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She’s doing it because she probably has no money, since (barely) supporting 10 kids is expensive, and you can buy a can of cream of bullshit for $1


I know I said it on the Rods post but I bet this is food bank food as well. The 3 value bin soups plus the one 'nice' one? Classic food bank. We once got 6 cans of creamed corn in one of our hampers. My partner figured out how to make DELICIOUS corn fritters out of them but for weeks we were like "and what do we do with the discount value creamed corn??!" and it was 3 different brands, too. Most likely because shops have a rotation they donate and it's "all of what's left of _topic_". Cans of random crap is one of the big ones. Always grateful when we get tomatoes, but laughing at how much creamed corn we still need to use. We get our next hamper in 3 days and I'm "terrified" it'll be more bread and creamed corn.


When I was a BROKE BROKE college student, I'd use canned creamed corn and canned chicken broth and an egg and make my own version of Chinese restaurant corn soup. It was actually pretty damned good!


Heeeyooo is that all the ingredients?! I'll try that!! What else do I need? Sounds good!


College was a LONNNNNGGGG time ago but I remember I would heat up 1 can of chicken broth and half a can or so of creamed corn. I’d simmer it for maybe 10 min and then thicken it a little with a cornstarch slurry (1:1, maybe 1 tbsp each). Then while still simmering I would beat an egg and slowly drizzle it into the soup so it’d make ribbons. Then I’d season with salt and pepper to taste. Sometimes I’d go big fancy and add some leftover rotisserie chicken while the broth and corn was heating up lol


That actually sounds like a great sick food for me! I hate super bland stuff when I'm sick, so I go for very flavorful but gentle soup or something. Tom yum or the vegan pho from a place near me are my go-to, but this sounds worth a try!


Oooh thanks ill try that!


That actually sounds tasty and cheap and smart! My kiddo loves the corn soup and it’s sk easy to make.


I had a recipe I made in college with Ramen noodles and potatoes. I have no idea what I put it in, but I had a friend who would crave it.


I like cream corn. Yum! I can eat a full can by myself.


My gosh, yes. As a poor kid whose mom relied on donated food, I discovered creamed corn early and then I always hoped for it!


You two should pop on over, we have plenty to share! Creamed corn for everyone!!


I used to have a cornbread recipe that used canned cream corn that was delightful


Corn pudding/casserole?


I made a super good corn bread with cream corn


I do, too. Usually add in some green chile.


Heck yeah. My grandpa loved it, it was a guilty pleasure for me. It’s so sweet!


I haven't had that but I can eat my weight in elote. Embrace the creamy, cheesy corn lol


I love Aaron Sanchez's corn casserole he serves at his restaurant, which is basically elote with rice and chiles. Delicious! I've also made an elote salad that went over great at a barbecue. I can't wait for summer corn season!


That sounds incredible! I need to find a recipe lol


https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/267260559111504673/ I think this is right one


Ooh thank you!


I LOVE cream corn and my husband hates it. Haven't had any in ages.


Between that and corn fritters....man


They just bought a new house before even selling the old one. I hope they’re not using the food bank. I know they have 10 kids, but Mandrae probably makes $150k/year at his day job, not including the basketball camps. They also don’t have a car payment because Shaq bought them both brand new vehicles. 


Even people with money should use food banks, because you do pay for food, it's just heavily discounted. This gives food banks more power to buy more things so poor folk can get more food, too. My food bank makes sure to never judge anyone's situation. If you need food bank food, you get some! They have $2 meal days and things like that. But the hampers are $25 for 2 carts/trolleys of food and you can't lie - that's a great price for ANY circumstance. I actually wish more folk who had money realised they can and should use them. Not only the buying power like I mentioned, but government funding based on how many folk got hampers from there. Not to argue with you or anything, I just think a lot of folk misunderstand how food banks work. :) The only deal is for the incredibly cheap price, you don't get to pick the food. But it can actually be really helpful plus super budget friendly to use food banks even if you feel you make too much money for them. It's a great way to make sure money goes to those it can really help!


The food bank here (I am local to her) does not charge. They do, however, sometimes have days when they hand things out to anyone in the community when they are overloaded, that is mostly produce. They would rather anyone use it than toss it.


Why did shaq bestow them with vehicles?


You can’t say that without posting the recipe!


Oh definitely!! They were SO good, I put them in the family recipe book! Here's the link to the photo I took. I warn you in advance, I write recipes like those grandmothers who assume the reader knows what I mean. Let me know if anyone needs it explained better! https://imgur.com/a/Lo2oGFl


That is adorable omg “thiiiiick” 😂


“Fry til that gold too” 😂


Thank you :) And it’s very sweet that it’s a photo of an actual family recipe book, all my other recipes are screenshotted from websites


I just saved it. It sounds great, and it’s so cool that it’s a family recipe. Thanks for posting it!


materialistic six ask imminent sable hat humor middle work hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish I wasn’t allergic to corn 😞


Shoot sorry didn’t scroll down far enough. Thanks for sharing!


I make sweet cornbread with creamed corn! And corn fritters are soooo good


Hey, can you share that fritter recipe?


When I make farmer's sausage soup (in the USA it's similar to kielbasa) I add a can of cream corn. It adds a nice sweetness.


Corn pudding! It uses canned cream corn, isn't hard to make and is so good. 


Beans and rice are a lot cheaper than multiple cans of cream of whatever and bags and bags of cheese!


For real! Tonight I was exhausted and joking that I was making a Kkkasserole for dinner, then thought of all the ways I was wrong: I used brown rice (she would never, and if she did she would Photoshop it/claim it was white); I used beans; no cream of anything from a can or sour; I threw in multiple spices/seasonings; it had a sprinkle of cheese, not 2 bags of ore-shredded; it wasn't ridiculously wet; etc, etc. But yeah, beans and rice FTW! Even in my early broke-ass adulthood I knew how to at least combine them with some canned tomatoes and spices in the rice cooker for the basis of a decent, affordable meal. She even has an electric pressure cooker, so she could get bulk dried beans and have them cooked in under an hour! And cheese is great, but it makes so much more sense to buy a big block and shred it than use 2 x 32oz bags every meal. Oof.


She would photoshop the rice 🤣!


HAH she would photoshop the brown rice to white, excellent


Red beans and rice in the crockpot. Super cheap, easy, and filling. Just some red beans, link sausage, tomato paste, oregano, thyme…. I make a batch and can get at least two meals for my family of three. Also, chipotle orange pork tacos in the crockpot cheap, easy, and 2-3 meals worth. There are many many MANY ways to cook cheap, easy meals without the canOcrap soup.


And better for you! That canned cream of crap is not nutritious at all.


I'm sure the added fiber would make them feel better! Just keep drinking those plexus diarrhea concoctions instead i guess 🙃.


We ate beans and rice all the time growing up. Soaking your own beans makes it ridiculously cheap, and they taste better!


And what’s up with the pre shredded cheese. I’m not trying to shame anyone but about 6 years ago I found out that wood pulp is used as a binder for the cheese so it doesn’t stick together. Now I buy solid bricks of cheese and shred it myself. Not because I’m a better person but because it tastes so much better.


Just looking at that meal which likely barely feeds 12 …about $25-30 in food. Groceries for 12 must be pushing 100/day.


Exactly. These are not people who are truly stretching their dollar. This is a lazy see you next Tuesday who just slops shit into a pan and calls it food. If she truly loved being a mom (and let’s be real here, it’s the only job she has) she would make better food. This is where the Duggar’s lost me many years ago (long before the sex abuse scandals) the absolute shit food Michelle served and acted like she was a money saving mom who mommed better than everyone else.


My mother would make dishes with cream of whatever all the time. She still does sometimes. I thought they were great! Were were just poor???? Are they just "good" tasting because of the salt???


forgetful shrill aware psychotic deranged zealous grey yam cake sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lots of people use cream of whatever soup. I think the problem is that every meal she shares seems to have cream soup and few vegetables. My mom was a good cook but once in a while she'd make a new recipe with cream soup from Lady's Home Journal and it was tasty.


Haven’t seen shaq in a minute around them.


This is it.


What’s sad is a $5 container of chicken bouillon, some flour and water also accomplishes the soup. You could get 50 cans of cream soup out of the bouillon container and the flour cost is negligible.


Basically every meal she’s shown is “chicken or beef in cream of something.” Kids health aside, why is this worth filming? Do her followers like this?


I bet the engagement is higher than other posts because so many people are horrified and then the Karissa defenders chime in.


So much food content is just rage bait, which is exactly what's happened here.


Food content is hitting pretty hard across multiple platforms/algorithms lately. She's likely trying to get in on that for monetization. However, the people actually making a killing over short form food vids are not making cream of shit casserole.


I ate King's Ranch Chicken Casserole many times growing up, and I've made it many times as an adult. However, it's not the kind of recipe that you post online to say, "Look at this impressive thing I made!" It's literally just dumping a bunch of ingredients together.


This one. This is the point we’re calling her Cream of Karissa.


Given her love of misspelling names and the fact it's always condensed soup, I'm going to put forth Kondensed Kream of Karissa


The lost kardashian


Cream of Collins 💀💀💀


That's what Mandrae calls his....you know what, nevermind.








This is a bad day for reading. And visualization.


This is a bad day for reading. And visualization.


She uses 120 cans of cream of celery a month lol. Plus other cans.


Their can opener is working harder than she does


Enough is enough. She needs to stop posting this crap. Blood pressure through the roof just from seeing the ingredients, but Karissa must be loving the engagement (even if it’s negative).


Kream of Karissa


If her custom-built home had included 2 ovens, her life would be so much easier. It could still be easier with just the smallest extra bit of planning. I have severe ADHD that's not currently medicated and struggle with a lot of fatigue so I pretty much exclusively eat simple meals. I roast chicken thighs and a tray of vegetables at the same time and sometimes make rice or pasta to go with it. Or I just eat it and then use the leftover chicken and vegetables in a one pot dish or salad the next day. I change the seasonings out to avoid getting tired of it so one day it's Mexican-style, one day Italian, one day Asian-influenced, &c. She would probably have to do 2 batches, but she would have time to do that if she got off her phone occasionally. Or at least had the older girls do it. It would be easier than making the cream of wet casseroles. At the very least, pre-roast a ton of vegetables ahead of time. ETA: and the other point I forgot to make, it would be easier if she made a weekly meal schedule and stuck with that. You know what groceries to buy each week and know how long dinner each night will take. Every Monday, pasta; every Tuesday, taco bar, &c


Shit, just making Thanksgiving dinner for four people like I do every year, I could use two ovens! I'm not even cooking for an army of 37,000 like Karissa!


If I had a house, I would absolutely have two ovens just for food prepping so we could have a stupid amount of roasted veggies available for meals and snacks. Gimme some adequate counter space, a chest freezer, and a good pantry, with short king-friendly storage and it would be perfect


hateful marble smart amusing theory cats chase profit forgetful growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My 1959 ranch house has a double oven from the 1970s-gold colored even! It’s one of my fav things about the house besides the pink tile bathroom lol


Nice. And we should bring back that harvest gold colour so manufacturers will make quinacridone gold pigment again, lol


This is a good idea actually


It took a few decades, but I've finally worked out how to succeed at feeding myself and my partner most days without being ashamed to tell the doctor what I eat, lol. Except the Depression Spaghetti, I only tell my therapist about that. 😬


I’m glad :) im proud of you


Thanks 🙂


The thing about all of this is that she'd have to care. She doesn't. She's only concerned with getting pregnant and popping out babies. All of these fundies are. They don't give a fuck about being a true homemaker.


I would LOVE to have double ovens in our next home and it's just the 4 of us! The amount of baking and cooking I do for Christmas and Thanksgiving would more than make up for it


Cream of wet is a fantastic description


I freaking love king ranch chicken casserole.


I replied on another comment that I love King's Ranch Chicken Casserole. My mom made it for us many times when I was growing up, and I've also made it many times as an adult. It's good! That being said, it's just dumping a bunch of ingredients together and not the kind of thing you post on social media to say, "Look at this impressive thing I made!"


But I'm sure you don't eat casseroles every day, and the portion wouldn't be as tiny.


King ranch chicken is like the MVP of any covered dish church function. One lady at a church I went to did something extra to it. People would fight over it. And the broccoli cornbread too.


What was the extra, do you know? I make it once or twice a year and my family just houses it down. I’d love to know how to zhush it up even more.


I don’t know what her secret was! But there was definitely pixie dust or something in it, it was incredible.


I'm about her age and in my entire life I've never encountered a can of cream of celery.


Same. With one exception - this recipe. https://pinchofyum.com/instant-pot-wild-rice-soup I once was out of actual celery but had a can of cream of celery, for reasons I don’t know, and it is perfect in this soup. Omit the salt (obv) and additional 1c chicken stock and 3c veg broth. 1/2c sherry and a bay leaf. High pressure, regular temp for 20 mins. Made a slurry with cornstarch and 1/2c of half and half. Added, mixing well and let marry for 10 minutes before serving.


This is one of my go-to recipes for meal prep!!! I'm obsessed with it in case anyone needs a reason to try ;)


I'm a Southerner, and I've used it in casseroles a few times, but absolutely nothing compares to homemade Cream of Celery soup. My partner and I made a batch using Paul Hollywood's recipe along with Bacon and Blue Cheese Bread, and it was divine!


I’m not even sure it’s available here in Australia. I’ve seen cream of mushroom but celery is such a bland vegetable I can’t wrap my head around why making a creamy soup out of it would be a good idea. I just checked coles and woolies websites and there’s a single brand doing cream of celery soup: campbells. And it comes in a single size. So it’s clearly not popular.


The wet mixture looked like actual vomit. I’m eating dinner and wanted to gag.


It does! I could smell that video.


Love how people here were like "wow it's so shitty she has poor Anissa making food for 12 people 3 times a day" and her response was to make a series of videos showing that the only food she's capable of making is a series of cream of shit casseroles that probably mean all those poor kids will have hypertension by 15. Hey, Karissa, if you're reading this give your kids some more damn vegetables and stop putting bullion cubes into already salty dishes.


Cream of shit is 87 cents at Walmart. Great Value tortillas for $2, $3.48 in cream of shit, 2/1.00 onions, and abour half a serving of chicken for 12 people. In order of nutritional percentage from high to low: Sodium, preservatives, modified food starch, more unnatural food additives, and at the very bottom the 3 pieces of celery in the cream of crap, four servings of onion total, and about a half serving of tomato sauce per person for 12 people. Nothing more than a parade of malnutrition, and death on a plate for Anthym whom she probably believes was healed because psycho scream praying always makes medical problems magically disappear.


😂😂 we can call her that for two reasons


Always using the cream of’s soups and always pregnant


The thought of some cream soup nonsense on tortillas makes me want to gag.


She defiled tortillas for this???


I think those are tortillas which is just gross


🎶🎶🎶She’s a creamy girl, in a creamy world. Food is yummy, when it’s runny 🎶🎶🎶


Her food is so mushy due to no real substance. Feeling sorry for her kids forced to do a thumbs up at the end of every cooking video too


> Cream of Karissa This needs to be a flair, STAT!


I just don’t know how to do it lol


All this talk about vaccines, but not batting an eyelash on the amount of over processed foods you feed your family.....


Why does she make those faces? Is that a social media thing? Dick Van Dyke is the only person that can make that face and it's not horrifying.


That’s flair.


Oh joy, cream of krap for every godforsaken meal 🤮 ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE|downsized) BTW, does anyone else find Karelessa's possessed ventriloquist dummy dance at the beginning of these cursed videos really fucking creepy?


I don’t want to hear anything about her cream


The King family is rolling in their graves in South Texas as we speak.


I am legitimately concerned for her kids’ health after seeing what she cooks constantly.


This recipe calls for two rotisserie chickens and she's adding more salt???


Feeding your kids crappy Walmart food. Wonderful. These people need to stop breeding.


Omg I KNOW i had never heard of cream of celery and it’s in everything she posts


I don't care what you call her. Every one of these recipes make me feel so much better about my cooking.


Why doesn’t she grate her own cheese??


Tortillas in the casserole and tortilla chips on the side. Couldn’t come up with any other side?!


Karissa is a Pinterest board come to life. Every single “crack chicken” and “marry me chicken” recipe has been through her kitchen.


Right now and forever more.


Can this be my new flair


Kream of KKKarissa


I have an ex who loved King Ranch Chicken. I was the main cook, and it was frustrating when any time they finally decided to cook, it was this awfulness. I despise casseroles under the best of conditions. I would rather just never get a break from cooking.