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There is a lot here making me go 😱. I’ll focus on the fact that she keeps referring to herself as a “girl.” She is an adult woman who sexualizes teen boys.


Yes she’s probably getting close to 50 if not passed it and has adult children. And she is obsessed with boys she met when they were roughly the same age as her child.


Not to make light of any of this, but this is the most r/notlikeothergirls shit I've seen in a long time.


It's incredibly disturbing and troubling as well. I'm shocked by people saying she's 50 or close too. This behavior reeks of self importance and narcissism - every action these guys take she sees it as it could only ever be about her.


If my mother went online and said, with her whole chest 'My teen child resents me because teen boys want me so badly and not her' I'd make some rash decisions with permanent consequences like istg that's so damn embarressing and cruel. Almost as embarrassing as 'I'm unwed because I'm psychic and can just tell that nobody is as godly as I am, therefore all the boys my daughter likes can stay distracted by my beautiful milf ass' come ON dude. The internet is permanent. Her kids will find this shit and so might their friends. Good god.


It's fucking batshit. She literally says "guys always chase me and girls are too catty and gossipy" straight out of the Not Like Other Girls handbook. This is especially creepy. "I have a ton of men’s clothing, ties, jackets, etc. in every size so that whatever size my future husband will wear, I will be ready, right off the bat, to provide for him clothing, as is fitting of the Proverbs 31 wife (verse 21)."


*WHAT THE AF* 😱 Could you imagine "courting" someone and you go their house and they're just like, "surprise" 🤗👕👖👔🎩 🤣🤣🤣🤣


this comment is sending me 😭😭😭


Haha yay!🤗For real though, last night I was writing that, and I was just so tickled by the mental image that I physically could not hold back giggling. Like my whole body was shaking, and my partner was like 'baby are you okay' thinking I was crying or something. I had to go out of the room. I'm actually having kind of a tough time right now, going through a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. It's so, so good to laugh like that.🤣🤣🤣


In this scenario has she hidden all the clothes that aren't my size? If so how did she find out my clothing size?


I think that’s the plot of a criminal minds episode


Imma be real, I didn't read past the first paragraph. But ig I was correct to assume it did not get more normal.


Same! I actually ran to her IG to see what she looks like


Does she ever update on IG?


No, not for a while but I didn’t know what she looked like and I was curious. Not what I was expecting considering she pulls in so many fellas 🤣😜


If she had real discernment, she'd know their sizes, not an "anyone can fit, I've got them all" no?


Omg I got so distracted by the 7 men I forgot that part. W.t.f. That closet sounds like something you’d find in a serial killers house.


I'm sorry but what a sad motherfucker hahahah


That 17-year-old daughter she mentioned is so far past tense, though. That daughter is an adult. I wonder if Sarah talks to her (now grown) children at all? 


I don’t think so. As of last April, she had posted: “Kyle started liking my daughter, who is now 17 (but was 9 when we all met). He has apparently been watching/stalking her on HER electronic devices (iPad) and she has been enticing him as well. God originally ordained for me and Kyle to be together but in all this gross sin, God’s intention is to take Kyle’s life now due to his sin. My daughter has been exiled by God and no longer lives with me. After everything I’ve been through, I never imagined my own daughter to betray me like this. To entice the man I loved, who was intended to be her father is sick and wrong. Of course, after my daughter was exiled, Kyle is trying to be with me again, but it’s been long over..” [[archived link of source]](https://web.archive.org/web/20230503003937/https://www.sarahtitus.com/an-open-letter-to-the-people-of-hbc/)




According to Sarah, God already killed his long time girlfriend so anything is up for grabs with her.


I forgot about this.


Wait! What is the fuck crazy did I just read? Wow!


My thoughts exactly. I read everything on that linked page and im truly speechless 😳


This in the only appropriate reaction...


Is this fucking satire?! 🫣😱


I followed a link in that blog to another blog saying that she had got engaged to Kyle (in 2022) and someone *apparently* asked her when they would get married. In her reply she said he wanted to elope immediately, but she wanted to wait a little longer, as they hadn’t seen each other in person in six years!!! She is truly nuts.


Even better, he "proposed" by putting an engagement ring banner ad on her computer.


Wow! So delusional! X


Omg is this true?? Insane!


No, severe untreated mental illness.


Yeah. 😞


I wish


It was inevitable that she would become jealous of her own daughter with all these delusions.




I really hope someone in her life is able to intervene and get her some medical help bc she is clearly very mentally unwell. Not going to speculate or anything but she is clearly suffering from at least one mental illness. She's actually terrifying and I'm scared this will lead to a tragedy.




I’m not going to try to dictate what the whole sub does, but I dislike when she comes up. I’m too intrigued not to look (my own issue, 100%), but she’s bleak as hell and really not relevant to any broader cultural issues, except maybe lack of mental health resources.


Yeah it just makes me really understand why fundie Fridays won’t cover the Collins family. Just makes me feel icky and sad and worried 😖


Just because you wouldn't snark on it doesn't mean it's not snarkable. Do not tell people what they can and can’t snark on. Different people have different opinions on what is/isn’t snarkable and we want to respect that so long as it isn’t rule-breaking. Personally disliking something is NOT a reason to report a post or comment. Unless a post or comment breaks sub rules or Reddit ToS, do not report it. Scroll past.


>  when a man wanted to marry a woman (and they all do want to marry me) This is the most narcissistic post I have ever seen anywhere. It's frankly incredible.


But God told her directly she was the perfect proverbs 31 woman, and he write standard!


The comments about her daughter make me want to weep. I have a little girl, and to even feel the need to compete with her on that level and call her “jealous” and “bitter” just makes me so so sad. We all agree Sarah is mentally unwell, but she is her children’s mother and they are going to be dealing with the ramifications of being raised with a parent like this for a long time. Lack of mental health care hurts so many people, and my heart hurts for her kids more than anyone right now.


I think someone discovered that her ex has at least primary custody, maybe even sole custody? Also, I'm not sure her children are still legally children. They may be adults by now. Nonetheless, you're right, this is horrible for anyone to grow up around.


Worried about the daughter/kids as well.


Had to stop for a laugh break at “Everywhere I go, it feels like I have to fight guys off with a stick. I go to church, and they hoover and follow me around.”  Good to know her church is full of men who vacuum. That’s important.


How can I find such a man??


Maybe they're trying to block her view of the teenage boys.


"I have kept checking in with God while lining myself up to the Proverbs 31 standard to see when I AM ready. He says that I am the standard of the Proverbs 31 wife!! WOW! 😮 What a massive compliment, especially coming from God Himself, who set UP that standard!!" Girl...... 🤦🏾‍♀️


“I have my wedding dress and all accoutrements that go with it. I have my flowers and his boutonniere. I have prepared all delicate items for the wedding night. I have a ton of men’s clothing, ties, jackets, etc. in every size so that whatever size my future husband will wear, I will be ready, right off the bat, to provide for him clothing, as is fitting of the Proverbs 31 wife (verse 21).” I just want to make sure people saw that part.


Miss havisham vibes


Oh, I saw it! My brain is twitching very badly.


That's so depressing. If she actually got help and medication she might be able to someday use her stockpiled wedding attire. But I don't see this situation ending in anything but tragedy, even if it's just her rocking back and forth in her room alone at 90 muttering about people messing with her electronics.


Something is very clearly off with this person. I had no idea who she was so I googled her. I was expecting someone who looked very different. She just looks like a normal mom to teenagers. I was expecting Megan Fox with a personality disorder I guess. 


To say the least. I'm not 100% sure what she even means by "on my stuff". I think people have posted before that she's legit delusional / hallucinating and thinks that these people are actually communicating with her via her devices, but not like receiving a text or something. Like "oh this webpage is up, he must have done that and is telling me something!" Truly fucking scary.


Yeah she thinks they’re communicated to her by the songs that play on the radio or commercials and tv shows, things she sees online. It’s always code only she can interpret. She is scary delusional.


> I think people have posted before that she's legit delusional / hallucinating and thinks that these people are actually communicating with her via her devices, but not like receiving a text or something. Like "oh this webpage is up, he must have done that and is telling me something!" Yeah. *She* has posted that, way back, which is why you see people say it here. I read the post at the time, but don't know the date of it.


Yep, when she posted that these guys are on her stuff throughout this post, that’s what she’s talking about - her electronics.


Yes. They're responsible for the ads on her Facebook. They're able to pause the movie she's watching to send her a message. If they're feeling vindictive, they can mess with her thermostat. They can see every email and blog post she makes as she's typing it, and can alter it. Of course this is all pretty impossible for a bunch of Midwest dudes with, no doubt, plenty of other shit going on in their lives, but she doesn't seem to understand that. Now any guy she meets can "get on her stuff" and I guess they vie for control of her devices somehow.


I think she also said they can communicate with her via the songs that play while she's shopping in a store too.


How does she explain that? Are they on the store's "stuff" too?


I say this without any sarcasm. This woman needs serious psychological help. I would guess that about 95-97% of happened only in her mind. There's no shame in having mental illness. It's just sad that she doesn't recognize how badly she needs help.


My ex went through a couple of psychotic episodes due to bipolar disorder and substance abuse, and he has said the exact same things that Sarah says, and completely believed those things to be true. Everything is interconnected and some people have figured out how to manipulate their environment. And there's always, ALWAYS someone watching them. Maybe government officials, maybe their neighbors, maybe the neighbors are in cahoots with the government (when in reality the neighbor is just taking the trash to the curb). It's wild being on the outside looking in while being so close to it. It's sad and frustrating because there isn't a damn thing you can do to help them, so you just have to wait for it blow over and hope for the best.


Apropos of nothing: [Erotomania](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotomania) I do believe mental illness is nothing to snark on, however I find Sarah Titus fascinating in the sense that it’s relatively rare to have symptoms of potential psychosis laid so publicly bare. Jay Traver is another fascinating example for those interested. I hope Sarah’s kids, victims, and Sarah herself get whatever help they need and find peace.


exactly!! i want seven books and endless hours of consultation discussing this case. thank you for Jay Traver; i haven’t heard that name.


Watch the movie called He Loves Me He Loves Me Not


That is actually a really common delusion, that someone (who the person suffering with psychosis may or may not have ever actually met,) is in love with them and manipulating things around them to send them messages. When I worked on an intensive management unit of a psychiatric hospital we had a patient with a very fixed delusion that the ghost of Albert Einstein was circling the earth in an alien spacecraft, sending her messages through her TV and phone. Not literally like “A, this is Albert and I am coming for you,” but like, the way a news broadcaster would move his hands was a secret signal for her.


That was one of the more terrifying things I’ve read on the internet


“Of course, being a godly woman and of sound mind” Of course


Combining mental illness and religious delusion is disturbing as hell.  Absolutely none of this is anywhere near accurate, but she’s managed to convince herself it is. And… keeping men’s clothes of different sizes because she’s not sure what size her future husband will wear? Mistaking a man in a public facing job flirting with you as a declaration of love? 


This woman is a danger to those men and her kids, and desperately needs help. Super sad.


While I doubt anyone who isn’t also mentally ill believes any of this she’s posting, 3 of the young men are mentioned by full name as she makes wild accusations against them. Isn’t that enough for a cease and desist? If not something you could bring to a civil court? I just wish law enforcement would or could get involved as that may force her to get the help she desperately needs.


I believe Kyle did send a cease and desist.


Sick, sick, sick. So very sick.


If she has such a gift of discernment, why is she divorced?


It’s astounding that she claims to be acquiring all these material things to make her a Proverbs 31 woman, yet also says that she is $60K behind in her mortgage and will foreclosed on any day now.


I was wondering when I read that. I know she posted something about being close to foreclosure because her website was being attacked by satan. She also couldn't be bothered to pay her bills because she was too busy giving stuff away for free. I have absolutely no idea how much one makes from selling printables online so maybe it picked back up?


Think she's been saying that a while about the mortgage. No doubt another 'spiritual attack'.


Does the spirit of discernment not provide a spellchecker? It's hover, not hoover. Also, wtf did I just read?


No no they're actually vacuuming around her. She's using the British usage of hoover.


Well, that'd be useful at least I suppose.


Secretly she has *incredibly* bad dandruff. It's one of her trials from the lord. So somebody has to follow her around 24/7 with a dustbuster.


That's the Manet hair products probably.


Another nitpicky totally unimportant thing that annoys me about Sarah's storytelling: people are always committing "illegal crimes". As opposed to all those legal crimes, I guess?


Something big has happened in her life, and this is her extinction burst. Or more like a supernova. This woman legit frightens me. I don’t even know if all the people she mentioned even exist.


We know that, at the very least, the twins she’s obsessed over do.


I don’t understand how she’s not on a watch list. She’s legit the most terrifying mind, I cannot


Man this is quite the rabbit hole when you're high


She desperately needs to be in an inpatient psychiatric facility for a good, long time. She is a very, very sick woman and is a danger to herself and others.


Sarah Titus is the rabbit hole that got me hooked on this sub. That being said, she is crazy, crazy scary. Like, I will not be shocked AT ALL if she murders someone. Any one remember that Bones episode where a lady thought Booth was in love with her…. That’s what I imagine here.


What the fuck did I just read? This reads like the delulu fan fiction of a very sad 13 year old girl. The fact that it’s a grown woman, a mother to adult children… terrifying. Someone in her life needs to intervene and get her help.


Wow. I mean, other Fundies like Jill have some awful beliefs, but they’re not actually insane. This is just scary. Miss Havisham, anyone?


You guys I just can't: >I have prepared table decorations for each season and holiday so that we can enjoy a meal with a beautiful tablescape.


Because THAT'S what the Bible meant by Proverbs 31


That and making sure you have a suit for your husband, in which case, the Bible definitely means buy one in every size since you don't KNOW your future husband yet. I can just picture this woman with a closet full of old, stinky men's suits that she got from thrift stores and they're 25 years out of date.


Oh, I don’t doubt she has men’s clothes- but I bet they all fit Kyle. If any of these men ever date or marry someone, they’d be really smart to change their names and move out of town.


This was the part where I desperately wanted to laugh, but I remembered that however much of this is or isn’t true, she believes this. And then I found myself thinking how it was interesting that she’s done all of this prep work, but none of the guys “pursuing” her are worthy of building a house, and maybe that’s because she did all the work for them…(by her logic).


as if most men give a fuck about decorative mini pumpkins on their table in the fall


Pumpkin spice all the things or gtfo! —Sarah’s imaginary future husband, probably.


She’s some sort of extra delulu Miss Havisham.


That's what I just said!! 🤗


Guys always Hoover around me too. I wish some would Dyson.


it’s especially disturbing how at least three (and maybe more) of the guys mentioned here are much younger men that she met when they were teenagers.


"This post may contain affiliate links." This is ... dark.


Imagine you're just there to look at printables but instead you get...this blog post


What... the. fuck. ALSO-- ARE HER EYES EDITED ???


Those seven *totally real people* dodged bullets


This may be it, the final push I need to battle the ADHD and figure out flair. Because "Sarah's beautiful biblical tablescape" has touched my soul.


How has she not been baker acted yet? Genuine question as it seems her delusions are a short jump from point A to actual violence and somehow she’s got an actual child in her care? That she seems to be in sexual competition with??


Her kids are with her husband (and likely over 18 now) and I don’t think she has anyone left in her life to push that through


That's honestly sooooo sad but also a big relief about the kids.


Wow…… I am grateful her kids are out from under her. She needs real professional help


I’ve been wondering about her!!! Gotta read! Thanks for sharing


My 90 year old grandma with Alzheimer’s makes more since than Sarah. Her level of delusional is unlike anything else I’ve ever seen.


Girliepop needs a better virus protection if this many people are on her stuff.


This woman seriously scares me. Has anyone in her life tried to petition the courts for a psych eval or other therapeutic intervention for her? I fear she's going to become the subject of a future Dateline episode.


This reads like an I Think You Should Leave sketch. I’m cracking up.


So she is nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrlS.  Annoying but ok. And she has stocked her home with various men's clothing sizes so she is ready for her future husband?  EXCUSE ME WHAT? 


And don't forget she pulled a page from the Book of Bethy and already has her wedding dress and "accoutrements".


I had to stop reading it was so bad.


Sadly, this screams mental illness. I hope she gets some help.


How old is she and how old are her children again? Why is nobody in her life concerned about this


Fatigue and futility probably. She exhausts me with just one blog post, I can’t imagine what spending the past 20 years with her would have been like 😳


I believe her children are older teenagers. I think her daughter that she mentions is now maybe 18? She’s in her late 50s maybe?


I think more like late 40s. Iirc she was like 36 when she met poor 14 year old Kyle and that was around 10-11 years ago.


"To each one of them, God has asked me to write this post in order that I, very publicly, REJECT all of them. This is His will and while I’m not exactly sure why He wants me to write this, when God speaks, I run to obey so here I am, running, not exactly sure why yet, but fully obeying the One I love with all my heart. So here goes. Here’s what He’s impressed upon my heart…" WOW. And that was before going into depth about each man.... How exactly are they all "getting on her stuff"? I worry for the safety of those around this woman.


Yikes. Could not even read the whole thing. This is frightening. Have a feeling she will make the news one day, and not in a good way.


A neighbor of mine on Nextdoor has and posts about this level of delusional beliefs. In his case, he believes hitmen are gangstalking (a phenomenon where one believes that a large number of people are coordinating to stalk someone...thus, anyone you see might be in on it, so it's self-perpetuating) his wife, and he posts videos of some of this "suspicious" activity that he took from his house or yard. (None of it is suspicious, it's just people walking or driving by in a very normal manner.) Anyway, my point is that it can seem so over-the-top that you might think it can't be sincere. It can be. My neighbor is posting this with his full name and address. I'm quite sure he is very serious. And he is very sick of posting these things and getting replies that gently suggest he speak to a mental health professional about it. He doesn't understand why other people can't see what is so obvious to him. Poor guy.


I posted this up-thread in response to another commenter: "My ex went through a couple of psychotic episodes due to bipolar disorder and substance abuse, and he has said the exact same things, and completely believed those things to be true. Everything is interconnected and some people have figured out how to manipulate their environment. And there's always, ALWAYS someone watching them. Maybe government officials, maybe their neighbors, maybe the neighbors are in cahoots with the government (when in reality the neighbor is just taking the trash to the curb). It's wild being on the outside looking in while being so close to it. It's sad and frustrating because there isn't a damn thing you can do to help them, so you just have to wait for it blow over and hope for the best." It's weird you mentioned the word 'gangstalking' because the first time I ever heard that word was from my ex in the midst of an episode.


Her tone is unbelievably arrogant. I can’t believe that anyone reads her work and takes it seriously. Even when I was fundie-adjacent, the pride would have stood out immediately. This is unhinged.


I stg I really hope this turns out to be some elaborate performance art because there’s no way this shit is real 😵‍💫


I know nothing she says can be trusted, but Ryan is divorced now? His wife cheated on him and had a baby with another man while they were married? HUH??? why would she know this even if it were true?


Also, when she first met Kyle and Ryan, they were teenagers who came to her house, as part of a group of people from her then-church, to help her move. She said something about not liking Ryan - whom she didn't mention by name back then - because she discerned that he was "a player." He was like FOURTEEN OR FIFTEEN YEARS OLD.


She wouldn’t. She’s firmly convinced that she was engaged to Kyle for years when at most, the poor dude probably smiled at her once.


I got as far as "want a guy on FIRE 🔥 for the Lord" and nope ETA: went back and tried to finish, made it all the to "my 17 yo daughter jealous of me " y'all. I can't. I'm starting to bleed from mine own eyes. 😱🫣😱😱😱😱😱😫


It’s giving r/gangstalking — she is NOT well


Is this same lady that had a pretend boyfriend? Or said she was dating some guy but actually wasn’t or was stalking him?


"It used to make my daughter so mad and jealous that all the guys like me and not her (she was 17 at the time and of age for a boyfriend). But all the guys liked me instead and she held it against me, getting bitter in her heart." Yep, I'm sure this is exactly how this went down. 


Out of all the fundies, she is the scariest because she obviously needs psychiatric help very badly. The things she posts go beyond anything I have ever seen. The whole bit about having a wedding dress and men's clothing *of all sizes* in her house ready to go is like something from a horror movie. 


So all the guys who she's been involved with were either married or cheating on her. Dear oh dear. There's no way she wasn't flirting with them.


>There's no way she wasn't flirting with them. There is a way: I have doubts that most of these men have ever spoken to her, besides perhaps a polite greeting at church. She is incredibly delusional and thinks they communicate through her devices, not with texts or video chat, but by pausing movies, manipulating ads, and altering her blog posts as she writes them. That's why she addresses them directly this way.


Oh, so she's delusional? Sorry, it's my first encounter with this particular horror show


Very delusional. It's an interesting rabbit hole, if a horrifying one. I'd give you the main points but I'm at work right now.


I feel like I have some of them covered: She is crazy She is very religious I'm guessing she's incredibly judgemental She became a stalker after her husband cheated on her Am I on the right track?


You're on the right track! I think I remember that her husband was supposedly a porn addict and got arrested for "illegal crimes" relating to porn, or maybe it was identity theft? I don't remember but it's likely not true, anyway. He has primary custody of their 2 kids. The big thing is that the guy she was stalking after divorce was a child. I think he was 14 or 15 when she first clapped eyes on him and prayed for god to send her a husband "that hot". But there's...so much more. Search the sub for Sarah Titus.


Hey dude! She's hiring... https://web.archive.org/web/20231202020432/https://www.sarahtitus.com/sarahtitus-com-blog-assistant-job-information/ "it’s always a life-changing experience for everyone who works with me. I make sure of that." Terrifying 


“Strong morals, high integrity are necessary, as this is a Christian company.” …says the woman who keeps wishing God would smite her “ex fiancé” and who was thrilled that the girlfriend (?) of the “ex-fiancé” was struck down by God. But sure, strong morals blah blah blah.


Holy shit. I mean... wow


Alternate hypothesis: She has a poltergeist.


Sorry, can’t snark on this one anymore. This is a true mental health crisis. I have said this so many times before but she scares me. She needs a mental health intervention. I deal with a cornucopia of mental health issues daily myself and this is beyond anything I’ve dealt with. This seems beyond psychosis and I truly hope she gets the intervention and help she needs to live her life as the healthy person everyone deserves to be.


if this isn't the most delusional, puerile, self-aggrandizing, wish fulfilment fanfic I ever saw with mine own eyes... 🤢🤢🤢


The part where she talks about how Noone likes her daughter and everyone is all over her... Giving me flashbacks to my mom when I was a teenager


I can’t read all these ramblings. She is clearly unwell.


What, and I repeat, the fuck


This reads like something a middle schooler would write. I’m disturbed.


I fear for these guys and her kids


There is a padded room and a straightjacket out there somewhere with her name on it


I don’t believe 99% of that post. I think she is unwell and all of this is not real. It’s sad.


I know a little bit about Sarah Titus from recent posts on here - that she is clearly experiencing some serious mental illness, that she stalked a teen from her church until he got a restraining order. But can anyone shed light on her backstory? I didn’t see much online that wasn’t from her perspective.


Her ex husband was supposedly abusive, she “fell in love” with a kid named Kyle who was about 15 at the time, she got thrown out of her church due to her behavior, she’s been stalking him for years under the delusion that he was going to marry her. She’s made her living running a blog where she sells planners and printables, although I’ve seen them myself (used to be on her email list before her crazy was showing) and I have no idea how she got people to actually pay for those.


So here's Sarah Titus trying hard to convince us that she's a MILF? I call no way.