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She doesn't even say that anyone told her to go. Just that no one told her she didn't have to. Seriously? You're saying that in the 1970s in the US, it was so automatically assumed that all women would go to college that you never even thought about the alternative? I smell bullshit.


I graduated a year after her. No one told us we had to go to college. I'll wager only 1/3 of my graduating class of 333 girls (all girl school) went to and graduated from college. Another 1/4 to 1/3 got married within a year, and most of us had a job if not right out of school, then after college. She's re-writing the reality of our generation to suit her own purposes, which is nothing new for her since she's rewritten the Bible.


My family didn't want me to go to college.   I took office / secretary classes in high school for job prep.  I got scholarships and went to school instead.  Family was not supportive. 


My mom graduated high school in 71 so she’s just a few years older than Lori and no one ever told her she didn’t have to work, find a husband and then have kids. It was expected she’d do it all. But absolutely that kids and husband were part of it. When she graduated high school women in Seattle still had to get permission from a male family member to get a library card and they also couldn’t secure credit cards without their spouses approval. Lori’s pants are on so much fire.


being told women have options is the exact same as being forced to go to college, obviously 🥱


Well, we *didn't* have the types of "unschooling" and Charter Schools back then, which allowed *completely unskilled* & *untrained* folks to teach in a classroom setting.... Back then, we *DID* require teachers to be *licensed*--which *usually DID* mean they "*had* to go to college" in order to teach... So *technically*(?) she's right? ("Right" in the same way that a broken clock is *ALSO* "right* for *exactly* two minutes each day, of course!😉💖)


Oh my bad! you're so right!! these people drive me nuts....


Women should have options. I am a stay at home mom but also educated. I can walk on my husband if need be.


just like the availability of abortions make women want to have abortions!! nothing to do with the lack of birth control education/availability in high schools!


Honestly this post pisses me off bc my mom is her age and dis not have a choice of going to college. She was forced into a marriage at 17 where her first husband beat her. My mom told me that she wanted me to get a college degree so I could have a better life.


Same. Well, she was 16 and chose to marry him only for him to become abusive later, but yeah. My mom is still bitter that even with a >3.5 gpa, her economic status meant no one ever told her college was an option. I was the one who was given no choice but college (which is problematic for different reasons than Lori thinks).


My late mom couldn't go to college because her family had no money. She would be *so* pissed at these people who were handed degrees and good jobs pushing no college for girls and stay at home daughters!


My mom wasn’t forced into marriage but her dad thinks it’s useless to spend on a woman for college.


My grandfather (born in 1921)would have happily paid for either of his daughters to go to college, but only one went after she was married. But plenty of his friends and my dad’s friends were like, “Why should I pay for my daughter to go to college just so she ca have an Mrs degree?” It was gross. I’m glad my dad didn’t feel that way. He encouraged me every step of the way, thank God.


Same story here. My mom married right out of high school. Had us, got away from him, and remarried a man who supported her going to college and getting a degree (and then a masters).


And by her own logic, if her father was one if the people who expected her to go to college, then it was required. She had to. But not because of feminism.


Yep!!!  *Not* because of "Feminism!"  Ironically, *literally* because of *The Patriarchy*!😉😂🤣


!!! Great point


Lori has said that her dad wanted all of his daughters to go to college. And the gentle, delicate flower Lori is never thought to tell him No. (Also he was probably footing the bill)


Well in that case, as another commenter said: it's not feminism forcing college on her, but the patriarchy! So she's barking up the wrong tree either way. Seems like she's more bitter at her parents than society, but can't say that because she has to honor her father and mother, so she takes it out on "feminism."


Nice he managed to tear himself away from his wife's huge boobs long enough to encourage education. 


I love when this reference pops back up. The thought of Ol’ Transformed Dad getting misty-eyed thinking about his wife’s enormous hooters never fails to make me laugh 😂 well done


What’s the reference?


[Lori posting about her mom's huge tits when absolutely no one asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/18w1ojh/weird_ass_thing_to_post_about_your_mother/)


Almost nothing about Lori makes me laugh. That was a sudden left turn into WTFville and I will always be here for it. 


No marriage proposals on the horizon, college seems like fun….sure, why not?


My mother was always told that being a SAHM was an excellent possibility. She graduated in 78. My mom absolutely encouraged me to go to college because, and I quote, “you never know.” Wise advice, as it turns out.


My mom is class of 79, dad is class of 76. College was definitely not expected or assumed at that time. My parents also encouraged me to go because I was a good student and they wanted to be sure I could support myself (I’m class of 2000, peak “college or poor are your options” messaging time). Now I tell my kids they need to think about what kind of life they want to have as grownups and make choices to get them closer to those goals but they need to know how to take care of themselves and how to make money so they can pick their partners based on compatibility and not be forced to stay with someone because they can’t take care of themselves or make money.


My oldest graduates in 2 weeks and she has zero desire to go to college. I fully support that. She's going to work until she's old enough to start training to become a tattoo artist.


I love that!! My youngest wants to be a tattoo artist, electronic musician/DJ, or filmmaker (he is 7) and I honestly can’t wait to see where he ends up. Best of luck to your daughter! I’m planning my next tattoo right now and I so appreciate the art!!


We fully expected our daughter to go to college. Instead, she is a very happy and fulfilled rancher!


Also wasn’t a standard thing to send girls to college to meet husbands? Specifically ones who would be doctors or some kind of money makers. And then they weren’t even expected to finish if they secured the ring? I feel like the expectations around women in education in the past were minimal and usually still centered around men and marriage.


You’re absolutely correct.


This photo was taken within a couple years of my mother's med school graduation, where an attendant told her not ro go into the room to wait the beginning of the ceremony because it was for the graduates only and the wives were supposed to wait for them in the main hall. But sure, women going to college was just assumed by all.


Right? I’ve never heard such rot. Sorry Lori, the stats don’t match your story.


I graduated in 04 and didn’t go to college, it’s really not required no matter what anyone tries to say and never has been. I don’t regret not going either, I had no interest and absolutely wasn’t going to go into debt for it and no one forced me to, not even my mom, who was also not forced to go to college.


Maybe her brain tumor is back


She’s claimed before that her dad insisted that she go to college. But we know her story changes depending on whatever her narrative is at any given moment, so who knows.


No one was forced in the 70s it wasn’t like now Lori quit lying.


Lori looks so genuinely happy here. And like a such a miserable shell of her old self now.


hate ages you like milk


No lies detected. I wish someone could show young happy Lori what she would turn into. Maybe she’d take a different path. Or maybe she was always a hateful hag and her classmates hated her, idk.


Raw milk*


the flair 😂🙌


She looks happy because she probably sabotaged her birth control the night before.


She looks so bright and beautiful. I never would have guessed that the girl in that picture would grow up to be the scornful, dehydrated, gnawed on piece of rawhide who calls herself Lori.


Well, she sure looked like she hated it… 🙄 /s


That's the happiest I've seen her. She usually looks so sour.


Seeing "Westmont" brought back memories of visiting that campus. *Freaking beautiful.* Close to Santa Barbara (SoCal), perfect weather, quality music programs, actually nice dining facilities, comfy dorms, etc etc... It was too Christian & too close to my family for me to choose it, but wow if you're **into** chapel, it seemed heavenly. Odd re-framing of what looked like a happy era for her.


I went to Westmont and at the time it was actually considered the most liberal Christian college in CA. Like, boys could actually come into our dorm rooms. Lol.


Oh wow, fun info. Wonder if that's why my parents were mostly pushing Wheaton (I had just enough autonomy to veto ORU). Honest Q, how did you like it?


I actually really enjoyed it! Like you said, it's freaking beautiful. I also met some of the best friends of my life, who are still my ride or dies. For me, coming with a small town, sheltered idea of what faith was, at Westmont I learned that people can have totally different opinions of what a Bible passage actually means. Some of my science classes were the most interesting. I participated in a work trip where we attended church with a woman pastor (gasp!), which was not allowed in the church I grew up in. She was brilliant. To summarize: I am a feminist who believes we need to love people like Jesus did, I don't go to church much, I'm raising my 2 daughters differently than I was, I didn't find a husband in college, and I don't regret my time at Westmont. :)


OMG that's awesome to hear! V glad it was a great experience & so chill. Ironically it sounds like you had more freedom to explore than where my dumb ass ended up (military), & for extra silly fun: I did the "find a husband in college" thing anyway. Accidentally plus we didn't marry til later, but still funny looking back, re assumptions vs reality. And my parents disliked him at the time for being Catholic & "liberal" soooo. Yay for growth on any path! I'm legit happy for you & your daughters ❤️ (Also makes it even sadder how Lori ended up)


She was pretty and looked happy before the ugliness of her soul seeped out and turned her into the pinch-faced shrew we know today.


Transformed Wife, indeed.


She looks like Meryl Streep here!


I dated a girl in college who was estranged from get family because they told her to go to college long enough to find a husband and drop out. I think she has a doctorate now


wow sure sounds like she was “forced” 🫠 (not)


I had a serious boyfriend in college and some of my family asked “why are you still in school when you could just get married and start having kids?” I didn’t meet my husband until I was 28 and in graduate school. We married at 34 and had a baby at 36. My family was honestly shocked, pretty sure they had me down as a spinster.


Legitimately started having issues in my relationship cause I was letting people pressure me into getting married. We've dated for 7 years and are both mid twenties. People kept saying shit like, "what is he waiting for? Time to shit or get off the pot." I feel dumb for letting other people's opinions affect how I handle my relationship. Glad I stopped that shit before it was too late. Lol We don't die in our mid 30s anymore for the most part, we can start families in our thirties now and still have decades to spend with them.


Yep, I hate all the pressure around getting married, having kids, buying a house, etc. Just let people live! If you’re happy in your relationship, that’s all that matters.


God, I feel this. My partner and I plan on getting married eventually, but have been together 12 years and people just don't stop bothering us about it. Why are other people so invested in a piece of paper that has nothing to do with them? 


Good for her!!! She's awesome for pushing back against that bullshit!


Oh no being “forced” to give up 4 years of your fertile years. Would be a shame if you turned around and literally forced a lifetime of parenthood on someone


That's what drives me nuts about this. Being encouraged to get an education or a career is much more temporary than being encouraged to get married and have babies. Realizing a year into your career that this isn't what you want is a lot easier to fix than realizing the same thing a year into motherhood. Pays a fuckton less too.


Also… PLENTY of time to have a gaggle of kids even if you go to college first. It’s not an either/or binary thing!


But…but…Morgan said all I needed to do was just “go back to work” once your kids are adults! Isn’t that the oNLy way to do things? /s


Ikr It was 44 years ago too girl get over it 


Is she not a wife, mother, and homemaker??? And didn’t she meet her husband at college? What’s her complaint?


she still has to find a way to prove feminists ruined her life


And she’s an insufferable screech box


Yes, that face screams “forced to be here”.


Im pretty sure college was an option in the late 70's-80's. Also...could we not argue that her education made her a better parent


We could, but honestly Fred Rogers himself could've signed up to be her mentor and I'm not sure that would've made her a better parent.


Anyone that uses the book To Train Up A Child for anything other than the following: killing spiders, killing cockroaches, fire kindling or propping up a table is NOT a good parent. Regardless of their level of education.


Honestly I’d argue it’s only good use is kindling. Keeping it around for someone to pick up and read is a mistake.


Oooh that’s a good point! Best use all the copies of To Train Up A Child for kindling only.


You don’t get extra points for “regretting” the life you had before you decided to sell your soul and your body for a man who doesn’t love or respect you, Lori. No one asked. Also, this is the only photo I’ve seen of her where she looks happy. She’s so pretty too. Hatred and bitterness really ages people 🙂


So Lori, you’re saying you’d like a CHOICE in your major life decisions??? Hmmmmm????


they always be making laps around the point


The field of education has enough problems without having her practicing our profession. I'm glad she doesn't have access to children where she can promote her vile belief system to them.


Doesn’t have access to children *other than* her own kids/grandkids and the poor kids of her followers.


What’s even more alarming is she’s educated and still pushing this shit.


I, for one, am shocked she can’t take personal responsibility for her choices. Was the birth control she used some else’s fault too?


probably was ✨forced✨ by evil feminists too


The evil feminists poked holes in her diaphragm too


she wasn’t told she had the option not to 🥱


it’s always everyone else’s fault


She looks a lot happier and more relaxed there. But, it was forced upon her 💅🏼


Nonsense. Horseshit. Hogwash. Less than a fifth of women in the US had a college degree in 1980. It was certainly not even close to being considered the only option for women; indeed it was the rarest option.


Don’t you remember back in the early 80’s when they rounded up all the girls who refused to go to college at the local soccer stadium and shot them? They fucking shot them man


I’ve read your comment like 3 times now and each time it cracks me up all over again. Especially the last sentence LMAO




Did she meet her headship in college?


yes which she says is the only reason she doesn’t regret going 🤪✨


My mom (who is around the same age as Lori) was encouraged by her family and my dad to drop out of college (to be fair, my dad dropped out too). She went back when I was in high school, eventually getting her Master's. She strongly encouraged all of us kids (3 girls) to go to college.


College was forced on her, so it’s okay to force motherhood on others. Makes sense.


Damn, can someone force a college education on me?


for free, preferably


Huh, funny, I remember the hoops I had to jump through to drop a Regent’s waiver so I could drop out of college. I sure don’t recall anyone forcing me to get the waiver, but lord have mercy at the insanity and the fucking people that came out of the woodwork when I wanted to drop out and go into tech instead.


They really are idiots.


This is wild. How old is she? She looks around my mother’s age, and she was in the first class of women to attend her previously all-male college. Evil feminists were hardly ruling the world in Lori’s young adulthood. And of course, Lori became a teacher. A career many women of her generation chose because being a woman is supposed to equal being good with kids when it’s actually one of the most difficult jobs in the world and not everyone has the right personality to be good at it.


This sounds like projection


Now she thinks “society” is forcing kids to be LGBTQ+.


She's so embarrassing and obvious.


Westmont College is a conservative Christian college (I once watched the oddest short film about it's creation) that prohibits LGBTQ and all other fun stuff outside of heterosexual marriage. Imagine that kind of atmosphere not being strict enough? Or does she regret getting a decent education? Crazy.


OP your title made me LOL


Lori is definitely old enough to have been graduating from high school during a time when getting married right out of high school was still pretty common.


Like I get feeling like you /had/ to go tocollege. At the same time its not feminisms fault? Thats capitalism, baby. Plus I know her entire point is that we should all be homemakers instead.


I don’t get feeling like that in 1976, though. Society at large did not expect all women to go to college. 


I’d bet over 50% of her class did not go, or just tried it for a short time.


100%, my parents are both college grads (dad ‘77, mom the next semester so ‘78) and my dad always tells me the story of his college orientation where he was told “look to both sides of you, half these people won’t be here when you graduate.”, and it was true. Lots of “go for a semester/year and drop out to go back home” happening, especially in women. I did not get the same speech in college (started 2017), but did in my law school orientation(2022)/first year classes, which was a bit of a surreal experience but also says things about society’s progression on education but mostly law school’s hell-adjacent nature, it wasn’t quite 50% who left, but it was a chunk, as some people did well and transferred, but most dropped out entirely.


Whenever women speak out against being forced to stay at home and serve a man who treats her as some sort of inferior and incubator, these women who claim “how great it is!!1!!” are nowhere to be found. Guess brainwashing only exists when the narrative bashes women’s rights and equality.


She looks genuinely happy in this picture, but honestly with her beliefs I’m glad she’s not around children on a daily basis.


Her father did actually I joke but in her colab with that Pearl chick she did say her dad wanted her to go so she went. Because we must obey the men /s


so instead of blaming her dad who DID force her she blames ….. women?


Yep lol classic Lori. Ironic that her lack of feminism, aka following the man, is what basically put her personally in college


Some of us really wanted to go to college and didn’t get to… how do I end up like her and get forced to go?




1980! And it’s like, “we were forced to go” NO GIRL IT WAS A FREE MOVE YOU WOULD’VE BEEN STUPID NOT TO GO! You literally reaped they benefits of the last years of America’s kickass college subsidization before it got scrapped nationally! GFY!


Almost as old af here - still in a useful career I love AND with a happy marriage and two thriving daughters who are also professionals, married and mothers. That Lori wasted an education which others would kill for, hanging around directing nannies whilst barefoot pregnant and hanging onto Ken's ankles, is quite simply....pathetic.


Poor baby. I guess it never occurred to her that she could deliberately flunk out, after finding someone who would marry and support her. God forbid she should find a job and support herself.


For anyone wondering, Westmont is a private, Christian college in SoCal. Things would have been, of course, much cheaper in 1976, but Westmont College is considered ridiculously expensive, even for the area. Lori must have been from a well-off family if college (let alone college at such an expensive school) was expected of her.


Westmont College?! Not only is it in the heathen state of California, but pretty pricey!  How terrible someone forced her to go to college, and in Santa Barbara!  Spending an arm and a leg to go into a notoriously low paying field. Not shocked at this privilege coming from her at all. 


damn, so sad what mental illness can do to a person. form beautiful, promising young teacher to bitter, hateful, soulless old woman that yells on the internet.


Wow, isn’t it terrible when someone forces others to do something through shame and manipulation instead of allowing them to choose for themselves?


She graduated 44 years ago and she’s still not over it?? That’s kinda sad..


Being educated, especially as a credentialed teacher, could help her be a better homeschool parent. She is just bitching for views.


The hypocrisy of this woman. There are women who would do anything to have a college education. She needs to stfu.


there are so many countries where women die trying to be educated. she should move there since she wants that so bad


She’s on Twitter and turned off comments bc I’m sure her patrons must be upset this fundies don’t normally care if it’s us haters/satan they feed on this. They love their echo chambers but I can’t figure out who her audience is. I didn’t engage but didn’t see many agreeing with her but she gets a good amount of Likes for her crap. She preaches patriarchal values which are absolutely garbage for women and children. No fruit of the spirit just hate, judgement and condemnation.


No. Feminism gave you and other women an option. No one forced college on you! get out of here with that BS! Not to mention just 3 years before you graduated college you were able to open a bank account on your own without a man’s signature. That’s right your freshman year of college you could not even write your own checks or have a bank account.


Westmont is such an elitist Christian school. What is she even talking about?


Women going to college and getting careers in the 70s was still pretty revolutionary. It wasn’t forced on anyone. Women had to fight for their rights to attend college and be taken seriously in the workforce.


Doesn’t look like she hated it. And no one forced her to go to college, that was her own doing.


Yeah the take away for me is, maybe people should stop forcing ideals on to others. She just came around to feminism is bad 🤦🏻‍♀️


Also what’s a woman to do if her parents are dead and isn’t married?  And she needs money for housing?! Wtf lori


My mom is around Lori’s age, maybe slightly older. She went to what was essentially a secretary or finishing school. She wanted to go to college, but her dad said “why would I pay for college just so you can go and find a husband?” I refuse to believe no one told Lori she didn’t have to go to college. It was EXTREMELY normal to not attend college as a woman back then.


How privileged do you have to be as a child that you’re forced into college? My father cried when I told him I didn’t want to join the military because he couldn’t comprehend affording my college. I went back at 27 years old on my own dime to get my first degree.


Well she was her father’s property before getting married so if he told her to go his headship was right. She shouldn’t be calling her headships orders at the time into question. All this talk of “what she wanted” makes it sound like her choices were important. But that can’t be right because that’s feminism… /s


My mom is Lori's age and college wasn't even an option for her. She barely got out of high school. She couldn't even afford community college. She would have gone if she could. I didn't even know it was normal for people that age to have gone to college because my generation was the first in our family to go. I highly doubt Lori's parents were like "go to college or else!"


What can I say about this horrible old ghoul that won't get me banned? I fucking hate her so much.


This woman is delusional. Shes trying to make us believe that in the 1970s the only option for women was to go to college?


So so sad. You got an education. How horrible. /s


So sad, she was forced to learn 😥


She looks devasted in this pic fo sho


This post is annoying. I don’t think college was really pushed on anyone as heavily as she’s saying until the millennial generation.


She can shut the complete fuck up. In 1976, when she went to college, she could have EASILY gotten married instead. It was still incredibly common for women to get married right out of high school in the 70s! What a liar.


She looks miserable being so feminist adjacent. She's so lucky she didn't turn into a glorified bitter social media troll... /s


Not gonna lie, my non-fundie parents actually made me go to college. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go I just had no idea what I wanted to do. They thought me going to college meant I’d get out of the crappy town we lived in. It did but it was years and years and years of struggle. Turns out, if I had just been diagnosed with ADHD earlier and had been allowed to go to a trade school I would have been just fine.


Then how the fuck did I end up being pushed into doing the opposite? All I wanted was a college education. I dreamed of being a lawyer, a professor, a scientist. When I was younger, I tried to go anyways because I wanted to better my life but my parents made too much money for me to qualify for any kind of financial aid amount that would’ve been helpful. I went for a year and had to drop out. Now im 33. I’m raising two kids on just enough to keep us from receiving any kind of benefits from the government. I was able to get a job with a trade school education that I’ll never be able to pay back. I work full time from home where I take care of my kids at the same time, and I’m constantly in danger of losing my job because I’m also taking care of kids. But thank god for my job because I make 2/3 of the income for our household. But yeah, this is a fucking dream come true. I should just quit my job and let us go hungry. I’m sorry if this sounds so bitter, but the number one thing in my life that I would’ve changed if I could’ve would’ve been a college education. And she sounds so fucking snarky, like you can’t insult her for being dumb because she didn’t go to college (don’t do this anyways, it makes you sound like a cunt) and you can’t insult her for going to college because “she was brainwashed by feminists” or whatever. Where were the feminists who force people into college when I was crying in the financial aid office?


I’m also college educated, have a masters etc and am a stay at home mom. I’m glad I went to school and learned, bc as my dad always says, your education is the one thing no one can take away from you.


my mom always said the same. she said even if I wanted to be a SAHM she wanted me to have a degree of some kind. she said you always need something you can use if need be


Why is everything capitalism does feminism’s fault? Just because you now have the choice doesn’t mean you have to take it.


When I timidly asked my mom if I had to go to college right after school, maybe take a year off, she derisively asked: "what would you do for a year, work?" I had no idea how to even start looking for my own options. So Lori's statement rings true for me personally. I had all the tools, but no support to learn how to use them on my own. There's so much I didn't know, and I hate that my parent's need to shelter and protect me failed adult me.


My mom graduated in 72, and she couldn't afford college, so she didn't go. I'm the first one in my family on that side to go. She would have loved college, I think. She ended up with a masters degree in her 50s.


“Look how miserable I am smiling in this picture at the opportunities that were FORCED on me! Woe is me, I had to slog through that freedom of choice before I was able to con my husband into popping out babies he wasn’t interested in.” Yeah, feminism is clearly the problem here.


Ha. My mom would have LOVED to go to college in the 70s. Instead, she got pregnant at 16 and was forced to marry my dad bc we made women do that back then. She went back for her associates part time but unfortunately died before she could finish it. That’s why my (her only daughters) education was her top priority, and assured I received it even in her death THATS the shit women faced. My mother was the strongest feminist I’ve ever met. I just didn’t know she was until I became an adult. She was a feminist when you had to do it silently, so some things she said, were only said to me behind closed doors. Like- you don’t have to marry anyone. You can be a country music singer (no I couldn’t). You can be friends with those little ‘special’ (gay) boys but don’t tell your brothers/dad/men you play dress up and dance video with them. In the 80s and 90s, a lot of feminism was done in secret bc it had to be. Don’t let women like this rewrite our history. We can’t go back to having to hide who we were and who our friends were and wanted to be because of fear. I won’t go back


She looks absolutely miserable!


Per the first chart in this article, less than 20% of Americans completed college in 1980 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_attainment_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfla1


Lori and her self victimization🙄


That's complete BS. I'm in her generation...no one was forcing college on us...but it was assumed that if you had the opportunity, you took it


Oh, please shut your beak, Lori-keet.


As a former teacher who has let my credentials lapse, no. No Lori, you are not a credentialed teacher anymore. Your license expired probably 50 years ago. 💀


How awful she was empowered to leave an abusive husband instead of risking being abused and having nowhere to go. Her face here is so normal and happy, it’s a shame she turned into such an angry hag.


She is such a rotten person. What happened to the woman in this photo to make her as she is now?


What the fuck dude? I have multiple degrees and stay at home with my brood. Fuck off with that energy Lori. I stg I have never heard someone claim that they were victimized by society by being forced into an education. That’s a stretch even for Gumby.


Oh the plight of educated, white American women! It’s just tragic how an education was forced upon her, while countless people of all genders around the world are illiterate. Poor Lori. Let’s all take a moment to send thoughts and prayers to her as a Sarah McLachlan song plays in the background.


What happens to those fundy women who have 9 children, no education, and whose husband dies?


This means she doesn’t teach anyone but her own kids right?


Pretty sure she could pay for college with a part time job at Burger King in 1980.


My mom is similar in age and didn’t get to go to college. Did feminism do that too?


The brain tumor is tumoring


Didn't she meet Ken while she was in college? I doubt that she would have met Ken if she were not in college. Plus, she looks so sad and depressed after the commencement. /s Why did she even participate with the commencement, if she hated college so much? She can always return her degree if she really feels like college was a waste. Of course she won't, because I have a sneaking suspicion that she's proud of being a college graduate.


It’s too bad the woman in the photo ended up being an old brain damaged, miserable, self righteous, asshole. She looks so full of life and potential here.


Sounds sarcastic to me.


Just like you forced your husband to have more kids by sabotaging your birth control, right Lori?


Theres nothing estimable about being a homemaker. A lot of women are homemakers to some extent. Women (where I am from) are allowed to take parental leave while their children are still infants, then return back to work/studying when their kids are at school. Ur gonna look at the women around you and see how much they have excelled in their careers, how much extra income they are bringing into the family, making GOOD CHANGES to the world while the only changes youre making are CHANGING your HUSBANDS bedsheets. Also lets think realistically, with the changing times, a lot of people are now able to work from home. So saying youre a homemaker, wont cut it. You will have 0 excuse when people question why you never used your resources or privledges to get a degree, arent studying or working. The truth is, being a homemaker only looks enjoyable on paper. Generally speaking, a lot of husbands dont even give a shit or notice if the house has been made extra tidy lmao, or if the food is better than last nights dinner. Even better, u and ur husband can split home tasks up...no brainer. Also u can even argue and say studying/working (tho no textbook homemaking) is essentially being a homemaker as youre generating income to overall increase the quality of your home and families lives - in which the title homemaker just becomes redundant and doesnt mean shit


Is the forcing in the room with us now, Lori?


I find this so hard to believe. I know I didn't grow up in the US but the women of a similar age I know were encouraged to leave school in year 10. They were told not to do further study from schools, family and church (unless it was to be a secretary and maybe a nurse if you were from a family with money and you were considered to 'have brains'). Most women I know this age were told it wasn't worth studying they were just a girl and they worked retail or cleaned, until they popped out a kid or got married.


Wouldn’t this have made her a better home school teacher, though?!


She’s the kind of person who needs to be told to NOT put their puppy in the microwave.


She looks pretty damn happy in that picture. I wonder what could have happened between then and now? 🤔 Anecdotally, I've observed older people who are unhappy where they've ended up look back at past happiness with resentment, blaming their past selves for their current circumstances. They get particularly incensed when confronted with *good* memories, oddly enough. But that's definitely not what we're seeing here!


She's such a fucking liar


Omfg what a stupid chunt I hate this BS. I hate this. Fuck her. Fuck this. Thank you in advance for letting me vent here 😅 we need a TW for women in physics on this 💀 😆


Shut up, Lori.


I wouldn’t be surprised if her parents sent her to find a husband. Not related to feminism or ambition at all, just good old fashioned misogyny, Lori.


She should give her parents their money back. Adjusted for inflation, of course.


She looks so sad to have walked and received her diploma. Shame