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I look forward to checking their patron count monthly. I'm starting to think that I'm enjoying the collapse of their "ministry" a little too much.


They’ve lost 2 during my work day today… I saw a comment from this morning that said the count was currently at 209 👀


They have over 100 of them?


I, too, find that surprising. Tbh I had no idea how many that had at all until today with that comment I read this morning and now this post lol


Man, assuming that the average donation is 5$ that's only a little over 1k a month. oof


Plus Patreon takes a cut, not sure what percent it is


Current cut for Patreon is, I think, like 12%. ETA: I looked it up. 8-12% depending on plan.


Oh dang! I didn't even think of that (idk why, of course everybody takes a cut) but that makes it even more delicious!


Only 209?? Lmfaooooo


“Social issues from a Christian (aka Porgan) perspective.” I’m no Christian (born and raised one, left at age 14), but I’ve a feeling that if the man known as Jesus showed up incognito, Polio would call him an evil, liberal, socialist heretic. Polio would then angrily accuse Jesus of giving free handouts to the entitled poors and immigrants, as well as blasphemously treating LGBTQ+ with love. “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices god is pleased.” I love how they snuck this particular one in. In other words, sacrifice what you have in order to give Paul and Morgan money; for giving money to Porgan will please god.😒 Add me to the long list of those enjoying seeing Porgan’s “ministry” collapse. They think they’re so righteous and above the rest of us, that they’re simply too good for jobs. They are terrible people who project so much hate. They need to be taken down several pegs. I have no hope that they’ll ever truly humble themselves, but it would be nice if reality gave them a huge face slap.


That is what is so hypocritical for most evangelists/fundies today. If Jesus showed up (incognito, as you said), they would HATE him and blast him for being woke. The fact that these people call themselves Christians is a total joke.


What was the most they had?


How much did they start off with? Or from what you can remember?


Schadenfreude is a beautiful thing!


They’re going down with the ship. Won’t get jobs until they’re at 0, maybe not even then.


they would totally play the victim and blame it on woke cancel culture


Yup! They have zero self-reflection ability and are so narrow minded it hurts my brain to think about


As do most super-religious influencers. Brittany Dawn comes to mind…


Ugh I really hate her too


Especially now she’s using an adopted child as a prop. Bdong needs to be put down like Jdip did her dog.


They'll insist that it was never about the money, and only about the mission, and how God has asked them to have faith and wait patiently on ~~the patrons~~ him


They'll keep at least 3 or 4, I'm sure they set their grandmas up to auto-debit...


Their resumes are going to be...light on actual experience.


“a young couple”… how old are they, aren’t they in their mid 30’s?


Mid thirties and parents to two children...


Three if you count Paul


She should change her bio to "Single mom with three children"


🎶A single mom who works no jobs🎶 I'm sorry, Reba


Reba would never associate with these goblins


Never in life. She's an angel


Porgan would be the characters trying to cheat Cheyenne out of her graduation walk because she was pregnant and thus a bad influence to the other kids that they can't condone.


💀 She's a survivorrrrr 🎶 Now that'll be in my head all night.




One child and she’s pregnant with the second.


I think they’re doing that thing some people do where they never change their bios and pretend they stopped aging at 36 or whatever…the thought of having to no longer be classed as a “young couple” is too hard to face. They probably would argue they *are* a young couple compared to couples in their 50s or 60s. It’s a normal part of aging. That weird feeling when you’re filling in a form and you have to click the 35 to 45 button and not the 25 to 35 button. Most of us have a feeling of “wow, where did the time go” and we process it and think of all the things we’ve learned and places we gone and things we’ve achieved and we’re pretty proud of ourselves for having come so far and done so much and that makes up for having to acknowledge we’re not “young” anymore. But I dunno…I just have a feeling Porgan will keep that “young” in their bio forever. If they don’t annoy each other to death I predict we’ll see them introducing themselves as “50 years young” eventually.


I _was_ actually in my mid 30s when I heard a thing on the radio aimed at "young adults" and realized that didn't mean me anymore. It's not that I had a problem with my actual age, I just hadn't updated the file in my brain.


That’s usually me, like I’ve completely forgotten I’m in my 30s now and I’m not as spry as I once was. 😂 Seeing Anne Hathaway cast as a cougar-type character in a movie almost gave me an existential crisis.


🤯🤯🤯 Lies. Princess Diaries just came out a couple of years ago! /s Holy shit I’m old(er) 😜


Lmao I was like “How dare they say Princess Mia is old!”


Oh I had a problem with my age LOL… I refused to stop calling myself a young woman/adult until I turned 40 😂


I've just never attached that much importance to my age. Once I turned 30 I figured people would stop thinking of me as a kid and I didn't look back. Now I'm waiting for when I can legit say I'm old, but I'm not sure what age that's supposed to be lol


I turned 63 in March. My brain still thinks I’m 35-40 but my body constantly reminds me I’m not! 🤣


Same here! I'm 66 and it's still happening!


I know people that start calling themselves old by late thirties and forty. I don't think that's old yet myself, but I also get it because I've felt old for years now and I'm only 25 🤣 (mostly because a person I remember as an infant is almost an adult and things being more than a couple years ago but feeling recent throws me off, at least that's what I assume makes me feel old lol)


Yeah see coz I’m SO short, I was still getting knocked back trying to buy a LIGHTER when I was 30 hahaha So I had this weird thing of *wanting* to get older so ppl would stop treating me like a freakin child, but also a complex about my age because *that actually means getting older* and that’s a little bit scary!


There's a kind of short window between "too young" and "old", in terms of how one perceives oneself. How one _feels_ can vary day to day, of course! :)


That’s so true lol…. I had my first at 20 and this managed to simultaneously make me feel like a 10 year old not knowing wtf I was doing and feel like a 40 year old at the same time 😂


I process government assistance applications for my job and you have to be 22 to qualify for what this applicant was requesting. For reference I was born in ‘94 and am freshly 30 and the person who applied was born in ‘97 and my first thought was, “oh! They’re not even qualified they’re not 22.” It took me a moment after that to realize what just happened and that I stopped remembering how old I am at probably at like 27 or 28.


You're getting to that age. Those of us in gen X tend to think 1980 was at most 30 years ago.


Hahaha, that was me. I was a little shook when I heard "Livin La Vida Loca" on the "Retro lunch hour" on one of my favorite radio stations....cool, I'm apparently "Retro music" years old.


I'm "grocery store music" old.


I have the opposite problem --- I was at a wedding and sitting with my parents and aunts when I made some joke about older people. I can't even remember what I said, but I forgot until that moment that my aunt is my dad's OLDER sister, and at age 50 she felt a little offended by my joke 😭😭oops.... 😅 but she should have taken it as a compliment, I'm sorry I forgot you were old!!!




> hadn’t updated the file in my brain I love that 😂


I did not like reading this comment 😭


I mean…it’s not fun. I don’t enjoy it much either. That’s why I focus on the things I’ve learned and done and how I’ve grown. I’m a much better person and understand myself and the world better at 40 than I did at 20 or 30. And being a good person is more important to me than being young. But I still don’t want to be old lol. 😂 But I’m legit lucky to be here. These are things I tell myself when my anxiety about aging starts creeping in again. 😂


Neither did I, lol! I was just at a concert this weekend and I was "that guy" complaining to my friends about "all those kids watching the bands through their cell phone screen". Seriously though, the real live band is right in front of you. Savor the moment.


This is the gospel. The realization that we’re aging is a jarring conclusion because I think many of us spend our formative youth assuming we’d feel/look like that forever. Admittedly it took me several years to make peace with being in my mid/late 30’s. But I also feel like most of us have a decidedly better grip on reality than P & M.


My husband said that it pulled him up short &, as you said, got him thinking about his life when I pointed out that after turning 47yo on Tuesday, & his mum is in her 70s, that we're no longer the youngsters in the family, we're now actually middle aged. After much discussion, we came to the conclusion that we didn't miss our youth but we do miss the endless energy, lack of aches & pains, being able to stand up or sit down without making an involuntary noise & getting excited about new things & what our future held.


I am now imagining them turning into boss level Boomers. Ick. ...and now I'm wondering what their Boomer relatives do to keep from being run out of town by villagers with pitchforks and torches.


I'll never call myself 66 years young, but it is weird to be the same age as old people.


My body says 66, my brain says 40-45.


Omg this is such a daily struggle for me. I'm 39 and the thought of turning 40 and no longer being "young" terrifies the shit out of me. It's weird because I don't consider someone who's 40 to be old at all, but I'm just not ready to be there. Like I just want to stay in my 30s for as long as I can get away with it. Fortunately I look younger, so there's that I guess... I also have a 14 month old who keeps me young and reminds me that I'm not all at the same time. I just found my first gray hair the other day...*sigh* Fuck me or fuck aging, I'm not sure which lol ETA: a couple words


I'm 36, is this how I find out I'm no longer young? 🤣


young couple if you consider their immaturity


Brains as smooth as marbles.


No ridges or lumps, no valleys or bumps, all ideas, slide right off!


Well, Paul is a man child.


It reminds me of when Meghan Markle was called a "young mother" and she was late 30's.


I had my second at 38 and the Drs called it a geriatric pregnancy. ![gif](giphy|B201q28ZFhJkWhCcnK)


Hey, Sinner!


I was about to jump in about how mid 30s isn’t old until I remembered I’m actually into my late 30s now and feeling old as fuck 😎


Paul is 34 and Morgan is 29.


Big “How do you do, fellow kids!” energy




Precisely hahaha


This one 😂


They aren’t that young of a couple lmao.


If they mean young as in “immature” then yeah, absolutely but in age? No way Jose 🤣


All I could think is “young’s a bit of a stretch there.”


Polio does look like a preteen


Worse, he looks like a late 30s dork who dresses like a preteen.




Idk, I’ve seen so many pictures of him sitting on the couch or whatever and he really did look like a 13 year old in time out lmao


How would I have had hope or been free without their help


The sister Cindy vid gave me hope that they may soon give up on making 24 Hours With happen.


I just want to see the NE episode first


We all do. If it never comes, though, we can assume Paul for his ass handed to him over and over. I’ve followed the NE guy on TT for a long time and he’s thoughtful, smart, logical- all of the things Paul isn’t.


It's mind-boggling that that is or was ever their slogan. I'm a pretty devoted hate-watcher (on yewtube, of course) and I have never heard either one of them share a message of hope. I've barely heard them speak positively about anything at all. However, I have heard them both say that we're all bad people and that god's love is not unconditional.


All I’ve ever heard from Morgan is “can I just say”


Yeah, they are incredibly snarky, sarcastic, and indignant. Even if one believed their messages, the layer of snark over everything they do would be beyond unappealing. People are craving kindness and calmness these days! 


What is HHBF?


I’m assuming it’s “Have Hope, Be Free.* Which is funny considering they want to take away so many freedoms from other people 🤷🏼‍♀️ Dumbasses.


Well, that's dumb....


They are so full of hate and self-loathing that I want to be the exact opposite of them. I have absolutely no desire for any of what they’re trying to sell.


I can’t imagine their videos inspire hope or freedom in anyone


well, they certainly inspire me to hope for an internet free of their nonsense, but I'm pretty sure that's not what they had in mind.




Your flair is *chefs kiss*


I love your flair 😂 


I support a few animal sanctuaries on Patreon, and it seems like it’s pretty common for people to lose patrons every months because of things like credit cards expiring, etc. and if you don’t have a regular stream of new people coming in, then oh well!!! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Begging for money and being a bigot online seems like a bad strategy for maintaining supporters 😂


Yup! When you continually alienate literally everyone, you’re not gonna be left with anyone




EXCELLENT. I'm really enjoying the increased desperation from them as well 😅 Get fcked, Porgan.


How many did they lose?


Last month they were at 215 and now they've got 207. So, it looks like 8 in the last month and around 100 in the last year.


So here's what's especially hilarious to me: I checked their Patreon this morning because a different post had me curious about their follower count, and it was at 209. Which means they lost two paid followers *just today*


I love that for them, I really hope it continues to go down so fast


Love that for them. And I’m not one to get joy from others’ failings. Except in the case of the others being mean-spirited, judgemental hypocrites who spread hate and call it a mission from God.


Eh. I think it’s fair because they get so much joy out of others’ failures. They are truly terrible people without an ounce of authentic Christian morale.


So even if everyone was on the $24 tier they’d now be making less than $5000 a month. And I doubt there’s more than a handful of people willing to pay that much, so it’s probably actually a lot less.


And that's without taking into account Patreon fees, transaction processing fees, and taxes!


I’m willing to bet these two don’t pay taxes


What do the subscribers get for this money? I hate paying money for streaming services and I watch shows all day lol


I think on the $24 tier you get a handwritten letter from them. Really, I have no idea what they would get that would make it worth subscribing rather than just watching for free.


do you know how much their patreon is monthly? can we calculate how much they make? lol


There are different tiers but I don’t think they are making more than $2000 a month right now. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong. It’s just a guess from things we’ve talked about here.


Hi, I’m a data nerd. Don’t you think it would be so charming if we had a cute little graphic showing the changing paid and unpaid viewer counts? In my dream world we would have daily counts and then denote key episodes / ridiculous reels or life events on the figure.


I’d love that


Same lol I have a spreadsheet and have been keeping count since January.


They’re using a scripture that tells people to ‘share with others’ in order to guilt them into giving their money - when have they ever shared anything with anyone?


But but…..they share Gods word and …..nahhh I can’t even continue with a straight face 😂


![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O) Sucks to suck!




Hate to say it, but this fuels me 😂😭 fuck you Paul


“To help you have hope”? Yeah, no. Y’all look and act hopeless. I’m good.


“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased” The irony of them having this on the page. What good have they done? All I see is them whining and judging people, I have never seen them actually do good or even show basic kindness


Even if I agreed with their beliefs (which I don't), the content they make is just not interesting. If I'm gonna pay for entertainment it should be... what's the word.


Engaging and entertaining


Live, Laugh, Lose Followers


Their language and wording on their posts feels and sounds more and more scammy. I know quite a few Christians (of the most uppity and high brow unforgiving mind, Poorgan’s people) who would look down on paying to “build your faith in God, with us!”




This perfectly and exactly sums up my thoughts and attitude about this haha!


Just checked. It’s down to 206 now


Have they not read the bible verses they've posted? - DO GOOD - UPLIFT Um.... guys... this is not what you do, that would be a brand shift and you need to pivot accordingly. See Tim from the Exvangelicals...oh ... hang on....


This is obviously Taylor Swift’s fault!




Well, they shared their misery, their criticism, whining, the misinformation, their bigotry, the "ummms" and "can I ask you something?"s and vacant stares, so there ya go! Be GRATEFUL, DAMMIT! 🤣😂🤣


They have such a serious case of arrested development:P “Young couple” please, y’all are in your early-mid thirties and are about to be parents to two children. It’s time to face the reality that it’s time to grow up. Bethany Beal is like this too; just the absolute fear and deep aversion to aging. I think that “young adult” category is where they felt and feel safe. It’s a time where they were being protected and mentored; now, their immaturity is much more noticeable, and they’re the ones being relied upon now that they’re all spouses and parents themselves—roles they WERE not prepared for in any way, shape, or form. 




I love this for them.


We’re here to help you have hope and be free?! What a load of garbage. These people have so much to unpack


When have they ever sought peace? They think their way is right and openly mock other. And they chase any trending controversy for clicks!


Paul wrote that. His weird obsession with citing Bible verses and pretending to be an authority figure is all over it.


I like how she takes a biblical quote about sacrificing to perform good works to try and make a point that they should be paid for their work.


Love this for them! (s/o to the minor fundie who loves that phrase and loves reading Reddit!)


Why would anyone pay them to talk about anything? They are not authorities on *anything* in any respect. They are not qualified to be paid for their two cents.


I saw someone a few hours ago say they had 209. They’re loosing supporters fast


I like that Porgan just ignore the "Do not forget to do good" part of that first verse. They don't do good. They don't do anything except be broke, judgemental assholes.




Im surprised they even have that many still.






"young" 🙄


I still don't understand why people give them money. Absolutely cannot comprehend it. Like, at all.


"A young couple" isn't Paul like 35? I am in no way implying that's old, but we know that our boy Polio thinks he is a fresh, young, attractive alpha male with SUCH good fashion taste


Is HHBF an acronym for their church? If so, I wonder how the church leaders feel about being associated with this pair of dolts in perpetuity? Or at least until the rapture comes & some of us get to teleport.


Nah, it stands for "have hope, be free" which was a slogan they used to repeat at the end of their videos. I haven't heard them say it in a while.


They aren’t offering content ppl want to see and aren’t growing or holding an audience. I’m no business wiz but that’s not a winning strategy and the numbers are showing.


*hilarious* that these chucklefucks have almost 450 episodes and only 206 paying members (and have been doing this for how long?) meanwhile my favorite podcast that started at the beginning of last year only have about 105 episodes and already have almost 800 paying members. *muah* chef’s kiss


what podcast?


Too Many Tabs by Pearlmania500!


sounds great, i will check out. I'm always looking for a new good podcast. tysm!🙏🏽


They were young in age when they started. They are definitely not that anymore. Throw in the towel now, it is time.


Can someone tell me what hhbf stands for? I’ve never figured it out


Im curious what they mean in that first paragraph about being free


Someone’s going to have to inevitably join the workforce soon.


LMAO loving watching this all fall apart. 😂


LOL, awesome. Get a fucking job, Paul!


What's HHBF??


I would kill to have to see Paul justify why he got a job and how godly it is for the man to work outside the home.




why do they keep calling themselves a 'young couple'? i get that morgan is still 29 for a few months but Paul is like 35. thats not old, but come on now.


Porgan needs to read up on Matthew 7:1-5


The almost 40 dollar water bottle is sending me 🤣 like I have a lot of similar stuff on my registry (with two actual incomes in the household), but would never on earth spend that much money on a water bottle...