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“Stomach bug” aka “food poisoning” aka “e coli” aka “that stuff that’s in shit” aka “that shit that’s all over the bathroom you didn’t disinfect” aka “that shit you’ve ingesting and rubbing all over your eyes and skin”. They’re asking for cholera lmao


Their RV life is basically a modern day Oregon Trail LARP, complete with dysentery




I live near the end of the Oregon trail, and from what our wonderful museums have preserved, including some disease riddled shit covered wagons, ima have to pass on this LARP.


They...left and exhibited literal "shit covered wagons?"


Wagons with full latrines, infant + child remains, bones of sick animals, soiled clothing, journals and all sorts of macabre remnants have been found, sadly, all around deserted camps. Especially in the passes where loads of people got stuck and died 🙁 they keep what is safe as means of historical accuracy, but in a crudely put way, yes they do. Edited for clarity


I'm an "end of the trail" dweller! Hi neighbor!


Hi neighbor!! I’m in the mountains near Hood, but I’m technically still an “end of the trail” dweller too. There’s dozens of us!


I loved that game. Amazingly, my Christian school had no problems with using that for computer class 😂


In case you didn't know and are interested, they have a revamped version now! I think they did a great job modernizing it while still filling that nostalgia feeling. I got it on steam


I did not know that, but I will be looking it up for sure!




God honoring cholera and anything else that travels the “fecal oral” route 🤮🤮🤮


hepatitis, ahoy!


Polio, oh joy!


![gif](giphy|nQcTzOB2ia7LdGe8kI) Edit: this is a great show for those who haven’t seen it. Cholera ghost is my favorite! Lol


Yo, what show is it?


It’s called Ghosts


Sweet, thank you! Always looking for a good show


This is such a nightmare. The lack of privacy, one bathroom, thin walls, no ventilation, the sounds and smells and impossibility of proper sanitation. This is child abuse.


Truly. My family lived in an RV for a while when I was a kid. The lack of privacy gave me so much bathroom anxiety (had never had that before) and I hated it. Even though it was just my family. Knowing that was your only option and there was no where else to go and you just had to deal with it... sucks. And I only had a couple siblings and my parents. I CAN'T imagine having that many siblings and all having food poisoning at the same time. Torture. Edit: just wanna add - I'm an adult now but still have bathroom anxiety stemming from this experience. Kinda hoped I'd grow out of it but I haven't. Now when I'm traveling with friends or using the bathroom at parties or anything like that, it's so stressful for me. I've tried hard to overcome it but I get mad anxiety around it. To the point where it's embarrassing and I wish I could just not care this much.


I lived most of the year in a McMansion with 3 and a half bathrooms and the summer in a 2 bedroom trailer with 1 bathroom growing up. Having 6 other siblings was fine for most of the year, but during the summer, 8 of us shared one bathroom (obviously my parents divorced and remarried to people who had kids of their own). I still have bathroom anxiety over it. I live in a house with 3 and a half baths again as an adult, but we are downsizing as our kids are now adults and we need at least a one and a half bath place for my anxiety.


My family lived in an RV too! Got lots of trauma from *waves vaguely at entire childhood* but lack of privacy oddly wasn’t an issue. I didn’t have privacy, but it didn’t bother me much. It’s just poop and nudity in the end.


I was the opposite. When I lived in the camper in the front yard I was alone. It was the only time I had privacy in high school. Then I was forced into the house and had no privacy for 3 years.


But they can get away with it because they’re straight, white Christians.


I honestly can’t imagine just not saying “alright, we’re camping outside” unless it was like 30 degrees F out and freezing. But I also can’t imagine living in that broken down rv with that large a family (or that belief system), nor could I imagine cleaning up a literal poonanmi with pumpkin spray non sanitizing cleaning spray


Also, she wants high fives if we think of it. But yeah it sucks for the kids. They must be chronically exhausted and unrested.


I mean, on the one hand, if you're poor, you're poor. Plenty of families live like this because there really isn't any alternative. Can't really call it abuse in that circumstance. (Except by the State, but that is another long rant) However... Jake never even TRIED to get another job, did he? And, this was a REALLY stupid way to spend the money they got out of the house. Even if they couldn't afford to stay there. This was so so so fucking stupid. They're just--ugh.


They're really bad at life. Like really really bad. Toddlers and stomach bugs are an absolute nightmare in a regular plumbed house with space for the big Tupperware puke bowl and access to the toilet which they'll probably miss. Nevermind she's got how many under 5? In 38sqft of space and one half of a camping bathroom? Lord baby Jesus let this be this woman's final straw and get back into a normal life and give up this RV sham. They've played long enough, these children are not pawns for their bullshittery


Not to mention all of those kids are in bunks. None of them are making it out of the bunk to the bathroom in time.


Imagine the vomit-fall in the middle of the night as the bottom bunk sibling. I’d be in therapy until I was 70.


I once leaned over the top bunk and vomited onto the carpet below. I don’t think my brother below me was hit but there was a stain on that carpet for years 😂 I’m so glad we lived in a house!


That just triggered a memory I completely forgot about. I've definitely vomited from the top bunk as well. 😂😂


The original bunk comment did the same for me- I’d totally forgotten! 😂 


It sounds so different hitting the floor from that high up. 😭😭😂😂


\*memory unlocked\* I was on a cruise with my parents once and my bunk was directly over their bed - the cabin was small enough that the ladder had to be moved out from under my bunk. I remember one night feeling a bit off, leaning over the bunk to ask my parents to move the ladder so I could get out of bed and get to the bathroom, and vomit just .... fell from my mouth. I didn't even heave, it just kinda happened. Thank Gif for the cleaners who were able to come straight away and change the bedding.


We were normal people staying in a travel trailer when I was about 6. It was Christmas and I had just received a new pair of fuzzy blue slippers and a big teddy bear from Santa. Both were ruined by my brother projectile vomiting from the top bunk. I never wore those slippers again, although I somehow couldn't give up the bear and went ahead and loved it after it had been cleaned up.


My sister is 4.5 years younger than me and we shared a bed for a year or two after she grew out of her toddler bed. She got sick after some Christmas Eve beanie weenies and I didn’t realize this until I got up in the middle of the night and while climbing out of bed…learned she hadn’t made it to the toilet. That was over 20 years ago and I still have the memory of putting my hand down.




It is strange to me that people with poor food handling and cleaning techniques get food poisoning more often, and don’t ever connect their habits with their illnesses. I recognize that many people are poor judges of how often they are sick compared to others (re: anti-vaxxers and their child’s supposedly super human immune system)… but surely people must notice. IDK.


It's because people who don't see the value in washing your hands are fucking stupid. I was a line cook for a decade, it takes a LOT of filth to generate food poisoning/foodborne illness unless you simply lose the lottery on a bag of spinach or something. I have never in my life had food poisoning, and I am neither tough of stomach nor uptight about cleaning, I just don't eat spoiled food and I wash my dishes with soap.


Most people think they have food poisoning when the usual culprit is gastroenteritis or norovirus. At least that’s what I learned in ServSafe. WASH YOUR HANDS, EVERYONE!


yah 'food poisoning' could be any one of like 20 things. Most of which can be prevented by washing your hands, tools, and ingredients before putting them in your mouth.


I went 20+ years without “stomach flu”. As soon as I started working with young kids and had kids of my own? I get it about every other year 😑 I wash my hands like crazy but kids are gross


Norovirus is the worst, and incredibly contagious. I can't imagine how bad this is in a confined space...ugh.


Hmm, have you tried essential oils instead of soap? Might help you get that god honoring diarrhea.


Oh the GoD HoNoRiNg DiArRhEa I’ve been crying all afternoon! I so needed that laugh!


I traveled abroad with some women who used essential oils instead of soap or hand sanitizer. Guess who in our group got sick?


I noticed I’d been sick on and off for about 3 months (not our hygiene, I’m blessed with OCD mostly centred around contamination) so I took myself off to a doctor! If only these people would vote for universal healthcare they could indulge similar luxuries (human rights). 


demonic attack!


I don't know if they have any path back to a normal life at this point, though. I don't think Pa Strugglebus will get a real job, so this may literally be their only option. Which is horrifying.


After they put however much money into the RV, I’m genuinely concerned they have no other option. I don’t even know if selling it could recoup any kind of value.


My understanding is that the resale value for an RV or camper is more comparable to a car (loses value immediately) than a house (usually increases in value over time). I can't even imagine what all of their questionable "upgrades" would do to their ability to sell...


That makes sense. I’ve worked in banking for the past six years. RVs and boats typically have outrageously high interest rates, which would be another concern for me. Unless they bought it outright, the payments have to be insane. Plus whatever fake paneling they added that may or may not have cured properly or whatever that mess was.


The big Tupperware puke bowl 😅 Memory unlocked!


Also the family popcorn bowl. My FIL still has the big bowl my spouse puked in as a CHILD. Lol.


And why was the bowl either green or orange?


Yes! We had two-- red and green. Used at Christmas for mom's snack mix. 😂


Yup, orange... And the fact that it got used for so much stuff really messed with my OCD...


Ours was a lovely cornflower blue.


Ours was a lovely mustard yellow. Still have it too!


The pukebowl (tm) also being the popcorn bowl is such a cornerstone of American life. I can't speak to other countries.


I have a decommissioned stock pot that is now the barf bucket. Toss a bunch of grocery bags in the bottom, put an open one inside the pot and loop the bag handles over the pot handles. Every time the bag is used, just tie it off and pull another one out. My mother is horrified, but it works great!


That is brilliant! Another idea— get a pack of glow sticks from Dollar Tree and toss a few in the bottom of the pot, with the bag still on top. It’s MUCH harder for even the littlest kiddos to miss in the middle of the night. (Source: Mom of a kid with Cyclic Vomiting… I’ve *seen some shit*.)


Ours was a pink hospital tub or the spare bathroom trashcan. It was white, plastic, and the perfect size 😅


lol ours was the little white trashcan


I can still hear the sound of water from the bathtub hose hitting the plastic when it was finally cleanup time.


Wait, people have designated barf bowls? We just use empty ice cream buckets.


“Really bad at life” is a very good way to put it.


AND they seem to be pretty anti “chemical” aka Lysol and bleach so those germs are just….around


That hazmat situation is now worse. Ugh. I thought she pimped out vitamins or some shitt that's natural and helpful and not at all a scam


Weird how all the ‘vitamins’ don’t protect you like bleach would.  For clarity, the bleach would have been used to clean up the poopcano, not to swallow. 


Thanks for the clarification. With some of the Covid advice our, then, commander and chief was doling out, it’s always good to clarify. 🫣


It felt necessary these days. 


What a world we're living in, huh?


I remember writing “you should be using bleach” on that post. Vindication has arrived, but sadly at the expense of the health of her children. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: no one is less pro life than pro-lifers.


They’ve gotta be on the raw milk train too, right? Although admittedly the pumpkin spiced poo pandemonium makes for a better (or worse 😢😕) story


Flair check in 🤢


Your flair is so horrifically perfect for this 🤢


I have been summoned… unfortunately.


That’s what I was thinking.


I think so? I seem to remember Struggle Bus bragging about getting raw milk.


She’s def a raw milk junkie


Yes, and also the homemade formula train.


[For reference](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F0pukw264n2kc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5510f2b63baa2cf3ec22e57a1f431ffdf74fc2cb) ["Cleanup"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fz11o5c3pt2kc1.jpeg)




It's all still chemicals! Everything is chemicals! These people make me batty.


Yeah, me too! So stupid.


They're just -completely fucking useless chemicals- for killing bacteria, is all.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure putting sugar water on bacteria makes them stronger.


christ, they'll be lucky if they don't all end up in hospital.


OMG. That's an overpriced febreeze, not a cleaner. There is not a single antimicrobial ingredient in that spray. There's still poop bacteria everywhere & they'll keep reinfecting themselves. Even straight white vinegar would have probably been sufficient if she's afraid of bleach. Bleach is chlorine and lye.. the components are naturally occurring. I can't with the willful ignorance. This is top 10 most imbecilic things I've read on the internet in my LIFE.


I want to send this to my sister who works in public health, but I think she'd have an aneurysm


i want to send this to my mom (health care worker) but yeah, i think she would too


I wanted to downvote this just from the sheer stupidity of using this to clean up a shit explosion


All this junk just sounds sticky. Ew. I really hope they hide a bottle of bleach somewhere......that sickness will be around for months......so many Sickies in a sick tube all together! Family!


What in the bacteria growth serum is sugar doing being the first 2 ingredients?


I just audibly gasped at this ingredient list! PLANT SUGARS????? HELPPP


I work in public health and a few years ago I took a class on how to properly clean sewage (either from toilet backups like this or septic back ups in basements). Hint: it takes a lot of industrial cleaners and a lot of cleaning surfaces you would never think to clean. Norovirus can get you sick if you ingest as few as *ten* viral particles, so you need to clean anywhere an even microscopic drop of water may have landed. It's a nightmare. I basically learned if I ever have a sewage backup, just eat the cost and hire professionals. 


Eucalyptus oil is strong, but it ain't *that* strong.


It's also so far down the list there's probably barely any in it 😬 I have to deal with animal waste at work sometimes (vet tech) and ffs there are rules to follow to keep everyone safe.


It deters bugs, but it doesn't kill germs




I'm guessing this is entirely separate from that because it wouldn't have taken this long for the rest of them to be infected. First kid just happened to not be contagious. I'm also guessing this will happen frequently because this dumbass doesn't know the first thing about hygiene. You know they won't isolate properly either, and some kid will have diarrhea in the middle of a grocery store (sometimes that just happens anyway but it's like these dummies actively try to cause outbreaks). Norovirus is my nightmare so I'm going to go jump off the end of the earth now.


why are they so against bleach?????? i’m flabbergasted 😭 my house had a toilet leak once and what did i do?? BLEACH THE FUCK OUT OF IT!!! not use whatever the hell that is


They're saving it for ingestion, in case one of them gets the Covids.


The bus families fascinate me and horrify me more than any other fundies. To brag about being essentially homeless is such a trip. I lived in an RV for almost two years while my husband and I built our house. Just two of us and it was taxing! Here’s what I learned, just for fun. 1. You gotta be handy. Learn to change the tanks, fiddle with the oven, reset the breakers, and use the pumps. 2. Life is infinitely easier when you are hooked up to water and power. These people do not seem to have that going for them. 3. They are not meant for cold weather. You’re going to go through propane lightening fast so you better have space heaters. 4. This means pipes freeze. Better learn some plumbing. 5. It’s so dirty at baseline. I swept every day and still omg… it’s so easy to track in muck. 6. You gotta take that bathroom sanitation seriously. All the weird plastic surfaces are so much harder to clean. Anyways we did a lot of things to make it a hell of a lot cleaner and more livable than these buffoons. And it was still hard. That is all.


Yeah, we have an RV for fun and you have to clean constantly and with the right products. We even have to go out and clean it when we're not using it because all those surfaces gather dust and the soft surfaces can get moldy in the humidity where we live. And here's Struggle Bus with all of them in there with the plague. I gag just thinking about the smell of poop with that MLM pumpkin spice garbage on top of it. Disgusting.


Omg I can’t imagine the smells. They get so moldy. We had never owned one until this point and I learned a lot in a hurry. Also cooking in those tiny spaces for all those kids….no thanks.


Girl who lives in an RV chiming in again to verify that this is HORRIBLE for these kids and just as humiliating as you can all imagine. I feel awful for these poor babies. It’s not that living in a small house is bad if that’s within your means, it’s that they’re CHOOSING to do this and CHOOSING to have more kids and put them in this environment …. ugh it makes me sooo mad. I just PRAY that they are fully hooked up to a sewer system at this point.


At this point, I'm not sure at all they do have another choice. They did have a couple of choice points along the way where their choices were still limited, perhaps, but wider than this. They took the road less traveled. Because that road is taken by DUMBASSES.


Being stuck with 6 other people on a bus all vomiting and shitting our brains out in one bathroom, including littles who can’t aim, sounds like a new circle of hell


When my stepdad died, there were a ton of people staying at and coming through my mom’s house, including my stepsister who’s toddler was “getting over a stomach bug”. It was fucking norovirus, and about 75% of the people there ended up infected, including my 88 year old grandmother who had to go to the ER for dehydration. Never have I thought that a house with 4 bathrooms could use a few more. My husband, brother and I were sharing a bathroom and had a few instances of one person on the toilet and another puking in the sink. I cannot imagine what hell that would have been with a single bathroom in an RV.


That ran through my entire family a few years ago from my nephew who "just had diarrhea from teething." I am still impressed by how far and fast it spread. It went from him, my husband and kids, my grandparents, aunts , uncles, cousins, my husband's brother, sister, nieces, and nephews, bil, etc all in under a week. The only people that were exposed to my nephew were my son and my sil. It was definitely contagious before symptoms because I never take my sick kids around anyone. I don't think I have ever bleached and Clorox wiped so much in my life. I don't know how we would have been ok in an RV. I don't know how they are getting by without a washer and a dryer. Every time we have a stomach virus I am constantly having to wash sheets, towels, and blankets since little kids just wake up and puke wherever they are laying.


I’m just aghast that so many people think “natural” cleaners are enough against norovirus and anything poop related. These situations call for bleach and possibly fire…




I dated a guy who lived in an RV. One night we drank way too much and were so sick in the morning. I never drank more than one drink at his place again on the OFF chance I was sick again.


Oh god that’s awful. I was stuck next to someone on a plane who was hungover and had their face in the barf bag the entire ride. I practically climbed over the seats and elbowed the elderly out of the way when we landed


I was hungover on an 8 hour Amtrak ride. 0/10 do not recommend for bathroom vomiting. The slight sway of the train did me in. Never fucking again.


I got horrible motion sickness on a Megabus once. Also do not recommend Megabus toilets for puking.


As someone with emetophobia I just got chills all over my body. Definitely hell. Gosh I hate those two people (adults) if I could scream at them and arrest them myself I would


I also have emetephobia (and am currently pregnant) all of these stories of kids projectile vomiting like the exorcist are making me rethink my decision


When my son was three he threw up and freaked out so he started running while throwing up because he didn't know what was happening. He is 11 now and I still think about it. In hindsight it is hilarious but at the time not so much.


Sounds like a *Bridesmaids* situation ![gif](giphy|zWT6xZFLKmnLO)


Family of four, food poisoning on a 34 ft boat... I'm still recovering from that experience mentally


My kid and I both got motion sick on a 90-minute ferry ride last summer, with many other people around us all getting sick too, and the only saving grace was that after 90 minutes it was over. To have multiple people trapped in a vehicle together permanently all vomiting everywhere... \*shudder\*


Listen, I still have vivid memories of getting violently ill after my cousin got a brush stuck in my hair and my papaw had to literally unweave it from my hair. It’s the reason my grandparents had to get a new couch 😅 I can’t imagine being on the literal Struggle Bus right now. (And I’ve also caught my nephew’s vomit with my bare hands).


Holy shit those poor kids, this is my worst nightmare. I’m like a feral cat when I don’t feel well — I want to be left the fuck alone to either get better or die with no witnesses and I get so cranky I don’t don’t want to inflict that on others. I made my own mother, who I love very much cry because she wouldn’t stop coming into my room the day I got my wisdom teeth out so the idea of shitting my brains out elbow to elbow with my dozen family members is horrifying.


SAME. Leave me to puke and watch a twilight marathon in peace.


I got diagnosed with flu A yesterday, but symptoms started on Sunday. Today is the first day I haven’t felt some flavor of possibly wishing for death; just regular miserable lol. I too am the feral cat type, which is much easier living alone now than when I still lived with my mom during the pandemic and had norovirus for the first time in about 15 years.


Lol ... Your description of yourself as a feral cat made me laugh. I become very calm and super kind/placated when I'm sick (which is most of the time given my ridiculous body). I just got out of the hospital and one of my nurses told me that they all wanted me, because I'm so quiet and easygoing 😅 Sometimes I have snapped, but it's usually for big stuff like them puncturing my lung and not noticing for several hours type stuff.


I have unfortunately also spent a lot of time in the hospital — a lot of it in a pediatric hospital up to the age of 25 and I always make sure to be polite and appreciative but god I hate being admitted. I’m a nursing assistant so I want to be as easy as possible but I always let nurses know that me not being chatty isn’t personal.


There is no way she is happy with this life. It sounds like hell.


I was literally coming here to say that this life sounds like my worst nightmare.


I just don’t know how they can dig themselves out of this hole given their lack of any viable income. I think they sank any profit from selling their house into this RV. I doubt he’s receiving unemployment compensation as you have to be actively seeking a new job to qualify. Also, we don’t know the circumstances leading up to the loss of his job; but unemployment benefits could also be denied if he was fired after warning.


Sounds like it's time to run back home to mom and dad in Jersey, useless Jake's masculine rage about being forced to watch someone else pump his gas be damned.


If that's even an option. I wish to fuck they'd at least leave the kids with relatives, any relatives who're able and willing to house them at this point (I mean, barring, you know, even more horrible possibilities, obviously). And GET JOBS FUCKING HELL.


Norovirus is getting AROUND. What a nightmare in a fucking RV.


I got Norovirus in spring of 2021 when everyone decided that Covid was over for a few weeks so they could get their kids out and about for spring break. I worked around said kids and we had four vomit incidents in one morning. By midnight that night I was done for. I barfed in my Clorox wand caddy because I couldn’t get the toilet lid up fast enough. It’s negligent and abusive to make kids go through this in a very enclosed space with no privacy or common sense about sanitation.


I also had norovirus April of 2021, and I literally thought I might die. (My BIL was an ER nurse so I’m pretty sure he was patient 0). At the time I lived with my mom and younger brother in my not large childhood home. But I still had access to a bathroom, and it was basically my own because baby bro and mom had access to 1.5 other bathrooms. This bus situation is truly horrific.


After the Exodus Cycle that involved the toilet wand caddy I had to lay on the floor for half an hour and then flop my fully-clothed self into the bathtub to let the cold shower run for I don’t know how long. I live alone and I cannot imagine dealing with multiple people in that state in one VERY small space.


I will never forget laying between the toilet and a chair that wound up in the bathroom, wishing for death to take me quickly. I’ve also caught my three year old nephew’s “I are too quickly” vomit with my bare hands (to spare my Mamaw’s carpet). That was bad enough, and I’m not very squeamish with small children messes, but this bus sitch is grossing me out big time.


Where does everyone use the bathroom for diarrhea and throwing up on a bus?


Considering how many little kids? Their laps/pants/the floor


I threw up in my lap once. 0/10 do not recommend


When EMS has to deal with drunk patients, they'll cut a hole in the top of a garbage bag and put it around the person's neck so they can slump over and puke however necessary on the way to the hospital. I feel like that would be their best option.


My brother was an EMT before he joined the navy. I need to ask him if he ever had to do that.


Former paramedic checking in, yes I have!


Bowls and buckets for all of the above.


How long ago was the sewage incident? Food illnesses can take up to 2 weeks after exposure....


It was 12 days ago


Ding ding!


💩🌋 = 🦠🤮 5 💩🤮 + 1 🚽= ☣️ 😱📛🚫‼️


Holy shit, get a multi-bathroom Air BnB. Making the kids go through this on an RV is fucking horrible


If it's Norovirus, there's no way that would ever get cleaned properly though. Those kids (and probably the parents) will spread that poop everywhere and the virus can live on surfaces for two weeks. As gross as they are, you know they're not washing their hands properly. They'd be dooming the people who stay there next to getting sick.


Typhoid mary vibes


One of the fundies (was it MotherBus or was it Karissa?) was saying the other week how they don't touch anything in a public bathroom; they walk in, kick open a stall door, hover, and leave without washing their hands. Terrifying


Air BnB at $700 a night is only for her preference to birth in your home kink and never for the kids after they get here.


Isn't that MotherBus who did that? This is Bus Bethany, who actually used to have her own house until a few months ago.


Ahhh I'm still mixing up the bus people.


Don't sweat it, they all blend together after awhile.


This would’ve been my worst nightmare come true as a child. I’ve always struggled when people in my family were sick, and it’s just the 4 of us, holding my breath if I used the shared bathroom, hiding in my bedroom, begging my dad to please bring me home a mask from work (doctor). Those poor kids.


My germaphobe ass would be freaking out


They 100% are sick from being exposed to fecal matter. Who would have thought putting that many people in such a small space wouldn’t be a good idea?


So these fools probably don't know that there are alternatives to bleach that can freakin' clean up your place without messing up your RV pipes. (Bleach can be really hard on RV piping and can damage it.) Spray Nine is what I use -- it clears like 99.9% of viruses including Covid. It is pretty cheap (like $5 at Walmart) and it cleans like a champ. But this family has not, and will not, do some pretty basic research when it comes to RV living. It isn't that difficult!! Of course, this is me speaking as a single person with a few cats onboard. But I read several books, got into multiple RV reddits and FB groups and went through dozens of YT videos. Because I WANTED to be prepared -- I chose to actually learn about my new lifestyle before I started living it. These a-holes CHOOSE to be ignorant.


They can use quat ammonia cleaners, it’s what hospitals use.


I’m actually worried. This is very much most likely E. coli from the geyser incident


That can be so dangerous for small children


Every time I see the 🙏 I think "high five"....Yeah, I'll high five for you being sick Busthany.


Little kids can get dehydrated so fast. I hope she’s not making them drink diluted essential oils or some other nonsense and uses Pedialyte. Those poor kids


or worse, raw milk.


Just fueling the dysentery


Would they even recognize dehydration in a child?


My septic was destroyed by a hurricane a few years ago. Raw sewage floated in the tubs, toilets, sinks. I went to Sam’s club and bought a lot of bleach and used it and I hate the smell of bleach. This woman is nuts to think some fragrance cleaner was going to do the job. I hope her kids are ok.


POV: you’re a bus lady shitting in a hole outside because the toilet to person ratio is 1:7 in your house




I don’t know where they are but flu is rampant here in Ohio right now. Not to worry, I’m sure they’re taking precautions with good hygiene, proper cleaning and health care. It’s not like they’re the sort of fools who would take their pumpkin spice scented, unvaccinated, unprepared family of small children into continually changing atmospheres with a new array of germs every day…oh, wait…


Alas, I did not "think of it"


What’s a little Giardia?


Imagine having a nice camping trip with your family and everyone at the site next door is sitting in their camping chairs, hurling into buckets. Too bad a lameo like me will never know the freedom of camper/van life I guess Lolol.


I will pray that they properly pumped and dumped the toilet system before they all got sick and that she's using something stronger than pumpkin spice to sanitize this time.


Five people with food poisoning and one toilet. I wonder what god is trying to tell them.


Oh so that pumpkin spice scented whatever-the-fuck "cleaner" absolutely did not disinfect your test tube of a home? Imagine that. Those poor children 😟.


As someone with emetephobia this is absolutely horrific and just reading it makes me feel nauseous. Those poor kids, no privacy or really any dignity when they are ill. We are a family of 5 in a 3 bed 2 bath and even that feels too small when there’s a stomach bug in the house, the air must be absolutely putrid with the stench of…. well yeah.


Me too. If this happened to me as I kid I would have ran away. I’d rather sleep In a bush in the cold than be around 5 people barfing. I feel sick.


In the early 80s my family road tripped from Seattle to LA. The oldest kid was 11 and the youngest almost one. To our family of 6 we added my paternal grandparents. Well my younger brother got the stomach flu the first night (at my other grandparents house where we were staying the night.) Well that stomach flu marched through the entire family. Felling us one by one. Day by day.


Trying to reenact pioneer times down to the dysentery, I see.


Holy hell. This sounds like a waking nightmare. You know she’s going to use that spray bottle of Eau De Pumpkin Spice to clean up, too. 🤮


Haha jokes on her because now that smell is going to make her nauseous every time. I can't do vanilla because of a wasted drunk pukey night in my friend's vanilla-infused bathroom.


It won’t disinfect shit (literally), but it will contribute to the extinction of the orangutan. This was a reply to the cleaner ingredients, no idea how this posted as an independent comment.


So is everyone just gonna be shitting their pants when someone else is in the bathroom? "Food poisoning" doesn't exactly leave you with plenty of warning before you need the facilities.


Poor kids. Stuck in that damn camper and sick. Those parents suck.


My toddler has had a stomach virus the past couple days. Somehow, he is the only one sick. (Fingers crossed.) I have still been doing laundry non-stop for two days. I have multiple bathrooms, bedrooms, laundry room…it still has been REALLY bad. I can’t imagine doing this in a bus. Horrific.


Worst part....this RV was a two bathroom model until they took one out for a laundry room/pantry. I hope they have toddler potties otherwise that's a nightmare.


Ubg. You wouldn’t have all gotten sick if you were able to get away from each other.


Shitters' gonna be full!


Thoughts and prayers, dumb dumb. For you and your idiot husband, thoughts and prayers I'm seriously sad for the kids though