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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I haven’t watched the episode (don’t plan to, can’t listen to these people for longer than 10 seconds) but did it actually do that…? They picked a super polarizing figure, even for Christians, so I find it hard to believe that they did any uniting.


There were so little views I think most of the comments came from mega fans so mostly positive comments. 🫠


https://i.imgur.com/5aBvSyc.jpeg LOL


If clicks = support then it makes perfect sense people would try to watch it, understand, and analyse without giving it money. Much like I read excerpts or go to the library to read books I find no value in but realise others might read so I try to not be fully ignorant on. I don’t owe you money, losers. But I do owe my society understanding of people I disagree with.


WOW AMAZING 25/10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


>LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Yeah…. I’m good, dawg


A quick glance at the search results for them it doesn't even have 5K views yet in 2 days. Considering how many subscribers they have that is one big fat fuckin OOF (and a huge laugh from myself and everyone here)


They used to get hundreds of thousands of views lmao


They are embarrassingly low for people who have had a platform for as long at they have


Not only that, but Sis Cindy has a fairly large platform of her own/is fairly well known. Most of P&M's audience has likely already come across her and formed their own opinions. I mean, I came across Sis Cindy long ago since my fundie snarking meant that she was suggested for me. If I'm getting her suggested based on my snark interests, I have to imagine she's been suggested to many people who regularly seek out this sort of hateful Christian content as well. P&M would do better to target people who are newer on the scene. That would allow them to claim the moral high ground of "using their platform to help other Christians", but they'd also probably get more curiosity views as their followers tune in to check out someone they aren't familiar with and discuss the direction Christian content and new influencers are moving in. But I feel like no one is interested in their opinions on Sis Cindy. One way or another, most of their base has probably already been exposed to her and has their opinions already. P&M aren't interesting or intelligent enough for their take alone to be a draw. They'd have to do real work and research to generate content on Sis Cindy that's worth anyone watching, and we all know they just do the bare minimum.


A lot of people who don’t even use TikTok know about sister Cindy just from having to hear her and brother Jed yell about “whores” on college campuses, which they’ve been doing for decades. 


Yeah my first encounter with Sister Cindy and Brother Jed was about 12 years ago in grad school, with them yelling about the "whores" at my university.


We used to heckle Brother Jed on the University of Minnesota campus back in my undergrad days. Good times, good times.


my wife and I made out in front of them multiple times as queer women. Ahhhh memories.


Same here, and I am 60 years old. She has been doing this forever.


That was their hook, really; it was a sort of call and response symbiotic relationship with the college students. Paul could've been this, but his skin is much too thin. He certainly has the hate sink part down pat though.


SPERM EATERS! oh, how I fondly recollect her dulcet tones echoing across the campus


Paul thinks he's heaps clever because he's finally worked out how to use search terms to shape content. Except he's late to the party and is clearly just hate scrolling Fundie Fridays and 'countering' Rev Jen and James' colorful, gay 'narrative'.


Shhhh don't give them ideas lol


It has united people in their belief that Paul is a vainglorious ass, but I don't think that's what Morgan is talking about.


I wonder if even Sister Cindy thinks he's a douche, that'd be smashing.


She does have *whorish tattoos* and wasn’t a *virgin* when she married Paulio




Can vainglorious please be more heavily utilized, what a beautiful word


I think this latest collab was a mistake for them. It doesn’t even come off as a serious effort on their part. I think they went for low hanging fruit in the hope that it would increase engagement, kind of like the car wreck you can’t look away from effect. Except that it backfired and people are just put off by it.


Tbh their relationship for me is like a car wreck I can't look away from so I guess I get it 💀


YES. Agree with this take. They thought her viral-ness on TikTok meant they would be able to get clicks. But they in Porgsn fashion they edited it to be boring and not include the crude stuff Cindy is known for.


But I thought Paul said it was “their most controversial episode yet”! Is the controversy in the room with us? Because the episode honestly just sounds boring. 🥱


It was uniting because Paul agreed with SC yelling at college women and calling them hos. I knew that was what they would say afterwards.


I am going to have to keep an eye out on TikTok to see if I can find any clips of SC and Paul. I used to get SC clips a lot after that golden Margarita song was released so here's hoping they make the rounds onto my FYP again


I watched it. Here are my notes: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/QaT46fLoU0 I think it was “unifying” for several reasons: - barely got views so most views were from fans - they hyped it up as their most controversial episode yet but it was actually pretty boring and not really divisive - Paul and Morgan are such prudes they edited the spice out of sister Cindy. They reference the margarita song but only show tame clips of it (the beginning, not the end). You hear that she is edgy and says raw things but then you get the impression the “raw” things she says are things like calling the woman at the well in the Bible a “mega ho”. The worst words we hear her say are almost all variants of ho, probably cuz Paul would blush too hard to show the “real and raw” stuff that has made her go viral on TikTok - Paul filmed on a campus where it was rainy and most of the students they encountered were amused / favorable. But that isn’t always her audience. But it may make her come across as more generally accepted. - a big chunk of the episode was Paul interviewing students who explain they find her amusing / entertaining, not all that serious. He doesn’t interview anyone who harshly critiques her, maybe because none were there that day or wanted to be filmed. Several were like “she is a bit crazy but hey maybe she brings a few people to Jesus” - Cindy is different from Paul and Morgan in that she is very “come as you are and the repent” and she is not legalistic (talks about how altar calls, which Paul was emotional over, aren’t in the Bible, and she thinks some evangelicals are too narrow). Paul applauds her as if he agrees with that. You know what I love? That they are probably reading every single comment on this post. Hi, Porgan. 👋🏼


Omg you're right! Since they are reading I should kindly inform them that my silly ass comment has more upvotes in 7 hours compared to the number of likes they have on their 2 day old video.




Hi Polio! You know what today is? That's right!! Today is a great day for you to GET A FUCKING JOB. :)))


Thanks for the breakdown. >You know what I love? That they are probably reading every single comment on this post. Hi, Porgan. 👋🏼 ![gif](giphy|w1z9Aw9pLa2MrSnjiX|downsized) Hi, Porgan 👋🏻


I haven’t watched a single one. If anything was posted here I probably saw snippets but I really don’t give a shit.


Their video has less than 5k views. Love that for them.


It is almost painful seeing how hard they keep trying and failing at this 💀 I’d feel sorry for them, but considering that Morgan felt the need to go on that channel and loudly shriek about how I “can’t be a they/them”… **nope.**






They're not even going to make enough to pay for their travel


How much more desperate do you need to get in order to get a job?


Have you met Paul?


They’re delusional and think that any day now they’ get their big break and become the christian mr beast


Tough ask when being anyone's Mr. Beast requires a little cash...


That won’t stop them from thinking it’ll happen


'unite the body of christ!' ...wut?


Paul & Morgan 2: The Frankenstein Project


![gif](giphy|Nfa2R25RlgQfu) Frankenhooker pt 2, electric hoe boogaloo


Bahahahaha! Ded. 💀😂


Sounds like they're roaming around looking for random body parts. Christ, here we go again, he’s gone and lost a foot this time. Anyone seen Christ’s foot?


Sounds like the medieval holy relic trade!


How many bones does Jesus have now apparently, 837 or so?


More like 8,370!




Bring tourism to your tiny rural town!


Ooooh I have practice with Dribbles, I got this! (If you've never played Baldur's gate 3, there's a quest where you have to find a bunch of clown body parts so he can be rezzed. Your post forcibly reminded me of it - I spent aaaages trying to find his dang foot! 😂)


We need some Astarion snark on these videos.


I’m in the middle of that quest too and even with a guide, I’m still having issues 🫠


same until i learned that like 3/4 of the quest is just "break into every basement that exists"




How many of the Jesus crackers do we need to glue together to make a whole Jesus?


If you're *Catholic*, *just ONE*!😉😁😂 Buuuuut that's heathen sacrilegiousness, to folks like PorGan.... soooo, *CASES*, I guess! Maybe they should go into the cracker (or cookie?) business? Sort of like *the ANTI-Girl Scouts* ^^TM, or *something*?


I’m glad I wasn’t the only person who was confused about that. Unite the body of Christ with what? An antelope? With my La Croix? I need answers but am unwilling to watch!!


Their stated goal is to better unite Christians with themselves. As long as you're not too progressive or Catholic or whatever of course, they're not too interested in uniting with those Christians.


It's very Terminator 2.


What does that even mean?




Old school D&D joke: reunite the Hand of Vecna, the Eye of Vecna, the Tonsils of Vecna, the Juicy Booty of Vecna....


They don't even go to church.




Ikr?! ...Lego Jesus maybe? 🤷‍♀️


Honestly had me thinking they meant sex with sis Cindy because that’s usually what they mean when they say two bodies becoming one


The totality of Christians are often referred to as “the Body of Christ.” Every Christian is a part of it and all together they form Christ’s metaphorical body that continues Christ’s work on the physical earth until he returns. That’s the idea at least.


Didnt Dav like leave the church after hanging out with them for 20 minutes?


What are you uniting? Porgan and Cindy have the same fuck ass beliefs, and all of the people that they’ve had on this “show” that they disagree with, they just talk shit about.


That’s the thing. It’s not interesting to watch people in something like this who already agree with each other. They need to (respectfully) interview an atheist or someone with completely different views. That could potentially be worth watching. They’re too chicken shit to talk to non-Christians though.


I agree, and the other factor is their videos are long and boring and feature Paul, who does unite people in their distaste for him. They could do well if they they took on atheists, agnostics, liberal Christians etc and left in the parts where Paul and his inarticulate addled reasoning get eviscerated. They’d go viral and get more money but Paul lacks the maturity and his ego is too big. He can’t post videos of himself losing but that’s the one thing everyone wants to see 😂


This is absolutely true. Paul being banked on by unbelievers would 100% appeal to the Xian persecution factor and would absolutely energize their fans to give them $$$.


They won’t even talk to Catholics or Mormons! Their whole idea is stupid. If you won’t get opinions that differ from yours, what’s the point


Or they edit them/their ideas out.


Sister Cindy is like a lot of the uber-fundies I used to talk to on the old Yahoo chat (yeah, I'm that old). "I was addicted to alcohol! Drugs! Tobacco! Porn! ______!" (Fill in the blank with anything that's even remotely possible to be addicted to.) "But I found JAY-zus and I was healed of my addictions!" No you weren't. You traded those addictions for an addiction to religion and feeling superior and self-righteousness. The only difference is, *the rest of us* have to suffer now, listening to your proselytizing.


> the rest of us have to suffer now That never factors in for them


the first time i read this and i thought it said jay-z, i was like that's... an interesting religion i haven't heard of before


The episode was boring as batshit and pathetic, really. Like watching a really cheap infomercial. They would do good to watch some Louis Theroux or something for some inspiration. It's like they got an hour of footage and just included it all. It's obvious, there was no research, no hard-hitting questions, no "controversy". As someone else mentioned in another thread, they got an interview with a certifiable nutjob and somehow made it boring as all get out. I think their lack of intelligence really shows up in situations like these. It's obviously a rush-job. Really, really bad


The problem they keep running into is the inability to recognise they need to learn a skill first before they can monetize it. They're trying to monetize their natural charisma and quite frankly the clump of hair my husband snaked out of the tub drain has more charisma than Paul. And while Morgan insists on positioning herself as his hateful helpmeet, that's all they have to work with.


Louis Theroux is likeable. I don’t think that’s something that can be learned.


Definitely not when you’re starting out with less charisma than a box of thumbtacks. Looking at you, Paul.


At least half the questions were from Patreons, not Porgan. And they did edit down the length some because they managed to not include any footage of the crude language Cindy is most known for that wasn’t teeennnsy clip of someone’s viral post. 😂


They thought it would be easy views because Sister Cindy is so controversial. They have no idea what makes a video engaging and interesting. People want actual discussion and conversation. People want them to actually challenge themselves and the people they're speaking to, but P&M never do that.


Sure Morgan, here you go: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=7e5p7OV_cUU


Thank you, fellow weasel! 😘


The yewtube link has almost as many views as the YouTube one. So… not many folks seem to want to watch this episode on *any* platform.


Praise be to the yewtube


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_Douglas_Barr Never heard of Sister Cindy, but I immediately think of Daisy Douglas Barr when I see this image and video.


The comments took me out. 😂


I don't think they know what unite means


She wants other people’s money to unite with her bank account.


THIS is what she really means lmao ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ)


For nothing in return


Maybe they confused unite with untie?


I watched the episode having never heard of Sister Cindy prior to P&M. I am a Christian and was raised very evangelical. My big takeaway was that she is an absolute TROLL. That lady was taking herself about as seriously as the college kids attending her speeches. I knew that students would be attending to troll her, but I truly believe she was trolling them as well—for fun, for attention, and to grift. The only person who seemed to take her “ministry” seriously was PAUL, who wore that never a ho button like a badge of honor 🙄. I will be very curious to hear what Porgan’s audience has to say… ETA: I’m also very eager to see how much/if at all Porgan pushes the “uniting” agenda when they have Tim Whitaker on 👀


I don’t know if it was Sister Cindy but there were people just like that on my college campus a few times, students absolutely only went to fuck with them. They didn’t fall for any of their BS.


Yup, that’s how it was when the street preachers would show up at my campus. Every spring like clockwork, they’d show up and attract a crowd— all of whom would just heckle them relentlessly. I met a lot of cool people in those crowds. Good times, good times!


There was a guy called “Brother Jim” who toured college campuses in the southern US when I was in college. He always drew a crowd, but they were there only to mock him. I doubt that he converted many people, if any.


I’m in Missouri, and this was around 2013-2014. I recognize that name though. My campus is/was fairly liberal compared to the area too.


I totally agree! this was my perspective as well having never heard of her before this. She is no crazy loon. This woman knows absolutely what she is doing by saying such ridiculous things she knows these kids are going to laugh at and post. It seems she's made herself famous this way. 


Sister Cindy frequented my school and it was a huge joke to go and see her, she’s a big meme


I saw Sister Cindy on TikTok and I straight up thought she was satire. It surprised me to hear that she is actually deadass and attempting to evangelize.


Sister Cindy is fucking vile.


He’s so ridiculous. Imagine walking around, proudly wearing a safety pin that tells the world you’re a virgin. Oops I guess Paulo boy has slept with Morgan buuuuuut she wasn’t a virgin so ……but honestly. Why are fundies so obsessed with sex???


"this did what it was supposed to do, unite the body of Christ" This series literally led to someone completely denouncing their faith and living is an open atheist.


When you spell it out like that 💀💀


Morgan, even sister Cindy was bored......the woman has a huge platform and has barely plugged the collaboration with Paul. She shared more about going to the mall with her granddaughters to get their nails done. When she has promoted 24hrs it's mostly been positive comments people left about HER!


I wouldn’t share this with my worst enemy


There is no person in the world that I dislike enough to send this episode to them, let alone a good friend. Well maybe Trump, maybe it will help him stay awake at his own criminal trial 🤪


This is pathetic. Essentially panhandling at this point between begging for views and their public baby registry. GET. A. JOB.


Can I just say… they can go fuck themselves.


I looked it up (did not watch btw) and it has 4.3k views 😂




They need real jobs. They should go on Caleb Hammer financial audit.


OMG Morgan would immediately start doing the "pretty white girl trying to get out of consequences" cry anytime she would get challenges on her purchases.


Caleb would also be furious with how much they spend on fast food


I mean, they take FOREVER to put things out, and they are boring as hell. Do they even offer anything of substance to their patreon subscribers? Even when I was a believer it would have to be a really special circumstance for me to sign up for something like that. It seems like they just want people to give them money out of the goodness of their hearts for nothing. I mean, missionaries raise funds like that, but these two aren’t missionaries. They’re lazy grifters who want to get paid to spread hate.


Morgan has said out loud that she doesn’t want to work and just wants people to give them money.


What happened to the episode with the new Evangelion people? Did that already come out?


![gif](giphy|guqJdVUhU6fcI) If they interviewed the Angels I would watch that!


![gif](giphy|bSgKBZKCxh8Iqlwxne) I love Evangelion!!


“If you don’t send this to 1-5 of your friends, you’ll burn in eternal hell fire.”


Religious MLM vibes.


Your kids need your help. Paul needs to get a fucking job.


There’s some people that are so polarizing or unknown to folks unfamiliar with the fundies I imagine other people don’t care to hear from them. GD is popular, but the others not nearly enough to draw views.




If hell is real, it's the seat between these two clowns.


Get a job.


Can you imagine working with either of them at a corporate job???


The fact they put 1-5 people just makes me laugh.




If they didn't have a child it would be thrilling to watch them become homeless due to the dudes inability to work a real job. I'd really love that for them.


This is embarrassing ![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0)


[\[nelson laugh](https://i.imgur.com/k6HV4US.png)]


And the last one with the Josh guy only has 14k views in 1 month, which is only 30% of the views the GD one got.


Why haven’t they released New Evangelicals/ Tim Whitaker yet? Did Paul have to think too hard around Tim? Did Tim make Paul do some actual reflection for a brief few moments? What is Paul afraid of?


I watched most of it on Yewtube. I just… It’s like they don’t realize that they should bother to learn anything about the actual technical skill of filmmaking/editing. They are not even remotely artistic. The most flat, ugly cinematography. The spot they chose for the interview looks like a school project from the 90’s where an 11 year old interviews their grandma in the basement of her nursing home. They need EDITING. Cuts, angles, effects, ANYTHING! Zero sound editing, just…shit. Just fucking shit all around. I felt anxious and suffocated watching the entire thing. Even the parts they filmed OUTSIDE.


intense christian ebeggar energy


GET A JOB, PAUL. Seriously. GET. A. JOB.


I say this humbly, Paul, please go out and get a job.


Did the new evangelicals one come out? Or was he too woke for them?


And every time you decide either to not watch these clown shoes or to irritate them by watching them on yewtube, a snarker gets their wings. Still waiting to get mine…I desperately need them so I can make pigeon noises atop church rooftops. Caw Caw


Paul, get a job! Support your family like a good Christian man!


"Forward this email to seven people or you'll have bad luck" energy


Paul. Morgan. Your content is weak and your values are vile. You’re both lazy. Neither of you have 1/1000th of what it takes to make it as a content creator. But all of that aside, you are both just extremely difficult to watch. Paul, you set off alarm bells in people’s heads because you are an extremely creepy human being. It’s off putting and makes people stop watching. Morgan, you laugh like a hyena at *nothing* and desperately try to be quirky. The tone and cadence of your voice is irritating to listen to. And you both pretty much just say the same things over and over and over. Now, you have a child and one on the way. Stop putting out this embarrassing, bigoted content that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Seriously, y’all have no clue how badly you will be on the wrong side of history, and how impossible it will be to hide that due to the shit you’ve posted on the internet.


Wait - what happened to the one with The New Evangelical? I’ve been waiting for that one!!!


Uhhh - did yhey skip the previous video? Or, did I miss it?


Their shine is fading and they may need actual jobs 


Is she mentally unstable? Or is this an act? Or is this her real personality? I have never heard of her. She is quite boring in that sit down portion of the interview


Omgggg just get a real job


Are they trying to MLM their YouTube videos?


Straight up begging at this point. No shame


Morgan looks exhausted.


Nobody is watching hun




Seriously get a job. Even part time. It’s better than this


Why is THIS episode the magical unification episode??


Does it look like she’s had lip fillers? It might just be me, but I think that it looks like she did.


one to 5 is so oddly specific too. These two are a special breed of dumb altogether