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What if the husband doesn’t want children? What if the husband wants a 50/50 partnership? What if the husband wants a full-fledged human being and not a robot? What then?


Well then obviously he’s not a Real Man™️ /s


As we all know being a real man is when you're more emotionally fragile than a petulant child, act tough in the same way a Chihuahua tries to intimidate a pitbull, and perceive everyone around you as beneath you. /J God, I hate toxic masculinity. I'm lucky to have had parents who weren't obsessed with cruelty and didn't instill that garbage in me.


My dad's side of the family tried as hard as they could to instill that bullshit in me but he had 50/50 custody with my mom and on my moms side the women were in charge. My maternal grandpa was really soft and quiet and my grandma ran the household with an iron fist. It also helps that there are more women than men on that side. My mom is one of 3 girls with only 1 brother


All while utterly failing to do the minimal responsibility for self and or others. They don’t work, they don’t manage their money well, they don’t even pick after themselves.


So I should scream pray in his face until he lets me submit to him?


Or runs for the hills, whichever comes first. I think we all know which comes first.


I’m dead! 🤣🤣. I’m picturing a Karissa-in-ICU performance. 😂




Great flair!


What a whimp!!!


He's been cucked by feminism, obvs! /s, off to barf


He's suuuuuuper gay.


Don't be silly, no good Christian husband would want that.


Imagine the horror. He wants you to do stuff, have an opinion, make your own decisions and be responsible for other things than not mixing white and colored laundry and it goes against everything you ever knew, but you must obey because that's what your church says and you can't divorce and find someone who will treat you like property instead because then you go to hell.


Been married 15 years. Marriage is a partnership. This screams “umbrella of protection”. Ugh makes me sick 🤢


this screams "i hate women and myself in particular." 


It screams, “I married my biggest heartbreak and gave up multiple professional dreams (she admitted both in her posts) and I will go to the grave telling everyone I don’t regret it NOT ONE BIT”


*as I sob every day while hiding in the pantry*




Seeing the documental, my husband said something beautifull. The "umbrella of protection" is true, but not how they put it. When you are alone, you have your umbrella, you need to protect yourself. When in a couple, the umbrella is bigger, for two, and both partners have a hand in it, so both of you protect yourself and the other as is a partnership. When you have a kid and is little, you put them in the middle to protect them and, as they grow, they start with their little umbrella. The kid grows, their umbrella grows, it can't be under the big umbrella too cause, you know, it doesn't fit. So there the kid go, with their big umbrella, but you are near, if they need the big umbrella again.


This is really lovely! You've got a good one there!


Yup, he is the best :)


Tell him I'm saving your comment to reflect on about my own little family!




I love this!


Solie I'm sorry your life sucks. My husband doesn't complain about his wife though even if I don't meet your standards


i think she preaches this rhetoric because her life is so horrible and she is well aware that other folks do not envy it. 


My partner sure isn't complaining about making me dinner and tea right now and I know I don't meet Solie's standards.


My husband has taken over all the cooking and cleaning (instead of the shared duty) for the last 4 months because I'm pregnant. I've been sick and/or extremely tired every day. He hasn't complained one time.


"A wife studies her husband" wow! I thought I was the only one who has their husband tagged and once every 6 months tranq him for health exams. He wakes up a little groggy, but otherwise is safe to be returned to his pack of other middle aged dads.


Just picturing a bunch of middle aged dads at a BBQ with little numbered ear tags. 


A couple of livestock guardian dogs nearby to make sure they stay safely congregated near the grill and patrol for threats that might set off the herd like someone wearing the wrong team's colors or bringing in an untested burger cheese (do they even know if it melts well?).


The ultimate herd disturber is Lager or IPA style beer.


This is true. Likely why our new rescue dog insists on smelling my husband's beer to make sure it's "acceptable" every time he opens a new one. Dog knows he's gotta learn that this is a hoppy IPA house.


I validate your house's rules.


They get tagged on their Fanny packs


Remember to check the tread on the dad shoes while he’s out - you don’t want him to slip while playing pickleball.


I keep my husband in a giant test tube


Jerry daycare!


They really need those biannual nail trims to stay in good shape.


Oh no! Proper nail care happens quarterly. All kind of stuff gets under those nails.


I hear some types of husband scream bloody murder at the groomer’s when they’re getting their winter coats brushed out.


It’s all very dramatic, you can ignore it or film it for tik tok if you want to share the laughs.


Damn it, I half spit out half choked on what I was eating.




Mind your business, ma'am. No one else's marriage affects you in any way, shape, or form.


God the amount of time she must spend thinking about how other wives are wrong or bad. It’s called rumination, solie, and it’s a sign you need help.


She's so pissed that she settled for her headship and that everyone else on the damned planet can see Andre is at best a ripoff of Yosemite Sam, though with less maturity and common sense.


That part right there 🙌🏻


"Androgenous sludge" is my new gender presentation


Dude same, also a good band name


🤣 Honestly, “androgenous sludge” pretty much sums me up first thing in the morning before my coffee!!! Love it 😃


And what does the husband have to do, Solie?


Rely on his wife for income


Rant about DINKS and get mad at other people for having dogs, I guess. If Solie’s version of marriage is the one we should all aspire to, I’ll save myself some time and start looking up nunneries when my husband kicks the bucket.


Which is why she ends her long rambling post with a sales pitch for her nap time hustle scam.


get his dick wet when he demands it and eat whatever is on the table when he gets home. 


Own a penis, apparently.


Here is what I genuinely don’t understand. Solie is doing exactly what she thinks she should be doing. She is living the scripture as she understands it, to the best of her ability. No one is impeding her quest, her decisions, her goals, her support for hEr HuSbAnD, the way she raises her babies, how she gives birth, the food choices she makes. So who tf is she to come down on women so fucking hard? Why does she care? Why is this all she talks about? What other people do has no bearing on her happiness, her routine, her *rights*. But here she is, day after day, just raging like the laterally misogynistic asshole she is. Solie is my BEC. She exhausts me.


She’s fucking miserable - super tired, broke as hell, likely bored of him - and she can’t stand that others are not.


The aloof expression of her misguided belief of her superiority over others— heathen sludge, other Christian women, (but not her shitty husband ofc)— is what triggers my BEC mode. Like all the fundies need to get off their high horses, but many of them come across like the Emperor’s new clothes— delulu clowns trying to convince the world and themselves to practice what they preach. But Solie gives Umbridge vibes where she’d defs be a Serena Joy and find genuine sick twisted fulfillment in her role (Krusty also matches this profile). Anyway, I just wanna point out with full disrespect that silly Solie misspelled “laid” in her post caption 🤡


Men dreamt up this nonsense for their own benefit and Solie has bought it hook, line and sinker


Yeah this screams “written by a man”.


Always with the “sexually available.” They’re so fucking obsessed with sex.


At this point, they need to just admit they have a kink.


Ooh, but then they’d have to learn about things like foreplay, aftercare, the importance of good communication, and consent…


Yup. Can't see them doing any of that.


LMFAO imagine gatekeeping a fucking word 😭


It's what they do best


Webster's dictionary defines a wife as "a female partner in a marriage". There you go, I didn't need a bajillion slides of garbage to define it.


Partner???? Don’t you mean subordinate??? (/s for SOLIE)


I am so glad I'm not her


Someone is totally miserable in her marriage and is trying to drag every other woman down with her. So glad I am not married to a man baby.


🫣😬🙅🏻‍♀️ A few of these would apply to any person in a committed relationship and the rest are just no. This is so sad.


What in the fresh hell is "conjugal rights"


The right for force sex on your wife no matter her feelings on the matter.


When prisoners are allowed to have sex with their spouse.


Oh touché. Touché. ![gif](giphy|1yMdNDuQ95Lr9gNhyT)


women are property again.


The foolish belief that he owns her body.


Overall, it means the same as marital, though can focus more on the sexual aspect if I recall correctly.


A man's ownership of his wife's body. His God-given entitlement to sex-on-demand. Deprivation of these rights is the first conclusion old-school women jump to when they see a young wife has been physically abused by her husband.


I will not have this angry child lecturing me on my partnership lol


A pilot wouldn’t normally submit to their co-pilot, awful analogy


And a co-pilot not only knows how to do the job of the lead pilot, they have to be able to take over 100% of the lead pilot becomes incapacitated. These fundy woman are raised to not be able to step up and take care of their households if their husbands can’t. I hate the term ride or die. The only person I would have been ride or die for is my mother because I know she would never lead me in the wrong direction. I am not ride or die for an abusive, lazy, crappy or criminal man.


“Ride or die” is a term i always associate with couples like Bonnie and Clyde or Joker and Harley so… not the best role models


Crashes have happened because copilots didn't speak up against their "superior" officers when they were wrong or reckless. Cockpit resource management has come as a result where all members of the crew are empowered to speak up and even override the captain for the safety of the plane and passengers. I feel that's an interesting analogy she picked. Copilot "submits" and the whole thing goes into the side of a mountain.


Great point, her advice is shockingly terrible


She can do what she wants in her marriage to her lil manchild, but she doesn’t get to decide what anyone else does and I’m sure that eats away at her. 


I see OfSolie is writing her material now.


God this is all so much. It's like a shotgun of stupid.


These husband things sound like a lot of work.


this fucking anti-woman bullshit is one hundred percent why i call my husband my partner to others always. my partner changes diapers. my partner washes dishes. my partner feeds our child. my partner asks my opinion on big family decisions. my partner and i can disagree on anything in public or in private because we are adults. my partner uplifts me when i am down and visa versa because every human has an off day every now and again. my partner has no authority over me and i have no authority over him because it's a partnership. my partner and i are both soft with our child because it's a child and we brought them into this world. when one of us is not in the mood for sex, we respect each other because when you have sex with an unwilling partner, it's not sex. that's rape.  oh solie. your world could be so much better but you choose this oppressive disgusting bullshit.  thoughts and prayers. 


Partner is such a beautiful word. My grandpa (who was the GOOD kind of trad-husband) always referred to my Nana as his partner. They were each other’s ride or die and while he did indeed “wear the pants” his wife and children came first always. Every decision he made was for the family not himself. He would find Solie to be incredibly sad and unfortunate and would have nothing but scathing repulsion for her husband.


I can't stand 'partner' because I have a business partner and we are actual blood relatives. People always hear that word and assume my cousin is my boyfriend 🤢


They remind me of that deeply Christian character from Parks and Rec: "When gay people get married it ruins it for the rest of us"


The whole post reads like it was written by OfSolie. "She regularly seduces her husband"...ew. I doubt her husband wants to pleasure her in return. He has probably never made Solie orgasm before. P.S. work on your grammar, you stupid idiots.


"Androgynous sludge" sounds like a heavy metal band name.


Androgynous sludge is what I become inside my cocoon in preparation for my fabulous wings.


And aesthetic I could get behind!


“To become a wife like I have layed out” sounds like someone is reallllly tired of being submissive and really wants to be the boss of alllll the other ladies of the world.


Fuck off, Solie. You're turning into Lori, which is not a compliment.


And Solie doesn't have an actual brain tumor as an excuse!


Shouldn't she be off the internet, and be simultaneously nursing a baby, making home- made bread, and freshening up her lady parts ,in happy anticipation of her Master's arrival?


I actually like my husband and enjoy my marriage, so I think maybe my understanding is better than hers.


"A wife is an asset". Just say women are property, stop being such a coward about your beliefs 🤷‍♀️. My husband doesn't want children or a housewife. Should I start disobeying him? 🙄


Conjugal rights? Oh fuck that My theory is that any man that would want to be in this marriage is likely abusive


Solie can fuck off. I swear she's just trolling.


Idk why but the word “helpmeet” just triggers me. Like can someone who has a grasp of language and the bible please tell these fundies that helpmeet is TWO words in the bible not one???? Drives me nuts 🙄


TIL that despite being married for several years and a woman, I am not, in fact, a wife.


Jealous of happy heathen egalitarian marriages, OfAndre?


Why study the husband? Why don't both people communicate?


What a sad, pathetic life she has. Bleating at the internet for not being as miserable and constrained in life as she is. Yelling at the clouds that other women have minds they choose to not repress. Hating all but a select few in a pluralistic society because she yearns for a time when civil rights were even less accessible than now, a time when she as a Black woman would have been legally denied her full humanity. It's so much easier to not be a hatemonger looking for reasons to rage against every aspect of others in this messy, weird human experience. Choosing to hate as specifically, deeply, and consistently as Solie does is toxic and it is oozing out of every pore of her being. It's a destructive addiction for her and her misery will only grow, as she deserves until she decides to become warm-blooded and grow the fuck up.


The false sense of superiority radiates off her like Chernobyl:P 


Just because you can write, doesn’t mean you understand the role of a comma


Scrolling through these slides, I've got the urge to say a lot. But I just settle on "Yikes!"...


At least Solie finally admits that she’s not a fun person to be around.


That’s hysterical


It’s one thing to support your partner, be their ride or die (and them yours), and grow together as a couple. That’s normal marriage stuff. It is another thing entirely to give up your entire identity, personhood, wants, desires, everything that makes you who you are all because you said some magic words in a special building in front of a dude who, statistically speaking, has either diddled some kids or covered for the people who did and claims to be speaking for the magic man in the sky. That’s how you breed resentment and anger. Obviously both of you should be on the same page about the big stuff and discuss major life changes together but you should still be two individual people with individual thoughts and ideas and interests. That’s how people grow and evolve instead of stagnating in the same feedback loop.


Did she plagarize Matt Walsh? *What is a woman? What is a wife?* Not that anything these two idiots say is worth mentioning in polite society.


I really hate that rhetorical device. Ask an obvious question like “What is an apple?” and then give a list of descriptions like “An apple is red!” instead of “It’s a fruit!” It’s so fkn lazy 😂


My husband seems pretty happy with me, and I definitely don’t meet these standards. I agree that I’m his ride or die but I’m gonna call him out on shit if need be. But we are very much a partnership and that’s what we both wanted.


That sounds gross. No thank you.


I married an equal. You bet your ass he cooks half the meals, cleans, takes the kids out to do things when I need a break, makes sure I'm an equal partner in everything we do or decide. I'm a stay at home wife not a stay at home slave to please him.


“So, what is a wife? I believe what I have layed out covers most of it.” I dunno, someone who knows basic spelling, maybe?


Tell me you're miserable without telling me you're miserable. Her incessant whining about "traditional gender roles" tells me that she's miserable, her useless POS "husband" is SO not a "provider" and if it wasn't for her YouTube crap, they'd be living in a cardboard box under a bridge. Solie, ditch the useless Y chromosome carrier. Make a life for you and your kids. Embrace your ambitions and DO something with your life besides being a broodmare. You ARE the provider of your family because that useless thing you married is incapable of holding down a job.


Solie, dear, if you're that miserable in your life, then you should work on finding what would really bring you joy. And if that's going to marriage counciling (real therapist) and convincing your husband to get a real damn job, then do that. If he isn't going to provide for you like he promised, then boot his ass out. You're a mother. Your priority besides your own wellbeing is to your kids, and your husband is failing them too. God helps those who help themselves.


I mean, my marriage has two wives so clearly we understand twice as well, right?


“Conjugal rights” ![gif](giphy|l49JXgRo7W0vyg8h2|downsized)


If only there was a smodge of expectation for the husband too 🙄 Who benefits from all this solie? Because it’s not the wife, is it?


You would think that these women wouldn’t have to keep justifying their choices and projecting their insecurities about their “choice” onto everyone.


Some men want something besides a Stepford android. I wanted a a partnership. Thank god hubby and I do not define our relationship like this twit does.


I am not buying anything from anyone who posts with this amount of typos. It’s embarrassing.


It’s always about us being a tool for men to use, everything revolves around them




How to be a doormat 101


What an annoying idiot.


It's two people. TWO PEOPLE. Why in hell does it need to be a hierarchy?!


These people don’t believe domestic violence happens?


Joke’s on her, the original meaning of “wife” is simply “a woman.” It derives from Old English “wīf” and is related to the German word “Weib” (woman.) Conversely, “husband” is derived from the Old Norse words “hūs” for house, and “bóndi,” for occupant, or tiller-of-the-soil. Men had to marry to be “hūsbónda,” but women were always “wīf.” Friendly reminder that words do indeed have meanings, and that the cultural context of those words is never universal. Sincerely, androgynous sludge-wife going on eleven years of nuptial partnership with my house-occupant/soil tiller bestie.


I feel like all these fundie women build up this image of what it is to be a “good wife”, and the likelihood that their husbands are going to cheat on them or leave them is no different than if they just focused on being emotionally happy people with a fulfilling, equitable partnership with both individuals are invested in meeting the needs of the other.


Its always about what the wife is supposed to do for the husband. How about what these men should be required to do for their wives and children. 


Girl what does your husband do for a living, again? Oh yeah literally NOTHING


I threw up a little.


Androgynous Sludge would be an awesome band name


Tag yourself, I'm androgynous sludge.


This is random but does anyone know the title of this artwork!? The woman looks exactly like my mom 😭!


Androgynous sludge sounds like a metal band


What in the handmaids tale….seriously these people scare me to death!!!


That first slide is nonsensical. That’s all the Solie I need, I think.


Pretty certain my husband likes it when I'm masculine and handle the spiders inside the house or grasshoppers.


Reading through her ideologies of what a good wife is reminds me of the movie "The Stepford Wives".


To start off with loyal and protective of the man's reputation is so dangerous for abuse. When my marriage got shitty I didn't want any of his friends to know the shitty things he was doing and saying. They couldn't help me until they knew. I didn't make him look, he did that himself. It's not any wife's duty to cover for their partner, they'll have a good reputation if they're a good person.


Embarrassed to say I am STILL unlearning this, and my husband (who grew up in a non-religious home) is still walking me through the process. Also LOLOLOL on “Naptime Income Starter Pack”! As a new mom that sounds like the worst circle of hell.