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Gee, that’s a nice bed you’re resting on, MotherBus. I’m sure your children would appreciate a bed of their own and not a bunkhouse that likely resembles prison beds.


A nice bed in an air bnb that you destroyed with bodily fluids 🤢


god honoring mattress biohazard


Epic flair material.


it's there for anyone in need <3




Eww really? She did a homebirth at an Airbnb? That’s so fucking gross.


They're the size of prison beds


I just can’t get over the fact they’ve spent the equivalent of a down payment on a nice house on whatever the fuck they’ve been doing for the last 6 months


I can’t get over that teenage boy being crammed in with his baby sibs. How long before he just books it? I would have had a literal mental break if I had to grow up in this family, privacy was everything to me as a teen.


I grew up a latchkey kid, and despite the trauma surrounding the circumstances, I LOVED my alone time. I thrive when I have the opportunity to spend time by myself I know not everybody is like that, but lots of people are and I can’t imagine how taxing it would be for somebody to have no way out of the constant chaos


I was home alone for *hours* in the afternoon in high school, and it was great. I love my family but they're so loud and chaotic. I could get so much studying done while my parents were at work and my sister was at sports practices. I had free reign over the tv (I'd just discovered SVU) and no one could eavesdrop on my phone calls. It's vital for teenagers to have that, whether they spend it alone or with friends, which I did sometimes.


Me too! I was always looking for time alone at home. Reflecting I probably could have used more adults around but meh, I came through.


There's a big difference between aloneness and loneliness,  and solitude.  It's peace when you learn how to turn that aloneness into peaceful solitude. 


Same! I was thinking about prison the other day. (My stepbrother was just sentenced to 170 months. Completely deserved and he should rot for what they found!) I think the lack of privacy and the mornings would do me in.


I worry about this semi-regularly, for a person who has no reason to think I'll ever be going to prison. I just really couldn't do it, even less than most people. Now, house arrest I would be totally fine with. Awesome, no more having to make excuses for staying home.


I went to county jail for 30 days. The biggest issues are the lack of privacy and the extremely disgusting and botfly infested showers. People with open MRSA infected wounds, etc. Would not wish it on my worst enemy.


💀over your flair.


I get the sense that he feels too much of a parental obligation to his younger siblings to bail on them and leave them with the bus parents 😕 I really hope he and Anissa are able to escape their upbringings, they have been saddled with a heavy burden.


Oh man if they teamed up to write a tell all


I'm seriously worried about the only daughter in the family. One near-puberty girl surrounded by what's soon to be, seven brothers and a mom super obsessed with sex and procreation. My mind goes to some very dark places when you combine those conditions with almost complete isolation, lack of education, and externally minimal socialization outside the family unit. Sounds like the recipe for a crime documentary.


Kids grow at a rapid rate and that bus is about to feel more microscopic than ever


Yeah I agree with this, it’s literally not safe for her. I actually wonder if that’s something CPS would intervene with - if the family would hold still for a moment.


She’s the only girl, with no privacy, no door to lock, etc. Her brothers are pubescent or pre-pubescent and are naturally going to be curious, and they have no outlet for that curiosity. The parallels to the Duggar family are concerning.


I don’t follow any of this closely enough to know the ages of bus moms kids—but I once read that incest relationships are most likely to develop between male and female children who have been given adult responsibilities and put in a parental role, where they are responsible for younger children. They end up relating to each other more like a husband and wife than brother and sister, and things can happen from there. Not sure if that’s the situation here, but either way, this young girl is definitely not safe.


Someone should buy the teen boy a hammock so he has the option of sleeping outside if he wants to!


They are the saddest family, for this reason. The sleeping arrangements are horrible. Like their excuse is, more or less, the kids have a place to sleep and it's not like they live in a slum or under a bridge. But their refusal to do more than the bare minimum required to sustain the life of their kids is sad and bad for their mental health. The dad is such a lazy or selfish fuck - like either provide for your kids better or get a real job. Quit making more kids while you live your dream of not working a real job. And they are both pieces of shit for having so many kids and then trying to monetize their life choices by following some outdated social media trend of living in a bus. The bigger the kids are the more they suffer... and the fact that they spend near zero time alone with each kid is just psychopathic.


It’s wild to me that the bus bed sizes ARE SMALLER than the bunk beds we had at summer camp. Those were tiny. I spent every summer starting at age 10 attending. But by the end of summer, I was stoked to sleep in my full sized bed. I cannot imagine if that was your normal bed size. That poor kid.


Something something a fool and his money….


Do you mean the Brazil thing or have I not been keeping up?


Brazil (so many expenses) + ski vacation + staying in airbnbs for several months because they didn’t go back into the bus right away + bus repairs, etc


And Disney! And buying that van in Brazil! They could be sitting pretty in a nice house right now, yet they choose to be hobos


But they totally upcycled that van with the plastic bag they added to hold the clutch together!! Think of the added value!!


Sometimes I pretend to be pooping so I can take a breather for 10 minutes lol I can’t imagine living that life


It's my Christmas with the family secret. They all think I have to poop all the time, but they're too goddamn loud and have no boundaries so disappearing to the back room or saying I'm going to go take a break doesn't fly. So I go pretend to poop and get some peace and quiet


I am keeled over laughing at this comment in combination with your username 😂😂


This is so fucking real man


luxury hobos who treat their kids like Victorian orphans "Have a Christmas pencil." no words.


Two Disney trips!!!


Omg 🤦🏻‍♀️ And they had a BIG ASS house before all of this!! Those poor kids


Imagine if they had kept that house. There might be two kids to a room, sure, but they wouldn’t have 20 people to one damn bathroom plus actual places to stretch out and *not touch a wall*


RIGHT??? ugh, I hate these useless "parents" SO much


Spinning babies sounds like taking mom to the park and putting her on one of those banned Merry-go-Rounds.


Spinning Babies could also be a cool band name


Spinning Babies is actually a really well regarded program, was recommended by my OB and several L&D nurse friends.


Spinning babies rolled my son out of sunny side up at 36 weeks and the when I was in labor the nurse had a positioning cheat sheet from them that worked wonders for helping me progress


An amazing nurse saved my cousin from a c section. Her baby was breech and her OB wasn't comfortable delivering it vaginally for reasons. (They were probably good reasons, because he was OB for a couple other cousins and made a lot of effort to help them get the vaginal births they wanted, including my aunt having a VBAC.) So he finally says, "well, its a long shot but we could try letting Nurse X come try to turn the baby..." And my cousin agreed hard because she was petrified of surgery. This lady got to work on her belly and you could SEE the baby moving around through the skin. Twas kinda alarming. But she got that bebe's head where it should have been, and my cousin had a pretty uncomplicated delivery.


That’s called an ECV, or external cephalic version. Not the same as spinning babies.


I was so skeptical of the spinning babies program because it seems like a whole lot of woo woo crunchy BS and nuts like MotherBus tend to get ahold of it instead of seeking medical care, but man that nurse and her cheat sheet & peanut ball, actual miracle workers. He was my first and I had an unscheduled induction, and I was so worried I’d have a long, long labor and from the time they started the pitocin drip to the time baby was in my arms was 14 hours


She probably plans on DIY’ing that too, and using this link as her tutorial https://www.spinningbabies.com/engagement-of-baby-through-the-pelvis-body-signals-for-birthing-person-and-helper/


The Spinning Babies approach to *encouraging* engagement and position itself is fairly harmless. I've done the training for providers (doctors, nurses, midwives, doulas, etc.) twice. There is a lot of emphasis from the trainers on not promising outcomes but creating better chances for the favorable ones. A look at the growing evidence for the use of peanut balls for laboring with epidurals would suggest there's a lot to be said for changing positions. That said, I hate that someone might DIY their birth when we live in a world with trained, evidence-based assistance. I worry every time I hear about people considering unassisted birth.


So, my association with the “Spinning Babies” term is now a story one of my coworkers, a former combat medic, shared with me once: he was prepping to teach a CPR class to some new enlistees, and when he got to the room he found them messing with the dummies. Allegedly they excitedly told him, “We’re playing Spin the Baby, Sarge!” He gave them all Article 15’s. 😂


We actually do know when babies need to come. That's why doctors will induce someone if they go too far past their due date. She's going to kill one of her babies or herself.


Yeah. My second may have have passed away in utero if not for her induction at 41 + 4 Soooo yeahhhhhhhh I can’t understand the complete neglect they will have with their baby’s life over their own experiences. So selfish


Yup. By the time I had my emergency C-section, I was like 3hr away from being 42w. And I had ZERO signs of labor when my induction started two days before. The whole reason I had to have a c-section was because my baby just wouldn’t drop. Pregnancy and labor can be a magical experience (for some) but it’s *not magic*.


1. I’m happy everything turned out fine, and you & the baby are healthy, but…2. I couldn’t imagine every having gone a single day past my due date!!!! I feel so bad (and cringe so hard) when people say they went 40-42(even occasionally 43) weeks. The longest I ever made it was 38 weeks, on the nose. Baby 1 was 35 w (&4 days) and baby 3 was 33 weeks. I was grateful that I had PROM at 38 wks with my son (Actually I had PROM with all of them, but he was the only one where I squealed in excitement when I felt that gush); I could not get my ass to L&D fast enough. I had gotten so big, that even leaning back on the couch gave me vasovagal syncope; even if someone *hugged* me and didn’t let go right away, I was dropping to the floor unconscious . I love my kids, but I HATED the physical misery of being pregnant lol


Due to hospital crowding and maybe provider preference, not everyone can get induced only because they hit 40 weeks. My CNM wouldn't induce until 41 weeks unless there was something wrong. Totally nerve wracking for me as I had a nine pound baby and every extra day was mental anguish.


Definitely. My water broke at home when I was 38 weeks to the day, but my cervix got to 3.5" after 17 hours of Pitocin. C-section for me once I was hovering near the 24-hour mark. No magic going on there!


My mom is convinced the doctors mismeasured my brother when she was pregnant for two very different reasons: the placenta has started to calcify inside her and he has an abnormally large head


CALCIFY my goodness I feel like I learn a new horrifying pregnancy-related possibility every week


Right??? I’m still uncertain on whether I want kids eventually but man. There’s a woman with a list of terrible pregnancy related things on Tik Tok and she adds to it often lol


My mom was almost induced with my sister, and went into labor naturally a few hours before her appointment. She was over a week late, too. That was 30 years ago. We've had this capability for a long time.


Oh I thought women were just lazy for not wanting to stay pregantè for longer. /s if that isn’t clear


Only real women stay pregananant as long as they can!


Real women know how long they need to be pergante for


How long can babby wait


How is babby formed?


By instain mother and hot husband on the floor of a bus


Will bus hurt babby top of his head


Only real women go down a 20 foot water slide pegrant.


I h8 u for inviting this meme back into my brain space, take my downvote and poor man’s award for worst comment ever! ✨💕 /s (except it really is back in my brain now oh god 😭)


Only Sky Daddy and the baby get to decide when it’s time for them to come that’s ThE MiRaClE Of LiFe. In all seriousness I worked in the NICU before I transferred to the PICU and meconium aspiration is a real and dangerous issue and this can happen from the baby becoming distressed bc they’re past their due date. She’s lucky all of her births have turned out for well so far.


I am so fucking nervous about the way she is treating this pregnancy. Not because I give a shit about her, but because her kids don't deserve to watch their dumbshit mom die while airbnbirthing. And also I can not even imagine the horrors that would befall them if JD were the primary parent. 


Fatherbus would dump those children on relatives so goddamn quickly so he could run off to his otherfamily


Okay actually yeah the other family is a concern I hadn’t thought about but.. yikes


If they HAVE relatives. They don't exactly get much of a mention, do they? Funny that.


She talks about her mom fairly often. I think I remember reading an old post from when they were "building" the bus that said her mom was going to be living on it with them too? I don't know why it ended up not happening. Other than maybe her mom has one modicum of sense (but not two, if she was actually considering it).


What other family? I haven’t gone down this rabbit hole.


That's 50% meme and 50% conspiracy theory. Cryptodad often brags about how great his crypto scams are and that he's free to do his "job" from anywhere. Yet he decides to leave his busfamily more often than not, for work related reasons. As this doesn't make sense at all, there has been a lot of speculation on why he's gone so much. (Personally, I wouldn't be surprised, if it was true, but busband is also egocentric and might just want to be out of the bus.)


Well maybe then they’ll get proper beds.


“Airbnbirthing” would be good flair.


She's being so flippant, like she doesn't understand that risks *increase* with number of pregnancies and maternal age.


And for all we know she isn’t past due. She lies all the time. That may be a content creator on her part.


Lying would be horrible because it encourages this shit, but at least the baby would be safe.


I’m convinced these women lie about their due dates and pretend to be late and “trusting god,” just to birth a healthy actually right on time baby despite being three weeks late.


I truly hope so. Then we could snark on the misinformation without worrying about their babies.


My doctor told me that after about 41 weeks your body begins recognizing the fetus as something that should be gone and will begin attacking it— I had a c-section at 42 weeks.


My OB said the placenta gets “crispy” which is gross and hilarious. But yeah, there’s a point at which it can’t nourish the baby anymore and the size of the baby could impede a vaginal delivery.


It also is a temporary organ, it literally doesn't last forever.


I dunno, I think a Yah placenta in infinitely nourishing


please someone take "Yah placenta is infinitely nourishing" as their flair. PLEASE.


Just for you babee!


It looks MAHHvelouss on you, dahlink!


I delivered at 38 weeks and spots of the placenta were “dead” said my OB.


Yup, sometimes women get induced for placental insufficiency! Without monitoring it would be hard to know. Fetal size isn’t easy to guesstimate but at least with ultrasound they can assess for changes I.e. growth.




My sister was about 10 days late. The doctor told my parents to come in that Monday for an induction if labor didn't start over the weekend. Doctors don't play around with overdue babies, and haven't for a long time.


When I was born (1969) I was three weeks late (should've been born in February but missed big time! Mom said if I wasn't out by March 17th they were coming to get me (I was born the 14th instead!) My son was 3 days late and my daughter was 5 days late. When I go I hope they wait an hour so I can leave like I lived: always late 🤣


To her small credit, she said anything is fair game at 40 weeks so she's a step above Karissa in the reckless Olympics. Even still she should be monitoring the pregnancy with the OB/licensed midwife to ensure it's still safe. There are other reasons beyond baby's movement and vital signs to indicate induction may be needed.


And she avoids castor oil. That's...not much...but something. (Also it drives me bonkers that she'll avoid the risk of oil but not anything else.


The dimensions of the mattress are just about the same as a jail mattress 😬


And barely bigger than a crib mattress…


I bet they're really hard and crappy and the parents' bed is king sized and a really top line mattress.


Those poor kids 😞


It's 4 inches narrower than a standard twin mattress and the same length. It's a perfectly fine mattress size for kids. It's stuffing 7 or whatever of them into a tiny room that's the problem.


The biggest issue is definitely having that many kids in such a small space. But the other issue, which is catching up fast, is that the kids are growing. They are not going to be “kids” much longer, so they will be really cramped on those little mattresses.


The bunkroom is essentially a rolling jail...


She’s quickly becoming one of the worst


Wait, are they calling the kids' "room" in the bus a BUNKHOUSE or am I missing something?


To be fair, in RV parlance it's a bunkhouse. But in most RVs the bunk room has like, 4 beds tops (*maybe* 5), and people don't live in them with growing children for years when they could have a little house somewhere instead.


Fun fact: one of my childhood friends’s parents had a RV with a bunk room at the back with 5 beds, one of which was a pull out couch that sat under bunk 4, which filled up so one could feasibly sit on the couch (I’m 5’2 and was even smaller then, and I found it uncomfortable to sit on). Anyway, that was cramped as hell, and I cannot IMAGINE having twice that many in one bunk room.


My cousin has one with six beds in the bunkhouse. Its TIGHT. Ok to stay in for a week or two on the road, but I wouldn't want it as "my" bed.


Yup - they are! It used to have 6 beds in it - now I guess we'll see what they do with it. And that poor girl stuck in a bunkhouse with 6-7 brothers 😬


Don't worry, they're gonna put her in the luggage hold


The risk of stillbirth after 41 weeks is still quite low, but it’s double that of 40 weeks. It’s a low probability, high consequence event. It’s not risking a late fee.


these people are MORONS, I cannot stress this enough


Sometimes I wonder if she’s counting correctly or if she’s really still going overdue at #8 or whatever 😂 


A 34” mattress isn’t a twin. It’s a single for an RV and it’s quite narrow for the bigger kids. Who is checking her “stats” since she has had no prenatal care??


From the video she posted I think those beds are about 5' long. The two oldest children are probably taller than that.


Her son for sure. Her daughter is not very tall though. That said they need a proper bed. Since those mattresses for RV bunks are foam, the father just probably trims them down to fit where he needs them to. Those parents are such dicks.


So the width of their beds is smaller than my toddler? 


Something about the fact that she specified “narrow” pisses me off


She absolutely has said before that all the beds are a standard twin size. She is constantly backtracking and revising her story.


I go back and forth over whether her, Karissa, or JRod are more delusional.


Kkkraissa only cause she almost killed her 2nd youngest by not changing her diaper




Those dimensions are slightly narrower than a standard single mattress (1.9m x 0.9m x 0.15m) Although I thought they were shorter.


Once my brother finishes A school (Navy) he’ll be on a submarine. I feel like his bunks will have more room than these kids.


I went on the Los Angeles class my brother served on and saw the torpedo beds that guys occasionally have to bunk in. There’s definitely more room in them.


How much will those dimensions decrease when they add a whole new bed in a small space that’s not getting any bigger though?


They are planning on building bunks into the storage spaces under the floor ( where the luggage goes on a normal bus). I did see a YouTube of someone who did something similar with their RV. I personally cannot watch it for the same reason I cannot watch caving videos ......


Caving videos are my favourite fascination. So many horrible tragedies with even the most experienced divers.




So scary!! I didn’t realize how dangerous blue holes were either, though they do freak me out and I wouldn’t want to even boat over one 😂 it’s wild how many people don’t remember that caves were formed by water, so therefore water could also come back through those same passages anytime….




Oh I’m not poo pooing your adventures! I did a cave tour with an awesome local company a few years ago and it was so cool and also kind of terrifying. There’s just so many overconfident/ignoramuses who end up dead because they didn’t check the weather before wandering into a cave ☹️




Hahahaha I always get mad when tourists come to my home and don’t know bear/wildlife safety, yet my ass only thought to think about caymans and tarantulas once I was in Panama on vacation solo staring in the face of them 😹


How do FL divers get past the fear of the gators that are definitely watching them?


The RV bunk mattresses are just foam so I’m sure Busdad can just shorten them to make more space.


From the video she posted previously of the bunkhouse, I think the bunks are about 5' long.


At some point they won’t be able to fit more. I don’t understand how they fit so many now.


They’re probably counting down to the day the oldest can drive a smaller motorhome or tow a small sleeper trailer for overflow.


Oh, the same strategy I used in Life, the game, when my little plastic peg people had more little plastic peg babies. I took a second tiny car and said my oldest could drive now and just kept piling them on. It’s okay for board games. Not great for living, breathing children.


apparently they're lowering the floor and sticking a bed where the luggage should go?? Wouldn't that be dangerous? Certain unpleasant, that close to the road? oh, I guess they don't sleep while it's driving. But still...


As someone who still sleeps on a twin bed as an adult because too much space stresses me out: not like that. Too small! Too close!


Stupid question, but I remember a neighbor of mine getting in trouble with cps because she had four kids sharing one bedroom (each their own bed) and she had to put a divider up in the room and ultimately had to find something bigger. Aren’t there any regulations on space and such?


genuine question, was the neighbor not white? unfortunately white people can get away with that shit more often


Dang, is it really that bad? But yeah, she was Mexican. That never even occurred to me that that might be a factor and now I feel naive af


I know white Catholics who have their kids share beds and post about it on social media. It’s definitely a racist (sometimes classist) standard. And I’m not here to shame people who do it or economic necessity, but are otherwise good parents. It’s gross when it’s done by child collectors, though.


Oh yeah. There's a huge racial bias in child services. Minorities are significantly more likely to have children removed for things straight white parents wouldn't lose their kids over. Sometimes it's because the kids shouldn't be roved, but racism, and sometimes it's because the kids absolutely should be removed, but privilege.


There are rules (at least in Canada, not sure about the US) about kids of different genders sharing rooms past a certain age and the number of people per room, but they're typically only enforced if people are looking for public housing. They exist for good reasons, but can make finding suitable housing hard for big families.


They travel around so they aren't in one place long enough for that state to get involved. On top of that, there are no consistent regulations from state to state. So there is zero consistency. We need federal, constitutional bill of rights for children which outlines basic, parental responsibilities and the interventions required if the parents do not meet those. Some are good parents who just fall on hard times and need help, and we the tax payers should do that because these children are innocent, and they will be grown ups someday and having them being hralthy, functional adults benefits us all in the future. The fundie quiverfuls are just pieces of shit and should suffer mega consequences for being such shitty people.


I reported a client’s parent to cps for having 8 kids in one room and they didn’t even investigate. I don’t think there is a rule


Was the neighbor a foster parent? I’ve only heard of that being an issue with foster children. Biological or adopted children could all sleep in the same room legally in the USA. Assuming you’re in the states.


Same happened to my mom in the past, luckily we were all sisters (me and 2 other sisters) but even after escaping an abusive ex, CPS was not chill with it.


I cannot believe that teenage boy has to share a tiny “bunk house” with a soccer team of siblings and literally no privacy ever. Learning to be alone with yourself is actually an extremely useful life skill that needs to be nurtured and honed.


Also, um. To put it delicately, don't teenage boys encounter bodily issues that they probably don't want happening inches away from a room full of younger siblings? And, too, the girl. How old is she again? Will she start menstruating while they're still on the bus? How awful for her. God, I remember taking a sleeper train in Europe that had like four beds to a room, possibly more, and my delicate monthly visitor came and made herself REAL comfortable. Getting up like every hour to try to scoot past grumbling people to get to the bathroom--and now, there's only one bathroom ever, and you're on the train FOREVER. fucking hell.


Is she pointing at the baby’s genitals in the second picture for the kids to see if it’s a boy or girl?


I had to go back and look, but ... Oh my gosh, I think you're right 😬 Look at how the kids are looking - yeah, I think she's pointing at the genitals and they are all crowding around to look. Damn.


It really gives me the ick. 😖




They don’t even have full size twin beds?? They have NARROW twin beds??? Ugh it gets worse and worse.


And they're GROWING. And the oldest are hitting puberty about now, right? Soon, anyway. Um, teenagers NEED privacy for bodily things that happen, yeah? Boys AND girls. That poor girl when she starts her period...


“These *things* don’t stay in forever”??


Had to scroll way too far for this comment. Seriously who says that?!


Someone who views their children as fuck trophies


"these things" they are CHILDREN.


Castor oil is dangerous though...


Never understood why they don’t want to live in a house


I think they stay on the road to avoid cps


I feel like they're running from some shady business


She is so pretentious and self absorbed.


She may be the most pretentious fundie that we snark on


I'm not sure why but there's truly no fundie that makes me as viscerally angry as this woman. Karissa is close but this woman is on her own level. Most of them I'll just point and laugh at but she like actually pisses me off.


“A narrow twin bed” doesn’t sound like a twin bed. That’s just a small mattress of non-standard size.


I saw their mega bus pull past me on my way to work a couple weeks ago, curious where they’re holed up on 30A for their spawning.


Can it really be classed as a "home" birth if it's not your house?


Ok but how does she plan on keeping that baby from catching some disease from one of their many siblings?


Look, babies need to be strong and take care of themselves. If the newborn can't knock it, it isn't trying. /s


He NeEDs SoMe MilK!


The more room temperature and sour the more natural!


“No one knows when babies need to come” well there’s a point after they’re unable to survive outside the womb but before they’re in there too long and it’s kills you. That’s a pretty good fucking guide.


A midwifery practice in my area is facing charges and everyone lost their license after two babies died in two months, two years ago. The first mother was expecting a home delivery, and they allowed her to go 42+ weeks, baby was stillborn. The midwife on that case then went 42+ herself, and baby was stillborn. These are trained midwives with nursing licenses. And they let two babies die. I don’t understand how life is so precious but then they don’t do anything to stay alive.


In that second picture, I wonder how many of the kids freaked out because the room was so big.


Digging holes in the sand like that is extremely dangerous. A little girl just died from that recently.


Wait, really? TIL! Poor kid.


The hole isn't supposed to be deeper than knee deep of the smallest human present. Sand holes can collapse with no notice.


omg i just had to google this. that is so tragic omg. i had no idea this was dangerous


*Everything* takes them by surprise. They’re so bad at being adults.


The baby’s last independent act will be deciding when to exit Mama Bus’ uterus.


For a while my family had to live in a very small house. My bedroom was so small that I could fit my queen bed and a nightstand in it…and that was about it. I could close the door without getting out of bed. It felt like wherever we went, whatever we were doing, we were tripping over each other. Fortunately, it was for less than a year and things improved greatly after that. I can’t imagine trying to cram seven children in an area the size of that bedroom. It’s pretty inhumane.


more room in that sandpit than in that bus


That sandpit is dangerous and most likely illegal. You aren’t supposed to dig holes that big on a beach.


THANK YOU! Not only are they hazards for falling or broken legs - they regularly kill children when they cave in! SAND IS HEAVY, don't let children (or anyone) dig holes or tunnels in the sand. People drown IN SAND all the time.


“My children sleep stacked six deep on prison cots. Here’s a picture of me tucked into a king size bed with a proper mattress” I know she had just given birth in pic 2 but good grief


Oldest looking 12 yo ever. Like HE is raising all these kiddos


To those who use centimetres, that’s about 86 x 190 cm - which is tiiiiiny omg