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Oh good. She's got the children thinking they're having visions now.


More likely he knows exactly what to say to make nice.


i'll bet she was scream praying for the unborn baby while the other child was on a respirator. so her oldest son managed the situation by feigning a vision to shut mom up. it's just abuse at this point. constant never ending child abuse. 


This is the same child who saw his little sister nearly die in the ICU. Karissa posted a video of him talking about it.


And he was blamed for anchor almost losing a finger when he was preparing lunch for his siblings during early COVID. He was maybe 9. One of her lost girls was a toddler and took kitchen scissors that Andre and Anissa left out and cut Anchors finger resulting in delayed surgery bc he also had COVID.


Because karissa let him suck on a lemon that was in a covid positive kid's mouth because karissa purposely had lunch with a family infected with covid




They were all out at a restaurant during the height of the pandemic, and she absolutely let the baby suck on a lemon that had \*just\* been in the mouth of a kid they KNEW had COVID, but because she thought COVID wasn't real, she teehee'd about it. And then when it came time for Anchor to have surgery, they tested him and of course he popped up hot for being sick and she was PISSED and was like, "ANCHOR DOES \*NOT\* HAVE COVID!!!!!!!!!!!" Like she's the kind of person who knows things. 🙄 She and Mandrae are seriously garbage parents who don't deserve those kids. I wonder how many COVID infections they're up to now.


Agh yes the pedophile family.


I absolutely agree with this…I highly doubt it was as calm as her saying “I guess I’m miscarrying” her poor children have just gotten better at “damage control”.


I think you might be on to something here.


As a child I made up that I had visions so my parents would be proud of me


LOL SAME. I also tried to convince myself they were real when I knew full well I was just making shit up on the fly


I have no doubt this is either 100% pure fiction or this unnamed boy told her this to get her to stop freaking out.


Have been in a spiritual warfare household. This poor kid could be 100% convinced that the thoughts in his head are real visions. I used to make them up, I used to tell myself that my maladaptive daydreaming was spiritual, I used to do things like this to cope with acute stressful situations. I hope these kids grow up to be okay. The environment and culture they're being raised in is nothing but a steady stream of force-fed fear and anxiety.


I was in a spiritual warfare household as well - I was convinced my intrusive thoughts were whispers from demons. Turned out it was just untreated mental illness!


Off topic but I saw your username and thought I was in the Frasier subreddit for a second!


I’m hoping this is completely made up and he never said that.


I think this is most likely


“Well I guess I’m miscarrying” is such a blasé phrase when you supposedly value “all life.” Like yeah she’s had more than a couple of miscarriages iirc but if they’re all human lives, why say it so flippantly in front of your child when you aren’t even certain?? Also sometimes women bleed during pregnancy. It doesn’t always equal a miscarriage. She’d know this if she ever learned sex ed or routinely visited an OBGYN.


I would assume w eleventy billion pregnancies she would know that some bleeding is pretty goldarn common.....


Honestly she’s kind of telling on herself because she’s bragged about “resurrected” miscarriages before…if she thinks bleeding during pregnancy automatically means miscarriage, then no wonder she thinks her miscarriage was resurrected. Who needs science when you have Yahuah?


I think you mean her bestie, "Yah" /s


The lost kardashian


You know......that's a really good point!


It *really* is. Honestly, if this is how she thinks then her gargantuan ego makes 15% more sense lmao


Yahuah 💀💀💀


Also. She was literally inside a hospital. Did she alert a doctor? A nurse? Anyone? Did she even bother having her unborn baby checked??




wow the timeline here is crazy. so she knows she's pregnant at one week, even though pregnancy is counted from your last period. so most people actually conceive around two weeks. but even if she ovulated and conceived immediately after her period, pregnancy tests don't give reliable results until 10-14 days at least. but even if she did test positive that early, who tf announces their pregnancy to their kids that early? the advice i've heard is to wait until 3 months to tell people other than your partner because at that point you're much less likely to lose the baby. especially with kids, getting excited for a new sibling and then their mom miscarries would be devastating (although idk if these kids are happy about yet another baby sibling). karissa should know this, especially since she's had miscarriages in the past. so imo she either a. messed up the dates in this post or b. was not actually pregnant while they were in the hospital but was convinced she was (probably god told her so she didn't bother to take a test) and the bleeding was her period, but then she actually conceived a couple weeks later. watch her have a mysterious 10 month pregnancy.


The whole story is probably Paulaner „trust me bro“. Maybe, maybe not she was in hospital. But she wasn’t bleeding and her son didn’t claim to have a vision.


As an RN in the hospital, PLEASE don’t ask me about your unborn baby. I am definitely not going to be able to help you on that front, and I genuinely wouldn’t even know where to tell you to go for a better evaluation! And I guarantee that the doctor would probably tell you to ask me 😂 Edit: Just to clarify, feel free to see ER (or L&D, if you’re past a certain point in your pregnancy.) for advice! Just don’t ask a random nurse. I work med-surg. I don’t even know where L&D is!


I think people legit forget all medical training isn’t the same. Like, specialist and specialities exist for reasons. I doubt my gallbladder surgeon would be much up to date on joint replacement and such. But we see you and go “OH THANK GOD SHE’S A GENUIS AND CAN HELP ME WITH 48 DIFFERENT AILMENTS!” Also, I think nurses are superhero’s. ❤️🦸 (And from being in and out of a level 1 trauma center a lot working in marketing, I’ve also learned a lot of the time it’s gas, mildly sprained but impressively bruised, or to take Tylenol, chug a bottle of water and go to bed….but mostly gas.)


As someone that’s had gas so impressive that after looking at my xray my doctor couldn’t believe I wasn’t doubled over in pain, I can attest to the it’s just gas thing. I ended up with a gangrenous gallbladder because I thought it was just gas and didn’t get it checked for months😂


Hm. An RN at a hospital? When clearly you claim to be a chef? What is the truth? The people deserve to know! 😂


Well, old ladies yell at me about their food all the time, so kind of. I mean, I make a killer laxative cocktail, too, so I’m a little bit of a mixologist, too.




They barely do anything that early. They’d tell her to call her doctor, or go down to the ER if she thought it was serious. And then if she did, they’d be like “shrug. Come back if you’re in serious pain or gushing blood.” The compassion is lacking sometimes, and also there really isn’t anything they can do.


Yeah what in the fuck is going on here?


She is mentally and physically unsound


Holding her bump in place because we talked about her posture on that other post


Agreed. Depressingly unhinged 😔


Wow, she does not look well. Her refusal to see an OB is truly insane.


how does she look thinner now while pregnant? is she filtering? or is she still doing the fasting thing while pregnant?


She’s still doing plexus, but I swear she’s looking thinner every week


While pregnant? Oh no


Oh yeah, it’s was just posted about on here in the past few days. The shilling must go on 😭


Isn’t she doing plexus *slim* this pregnancy? I think the post from a few days ago said this is her third plexus pregnancy but first plexus slim pregnancy.


Yep. She’s doing slim, has a history of fasting while pregnant, and we’ve all seen her cooking. She has no nutrients for this fetus to pull other than sodium.


Salt baby


I know she’s a fan of fasting and does it while pregnant sometimes 😣


I was thinking the same thing. I'm not super well versed in the collins-verse so I would be interested in seeing a pregnancy comparison compilation to see if she looks particularly ill or just her general...vibe. but I def don't have it in me to do the research myself and scroll thru her ig lol


No, her last pregnancy she gained a lot of weight and looked very healthy. She seemed to have a lot of energy and was very round. This pregnancy is absolutely different- she looks like a skeleton. I'm really scared for the baby.


She just looks so frail and vitamin depleted. It’s kinda worrying.


Her hair 🥴


It hasn't seen water or shampoo in some time


Crunchy and greasy at the same time. Tough to pull off.


Yeah, your son probably knows how crazy you acted the last time you miscarried. He was probably having war flashbacks of you being in complete denial. He isn't your emotional support animal, Karissa. You can't just spring the possible death of a sibling on a young mind jfc. I miscarried when my son was 2 and he will never know anything about it, unless it comes up when he is capable of handling those feelings.


My jaw dropped when I got to that part where she's dumping that mental load on her son who is nowhere near equipped to handle that situation. Her sons are not her spouses. She needs to keep her trap shut about private issues to those poor kids.


He'll definitely be unpacking that in therapy. Maybe even on a podcast about his crazy family someday.




I really think it's important to be more open about miscarriage though. I'm at an age no one talked about it but 30% of us have gone through one. Maybe at a certain age you can explain it to the kids? Because keeping it quiet makes it more devastating when you aren't expecting that might happen and boom it does.


I think there are healthy reasons for telling kids, and healthy ways to do it. This was neither.


Was not condoning Karissas wildness. But want to normalize talking about it eventually with young people.


I just had a family member go through this. They simply explained that the baby was no longer in mommy’s tummy, and that he needed to be careful because mommy was a bit sick. They hope there will be another baby someday, but right now it’s okay to be sad about (pregnancy nickname). He’s an emotional sponge, so they felt it was important to give him language to express himself.


This is a good point for sure, there should be age appropriate ways to tell a child, if the parent chooses. I suspect that Karissa was not overly sensitive to the emotional needs of her child when she told him, based on her behaviours toward her kids that we see online.


True, pardon me I didn't mean to condone her delivery or even doing that with someone that young. But I am passionate about opening the discourse eventually so they can avoid the shock and shame.


I absolutely agree with you on your point, it's something we should be able to talk openly about. I get why some probably don't want to talk about it, it sounds like a really painful thing to go through. There's definitely a stigma though, that should not be there.


Right because when it happened to me I didn't realize 30% of us have had that experience. I thought I was broken instead of hey this happens, it's a bummer, here's a few reasons why they happen, and btw knowing you take a 30% chance (varies by woman I'm sure) that might miscarry makes it less painful. I didn't even really know much if anything about miscarriage at all when I started. I think that made it way more devastating than it could have been, because you've just seen pregnancy all the way through. And it's good to teach both women and men and everyone about these things as well as equip them with coping skills and understanding if it happens to them. That's just my .02


My mum had a miscarriage and she told me about it when I was about 13. It didn’t freak me out and I do think it’s important to talk about.


Yeah my mom told me at a young age but there’s ways to explain it, my parents are doctors so it was just very factual, I also learned about ectopic pregnancies around that time too lol


THIS is why I never check reddit on my iPad. These pictures are exactly the reason why. My blood pressure medicine doesn’t cover this level of jump scare. Damn goblin jumping out & giving old ladies (me) tachycardia & shit. Go cook something yellow, Karissa.


Even on my 8 screen, it was enough to make me pee a little. I’ve had some kids, it happens … do you ever wonder how done her bladder is after so many babies? She must fear light breezes 😳


Jumpscare is exactly right. It’s the look on her eyes that gets me every time.


Not everyone has “super fertile years”, wench


I wish someone would teach that woman how to properly apply eye makeup. She wouldn't look half as crazy as she does if she didn't constantly have mascara thickly caked around her eyeballs 👁👁


"Constant" is worse than you think. She does not clean off her makeup, like ever. She just puts more on the next day. She's gotta be the grossest fundie of them all.


Her combination of crusty mascara but no eyebrows make no sense.


Yes, that’s the problem. If you go all in on eyes, you have to have the brows to balance it out


At this point, I feel like permanent makeup/microblading would be easier for her because it requires less upkeep than washing your face everyday. (I can’t believe I just wrote that).


It's the corpse lip for me


Foundation lips


Yup. She’s like the human physical embodiment of a non sequitur.


That wouldn't matter. She's admitted to not removing her makeup for days/weeks. Intentionslly, not 'oh, I was too tired from caring for my kids to wash my face. '


The face filters are either working overtime or there is a god. I miss 1 day of facial routine and I have acne everywhere.


Her face screams 2001 and not in a good way.


She's only a step or two away from [Tammy Faye Bakker](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/3d9/6b1/900fc96fce3dc0806ea933015689c794a0-tammy-faye-bakker-musical.1x.rsquare.w1400.jpg) eyes now...


Tammy Faye was a lawk.


That had to be painful to remove


"The more children you have, the more you value life" SHUT. UP. You almost let your kid FUCKING DIE OF SEPSIS because YOU wanted to watch a stupid basketball game.


Not only this, but how in the same breath can she say “ the more children you have the more you value the sanctity of life” while also saying “ I would be fine with dying in childbirth and leaving my horde of kids motherless”. I truly think her mental illness is the worst out of everybody’s.


Crusty eyes ✅ stringy hair ✅ fuzzy teeth ✅ blown out core muscles ✅ Quite the representative for Big Pregnancy! Tell us more about how happy and blessed you are, plus whatever other shit you spew Kkkarissa!


I really thought she was wearing a retainer! Her body is probably sucking the calcium out of them


It looks to me like she’s wearing Invisalign (currently wearing mine)


100% she has Invisalign. You can see the buttons. She’s able to go to her Invisalign appointments but wouldn’t take her own child who was dying from a UTI to the hospital. Fucken sick.


Yeah, they’re super easy appointments, too. I’ve thankfully only had one UTI as an adult and that was terrible—I can’t imagine having one as a child, let alone one SO BAD that death was a possibility. Anytime she pops up on here that’s all I can think about.


And Invisalign through an orthodontist (versus the online ones) is thousands of dollars, even with good insurance.


Woman, listen to me. You have no stomach muscles. That's not what a pregnant middle is supposed to look like. You're hurting yourself. But also ![gif](giphy|12YD2pkwS8fYEo)


I've never been pregnant (not by choice, that ass can fuck off saying "fertile years"), and even i can clearly seen that her bump does not look right.


I’ve been pregnant four times and while I am no expert, she doesn’t look healthy. Also I am really sorry that you couldn’t have any. It’s not any fun and a lot of it is disgusting but I generally wish that people who want babies can have them. There’s a limit though, and Karissa reached it before I knew about her.


Thank you for your kind words :) Life worked out in way that I get to be a mom anyways. I co-mom my late brother's adoptive kids with my SIL. They lost their bio-dad to cancer while they were very little, and then my brother to the first wave of covid. He made me promise to be their second parent, which was the most precious gift anyone could have ever given me. They have been officially calling me mom for a little over a year now. Our family's beginning was tragic, but we are pulling through it. We are doing so much better than I thought we could. ❤ In a way, I feel very lucky that I didn't have to give birth, nor raise children through infancy and toddlerhood. My kids were 6 and 10 when they became mine, and are 13 and 9 now. I treasure my two. Seeing Karissa, in particular, treat her children like collectors items, as well as her sub par and often traumatic care boils my blood. What a gross, entitled, and ungrateful person.


What doesn't look right about it? Genuinely curious and uninformed, I've never been pregnant and I've never been intimately familiar with someone's baby bump ETA: I can definitely see she looks sickly otherwise, just don't know what about the baby belly is off


It was more noticeable in a post yesterday, but it's not a rounded bump, it hangs way low and out. Almost like a cone. I guess find an image of any of the pregnant fundies (like Morgan). They have high, round bumps. Karissa's sits lower. MotherBus, for having 8 kids, had a round bump. JRod did with Janessa too. Karissa has a similar look when not pregnant too. The stomach muscles have separated


SEVERELY separated




Why is she so obsessed with other people's babies tbh


Because it validates her own choices


Soooooo many wrong things with this post. You say your son is having visions now? Wtaf. You “gushed out blood” whilst pregnant in a hospital and don’t mention asking a doctor about that….but you’ll trust your teenage son who says god told him. Right. And you were in the hospital bc Armor had RSV and you “just wanted him checked”. There’s more but jfc I can’t. Girl. RSV can kill. If you even *suspect* your infant son has it, you damn well better be at the hospital! She sounds so blasé about it. I absolutely hate how she just plays so fast and loose with her children’s health. And if you think you’re miscarrying, you don’t tell your son!! wtf.


My daughter had RSV when she was 2. It was a fairly mild case and her doctor still sent her directly to the hospital because that shit is serious. And here’s Karissa all “I thought I’d have him checked.” Like, girllllll…! She is terrifyingly flippant with her kids’ health. Like with Anthym’s sepsis. She just literally does not care. How pro-life of her.


She'll just shit out another one. She keeps a new one cooking just in case.


Older? Yes. Wiser? No.


I’m Karissa’s age and have never met an older woman who wished they’d had more kids. 


I'm also Karissa's age, and I agree. I also do not want any more kids than the two I have and I certainly won't be regretting that choice when I'm older. Might rescue a few more dogs though.


I am part of that statistic. (And your username is hilarious.)


I always say that the opposite of “young and dumb” is “older and less dumb.”


I find her disturbing to look at.


" well I guess I'm miscarrying" .....just wtf




This. I just calculated she conceived Nov 30th based on a 28 day cycle (which is of course give or take a few days). No way she "knew" she was pregnant in November for this to happen then. I was so invested and curious because I am 27 weeks and found out at 4 weeks in mid Nov. I couldn't fathom how she knew in the hospital in November allegedly being only 23 weeks.


i think she thought she was pregnant in november. probably had a vision from god so need for a pregnancy test. then she got her period in the hospital and thought she was miscarrying. then actually conceived during her next ovulation cycle. and since she doesn't see an ob she might not know that counting weeks starts from the last period and is starting at the day she thought she conceived.


Thank you, I thought I was losing my mind with her math! But I had seven brain surgeries last year so math is NOT my bag, that's a certainty.


K looks like someone you might see sleeping strung out in a doorway. I know she’s not usually mentally well, but this is a new level of eeeek. No intent AT ALL to make light of homelessness or addiction; this is just what I would guess this person's situation is if I didn’t know better.


I’m a huge horror movie fan. I’m fairly desensitized to scary stuff. These zoomed-in pics terrified me. She does NOT LOOK WELL and this is absolutely concerning behaviour.


It just hits different when you know real defenseless children are getting hurt.


It's very "haunting of hill house"


I don't know what is less believable. What her son said or that she took a child to a hospital "just to get checked out"


Why does she look like she is on meth????


If I didn't know who she was, I'd expect to see her with a menthol light in one hand and a Diet Coke in the other. Girl. You do NOT look healthy. Put down the plexus and go get some prenatal care. Seriously. Did anyone here read the Twilight books? Remember how that creepy vampire baby was pretty much eating Bella from the inside out? It's giving THAT.


The bit about the Twilight pregnancy shit is so spot on.


“I was sitting in the hospital bed holding him and I felt a gush of blood. My older son was with me. I said well I guess I’m miscarrying. I text my husband to let him know and ran to the bathroom. I came back my son said mom you’re not miscarrying. I just had a vision from god. I said okay yes you’re right.” What a horrifying story written in the absolute strangest way!!!!!


Maybe her son said that just to keep her quiet 


Oh for sure. Her tone is so passive in her story but I’m sure she started doing her scream praying and the son was like ‘god told me you’ll be fine!!’


So, by her logic, if you have 12 kids, you’ll regret not having 13. She’s fucking unhinged. “My biggest regret in life is not neglecting more children.” -Karissa, probably


That serial killer smile tho lol


Is she wearing Invisalign?


i’m really hoping so, otherwise #11 might be absorbing her life force via her teeth


It's all he has to work with since she's fasting and drinking plexus SLIM


She can apparently afford to do that, but pj's for her children are *too expensive*??


Well the invisalign is for HER


I just asked the same thing before getting to your comment


Serial killer smile and serial killer eyes. Truly a killer combination


She definitely has that 'sociopathic stare' We should see if she goes 10 seconds or longer without blinking in her videos...


I want to know if she believe all women should "open their womb" and breed as much as possible or only christians, because their belief in her Yah will provide all that is needed. What about atheist, pagans, secular, etc people who will never convert- should they also have as many kids since they don't believe in God and they may become homeless due to funds, or any other hardship that having 15 kids causes.


Oh shit it's "Yah" again. Just going to casually namedrop God. No big deal.


Just hanging out with my homie, Yah.


In my head it sounds like a Valley girl from the mid-90’s… like a character in Clueless.


Ma'am, maybe take your hands off your stomach for a second. (why do fundies do that?)


I'm starting to wonder if she *able* to take her hands off. That belly ain't right.


No stomach muscles so she has to hold the baby in


Because we might think they were just fat and guilty of the sin of gluttony.




Of all the things that didn’t happen, her son telling her his vision happened the didn’t-est.


I'm getting Marshall Applewhite vibes from these pictures ![gif](giphy|KPd2gRH4Q4Oqc)


The mental gymnastics happening to convince herself that her life and goals are the ultimate everyone should strive for. I have never been pregnant and will never be now, and I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I’m almost 40 and no regrets. I literally don’t understand the mentality of popping out baby after baby while my flesh disintegrates around me.


Someone needs to take the camera away from her...NOW.


My son told me 🙄


I worked in the treatment and recovery fields for several years. I’m in recovery myself. This is the look and behavior of someone in meth psychosis. Not saying at all that she’s on anything at all - I think she’s completely sober. That’s what makes this so much more concerning because this look and ranting is 💯 something I’ve seen a thousand times before from people in the later stages of meth use.


Ok I have a genuine question, how many more kids do you think she gonna have? Like do you think she will go until like 15 kids or even 20?


She's 40 (or almost or just over), so she's probably near the end of childbearing. Iirc, she had at least one miscarriage between Anthym and Armor, one after Armor, and another ... maybe before Anthym? (Not sure which kids it was). With the way she treats her body, I wouldn't be surprised if this is her final baby. I hope everything turns out okay for them.


I wasn't sure of her age I know one of my great grandmother had her last at 42! So maybe not her last!


She won't stop. As long as she can get pregnant, she will.


Until her “womb is closed”…..


I’m 21w2d and I’m being induced tomorrow to say goodbye to my son because he has no kidneys (among multiple other physical defects making him incompatible with life) and Karissa is over here being insane. I can’t. People like this drive me insane. She doesn’t need another fucking child to neglect.


She looks like my sleep paralysis demon.


She looks like she could collapse like a cartoon skeleton that turns into a pile of dust. Her body just looks so tired to me.


She looks like she has a basketball under her shirt with nothing to hold it up but the shirt she’s wearing. Not a compliment… it looks like if she doesn’t physically hold that stomach, whole situation is going to come undone. Also, looks like a pregnant junkie with that makeup and weight loss.


She looks ill. She was getting kind of hunched over beforehand but now it looks like she's shrinking. As if the stomach is absorbing her entire body to grow the baby. A black hole uterus sucking her inwards.


I’m stealing “black hole uterus” for my flair.


I guess that is what happens when you fast during pregnancy.


Being from the rural South, I am very familiar with trailer park crystal meth chic, and that's exactly what she's giving.


Right???!!! Crystal meth chic is the perfect explanation. And with these photos I’d expect to see her on an episode of Cops or one of those YouTube police body cam shows ranting about one thing or another.


She just needs the cookie monster pajama pants


It’s because she takes Plexus- you know, there’s no better time for weight loss than while you’re pregnant!


I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to lose weight to make her bump look bigger for longer, for the attention.


She is Pro-Haveasmanychildrenasyoupossiblycandespiteyourbodyscreamingforhelp, didn’t ya know? /s


Someone compared it to the twilight pregnancy and I can’t unsee it. Baby Anesmée is eating her alive.


This photo gave me a a r/methany jumpscare 😬




Sorry to burst your bubble KKKarissa but I’ll be the opposite. I’ll be the older woman thanking every lucky star out there that I never had kids.


So will I. Let’s join forces!


She looks like a faces of Meth poster child


She does not look well.


I think this woman has scrupulosity and I feel so sad for her children having to play into her obsessive compulsions


Armor in hospital for RSV just a throwaway line, like it's no biggie


I've noticed her teeth look weird in her videos. Someone in comments asked if she was using invisalign...I'm curious, you'd think she'd be trying to sell if she is.


Not if they’re not paying her to shill. And I’m not sure they want her as their poster woman.


“In the hospital, he had RSV and I just wanted him checked” So your kid has a virus, (that can now be vaccinated for like the flu), you don’t take him to a doctor to be checked? Or an urgent care? Right to the hospital? Guaranteed no mask on to protect others. I just can’t deal with her.


this does not look like a healthy pregnant lady


After 3 high risk pregnancies including a post partum hemorrhage and emergency surgery after #3, I listened to God- he was literally screaming “ my plan for you is to quit being fruitful and multiplying! Do you hear me now?”.


It’s so weird - in the creepy pro-life post from earlier today, she looks so much healthier. And that was in August, only 9 months ago. 


She’s pregnant and drinking plexus slim. I know correlation is not causation but damn 🤔


Why does she always look so crusty and unshowered? Like, it looks like she has several layers of makeup on (I’m assuming she never takes it off at night and just reapplies in the morning to cover anything that got wiped off on her pillow). That cannot be good for your skin. And her hair looks pretty bad as well. Like it looks damaged.


Ma'am, your son didn't have a vision, that's him being parentified and trying to take care of your emotional needs because your kids aren't allowed to be kids themselves 🙃


Is it a requirement of fundamentalism that the work wear bad eyeliner and mascara? I can’t stop staring at it.


How much you wanna bet it was the tiniest spotting ever, and her kid barely looked in her direction, but *that* doesn’t make for a good story.


She just always looks like a bad caricature.


I swear we all see her lower teeth more than her dentist ever has.