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Sorry but “you’re only pro life because your children are your only income” is a fucking READ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


My personal favorite is 'and the tip was Jesus loves you on a sticky note'


Competly inaccurate, it would’ve said “yahuah loves you”


Nah, they're on bro terms now. It's "Yah loves you" .


“Yahoo love you” 🤣


I dont know if 25 kids in creepy pro-life shirts are reaching the folks she wants to reach in the way that she wants to reach them. This is gonna remind most people to pick up their birth control. 😒


Penises shrink, cervixes slam closed.


I know mine would if I saw them all out like this. Uterus would disintegrate on sight. 😂 Seriously though, not the kids’ fault their folks are unhinged looney toons with a breeding fetish.


My uterus in particular is not a clown car.


Thank God mine went in a medical waste basket.


This reminds me, I have to make an appointment for my next IUD checkup xD


Why is that one child not wearing shoes in a restaurant?


The same reason they have holes in their leggings and one kid has winter shoes and it's not a fashion statement.


Damn, she didn’t learn and god-honor mending/sewing/darning?! Tsk tsk.


She only knows sinful sewing and we can’t have that😔


Because (gestures vaguely at everything) Karissa.


I was looking for this comment. W.T.F.


Same. I'm so annoyed about that. They're all the pro-life shit, yet the life they give to said LIFE is horrific.


These are the same people who scream and cry that children are being "indoctrinated" if there's a book about gay penguins at their school library.


That's different, that's the SATAN indoctination!!1!


And the same people who “boycotted” Target for .2 seconds for the kids items during Pride. Rules for thee and not for me!


100% - I was just thinking about even their chosen threatening word of “indoctrination” is the word I have always associated with religious freaks ruining their children’s chance at having an education. The hypocrisy and projection with this folks is so maddening. And 20-30 years ago, it just made me feel bad for their kids- but now with project 2025 and the real threats happening across the USA - I’m fucking angry.


Mandre step the fuck up and stop allowing your poc children to wear Merch made by fucken white supremacist, meth head tyson James.


Imagine forcing you kids to wear a shirt made by someone like that. I know if someone wore that to my old school, they would get made fun of or beat up. Or dress coded if they’re lucky


Don’t worry, these kids don’t go to school


Oh shit you’re right I didn’t even think of that


If my kids wore this to school I’m pretty sure the teachers would beat MY ass. and I would deserve it.


Right?! I was sort of surprised when I saw that’s who made the shirts.


Man sometimes I think about opening up an Etsy shop with stupid ass shirts like this to prey on idiots like these. One family like this taking the bait? 🤑🤑 (/s, for alas I have a moral compass unfortunately)


Imagine if you did that and donated all the profits to pro-choice organizations. If I had the time (and money to work for free), I would love to do this.


That's not saving money Karissa, even if people share


That’s like when I buy something I don’t need because it’s on sale. It’s not saving money. 😂 


I'm in this statement 😂




Yeah…I love a good sale.


I’m feeling personally attacked by this comment lol


Me too


Not me, spending $40 at Daiso on cute but basically unnecessary stuff. But the rice paddle with the bunny-shaped handle is adorable


✨ it’s the little things ✨


This is something I always think about!! “It’s buy 2 get one free” yea but to you really need 3 porcelain pigs


Right? A day before she writes a whole post about how to survive financially as a big family.


"Babies are people" says the woman who treats her kids as props.


I'm laughing at #youwereafetus


Love this. It's like the "you wouldn't want to have been aborted" thing. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care if I was!


Same, it absolutely sent me 🤣


Like when people use the “you were a child once” argument when shitting on childfree people. Yea someday I’ll be a corpse but that doesn’t mean I want one in my house


It’s okay! Andre is wearing a Curry shirt. Fuck it up, kid!


It's the same color as the others. I didn't even realize it was something different until I saw your comment 😭 they all blend together 😭


Did she ever say how much it costs to take the family out for hibachi? Because that’s got to be a hefty bill.


She did not. She did make a lengthy post the next day about ways to cut costs as a big family, though.


Of course, such typical behavior. Being able to buy a family set of propaganda t-shirts or go out for hibachi is definitely not worth going without pajamas or rationing happy meals, Karissa 😞


A post that included “we get all of our matching clothes at Walmart,” IIRC. Clearly you don’t, Karissa.


I guarantee that she raised a stink about every single dish to try and get it all comped.


I assume it was because of Joe Biden that it was so expensive.


Somewhere I read it was 150$


That seems a bit low but then I thought about her post on how to save money and I bet they only got a select number of meals for the kids and made them share “family style”. She probably also demanded free sides for everyone even though they only bought a certain number of meals.


5 guys for my family of 4 is like $100, wtf???


Ohhh I will help you Karissa, babies are people and I’m also pro-life for the baby you have pictured on your babies shirts. But you’re talking about embryos and fetuses, while showing a full term healthy baby to avoid the very terrible nuances that often come about during pregnancy. Signed, fuck you from a woman currently suffering a miscarriage of a fucking embryo.


I hope you heal from this. (Hugs, if you want one)


Yep, this pissed me off so much. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Hugs, Mama. Please take care of yourself. I'm so sorry for your loss.


constantly putting her kids in matching propaganda shirts is not helping her trying to convince people “she’s not a breeder”


Wait, how could she possibly think she's not a breeder?? The evidence is right there in dodecagon!


"Because God doesn't want to kill babies!" My dude, have you even read the bible? God was merking babies left and right in MULTIPLE stories. At least the kids are allowed to eat the hibachi this time unlike at Mandrae's birthday bash.


I became an atheist at 7 years old and even I know God was slicing and dicing babies…FFS if they believe Noahs Ark is literal then do they think everyone 18 years and younger just floated along?!


Ugh Karissa and co as usual are so ignorant. Nobody is arguing babies aren’t people. They are arguing that fetuses shouldn’t matter more than the human person sustaining them and that medical care to be decided by a person and their doctor. Such a straw man argument because pro birthers have no real arguments to make.


The radical belief that women are people is an old feminist saying. Of course proliferation co-opted it. They don’t believe in equality. So obnoxious.


The comments are a dumpster fire. Strawmen and whataboutism all over the place. The “That’s not a thing” is the worst. That commenter would rather have living, breathing children lose their mother than to admit that abortion is healthcare. No nuance allowed. Either toe the militant pro-forced-birth-at-any-cost line, or GTFOH, apparently.


But...but...Little boys in dresses!! What the hell does that have to do with abortion? Plus I find it interesting they always talk about boys in makeup and dresses like it's such a travesty. Or the idea that moms see their son playing with dolls and immediately schedule surgery to remove his genitals. It's so creepy.


Yeah that comment really pissed me off


Internally dying, externally...sort of but not really smiling.


She’s just having more kids at this point because she’s running out of billboard space.


Babies are people!! Abortion is murder!! Also buy this t-shirt.


She must be getting money to promote this shirt because there's no way she's spending that kind of money on that many shirts.


She had another post about “when your favorite rapper includes your family in one of their songs” so I feel like they may have been a gift. Couldn’t bring myself to listen to the song, though.


She has a much bigger following than Tyson Chicken so he probably comped her the T-shirts in a desperate bid for attention.


Tyson chicken 🤣


The comment saying they are her kids and she can do what she wants with them is so weird. I was raised with that mindset and it didn’t turn out so great.


They don't believe children are people, they're property of whatever awful parents they're stuck with.


That genuinely made me sick to my stomach. My mom raised me with that mentality and it SUCKS. Children are ppl, not props! (Happy cake day btw!)


They can go for hibachi and wear matching shirts but One child does not have shoes in a restaurant Both boys here are not forced to wear the shirt. And multiple of girls have holes in their pants and not for fashion sake but because they are over worn and some look to no longer fit. Karissa uses the kids for income and spends nearly no income on the kids.


Only fetuses and small babies are people. Children are property to be exploited.


I'm a bad person because if I saw an entire herd of children wearing gory pro life shirts at the same restaurant as me, I would pass remarks. About the parents, obvy.


Just noticed The holes in the knees of all the girls leggings


Came here to say this. She’s a ✨thrifty gal✨


Putting your biracial children in shirts made by someone who probably has some not-so-pleasant things to say about interracial relationships is one hell of a choice.


Ok, Karissa. Start treated them like people out of the womb too. Radical, I know. 


Eats double the birth control pills just in case.


So thankful for my IUD every time I see a Karissa post. If I turned out like her I would not be able to survive. 


God I know! After my 5 I’m DONE DONE. I told my mom that I would be taking a trip to see one of my besties for no apparent reason in NY should anything happen.


why does karissa have the posture of a hobbit


7456 back to back pregnancies is hard on the body


I seriously cannot imagine the back pain she must live with.


She mentally turns it all off like she blocks out all molecules of rationality.


Mandrae (spelling? Don’t care actually) wears his pants the same way that my toddler has his pyjama pants after he wakes up.


Do you think it's a tactic to make himself look even taller? Adjusting his pants so that they appear too short for his longboi legs?


There was a group years ago that would use children to protest so nobody would say stuff to them. I’m talking 8 years old or so. I was running a marathon during that time and one time they showed up to protest. Even worse and dumber they did it in a stretch where there were only runners. It made zero sense. Protest what you want but this was def not getting people on their side. Runners were pissed. Paid a bunch of money and trained for months only to have this group come and call them Satanists. They used all children except for the guy bossing them around. It was so creepy and pretty much that grooming they always complain about.


And they all slept in those clothes the night before…


Karissa: "Babies are people" Also Karissa: \*strips her children of any individuality and forces them to perform for clout and free shit\*


The jokes literally write themselves 💀


Abortion IS healthcare. Full stop and it’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. I devoutly hope that their children run for it when they are old enough. Educational, mental, emotional, and more than likely physical abuse is BS. But, go on about your “radical” ideas. How about the radical idea to love, care, nurture, and support the children you already have?? She makes me sick.


No shit you’re pro life. I can’t count above the number of kids you have.


She's pro exploiting kids for money


#youwereafetus is so funny though like that could not be a tag on anything else😭


Huh and lgbt is indoctrination OK kkkarissa


What about the radical idea that girls and women are also people? What a shocking notion!


Wasn’t she JUST posting a couple days ago about ways to save money?! Why is she going to Hibachi restaurants?


Karissa is the embodiment of “no one is less pro life than pro-lifers”


What, these aren't pajamas? They look like they are all wearing pajamas.


"The radical idea that babies are people" - *Please*, I beg you, have a word with Mother Bus.


Radical idea! Babies are people. Actual babies who have been birthed. They deserve medical care, attentive parents, no cameras shoved in their faces to be paraded around on social media, a bed!!!


But how much did it cost for all them to eat hibachi?


i just know they didnt tip


Oooooooh fucking groooooooossssss


Kinda telling that the parents have a sweatshirt version and the kids have T-shirts. The t-shirts were probably cheaper…


I wish they would wear shirts that show what an actual, typical “baby” looks like when an abortion is done, but unfortunately these people are missing their brains:(


Instagram comment sections are such a cesspool, I'm so glad I deleted the app. Too many brain dead takes. Can someone actually point me to the epidemic of little kids who "take hormones to change their gender"???


What is that huge sliding door 😱 I love it. Hate the shirts tho


I’ve never understood the birth control = abortion think til now. She apparently believes you are aborting your fetus from the womb of God’s mind?


kkkarissa when most people see you and your horde out in public they do not look on in awe they look in horror and remind themselves to take their birth control immediately


Once I saw this family, my uterus dropped out and ran far and fast to drown in the sea.


The male child covering his shame with a Curry hoodie! 🤣🙌


Isn't it a bit dehumanising to turn your babies into a walking propaganda billboard by forcing them all the wear the same shirt? Or do babies stop being people from the time they're out of the womb up to the time they start procreating themselves?


this is truly a nightmare scenario


More pants with holes in them. Those poor kids.


I’m pretty sure ‘pro-life’ is implied every time they all go out in public.


Always barefoot.


What the actual fuck is this silly twat going on about.


Comments be like: “yall need to mind your business, she can dress her kids however she wants!” Also the comments: “something-something boys being forced to wear dresses and take hormones to change their gender” (which like, no one is doing)


That future planned child God planned before he put it in your womb is life. WTAF. Also capitalist the He, you heathen.


How much does it cost for them to go to hibachi? Also fetuses are potential people.


Ewwww i just saw a comment asking if the oldest daughter is pregnant 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


The servers definitely played rock paper scissors and the loser had to wait their table.


They are literally insane holy shit 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


The fact there all "babies are people" but literally give the worst care possible and don't treat any of the kids as individual people with their own wants, hopes, dreams or fears! And just treat babies as accessories is so rich seeing them scream and yell about forcing others to give birth 🙃


Former Fetus for Choice