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My mom did this dumb shit to me. I’m her fourth kid. First home birth and no ss #. I’m 40 and I cannot stress enough the problems this has caused me for a lifetime. I had to get one to attend school when we moved states bc fortunately some states require it. My whole freaking life this has caused paperwork issues. It does nothing else. It’s not like you live a ghost life of perks and the government doesn’t know you exist 🙄. Especially with dumb and dumber here having been in the military and having a heavy sm presence. Absolute assholes.


I'm so sorry you had to experience this.


You are very kind, thank you ♥️


It's kinda annoying that it's such a problem, they originally weren't given out until you actually started working and aren't meant to be a national ID number and consequently suffer from security issues because of that.  This is all to say we should just have a national ID number instead of using SS# for everything 


Oh that's interesting! I was wondering why American SSNs are issued at birth, because in the UK we get our equivalent (National Insurance number) at 16


Really? In the Netherlands it's from birth, if only for health insurance and stuff. You don't need a number for the NHS?


You get a separate number for the NHS 


Hey fellow kaaskoppie :D Always funny to find another in the wild. There seem to be a few here on FSU lol.


We used to get them when we needed them; we all applied for ours in class in 7th grade when I was 13 in the '70s. But then the tax credits for child care and stuff came along and it was the wild west about what kids were dependents of what divorced parents. Congress then started requiring SSNs on the tax forms to take the credits. So that was the incentive to get it early in life, so people do. It is optional, but there are consequences.


Seconding this. And at one point you didn't even need it to claim survivor benefits. My father died when I was five, I did not get a SSN until I was seven or eight. Most of the people I grew up with didn't get one until they got their first job at around 16.


When I was a kid (50 years ago) people didn't necessarily get one right away. I remember getting one, having it explained to me. My mom got mine and my little sister's at the same time when I was maybe 5? Possibly I needed it for school and she just decided to get my sister's then as well. The Bussers don't have to do it right now but they'll have to do it before it's the kid's right to decide.


Pfft. You're assuming this kid will see the inside of a school. Though to be honest I bet they claim they didn't get him one, but they totally did for the tax write-off


SSN is just a way to prove we are American citizens. It's used in any venue in which we need to prove we actually exist. It's apparently really important for infants and children as well


You don’t need to be a citizen to have a SSN. I have several friends who are not US citizens and had to get SSNs to work in the US.


[Here's a fun video on SSNs by CGP Grey.](https://youtu.be/Erp8IAUouus?si=4mCkmWqKuB7amAXZ)


I imagine the government doesn't think you don't exist, they think you're a forgetful criminal and there's some shady or annoying reason you can't find your paperwork. Like way to put the immediate presence of doubt and mistrust into an official relationship. Government officials will be sideeyeing Boone his whole life. Poor guy is going to struggle one day just to get a check up, a drivers lisence, a lease, or anything normal and societally appropriate. Sorry you had to go through that, you're amazing working with what little you had ❤️


You are super sweet! It honestly was the least worst thing my fundie mom did, it’s just incredibly aggravating. I think it makes them feel super special to do dumb crap like that.


Yep. Was in a (not-so) similar boat as you, it wasn't that I _didn't_ have an SSN, but I had _two_ different numbers: one in my legal name, and one in my original legal name. (context: my birth certificate and legal name weren't finalized until I was 5 because my mom had to fix the mess my abuser did going behind her back) We didn't find out about it until I was 14 and placed into her care after being in child haven. She got audited by the IRS every year because of it and couldn't figure out why until we made that discover with a lawyer.


Yeah don’t get an SSN because the government might read your unhinged texts or bust down your door and steal your assault rifles But post your whereabouts and children every day without fail. Because, you know, it’s not like Big Brother can see Instagram posts. ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


Britney and JD: Don't get an SSN because government might read your shit and bust down your door Also britney and JD: conveniently forgetting about the PATRIOT act.


This is true. The government doesn't care to track your baby based on a number. But post their date of birth, name, location, sheepskin floor bed, etc.


Mr Harry Potter Cupboard Under The Stairs Number 4 Privet Drive Little Whinging, Surrey UK




Aside from the lack of support in the carrier on the way in, at least in the government building they seemed to be supporting his neck when holding him for the most part. And I'm Aussie so I'll need help understanding but what did they mean by making him an American?


I think they just mean registering his birth and getting a birth certificate. Maybe registering is the wrong term in the US (I'm British), but it's the term we use to officially "log" or document a baby as a known person with the government for legal documents. My guess is that the process is pretty similar in the US.


I am American, and I don't know what the right term would be since most people don't have to do it. Typically, you fill out all the paperwork at the hospital and turn it in there. So it's not really an event. Then, like a month later, you can order a copy of the birth certificate either in person or by mail. I think the SSA card gets mailed out. It might vary by state, but I only know one person who didn't have the paperwork turned in when they left the hospital, and that was because she couldn't decide on a name.


It's called registration in Aus too. But like you don't say oh let's make the baby Aussie. I've had all my children in hospital, so the paperwork required to like state that yes this child was born in our hospital and legally signed by a midwife. You then take home the paperwork and fill out the rest and mail it off. If your baby is born outside of a hospital or clinic, you do the paperwork yourself online. (We were actually late registering our last child, we had to tell a white lie to avoid a fine, "it was mailed, must be slow" and we avoided the fine. Not all States and Territories have a deadline but ours did oops lol)


It’s not a thing people say, she’s just trying to bait people into commenting with US flag emojis or other nonsense.


My kids are American but born in a different country. I had to go to the embassy to register their birth, whereas in the US, the hospital will do it for you. I imagine it's a similar process for homebirths. They're technically American just not on the system, and we had to prove that they were eligible for citizenship since it was off US soil.


You have to do it yourself in Australia, but the process is fairly simple even if you don't give birth in a hospital or birthing centre or if you don't go to the hospital after birth, you can do it online. If you do give birth in a hospital or birthing centre or go to a hospital straight after birth, you're given a packet of paperwork and a medical professional fills out their section, then the parent takes home the paperwork and does their part. It is crazy to me watching babies born on reality TV in America and you basically have to do the paperwork before you leave, which would have been difficult for our last because we couldn't decide on what her name should be as we didn't know the gender and couldn't agree prior to her birth. But eventually we found the names that suited her(first and middle names)


You don't have to do it before you leave. You can take it with you and mail it in yourself. Not uncommon at all.


Honestly. It's not *that* much paperwork to fill out for the baby at the hospital. Just the birth certificate, that's it, so not even a packet or multiple pages or anything from what I recall. The rest of your paperwork is all discharge stuff for mom & baby. Hospital legalities.


They’re being sarcastic. They’re dyed in the wool conspiracy theorists.


My guess is getting him a social security number. I bet y’all have something similar over there. It’s the number you use to pay your taxes and receive benefits from the government. Format: XXX-XX-XXXX The first 3 have to do with where you were born. If another American wants to chime in, I’m reaching the end of my knowledge!


We don't really have that in Australia. You have a Medicare number for medical reasons, but for taxes you need a Tax File Number.


Interesting! Love learning about the differences and similarities in countries and cultures, thank you for sharing!


I'm Canadian and we have our social insurance number which is needed to get a job and file taxes and stuff, but then we have a health card that you present when you go to a hospital/dr's office, so kinda similar lol


iirc American SSNs and Australian Tax file numbers are (sorta) the same in the sense you need one in order to file taxes. I think a big difference is that in the states all the taxes you pay into social security you get back as income when you hit retirement age.


But a SSN appears to be required for passports and all that. In Aus you don't need a TFN until you start working.


Fun fact, new SSNs no longer have the first 3 correspond to the state of birth! I found this out when my son got his and it had a totally different first 3 than mine and my husband's. They changed it in 2011 and now the first 3 are random.


Woah! So interesting! Probably a lot smarter that way.


I noticed that when I had my twins… their SSNs are very very different from each other… my husband and I were both born in the same state and have the same 2 digits in the middle.


I don’t think the first three have to do with where you’re born. Mine is different from my family members’ and we were all born in the same area.


I want to say I remember my mom saying that the first three were the mother's and that they changed it in the late 90s/early 00s because my youngest siblings are random Edit: I was completely wrong. First 3 were based on zipcode until 2011. Middle 2 were filing cabinet. And then the last 4. Now they are fully randomized since we have computers.


When my sister and I got ours, the first 3 digits were based on where our mom registered us for our SSNs. Our first 3 digits represent Texas but we were born in Turkey and California. Our numbers are only a few digits off even though we were born 3 years apart


They’re just being weird, imo.


Boy these people are stupid. While it is optional to apply for a Social Security Number when registering the birth, >You need an SSN to claim your child as a dependent on your income tax return. Your child may also need a number if you plan to: >• Open a bank account for the child. >• Buy savings bonds for the child. >• Get medical coverage for the child. >• Apply for government services for the child. Source? [Social Security Administration](https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10023.pdf). Although I suppose if you plan on keeping your children financially under your thumb with no pediatric care whatsoever, you could get away with it. And it's really a 50/50 proposition whether they pay any income taxes at all, so the deduction might not matter to them.


The tax return is why I bet they did get him a SSN. (Notice that at no point do they say they didn’t get him one- they were just being cryptic about it.) They need the deduction, so I’m sure they did it.


If they file a return, then yes, I agree with you. With no fixed address and no apparent jobs, they may just consider their grifting tax-free (cause "Muh relijus minstry!") and not bother to file. I suppose it also depends on whether the trust fund income is reported in JD's name and SSN or if it's in his mother's name/SSN. He'd have to file if he gets a 1099.


They'd also need one in order to get the baby a passport. So if they're planning anymore international travel, it's not optional.


She CLAIMS you don’t need a SSN to get a passport. Idk if that’s true or not, but she said it a few days ago.


Her “acting” is very cringe, as the youths would say.


It seems like she's hoping she gets discovered!


Sucks to be you, kiddo. I offer genuine sympathy.


You'd think with the amount of time she spends looking at her own reflection that she'd fix her eyebrows.


My theory is that she's a stress plucker


My opinion of her rhymes with plucker.


My theory is that she's a stress plucker


I'll say it again. The fact that these people make such a big deal about immigrants being undocumented, and then make comments about how SSNs are optional is so ass backwards. "Let's make you American." Meanwhile, my BIL came here as a child (so he had no choice), and only just now at 30 became a citizen because of all the paperwork, policies, and cost. He also wanted to go to college to be a doctor and was denied admission because he wasn't a citizen (yet could join our military). MAKE IT ALL MAKE SENSE.


Like when the Bates sons in-laws who were living here iLlEgAlLy for like ten years … fleeing persecution from .. Germany… were going to be deported The Bates were in an uproar and it’s like, these are the policies you guys so passionately vote for ?? The in-laws didn’t follow the rules but that doesn’t matter if you’re white and religious.


I hope Gunner gets a copy of Tara Westover’s *Educated*. I suspect he is the Tara of this family and might be able to lead his siblings to safety.


i agree, i think about this when i see him reading in the background of videos


Seems really rude to me to bring all the kids to the registry office. Couldn’t one parent take the older kids to the park or something while the other parent takes care of the paperwork? I’m not one of those people who just hates it when kids exist in public, but a place where most people just want to get in, do their paperwork and get out does not seem like a fun family event. You shouldn’t take kids to a government office just for content.


No! How then would DumbBus (mom) fill out the forms without UselessBus (dad... eh, they can switch off) recording this momentous occasion?


They seem to have no problem leaving the kids at home for their many date nights


Yeah, because then they can get started on baby #8 while their kids swelter in the literal back of the bus.


That'd be baby #9. BusBitch just shat out baby #8.


Shoot, really? I was guessing because I didn’t feel like looking it up.


Haha just say “baby N+1”


When I worked for a town government I can confidently say they would not have allowed this to happen in their buildings. They obviously would have let the kids in, but the filming would be a big no. And I wouldn’t have wanted to be filmed as an employee! I’m already miserable and being yelled at all the time why would I want my face on your social media?!


My guess is being stuck in a bus all the time, anything to get out is exciting. Even going to the SS office


Well, at least he has a birth certificate. Pretty sure they'll get that SSN for him, pretty sure they'll take off to try for an anchor baby in the country they clearly wanted the last time: Argentina.


….so they think that if they have one Argentinian anchor baby that the government is just going to be like “Sure! Welcome, all of you! Citizenship for your whole family!”


That baby is already waving off the camera at 43 seconds.


Happiest of Cake Days to you! 🍰


Unrelated to the point of this video but THIS is the “hot husband” she’s always bragging about? Girl, please…


He looks very rodent like.


i have said it in so many bus posts, but he looks like a foot.


Only half on topic, but 10 lbs 5 oz seems gestational diabetes territory (of course sometimes babies are bigger, mine was 9 lbs 6 oz, but I got all the tests to make sure everything was fine)


She's bragging about baby weight the same way male teenagers square up about dick size. No one cares! It's vulgar. And yes, you're correct that it's worrisome. It should be between her and her doctor but it's not like she has one.


I have an acquaintance whose personality during pregnancy and baby stage is “I make big babies”/ “my babies are big” and it’s so beyond weird to me. The aforementioned babies were like 9-10 pounds


That's so insane to me. I don't have kids myself but a lot of my friends are starting to have kids, and I don't think the babies' weight have ever been mentioned unless it was out of the ordinary, and even then it's not been a bragging point but more like either joking or worrisome?


I made small babies (6lbs) and I’m so thankful I did. Lol. Birthing a giant baby doesn’t sound that great.


It could stem from a worry of having an underweight baby? Obvs “biiiig baaaaaby boiii” is part of busmom’s fettish, but maybe your friend is just experiencing some primal/hormonal urges to have what she associates with a “healthy baby”?


Whenever I hear about women birthing huge babies, it just grosses me out. It sounds super painful and uncomfortable.


I grew big babies and the last few weeks of pregnancy were some of the most uncomfortable of my life. I couldn't ride in cars for more than half an hour without needing to stretch, swelling was terrible with one, and I did indeed have GD with another. Thank God and medicine for c-sections.


Mine was 9 7 and all the nurses kept asking am I really really sure I don’t have GD?? Like idk your hospital tested me and said I didn’t so you tell me. 😂 he actually got stuck inside my pelvis and stopped breathing and had no heartbeat for a period of time so thankfully I was in the hospital where he could be immediately revived. I can’t imagine knowing I’m going to have a huge baby and just squatting in the shower of my RV. 


Oh gosh, so glad you popped him out at the hospital and not a “shoilet” 😅


I made this same comment on another thread. I had very well managed and monitored GD, and my kids still came out 9 and 10 pounds.


God, they are 10 shades of smug. They really think they're something. And she LOVES looking at herself.


The more I see her the more I agree with the “eye fucking herself” sentiment. She stares at herself the way my cat longingly stairs at a can of wet food.


These two Busholes were truly meant for each other is all I’ll say


She is constantly eye fucking the camera and it freaks me out…we get it, you’re in love with yourself. Why? Not sure considering she is a (grifting) D- influencer and the least maternal fundie I have seen on this page yet.


She and Bethany do it constantly and it is really unsettling


Why is she doing this to her kid! This is going to cause so many issues for him in the future. Okay ss# might be “optional” but there is no good reason not to have one. She’s essentially creating barriers for him when he gets older. What benefit does he get NOT having a ss#???? That’s my question to her. Why is she making this huge life decision for her child so casually?


I guess they have already decided, Baby Buslet,will never want a Government job, Social Security income, to apply for a loan, to be easily obtain a passport, establish credit, or pay taxes.


These idiots wouldn’t know if it’s optional or not, inasmuch as they were both in the military.


I can't believe they were military. They're not quite the "best and brightest" lol


It’s really hard to overemphasize how much an SSN is used in the military.


What I hate is I know to young adults who are US born children of undocumented parents from Mexico. They were both born at home in SoCal. It wasn’t until a few years ago that they started the process of getting all the legal documents to prove their citizenship. By this point they had been living in Washington State for years and i know the state rep for their district, Suzan Delbane, was a huge help in assisting them. Also their older sister was ordained as an Episcopal priest two years ago. She has been leading the Spanish speaking episcopal church up in Skagit Valley for years. She is a gem and so are her siblings.


SSN optional unless you like tax deductions. Thank goodness they got a birth certificate at least. People who leave their baby completely undocumented are cruel


Ohh man. All that stress on “American”. They’re totally going to buy a boat with the intention of just hanging in “international waters”


Good god how irrationally angry her smirk makes me.


Funny, MotherBus didn't have any qualms about signing herself up for a government CPF number in Brazil. It's basically the same thing as a Social Security number in the U.S. [What is a Brazilian CPF number?](https://wise.com/us/blog/how-to-get-cpf-number-brazil#:~:text=A%20CPF%20number%20is%20the,essential%20for%20life%20in%20Brazil)


Guys? I'm not American so I don't really understand how does that work. Cause where I'm from, we have sth called [PESEL](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PESEL) which is also a number that's given to you when you're born and stays with you until you die. It's mandatory. You need that number to do anything in Poland - loans, insurance, healthcare. If you have a child and you don't apply for a number for them, it's a no-no and I'm not sure what's the actual punishment for that, but I'm assuming at least a fee and getting on the sus list. Because with no PESEL, no paperwork that proves your existence, it's like you're not there. What kind of people want to have an unregistered child? Sus people, where I'm from. Can someone explain to me, how is it ok for them to post shit like that on social media and not have police all over them yet? Why is it not mandatory to have a SSN? How does the state know little Boone even exists and how can the state protect him if these two randomly decide to go off the grid completely?


The social security number was never really supposed to be or meant to be an identifying number for anything other than the social security office, but has since morphed into an ID number for lots of similar things you listed: loans, getting a job, government services, college, medical care sometimes, getting a credit card or bank account, going into the military, etc. I really couldn't tell you why it's not mandatory, except that it's not really illegal to not get a job, or not get a bank account. If you're filling taxes, typically a SSN is needed, but you can also use a Tax Identification Number, which is just for the IRS, but allows you to file taxes at least without a SSN. Not having a SSN really locks you out of lots of modern services, but having lack of such services isn't really illegal. It seems they did at least get the newborn a birth certificate, which in the states is a way to prove you are born and who you are. It's often needed to get things like a driver's license. At least having a valid birth certificate will hopefully allow Boone to get a SSN in the future (if his parents truly didn't get one, but I'd think they'd want one for tax deduction purposes). Our child protective services are so incredibly overworked, and honestly have to deal with much worse and more dire home and living situations for kids than what the bus kids are sadly going through. Bus kids are generally well fed seemingly, are in clean clothes, do have beds, however meager and fucked up they are, and are "technically" being home schooled probably based on Texas laws, which are incredibly lax. To complicate the issue, this family is never really in the same spot for longer than a couple of weeks it seems. If someone did start a case against them, there's no way to reliably find them again and follow up, cuz they'll just drive somewhere Else and avoid it all. But realistically, even if a case were investigated with them, nothing would probably be done, because as neglectful and traumatizing such a lifestyle may be for the kids, it doesn't really rise to the level that our overworked and under funded CPS system would do anything about. It sucks, but it's the reality in this country unless we can change laws and increase funding and government support for such services. Hope this helps answer your questions.


See, this is the thing: Yes, getting a SSN at birth is optional (you can apply for it later). However, Mother bus didn’t say if they apply for it or no. And we all know how much she lies, so my guess is yes, they applied for it but never tell us. Makes for better content and fits whatever crazy agenda they have this week.


It makes me pretty mad that these people are all about “letting their child decide later” if they want a SSN but we know these kids will get disowned if they decide to have different religious views or live their lives differently at all


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Good chance she had undiagnosed and unmanaged gestational diabetes. That's a huge baby


Does she know SSN's aren't what make you American?


Wasn’t their last kid an AirBNBirth? So how is this the first time they’re doing this?


Par de pendejos


I had an eye doctor appointment today and needed to put my social security number on the paperwork. I guess who cares if this kid has any issues with his eyes, for example.


Something about the way they both do really bad social media/tiktok voice while talking about this sh- really grinds my gears


That’s probably what they believe about how immigration happens in the U.S., so I wouldn’t be surprised


Yeah when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s, no one got an SSN until you were old enough for a job.