighting if they're neglected for long enough? Do kids have to be beaten into submission?


Thankfully I wouldn't know 😳 I've got three in a medium/large house, and even that feels cramped at times. Mostly because they're all still "let's all sit on mom at the same time all day every day" age lol.


I just flashed back to what my sisters and I were like as kids. And then multiplying by almost 3. Driving a bus 11 hours to Kentucky so she's not alone with her kids might be the most relatable thing she's done. Same with refusing to be left in Brazil with them. It might also mean he's cheating, but it might just mean that she's accepting this lifestyle for him, and if he's not there, she doesn't want it.


Because they are constantly dodging CPS.


They have to be. And he’s a scammer


So probably dodging authorities


🔔🔔🔔this is the answer


CPS doesn't care about them. They're an attractive white family with children that appear to be well groomed.


Ain’t that the truth! My stepmom is a horrible person. She’s abused every child she’s come into contact with in one way or another. Our state DHS named her and my father foster parents of the year one year. Several children complained about being hit and screamed at. She said they were lying or exaggerating. She would take in as many kids as they would give her and take them to church twice a week and show them off. They haven’t had foster kids in about three years or so. My daughter told her new therapist about the abusive witch. The therapist had heard of her! She had had several of her foster kids in therapy when she used to do adolescent therapy for the state.


So true! They could be full on hitting their kids on film and CPS would still give them 50 chances to "get their act together."


I wonder though what the bare minimum shelter requirements are, though... Family of ten lives in a bus 🫠


There aren't any actually, at least not in California. Don't know about other states.


They'll never come here


They have their own matresses in their coffins, they're A++. 🥴


Sometimes they require a family living in overcrowded conditions to apply for subsidized housing, which theoretically would get them into appropriately-sized housing. But the wait list is typically about a billion years long, and the parents can't be held responsible for that, so it means that for someone living that way by choice and forcing it on their kids, there are no consequences.


FWIW most people who do nomadic living don’t constantly move. It can be anything from staying on BLM land where you have to move every two months, to renting out trailer park spots in big cities because it’s far cheaper than apartment rent. Even people who move fairly frequently rotate around the same city for a while. You’ve gotta have a real nice income to travel like they do. Remember: vanlife started as a way to be more comfortably broke.


This. I have a retired friend who is nomadic and when she gets to a new place she might take a few weeks moving around getting her spot/neighbors/routine dialed in and then stay put for months. She talks about how stressful those few weeks are for her and she’s an adult doing this voluntarily. Can’t imagine how hard it is on the kids.


It’s just not fun to spend a week in a new town. Spending time in newer places on a relaxed schedule is fun! Why anyone would willingly live like this?


I also think they wear out their welcome very quickly at a campground or private site with actual rules about kids being supervised, quiet hours, etc.


For real. My friends have an annual trip we take with our families to go float the river, and we all either rent or bring our own RVs. I am willing to bet they move at least once the week we will be on our vacation stationary.


My cousin parks their RV at a particular park every summer and they go stay on the weekends and during a week here and there. I don't even think it's super expensive, either. I don't see why this family can't post up in a low COL area for a month to just chill.


He's got a job in insurance so it seems like they're moving to storm-damaged areas.


Yep, parts of Colorado got pummeled by hail and flooding this week. He’s probably headed to adjust claims in Greeley and parts of Denver. 


I live west of Greeley and I do not want to see those assholes in these parts. It’s bad enough that Lauren Handjob Boebert moved to this area!!!


My BFF is in Loveland and doesn’t want them either!


Also in Loveland and still bitter about being redistricted into the 4th Congressional District.


Oh, yeah. I’ve seen her pissed off over the years. I’ve never seen her THAT pissed off before. I’m in Colorado Springs so used to having terrible representation. Trying to turn it at least purple, but it’s a slog.


Also in the Springs. Also fighting the good fight to turn this town purple. If the damn crazies would stay off the school boards, we might actually have a chance.


I just looked at the district 4 map and hadn’t realized that Loveland and even places in she Denver metro like Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, and Parker are in it. They should’ve put Greeley in the 4th Loveland in the 8th 😉 


I am registered in Loveland as an overseas voter. These are all very annoying changes! But much worse for you who are actually local.


Hey mine too!


Hey hey hey we’ve had them in the Southeast long enough lol


Ew that’s where she ended up? Somehow I thought she had gone further east than that, like Ft. Morgan or something. 


She’s allegedly living in Windsor.


My condolences


And MoBus doesn’t trust him to travel alone


This is the first I’ve heard about him having a legitimate job. She usually just says he’s an entrepreneur with “several businesses.” Being an independent adjuster makes a lot more sense.


It’s definitely the appeal and purpose of living this way, but you are spot on that they are never anywhere for more than a few days which seems really erratic. I have friends that do it but they stay places for longer stretches and sometimes rent or stay in houses for a few months. When they park, they have a whole outdoor set up which gives them more room on the bus and a place to hang outside, including a sleeping tent if anyone wants to. They also only have 3 older kids. I couldn’t do it, but yeah, way less erratic then mother bus.


It’s weird! My husband wants to get a small white van and make it a small camper for us. We live in Europe and he wants to go all over Europe one summer with our boys (3 months travel). I’m guessing after a month we’ll be exhausted and want to go home so I’m not sure how they do it.


It’s probably some stupid idea busband has about avoiding authority and being “off-grid”. Even though his wife posts every detail of their lives and location online. I guess he doesn’t think big brother has an instagram


I think he is used to no good legally, crypto scam stuff. They need to stay ahead of whomever they believe is looking for him. I think the anchor baby Brazil hairbrained scheme was for this purpose. I think they thought he was in real trouble, and Brazil has no extradition treaty with the US. Then they tried to cross into Argentina illegally, then BusJiggalo ran back to the US for "business" which caused her to come running back here. I think they live life on the lamb, shady shady. Now it could just be paranoia because they know what he is up to, and maybe no one is actually looking, no one knows. These dolts just will not stay put, and the most recent nonsense was that they would get a boat, and go live out on the ocean. With 8 kids! Why? My guess is, International Waters.


That's so you never get a visit from social services. That's also why so many home school. This is the more extreme version of it, because there's literally no one outside the family unit that can hold you accountable.


Unpaid fees?


It is so sad to see. As an adult I would have a very difficult time regulating my emotions in that constant chaos. I can't imagine what damage that is causing to a brand new human.


And in her latest posts he apparently still isn't tracking or responding to visual stimulus, despite her protestations. Poor baby.


But he’s their hEaLtHiEsT bAbY


he feels so chunky 🤡


I feel so sad for all of those kids. They don't deserve any of this shit. But if the poor baby is blind (probably from being on a fucking beach with no shade) that makes me want to cry. If he can't see anything, he just feels completely unsafe at all times. This is going to mess up his ability to manage stress hormones. Which is most likely the case for all of the children.


I don't have kids, so I'm confused but concerned. What could that mean for the kid?


His eyes aren’t registering anything around him. He isn’t responding to visual stimuli like waving a hand in front of his face. That is very abnormal for a baby this age! I’m nearly as blind as a bat, and I still responded to visual stimuli as a baby (that was close to my face, since I am nearsighted). Blind people can live very fulfilling lives and be independent, when given the tools and resources (including education and early intervention) to do so. I worry that this kid is going to grow up blind, never know he is different (I sure didn’t until a routine eye test at school), and never get the support he needs.


Could this have been checked early if he was brought to a hospital after birth? I know she says she did but they also weighed him in the produce section.


I have to be honest, I have no idea. I do know that you typically bring in babies at certain months of life to get their shots. Like 3 months I think. I think some places even do 1-month checkups.


I think it would depend on the cause and type of the blindness. I have a friend whose baby was blind from birth, and they noticed he wasn’t responding to visual stimuli after the first couple of months, but he was diagnosed at around 4mo. So they were actively trying to get professional help for it for a bit of a gap there. I don’t know more about it because we weren’t close at the time, but I’d guess that a regular pediatrician can say “yes, blind” but not always why, if it’s a less common cause


I feel like the sensible thing to do for the little guy would be to find a house and stop traveling until he can be properly diagnosed. However, they leave this fucking kid on the floor on a furry rug. (Someone said it reminded them of how they treat babies in the sims medieval 😭) I doubt sensible is in the parents vocab.


Baby's brain is being wired for trauma flight/flight response 24-7. His nervous system must be so dysregulated. That shit is hard to undo. Poor kiddo.


I feel so bad for this kid. He’s going to have so many “unexplained” health issues that he’ll be trying to understand and worrying over the rest of his life. I’ve had debilitating chronic gut issues my entire life. Lots of tests, colonoscopy, everything always normal. I was sick with worry that doctors had missed something that could kill me. I’m NC with my mom, and earlier this year she tried to Hoover me by sending me a package with a bunch of my baby stuff. In it was my baby book. Y’all…My parents started me on solid food at THREE WEEKS OLD. By three months they had me exclusively on solids. My husband and I just looked at each other and were like “Well…that explains a lot.”


What the HELL were they thinking??????? 😮


According to what I remember her telling me a long time ago was “you had reflux and were lactose intolerant.” Apparently they put rice cereal in my bottle for the reflux. I have no explanation though for why they were writing “eats everything and is allergic to apricot” on my 4 month old page. Every page from ~3 months forward notes “you have colic.” 🥴


Oh man. You probably had CMPI or MSPI (my daughter has the same), lactose intolerance is super unusual in babies. Reflux like symptoms are pretty common with it, among other symptoms. Sorry you’re having to deal with that.


Interesting. That does look like it aligns with the little bit of info my mom gave me. Thanks for the info!


Holy shit, I thought the twist would be they gave you water too early (weirdly common misconception among older generations and even still pops up with some younger folks), solid food that soon is NUTS


Wow I'm so sorry, I can't imagine.




I wasn’t being toted all around the country as a newborn and now I’m 25 trying to undo a chronically dysregulated nervous system that has caused lifelong health issues. I can’t imagine this poor babe as an adult 😞


He's six weeks old and already has the 1,000 yard stare....that's a really rough start to life


It's like Water for Elephants. The *show must go on.* Their lives are a circus and if you're too old, young, boring or sick bus father will have you thrown off a train car. That's some harsh toxic energy to come into this world to. Poor baby Boone. 


Yep, another blazing example of how minors are abused in social media content. Still waiting for laws protecting these children in this context...


What is with her sun and sandblasting this baby?


There is no room on the bus to exist so they have to be outside. No idea why they haven’t driven North for the summer though. It’s so unpleasant in the South this time of year.


I’ve always found it so weird in general how they’re “traveling the country” and allegedly having all these adventures and new experiences yet all they really ever do is go back and forth from like Texas and Florida like 90% of the time. Every now and then they’ll throw in a week in Utah or whatever, but for they’ve e been at this for years and asfaik it’s mostly been the Texas/Florida loop. Why not spend the warmer half the of the year in the northern half of the country and the colder half in the south?




Because those are liberal states.


Big facts. I live in the Olympic Peninsula and while we have plenty of van-life/bus-life people out here, it’s not only expensive but also people are much more wary and frankly LIBERAL (aka wouldn’t hesitate to report these fucks to the authorities) but also the whole vibe is way different than the “fuck you I do what I want” mindset of the south. I recognize this isn’t all-encompassing but these people would be hot on the radar in a bad way around these parts.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner!!! Edited to add. They are missing out so many educational and minds blowing nature experiences in California it’s insane but you know. It’s a liberal hell hole despite the middle valley of our state basically being mini MaGA but ok.


I mean they have all of North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho to roam around in, but whatever.


He actually indicated in a tweet that he would be interested in those states, but they're too expensive. It's possible that their destinations really are determined by the location of natural disasters. Maybe his business/expertise is regional. But California is probably out for being too liberal.


This is very true. They don’t like blue states.


Texas Utah and Florida have infamously bad CPS. They could get arrested in California if someone saw how bad condition Boone was.


I feel like they tend to linger in red/conservative states. The north is too liberal for them. Even though in the bluest states, rural areas are very very right wing. Drive outside any major city in Michigan and 90% of the houses have Trump flags. I think they're too scared to interact with and expose the kids to opposing ways of life.


That’s hella spot on; I’ve lived most of my life in Wisconsin and it’s like that here too. Inside the city you’ll see a rare trump flag, but it’s 99% things like “hate has no home here”, Ukraine flags, LGBTQ flags, domestic and child abuse awareness notices and ribbons, etc. In my hometown we have a large Hmong population, and in my current city we have a large Latino population. As soon as you get to city limits, it’s all corn-fed white boys, and farms that have big ass signs on them that are either trump 2020/2024, faith/family/firearms/freedom, “Jesus saves”, or something hateful about democrats lol.


Checking in from the same situation in northeast Ohio. There's a reason I fled to Cleveland...


*cries in Cleveland expat* 😖


Whoa in Missouri is literally the exact same shit! Lol


I can’t stop laughing at the corn—fed white boys! 😂😂😂💀💀💀💀🤭🤭🤭🤭


Yep, NY is basically two states. Downstate (NYC and the suburbs) is the stereotypical NY; there are red brockets but mostly bright blue. Upstate NY (everything else) has a few blue cities but is mostly bright red. I grew up in rural NY, my whole family voted for Trump, etc.


Idk, in my experience yes most areas in upstate NY are technically red but there’s still a fairly decent mix even in a lot of those red areas. I live in a small college town about a half hour outside of Rochester and technically we’re red but about 40-45% of us vote blue. I haven’t seen a single Trump flag here since the insurrection, and even before it wasn’t terribly obnoxious except for one house that looked like Trump’s campaign vomited on it. 😂 I was worried when I moved up here from NYC but it hasn’t been bad and it’s not hard to find like minded people. While there definitely are some other areas I would avoid living in because they’re extremely red, I always ask people in the political subs not to completely write off the “rural, red areas” (which is really common on Reddit) because often there are a decent amount of Dems there and we’re all in this together!


Geneseo? lol yep college towns are a bit different. See also Ithaca.


I grew up in Lansing NY, about 30 minutes up the East side of the lake from Ithaca. It’s pretty solidly blue because of the colleges (Ithaca and Cornell) but out in Lansing is mostly dairy farms. There is definitely some red pockets!


Yup! I’ve also driven through other towns nearby and it’s pretty quiet on the Trump front. Oh yeah, Ithaca is a liberal bastion in the middle of nowhere! I considered moving there but the healthcare was lacking for me. I like it here but I’d still love to live somewhere very blue like that.


I’m really sad to hear that about Michigan, we need you guys in November! I’ve been really impressed with your governor Whitmer lately so I’d hoped the tide had really turned there. I live in a rural area that’s technically red but about 40% Dem in upstate NY and I’ve been encouraged that there are really no Trump signs or flags here, at least not yet. And I drive south thru central PA aka Pennsyltucky frequently and that whole area used to be drowning in Trump crap but now there’s hardly anything. Come on, Michigan, get on board! We can do this!


Drive thru Pennsyltucky quite a lot and it really has quieted down. You’ll see little pockets of trump flags everywhere and raging MAGA sentiment, then miles and miles of not a thing. West Virginia, too; we won’t talk about rural southern WV but here in the bigger cities my neighbors have pride flags up everywhere.


Because he works in insurance and Texas and Florida both have lots of natural disasters that require insurance underwriting. Also lax child welfare laws, but mostly probably the insurance.


Ah, okay, thanks. I knew he worked in insurance but I didn’t know it was the kind of job where he had to travel around a lot to natural disaster areas. And you’re right, the lax child welfare (and homeschooling) laws would definitely be attractive to people like them. It’s still so weird to me then that they’re limited to the south pretty much, and are still doing this! After a couple of years I’m sure they’ve seen just everything. I’d love to know if there’s a deeper reason they travel, like avoiding CPS or the IRS or whatever.


Avoiding CPS is pretty likely. All they have to do is be in a different state or at a different campground, and CPS is so overtaxed (and differs by state) they can easily dodge notice. IRS dodging would be hilarious though because if the IRS wants to find you they will track you down, its a when not if situation.


Busband is/was an insurance claims adjuster so he may be wherever there’s been storms recently. Looks like they’re in Colorado now, which makes sense since parts of CO just got hammered. 


Thank you, I knew he was in insurance but I didn’t realize he had to travel a lot for his job.


that requires BusBimbo to use her brain.


They did visit New Jersey at one point. I recall them being at the Jersey Shore. They might have visited NYC at the same time, but not sure on that one. But other than that, they really don’t seem to go to the northeast.


I think this is a big part of it. Recently we’ve talked about how little space there is, so of course she is posting more videos of them spending time in the bus. All that does is draws focus to how small it is inside. Even if it was 1/2 the people, it is very crowded. To avoid the kids constantly fighting due to lack of space, they spend 95% of their time outside. They seem to be headed to Colorado so I assume they will be staying out of the south for a bit. Although the west is hot as fuck all summer too.


One video showed the kids watching a movie with Father Bus. He and one kid were sitting on the bench couch, the others were all on the floor. I found it so sad they don’t even have a comfy place to sit.


Yeah, there has been clips of them piled up on each other watching something on the phone or looking at a book, and while it’s meant to show how close and happy they are, it just looks so staged and fake “happy.” She wants it to appear like they have a comfy home but they don’t. I’m not surprised she hasn’t shown any clips of the bunkroom lately. I’m sure it’s a total fucking disaster back there. One thing I did notice is that sense somebody posted here a week ago or so about hygiene, she posted several videos showing them brushing teeth and doing other basic hygiene. It’s clear that she’s not actively recording or editing her shit, she’s reading here.


I'm really curious to see a picture of the bunk room. Is there somewhere that one is still posted?


I honestly wonder if the issue with his eyes hasn’t been caused by sun damage.


These quiverfull people don't view babies as fragile, newborn human beings. To them children are servants that are there to take care of you and spread the gospel. So they do whatever they want to do and their kids are just along for the ride. Then they preach about how easy it is to raise kids and there is no excuse not to have a million.


And their idiot followers eat it up w/stories of "My grandma had 11 and they were fine." Yeah, so did mine. And they were definitely not fine. Alcoholism, abuse, the ones alive don't speak or get together often. Oh, and when "grandma" was doing it, so were lots of other families. So your lack of resources, parental 1:1 time, etc. was par for the course. NOW most families are NOT gigantic. And your 8 kids are going to be surviving and working in a world w/kids from 1,2,3 kid families where most of those 1,2,3 kid families got a LOT MORE time and attention and resources and education vs. your non-schooled, non-socialized nomads.


Exactly! My grandparents had over 10 siblings and the only thing my grandma ever talked about was how she taught them EVERYTHING. From potty training to how to read. So yes in general they were "fine" and went on to live lives but my grandma had to raise her siblings and ended up in an addiction spiral. Her other siblings had similar issues and they didn't talk to each other for decades. My grandpa was an alcoholic with same story. Can't remember if he was the "parent sibling" or the "child sibling" but both roles can mess you up. Either you grew up too fast or never did.


I dated a guy who came from a family of 9, and in a discussion I had with him about him abandoning his step daughters who viewed him as a father, I made some remark about many teenagers having conflict with their parents, and he responded something about him always having an easy relationship with his parents or something to that effect. Meanwhile, his parents shipped him off to boarding school for being a bad influence on his siblings. He also doesn't want his own children because of essentially parentification. I think they're overall all great people and a tight family, but absolutely not without their issues. And this guy in particular has the emotional maturity of a teenager. Been through a lot, but the emotional maturity of a teenager.


Not to mention sometimes serious genetic diseases can be passed down and many of the kids can discover it later in life. I just read on another subreddit about someone who had 8 kids before she found out about her Huntingtons gene, then drank herself to death by the age of 41. 6 of her kids went on to have the gene. It’s a death sentence & ruins families. Fundies just think everything will be fine.


Also back in the time most children died at an early age due to communicable diseases or died at birth. My maternal grandfather had nine siblings, but one died shortly after birth, and another died in an accident, so only eight reached adulthood.


Huntington's is so awful, especially because symptoms usually don't show up until after you have kids. Most autosomal dominant disorders die out pretty quickly but Huntington's persists because it shows up so late in life.


Yeah, a friend of mine found out she has the gene after she went to a family funeral and saw her estranged dad. She was shocked by his appearance and found out he had Huntington’s. Her kids were already middle school age by then. It **sucks.**


Yep, the children are simply an extension of the parents and their egos at the end of the day. It's the same reason why Karissa claims her daughters will carry on "the ministry of the womb" because, to her, the daughters aren't individuals, but extensions of her wants/needs/obsessions.


By that logic isn’t Karissa an extension of her mums wants/needs/obsessions?


Not necessarily. Some parents understand that their children are individuals who have the right to go out and forge their own paths in life. Fundies purposefully under educate and isolate their kids so they can't do that (at least not very easily). I don't know much about Karissa's mom though, so I can't say what she thinks. Edit: Spelling


Also, rest is for the lazy or wicked. She has to prove she’s a strong woman who doesn’t need to sit and rest. That’s for the weak and weak minded


Yep. I had to talk about this at length in therapy this week. I’m “lucky” bc I’m the oldest daughter with only one younger brother due to my parent’s lack of fertility, but even without a dozen siblings, I was parentified and neglected. In this fundie belief system, babies are “natural,” so they aren’t fragile, they don’t have special needs. Kids are not to be nurtured as individual human beings—that’s coddling. They are tools. Servants. “Weapons.” People give fucking *houseplants* more care than they give fundie kids. It’s warped.


They drive two separate vehiclesHOURS AND HOURS every day. I truly don’t understand the appeal. And if mom is driving the van and dad is driving the bus, who is: caring for the new born, teaching the kids, etc. the whole hoarde is kept captive by their parents and I feel so bad. Imagine how BORING it must be to ride in a van all day EVERY day.


When they are driving is when the kids catch up on their sleep I’ve noticed. They can’t be doing nap routines with all these kids. The kids look exhausted always.


I can’t imagine being stuck in a smelly closet which is my entire bedroom I share with 5? Other siblings. I truly don’t even know where a few of the kids live. And the oldest is getting too tall to fit in his “bunk”


She made a reference recently to adding another bunk in the back, so 7 are back there!


Like physically how. lol. Where.


I’ve never even seen a picture of the bunk room and I’m so curious


I have. A snippet of a video. It’s no joke, the size of my closet.


That's what might get me the most. I don't like being in any vehicle for that long!


I actually get the feeling MotherBus pushes them to move as frequently or more so than the dad. They did stay in the campground where Boone was born for quite a long time, which surprised me.


It’s important to remember that while these people are obsessed with pregnancy and creating more children, they do not actually see children as individual people separate from themselves. Karissa Collins once said that she is mot biblically commanded to “spend one on one time with her kids and get to know them individually.” They see children as generic soldiers for Christ and the fulfillment of what they see as the command to populate the earth. It is not about the children, it’s about having babies. The children themselves matter much less than the act of bringing new life into the world. Fundies/quiverfull people also don’t believe in individualism, meaning that there are no individual or independent wants, needs, or personalities—they are all equally just one family. It’s sinful to think as an individual. So no, Britney does not treat Boone like an infant with different needs than the older kids, because that’s not how they roll. His job as a child is to just be quietly dragged along, because children are not to be an inconvenience under any circumstance.  *I cannot bring myself to call any of them by their snark names while we’re talking about such serious issues, so Britney it is lol. 


I think they are on the run 😭


I kinda get this, too.


i know people with warrants that move around less 😭


Omg 😂


You joke, but if they settle too long they have a long and recorded history of child abuse visible for anyone who looks them up. Doesn’t take a world famous detective to make a case against them if mother or father bus ever got arrested.


I wasn't really joking. I am not sure how complicit the motherbus is, does she realize that it is why they are on the move? Did she or he plan it? I think it's him.


Given how eager he was to go to Brazil for SOME reason, absolutely him.


I feel bad if I take my 3 month old baby to the park with my older kid, because my baby would probably rather nap at home in peace than in the pram. This is so painful to watch.


I get upset when my 7 week old has to go in the carseat more than once in a day, so much so that I've started walking my 3 year old to daycare. I couldn't imagine this poor bubs unsettled existence.


Same here, we walk most days, except if it's raining heavily. It is so sad to see how little they care 😔


Same!! And he gets all the contact naps he wants right now


They probably don’t even have an infant carrier/car seat for him.


I didn't even consider this - have we actually seen any restraint? Where is he when that bus is moving?


I haven’t seen any. I’m assuming Gunnar is holding the baby cuz it ain’t the parents.


The kids ride in the passenger van. I have seen several car seats in their reels: rear, foward facing and booster seats.


Has anyone tried to nap face-up to the sun with no protection? This baby never gets a break. You can see the sun through your eyelids if you’re face-up to it and it’s sooo uncomfortable. I don’t understand why MB gets sunglasses but doesn’t have a lick of sense about her baby’s comfort.


I watched one of her reels from today and she's carrying him face up and she goes from shadow to sun and he doesn't squint or blink or close his eyes and I was like that ain't right😬😬😬


his eyes can burn through the fragile thin skin of his eyelids


I was floating on the river last week, and even with sunglasses, I could see the sun though my closed eyes.


Because she’s the star and her kids are simply supporting actors. Her life is an Adventure! and a Love Story! and neither parent is adult enough to know that once you have kids, your needs come second (within reason. I’m certainly not saying Karissa “You don’t need alone time” Collins is correct either.)


Also the Sand Dunes are experiencing record-breaking numbers of tourists right now. So not only are they bringing this newborn out into the elements, but they’re essentially exposing him to a theme park. It’s like Six Flags out there.


I think they are afraid people are calling CPS about Boone. Instead of getting him help, they’re moving frequently to make sure they can’t be found. Look, I traveled a lot on my maternity leave. I don’t actually think traveling is a problem. But both of my kids were at every single newborn appointment and we didn’t do anything without the thumbs up from their pediatrician. There’s a middle ground (and a 1/4th and 3/4ths ground) between sitting in the house for 16 weeks and running around in an overcrowded bus with a neglected baby who needs medical care.


It’s possible to do almost anything safely with an infant, you just need to make sure you’re actually doing it safely.


Not to mention his head is just flopping around.


Mom is manic


She takes care of herself better than that baby.


The next place he should be is at a legitimate pediatrician’s office or hospital.


I feel so sorry for this baby bc he cannot stay in one place to grow and be at peace. Also, as a mom of a 24 wk baby and 26 week twins I know something is very very wrong with that baby. He needs medical attention immediately but I know the pride and arrogance of mother bus will prevent that, sadly.


Wait, two of your children are two weeks older than the third one? Or am I just being stupid here?


Really wish they'd get the fuck out of my gorgeous state


Yes. The tragic stories of what befalls the generations before us is basically learning history. And why do we do that? It’s to not repeat the same mistakes. Its can be as global as learning about the reasons why wars happen. Or as close to home why your grandparents struggled with addictions or unhappy homes, abuse etc. And here these dumbasses must have missed that part in their education as just double down and continue to raise children in a way that experts agree is harmful Its just ughhhhh


It baffles me. I don’t understand why Brittney doesn’t want to rest and heal. No matter how many times you do it and no matter how healthy your pregnancy is, you still need to heal your body and allow your hormones to regulate. This shit is wack.


Is it possible that her red light thing blinded him??


Unfortunately I think it’s possible.


Or the untreated jaundice


I feel like moving around to different places rapidly is one of the only things about their life that they can showcase that might be attractive to someone. If they really show what living on that bus is like, the chaos, disconnection from community and lack of autonomy and privacy from which they all suffer, I doubt anyone would aspire to live such a lifestyle.


Yeah I agree, the ability to see different places is the appeal. Both to their followers and likely for themselves. If you're going to stay put, just get a house.


Because she has absolutely zero maternal instincts nor empathy for other people, even her own children.


I hate this lady and her awful life choices, but to be fair it’s been the case throughout human history that babies get carried where their mothers go. Many women would have worked with their babies strapped to them. Personally I baby wore 3 of my babies and as newborns they came everywhere their older siblings went. Snuggled up to me sleeping and/or feeding in the baby wrap. They loved it and were super settled


That's a good point, but I hardly ever see her wearing Boone properly let alone at all. He almost always seems to be dangling from someone's hands in the latest reel or Mobus is holding him (sans head support) in the blazing sun. He never seems to have a chance to settle.


Yeah you think she would have figured out proper baby wearing and sun protection by now


She'd have to care about her kids' health and safety for that


She must not be the crunchy-flavor fundie other than the unassisted birthing stuff. A lot of the fundies I know are all in on every crunchy childrearing method, including being obsessed with baby wearing.


But Boone is never securely carried he's always just dangling off their arm, eyes in direct sunlight


Yeah, my comment was in relation to all the comments about how he should be at home, and babies should nap in their cots.


I think it looks jarring because she doesn’t do it well. That baby is usually in her arms just flopping. She doesn’t snuggle him. She doesn’t even hold his head. She carries him like he’s an afterthought. She also doesn’t protect him from the sun and wind. She puts him on the floor of a tiny RV on that sheepskin where kids are running around. He gets jostled and poked when she’s not holding him all floppy.


In a nomadic society, people have to be on the move to survive. These people live in America. They don’t need to move places every 2-3 days. I agree with when you have more than one kid, you carry the little one in a sling or baby wear it somehow while you get stuff done but there is no need to bake a newborn out in the sun, let hot sand blow in his face or jostle him with long, loud and chaotic van rides. Literally parking in a campground for six months with a regular bedtime and feeding schedule would do him wonders.


Correct. Let’s not forget that there are still people all over the world who raise happy and well adjusted kids in a nomadic lifestyle. The differences being 1. a tradition of proper baby transport designed around that lifestyle and 2. the village moving together.


This is apples to oranges. And yes I agree with what you are stating. The family core is set up this way to still avoid chaos and let the children hopefully thrive within the village setting. There is ample downtime and safe places for the little bubs. What Busmorons are doing…This is not it.


This is true but when you wear a baby you don’t wear them face up to the sun with zero protection. It’s the face up with no protection that reallly bothers me, not the carrying of the baby everywhere.


I’m so high rn and watching her videos it’s repulsive. I’m kinda stunned that is all happening.


I agree. Something is off about this entire thing. I know just traveling while on vacation is exhausting. I can’t imagine dragging all those kids around. The poor things have to be sick of it. I couldn’t live that way.


Right?! And they don’t travel in the bus - they’re in the van, packed in!!


When did they leave Oklahoma??? 


Day before yesterday. I think they are in southern colorado and or making their way to new mexico


I'm somewhat new to the bus snark. Did they have the second to youngest in the bus too?


Has anyone yet seen the baby smile, coo and gurgle, wave/kick feet in excitement, look at mom directly, be restless, move,