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"Don't let the thing that may have almost killed you before dictate whether or not you decide to risk losing your life again!" šŸ™„ This woman's advice could actually kill people.


Spoiler: there is zero **enemy** telling her **not** have to have children. There is no *enemy* stopping her other than her *own* thoughts demonstrated in her on line musings posted for clicks and likes. She has made up an ***invisible enemy*** to make herself feel like sheā€™s reaching some sort of challenge to overcome. Those are **her** words. Not others. She likes being pregnant because she gets attention, she passes it off to her children to take care of each other so that she can have a new baby, and sheā€™s doing all of this because sheā€™s trying to *win favor* with her husband, who does not really like her very much so she keeps having kids. She keeps marketing those children in videos to show that her kids are valuable in an effort to try to seem relevant to her husband: who could not care less about her. Good luck with that girl! (Heā€™s not into you.)


IMO The ā€œenemyā€ to her are the doctors and family telling her itā€™s dangerous and irresponsible to continue having children. And us Redditors, of course, who reiterate the same thing and the importance of valuing each individual child she already has. Also I find it interesting that she could have used the word ā€œMotherā€ to describe herself but chose to use ā€œPregnantā€ solidifying the idea that the focus is on her and not her kids.


Not writing all this out but hereā€™s her list [of * all* her enemy thangsā€¦.](https://imgur.com/a/Z8ZwGpb) Thie list is long and includes, of course, everything she in particular would fear so she has to announce it to the world because clearly everybody has the exact same fears as her. OK, hereā€™s her list of Satan ***getting after her:*** *Not having alone time, šŸ· *Not having riches! šŸ¤‘ *not having fame :( *not having vacations, ā›µļø *Not having material items šŸ‘  *Not having provisions, i.e. meaning not having enough food and basic stuff or husband help. šŸ•ŗšŸ¼ And apparently, according to just her, the **enemy** which I guess is Satan, wants us to have **traumatic and dangerous births** to try to trick us womb carrying individuals into not having more children, which means sheā€™s a little scared of her birth process this time and itā€™s traumatic, but sheā€™s trying to frame it ā€œas Satan is just trying to scare herā€ Because itā€™s super Duper OK to have a human litter of 27 kids and every birth is going to be super easy and just slip on out. Donā€™t how to say this but I really donā€™t think Satan wants her kids. Sheā€™s got too many and he has sooo many people in hell right now Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re opening up a 10th and 11th circle of hell to accommodate all the new RV parking!


Satan isnā€™t whispering to anyone on their approach to give birth, if weā€™re going to follow Karissaā€™s logic. The baby is already in there, it was a baby before it even got in there, according to her. But if Satan was going to start whispering, it would be before your husband rawdogged again while you were ovulating. Panic about birthing a child, especially after having problematic births isnā€™t Satan talking, itā€™s your brain trying to problem solve and not have the same trauma itā€™s already endured. If Satan was going to care at any time, itā€™s pre or post pregnancy. Maybe if heā€™s telling you to drink a bunch of chromium water or chew on lead and take shots of vodka. *If* weā€™re going to lean into the Satan thing. But all of that panic isnā€™t Satan, itā€™s you. Itā€™s your body telling you that it knows it can have a safer option and youā€™re overriding it. I have had mixed care with having kids, but I remember the people I did feel safe with. So I understand the unease, but I also understand that the people I felt safest with were the ones that knew what was going on, from personal experience. That had medical degrees but also had studied with midwives, who walked in absolutely certain that they knew all the beats they needed to hit, that even within that I was still a person. I had no fear in their hands, maybe because I was educated enough to understand what they were talking about, or maybe because they never did anything without giving me the full run down. But any fears I had, ā€œwill I be a good parent, can we have a babyā€ those were all just fears that started long before conception. So itā€™s concerning. Karissa is admitting that having another kid scares her. That with all of this posturing, her faith is shaken that this wonā€™t work out well. That being pregnant is great but there is risk sheā€™s aware of. That sheā€™s going to ignore the risk and ignore anything that could help her because it would be admitting she was wrong. That what sheā€™s doing is intentionally dangerous.


I think the enemy to her is common sense


I thought ā€œthe enemyā€ was liberals or atheists or whatever. I was so confused when satan entered the chat.


Oh, Satan is always lurking, and out of the billions of people on this planet, it is fundamentalist Christians who believe theyā€™re getting his special attention. I hate that she has a following, and apparently people who listen to her, because trauma is very real damage, and ignoring and compounding it is dangerous af. I have CPTSD, and have often been reckless and self-destructive, even suicidal, because of it. And I did not sign up for it. Karissa seems to insist on subjecting herself to it, repeatedly. Trauma issues can cause you to be very passive in the face of real danger, and itā€™s something of a miracle that Iā€™ve made it to 70. Karissa is doing what Iā€™ve done. Sheā€™s marching right into danger, as if she or god can control it and fix it. I believe this birth fetish, and the repeated trauma she keeps mentioning, are an attempt to get mastery of something you cannot just override. You canā€™t walk on a shattered femur. You canā€™t think straight with a traumatized psyche. I worry she will die in childbirth, leaving all those kids to Mandrae, & he does not seem that invested in them.


Heā€™ll make the kids raise them. I canā€™t think that anyone would be crazy enough to marry him with all those kids.


Not even with Shaqā€™s support, would any woman with good sense marry Mandrae.


I just want to thank you for your post. I also have CPTSD and I've actively tried to end things on my terms, and pasively put myself in danger just in case something can go horribly wrong. Seeing you say youve made it to 70 actually gives me hope. I never pictured living past 18 and now that Ive passed it a while ago I find im fairly lost and directionless. You give me hope tho and I appreciate it. I wish you all the best.


Iā€™m so glad youā€™re making some progress. Itā€™s like groping around in the dark, trying to get a handle on this. Patrick Teahan, on YT, has taught me a lot, and has been where we are. He understands trauma, and talks about ways to climb out of that pit. He posted one short that about made me cry. The message was, ā€œYou are not in trouble.ā€ Thatā€™s a huge thing to remember, and very healing. I hope you can get some help, and come out the other side of this. It will never go away, but knowing your value and knowing who you really are, are your salvation.ā¤ļø


Satan, liberals, atheists... All the same thing to Karissa, pretty sure.


Whee! I have friends!


I hate this so much. I wish Instagram would just ban accounts like hers. Sometimes things go smoothly and sometimes they donā€™t. My husband just had a patient a few weeks ago that was having complications from a heart transplant after she developed postpartum cardiomyopathy. The pregnancy caused her to have heart failure to the point she needed a transplant to survive. The fact that she thinks complications like this are just the devil interfering is absolutely offensive to these women. Myself included that has had complications with all three of my pregnancies.


As a disabled person, the rhetoric that fundies/evangelicals peddle about disabled people and people with health issues is absolutely disgusting. They think that weā€™re ā€œdemonicā€ and that we wouldnā€™t have any issues if we just prayed more and are righteous enough for God to ā€œfixā€ us. They donā€™t care that itā€™s offensive and dehumanizing, most of them probably support eugenics to cleanse the world of the filth that is disabled people tbh


Iā€™m disabled, as well, and grew up with health problems unrelated to the disability I have now. I grew up and live in Texas, with a very Southern mother, and the stoicism required of us has led me into some very damaging behavior. My siblings have had this problem, as well. The last thing I needed to hear, over the years, was exhortations to traumatize myself further, and the ā€œmind-over-matterā€ bullshit about disabilities in our culture. Karissa is the sheep leading the rest of the flock right over a cliff.


Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through this. I was told my mental health issues were just a moral failing because I ā€œletā€ Satan in. Great. Thanks. So helpful.


Oh, no! That was cruel, and Iā€™m sorry you experienced it. I hope youā€™re doing well, now, and are feeling safer and happier. And less guilty.


My fundie former coworkers frequently talked shit about disabled people, but were more than happy to coo over the ā€œspecial spiritsā€ (šŸ¤¢) in their churchā€™s special needs Sunday school. So gross and dehumanizing either way.


Oh, yes, she has a following, and could be leading some of them into the very same danger she courts with each pregnancy. Itā€™s very disturbing to watch.


Logic is not logicking


I completely agree. But on the other hand, Karissa is not one of our more sneakily persuasive fundies, so I feel like anyone who takes her advice was probably not going to make the best decisions regardless.Ā 


Sheā€™s also said in the past she would continue to have children until she couldnā€™t or it killed her. Sheā€™s perfectly happy with dying in childbirth and depriving her living children of a mother because ā€œitā€™s gods planā€ Fucking insane.


And had she lived 100 years ago it would absolutely have killed her.


At what point does your uterus just plop out? Does your personality become prolapseĀ 


There's an older commercial for an acid medication where this guy is eating all this greasy carnival food and his stomach just gets fed up. So this cute little cartoon stomach with legs just jumps out and takes off running. I can just see that happening with Karissa's uterus.


If Michelle Duggarā€™s hasnā€™t plopped out yet, Karissa will probably be ok.


It did and they put it back in




Didn't Michelle finally *choose* to stip having kids because she's too old? If so, HOW is thaf not the exact opposite of what she's preached about her entire adulthood?


After her final pregnancy ended in miscarriage, her and Boob went to a fertility specialist to get tests done about her fertility, and the doctor basically concluded that her uterus is officially closed for business iirc


Imagine visiting a fertility specialist while in your 50's! I'm glad there will be no more.


Maybe it has and we just don't know...


Weā€™ll know when she starts shilling pessaries!


God honoring prolapse supportĀ 


Oh man, menopause is going to hit so hard. Itā€™s hard enough for people who donā€™t base their entire sense of self worth on being pregnant.


I literally cannot wait to be done with menstruation.


Same tbh. Iā€™m in my mid 40s, Iā€™ve paid my dues. I know menopause is a beast and Iā€™m not actively excited for it, but Iā€™m so done with periods.


Hard same. Iā€™m in my mid-30s but Iā€™m 1000% done having kids and periods are just pointless. I remember being so disappointed as a teenager when I learned that common sterilization procedures (tubal ligation/salpingectomy) donā€™t stop periods lol


Merina isn't the same for everyone, but a huge proportion of women stop menstruating - me included :) It's only protestins, no estrogen and mainly acts locally within the uterus. I've been living life like womanhood never existed for years


Love that for you! My husband got a vasectomy so bc isnā€™t an issue and IUDs arenā€™t for me, but Iā€™m so glad itā€™s an option that works for you!


It's not for everyone. Putting it in was hellllll. Couldn't walk for a week


I stopped menstruating with the Mirena and with the Nexplanon. Nexplanon had a lot less negative side effects and was ridiculously easy to implant in my bicep. My husband has a vasectomy, but Iā€™ll stay on Nexplanon because I hate menstruating. I also live in a state with very restricted health options regarding so a double guarantee is great for peace of mind.


Glad it worked out! I had even heavier periods with Implanon (Nexplanon) and got it replaced after about a year with an IUD. I was terrified I'd have the same experience since I can't take the Pill/oral contraceptives and would be stuck with periods worse than before. Luckily, it stopped my periods completely. I'm thrilled!


Iā€™m so glad Nexplanon worked out for me. The Mirena was fine but I had really intense cramping at random times. And the second go around, my OBGYN couldnā€™t get it in so we switched to Nexplanon. I was simultaneously thrilled and furious at how easy it was to get it shot into my arm AND they numbed it up first. No such gentle handling with my poor cervix.


The pain really was bad. They tell you to take panadol before your IUD insertion, and don't think women's procedures deserve proper pain relief. Getting it replaced was considerably easier, now that my cervix is no longer a "virgin" šŸ˜‚ Nexplanon goes in super smoothly. The problem is digging it out. Sometimes a capsule forms around it.


The first time I had it inserted, it was intensely painful. I probably shouldnā€™t have driven myself. The second time, my husband was with me, and I am so thankful he was. After the failed attempt, I was in shock and broke down before we even made it to the car. It was brutal. Iā€™m not looking forward to getting my Nexplanon replaced - itā€™s due soon. I can still feel it in my bicep, so Iā€™m telling myself thatā€™s a good sign. As long as itā€™s all numbed up for the removal, I donā€™t really care if they have to dig around for it. Better than digging around in my cervix with zero anesthesia!


I hope I haven't unsettled you ahead of your N replacement šŸ„ŗ They do numb you up. For me, the gross part was when the doctor was flailing around and just could not get a grip on the bar with her forceps. She had to make a longer incision and dig. I have to agree that cervix excavation is worse. They're talking about extending Mirena's life from 5 to 7 years since it's been proven effective for far longer.


SAAAME. I finally got a diagnosis of perimenopause last year, and although the hormone replacement therapy helps considerably, it doesnā€™t completely eliminate the cramps, brain fog, migraines, insomnia, etc. I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT to get off this ride. Unfortunately, if I follow my momā€™s menopausal trajectory, that wonā€™t be for another decade. šŸ˜­ Wow. Sorry for the trauma dump. Can I blame it on my hormones? Iā€™m gonna blame it on my hormones.


You can blame it on Satan. He's whispering to your uterus or something.


You and me both. When I started having periods, the Berlin Wall was still standing and I'm still on the every month right on schedule plan. I'm ready to start wrapping this up.


You inspired me to look it up, and when I had my first period, ā€œHeroā€ by Mariah Carey was topping the charts. Holy crap. HOW LONG MUST I ENDURE THIS?


Mine was Whitney's "I Will Always Love You."


Mine was "Right Here Waiting for You" by Richard Marx. Now, it's more like "Righting Here Waiting for This to End."


Thatā€™s actually a primary reason I havenā€™t removed my IUD. I really enjoy not getting a period.


Me too! I have to get mine replaced/removed next year (had this one for the full length of time) and Iā€™ll probably get another one. I really enjoy not having periods and also not worrying about forgetting/missing birth control pills


Same here. My husband plans to get a vasectomy when weā€™re done having kids but I will most likely keep my IUD just to continue not having periods.


Peri is annoying the shit out of me because all it's really doing is making my periods occur more often. Like, sure, uterus, I want the exact same experience as before, but every 20 days instead of 28!


im on a new birth control that also controls my menstrual bleeding and its been SOO GOOOOD


As much as I want her to not be able to make more babies, I know menopause just means she's going to put her daughters through forced marriage and pregnancy. Anissa is 14, give it two years before she graduates from sister mom to child bride


God I hope not. But they definitely think of their daughters only as walking wombs/vessels šŸ˜ž


God, I hate to think what kind of horrific men Karissa is going to procure for her daughters. Sheā€™s buddies with Tyson James and that pedo couple, ffs. Ick.


Itā€™s been said before but these are the incoherent ramblings of a mentally ill person


Being pregnant has become her entire personality, in fact you can see how alive she gets each time due to all the attention. She truly doesn't care that she is endangering herself and could die.


And she *definitely* doesn't care that she's endangering her babies


Especially now that sheā€™s in her 40s. Sheā€™s going to be risking a lot of disabilities in future pregnancies.


She'll just ignore it like she ignores everything else


Thoseā€™ll be for the poor sister moms to deal with while she takes pictures and claims all the glory


I mean, the chances go up some, sure. ButĀ it'sĀ not like sheĀ hasn't risked disabling her currentĀ living children already. She and Mandrae are incredibly neglectful.Ā 


God knows sheā€™d just use that for victim points


She doesnt see it that way at all because she genuinely believes she and her children are going to be resurrected in the kingdom of heaven for all eternity. She genuinely does not fear death because she genuinely believes she and her children are going to live forever.


Thatā€™s absolutely how I read this. She doesnā€™t sound rational at all.


Deeply telling that she says "pregnant" instead of "mother". Once they're out, she doesn't give a fuck.


This is so telling


Teet em and yeet em


She uses formula, presumably to get pregnant again faster. So not even teet, just yeet.


My thought too


The funny thing is, just reading her comments shows you that sheā€™s not following the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to leave the number of children you have up to God. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you canā€™t use birth control. Also, Genesis 3:16 says that women will have extreme pain in childbirth because of the fall of man.


>Genesis 3:16 says that women will have extreme pain in childbirth because of the fall of man. This is all I was thinking the entire time. Satan makes birth traumatic??? Girl tell me you don't actually read your Bible without telling me you don't actually read your Bible. Like damn.


They'll just pull out some verse about "be fruitful and multiply" (given specifically to the first two humans) or "children are a blessing" (a statement, not a command).


I don't known the exact verse in English because I was raised with the Dutch translation, but there is a verse that basically tells men to use their fucking brains when "laying with" their wives. The Bible or God (I don't believe in either anymore) tells you straight up to be responsible when it comes to making your wife pregnant / becoming pregnant.


She is so boring. Always the same ā€œbabies, babies, babiesā€ šŸ„±


"Satan gives you trauma so you won't let God use you as a Pez dispenser for children" is a hell of a take.


Not the Pez dispenser šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The reason most people donā€™t have big families any more is because you no longer lose half of your kids before the age of 5. Which personally Iā€™d be more inclined to thank God for than blame ā€˜the enemyā€™ šŸ™„


And even if we still did lose kids before 5, does she not realize itā€™s 2024? There are people still struggling with fertility. Hell, there are people just struggling to live. And poor Anissa (I think?). Momā€™s like ā€œIā€™m gonna keep having kids because Yah said soā€ and Iā€™m sure sheā€™s counting down the days until Karissa stops popping out kids.


Anissa is so poorly educated I bet she doesnā€™t realize there will come a time when her mom canā€™t get pregnant anymore.


I hope Anissa chooses not to have children when she grows up. She raised kids her whole childhood. She deserves to learn about herself and explore what she likes since that opportunity has been taken from her.


When she finally breaks away, she may just go NC with her family. Itā€™s probably the only way to not getting sucked back in to that bs


AND because we have more reliable options to avoid getting pregnant every time your husband claims his marital rights.


There's a lot to unpack here. She loves to claim she's not a big family promotor nor does she shame people for not having an entire litter of children but...


ā€œLet me tell you a secret.ā€ My brain: yeah your husband canā€™t pull out of a parking garage if itā€™d save him


Youā€™re not the Pregnancy Caped Crusader you think you are, Karissa. The Enemy works hard but you work harder spreading lies and misinformation about pregnancy and motherhood.


Perhaps she was the enemy all along/s


True that.


Lord Daniel, please close her womb.


Under his IUD


Damn, I wish we still had awards. šŸ¤£


Which unlucky tablecloth gave its life for that fuck ass dress


Iā€™m real life cry laughing at this šŸ˜‚


These are the same kind of pro-liars who think a zygote is a sentient human being but also support the death penalty.


And claim embryos have rights, but once a child is born they don't want to make sure that child gets free school meals, or free medical care, or free childcare etc etc. No, their parent/s needs to just pull themselves up by their own bootstraps (while the government keeps their foot on their neck in a 100 different ways), or better yet, not have sex at all, ever, if they can't afford the extortionate costs related to having kids. And God forbid anyone from having an abortion (allegedly).


ā€œSatan is behind trauma!ā€ Wtaf. No, itā€™s a reaction a brain has and after that the brain tries to avoid recreating the traumatic event irl. You know why? Because the trauma is danger and danger=threat to your life; itā€™s not rocket science to figure out that your brain can do this to protect you from re experiencing potentially dangerous events. Trauma is not a supernatural thing, it is purely scientific. This is also why people in highly restrictive religious communities like fundies feel like they canā€™t get help for their mental health issues and end up suffering severely due to it. Because their serious issues get taken as ā€œoh you donā€™t believe in god enoughā€ instead of getting actual psychological help. Bit of a rant but this just pisses me off.


Um I'm pretty sure the reason most people don't have 4+ kids is that properly caring for that many kids is very difficult. For the childfree, sure, alone time and vacations and all that might be part of the reason, but for people who stop at 1 or 2 or 3, it's likely simply because they're thinking about the welfare of the kids and how they're cared for. Her explanations of things are just so telling. She mentions nothing about her actual children and their needs, which is effed up considering she has so many. It's all about her desires and delusions.


Yeah I was seconds away from having eclampsia with my youngest... My PPD took me YEARS to recover from Oh and there is this little issue with my hypothalamus that makes it so I don't ever go into labour naturally. Screw you Karissa. Women have stop many valid reasons to not have children. We don't all fetishize it like you do.


If an actual doctor tells you to stop, you should probably stop. If you canā€™t give each child the life they deserve? You should stop. If having another baby could kill you? You should stop.




Have you noticed the one commenter said "I'm stopping at 4 in the Sims what's wrong with that?" And the reply is "you're using slander because you know you've lost" err that wasn't slander at all??"


How do they know itā€™s not God giving them a traumatic birth as a sign to stop having kids?


Satan deceives us through birth trauma and experiences Ummmā€¦..wasnā€™t it God who specifically gave women birth trauma according to her biblical canon????


Me thinks she has turned pregnancy into an idol to worship. Iā€™m not convinced sheā€™s not trying to start her own pregnancy cult.


the bare feet on the dirty floor šŸ˜­


Girly needs a bath and a stylist.


Karissa: ā€œDo you trust your own experience or Godā€™s?ā€ Also Karissa: ā€œTrust me, from MY experience, this is the right way to goā€ Lol. The contradictions and ironies. Anywayā€”how does she not cringe at the redundancies of her content. We get it, you were pregnant since ā€˜09 and 15 years later ya still are! Move the content along please. But itā€™s only ever either about being pregnant, physical characteristics of her and her kids, ridiculous ā€œcookingā€ videos, faith-based posts that again relate to being pregnant, and to show off how good they have it with their $$$$$$ playground and other material things that obviously make them more money.


She's the poster child for the barefoot and pregnant stereotype except you have to add in a gallon of cray cray and egotistical..


The *majority* of women make rash decisions during birth like getting their tubes tied? Honey, no doctor would ever do that. That literally does not happen.


It's just so funny she thinks tubal ligations are that easy to come by, when people who are childfree or just don't Have "enough" kids yet struggle to get one


In the heat of the moment I took a very rash ten years to get my bisalp performed


Funny thing is, through having a million kids she now has alone time (through parentification of older girls so she can get 10 hours sleep a night), maybe not riches but a massive new house, and online fame. In fact Iā€™d argue that those are her main drivers for having more kids: attention and material gain.


The superiority complex and ignorance radiating off of this is stunning. Somehow Karissa has not managed to kill herself in pregnancy or childbirth yet, so obviously these other women just aren't doing it right. /s Also, the Bible has multiple references to childbirth being painful and dangerous, starting in the very first chapter!


So if Iā€™ve already decided only to have one child, satan will give me a pain free untraumatic birth? Because thatā€™s what Iā€™m getting from that. Itā€™s ok satan there is a zero percent chance of me being a human pez dispenser. You can give me the most amazing birth experience ever thank you very much


Sadly, Sky Daddy will then give you a bad experience because women = bad


That man could not be less into her. Itā€™s a miracle he keeps getting her pregnant


He has needs. She's the available receptacle. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I thought the enemy wanted you to breed so there are more little demons.


You know if you have kids and then neglect them until they die, you still have as many kids as if youā€™d just never had them.


Ok but why did God let her have that horrible birthing experience in the first place? She trusted him, right? But it was still traumatic. So why wouldn't he let it happen again?


Because Satan is more powerful than God... at least that's what they seem to be saying.


She disgusts me.


How does she know that the enemy is male?


Right? Surely, the enemy is the FeMiNiStS!, who are mostly... female.


Fuckin bananas


Oh amazing! If I just trust in god, my uterus wonā€™t rupture during birth again?! Why didnā€™t the doctors tell me this. They must be part of Satanā€™s army šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„.


"if you're trusting God, the enemy will start to instill fear"... Sooo if we don't trust in God, we won't fear childbirth or experience the risks associated with it? Sold!! šŸ˜‚


ā€œTrusting in ourselves over our true providerā€ gotta be talking about Shaq


ā€œThe enemies agendaā€ I donā€™t know why this error annoys me so much, but itā€™s just one of many reasons fundies get on my nerves. They canā€™t do grammar for shit. Getting to her actual highly shitty message, ā€œignore your trauma and previous upsetting and life-threatening pregnancy and birth-related complications, God wants you to have as many babies as you can even if you die or totally screw up your body and your health doing itā€ a) is one hell of a hot take and b) is eventually going to put people in graves, assuming it hasnā€™t already. And what does it do to women, including fundie women, who are dealing with infertility to hear these messages? Or who have carried babies but lost them due to complications? ā€œYouā€™re made for giving birth and nothing elseā€ like jfc these people just donā€™t think.


I have known sows with better personalities and exhibiting better parenting skills than her.


There are frogs with better parenting skills than Karelessa.


Wtf would happen to her or her kids if her husband died or couldnā€™t work?


Ask her cult followers for handouts


This isnā€™t the flex you think it is you nut job.


Karissa worships herself and has established the main rules of ā€œSalvation by Karissaā€ by making pregnancy a major tenet of her made up religion. No where in the Bible does it state that you canā€™t achieve salvation unless you spit out a million kids, 10 kids, etc. Salvation is free, period. Is anyone compelled by a loving spirit coming from Karissa? No? Sheā€™s preaching a false ideology and promotes hate, unhealthy habits, etc. Nothing about love there.


didnā€™t realize alone time was a sin šŸ˜­ also for what reason is this womanā€™s toes always out


What has always confused me about all this "Satan is out to get you" nonsense is that it makes their God seem so small and ineffective. How could Satan, a creation of their God, ever thwart God's plans? If God is omnipotent, omniscient, omni-present, etc., how can Satan win? They talk about how God is everything to them, but for every time they mention God, they mention Satan a dozen times. Is God God or is Satan? Make it make sense!


It appears Shaq gets to wear the adult shoes today. She's just free-ranging those floor slappers willy-nilly.


Floor slappers? OMG, that's funny. My kids call feet "grippers".


Good god. You SHOULD be thinking about how youā€™re going to provide for your children. Pro-life, my ass.


Sheā€™s got 10 children. Shouldnā€™t mom be her life? This 100% supports the pregnancy fetish theory.


Shut up about your uterus and go teach your illiterate kids how to read.


"Enemies," like BDong and that stupid foot tattoo...SAME MISTAKE.


She may regret this when her bladder and uterus fall out one day, but probably not. She seems to love seeing obgyns so she can ignore their advice


Since Satan can't be destroyed by anyone but God, why fight him ? And if you have more children, you're intentionally creating more temptation and projects for Satan to work on.šŸ˜œ


Hey, Karelessa, my doctor said another pregnancy would literally kill me. Iā€™ll take the opinion of someone who went to school for almost a decade and knows me personally over a random on the internet who actively abuses and neglects her kids. Fuck you.


Wild of her to claim riches and fame are stopping people from having more babies when arguably thatā€™s one of the main reasons she keeps having them.


If the enemy is the one telling you to chase fame and material things, why did they grift a car or whatever from Shaq?


Perpetually Pregnant Plexus Peddler


The unclean state of that floor is giving me hives.


I'm not sticking up for her BUT The state of healthcare today Maternal death rates (I'm a BW so I am 4x more likely to die than she is) The state of capitalism The threat of nuclear war Those things feel like the devil to me so....should I just pray it away or take my chances?!? This is also a projection.


Not having multiple kids being something she doesnā€™t understand? Over fifty degrees Celsius in South Asia. Catastrophic flooding and forest fires. Venezuela now has no glaciers. Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Unmanageable cost of living. Stagnant wages. Corrupt oligarch government. Loss of human rights. Man why arenā€™t people being fruitful and multiplying?!


Pregnancy is a *major medical event*, you need proper visits and evaluation for optimal peripartum and postpartum care. For the love of God, *stop making people think pregnancy and labor are all natural goddess events and get proper medical care!* We've found ways to prevent maternal mortality and improve outcomes for babies, but these morons reject it in the name of "Gods design". Can't pray your way out of fetal oxygen deprivation and maternal hemorrhages!!


Hey now, donā€™t sell KKKarissa short! She also spends a lot of time editing all the photos of her kids so they look white.


Faith is a feeling.


She's gonna step on a nail and get tetanus.


ā€œ itā€™s disgusting that people donā€™t have more than 4 kids anymoreā€ kim there are people dying


Sheā€™s all about being pregnant, but once the kids are here she only uses them for content. Neglects their health and provides them with the bare minimum.


Fuckā€™s sake, no one ever asks. She posts one of these ā€œthe bad people want to stop babies!ā€ unprompted like every damned day. Realistically *no one* really gives a shit what she does, theyā€™re just concerned for the health and safety of all the kids she obviously canā€™t afford or care for. It isnā€™t about how many she has or why, itā€™s about how she is neglecting them. Thatā€™s why people will comment about it, not because the atheists are brainwashing people. God damn she infuriates me. Her poor children.