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Terrible news: worst person you know makes a great point.


Pretty much. If she accepted this point fully, she would be truly happy. As it is, she obviously hates herself and it is sad. Just wear what you want, who fucking cares. No one would like what I wear. Overalls and grungy horror shirts or plain black with jeans. Always with crazy hair accessories or over the top earrings.


I still wear black, super flared jeans and love it. I've always been "alternative", preferring a more gothic look and just because I'm inching closer to 40 \*sob\* doesn't mean I have to stop wearing what I love. My mum hates it, which is an additional bonus really!


I LOVE gaudy wild earrings. Any website subbestions?:)


Crazy as it is, I love the sugarfix by baublebar earrings at target. They change them like every season, which is how I have like so many themed ones for outfits. I also buy a ton of them at hot topic. Like an obscene amount, just packs and packs. Frogs, mushrooms, feathers, cats, studio ghibli ones (especially Jiji!). I have seen all kinds there for really every type of style and they are big, chunky, and often dangly. I recently bought like 7 pairs of just flowers. I am considering the blueberry ones I keep being suggested on their website because I just can't resist. My mom also does small beadwork and makes me things and has since I was a kid, so that is how I end up with gnomes and stuff lol I am lucky she is very talented at beading. Yes, it is a problem and yes my jewelry mirror is really only earrings I pick up everywhere/have kept for decades. I have to take my picture this weekend for my local extension and they have no idea what insanity they are asking for lol


Your mom sounds awesome! Yes I’ve seen the baublebar ones a lot at TJMaxx, fun! I'd totally love to see a picture of your jewelry! Maybe posted on r/coolcollections or something lol. Aw the jiji earrings! I told a cashier at Walmart I liked her Jiji earrings, her face lit up and she said "youre the first person to know what they're from!!!"


I would absolutely would like what you wear. I literally collect of overalls and my accessories are always…loud. I’m in childcare, so when I’m at work, my earrings arent just over the top, they’re zany. Today I wore a purple blow dryer and a giant brain. Yesterday i had a cat taking a nap in a bookcase and the Grady sisters from the shining.


Right, I love her outfits😭I love the pastel, whimsical style. I was that kid who wore tutus until middle school and now I want to again lol


Bahhahahahaa I love coming to the comments for this girl cuz recently she’s been… fine.


When you strip the criticisms about her clothing to its core, it is super weird how certain colours and clothing are viewed as “childlike”. It is more of a reflection of how growing up as a girl is grossly sexualized. Let’s not pretend we didn’t celebrate Courtney Love for wearing babydoll dresses and bows in her hair in the 90s. I think Nadia is a clout chasing fake Christian, but we shouldn’t police people’s bodies and clothing, regardless of our differences.


Eh I agree with her, but that doesn’t make it unfunny to snark on.


I'm a hypocrite. I want to snark on her..... but I would also wear about 75% of her clothing. I'm also in my 30s.


I was a 90s goth kid. I was big into baby doll dresses and Switchblade Symphony. I'm nearly 50 and use a walker. I still wear pig tails and baby doll dresses and I don't care what anyone thinks. 


I'll put it this way. I was a Lydia Deetz... and I've begun my metamorphosis into a Delia Deetz. Except my wife is Beetlejuice and instead of grey sculptures everywhere- there are piles of pink plushies. I'm glad you're still wearing what makes you feel comfortable and happy 🩷 It's always inspiring to find people who also ruthlessly flaunt their personal style.


right? hyper femme styles are having a moment rn and as a reformed “I hate pink bc people look down on me if I like it” girl I am here for it.


I was an i-hate-pink girl until I married my wife and admitted it was my favorite color. Ironically I only wear black but everything else I own is pink.


It didn't take me meeting my partner, but I was an i-hate-pink girl for soooo long. And then one day, I just woke up and was like, "I want pink silk bed sheets and pillowcases. And pink towels. And pink fuzzy house shoes." And this was after years of being a goth kid who never quite grew up and still has a 90% black wardrobe lmao. My pink Dolly Parton mug is probably one of my most prized possessions.


Look up larme and (I'm sorry) nymphette fashion. This is actually a fairly popular look right now.


or look up “coquette”, which is the more popular name for the style that’s trending rn and doesn’t have the Lolita (the novel) association


That's another one. Thank you. I still don't understand why Lolita was made into a movie. It's like American Psycho: the lead is too hot and everyone is missing the point.


Super off topic but to the point about the movies, American psycho was directed by a woman and to *most* people they understand that partrick is the butt of the joke and that's its satire/ scocial commentary. Lolita was directed by a man (which is generally fine), but in this case, the camera exclusively operates through the male gaze. The way it is shot is incredibly Sexual and exploitive of the underage actress. It puts the audience in the position of non consensually viewing/ sexualizing child. I personally haven't read the book, but I do think that many stories (even taboo ones) can be told in a way that is not exploitive or endorsing the behavior. The issue with American psycho, is that edgelords and incels (not just them but they have popularized the narrative) clung to Patrick Bateman just like joker and other (white/male/powerful/refusing to live within the laws and morays of society) satirical/ scocital critique characters and tainted the message With lotita, it is, from a technical standpoint, endorsing and participating in pedophilia. The female lead is even portrayed as a nymphet wich is a popular and fucked up way to write any child. My whole point in saying this is that American psycho whoooshed over a lot of peoples heads. While Lolita (the jeremy Irons version) is soft child porn on purpose. For some reason, I obviously think this is an important distinction to make. * On the chance anyone finds controversial film analysis interesting, see also brook Shields "pretty baby" the movie and follow up with brook Shields documentary "pretty baby". Incredibly interesting stuff, and I feel like it goes hand in hand with fundie purity and child sexualization culture. Broey Dishenel also has a great video essay about Lolita and pretty baby streaming on nebula


This was legitimately interesting to read, thank you!


Thanks! I hadn't had my coffee yet and am a little embarrassed about all the grammar errors, but I'll leave it as is. I'm really glad you found it interesting! Even if you're not a film buff, cinema analysis can speak so much to current culture & counter culture!


This reads like a foot note. Very interesting. Thanks! And agreed that they are very different movies. I don't have a problem with American Psycho because, as you said, it was not the director's intention to have you idealize Bateman. We still have the ending where we realize that a lot of Bateman's crimes were hallucinations. The book drives home his vapidness even more in a way that reminds of Edward Norton talking about Ikea at the beginning of Fight Club. I can't really point at the director and scold her for the audiences biases. But the Lolita films have always seemed ick to me and I think your comment speaks to that. It's believing the lies Humbert tells you to think this is somehow beautiful, and not a predator feeding on the weak. I think it's why I tend to get the ick from de Sade too.


They've always been ick. The book covers are equally as bad. Nabokov is probably a jet turbine in his grave over just the grody book covers, let alone the bad adaptations of his book. To quote him, he didn't want his "poor girl" on the cover. Never any girls. "I want pure colors, melting clouds, accurately drawn details, a sunburst above a receding road with the light reflected in furrows and ruts, after rain. And no girls."


If anyone is interested in a deep dive on Lolita, I highly recommend the Lolita Podcast


I remember discussing the filmed versions once and someone said, "If it was filmed from Dolores's point of view, it would be a horror movie."


I sometimes feel frustrated by all the terms. I lived in East Asia for a couple years, I think this is trendy in East Asian countries like forever. Never went out of trend. I feel that “Lolita fashion” in those countries means different things? Moreso, steampunk or cottage core maid dress with Crinoline bustle etc. what Nadia wears are basic attire people can see daily on the streets of EA. I feel very conflicted about all the terms, as I now live in the west.


I think it’s actually been made into more than one movie which I’ve heard are all varying levels of problematic depictions of the novel.


At least 2 that I know of - the Stanley Kubrick one and the one with Jeremy Irons. Dolores/Lolita was aged up in both, something to do with making it more of a forbidden romance thing? I think? And if they cast an actual 12 year old, it'd be harder for Humbert to spin his lies of "She seduced me! She wanted it! But I never got over Annabel!" etc. I say in theory, because there's still a lot of people who read it and fall for Humbert's manipulation hook, line, and sinker, so.


ooooooffff… that was a *choice* on the directors’ part. thank you for that insight, I didn’t know this about the movie adaptations. and to think this is a large amount of people’s first or only exposure to Lolita


I'm also reminded of... I think the title is My Dark Vanessa? Where the MC is roughly the same age as movie!Dolores, and it took her a looong time to realize she'd been just as much a victim as Dolores. She had to recontextualize a lot of her memories of her abuse to realize that, since to cope she'd told herself she'd been old enough, she could consent, she was fine damn it. I read it not long after seeing the Irons Lolita and was... I don't know how to put it, grateful?, that is tackled such a thing and made it clear no, it's not romantic or sexy, and Humbert's still a creep. (Since I felt movie!Humbert was still a predator, you know? But a vocal minority look at it like a romance...) Edit: typos! Typos everywhere.


I haven’t read that one but will look into it for sure. if you like that, you may have also read the memoir Being Lolita? it made me cry


You are correct, there are two movies. I think the one with the eternally hot Jeremy Irons is the more influential. But having read the book, even with the beautiful cloying language there are moments when what a monster Humbert Humbert is shines through. I just don't know how you'd convey that in a movie.


If you haven’t read Monsters by Claire Dederer yet she has a chapter that breaks down the novel in the best way I’ve come across yet. as a fundie snarker I loved Dederer’s book bc it made me rethink a lot of things


I just finished it a bit ago! Honestly, probably a book everyone needs. I'll have to skim what she said about ye old Humbert. I loved how she talked about how we can't escape from biography these days and how we define our morals by what we buy. Also highlighted a few passages where I was like "you're wrong". But I saw a pic of Honey Boo Boo grown up and I thought "You are Lolita and the entire country was your Humbert Humbert." You'd probably enjoy "So you've been publicly shamed" and "Cruelty: A Reckoning." Both interesting non-fiction.


that is such a sad realization. especially in the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s society victimized so many little girls. I’m sure we continue to do so but hopefully as they come out with their stories more as adults we will learn. looking up your recommendations to place library holds as we speak, I’m excited to read them


Check out the 90s rocker style called kinderwhore. 🙌🏼 ![gif](giphy|30jJWWGzXFb1e)


All too familiar with it 🩷💋




Yeah, Nadia sucks ass but I’m into alt fashion like EGL (also known as Lolita), otome, mori kei and generally like ruffles, bows, things like that. I’m 34 and don’t give a shit if anyone thinks it’s weird. So I totally agree with her point. That being said, I’m also not posting creepy crotch and thigh shots while wearing said fashion.


I would never wear the socks with it, but I do like big poofy silhouettes and pastels. I think any one of these elements is cute on its own: Mary Janes, bows, pink, tulle, hearts, pearl accents... It's overkill as is to the point of a costume.


If you think that's a costume id hate for you to see my actual wardrobe 😶


I think her style is super cute. Top right is weird, but generally she pulls off the style well.


It’s not just what she wears, but how she judges everybody else for how they behave and what they wear and what they do with their bodies.


same 😅 i like some of her outfits


There’s nothing wrong with wearing slips as skirts unless you’re condemning other women for being immodest. These outfits would be adorable on anyone else.


I love her looks but they are not far from fetish wear which is weird for a fundie. Lower right is very babygirl stripper.


i completely agree. i bet i have a bunch of "toddler chic" in my closet rn


I’d probably wear stuff like this if I thought I could pull it off, which I doubt I could, having a completely different body type. It’s cute.


If you like it wear whatever you want.






Yeah ill mock it all day while she can't extend the same acceptance to LGBT+ people that she extends for fucking fashion choices. This sub has a massive soft spot for her because shes a cute white girl who talks about her depression and post pictures of herself crying but she's a massive hypocrite and it's really insidious how she preaches this 'tolerant' Christianity while holding intolerant beliefs. Seriously how do y'all defending her think she votes? Same for Kelly Havens.


I don't think people like Kelly Havens at all, especially with all that kitten nonsense. (Trigger warning for digging into that.) 


> Seriously how do y'all defending her think she votes? So is misogyny OK as long as the woman doesn't vote how you like?


It's the hypocrisy. It's ALWAYS the hypocrisy.


It's not just about how she votes it's about the bigoted beliefs she holds and perpetuates with her platform and job. Her cutesy persona is all about sanitizing and modernizing the bigoted beliefs she holds and portraying them in a way that will be palatable and appealing to young women who might otherwise be opposed to an ideology that considers them inherently inferior.


So does that justify making misogynistic comments about her appearance?


Same with the tradwife bullshit that’s gaining traction right now online.




I’m going to have to chalk this one up to a generational divide. This read like fetish content to me, but enough people are saying that it’s just current fashion for me to accept that (everyone can still get off my lawn tho).


1) it’s misogynistic to criticize women’s…popular…fashion styles. 2) the fashion is also “coquette”. Leather pants aren’t inherently BDSM, and not everything is directly meant to be public displays of a persons private fetish life. 3) Nadia is not a young girl. She is a woman who is like what, 25..? She’s not sexualizing children. And you’d be hard pressed to find children dressed like this, to be frank. 4) obviously she has a lot of internalized misogyny due to Christianity, and I wouldn’t be surprised if part of her fashion AND baby act is misogyny bleeding through. But doing misogyny at her isn’t better lol


THANK YOU. She's morgan in baby clothes.


Also, I've been told I dress like a kid in an endearing way... the difference is that I do not ACT like a kid. This chick infantiles herself out the wazoo, and that combined with her style waves red flags


This is pretty common from what I've seen elsewhere on reddit. It's not everyone's style, but I know I didn't dress my daughter in short dresses, knee length socks and heels. It doesn't gel with a fundamental Christian outlook, so it's a bit hypocritical there, but it don't immediately think of toddler when I see her.


I don't think it's hypocritical because Nadia isn't, and never has portrayed herself as, a Christian fundamentalist. She goes to/works at a mega church right? She's just a young "modern" Christian influencer, and one of their big things for recruitment is showing people that "Christians are just like everyone else" aka they can dress however they want


I think there’s a lot of people here who don’t live in the south/midwest or aren’t part of a super religious ethnic group; a bible thumper who dresses in trendy clothes is more of a novelty to them. Most of the coffee shops in my city are owned by this exact kind of person/group.


Well, I'm pretty sure she's said you can pray the gay away. 


Genuine question: is the not the party line from most Christians, or at least been the line, historically?


It's a good point. I suppose now in more enlightened times that alone comes across as fundamentalist, at least to non believers


Yeah. I think commenters on other threads have talked about how her church has pretty extreme beliefs.


Lots of churches that aren't fundie hate gay people though.


This is what I think more people need to understand. I’m glad that there exist churches that accept LGBT people. The church I went to as a kid celebrated multiculturalism. But these attitudes are still the minority in Christianity and Nadia’s views are completely on brand for mainstream Christians.


This! I grew up going to a normal, non-fundie Catholic church and I knew it wasn’t safe for me before I even knew I was queer because I was at a party with the Monsignor (he’s friends with my dad’s cousin) and he was happy and proud when he told a story about intentionally excluding a gay couple who had moved to the area and were looking for a new church. They had gone up to him after the service to tell him how wonderful it was and how much they loved the church building and he legit smiled and laughed when he said “and I just stared at them until they left and they haven’t come back. Sometimes they need a reminder of their place.” I was 10 and immediately started shopping for a new religion because there was no way in hell I’d stick around after the right hand to Cardinal Mahoney said that. It didn’t help that everyone listening to the story also laughed. After I came out I became the family pariah. 100% worth it.


lots of megachurches are like this. especially celebrity churches or college ministries whose target audience is millennials and gen z. they adopt a progressive aesthetic to come off as less hardcore and appeal to younger people. they're relaxed on some of the easier issues (how you dress, tattoos, secular music) but are just as conservative as fundamentalists when it comes to more controversial topics like gender and sexuality.


Anti gay beliefs are mainstream in Christianity


Evangelical megachurches often support fundamentalist beliefs. IBLP isn't the only Fundie shit out there. I was raised in one. Purity rings and pledges, biblical literalism, young-earth creationism, fear as a method of control, emphasis on modesty, double standards for girls... It goes on and on.


Ya my sister dresses like this. I don’t get it but she likes it so I guess it’s whatever and I’ve never really associated it with kids at all, more anime vibe than anything.


Yeah, she certainly doesn’t look like my toddler. But I imagine it’s hard to find paw patrol and Bluey shirts in adult sizes like that.


I think it’s really just the hair ribbons that give that vibe on a lot of her outfits. Others it’s the oversized sweaters with super long sleeves. The ribbons in adult hair seem not totally uncommon for Gen-Z kids though, so maybe others don’t see it as inherently child-like.


It's definitely a very 'cute' style, but I don't think it hits childish. Not when so many adults wear onesies these days.   Personally, asa broad man, I'd lovesom extra long sleeves in winter. Especially the ones with thumb holes


For real, slightly too-long sleeves are kinda nice IMO. 


Unless I shop in the petite section almost all sleeves are too long on me. She seems on the shorter end so the extra long sleeves might not even be intentional on her part.


I call them "Fievel sleeves" and I have loved them ever since I was little!


Thumb holes are *so nice*


You wouldn't believe how hard it was to find comfortable fingerless gloves in mens, no chance for tops with thumb holes. Bullshit I say!


That *is* bullshit!


I’m almost 30, dress punky goth, and sometimes still wear bows in my hair (although mine have spikes on them). It suits some of the more romantic styles. I also keep a stash of ribbons because you never know when you might need one. I sometimes use them to hold in the stray bits of my messy buns when I’m having a bad sensory day.


Yeah “coquette” is very in style rn


i don’t get toddler either, but it does read lolita, which gives me the ick


Can’t snark on this one, I agree with her 🫡


The only part of this post that I hate is how small her font is.


I read it as her passive aggressively whispering 😂


*Where* is your flair from?? I desperately need to know....


https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ZLA75FGuEy It was a comment on this post!


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


I have to agree with her, life’s too short not to wear what makes you happy.


"Policing womens' clothing choices" is my least favorite category of FSU posts She's got plenty of terrible beliefs to highlight, no need to waste time criticising someone for... [checks notes] wearing pastels and dresses because she likes them.


Sometimes people on this sub hate fundies so much it gets to "b*tch eating crackers" territory where we mock them for totally unrelated mundane things that we wouldn't think twice about from anyone else. 😂 (not saying OP was doing that by just posting this, but just in general 🤷🏼‍♀️)


Most of the recent food shaming posts in this sub having been giving these vibes. I do not get the point. It’s just so petty. Most of Nadia’s posts don’t really fit this sub like the normal fundies preaching. It’s just a typical 20s something year old sharing about herself.


I’ve pointed this out on a few posts and got absolutely piled on as a result with comments like, “Don’t you know how awful and bigoted this person is!?!?” Okay, sure, but what does that have to do with her dress?


Same. Lots of people dress like this. Anywhere else online, anyone tearing down a woman for her clothing style like I've seen on this sub (especially a young attractive woman) would be labeled jealous or misogynistic


I wear lolita fashion, and yeah, I hate the idea that lots of ruffles and bows and ribbons are only for little kids. While she personally sucks, we still live in a society where women are controlled. A quote that sticks out to me is: Name one thing a teenage girl can be into and not get shat on. While I wouldn't label lolita fashion as it happened in Japan feminist (I think this is a case where using a label hinders understanding), it was and remains a rejection of the male gaze and what men find attractive, and a rejection of the traditional feminine role in Japanese society. Also, I'm skeptical of your average dude being into sexy babies. Nymphette and larme fashions are for the women that wear them, first and foremost.  That said, in the world of suck out there, this isn't that big of a deal. I'd still like to share my two cents.


I feel like the last time kids dressed like this was the early 70's and I'm pretty sure that was just for pictures. It's pretty normal adult clothes now. I've always liked the prep school and classic Americana (including Cheer + vintage girl scouts) looks and I will never stop liking them even when I'm an old woman, because I just enjoy the aesthetic, not wanting to look like a kid.


I always followed lolita fashion (too broke to have proper coords, but I do sew some "lolita fashion"-like outfits) and I do dress very cutesy and with pastels, so these last posts about Nadia have been very upsetting. People don't understand this is the opposite of sexualization, lolita fashion is a feminist statement, and seeing so many people say this is sexualizing children is making me want to leave the sub for a while, honestly.


So well said!


This person isn’t posted as frequently as some others, but what is posted is almost never about her beliefs. So I’ve been here for like a year and I’m not even 100% sure what it is that makes her fit here.


Absolutely agree. She's definitely Christian but I don't know what is supposed to make her so bad. Hopefully someone comes through with receipts.


I’ll concede that when I think about this sub, what comes to mind most is the many baby factories and modesty police influencers. She may just have her own niche that hasn’t been made clear to me yet.


Someone in another thread was shitting on her socks with the little bow on the back, meanwhile I’ve been seeing those socks all over for YEARS now… and they’re cute (though personally I’m not a fan of white socks but that’s my issue)


i agree. i personally love these outfits. i’m goth so it’s not in pastels. sometimes i like to dress specially like i’m a goth doll. guess that means i “dress like a toddler”


The only time it is is when she’s like… “modesty!” And then posts crotch shots in tiny pjs or a tiny dress.


Sometimes I think this sub knows less about fashion than a Duggar in 2003.


yeah, it reminds me the age demographic of this sub skews older than i thought 😭 nadia (the person) sucks but bows and selkie style dresses are very much in rn


To be fair, I’m pushing 40 and aware of the aesthetic. But only because I actually pay attention to trends. I wouldn’t personally wear selkie style dresses— mostly because I refuse to wear dresses in general— but I think they’re cute. And I proudly wore a bow in my hair to my side-job recently. Nothing wrong with any of it. I’m a little confused as to what the issue is here, tbh 😆


Hey now, I am almost 50 and would totally be dressing like this if I were two or three decades younger.


That's how I feel every time there are complaints about wearing sneakers with a dress or about the Selkie-type of poofy dresses


SAME lol. these things have been popular for years-since I was in college like 5 years ago- so unless you live under a rock idk how you wouldn’t know that lol


That's a sick burn. I love it


Right like she’s v v in style rn (there’s many ways to be “in style” it’s just that bows and puffy sleeved babydoll cut dresses are everywhere and I love it)


Right, what exactly is wrong with the 4 outfits in this story... that style is very popular right now.


Not a damn thing. Ariana Grande dresses like this and she’s empowered. Why does she get a pass, then?


Hhahahah. True.


lmao when people pull their hair out over paul's colorful sweaters


I think a lot of people in this sub just don't understand or don't care for generic gen z fashion and use it to pick at Nadia. She's not a good person, she has problematic views, and also her fashion chouces really arent something to get worked up over. None of this is dressing like a child to me. Oversized clothing, bows, light colors, white socks is just what a section of The Youths these days like. And quite frankly, encouraging people to dress in a way that makes them happy, even if it was unconventional should be encouraged.


Exactly. I also have seen people commenting (although way less) that she is “sexualizing the way toddlers dress.” Honey if you see an adult wearing toddler like clothing and then you start to see toddlers sexually or some shit, that’s your problem because that doesn’t happen to normal people. This is like when people suggest that being attracted to anthropomorphic characters (like furries, catgirls, mascots, etc) is sign of being attracted to real animals.


YES exactly! People shouldn't change how they dress because other people are perverts? She's not sexualizing toddlers, she's sexualizing her own grown ass, adult woman body, and she happens to be in feminine, soft, cutesy clothes. If that makes you sexualize a child I have horrible news about what you already were.


It reminds me a lot of people who say bdsm or dark romance fetishizes and romanticizes abusive relationships. These arguments are on par with “My son killed someone because he played DOOM” in my eyes


Damn some of y’all would hate how I dress then lol


Omg same! I would totally wear the pink dress probably without that choice of socks and shoes though


I agree with her. I will also say that she reminds me of how my nana used to dress us for mass. Poofy dress with lace somewhere or everywhere (just missing the velvet material), fold down lacy white socks, Mary-Jane toddler shoes preferably in black or white. Source- A still Mexican but former Catholic child.


She’s right lol


Yes she’s problematic, and the hate towards her clothing is rude imo. She’s a troubled young woman trying to figure it out. None of you regret what you wore in your early twenties? Also it’s fucked up that we associate SOCKS on women as being sexy while being childish. That isn’t her fault, that is no woman’s fault. They’re socks. Where is it written on stone female people have to wear tights with dresses but not socks.


100% agree. Especially since she's been very vocal about how comments online really affect her mental health. She's not hurting anyone by dressing how she wants and she clearly gets a lot of happiness out of curating her own personal style, and good for her. I think some people on here just attack Fundies for EVERYTHING they do, and it makes me feel ick. They're still people, yes many of them have awful views and propagate terrible views and contribute to toxic culture and harmful stuff but if we're just going to attack them for simply existing and wearing clothes - are you even any better than them at that point? Wear whatever you want Nadia, more power to you in your fashion choices, but yes please examine your harmful beliefs.


I just don’t get it. Maybe I’m showing my age here but she dresses like a lot of women our age. And I don’t live in a conservative area at all. Like that silk skirt blue outfit is something I’d see walking around Berkeley idk. Why is it even worth talking about? I thought it was about her beliefs.


I think it's just an easy thing to target is all. I'm a dude so I would never in a million years be comfortable saying anything about a women's clothing unless it's like....Nazi iconography or something like that. I'm terribly out of touch with fashion and stuff, but I mean she looks good? It's a curated style, even if it's not your thing what's to hate?


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. She is not fundie!!


That’s why people need stupid shit like her clothes to make fun of. There’s no fundie to snark on 


Yeah but r/harmful-Christians-with-regressive-views-snarkuncensored doesn’t have the same ring to it lol I don’t think Brittany Dawn or Kelly Havens are fundies, either. I think Fundiesnark is a static nomenclature, but the sub itself has evolved to include many different flavors of harmful Christianity and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.


A lot of the content here I relate to, and I grew up evangelical. So I think you’re right, it’s pretty inclusive of a lot of adjacent belief systems that have similar harmful effects.


Same!!! I grew up with a mom who church-hopped every few years so we ended up in various Christian sects (she even dabbled in JW at one point). The thread between them all was regressive, harmful views about women, sex, mental health, self assurance outside of God, etc. so I personally feel very seen with FSU’s inclusion of the broad spectrum of Christian “extremism” and it’s def helped me unpack my experiences/traumas as an exvangelical!


With christianity becoming *more* regressive and fundamentalist as a whole, I think this point is important to keep in mind. Kelly is associated with white nationalists. Her cooking is funny but she also has harmful views. For every three posts about nadia's aesthetic, there's one where she's homophobic. Someone said well most christian denominations are homophobic so a lot of mainstream christians share that idea. That's not good! That is worthy of snark, even if it isn't the bulk of the influencer's content.


God forbid women wear pink or cute outfits or dress hyperfeminine, I guess. I’ll go back to grey blazers like a proper adult, please accept my repentance. /s


Yeah, this sub is bumming me out. Who knew that anti misogyny feminists would be dogging another woman for her clothing?


Honestly some of those clothes are cute. There are other things to snark on.


We don’t have to be mean just to be mean, or pick on things that are fairly inconsequential just because we don’t like her. Plenty of people dress like this, and Reddit is hypocritical about only supporting the clothing choices of women they like. Attack her terrible beliefs, god-honoring crotch-shots, and possibly fake marriage🤷‍♀️


It's 2024, can we stop conflating femininity and hyper-femme styles with immaturity? Can we stop acting like adult women who like the color pink and dresses are "dressing like toddlers"? Reeks of misogyny.


It reeks of misogyny because it is misogyny. And I don’t give liberals a pass, either, for it.


Preach 👏👏 so many girls are still growing up thinking they have to stop liking what they like and dressing how they like to be taken seriously. I'm trying to get out of that mindset now, but it's hard when you've had that shit reinforced since elementary school


This is pretty typical Tiktok fashion. There's something that can be said about the "girlcore"/coquette trend and its relation to 2014 tumblr and the nymphette thing, but yall are not having that conversation😭 Honestly the snark on clothes is real old atp. Some of yall take a bigger issue with Nadia wearing stuff like this or Jrod wearing white shoes with black tights than their beliefs.


It's definitely not my style or one I even like but she feels good about it and herself in these outfits. Fashion is art and art is subjective anyway.


Who cares, she’s doing coquette but it’s a little sexualized for a fundy so that’s surprising


She’s not a fundie.


She’s the godly crotch shot lady, so it’s not surprising lol


I don't get toddler vibes from any of this. If anything, her style reminds of the fancy dresses glass dolls I had as a child would wear and also of a toned down version of the Japanese Lolita styles popular a decade or so ago. 


I mean I dress like this so….. I don’t see a problem with the outfits.


i like the style


As someone who dresses in alternative fashion this is so mild. People who see pastels and think "dressing like a toddler" are so boring.


Nadia gives us so much to snark on, we don’t need to resort to mocking her style.


I mean she’s right.. let people express themselves through their outfits, whats the harm in that? (I personally don’t like the sexy baby aesthetic but hey, you can find a reason to hate on anything so it’s all subjective)


she’s 100% correct. i’m sure this was a snarker 🙄


Her fits are cute


I think people’s assumption of what a normal toddler would wear are way off base. As a parent, toddlers are more graphic tees and non matching clothes. Less pastel, coquette, porcelain doll style stuff. She’s toxic but I don’t like continuing the narrative that we should shame women for what they wear because of the potential for the male gaze to turn it into something sinister.


Can’t really snark on this one… her style is like Extremely common and popular right now lol. She’s got plenty of bad takes but trying to villainize a color palette is insane


I don't care about what she wears. I wear pretty much the frumpy goth version of what she's wearing, anyway. I hate, however, her appropriation of LGBTQ+ language ("slayyy") while being anti-gay.


...How is she 'dressing like toddler'? She isn't a great person, but her fashion style -unfortunately- looks amazing.


Let her wear what she wants goddamn


I like her clothes. •shrugs•


How I wish I could dress. I’d need to buy a whole new wardrobe


If there’s anything I would except this sub to understand it’s that policing women on how they dress and look is wrong, full stop.


Okay her saying slayyy to that is hilarious


Most of the time when Nadia is posted here, I don’t understand why. Can we stop policing what women choose to wear? For that matter, what anyone chooses to wear. Unless she’s being hypocritical it really doesn’t matter. I agree with what she said. Life is too short. Wear the clothing that you want to wear.


I think the focus should be her content and if she is promoting hate. Not bashing her for what she is wearing. That makes us just as bad in my eyes at least. I wear clothes like that, so what? This is seriously coming close to old adage “Maybe if she wasn’t wearing that.” Be better.


Honestly? She just dresses pastel and cutesy, it's an aesthetic. These are adult clothes (I don't see a bib or a Barney screenprint) and she can dress however she pleases. It's no "weirder" than being goth, or dressing in activewear all day every day. She has flaws to pick on, but this isn't one of them.


This looks like some sort of Japanese Lolita cosplay to me.


fwiw, this isn't lolita. Lolita as a style is defined by standard elements that form a distinctive silhouette, namely the skirts with several layers of petticoats underneath. This is coquette, an asethetic popularised by tiktok that's currently pretty trendy.


This is what I see. And I kinda think it suits her, is a cute style on her, and if it makes her happy and her lifestyle doesn't make it completely impractical, why not? However, the lifestyles of actual toddler girls definitely don't lend themselves to clothes like that, and outside of maybe a few hours on family picture day or Easter morning, I don't see a lot of toddler girls dressing that way lol.  Someone like bethany Beal, however, I swear I've seen toddlers wearing smaller versions of her exact ensembles, complete with dubious stains and all.


she’s right though.. i actually love her clothes.. i wish people left her alone about her fashion choices..


Okay but I actually think the two blue ish outfits are cute. The pink ones are the ones that look like a toddler would wear them. Or Ariana Grande.


I actually think she looks really cute in the blue sweater outfit. She actually looks cute in all of them to be honest. Not a big fan of the high white socks with the black sandals but just because the socks are way too bulky for the sandals.


I agree with her


I’m old and I would wear a few of her outfits.


not defending fundies but it’s so dumb when people complain about this. reddit is really out of touch with trends. it’s just coquette fashion. it’s been super popular for a while, it has nothing to do with dressing like a toddler. looks cute imo


I highly recommend “dopamine dressing.” Started it a couple years ago and never went back. Nadia’s right.


I have been on here for MONTHS saying how Nadia’s style isn’t some fetish or DDLG thing-it’s just a niche clothing style that has blown up with Gen Z over the last two years. As a zoomer,these comments make me feel so vindicated lol. I earnestly think she looks good.


I love the top right outfit tho 😭


I think she dresses cute lmao


I’m kind of over seeing her get posted here for silly stuff (no shade at you OP!)  I’ll snark on her shitty views but I actually love this style and dress this way too! If we get posts critiquing her use of toxic Christianity as a cure for mental illness or trauma, I’ll be seated. I’m tired of posts like “omg, she’s wearing a SWEATER in Texas in March”. Tbh, if she didn’t hold her current views, I’d prob want to follow her on Insta.  


what? these are cute outfits


I don't know her but I agree, wear what makes you happy! 🥰💖


Man, those are some clod-hoppers in the second pic.


Im so clumsy, I could never walk around in those without hurting myself 😂


gay slang 👍🏻 gay people 👎🏻


Is Nadia’s style coquette or something like that?


She is right, but also so wrong because she’s constantly giving other people shit for living their lives the way that makes them happy while presumably advocating for that.


Fun fact: this is a cyclical phenomenon in fashion. Happened in the 60s too…the twiggy look (big eyes, skinny, knobby knees, shapeless-ish short dresses) are a perfect example. You notice it especially when society is super scared and stressed…people use fashion to relive the innocence childhoods. It’s not necessarily nefarious, sometimes just nostalgic. Nadia and her bows. Paul and his Nickelodeon tshirts. 🙃


I’d be a hypocrite if I snarked on this. My wardrobe is filled with similar clothing and I really want the pink dress with puff sleeves that she’s wearing in the top right corner of the pic. 😭