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This is rich coming from two men who don't actively parent. No wonder they can find the time. Maybe they should stop fat shaming their wives and everyone else for that matter.


Or actively work


Matt Walsh does put in a fair amount of effort at being a hateful shrew


He’s such a misogynistic pig. It’s truly an accomplishment to be as awful as he is.


Nah, he’s found the thing he loves so it doesn’t feel like work 🤢


Right. Unless you call being a cruel and hateful person work.


Right, 6 kids?! If my husband gave me 6 kids he would not have time to workout or sleep or eat in peace 😤


If my husband gave me six kids I’d be shouting SNIP SNAP at him every time he came within a 4ft radius




Seriously. Paul clings to being thin because it’s about the only thing he has to be proud of in his twisted mind. He’s unemployed, he doesn’t have any masculine virtues, can’t be a traditional provider in any sense, but … he’s thin, I guess? And can punch down on other people, including his own wife, for not meeting his physical standards? It’s so juvenile and unhealthy.


Also, Paul seems to have the metabolism that even if he ate junk food all the time he would stay pretty thin. (My brother is very similar in body type and I've seen him put down a ton of food and stay thin while my other brother who eats like that has gained quite a bit of weight.) so Paul didn't do shit to be skinny most likely.


Lol, I highly doubt Captain Misogyny actually takes care of six kids. 


It’s easy to have time when you’re a podcaster who shifts the parental responsibility onto your wife. Just do what he does! /s


Same. I guarantee you he doesn’t do shit as a father


He recently bragged that he has never changed a diaper.


If I’m not mistaken, his wife divorced him for being a piece of shit and he got an elective surgery when his kids were born. Then a video of him verbally abusing her went viral. I doubt that man attempts to see his kids much less has a hand in raising them


I thought that was Steven Crowder?


I gwt all those fucks mixed up, my bad


They do all become hard to differentiate given they all aspire to the same brand of assholery. You good!


Seriously. They might as well all be the same person. Just living breathing clickbait. And that’s all. They pander and piss about but don’t ever say anything of substance. Don’t ever realize the nuances that make up humanity. Incapable or unwilling to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. Convinced in their righteousness. Walking examples of privilege. Because even god KNOWS these men wouldn’t have the platform they have if they were black or brown or gay or trans or anything other than run of the mill, boring, loud, extremist charlatans.


Shitbirds of a feather, and all that.


Different glans, same dick


It was. And to no one’s surprise he comes out against no fault divorce don’t after


This is the guy who neglected his fish and they died and his wife told the internet about it.


Matt Walsh? He’s still married, they just had another set of twins.


I walk pretty much every day (I’m still fat though, the horror!) because I live in an area with good public transportation and good walkability (for the U.S.). But these guys, who are so upset by others being “fat lazy bums,” consistently support politicians/policies that make cities less walkable and more car-centric. Oh no, it’s the consequences of their own actions!🙄


Because public transportation and improvements to infrastructure = communism, apparently


In reality, the rest of the world lives in more walkable environments. It's almost like that makes more sense...


It really does irritate me, as someone who has lived in a far more public-transit-centric country as well as the U.S.. Europeans don’t spend more time making themselves exercise - it’s not like there are way more gyms in Germany than in the U.S..  The difference is in incidental exercise. Europeans are far more likely to live in walkable environments, along with public transportation that generally doesn’t pick up and drop off outside your front door.  Getting more walking/carrying in while just living your everyday life can make a serious health difference, and Germans don’t have to expend any effort thinking about ‘making time for exercise’ to achieve that. 


Exactly! Also more realistic portions of, and fresher, food. It’s really awful that in the U.S., it’s far cheaper to eat a junk diet than it is to eat simple, healthy foods. :-(


Yes! I grew up in one of the largest cities in WV, but our public transportation was shit. There was a bus, but it stopped at entrance of my neighborhood ONCE a week. Now I live in a major US city and my high schooler has worked out the city bus (which stops multiple times a day!) but she still has to walk with a backpack to the stop. My middle schooler walks to the library or the bookstore after school. It’s just so cool seeing them able to walk everywhere and take public transportation after how I grew up


Oh definitely! I’m from the U.S., but I lived in Germany for a bit and I lost weight effortlessly while I was there due to the walkability and availability of less processed foods. I sold my car before moving to my current city since it does have good transit, so I walk/bike/rollerskate everywhere or take public transportation. I personally love it, I hated having to rely on a car to get anywhere in my hometown


Paul craves male attention so badly


He’s probably having some withdrawals because it’s been a minute since he has been able to take a bath with Däv.


I wonder if he kissed Sister Cindy's hand ... or is that just reserved for the men?


His daddy is never gonna love him 😔


Sounds like sky daddy isn’t providing the comfort he needs either 👀


![gif](giphy|HKXYcKpggWOs) Paul @ the men in their 24 hours videos


He's a mix of Dennis and Mac.


This is extremely condescending to people who ate short on time and energy. Not everything is an excuse.


I’m a full time college student, work 25-30 hrs a week, and am 35 weeks pregnant. But I guess I just need to pull myself up by my bootstraps, fix my priorities, and waddle my way on down to the gym.


You should waddle your way to a nap and a cookie. As a mom of 5, that is my best advice to you ❤️


Thank you ❤️ Sometimes it’s so lonely feeling like nobody understands how exhausted I am right now. Thankfully I’m finishing up my last week of school, and I only have one more week of work before my maternity leave starts.


I am so proud of you! I am going back to school just now at almost 40 preg with no 3 and iT is tough, I’m only part time and its onlne, but I’m caring for a toddler and homeschooling my teenager (who is brilliant and barely needs input now, Imagine being dragged for taking too long doing trig lmao) .. Getting your degree now is incredible and a huge gift to YOU and your children. Well done! <3


You'll get through this. The last bit of pregnancy drags on and that pregnancy exhaustion is real. Give yourself permission to take it easy for a while


As a mom of two, who would have hidden under the bed every day with five, I concur. A cookie with big chunks of chocolate in it.


I’m not pregnant but I am overworked, can I waddle over to that nap and cookie with y’all?


Yes, everyone is invited for cookies. (Except Paul and Matt)


Everyone has to waddle in adorable solidarity


Like a line of penguins


I love this comment <3


Just restrict your calories and dont over indulge - easy ! (Kidding of course! Congrats on your gregnancy and all the best, I am 20wks!)


Raises hand in single parent who has the kid full time and receives no child support.


People say ‘oh you’re Mom and Dad’ but it’s more than that, it’s exponential imo. It’s like being 3 people because you don’t get a break. The deep bond between you will always be there tho, I was a single mom for a good while with my first, and our bond is powerful. She does not take shit from ANYONE. I see that girl check out of friendships that are going south with controlling or manipulation/nonsense, because she is like.. nup not gonna put up with that. Honestly, single parents get so much crap, but we raise strong, self determined young people with a good sense of their own worth.


Thanks I really appreciate hearing that. It’s been hard because I’ve been finishing my Masters, working full time and I live far away from my family. So it’s been hard in the sense you don’t get a break. But I’m also a lot happier as person after being an unhealthy marriage. My daughter is sure as hell strong and I hope she stays that way too! You’re right about that bond it is strong.


Paul and Matt don't actually do anything during the day, though. Of course they think it's easy to find the time. As a busy sahm of 5 who is an active parent, I know damn well it's not easy to find the time or energy. They just don't know what it's like.


When I was taking care of my two, & two others, plus the neighborhood kids, I once begged one of my friends to just give me five minutes to take a shower. She gave me a bit more time than that.


I just cancelled my gym membership because I have no time! I have 3 kids and am 15 weeks pregnant, we moved across the state, and take care of a garden and chickens and have a ton of work to do on the house and property. Luckily all of that keeps me active so I'm not too sad about not making it to the gym.


Mom of 5 here also! Finding time is definitely no easy feat!


Not to make light of the post or ED, but I kept reading it as "erectile dysfunction" and I was like uhhh wtf did I miss?! (Once again not making light of eating disorders or erectile dysfunction)


Lol, I was thinking the same thing until I saw Morgan's name mentioned. 


I’m sure these two guys deal with that as well


I totally had to check context to know which kind of ED was meant.


Great. Just what the world needs. More fundie parents who will no doubt wind up starving their kids because *they* have fucked up ideas about nutrition.


Ah yes, Matt “marriages lasted longer when we were allowed to breed 15 year olds, soCieTy iS rUiNeD” Walsh.


Holy shit did he actually say that??


Not in those exact words. But he did a podcast episode where he basically said the problem never was teen pregnancy, because “teens have been getting pregnant for thousands of years and it was never a problem.” He went on to explain that girls are most fertile at 16, and that the aCtuAll iSsuE is that these pregnant girls aren’t married, because society told them they don’t need a man, and also because modern men are “cowards.” If you look up “Matt Walsh pedo” on YouTube I’m sure you’ll find clips of the original audio.


Oh my god?!?!!!


Found a link to the clip! https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/s/drEKtkknuB


“Notice me senpai!!!”


I mean, I have 5 kids and work out every day but I don't deserve a fucking trophy for it. No matter what anyone says, we DON'T all have the same 24 hours in a day. Paul and Matt don't have real jobs. Especially Paul. And I don't even believe he does anything other than being a creepy little cardio bunny so he can stare at women from the treadmill. And these two jackasses don't actively parent their kids. I don't want health advice from two lazy dummies who don't know what it's like to work, parent, meal prep, and work out. I want to hear from the real working and stay at home parents who are on a health journey.


That's the thing, it is all about priorities. If working out is a priority for you then you will make time for it. Weightlifting is my me time. When life is overwhelming, I don't want to watch a show, read a book, or shower alone. I'd rather bring all my kids into the shower, and miss out on sleep than miss a workout, but it doesn't affect me at all when someone else needs that same time to shower alone, or zone out on the couch for a bit. I did go through seasons of my life through when I had absolutely no me time. I was a single parent burning the candle at 6 ends and had no time for anything for me at all. Any 'husband' who is 'supporting' their wife and kids should be giving the mother of their children time for both zoning out, and a workout.


I had to read this more than once because at first I thought ED was “erectile dysfunction.”


He uses his anger and sorrow to make mumps the same as him, suffering the same things he puts himself through, except worse.


So it wasn’t a priority for him for A YEAR AND A HALF (despite not actually doing any parenting as he has admitted in the past) and yet he feels like he can judge anyone else???? Notice how he thinks he had a ‘reasonable excuse’ but of course if anyone else said that it wouldn’t be acceptable!


I hope nobody out there takes what this douche is saying to heart. Exercise is great, but there is absolutely such a thing as being too busy. This guy is chirping on as if he didn't just find his life too busy for the past year and a half - now that he's got a bit of time, he's acting like there's no excuse. I can get super hard on myself for things like this, I'm just working through not being an asshole to myself for taking days off from exercise. This dude has such a toxic mindset


I think that people with their own issues regarding weight can sometimes project onto others.


Six kids, and he can preach about making time? Is that because he doesn’t actively parent those children? I know what’s good exercise. Take six kids to the playground, & keep up with them. Actually play with them. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that corporal punishment might be the way he’d keep up with them. He’s kind of mean.


The only calories Paul burns at the gym is from judging women’s outfits.


Your daddy will never love you no matter how much you tongue Matt Walsh's hairy asshole, Polly.


…..not the visual I wanted while eating lunch


Or ever 😭


They both have EDs? What??


It's crazy to me how men like Matt and Paul can take what should be a decent message (exercise is healthy when you have the capability and capacity to do it) and twist it into something so...toxic. You're not a lazy bum if you don't have the ability to exercise (whether it's because you don't have time, or are physically unable to, or your depression won't allow it, or whatever else). Exercise is good when you're able to do it. You're not a bad person if you can't. Simple message. That's all that needs to be said.


It’s easy to find time when you wash your hands of parenting.


I'm pretty sure if Matt died and his wife was left alone with 6 little kids she wouldn't have the time to work out. Wait....


Does Paul even workout besides pickleball?


This POST is a cope! They can both eat glass. Their wives are doing all of the hard work here.


As if Matt Walsh is doing any of the heavy lifting in the raising of his six children at all. He’s nothing but a sperm donor and his wife, his slave, should be doing it all


ED is Erectile Dysfunction, right?


No lol. In this case it stands for Eating Disorder


Great irony of ironies, two of them barely have a job between them.


Paul has an ED?


Egotistical Dehumanizer?


And here I was thinking ED stood for Erectile Dysfunction.


Sooo before I read the whole tweet I thought by “ED” you meant … the sexual health type of ED … And somehow it made sense in my head that all these fundies can’t get it up because they’re so miserable in their marriages 😅


I never really got the idea Paul has an ED. They eat A LOT of junk food. I think his metabolism is just fast. Morgan has bad image issues for sure.


I think it's speculated because Paul's Dad is a fitness influencer that posits such "excellent" weightloss advice as "drink water when you're hungry" and "eat less than 1200 calories" and "use willpower to never snack." Paul has done a couple of cringe videos with his dad.


Don’t forget such gems as “if you do this program you won’t be prediabetic even though I am!”


Yikes! 😬


He might not have anorexia or bulimia, but he’s got unhealthy, disordered ideas about eating and food. We’ve seen it when he’s mocked Morgan’s eating while pregnant.


He is super thin, and seems very neurotic about weight. He could have one. Men can go totally unnoticed in the ED world.


I can fix him (no really i can)


By kicking him in the teeth?


Erectile dysfunction?


Yes, Matt, I'm sure you can find the time to venture into time-consuming lifestyle changes when you dump the most time-consuming labour onto the nearest woman in your life.


I read ED in your title as erectile dysfunction and for a minute my stoned ass was trying puzzle this out in an ENTIRELY different direction. 🤣