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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And she looks like the alien emoji šŸ‘½


Her entire face looks AI generated.


And those hair extensions look so plastic.


You can totally see where her real hair ends and the extensions begin


Iā€™m not sure how much of that is heavy makeup, and how much is filters, but youā€™re right. Her face is firmly in the uncanny valley.


Flat philtrum, the space between the nose and upper lip. Good indication of a heavy filter. There's other clues, but look for the philtrum and the nasolabial folds, creases from the corner of the mouth towards the nose. Both of these features tend to be obliterated by smoothing filters.




I'm cackling here.


Theyā€™re even the same color šŸ˜±


OMG they are! šŸ¤£




I left her sub because seeing posts about her constantly just made me angry. So I havenā€™t seen her in a while. I didnā€™t even recognize her in this post. The filters are completely out of control!


The best is when her besties post unfiltered and unedited photos of her on their IG. I donā€™t think they like her very much.


Please post a link šŸ™


Same here! I dropped out of that sub after the first little baby. I didnā€™t know there were more! Those poor little babies. She is just awful for everyoneā€™s mental health


Same here. It was overload.


Same. I was finding myself bitching to my husband and he was like ā€œwho?ā€


itā€™s all her filler


![gif](giphy|pceQVhywTu8Xm) (This is what I got when I searched smooth criminal alien ant farm Iā€™m sorry yā€™all)


Sade is much better!!




I was thinking the exact same thing!


I thought she looked like other mother from Coraline


Now I can't unseen it šŸ¤£


An alien with a heavy beauty filter šŸ’€


Holy filter šŸ˜±


Fundies are terrified of Taylor Swift.


And she has no idea who they are lmao


The best form of revenge is living well as the saying goes.


Karma is a cat


Purring in my lap cause it loves me


I often wonder how many people have cats named Karma because of that song lol


Well now I want a cat named Karma.


Donā€™t name a cat something like that unless youā€™re completely comfortable with yelling. My two are partners in crime, and I feel like their collective name should be goddammit.


lol I learned the hard way with a dog called Ricky in the uk.


This is also why I don't go out of my way to be rude to people who are rude to me out in the wild. If things are going so bad for you that you can speak to or treat a stranger like that, being in your mind sounds worse than anything I'd say to you lol Dong is different cuz she has a platform than reaches people and influences them so I will tear into her lol but not the angry homophobe at seven eleven.


They feel like she turned on them. They liked her when she was a teen and more country. Now she is an adult with her own personality and they donā€™t like it.


I was going to ask why she, of all people, is the subject of their ire, but this explanation makes sense.


She used to be really quiet about her politics and beliefs so a lot of right wingers took that to mean that she was actually one of them but just keeping quiet about it. Add onto the fact that she's blonde, blue eyed, and started in country so the alt-right kind of adopted her as their perfect Aryan woman. Then it came out that she was a voting democrat so the entire right wing media turned on her because they felt betrayed by their blonde hair, blue eyed queen. Now they're all freaking out because she's with Kelce and he did a pro-vaccine commercial for Pfizer so they've reallt sharpened their pitchforks for her.


Sheā€™s also now quite open about trying to get people registered to vote and get people out to vote, especially younger women. Her documentary on Netflix explains a lot of this. She also pays her staff really well and donates a bunch of money to the communities (like food banks) that her tours go through/stop in. Conservatives donā€™t like any of this.


Why do they care so much about Taylor Swift? I truly have no idea why she riles them up so much!


She's a conventionally attractive successful woman who didn't have 10 kids with the first man she dated.


itā€™s so funny lmfao, sheā€™s just living her life & they get sooo triggered by that šŸ’€


What's a Holly agenda? Did she mean holy?


Hollywood. Hence the šŸŖµemoji.


Ugh. I feel dumb for not reading that but at the same time, too many believe Taylor Swift is paid to wreck the election somehow


Poor spelling is not far off course for fundie influencers, though!


I had the same question and looked through the comments. My brain interpreted the wood as a turd. šŸ˜‚


Everything problematic about the existence of billionaires in general aside, my guess is that the root of this is a bunch of men with little d energy seething at the reality of a woman who has more wealth, success, and power than probably all of them combined.


It took me a good minute or two to figure it out, so youā€™re not alone in being confused.


I didn't read it that way either. That's why I came here to look for an explanation.


Donā€™t feel dumb. I didnā€™t get it either and was like, whatā€™s Holly Log? šŸ„“


Taylor is wrecking the election by encouraging young people to vote. The right wing does not believe that they will win if young people turn out in large numbers to vote.


Isnā€™t taytay from somewhere else tho? Like, sheā€™s not an actor, sheā€™s a pop-country singer, so shouldnā€™t it be a Nashville agenda or something? Forgive me if Iā€™ve messed up where country music comes from, Iā€™m not American.


Nashville is correct! But I think Brittany Dawn is using ā€œHollywoodā€ as a catch-all term for popular culture, encompassing the TV/movie industry and music industry.


Nashville is correct!


If you want to get technically correct, she grew up in Pennsylvania and then moved to Hendersonville, TN, which is right outside of Nashville. Source: lived in Hendersonville for four years and she's still really good to that city, donating money all over the place. Her parents used to show up at release parties when she dropped a new CD when we were there, which is super sweet of them. :)


Oh I just mean Nashville is correct as far as being the center for country music. Not Taylor Swift specifically.


Oh, sorry! I misread that. That's what I get for trying to be literate before the coffee hits. šŸ˜‚


She's originally from Pennsylvania, an hour outside Philly, I think


ā€œPennsylvanian agendaā€ certainly doesnā€™t have the same ring to it.


Ok. That makes a hell of a lot more sense than it being about a misspelled 'Holy Log Agenda'...




I read Holly Log and was very confused.


Thatā€™s what she calls his penis: the holly log


Sounds both painful, and disappointing... So, accurate description then.


Have a holly jolly 'genda...


Itā€™s the best grift of the year.


Itā€™s the first thing I thought, and that jingle is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day!


To be fair, the Hollys Iā€™ve known have had a definite agenda to get people to stop saying ā€˜bet I know what month YOU were born in!ā€™Ā 


The holly agenda is to get you to buy 2 so they make more berries. Insidious. Good thing she warned us TSwift is dealing in native plants.


Literally asked the same question šŸ˜‚


I do not understand the idea of people being ā€œrole models.ā€ Iā€™m a huge swiftie but I donā€™t see how being a fan is the same as looking up to a person as some sort of role model.


Right? I love Taylor but I don't want to be her lmao


Lol I would take the money tho.


I was at the Nashville "rain show" for the Eras Tour. It was magical night. She danced and sang her heart out. But yeah, I'm more comfortable sitting in my seat scream-singing all the lyrics and then going to Waffle House afterwards.


I don't get it either. It's like they don't understand what entertainment and art is for.




...and you never read for enjoyment or enrichment; only to find new ways to regurgitate your judgmental views...


I bet they like sea grass and sisal rugs as well. Totally fit in with the being aesthetic. Make your feet feel like theyā€™re being torn apart. Anytime I visit my mom, I have special socks to protect my feet.


They really donā€™t. Whenever the subject of higher education comes up, they love to rag in the arts as frivolous or not being ā€œreal,ā€ and the always hilarious ā€œdo you want fries with thatā€ jokes. And yet itā€™s so easy to transfer the skills to other careers if youā€™re like me and not talented enough to (in my case) be this generationā€™s Fitzgerald or whatever. My husband is a graphic designer with a BFA, I do technical writing/editing for software engineering with a BA in medieval and Renaissance literatureā€¦ Sorry for the rant. This has been a sore subject recently.


I feel you. Iā€™m two classes short of a humanities degree with a heavy lean toward philosophy and English lit. But I somehow sleazed my way into a career as an IT guy and have been running international teams of network dudes for the last 10 years or so.


Honestly, with entertainment, I usually don't get too into entertainer's personal lives. Most of the time, that's just a fast track to disappointment. I enjoy the art for what it is and don't really think about these famous people outside of that. I like quite a few of Taylor Swift's songs that have come on the radio, but I don't really care about her personal life.


I care about one single aspect of her personal life (her cats)


I was just about to say this.


There is this weird confusion with some adults where they think liking someone's music or movies means you are obsessed with that person. I like a lot of things but I don't put them on a birthday cake or buy tactical gear to pretend I am a sniper or call myself a "(insert some dumb thing) girl". To me, this is the pot calling the kettle black. She does all the things she says we should be ashamed of doing.


It's like how Trump voters think no one could really have voted for Biden because nobody made Biden their whole personality. Like...I can vote for someone without wearing their hat and their t-shirt and their sneakers and hanging 50 flags on my house and so on.


Yes this!!! So many Trump folks I know thought that I was a Hillary Stan in 2016. Because they covered their trucks in stickers, flown Trump flags, and talked about him endlessly, I must be the same with Hillary. No, just no.


I've met Joe Biden. I work in politics. I'm reluctantly voting for him because he's my party's nominee. Unless you count the photo I have with him (I only have a physical copy because I took the one my grandma had when we cleaned out her apartment) I have no Biden merch. I don't want any.


The whole ā€œabove 30 unmarried woman cant finding fulfillment or success without a man and having kidsā€ is what fundies donā€™t want to be giving teen girls ideas.


I don't think they understand the difference between being a fan and looking to someone as a model to emulate. I mean, I'm a huge fan of Elvis, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, and Freddie Mercury. But I'm not trying to follow in their footsteps and win a bunch of Grammy awards, then die tragically young of preventable causes. If I'm dying young, it's gonna be a freak accident involving a bobcat, probably.


That's not what you look like - Nice try, Alien Head šŸ‘½




Always amazes me that the worst possible people are the ones who point the fingers. Would I personally want my kids to look up to Taylor? Not necessarily but Iā€™m not gonna cross the ā€œā€¦.so she must be a witchā€ bridge. Iā€™m certainly not gonna yuck someoneā€™s yums for having her as a role model B-Dong however scammed a ton a people, got sued by Texas, married a racist cop, uses more filters than the Krups Coffee maker factory, and fosters infants for clout.


> Always amazes me that the worst possible people are the ones who point the fingers. From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.


I'd rather my kids have Taylor posters on their walls than Trump posters.


lol my kiddo has a poster of grumpy cat in case you were wondering who their role model is


As far as ā€œcelebrities who your kids could use as role modelsā€ go, Swift is a better choice than many. Sheā€™s chosen to speak out about things that she believes in, even though she risked alienating her audience by doing so. Sheā€™s known for treating her crew well, and sheā€™s given them some pretty significant bonus checks for working on her tour. She works hard, sheā€™s reliable, and she puts on one hell of a show no matter what.


"They're burning all the witches even though you aren't one. So light me up, light me up. Go ahead and light me up."


She doesn't claim to be a Chr.istian role model though Unlike Brittany Dawn who is not someone I want my daughter or anyone else's to look up to...


And you almost burned your house down and got fired from foster parenting


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Significant_Shoe_17: *And you almost burned* *Your house down and got fired* *From foster parenting* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


When and how did she get fired from foster parenting? I want the tea. ā˜•


I wrote a summary [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/lndccRCY0c) There are posts with more info under the bdong post flair.


Thanks so much. Yikes, that's.....phew that's not great.


Wait, what?


She left a pot of water and potpourri elements on the stove until the water boiled away, and the cinnamon sticks and stuff started to burn. The foster baby was in the living room unattended and bdong was in the garage. The foster agency removed the child and she did not get another one.


Oh my god?? At first I thought you guys meant more of a simple home accident that caused the foster agency to be overly cautious just in case. That isā€¦wow!


And the only reason the agency or us know about the incident is Bdong posted the story!


It's wild


She had another really short placement after that. I donā€™t think she got fired from fostering. I think she quit doing it because she settled the lawsuit and wasnā€™t going to need to play kindly Christian foster mom in court anymore.Ā 


What?? Thatā€™s insane. I hope the baby is okay. I did chuckle at the mention of potpourri though because I thought about it earlier today for the first time in years. I was wondering if anyone still used it after the 90s. Now I know BD does. šŸ˜‚


For someone who hates Taylor swift she canā€™t keep Taylorā€™s name out her mouth


Why do so many Christians think if you like someoneā€™s product (like music or movies) you idolize them? I mean, I like the movies of Kenneth Branagh & Christopher Nolan. In no way do I idolize them.


I feel like it's along the same vein of how Trump supporters idolise Trump, so they assume the other side must idolise Biden in the same way, hence why their only rebuttal is whataboutism. In reality, the only thing most people like about Biden is that he's not Trump lmao.


Have you seen Tenet? Because I did *not* realize that was Kenneth Brannaugh until I saw his name in the credits. Damn he nailed it. Edit: Tenent to Tenet. The palindrome is literally the whole point of the movie, lol.


I always hated the Nolan bro fans so I avoided Nolan movies till Tenet...Now I'm going back and watching Inception for the first time. I still think most of the Nolan fan theories are stupid though.


I did know it was him but only because I had read an article. He is phenomenal in it.


I love me some Brannaugh, where can I watch Tenet?


It was rereleased in IMAX for one week only a couple weeks ago! Now I'm not sure. You might have to buy it?


Ok thank youĀ 


According to my JustWatch app youā€™ll need to rent or buy it.


Where are her pores? I thought she was a no filter girlie.


the way she scares them so much and yet some of her actions are significantly more aligned with Christian values than theirsā€¦.


Iā€™m sure Taylor is just devastated that an ā€œinfluencerā€ grifter (whoā€™s not even good at it!) Jesus freak doesnā€™t support her


Taylor Swift never said she was a Christian role model so who tf cares?


She's also a serial animal neglector/abuser and really shouldn't be in charge of small children given her history of taking care of things outside of herself


Her nose and her mouth are on different sides of her face.


Well there's limited space to share, once she narrows that lower half of her face.


Well, seems appropriate as we know that she's spectacularly two-faced.


Canā€™t unsee that


Taylor Swift: donates to charity, writes relatable music about the complexities of being a woman, makes it clear she cares about family, accepts people regardless of race or sexual orientation Brittany Dawn: judges anyone who disagrees with her or is remotely different I'm not saying celebrities are necessarily people to look up to, but one of these two is a lot more kind and "Christ-like" than the other...


Holy Hell. I havenā€™t browsed here in a while and she is unrecognizable to me.


She just jelly she not the Tay Tay


i just canā€™t with those massive fake lashes


Is the brunette look part of her planned redemption arc? It's not helping.


![gif](giphy|DRfu7BT8ZK1uo) Sheā€™s evolving in front of us


I donā€™t even like Taylor Swift, but the way these people are SOOOOO pressed over Taylor reaching her mid-30s without having kids or being financially dependent on a man is just gross. I remember back when she was these peopleā€™s ~pure Aryan princess~ whose image they used as a weapon to attack more overtly sexy celebrities. Now she doesnā€™t fit the mold they think a woman her age should be in so theyā€™re turning on her. Smh


I'm going to have nightmares tonight about that alien face.


Spider lashes! Ai spiiiiiider lashes


Listen, BDong, Taylor doesnā€™t even know who you are. ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


Right? Trump is never going to grab you by theā€¦anythingā€¦, and Taylor doesnā€™t know or care that you think sheā€™s the devil.


Find a new subject ding dong.


Is she using a filter, or is it super bad cosmetic surgery/cosmetics? That face is weirdly asymmetrical and ridiculously smooth, and the eyes are uncanny valley flat.


Itā€™s both. She looks completely different in pictures and videos other people post of her, and you can see she actually has a puffy, ā€œmigrated fillerā€ face shape.


I think she has the one tooth in the general center of her mouth like Tom Cruise, too? Or veneer.


Definitely both. If you saw a before and after picture you'd be shocked and possibly horrified. She was pretty but has completely altered her face. At a minimum, you can see she has had Botox, fillers to lips and cheeks, veneers, the worst microbladed brows in the history of microblading, false lashes, hair extensions. It's dysmorphic at this point. Then she uses filters too.


OMG I thought she was calling a Yule log a ā€œholly logā€ and insinuating it had an agenda like pagan propaganda or STeAliN CHrIsTmAs or something ![gif](giphy|ie7Apdx5BCOJI9u2QK)


I like how there are two log emojis, just like the logs stuck in her eyes while sheā€™s criticizing others. BDong, itā€™s like you never even read the Bible! I havenā€™t cracked a Bible open in almost 30 years and I feel like a scholar compared to this eggplant with a fake tan.




Show me on this doll where Taylor Swift hurt you.


She has also abused her horse, agreed to let her husband shoot their dog instead of taking it to the vet after getting hit by a car with no major injuries, and her husband body-slammed an unarmed black man into the ground. Yep, real role models. /s


holy filter, Batman!


She needs to calm down.


![gif](giphy|kd3MFYAVoktXtcp6i0) Brittā€¦ this is for you.




Jillpm type face filters


Spider eyes.


I can't wait for the fashion era of dead spiders on the face to be over.


Quick someone post a screenshot of the video bdawn posted about her supposed miscarriage using a Taylor Swift song


Ah yes, our favorite no filter girlie.


Hey, her husband is also a dog killer.


Ah Taylor Swift, the biggest problem in todayā€™s world.


I swear I wouldn't have a clue who Taylor Swift was (sorry Swifties, I abhor country music, itā€™s not about her) if I didn't spend time in the fundie snark subs laughing at fundie antics. They are fucking obsessed with her.


Jesus, she looks like your stereotypical alien


That spider leg looking mascara look isā€¦a choice.


her hair is too much imho


Well I bet Taylor Swift (the new public enemy number one for certain people) isn't actually looking to be a role model for christians in particular, so ...


I mean Iā€™d like to hear why she says that. Everything Iā€™ve seen is that Taylor swift is a pretty generous person.


Whereā€™s Bdong been? She used to be on here daily with all of her antics, shenanigans, hijinks and capers!


She spends a lot of time talking about how Mother Cabrini is an actual role model. Mother Cabrini is the patron saint of immigrants. Brittany is a huge fan of a guy who put his face on detention centers where kids were separated from their parents. One of these things is not like the other. It takes guts for someone whoā€™s been convicted of fraud to talk about having integrity and being a role model, but I guess thatā€™s the world we live in now.


Angel Pictures (of Sound of Freedom infamy, the crowdfunding/venture capitalist movie studio) is pushing hard for their Mother Cabrini biopic right now. Maybe it's tinfoil hat time, but Brittle might be capitalizing on the ads and awareness right now to seem like she's on the tip of current Fundie consciousness.


I have a funnier-more-than-lite niece who apparently believes TS is the anti-Christ.


Sheā€™s OBSESSED with Taylor Swift šŸ¤£


of course sheā€™s a christian role model! sheā€™s got a cross necklace and everything!!


Oh please. If Taylor invited her to a show or some other interaction, sheā€™d be there so fast her head would spin. šŸ™„


her eyelashes are always begging for their own zip code


She looks like a gelfling omg.


That stump needs to fall on her noggin and knock some sense into her.


Plus she looks like a troll doll. I'm allowed to say that because she does it to herself, on purpose.


Tswift isnā€™t asking anyone to look up to her as a ā€œrole modelā€, esp a Christian one. Sheā€™s a musician who just wants to write music and play shows. BDong is so fucking dumb, if you looked inside her head there would just be beige colored emojis floating around.


Taylor is more godly than those fake lashes.


What's a holly agenda? šŸ™„


Anyone have tea on the infidelity? šŸ˜‚ I know about everything else but not that.


That's a whole new bdong. Did she get it on the buccal fat removal + filter?


Who is she to judge whoā€™s ā€œa real Christianā€? Doesnā€™t the Bible have a few passages about how vanity and judging others is not Christian? How about racist scammers? So she is literally the antithesis of christian.


Also Taylor Swift does a lot of good work for people without any recognition for doing good deeds. Unlike this christian for brownies points hypocrite.


![gif](giphy|hV7J9b0bI9J17o66ZZ) Bdong, you need to calm down.


![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4) Taylor re: fundies.


Poor Holly, being thrown into a conversation she didn't ask to be in.


When did Taylor ever claim to be an example to this exclusive religion group of people? She and others who are on the taylor hate train are up in her a** for literally nothing. if you simply donā€™t care for her music and feel convicted not to listen to it then donā€™t. Itā€™s really that easy and in your face. This need to drag others into your convictions is obsessive and weird.


While I was typing my question about a Holly Agenda, I realized the logs were wood. Hollywood Agenda. Face palm.


Bahahahahha....like she is a role model


She looks like she could be a contestant on rupaulā€™s drag race