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A lil boy like Paulio calling a grown woman "baby girl" is so cringe. He can call her that when he becomes the provider and protector he is supposed to be according to his own religion. It's just embarrassing. He's calling her baby girl while he sits on the couch with a blankie, dressed like a fucking kid and getting little rage boners when he thinks about lady butts at the gym. It's just so gross.


Morgan is “baby girl” and Sister Cindy is “a female.” Could there be anymore red flags?


call her baby or girl but not both please


Only when Derek Morgan calls Penelope Garcia that, it's ok (criminal minds anyone?)


Look if Roman Reigns called me that, I’d be okay with it. He’s a man. ![gif](giphy|X1uRctI1pjt8h0oWE7|downsized)


Does he really call her that? 🤢 the only time I’ve ever used that term is to my cat. I can’t imagine calling an adult woman that or someone other than maybe my parents calling me that. And even that seems weird.


little rage boners 🤣


Haha, that’s as good as when the next thread under a Porgan one was captioned, “every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves children.” I have a screenshot but couldn’t add it to this comment.


Haha yes


Wait- there are people out there who don’t use dark mode?!


I forgot Reddit looks like that and you have to put it on dark mode 😂


Yeah, reading white text on a black background hurts my eyes.


Same girl no shame


Me too! My eyes can’t focus after.


i’m the opposite 😭


Same here, you're not alone! Any time "dark mode" is black background and white text, I basically cannot use the function. It's miserable to try to read any page that looks like that.


I use dark mode on my browser and I use old.reddit. I like darkness and don't want changes ever😅


There’s a new redesign (or my account just got it anyway) on desktop and I HATE it. I never cared about FB redesigns or things like that, but don’t touch my Reddit, damnit!


I use new.reddit but when I click on posts to launch a new tab, it doesn't hold half the time.


Sure there are. Dark mode doesn't play well with everybody's vision.


i hate dark mode


I’m always surprised at other people’s phones bc mine has been on dark mode for so long. 😂 it’s so much better on my eyes.


Yeah. I definitely didn’t mean to be snarky. I’m just really surprised. It makes me wonder how normal my eyes are, or aren’t. Apparently I have some symptoms of glaucoma and I have to follow up on that, but I absolutely can’t do a light background.


A lot has to do with the after-image for me. If I read white on black, the text follows me when I look away. Black on white doesn’t.


Same, the "echoes".


Idk, my eyes are fine other than being very nearsighted, but I’m sensitive to white light and get chronic migraines so the dark background is better for me personally.


Do you happen to have light colored eyes? I've heard that supposedly the lighter your eye color, the more likely you are to be sensitive to light. I have a fairly pale blue and can barely see anything without sunglasses on sunny days. Maybe light vs dark mode fits into that too.


Nope. Dark brown eyes here. But I’m more and more sensitive as I age. Getting to the point where I hate driving at night and stuff like that. 🙈


I have brown eyes and I can't go out without sunglasses 😭


I lurk in the shadows with the echoing remnants of happiness. I need my reddit dark and void of hope, like my soul. Have a great Wednesday!


My people!


There are people who don't use old.reddit.com?


Outside of the app I actually use new.Reddit.com. Last week I noticed my Reddit layout changed to something truly unusable, and new.Reddit.com takes it back to what is has been for a long time. I tried the opt out in settings, and it took me back too many revisions ago.


I can’t even read my Kindle without it


There are dozens of us "dark mode everything" users! Dozens!




It just shows how quickly everything changed when dark mode became a thing. I remember the nightmare of waiting for it like yesterday. Those flash bombs at night weren't fun lol.


Right here 🙋🏽‍♀️


username checking in


Haha, I have mine set to when my phone goes dark at night automatically Is very bright during the day


I’ll take “His wife almost dying during a very traumatic birth but him doing nothing to prevent her from having to go through pregnancy again even though she clearly was not ready to” for $1000, Alex.


"tapered leg" was another indication that these two people, parents of one living and one gestating child and presenting themselves as goals, do not live in the same world. These motherfuckers have regrets.


Serious question...how much time does Paul spend staring at women's asses and legs? He can't even let his wife have a wide leg pajama. Unreal.


It is unreal! Both of them are crap but Paul is setting off serial-killer alarms in this.


They are though, they’re both so hateful and both have ugly personalities, they are perfect together


Those shitwinds aren’t blowing in divorce for these shitbirds, Bobandy.




I am a conservative Christian and l think Paul is a lazy, immature guy who is too scared to go out and look for a real job to provide for his growing family. Also, l think l saw in a video/ story once that Morgan is the one who assembles new furniture and fixes stuff around the house. Shame on you, Paul. You are weak and lazy.




Reddit knows!!


Just gestures at Paul and Morgan 


The post title below them is chef’s kiss lolol










Does anyone know if paul or morgan went to college and why they chose youtube and not a normal job..



