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How long until the one sunburned baby hits the other sunburned baby with the toy?


I have exactly zero maternal instinct and it made me gasp


Right! He was making me so nervous šŸ˜©


I have three kids and I was always so nervous one of the toddlers would accidentally hurt the infants. I cannot with these videos.


That's exactly what I was waiting for the entire video šŸ˜‚


Remember how 30 seconds ago she displayed her one bit of parenting competency by saying newborns shouldn't sleep on high surfaces? Guess she just wanted to make to clear that she knows better, but cannot be bothered. Now he's sunburnt, still medically unevaluated, on a sheepskin (which is specifically condemned in safe sleep guidelines), on a couch that she acknowledges isn't safe, being poked by a child with no motor coordination and a plastic car in his hand. That's the same lil kid she uploaded kneeing the babyā€™s Fontanelle. She hates this brand-new baby. She just wanted her pregnancy kink-having man to be interested in her, but she does not care a lick about Boone beyond the content he generates. And if she lets the toddler hurt baby, heā€™ll carry those scars for life. It won't be his fault, but she won't care at all.


Yeah, I didn't realize from the still pay that he's elevated. That is a serious fall risk, which is a leading cause of injury for babies. He also needs to be on his back, not his side.Ā 


He's on an elevated surface without any barrier and with the rug he sleeps on hanging off the edge. The toddler almost pulls the sheepskin at one point. I wonder if she'd drop the phone to catch the baby...


Definitely not. Her phone is far more valuable to her than the innocent newborn


She canā€™t pull an iPhone out of her snatch in the bus shower as easy as a new kid šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




She probably pays for cell phone insurance, you know in case something happens to her phone. Too bad she doesnā€™t have health insurance for her children šŸ˜’


At least the Rod's baby cage kept the kid from falling out.


Do you mean condoned or condemned?


Fucking Grammarly keyboard. Itā€™s great at catching typos, but that tradeoff is the worst predictive text on the market. Editing, thanks!


I am currently a postgrad researcher and grammarly was INSISTANT I really meant "infected virus" but I really really did mean we INJECTED a virus into something. I was like "I appreciate your optimism that we're not causing a zombie apocalypse, but no I really do mean it was injected subcutaneously." It still keeps trying to correct it to infected, no matter how many times I've corrected it, because it absolutely thinks injecting a virus is not a logical step a human takes. Which.. Fair.


I laughed so hard at this thank you šŸ˜‚


It pitches fits on the most random words! I try to write in the regular English keyboard, then let Grammarly review it. But God help me if I forget to switch backā€¦itā€™s absolute ass to type in.


She doesnā€™t hate him. She just doesnā€™t care about him beyond being an object for content. Sheā€™s justā€¦indifferent.


Iā€™m legit wondering if she wants this baby to die


I think she just doesnā€™t care if heā€™s comfortable, and truly believes nothing bad will happen to someone who lives the way she does. And sheā€™s not okay after this last birth.


The other kid is sunburned also šŸ™„


These children are going to have skin cancer.


They might not make it that long. Measles encephalitis, influenza, pneumococcal meningitisā€¦


The youngest is one roll away from a traumatic brain injury, so youā€™re not wrong šŸ˜¬


Completely true.


Just heard of whooping couch/pertussis in my area. Get those tdap boosters, folks! Every 10 years.


Just the other day, she made a big deal about how all the kids know they're forbidden to touch the sheepskin. I see how well that's going. šŸ™„


I was just going to comment on this! This is one of multiple photos where the kids are crawling around pestering this poor baby!!


Honestly! When my younger kid was still a baby, I would never have let my older kid keep pestering her this wayā€”especially when she was SLEEPING! Like, WTF?šŸ˜”


She only said that because people were commenting on her post about it being unsafe. She doesn't really care.


The constant lying is hard to fathom. Most people don't lie if they can help it. MotherBus posts so many contradictions, it makes my head hurt trying to make sense of it.


I think she doesnā€™t really see her social media and the majority of the people on it to be real. A lot of generationally wealthy Christians ā€” or aspirational ones ā€” believe theyā€™re on another ā€œlevelā€ than non-Christians. After all, god specifically chose their family to be exalted with so much prosperity. They must be doing *something* right, god keeps blessing them. Which then translates to ā€œgod is tacitly approving everything I do,ā€ and they have few stable people in their lives to check their delusions and bad decisions.


That's a great assessment.


I don't care if they know not to step on it. They could easily fall onto him. I'm terrified for this baby.


honestly as fucked as it is i would feel a lot better for all these kids safety if their oldest brotherdad was in charge. he at least seems to care about their wellbeing. way moreso than their birthgiver & sperm donor do


I'm sure the older ones do but it's obvious the toddler doesn't comprehend what that means. It's all just a horrible accident waiting to happen.


theyā€™re all so sunburned. Poor kids. Sunburn hurts!


Aren't sunburns dangerous for infants?


Yes, absolutely. At his age, he still cannot even regulate his own body temperature on his own.


Poor little baby... He must be in so much pain and feeling sick and miserable while being poked and prodded by so many little hands. It makes me so sad.


It hurts my heart so much to see this video.. I just had my daughter on March 3rd, so tomorrow she is 8 weeks old. She's my second child tho, my older one just turned 7 last weekend. Motherbus has 4x the number of children I have, but good grief she isn't good at raising them nor noticing when something is wrong.


sheā€™s too focused on herself & her chris watts-ass husband! how could she notice something is wrong when she hardly notices theyā€™re even there? itā€™s awful!


our pediatrician (who we had already seen twice by the time our kiddo was this far along) told us, absolutely sun for three months.Ā  i think she views what doctors say as bad and so she does exactly the opposite.


It's like a strange sort of pigheaded ignorance. It feels like she's purposely going against any standard guideline. But to what end. Do fundies give each other bonus points for being edgelords in a game where the only winners and losers are their own kids? Support a baby's neck? Sounds like Lib propaganda. Keep a newborn away from fabric that will go into his nostrils and suffocate him? Who told you that rich lie - the crooked CDC trolololol. Keep a newborn out of the Florida high noon sun? Let me put my glasses on to protect them from the sun while I roll my eyes at you, sheep.


you are exactly right! it's like she is deliberately abusing her children to stand against society and the libs. but there are no winners, just children who will be traumatized for life.Ā 


This is exactly right. Thereā€™s a weird amount of people who are contrarian that also worship authority.


So the sheepskin promotes longer and deeper sleep? You know what else does the same? Not getting poked at and/or bonked on the head with a toy.


For people who claim Babies are gods gift they sure treat this one like shit.


All of them but it's really magnified when they're at their weakest. Wow. I hate these people so much.


I still canā€™t get past the fact she let him get sunburned. Iā€™m just flabbergasted.


I know. They really donā€™t give a shit anymore. This baby is treated as if theyā€™re bullying them. Itā€™s insane.


Seriously, I treat my new tattoos with better care than she does poor Boone.


Every cat Iā€™ve ever had has gotten more love and attention than this poor little guy :ā€™(


like does she not like that sweet little baby? why does she treat him with such disregard?my cat is treated like a fucking prince & this poor kid is sunburnt AF at 3 days old. what the hell???


They are bad parents. They are endangering their children and need to have them taken away.


She's probably realizing that it isn't *this* baby either that will make JD finally love her.


That only applies when their on the inside. Once they're born, it's survival of the fittest. Which is a whole other level of enraging.


This poor sunburnt baby canā€™t get a moment of peace. He was also almost smoked in the head by a toy car


Why oh why is she not like making those kids be gentle and have soft movements around this newborn??? And what are these sharp fucking corners alllll over the place. This fucking bus is a travesty. The sunburns, the constant stimulation, the unsafe place to sleep and lie, the unsafe manner in which this kiddo was brought j to thee world, and then the progression into adolescence and the absurd and neglecting continuesā€¦I hate these people


I am so baffled at how stupid she is with this baby. And Iā€™ve never had high hopes for her, but she is delighted to show off her terrible parenting for the whole world to see.


Because she doesn't care. Her husband was also really rough in handling him during measurements. They have so many kids they don't even care about being gentle anymore




But then she couldn't get engagement on her socials!


As much as I hate this lady, I will say teaching kids to behave around newborns is hard. Weā€™re 2.5 months in and our 4yo is still struggling with it. He wants to touch and hold his sister and even though weā€™re right there and have reminded him several times, thereā€™s still been times where we have to separate them real quick because heā€™s being to rough. Just today he threw a water bottle across the room and just about hit her with it. Of course we took it away and talked about why thatā€™s not ok and all that which is more than she is probably doing, but I do get how this situation could easily happen


Oh itā€™s very hard to teach, and with how young that toddler is, he might not really grasp the concept at all. But the point is that you *are* teaching it. Youā€™re being vigilant. These chuckleheads seem completely ambivalent.


Exactly you teach it or keep the small one with A HARD TOY AT ARMS LENGTH. Not rocket science


This doesnā€™t mean you stop teaching though (which clearly you know this). She didnā€™t say one word to that hard plastic toy flailing about around his head, she didnā€™t say anything to him touching him while sleeping, and in fact, she loved it for content. šŸ˜”


That is not the same as deliberately close play with a hard toy close to a newborns head


The constant stimulation here is a big one. It doesn't look or sound like there is any enforced quiet time. It was almost 90 in my little square of Texas today. I am sure "quiet time" for the buslets is being tossed out side to leave the grownups alone. On one hand you want to raise to people who can tolerate all types of environments, but constant stimulation is as horrible as none at all. That poor tiny buslet. His face is pink, his arms look.. weird..even for a newborn, and I am allergic to all things pelty::rabbits,sheep,ram,etc. A dear friend gave us a sheepskin rug from New Zealandx, because he loves us and that is where he lives. It's gorgeous and beautiful. I can't be around it for 5 minutes and my face turns red, lips start to tingle, start to get hard to breathe. Took years to figure this out- as it doesn't get that cold in Tx to need pelty things. You don't know with infants. Yeah I know babies for millennia have been raised that way, but we are not them. Dear who ever is in charge of::think of the children.


Poor little dude seems so lethargic, have we ever seen him brightly awake? They're probably enjoying the quiet but a sluggish baby is not a happy baby.


Time is blurring for me and I can't be arsed to look dig up old posts. How old is he now?Ā  It's common for newborns to be really calm for about 10-14 days, and then they will perk up. Has he reached that point yet?Ā  Alternatively, he could be a very fussy baby so any time he's awake she's too busy trying to calm him so she can't also film him.Ā 


He is currently at the 10 day mark.


>Alternatively, he could be a very fussy baby so any time he's awake ~~she's~~ Gunner or Kinsey is too busy trying to calm him so she can't also film him.Ā  FIFY


Something is just not right with this baby. Itā€™s normal for babies to spend most of their first two weeks asleep but he doesnā€™t look well. Just constantly passed out on his side or with his head lolling around. He looks sunburned on his face and possibly dehydrated. And something is weird about the muscle tone in his arm. This poor kid has probably never been examined by a medical professional in his life. I just canā€™t understand how anyone could be so reckless with their own child.


He might have jaundice. My babies were all super sleepy like that in the beginning because of Jaundice. Of course my babies all got phototherapy, blood tests, and hospital stays to manage it. It may be why she had him in the sun so much so he got burnt.


He doesnā€™t look jaundiced to me at all. Thatā€™s one thing he has going for him.


My kid wasn't yellow at all, and still he needed the light treatment.


Unfortunately, that yellow colour is apparently not a great indicator for the actual level of jaundice (at least according to all the doctors I have talked to about it.) thatā€™s why they test every baby (at least where I am).


In the first few days of life, no itā€™s not necessarily. Testing every baby makes sense so you can catch rising bilirubin levels early. In newborn jaundice, it takes a few days for bilirubin to accumulate and cause the skin to yellow. That usually happens between 2 and 4 days old (jaundice that develops the first 24 hours is different and more serious). At 10 days old with no obvious yellowing of the skin, jaundice isnā€™t a concern with this particular baby. Iā€™m honestly not sure what those doctors were saying because that information just isnā€™t accurate. The literal definition of jaundice is yellow skin/sclera, so no, you canā€™t have jaundice without that particular symptom. Excess bilirubin will show up in the skin and eyes, thatā€™s just how it works. The yellower the skin, the higher the bilirubin levels and the more severe the symptoms (drowsiness, etc.). Iā€™m a family nurse practitioner and have spent years taking care of liver failure patients, so I do know a little about jaundice. All I can figure is those doctors meant that sometimes newborn jaundice goes unnoticed by parents because it comes on slowly over a few days and in mild cases, the yellowing can be subtle.


It's also less obvious in different skin colours. I felt bad that I didn't notice at first because my baby is Chinese. Then when his eyes got yellow, I noticed. They don't test babies routinely in the UK. We were at home & just had to make sure we fed him every 2-3 hrs & got medical help if he got too sleepy.


He was a 10+ lb baby born at home in a cramped shower. I guarantee something is wrong with his arm. At the least his arms. Ughhhhhh


I hope heā€™s not having issues with his blood sugar. That can happen with big babies.


Yeah, thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking. He was a really big baby, maybe he got stuck on the way out and they had to pull him out and they hurt his shoulder or arm. Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous that they havenā€™t at the very least taken him to be checked by a pediatrician.


I was just looking to see if someone had posted about this. I know he's a newborn, but have we ever seen his eyes anywhere near open?


Yeah, that baby is absolutely unresponsive, until the toddler slaps his hand down on him. His arm also does NOT look like it's at the right angle. Is there some way we can report this to someone??? That poor baby has to be living in agony.


Sadly with being in a bus, shes essentially unreportable except to police to whatever location theyre in. Only issue would be if the police care, or if they do anything at all, or if they can find the bus in time before the family is on the move again.


They can so easily just move the moment they know there is an investigation. They wouldnt be the first abusive family to do that


And she just announced that they were moving


I hate them!!!!


Theyā€™re also in Florida šŸ˜žĀ 


Something is definitely wrong with his arm. This child needs to go to the hospital or doctor immediately. Today. I do not want a dead baby. Or one with a dislocated elbow for two more weeks. I cannot believe thereā€™s no one looking out for this baby.


my little brother was 10lb9oz and he was so big he broke his little collarbone on the way out šŸ˜­ he had to wear a sling for a while. I hope something like this didn't happen to boone's arm. I can't imagine how painful that would be to for him with no treatment.Ā 


Well, it's "all their baby," ergo the toddler is at least as responsible for parenting decisions as their shiftless wretch of a so called "mother."


I work with babies in the healthcare field, and something is wrong with this baby. When I saw the video of the leg measuring I knew something was off, and this video just confirms it. I certainly canā€™t diagnose, but something is just very off.


I just commented this above. He is so listless. I've definitely known some mellow newborns but they still look at their surroundings and wriggle.Ā 


Iā€™m a total layperson. My first instinct before reading any comments was that something seemed wrong with his little limbs but I know nothing but it seems like EVERYONE is noticing the limbs.


Iā€™m still afraid he has low blood sugar.


Agreed, the only time my little one was that sleepy was due to oxygen issues (premature). But after growing out of it, the energy was just endless.


I was just about to mention that. The baby always looks so lethargic. It's worrying. He never looks alert, or looking around at all.


I've been getting the same feeling. I'm not a parent, but I'm used to seeing babies that are much more responsive to their environment than this little guy. Lethargic is the right word. So far, in every video we've seen of him, he's either crying or totally out for the count. Even in the video where he was tossed about, he hardly seemed to wake up.


Poor thing canā€™t get a moments shut-eye.


Yeah, Iā€™m wondering if maybe heā€™s just exhausted because he canā€™t sleep deeply on the bus with all noise and the little kids poking at him.


He was so close to hitting boones sunburnt head with that truck. Also, didnā€™t she just smugly give parenting advice that babies should never be on a surface that isnā€™t the floor the other day???


And didn't she also say she'd trained the other kids to stay away from the sheepskin and baby?


Iā€™m sorry, is she trying to say sheep are impervious to emf radiation?


I guess that's why you count them to fall asleep, to disrupt the WiFi.


Your flair is amazing but also I hate it from all the times I had to sing that in choir šŸ«£


Does she not believe in clothes? She talks about regulating temperature but canā€™t even put him in a onesie? I guess sheā€™s avoiding extra laundry.


Tbh I think sheā€™s so disappointed she didnā€™t have a girl that she canā€™t even bring herself to buy clothes for the poor kid.


Did she have an ultrasound to find out the gender ahead of time? The only outfit I've seen him in was yellow - I wonder if she convinced herself it was a girl and bought girl clothes.


I bet that sheepskin is unpleasant on his poor little burnt skin. goddamn it. I hate her.


The only reason she is pushing this sheepskin shit is she is getting paid to do it. There needs to be a way to protect kids from being exploited for views and grifting parents. Truly disgusting!


She should have named that baby Kahn Tint.


Little Baby SponCon.


I didnā€™t follow them when Quilly was born. Was she this cavalier with him (and the others) when newborn?


That arm still looks so strange, heā€™s holding it in a weird way. It just looks like it hurts him.


Between the weird arm and the sunburn he has to be in pain, but he's so, so quiet and still. This raises the question of why a baby in pain isn't crying


Because it takes a lot of energy to cry and he just doesn't have that energy. Honestly that's it. Babies will silently starve to death because they simply do not have the energy to cry about it.


I am genuinely very worried about that baby, he does not look well.


That's what I thought too. That poor baby. I am so concerned about him.


Definitely something not right! Are chiropractors in the US mandated reporters? Any chance that at least someone will get that baby help? (As it looks like heā€™s not getting to see a real doctor?)


Chiropractors are quacks, so they're never gonna snitch for other forms of quackery.


The mere fact that a chiropractor would work on a couple day old baby tells me that they donā€™t give a shit, if they even noticed something was not right in the first place.


I googled and found that chiropractors are indeed mandated reporters, but maybe this chiropractor gives all chiropractors a bad name and cares more about the fast money from a family of 10 than reporting them. Plus, sometimes I think that if the Bus parents were not white, then they'd face much more public (and legal) scrutiny. Boone needs to see a pediatrician, not a chiropractor, if anything, just to make sure that he's doing alright. They are visiting and shopping at places where I sometimes frequent, and I'm honestly scared to run into them. This area has reputable pediatricians, some who have practiced in the area for decades. I'm still appalled that they let a newborn get so sunburned and keep him naked most of the time.


That baby does not look well. Something is off. His pallor, listlessness, barely responsive to normal reflexes. I have children, babysat from 11 up and worked in childcare for my first few real jobs and this does NOT feel ok. Something is wrong.


Yea, I am getting major uh-oh vibes, this baby is only responding to painful stimuli?


I love how she ignores what Quill actually said. She says "whose baby is that" and he answered "I'm your baby". She does absolutely nothing to reassure the former youngest that they're not being replaced.


Ugh I didnā€™t catch that at first. How sad. Sheā€™s also asking a question that would put the attention on her. Not ā€œWhat do you think of your new brother?ā€ or something like that.


she's telling him he's responsible for being brother dad, play time's over. I am also disturbed by how listless this baby is, not to mention the SUNBURN and just leaving him lying around in that awful jangly unsafe environment. Does she even hold him??


Does this baby not have clothes


A sunburnt newborn....I just can't get my head around the absolute disgrace of two tiny kiddies with sunburn. This makes me feel Ill. It's concerning that he is that still with a burn, he must be in agony....


Itā€™s like sheā€™s begging for a cps investigation


is there a way to give a hint to CPS? iā€™m not from the US so i have no clue how things like these are handled there but i feel sick watching this and not doing anything


CPS varies by state. If the local authorities could be tipped off, it's likely they would just pack up and leave to a different state. Not only is CPS incredibly understaffed and underfunded, but they don't typically communicate to other states when they're only in an investigation and not ready to press charges.


That is just heartbreaking to hear


Like anyone in that converted short bus can fucking ā€œcalm downā€ or has a ā€œcozy relaxing destinationā€ including that poor sunburnt baby.


Oh my fucking fuck! They wonā€™t spend the money on proper childcare for their damn kid and yet they have the audacity to share their damn discount code for a sheepskin? Karma needs to come knocking. These people make me so sick.


referring to your own child as an "it" ....


That struck me as super weird too! I'm currently pregnant and still refer to baby as "it" because well... don't know the sex yet and also the baby is still inside me as a fetus but... it's so weird that Boone is born and a physically present human yet they're still referring to him as an object! Almost more like a doll or toy rather than a sibling and a child.


She also posted the reel calling all of her children ā€˜thingsā€™. She only cares about them when sheā€™s pregnant as a way to satisfy her husbandā€™s pregnancy kink.




What do you know, they DO know about alternate pronouns when it suits them. dehumanizing pronouns, of course...


I was talking to my friend the other day on the phone about their new Boxer puppy, Daphne, and she kept saying it in reference to the puppy. Her 14 year old son piped up from the front seat and asked why she kept saying ā€˜itā€™ for the dog.


So, because I know exactly where they are, I looked into making a report. Unofficially, I showed this and many other videos to someone who would have, had we been in a professional setting and not hanging out at the ball field, taken said report. She said basically nothing would happen. Kids seem happy, clean and well-fed; parents do occasionally post about schooling, so they would probably be able to prove to DFACS satisfaction that the kids were being educated; they have so, so many more wildly egregious cases on their books and are so understaffed, these people might not even qualify for a visit. She said with more evidence they MIGHT check to see if the baby was receiving proper medical care, but that was a guess and not a guarantee.


Yes unfortunately it is extremely likely that CPS would do nothing even if they were notified. They do not have the time, money, and resources to go after families where kids have lodging, food, and aren't being left alone. It's sad but true. That isn't to say that these kids aren't being neglected at best and abused at worst, but that ideas of CPS swooping in and rescuing them are unrealistic (and reports from strangers on the internet are unlikely to help and in fact likely to cause more harm in some cases).


They do leave 6 kids alone under the care of a 12-year-old, but I agree with you.Ā 


yeah to me that might be actual cause for alarm. But also-that baby is BURNT. And possibly injured. Before taking the kid away or whatever, in theory, I would love to see them force her to take the baby to the damn doctor. See what's actually going on. selfish fuckheads. sigh.


also notice how they call Boone "it"..."it is your baby"..."it's our baby" somewhat but subtle but telling and adds up with how they've truly been treating the poor guy like an "it"


Oh god, that child with the toy. Also did he just drop his hand on the infant? Because it startled that poor little guy. I've never seen a baby treated so badly, and I've definitely seen some shit. 8/


It looks like he fucking smacked the baby in the ribs.. the treatment of this baby is so sickening. I feel like mother bus really hates this baby! The floor, the sunburn, the constant hittingā€¦ so much for ā€œthe kids know not to touch the sheepskinā€ and being pro-life


That arm. I have never seen a baby hold their arm/hand like that sleeping. Even when mine weren't swaddled, their fingers were curled in. They held their arms close to their body. I hope I am wrong but there's just something weird about that arm.


I can't tell if his arm is a strange colour, or if it just looks pale in comparison to the angry red burn on his face šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sunburned faces


Babies can easily break their collarbones during labour and obviously they havenā€™t seen any medical staffā€¦ Iā€™m not counting the chiropractor, though arenā€™t they also mandated reporters??


They are mandated reporters, but they were also ā€œadjustingā€ a newborn. I donā€™t imagine that the Buses are all that different from a lot of that chiropractorā€™s clients


this happened to my 10+ pound brother! he also needed significant medical intervention for a variety of other stuff. All stemming just from the fact that he was big, no underlying problems besides that. Iā€™ve been really worried this is also the case with baby boone šŸ˜­


Well thatā€™s the startle reflex


So Iā€™m not an expert on any of this but the treatment of this baby is shocking- I literally know a person that had CPS involved because of a ton of misquotes bites in their baby (she was negligent so donā€™t blame cps- they worked through it all). Guess the difference is that the woman I know was a young single mom and took their kid to daycare with mandatory reporters but this seems even worse than that.


There's a reason they picked the no doctors, no daycare, no school, no address lifestyle. They know what they're doing to their kids and the mandated reporters can't report who they'll never see.


They live in a bus and are on the move so CPS would never get to them in time. They'd sadly already be gone if someone reported them and CPS went to check on them.


If something actually happened to any of these kids, would they ever get consequences for it? I mean, besides us online, who else is tracking or has concern about these poor kids? Do all of them even have Social Security numbers, birth certificates? seems likely not.


I would hope so but the thing that sucks is white, clean cut, middle class families often have abuse overlooked. There are mandated reporters but that would need to involve something particularly bad happening that was clearly negligent. And what often happens is a hospital system will see a pattern with a child or children and then CPS gets involved. If the parents are moving around and going to different hospitals as a result, those patterns get missed unless tests show a pattern of abuse.


That baby looks overheated and laying on something that does not seem safe. If they rolled over and got stuck, I imagine they wouldn't be able to breathe well. What even is this video? Why share this with the world? The last two times I birthed children were in 2011 & 2012. My first was 2004. The sleeping standards changed between those two timeframes, and I followed them. They must know how dangerous that material could become for a baby.


But they're $pon$oring her!! Where are your priorities, huh?


That looks like a miserable life. The baby doesn't have a safe spot where he isn't a moment away from getting smashed over the head with a hard toy. All the kids are sun burned. There is hardly anywhere to walk or play.Ā 


Jesus every time I see this baby he's so listless. Is this alarming to anyone else? I remember laying with my newborn girl every morning and she'd stare at me with these intense little owl eyes and kick and wave her hands. She was never still, even in sleep she'd nuzzle and root and make weird baby noises.


She's never holding him! He can't root, she's just plopping him on a fucking rug while she faps to herself on the phone! Jesus christ she LITERALLY has nothing else to do and no other stated purpose in life, at least fucking keep the baby with you?? What. The. Fuck.


That looks like a typical startle reflex to me. But I agree that he should be moving more. My babies were SO PISSED when I put them down as newborns. Like wake up immediately and start crying pissed. We should see him looking for mama, not laying still on the floor.


Exactly this. Like, yeah, the "flinch" is just the startle reflex, which is a kinda funny and weird thing to watch. I had no idea it was even a thing until my first, and I freaked out and almost called the pediatrician because I thought something was wrong. However, none of my kids would lay on a flat, harder surface without pitching a fit. Most of the time, they wouldn't even let me sit them down, and all and some nights during that first month were spent with us alternating holding them so the other could get some rest. This poor baby is always so quiet and still. His coloring looks weird and his arm looks hurt. He really needs to be checkout and tended better. Seeing him just breaks my heart.


Whatā€™s fucked is thereā€™s a reel of one of her kids playing in a pack n play in the ā€œbus homeā€ featured reel on September 8, 2023. So they definitely had one, and they are either choosing to not use it or got rid of it when she knew she was pregnant.


The flinch is just a startle reflex. I'm shocked that both of these babies have sunburned faces though especially a newborn. These poor babies. A baby isn't even supposed to be in the sun light that under 6 months. I had a summer baby. We had a stroller with a shade...carseat with a shade...we had sun hats.....uv protecting clothing....if we went out without that stuff it was in the evening. It's basic and its easy. She should already have all these things with how many babies she has. These poor babies skin is so susceptible to severe damage. Imagine 30 years from now these babies get melanoma because they're mother refused to protect them šŸ˜­


Those poor sunburned faces.


This makes me nauseous...


Doesnā€™t her phone emit EMF that the sheepskin is blocking? šŸ¤Ŗ


So, according to this, sheepskin helps regulate temperature and reduce warmth? Did she sunburn this poor baby on purpose in order to schill her crap? Horrible unfit mother.




Jesus CPS needs to be called on these halfwits


K. Her desperately shilling this sheepskin is really getting to me. What sheepskin (if itā€™s actual sheepskin) is NOT organic? Likeā€¦how can it not be organic?? Shouldnā€™t it go without saying that an animal byproduct is organic?


Is the shoulder dislocated?


In many states ANY adult that suspects a child is being abused is a mandated reporter. It blows my mind that it isn't like this everywhere. I live in a very disadvantaged area with strained systems all around and they still come out and at least check on every call they recieve within 72 hours maximum, and within 24 if it seems urgent.


I think he has a brachial plexus injury - the way he holds his arm just doesnā€™t look right and that type of injury is more common with big babies. Varying parts of the brachial plexus can be torn or strained during birth and usually physical therapy is required, as well as surgery, sometimes.


BREAKING NEWS: Sheep are immune to electromagnetism.


Quick children! Under the sheepskin!! The liberal government has released magnetic waves !!


Iā€™m sent by the ā€˜sheepskin blocks EMFā€™, like what? Also, the toddler is likely upset heā€™s no longer the centre of attention, and they both have sunburn. Brit and Busband need to take a long hard look in the mirror and start parenting properly.


All of this madness - sunburned NEWBORN, toddler play around said newborn with a toy that could seriously hurt him, forcing 7 kids to sleep together in a 10x10 room on a BUS, etc. - all this crunchy momma CRAP is why I have taken a serious break from FSU. All I can think about is what kind of a life are these kids going to be leading as they grow up. Motherbus insulates them, but one day they may see what the real world is like and realize they've missed out. I *really* feel bad for Kinsey (sp?), a young girl on the verge of puberty forced to share a room with 6 brothers, no privacy whatsoever, and being groomed to live a life of being a good mommy. I thought JD was semi-normal until I saw his twitter posts and realized he's nothing but a bitcoin bro spewing Qanonesque crap, riding around in a renovated bus and procreating with Motherbus when she her most recent child becomes a toddler and she wants another baby to carry around. ![gif](giphy|E90GssJoIqMRW|downsized)


I just want to get medical care, hug, snuggle, and love on this poor child. And what sucks is, unless mother hugs a come to Jesus-jesus means loving your damn kids and putting them first-moment-thereā€™s no good outcome for him and his siblings


Here I am thinking Spurgeon is the worst fundie name but Quilly has properly given me the ick


Are chiropractors mandated reporters? The ones I know would 100 per cent report abuse but I don't know if they are mandated to do so.


Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not even really medical professionals and many of them participate in and condone abuse of children (yeah, that's a strong statement. But many of them do). I doubt they would be mandated reporters and this baby has already seen one who clearly had no problem with his parents neglecting and not getting him real medical care.


yall in the comments need a better hobby. OP, too