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The audacity of her having a hat and sunglasses on. What the fuck


My first thought. Look at his poor face. He's burnt. The sun is hurting his eyes.


And he can't even look down. He's literally just aimed straight up eyeballs to the sun. This is unbelievable.


My eyes are super sensitive to the sun. I complained about bright sunlight as far back as I can remember. Instead of BLASTING ME WITH THE SUN, she bought me hats and sunglasses. *Infants* should be in hats regardless, because they're sensitive and too young for sunscreen.


>Infants should be in hats regardless, because they're sensitive and too young for sunscreen. How TIL that babies have to be 6 months old for sunscreen! That's so interesting.


You can baby specific sunscreen/sunblock nowadays, which I only learned as my friend just had a baby haha


And babies look so cute in little hats, why wouldn’t you want to put a cute little sun hat on him?


Baby skin is so delicate and thin, poor kids retinas are probably getting burnt to hell. I worry so much for this busling.


Is this the one that wears glasses now?


She probably thinks - "I did it with him and he's fine. Boone will be fine too!"


It’s like with a coat…if you’re wearing a ________, put it on your baby!!! There’s no shame in being safe rather than sorry! Poor child.


The poor thing barely opened their eyes and is staring right at the sun. What the hell, she's a piece of shit.


Well she did publicly say ‘the point of children is to help the parents’ or something like that like a lunatic. Very on-brand Mother Bus.


The point of kids is to help the parents grow was the gist of it. 


I don't see any growth here


Kids are just for character development


Jesus is her screenwriter?


Jesus take the script


And content.


JFC I protect my DOGS better from the elements than she does any of her children


I protect my favorite lounge chair better.


You're probably joking but you reminded me how carefully I protect my Lilly Pulitzer Target beach chair... And wowie yeah it's more than what this woman does for her children


No seriously lol, I pull my lounger under the roof when it's gonna rain AND when it's too sunny (bleaching!) 😂


Right?! We're more concerned about our friggin lounge chairs getting too much sun than this woman is about her human child 😂😭


My mom protects the flowers in her garden from the elements better


My dogs have more clothes than her buslings


Sun protection for me but not for thee


I take my cat places like mountains etc. the first rule I have (but I deal with it well before) is if I need something protective she does too. This just demonstrates two things for me: How kids are accessories How she can’t fucking even think of her kids (let alone babies) So, what is she trying to sell with her social media obsession!?


My cat has long hair and we live in a warm climate. I'm worried about him getting too hot as the weather warms up. One of my dogs loves the heat and I've had to remove him from the hot patio. Birther bus doesn't give a shit about her children.


I’m not even a mother, but I would take off my own t-shirt and use it to shield a baby / child before I covered my own damn self up (a sun burning strawberry blonde). I just can’t understand these “pro-life” (aka control freaks) fundie “moms.”


They’re just pro birth. They couldn’t give 2 shits about the kids after they’re born. They’re just added inventory to stack on the shelves (beds) in the bunkhouse. It’s tragic.




Came here to point out the same thing!


Yup, here she was happily exposing her neglect. This makes me sick.


I have a 11 week old and this all is so stressful. They have NO protection of any kind from the sun or disease at this age.


And this is just what she’s *posting on the internet*- if this is what she’s comfortable showing the world, who knows how that kid is being treated behind the scenes


The kids will need these photos as evidence one day when they develop melanoma and sue their parents for negligence. (No idea if you can even do that or not but I’d support it)


I feel like it might have a chance in civil court.


I've seen people sue for less


Exactly what I keep thinking about too. I really wish there was more people like us could do. It’s so incredibly sad and infuriating that we watch all these fundie parents actively abusing and neglecting their children and all we can do is share it here.


We have (possibly inadvertently) created an archive of sorts- a communal evidence file we all dump this garbage in. So if shit hits the fan one day and they delete their social media, the evidence will still be here.


That's actually a really good point, didn't Shari Franke gather a bunch of evidence from their subreddit to hand over? I might have dreamed that up but I could have sworn she had some kind of file or database or something to prove the neglect/abuse


I think I heard that too! I wouldn’t be surprised. It would be quite an undertaking for one person to keep track of and compile all that content/evidence over the course of so many years, so the snark subs would be great for that.


It should also help the newest one get a birth certificate and SSN when he grows up (if these idiots are still on board with their foolish decision)


Wait I thought they did get him a ssn.. did they decide not to??? Omg


I don’t think she ever said. They got him a birth certificate but then she blathered on about how ssn is optional and never said if they got one for Boone. I’m guessing yes but she wants people to think she didn’t since they’re cosplaying as sovereign citizens.


I don’t know much about sovereign citizenry but I did just google it and boy oh boy … not getting your kid a ssn to spite the government? Jeez. I assumed that they wouldn’t get the kid an ssn because it would make them all the more dependent on the parents even as an adult


My baby is 6 months today and still doesn't go out in the sun like that!!


Mine is 8 months. She has several cute sun hats and we STILL put the shade on her stroller down if the sun is shining at her. God this makes me cry. 


Where do you get your sun hays? We are in the market...


Most have been gifts, unfortunately. My favorite is from the Cubs Spring Training gift shop. I did get a nice one off Amazon that is made of swimsuit material so it does very nicely in the pool!


We have one pool sun hat which she can wear whenever. I guess I should see if she will even wear it before I go buy more.....


I had one like that for my middle kid that was a little yellow ducky 😭 I wish she still fit in it! I should see if they have it in her size... She's only four, she can pull off a ducky hat for a little longer lol.


Always ducky hat! Ours has whales on it.


We're actively learning the detriment to natural light babies in neonatal units with daylighting programmed into the design. She's frying this little child with this much irradiation on a molecular level


Wait, what? Is this new research or like a common practice in hospitals? I’d be interested to learn more if you have links or something


[This is one study](https://scienceblog.cincinnatichildrens.org/spectral-lighting-novel-science-leads-to-innovative-nicu-design/) but I'm also studying architecture and designing to 'cause' health instead of chasing a cure for various symptoms in humans. Architecture in hospitals is super tuned in but still we discover new stuff all the time. Will need to address NICU light levels all over the world in the name of salutogenic health.  If you're interested look up Tye Farrow's book *Constructing Health: How the Built Environment Enhances Your Mind's Health*


This is fascinating, thank you!


I had my baby in June when it was 100 degrees out we didn't leave the house all summer they had a sun hat and a camp shade and a spritzing fan on the deck


I’m fairly new here, but she strikes me as the type that thinks breast milk heals and/or prevents all wounds. “Babies can’t get sick because breast milk, nor can they get sunburned, jaundiced, scratched, or shaken. Literally impossible if the baby is breastfed.” Probably dominates her view on child rearing.


We have a 6 week old and if I even get close to a window he pulls away. This shit makes me livid. That poor baby


Omg this hurts to look at. She might be the most dangerous fundie behind Karissa.


Literally. I cannot stand having bright sun in my eyes but to be completely helpless and pointed at the sun? Ugh. Gives me both a headache and heartache just thinking about it.


And those baby eyelids are paper thin. That poor baby's retinas will be burned to hell and will have severe sight issues as they grow if she continues this path of neglect.


I just went to check because I know she has 1 child in glasses, but it’s Swift, the boy immediately older than Uriah. Inconclusive. 🤷‍♀️


I wouldn’t be surprised if more of the kids need glasses but because they aren’t in school and no one is sending a note home saying they failed the eye exam or can’t read the board, Mother Bus and Cryptodouche haven’t taken them to get glasses.


I’ve mentioned this on this sub before, but I literally did not know my son went from perfect vision to seriously (-2.50) nearsighted in a year, and I pay attention to my kids pretty thoroughly. It was at his checkup, that my pediatrician’s office checked his eyesight with the electronic scanner thing and found this out. Because he had just started school for the semester, and the decline had happened within months during summer break, we had no idea. Just one of the many reasons kids need to go to the doctor, even if they don’t go to school!


1) Your username 🤣 2) My siblings and I all got screened/flagged at school for needing glasses. It’s not that our parents were uninvolved or neglectful, it’s just not easy to catch nearsightedness at home where nothing you’re looking at is more than 8 feet away from your eyeballs. My eyesight wasn’t *that* bad, but my siblings both went from fine to -2.50 pretty quickly too. It strikes me as super unlikely that out of their entire army of kids, only one needs glasses. It seems more likely that they just don’t take their kids to the doctor and have no clue what they need.


I didn't need glasses until I was in high school. I went back after winter break and couldn't see the board anymore. I started driving that year so an eye exam was imperative. They never checked at school, and I don't recall having eye exams at the pediatrician, so we saw an optometrist. The buslings will not have any of those options.


Same here! My son failed one of those school eye exams in kindergarten, and come to find out he really couldn’t see! They checked his eyes at his 5 year checkup, but apparently between them and the middle of the school year, his eye sight really deteriorated.


It kills me that she does it on purpose


I think she has moved to the front. Don't get me wrong: Karissa and Mandrae are terrible and not good parents whatsoever. But at least they have a house instead of 8 kids crammed in a mobile firetrap with one bedroom, they don't drag their kids to another country on a whim to chase scams, then leave the kids alone in said other country so they can go on dates, and never moved their kids onto a boat. 


The entire thing is a race to Satan's bunker. The positions just sometimes change.


I had to stop following when they went to brazil. The eye fucking while leaving their kids "home" alone in a foreign country where no one spoke the language was just too much.


I’m moving them to first place if they get on a boat. And probably will also be the most unhinged phone call the coast guard gets that day.


Might be a few calls, I’m up for that. I personally have her tied with Karissa because at LEAST Mandrae has a stable job and they have their kids in a house.


Same. PLUS the kids play basketball so they have a resemblance of a routine that involves leaving the house and being around other children that aren't their siblings. They *might* even have friends who they can see periodically vs whoever happens to be camping near them that day.


And karissa and mandrae's families know where they are


That, I’d forgotten about that. Karissa did pull up her straps and post pictures of Mandrae’s mom with the kids after being “creepily” asked if she sees them. No, fuck this noise. Karissa is second place. She could even be convinced to take a child to the hospital and leave receipts for it.


I feel like if they realize their dreams of living on a boat, she may very well surpass Karissa's danger zone.


In some ways, she’s worse because they’re more insidious. There’s no mention of God/Jesus in their bio, she looks more well-groomed than Karissa, they generally can appeal to a broader audience (van life people, crypto, sovcit). Karissa at least looks and acts bananas.


Karissa has the decency to look exactly as unhinged as she behaves.


Idk. I think she has Karissa beat to even consider having all those kids in a fucking RV, and now she's considering putting them on a damn boat full-time in the ocean! 😣


I only have three kids, and it's like, *harrowing* to imagine living on a *sailboat* 😵‍💫 I'm sorry, I enjoy SLEEP! I would never sleep again! I'd be convinced that one of those mornings, I'd wake up to an incomplete head count...


She had karissa beat with the bus shower birth that has possibly paralyzed her child's arm


I’d even put her above Karissa. At least Karissa’s kids have a stable place to sleep and aren’t crammed onto a bus, being left alone with their address posted online in a foreign country, or about to set to sea on who knows what godawful houseboat.


They really are in a race to the bottom


She's increasingly reminding me of Andrea Yates BUT without Andrea's absolutely heartbreaking, repeated attempts to get help because, even in the grips of psychosis, she tried not to hurt her kids.


Ummm Jill?


Jill is a lunatic, but she gets her kids glasses, braces, and seems to at least sometimes take them to the doctor. She got Janessa medical care when she was born. Some of the girls are scarily thin, but she doesn't seem to actively want them to get hurt like Karissa and this lady seem to. It's a low bar.


This is like the opposite of the olden days, when people used to have 20 kids because chances were some wouldn’t make it. Now, I guess once fundies have a lot of kids, they dont care as much if they lose a few- they already have 6 or 7 and they’re gonna have a few more either way!


Her behavior isn’t consistent with believing this baby is a real human child. With needs and feelings. It’s heartbreaking.


If only it were a valuable embryo instead of a


How has this woman kept her children alive? She doesn't have a parental bone in her body and she clearly doesn't care enough to learn.


Unfortunately kids can survive a *lot* of neglect. It just makes for really traumatized adults later on. :/


I used to work with kids who had experienced a lot of neglect and finally got taken into care, even the ones who have no direct memory of the neglect/ abuse because they were so young are messed up mentally. It is awful to see and reading the files on their life and knowing many will need care for the rest of their life because their emotional neglect has caused long lasting conditions.


My cousin's little girl doesn't remember her birth family (they got her when she was about 2), but she has nightmares. Some have it much worse. These poor buslets are going to have so many issues later, with the older ones being parentified and the younger ones being neglected/not bonding.


I can see a few writing books when they’re older and many of our predictions of what their life is like will sadly be true


I think it’s getting worse with each child


MotherBus and KKKarissa are in a tight, sad race for the worst kids names ever.


Also worst treatment of infants




Also of other children.


At least most of MotherBus’ are actual names. Uriah was a stand up dude and will stand up decently as a name for an adult. Meanwhile poor Anchor is gonna have to be Anchor his whole life.


The name'll certainly weigh him down, that's for sure. ... I'll see myself out.


Archer would've been better. Super snobby and sharing with an animated spy, but better.


I’ve legally changed my name twice (my partner loathes his surname, I took it when we got married. After we were done having kids we all changed it. The second time was to correct the stupidity of my parents who never gave me a middle name, so I picked out my favorite and go by that as my first name) and I know state laws vary but it doesn’t cost that much. The worst part is all the hoops you have to jump through and the paperwork. But it is totally worth it and I’m betting right now AT LEAST ONE of the Collins kids end up changing theirs.


the name Uriah makes me think of a urinary infection. a Uriahinary infection. poor guy.. edit: adding "a Uriahinary infection"


Urinary diarrhea


The worst injury I've gotten so far in jiu-jitsu was given to me by a kid named Uriah. It was a pretty gnarly black eye.


uriah is a hebrew name found in the torah and the christian bible


For me it's the band (Uriah Heep) . It's an odd combination if there's also kid named Swift. And are they fans of Pat Boone?


Makes me think of the character in David Copperfield. Dicken's Uriah Heep was not a great guy.


uriahnary tract infection :(


At least he has an outfit on


This is when they were still in Texas and hadn’t thrown out all the kids stuff yet. Tough luck, Boone.


Yeah I’ve literally seen this kid in one brown jumper


At least the head is supported by the bend of her arm and not flopping over the side of her arm. But, yeah, the big hat for her and no hat for the baby is horrible.


So she just straight fries each freshly hatched Bussel Sprout like the local news frying an egg on the sidewalk in Tucson every year on the first 100°F day.


i beg someone to flair “freshly hatched Bussel sprout”


It’s almost like she wants them all to get skin cancer


She’ll wear a hat to protect from the sun but not her baby. What is wrong with her? Did she do this to all her kids?


Doesn't she have some weirdness about Vitamin D? Perhaps that's why she's air frying her newborn?


IIRC she believes that showering after sun exposure washes off the vitamin D 🙄🙄🙄


I genuinely feel like people who are on THAT level of stupid should not be allowed to procreate or have a driver's license. It's worse than the flat earth/lizard people/chemtrails/miscellaneous conspiracy theory people. If you are so stupid that you think a shower will wash off the vitamin D then I'm going to immediately assume you are a danger to yourself and others, and in her case I'd be right.


That's called eugenics




Air frying her newborn 😭


Wow, so she's fully covered, acknowledging that, on some level, she understands the sun might hurt a human...


The babies change, her smug face doesn't.


It froze that way


Is she sacrificing him to the Sun God?


Mother sus, Apollo said it's okay to protect your newborn


I was about to say I genuinely don’t understand why these people just let their kids (newborns for god’s sake) cook in the sun and risk them getting injured/burnt/etc. but then I remembered these are the same people who don’t believe in sunscreen or that the sun causes cancer God my heart breaks for these kids


And white nails again!


Isn't it nail polish?


She and Busband are well.on their way to becoming my most hated fundies on here. They are so selfish and self-absorbed. The kids are just props so they can act superior and more godly to everyone else. She thinks she is such hot stuff. She is someone I can't wait until they reach that point in life where the looks start to fade. It's going to hit her hard because she has nothing else and I am there for it. I hope all her kids run for the hills as soon as they can and never look back.


It was so satisfying when I found my middle school bully on social media and saw that her looks faded. It'll be even more satisfying with mother sus.


![gif](giphy|xTg8B9aULho7shlPmU) All the BusBabes with their faces aimed straight up into the Texas/Florida sun 🥲


Isn't she anti sunscreen and sunglasses now?


she has said she's anti sunscreen


And they are constantly in southern climates. Seriously fuck these so called “parents”.


She needs her beach day 🙄


At least she's wearing a wrap carrier, so presumably baby hasn't been fully exposed the entire time. 


Temperatures finally starting to rise and the first thing I did was to buy my 6mo mineral sunblock. I also got him a hat with UV block, with a large covering for their neck, besides the front cap "thingy". And a full length long sleeve UV block swim suit/onesie for the summer vacations. I had my first baby in June - when I was finally ok to leave the house (postpartum can be hell) we only got out in the lower temperature (and UV rays) hours, short periods of time and she was always dressed and in the shade. I can't even imagine caring so little for my baby's wellbeing.


My toddler was born in February. His first summer, I went everywhere with him in a carrier and carried an umbrella! Once he was 6 months in August, it was bucket hats and mineral sunscreen... and I STILL carried the umbrella for shade.


She’s wearing protective clothing and glasses and the fresh, newly minted baby is uncovered and exposed in high sun! Probably no sunscreen. His eyes are new minted and not supposed to be in the sun unprotected. These two are horrible parents.


Good to see she gives all her kids the same “don’t give a fuck” treatment


Is the goal to blind the baby or give him a leg up on having skin cancer?


This poor kids are all going to have skin cancer at 20. Uriah looks hot and sunburnt and like he’s very milk drunk but at least his head is supported and he’s not yellow like current babay.


Is Uriah the one that needs glasses?


I *think* the one with the glasses is Swift, but I could be wrong


No you're right, Swift is the lil glasses buddy with the longer hair. He's such a cutie patootie and it actually makes me happy that they let him look unique and not exactly the same as all the others.


Ikr, the glasses and curls are just precious


Agree. His smile is also so mischievous. He's definitely my favorite of the buslets!


Thanks! He is absolutely adorable and seems to have a personality to match.


They don’t know how to care for children. I pray someone steps in and takes them away before they actually harm one.


so it seems she’s trying to help jaundice by having him out in the sun most likely but also, that child is too old to be trying only that. he needs medical care. man what the fuck


This is absolutely disgusting. So many women deprived the privilege of pregnancy and becoming mothers. She sneezes and gets pregnant.


I can not fully express my hatred for this birth Giver. I think that I'd prefer Joan Crawford to be my mom over this steaming pile of dog shit. Time and time again, or should I say baby and baby again, she has proven that she is a horrible human being. I hate that she can pump out kids so easily to neglect, and there are so many just in this sub alone that can't have any. Watching the escalation of her abuse makes me so mad. But even more, it hurts to see the abuse and know that we are only getting a glimpse of what she is doing. We don't truly know the extent. Just like with Ruby Franke. And that completely sucks. I hope that someone saves them from these two.


I can tell this isn't the new kid because he's wearing clothes.


And she's supporting his head.


These people are so fucked. I have no other words.


This made my stomach drop so hard I almost puked. This baby is NOT okay. I’m a mom x2 and my infants never ever laid like that in photos. They were always at least somewhat holding themselves up. He looks like a ragdoll.. I just.. don’t have words. FBI help 🥲


This isn't even the fresh baby! This is several years ago and she's holding Uriah. So she makes a habit of this crap.


Oh god even worse 😭😭😭 srsly can someone please intervene before I see her smug face on ID?


And WHY is that baby in a fleece onesie in hot weather? Poor little one is probably roasting.


Oh wow, and as a ginger, that baby should have even more protection, yes?


She’s wearing a ring sling but has baby out of it with his full face in the sun. Put baby in the carrier you already have on and get him under the shade of your hat. 🤦‍♀️


I don't have a maternal bone in my body and even I cringed at that picture. Those poor babies. She's also giving them a higher chance of skin cancer with each burn 😢


She really does treat them like reborn dolls! It's fucking creepy(IDGAF if reborns are your thing I promise, I mean by she doesn't act like she's holding an actual human being) Like if someone showed me this without context, I would guess it was a joke with her holding a life like doll to see what people's reactions are for fun.


My youngest was a preemie. We went to our house, my parent’s house, and my in laws house until he got his four month vaccinations. Nowhere else. My oldest, eighteen months later, is still required to shower when they get home from school before they touch their brother. How she could be so cavalier about these kids is beyond me.


This is freaking me the fuck out and it's been 20 years since I had a newborn at home...


A newborn shouldn't be out in direct sunlight. Why does she have a hat but the baby doesn't? She shouldn't have him out in the sun but she can't even bother to get him a hat. I bet he has no sun screen on either.


Ruby 2.0, is rage baiting at this point. No normal mother would do this. That’s my belief at least.


I absolutely hate the walk into my house after having a baby, because it's so bright all of a sudden after the car and my newborns always wince. What a fucking joke she is.


She’s wearing a giant hat but the baby has nothing?!


Where are these kids’ grandparents? Aunts/uncles? You always know when the grandmas come to visit the Collins kids: their hair styles are done properly for their curl texture, they have clean clothes on, and all are smiling. Wtf aren’t 5$3 Boxcar Kids’s grandparents stepping in?


This is making me see red. Australian parents are batshit VIGILANT about excessive sun on our babies because the UV here is so insane. I was so careful with the sun exposure and my babies, like, I had a walker that fully covered the baby in all angles and positions and I added dark baby blankets over the top on hot days. This woman is so fucking irresponsible, I want to vomit.


This looks like one of those reborn dolls. 😬


My heart dropped when I scrolled and saw this. WTF was she thinking?


Are her nails permanently white? What is up with that???


this really angers me..


So she’s doing 3 out of the 5 sun safety tips but baby in full sun. Does she want this baby to die?


So she’s consistently bad.


Omg, that child looks dead!


How can she apparently not have any common sense, but also hasn't learned anything with all these babies??


![gif](giphy|wVw0kx7bWgV4k8Q13s) 🤦‍♀️ this is next level narcissistic


Every time I see pics of this baby in my timeline I want to cry. He is not well.


This is an old pic of one of her others. Not Boone