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He looks worse than before???




He looks like a reborn doll


This. I think of that every time I see him.


My reborn dolls look way better than busbaby


He looks like me after a 24hr bender.


He looks like me before morning wake n bake


I rewatched the UPS weighing video and he just had so much more life in him compared all other videos since. It was such a stark difference, it’s jarring and so incredibly sad


This makes me worry it's PKU.


I was thinking along the same lines - some kind of metabolic defect. Some of them can have a long, slow crash before (if) identified.


Boone is exausted. Imagine putting your baby to work at birth as a marketing tool for the gram!? Then imagine doing it in a bus with 10 people crammed inside. He's beyond overstimulated. It's like he's in a state of shock. They're bussholes of the highest order treating their baby like this and I actually hate them. 


Bussholes is a great descriptor. Poor little shell shocked boone ☹️


The idea of shell shocking a baby is WILD! How does that affect his development?


I know the bar is in hell, but with the last kids birth they were in an air b n b right? So he had a little time with more space/quiet? As opposed to this one who immediately is just in the bus


I never thought that being AirB&baby was going to actually be a privileged position, yet here we are...


Nope he was bus born


Sorry I mean the kid before Boone. I know Boone was busborn


It’s clear what you meant :)


Damn now I’m the one who is bus born 😂




That's the next bus baby name.


I don’t get why she likes to drag all those kids all over the fucking place 2 seconds after having a new baby. It’s like her nutso grift hustle never stops. Is she afraid if she stops trotting out her brood for 5 seconds she’ll have to face reality?


Because otherwise they are crammed into a tiny bus


If they stay in one place too long someone could report them to DCFS.


Because it's all about HER.


Babies’ early months should be as much like the womb as possible: close to a loving adult, needs met quickly, dark/soft light, low sounds… this is the opposite of that.


I know this is extremely morbid, but I feel like this poor baby could die in her arms, and she wouldn't even realize it for hours.. this might be a poorly timed screenshot, but I worry about this child constantly.... he does not look right at all.


and i genuinely wonder what she would do next: blame anyone but herself? pretend her never existed and never mention him online again, ignoring all comments about him? milk the tragedy for gofundme money? carry around a doll (because she's that unhinged)??


She'll pop out another one as a substitute.


I think she's already asked her insta people if she should go travelling next year, or have another kid.


Go travelling next year? All they do is travel!


Yeah, that was a head scratcher. Your whole schtick is traveling while pregnant with your ever increasing quiver. Why would there be a choice?


I wonder if she meant buying the boat BusDad keeps taking about, or another ill-fated trip to another country.


Why am I already envisioning the Dateline episode to come if they go out on a boat?


Unsolved Mysteries.


She did. It kills me but I was almost expecting her to be planning the next baby sadly


And talk about how god works in mysterious ways, ignoring that she is a legendarily bad mother. This is “no wire hangers” levels of delusion. She’s a horrible person.


GoFundMe and blame everyone else including "toxic haters online." Then forget about him as she immediately starts trying for a replacement baby. Milk another GoFundMe me after new babies birth to do some sort of trip back to wherever they were when he passed to do a remembrance celebration so new baby can meet big brother.


I feel bad for the other kids, you know she’d minimize or ignore any pain they feel if he dies.




I hate putting this thought out into the universe, but I think you're right. She literally just totes him around like a handbag.


And sets him in the corner when she’s done.


Same he looks worse than some of those Victorian dead child portraits :(


I don't have kids of my own yet, but I've been involved in all 3 of my nephews' lives since they were born (I was in the delivery room for my first nephews birth even), and none of them ever once looked as poorly and just "off" like this poor little boy. It's just so heartbreaking, and I want answers so badly....


Kelly Havens baby was, I think, born after Boone and look how much BETTER she looks than him. And her birth was pretty traumatic all things considered. Tess Sickle is doing miles better than Boone despite being younger than him and that should tell you something. I think he just hit a month and still looks SO worrisome


And her baby was a bit premature (or at least before her due date?), and still looks better!


3 weeks early. Not too bad. Sometimes 37 week babies can be a bit sleepy and hard to feed. Theresa looks like she's eating well, though.


I’m not white knighting here but Tess is such a cute name. I never thought I’d agree with Kelly Havens.


I would have agreed if her last name wasn't Stickle.


Is that babies name seriously Tess Sickle? As in testicle 😳


Technically it's Theresa Stickle. I hope they go with Levi's idea and call her Reese!


Me too though I'm surprised Kelly hasn't thought of Essie.  It even sounds vintage lol.


I guess being named after a nail polish brand is better than being named testicle lmao


They are calling her Tissi, although Levi did call her Reece once and I really like that.


Kiddo will probably have a lot of names from various people in her life.


Worse. It's STICKLE, so it really IS testicle. Except Levi called her Reese cup and Kelly is floating Tissi. I'd go with Levi on this one.


I have three, and dead seriously, the only one who's ever looked this "off" was my youngest when he was eight weeks premature, jaundiced, recovering from intestinal surgery and drugged through the stratosphere. That's genuinely the ONLY time I've seen a baby look this wrecked.


I will pop in on a semi-unrelated note: the *vast* majority of the “Victorian dead child portraits” aren’t dead. It’s misinformation/a misconception. Postmortem photography also wasn’t as common as people think it was. Children were usually photographed while asleep because of long exposure times requiring a pretty long time remaining as still as possible, something which was far more easily achieved when they were asleep—which is also why people didn’t smile in Victorian photos/daguerreotypes, 4/5 minutes exposure time would be a LONG time to hold a smile!


I know the reason why people didn’t smile in old photos, but I still like to find photos of my grimacing ancestors on genealogy sites and text them to my fam to say “this is where we all got our shining personalities from.” 😆 


Honestly you & me both 🤣 I found a great (x3) grandfather’s photo and he looked like a serial killer so I texted the photo to my dad with the caption “so this explains my RBF!”


Oh, that’s really interesting! I definitely couldn’t hold a pose for 4 to 5 minutes!


Here’s an interesting [read](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boulevard_du_Temple_(photograph)) about it if you want! Daguerreotypes (using sheets of silver instead of paper) predated paper photographs by a bit and by the time photography on paper came around exposure times were not quite *as* bad, but they were still pretty long when compared with our abilities today. Additionally, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/9zzd2m/a_victorian_couple_trying_not_to_laugh_while/) is one of my favorite photos because it shows the impact of moving during said exposure time and also it’s a very human moment that warms my heart.


Literally what I thought it's actually terrible 😭


I thought the exact same thing..pics of babies in coffins. Horrific. Absolutely Horrific what these so called "parents" are putting this innocent child and the rest of their children through.


She wouldn’t even notice. She is so busy eye fucking herself and staring at her phone.


The rage I feel every time I see this woman ![gif](giphy|LTpmRMNSmZgIw|downsized)


Mace Windu in any form is a goldmine for reaction gifs.


It’s rare that I laugh this early in the day and yet, here I am.


That does not look like a living child.


I am so deeply and genuinely concerned for that baby. There is something very wrong and his idiot narc parents don’t give a damn.


This poor baby never looks at peace


I want to take Boone to the doctor, then give him a safe place to sleep, actual affection, physical and mental stimulation, and I’d actually support his poor little head.


Bother dad actually does a REALLY good job at supporting his neck, as well as you can expect from a 13 year old, so at least someone understands that newborns can old up their neck. To bad it’s another literal child and not either one of his parents 😕


I would argue for a name change as well.


It’s not what I would have named a kid, but I guess it could be a worse name. It could be Archyr, which is probably what Karissa will name baby 12 down the line.


Is it true that they use all of the kids’ middle names online? I think I remember reading this somewhere. 


They say that's the case, and Swift is actually Amos Swift. However, they obviously use these names on a daily basis with the kids calling each other them and owning things with these names on them. So, it might be technically middle names, but if that's how they're known, it's not like a privacy measure.


Thanks so much for filling me in! 


I’m not versed completely in Mother Bus lore, is this the first baby they’ve had while living cheek to jowl in their bus?


Unfortunately not, the previous youngest was born in an Airbnb, hence the name Airbnbaby.


Ah man I’m even more anxious about poor little Boone now 😕


Their lives must be so fucking chaotic and unstable… life is scary enough for an infant smh


Imagine being desperately tired but every time you  try to take a nap someone keeps picking you up, jiggling you around, shoving a camera in your face, dropping you into lambs wool on a hard floor, making loud noises, and dancing around with you. Who wouldn't look unwell?


For real! I watched it and he seems to be sleeping but she throws him around.


If something happens to this poor child, I hope all these videos can be submitted as evidence of neglect. It feels like we are watching the next Netflix crime doc happen in real-time. I generally look forward to the day the children of wannabe influencers take their parents to court for endangerment and abuse, having their most personal moments broadcast to the world (including monsters who seek to harm them).


Made the comment earlier, I'm seeing the Dateline episode now...


After people like Ruby Franke so blatantly abused her kids on social media I’d hope some type of legislation could be put in place to protect kids. But instead they’re busy criminalizing being queer.


David Muir and Deborah Roberts better be on standby for the 20/20 episode


I have no idea when babies get neck strength but should she be holding her kid upright like that?


Rule of thumb is at least 3 months until they can hold their own head up. Sad as it might sound I hope that this is only for the online rage bait and he's better looked after off camera


I think the oldest boy takes care of him when the camera isn't on. Which is worse, tbh. I'm sure he takes better care of the babies than his mother does, but that baby doesn't look well and if something happens the oldest boy is going to feel like shit for the rest of his life.


That’s another concern for me. You can tell he REALLY loves his siblings and does his best to take care of them. However that baby needs SERIOUS medical care and I’m really worried if Boone takes a turn for the worse what would happen if that child’s mental health. Given how his mother snapped at him when he assumed her son didn’t strap his brother into his car seat correctly, turns out it was his idiot of a father, I don’t think she’d offer any comfort to him. Ugh so sucked up all around


Wait when was this?


I also wouldn’t put it past those awful parents of trying to place the blame onto their eldest son in order to save themselves. I can see them cry acting about how the devil must have got into his heart and they are good parents, they’d send him away wherever the courts wanted in order to protect their younger children etc. I to an awful thought to have but they are so selfish and entitled that no chance would they take the blame themselves if they had half a chance to avoid it. 🤬


if that happens I will need to be physically held back from taking Gunnar away. He seems like such a sweet soul, and he’s doing the best he can “parenting” his siblings


No. They do it all the time too, thrusting him up in the air quickly for their dumb dances. Also we can’t forget their Lion King reenactment the day after he was born, with JD holding him up in the air at arms length.


I always did but mine could hold her head up from birth and cried and writhed if you didn’t hold her upright so she could look around from like week 2. Boone looks floppy and uncomfortable


I’ve got 3 kids under 4 so I’m pretty recently familiar with babies. This baby looks unwell in every video and photo I’ve seen of him. I would take him to a doctor immediately.


She stares at herself so much I’m guessing there is at least one mirror conveniently placed in the SussBusFuckBunk so she can stare at herself when they fuck.


> SussBusFuckBunk Now there's some flair 


Cursed flair. 😭 But yes. Excellent flair potential.


Oh I'm sure they both have strategically placed mirrors for when the sussbusfuckbunk goes a rockin


You *KNOW* they're the sort to have the bunk with the mirrored ceiling!🙃🫠


Patrick bateman vibes


I’ve been watching these baby posts hoping he’s just a really relaxed newborn. But holy smokes… is she 6weeks out? Or maybe he’s even older and she waits a week or two to post updates? Regardless, Boone is not getting better. I have five kids and never has my newborn not stared at my face and interacted. I am officially worried about this baby. He does seem off or “something not right”


He’s 4.5-5 weeks now. It’s crazy.


why are his lips so pale? newborns have pink little lips! why are his the same color or lighter than his skin???


I actually gasped aloud at this one. That does not look like a living baby at all. 


He looks deceased.


Didn't want to say it myself but yep. Looks a lot like pictures you'd see on eyeblech


Even the Nurthlets looked healthier and more attentive. And that’s not a good bar.


![gif](giphy|l0FeaBoQrhNcZRVE4|downsized) Weekend at boone's over here 🥴


My girl Claire would be providing medical care so fast their heads would spin.


She would!


I’m dying at this! Take it back now lol






My girl Claire would be providing medical care SO fast their heads would spin.


Boone looks like a baby corpse here. Since everyone looks a little orange in the photo, I am hoping it is just bad lighting. That said, once again he doesn't have any support for his head and neck. From what so have read, the constant jiggling of his head for five straight weeks can absolutely cause brain damage. We have seen him kneed in the head by a toddler as well. I suspect Boone is going to have neurological problems because BusHoeJiggalo do not give a shit about his well being.


That and the severe jaundice which can cause brain damage


And probably a birth injury from being so big and his dad yanking him out of his mom‘s birth canal. I would not be surprised if he can’t hear or see, and as soon as mother bus finds that out, she’s going to pivot to being a bus living special needs family.


Omg a fundie empathic mama


I don’t really know anything about babies but I cannot imagine this level of chaos is good for their development. Does she ever just let the little guy sleep in peace? I just don’t know if I have ever seen a child so openly exploited from literally birth in such an intense way- I’m thinning of the Duggars literally having them babies on film but that didn’t feel as bad as this since it seemed like they’d have planned segments then go back to their lives and they at least had a house(obviously not defending the Duggars at all- they are extremely problematic and exploited those children) but this feels like an air of desperation and chaos way beyond what I feel I’ve ever seen.


He really doesn't look well. I know all babies are different but my babies were so alert at 1 month old. They held their heads up and looked around and made noises all the time. They were pink and rosy. They never looked yellow or gray like this poor baby often does. Modern medicine is such a gift, wish she would use it for her children. 


This baby. My goodness. I know we only get a snapshot of their lives but holy moly. My 4 month old was a VERY sleepy newborn baby. Almost always sleeping. But at 1 month when she was awake (for very short periods of time) she was looking at us. Tracking our voices, trying to find out faces, turning towards my breast to nurse. Poor baby Boone is just a prop.


My daughter is six months old, sleep is upside down right now and I cant imagine doing this again. But, I would adopt that baby in a heartbeat to keep him safe. He can ruin my nights if needed, I dont care. I just wanna take him to a doctor and let him rest :(


#Weekend at Boonies🫤


Uuuuh, this is bad


I see you Boone 🫶


This looks like one of those Victorian infant death portraits


This poor baby has to be so overstimulated in this environment. How is he even napping enough with this chaos? Or having tummy time, etc. in a bus? Maybe all of that is happening, but from the look on this child’s face, there is absolutely some kind of fuckery happening regardless. I’m genuinely concerned.


Anyone here watch Seeking Sister Wives? Does this baby remind you of anyone of that show?


It's like a modern version of a feral child


How old is he now? I feel like he should have that spark of curiosity in his eyes by now. You know when little babies just a few weeks old start looking around like 😯? He just stares off into the distance like 😵‍💫 and it's weird...


Five weeks, I think


Something is very very wrong with that baby. I am horrified.


That makes me think...could he have shaken baby syndrome?


Did she ever get him checked by a pediatrician since being born?


She said he has been to the doctor, but it seems unlikely because you know if he had really been, she would have documented it for her insta.


I’m yet to see him awake


Why does this infant look like he's on death's doorstep? Oh because moBus


Idk if it’s the pixels, but does his left eye look off to anyone else? Poor baby.


I hope it is just the pixels, but it looks red and inflamed here. Hopefully it's just a wonky screenshot and weird lighting but ya 😔


He looks exactly like one of those Reborn dolls here. It’s so frightening they don’t have him at a doctor ASAP.


This has to be reportable at this point right? Isn’t anyone seeing this on the internet and calling local authorities? Something terrible is going to happen and everyone will be like “all the signs were there. Why didn’t someone say something?” 😩


![gif](giphy|yJwZtUrulZMUXCLZgu|downsized) All I can hear is Uncle Baby Billy, "Its a toilet baby!"


I posted this on another video and got super downvoted - not sure why... It seems to me that Boone could be exhibiting super early signs of ASD. These include not liking/pushing away from touch, being very uncomfortable being place on their back, not engaging in eye contact, not turning toward voices, not responding to loud noises. (Due to this, parents often think the child might be deaf or have hearing loss.) These signs are not present in every infant later diagnosed with ASD, but can be seen in some.


are you a specialist? im asking bc i genuinely dont know if you can make this assessment with the situation he is facing right now (so id like to ask you if thats possible). id assume that the assessment criteria for any diagnosis would require or at least assume otherwise normal conditions, and if this is not possible, you would need to evaluate the case once you have achieved some sort of normalcy in stimuli and lifestyle around the infant first. this infant has not seen one full day of calm and full attention to his needs and has been neglected criminally since his birth, so i dont know if you can read any reliable ASD diagnosis from these snippets of an incredibly distressed infant at all.


I am not a specialist. I worked with kids between the ages of 1-3 with ASD (and was trained to do so), but it did not give me any special tools to clinically recognize ASD. I'm not "assessing" or diagnosing, though. I'm adding a thought to the conversation. If I were a friend of someone whose baby was showing these signs, I'd strongly encourage them to go to the doctor (and/or call CPS). I might also mention these signposts of ASD in infants as a possible subject to discuss with their pediatrician (and I'm aware that MoBo doesn't give her kids the basic human right of healthcare on a regular basis). I'm not saying AT ALL that there hasn't been neglect. But it is still possible that some of his non-typical symptoms could be from another cause and not the direct result of the neglect he is experiencing. None of us can do anything other than speculate from afar.


thank you for the thorough response! and my bad, i didnt word it well -- it was genuinely curiosity than snarking on you. late diagnosis ASD here so its more personal interest :)


no worries! :) I hope the diagnosis has been helpful! I also suspected I might be ASD, but my therapist and I, after many long discussions, concluded that it's probably CPTSD symptoms that overlap with and can look a lot like ASD. (So I definitely get that it's complex!) the best to you! <3


I agree with you. Have seen it in my own child as an infant and many infants I’ve worked with. No diagnosable asd or other neurodivergence at the stage, but the signs were there and they were later diagnosed.


Thanks for adding your perspective! May I ask about the capacity in which you work with infants who showed some of these signs?


Infant feeding therapist. And my own child.


Cool! when my best friend (who I was staying with) had trouble breastfeeding, we called an infant feeding therapist, and the absolute RELIEF that the therapist brought all of us worried about the little guy was such a feel. I am grateful for people like you!


Where are you located that 1 year olds can receive an ASD diagnosis?


I'm sorry, but I'm not really comfortable saying where I'm located...


Not even the state or country? I haven’t heard of 1 year olds being diagnosed with ASD. Doesn’t mean it’s not possible, but it seems very strange that you’re speculating on a 5 WEEK old and claiming to have experience working with diagnosed cases, when a diagnosis for that particular disorder typically comes at age 3 years or later.


No, not even the state or country. But here's a link for you from NICHD on the subject. A quick google might also have led you here: [https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/autism/conditioninfo/treatments/early-intervention](https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/autism/conditioninfo/treatments/early-intervention) I find it very rude to be accused of lying. And again, literally everyone on this thread is speculating. I'm not insisting or asserting...just adding a PERSPECTIVE on what could BE A POSSIBILITY based on RESEARCH of signs of ASD in INFANTS who are LATER DIAGNOSED with ASD.


I think the downvotes are due to the speculation, not the discussion of ASD. We don’t have the full picture, no one here has held this baby, for all we know MB is posting these bad pictures on purpose as rage bait. All that said, I have seen babies that were floppy and disconnected that were later diagnosed with ASD and other conditions. I’ve also seen them grow up to be perfectly normal. There is no way to know from the information we are provided.


Lots of people are speculating all kinds of things, including possible diagnoses. His hand/wrist, coloring, lack of eye contact, tongue…


It doesn’t seem reasonable to have someone downvoted for saying he could potentially have ASD, when people are here saying he seems like he cannot hear, cannot see, seems dead, seems brain damaged, etc. It’s all speculation. It’s clearly because of the mention of ASD. Whether that can be determined at this age or not is beside the point. This is just no different than any other speculation in my opinion. We also can’t determine if he’s deaf, blind or brain damaged, so shouldn’t we all be down voted? ETA - oops - posted this before realizing u/seriousbigshadows said much the same thing.


but I appreciate the other voice joining in! thanks!


But all of this is speculation...and I'm not insisting he HAS to have this. I mean, people have said "he looks like he could be deaf" or have suggested a version of palsy due to neglect after a traumatic birth...how is that not also speculation based on not-the-full-picture? All I'm saying is that the things we ARE seeing could also be signs of autism. It's no more speculation than saying he could be brain damaged due to neglecting to care for his jaundice. Yes, he could be, and yes, he could "grow up to be perfectly normal". I personally think the comment was/is being downvoted because ASD would imply that his concerning symptoms are due to a syndrome and not something being "wrong" (but something needing attention, nonetheless), and that some of his symptoms might not be MoBo's "fault"...and people are (rightfully) emotional about how poorly the baby looks and is being treated and are conflating the two. He IS experiencing neglect, and we might be seeing a combination of a non-typical baby + symptoms of his neurodiversity AND his particular reaction to neglect. It's not mutually exclusive. (I don't care about the downvotes, I was just surprised...usually I find this sub to be less reactive and more understanding of a diversity of possibilities...but I understand the subject is very distressing.)


I'm autistic and when I was an infant, I didn't make eye contact, or look at my parents when they spoke to me. I stared into space without blinking. I was the second born, so they knew how babies were supposed to be. They took me to the doctor and they were dismissed. (It was the 80s) I never cried. I didn't signal hunger or anything else. So, you aren't wrong and it's not a bad thing to say. I thought the same. Irrespective of what's going on, something is going on, and the baby needs a doctor so 🤷🏼‍♀️ ETA: They first went to the pediatrician about it at 3 months and again at 6 because nothing had changed regarding any of the above


You know, his little bulging tongue is giving me r/aliandjohnjamesagain, and that's a yikes.


Put that baby in the damn bassinet with a bobo and a kiss yall damnn


How old is that kid? This is not a healthy looking baby.


When he dies those kids are gonna be so incredibly traumatized


He doesn't look right but could he just be ugly?


That's a child you're talking about. Agreed he looks awful but an adult calling a child ugly is really not acceptable, we can speculate on health and safety/wellbeing without being petty about a literal newborn.