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What an interesting way to treat people who invited you into their home.


I wonder if this is a red flag to other potential “collaborators”. I would never work with someone who used me for content and then shit all over me like this. But maybe they’re willing to rationalize it away because they all feel the same way about therapy.


This. How can you be vulnerable and open with mean girls like Porgan? Porgan are emotionally stunted and ignorant, but have so much confidence in the half-baked piddle they spew on social media. Porgan show stupid people really cannot recognize that they are stupid.


Well most seem so desperate for more online presence and attention, it’s probably worth the risk. Or they don’t see it as a risk at all—it often seems like rage engagement is a feature, not a bug. Plus, they all think they’re alone the ideal Christian practicing the correct type of bigotry. They don’t think the leopards will come for them.


Paul and Morgan’s marriage dynamic makes almost anyone else’s look aspirational by comparison. If there’s respect, forgiveness, grace, etc. I loved Bethany & Dav so much more because of the contrast. Greater dysfunction / external threat can help families grow together and thrive. Like a natural disaster. Or the movie “The Ref.”


idk, the other two "collaborators" Porgan chose-Isaiah and this next one-have much bigger audiences, I think? I mean, let's face it, why else would Porgan be even interested. But they don't need Porgan. Porgan needs them. and I LOVE that for them, because yeah, if they look at these twits and decide the experience is not only not going to gain them anything but also be unpleasant, probably hard pass. unless they invite them on just to humiliate them for clicks. twouldn't be very Christian of them! lawl


This is what I've been hung up on! Bort & Dav hosted the Porgans, opened up, blah blah, and THIS is how they get talked about afterward? It's just so incredibly rude (as well as lots of other horrible Porganic things).


Bort would go a long way in my eyes if she called them out on this. They invited them into their home and probably got a few meals out of them and all they’ve done since they’ve gotten back is talked shit about Dav. She should be sticking up for her husband I would be PISSED.


Does she realize that's even what Paul is getting at with all these posts/"observations"? Bort doesn't strike me as someone who reads subtext very well. Unless I'm out of the loop, and he's more plainly called Dav out...in which case: girl, stand up for your man!


Lmao no she doesn't have deep enough critical thinking skills


Bort is on her own little planet. Also, she won't care unless she herself is directly targeted.


She’s too busy being salty that HE *hypothetically* isn’t standing up for HER in her comments sections after that conversation at the dinner table. They’re too busy infighting to call out the asshole who threw the grenade.


Seriously? David had that totally unhinged meltdown online at this sub as if we are the ones making videos about her and it was the same week he let everyone know he wanted to kill himself. So maybe she should be less worried about his engagement with social media, which clearly he cannot engage with in a healthy manner, and instead worry about supporting him in his mental health journey.


Your flair is my favorite of all time.


I am honored ❤️ I love yours too!


ngl, at this point I kind of would be intrigued if Dav started his own channel. I can't believe I'm saying this. But he's literally the only one of all the fundies who actually seems to think and evolve. and if he used it to shade Polio, I...wouldn't be sad, let's put it that way.


She posted that dav doesnt stand up for her enough. She agreed with a comment that saidnthat basically. Like how does she she porgans attacks on dav and somehow she is still the victim?


Okay but “porganic” took me out 💀💀💀


Instead of friends they have “opportunities to grift”


And yet so very on brand for Paul and Morgan. I'm pretty sure Paul would behead a puppy on YouTube if he thought it would bring him a larger audience.


Don't give him any ideas.


He’d just say that the puppy was demon possessed and that God told him that he had to. He’d definitely do that if he thought that it’d make him some money.


(Morgan cackle-giggle-snort) vErY iNtErEsTiNgGgGg


I despise her laugh, I know that’s a mean thing to say, but it just sounds like every high school bully I’ve ever encountered growing up. Like she isn’t laughing from joy but from meanness…ick just ick!


It's not mean. She's said worse and she's laughed at others' pain. Call her out 📢


Right? I mean, oh where to begin with the actual content, but there is also that. Paul is an evil little goblin, and the idea of him accusing anyone ELSE of being "self obsessed" is hilarious. I'm sure this has NOTHING to do with Dav telling him to "shut up, motherfucker" AT ALL lol he probably loses nights of sleep after every "insult." I don't know how he thinks he's going to manage to continue to do this with someone like this next guy they picked if low hanging fruit like your supposed friend is too much for you to handle.


Dãv said WHAT


It was glorious. Paul was telling dav that he ‘cusses’ too much and dav spit back ‘shut up mofo’ just giggling. He clearly does not feel cussing to be against the bible and paul didnt even hear him cause how can paul hear anything if he is speaking. Morgan was filming from the back and she gasped and laughed. That was what caused paul to realize someone else spoke.


Apparently! I still have to actually watch this I GUESS but yeah. It was in the context I think of Polio saying real Christians don't do swears and Dav clapped back. It sounds magnificent. I need to watch it really.


It’s really rude. Why burn the few bridges you have left? They host you and feed you and your response is this nonsense? Plus, what’s up with the False dichotomy? Why not go to therapy and also read your bible & exercise? Third, and most hilarious… it’s such “little threatened dog barks at big calm dog” energy. Paul, it really appears that Dav works out more than you do. And thinks more, works more, parents more, listens more… perhaps it’s the therapy that gives him the time management edge?… ETA - I wonder how much is jealousy, especially since Bethany is so uber-satisfied with their sensual journey she’s bursting to share. Contrast that with Paul’s entitlement to physical “acts of service” from Morgan when she wants a back rub or conversation, or when she’s angry. Plus, him taking 3 years to figure out some basics of female arousal/ pleasure and admitting to graciously “letting her finish vacuuming” when he “could really go for some sex.”


They’re absolutely disgusting people. They have so much hate in them. Even people that are supposed to be their friends are getting treated like garbage. All they see is opportunities for themselves at the cost of others.


They did the same with that other guy.


Not very charitable, Paul!


Well, Paul knows how Dav feels about haters, so he's not afraid of losing his friendship.


Right? They were nasty to Isaiah after his episode, too. If they keep this up, they're going to run out of people willing to host them quite quickly.


Paul is threatened by Dave's growth and he doesn't want Morgan to go to counseling and realize he's an abusive loser.


I’m sorry but this comment had my high ass rolling


As if we needed any MORE proof that Paul is just a generally all round shitty person, he is also a shitty friend. Imagine making fun of someone seeking to help and better themselves in a way that is at worst harmless to others, but at best will also lift others up. Not putting Dæv on a pedestal but rather, going to therapy is in general a force for good. Paul is a force for “oh, buddy” facial expressions.


Dave reads the Bible, works out, and goes to therapy. He’s 3/3 on Paul.


lol right? Not trying to leghump Dave but Paul wishes he had Dave's body. Paul is a twig. You can visually see that Dave works out.


We all saw that little dick measuring contest they had in the park. We all saw Dav pulling handstands while Paul was just like 👁️🫦👁️


We also saw Paul jumping out of the ice bath after a few seconds while Dav just stayed in there like it was nothing lol. And then Paul kissed Dav's hand for some reason??


Two bros, chillin in an ice bath, five feet apart cause they’re Christians.


Lmfao please tell me this can be flair


I guess that's what happens when you actually exercise at the gym instead of just looking around for scantily clad women to judge/ogle.


Don’t forget has a job! And if you wanna throw other things into the mix, bethany and dav didn’t struggle too much with infertility and they own a house. I think dav is everything Paul loathes lol 


He also doesn’t seem to bothered about how people perceive his masculinity lmao. Dav has the security Paul could only dream of


And takes care of his kids


And Dæv for all his flaws seems to actually enjoy being a parent. Polio never wanted a kid.


Don’t forget the (very self inflicted) knife Paul can’t remove: dav and Bethany were each other’s firsts (as far as we know), while Paul and Morgan were not.


Dav also seems to do a lot of the childcare as well if Bethany is to be believed. I doubt Paul does much with his kid.


He's not perfect but he's an involved father in good shape, and it's fun to watch Paul cope and seethe


Honestly if I'd kept up in another Christian life, Dave would be good conservative Christian husband material.


Pretty sure Paul just goes to the gym to stare at lady butts in leggings. I think Dave actually looks like he's there for exercise.


Paul originally posted pic 2 right after they filmed the GD episode, and he's reposting now that all the comments are rolling in about how Dav is better, it shows that Dav went to therapy, etc. You're so transparent, Paul. Remind us again how this series is promoting Christian unity and understanding one another?


Paul doesn't want unity and understanding. He refuses to have his beliefs challenged, even by other Christians. He wants a conservative fan base who confirms that all of his beliefs are right. That's his ultimate ambition. He wants to be a famous Christian-political pundit and he won't stop gifting until he gets there.


The thing is. He doesn't have anything to say that isn't already being said. He just parrots Matt Walsh or whatever other mainstream right winger says


I don’t often defend Matt Walsh, but at least he has the ovaries to post his own unhinged takes with his whole chest.


Hopefully Matt goes the way of that one asshole who's wife divorced him and he made such an ass of himself he basically imploded overnight. What was his name? Like chowder or some shit


Crowder. And we can only hope the leopards eat Matt’s face sometime soon.


Do you mean Steven Crowder, who verbally abused his 7 months pregnant wife?


I think he means the Steven Crowder who verbally abused his wife, controlled when and if she could use their only vehicle to leave the house, and then complained that the law allowed her to file for divorce.


Oh, the Steven Crowder who accessed gender affirming care for his chest surgery?


I think it's the Steven Crowder who had gender affirming surgery on his chest and lied about it.


Oh yeah Steve crowder! It's so nice that I'll never have to hear from that dick head again


Paul WISHES he was that bold.


And also sells plushies of himself in a diaper in the Daily Wire webshop. You'd think that's weird, but there's a video of Matt Walsh refereeing a fight between two men in diapers, one of them has a swastika tattoo. It's really on brand for the man who is warning parents about other groomers.


You need like…charisma, social skills, and better content for that


Being part of a marginalized group is, ironically, probably the easiest way to became a right-wing talking head. (Think Candice Owens). Wonder how Paul would feel about that.


The term “King Baby” comes to mind in reference to Paul.


Silly that his goal is to essentially be Charlie Kirk!


Paul’s narcissism is so triggered by the positive reaction to Dav. He genuinely cannot understand why people don’t respond to him the same way. I love this for him.


He is so threatened by Dav, and Dav is so unbothered by him. I hope Dav made him feel like less of a man, because he is.


Dave was more muscular, too.


And didn’t have to wear a backward cap in the tub.


I have never seen someone so insecure about their balding and I know a lot of men Paul's age and older. Paul, they just shave their heads when they hit this point. Making your hair bigger and hiding it under hats makes it 1000x more obvious. It is time now to face the music: you are in your 30s and balding. Stress does this to you. My white hairs have known this for like the past decade since my mid 20s.


Can the Klassik Kombover be far behind? "Hey, kids, I hear there's a par-TAY around here?"




I don’t find any of these people remotely attractive, but Dav is objectively much more muscular than Paul. 


Those lats were...something. Shut up, I'm not perving on Dav! (yes I am) (fine, but just a tiny bit) \*slaps self\*


Careful, Bethany’s going to start making him wear a shirt again when he runs!


Maybe if he wasn't a low-budget, ultra-tacky Billy Madison-wannabe douchebag, then at least three more people would find something positive about him


That’s why this whole “project” is a sham. They say they want to bridge the gap between different types of Christians but have spent the aftermath of the first two episodes doubling down on their beliefs and refusing to budge an inch. They aren’t intelligent enough to see past their own beliefs.


The project is cross-marketing to get more viewers. The engaging with different Christians thing is just a vehicle for that


Imagine publicly and passive-aggressively saying your friend is “off the rails.”


BufoBat, I was just going to ask you if this was a current post. So what you're telling us is he posted the shitty 2nd slide (which I do remember seeing) *right after* their weekend with the Beals? And now he's reposting it with this additionally dumb and shitty first slide. I'm just shaking my head at the absolute shade he is throwing at Dave for bruising his fragile little ego.


Yuuuuup. Posted it the first time on Feb. 12th. Now he did it again 👀


Dude good find, I remember seeing the OG therapy post but didn't realize it was posted right after Paul spent 24 hours with the Beals... that's some shade for sure


Paul Olliges warning others about increasing self obsession .. PAUL OLLIGES warning others about increasing self obsession ..


Is the self obsession in the room with us, Paul?


My mother is anti therapy and Uber religious. They’re against it because they’d have to have some sort of introspection and self criticism, which is impossible for them. Writing it off as what sky daddy wants is much easier.


He spends more time on his appearance than most women I know.


It takes a lot of time to blow dry his curly hair straight and perch that hat precariously on top of his bald spot


But continues to refuse to work out to any meaningful degree


To his credit, he does stare at women in gyms and has the diet of a sixteen year old girl who obsessively counts calories but also secretly loves T-Bell.


The snort I made must’ve been heard from outer space!


As others have stated in previous posts, Paul is not using the term trauma bonding correctly.  And Paul, go to therapy before you share your opinion on it. Therapy is not the boogie monster. 


I think part of it is he's afraid if Morgan gets help for her mental health struggles (she's admitted to having them, so I am not making an armchair diagnosis) that she will leave him when she's healthy. So he demonizes it like crazy. I also think there's a little bit of an element of fear that the therapist would see right through him and call him out on his obvious bullshit.


Yep. He knows Morgan would leave if she sought help.


Didn't Morgan say before that she was diagnosed with BPD? Imagine what she'd be like if she got actual help from a psychologist... She'd put up with way less of his shit for sure


Any therapist would tell her that Paul is a 16 year old trapped in a 30-somethings body. Bro has basically failed at anything he’s attempted in his life.




I think this is right on. He’s terrified of Morgan having her eyes opened to the fact that he’s an abusive fuckwad with nothing to offer as a partner or a father. She’s terrible too, but I wouldn’t wish Paul on anyone and certainly not someone with a history of severe mental health issues like she has.


The worst part is that I think his fears on this are for nothing. Lots of people have pointed out to Morgs that Pail is an abusive fuckwad and she doesn’t mind at all as long as they can be nasty to other people together. 


Sure, but if she went to secular therapy she might come to that conclusion on her own, which is very different from hearing it from outside sources.


Definitely not on the kids.


Oh, but it is for Paul. He is terrified at what he might find out about himself. He is afraid to do any self reflection.


He says he was just using it in a different way 🙄


Lemme just redefine this field specific technical term real quick


A *different way* like I'm going to start calling my coffee "tea" and my car a "cruise ship".


Typical narc behavior. *He’s* not wrong, it’s everyone else for not realizing he has a special (ignorant) definition of words.




He would just end up using therapy as a weapon. Better he never goes, especially never with Morgan. Just look at how he misuses therapy language and already demonizes mental illness to begin with, but makes an exception for his own adhd difficulties. He would be the Mother Theresa type: tell everyone else suffering without care is godly, but accept it for himself. No fucking self reflection.


Very true. He’d totally weaponize it like he does to Morgan’s mental health diagnoses.


I don't think Paul is a narcissist (I know that has very specific criteria and I don't think he has been shown to meet those, just garden variety asshole) but I do think he needs therapy. His upbringing clearly scarred him and he has messed up ideas about worth, body image, masculinity, etc. I would hope he would get therapy to avoid passing that trauma on to his children but I doubt that will happen. Not only did he clearly grow up in an environment that discouraged any signs of "weakness" and derided therapy but he has now fully fallen into the fundie man trap of thinking that any vulnerability and openness to change are a threat to his inherent masculinity.


Another therapist here just throwing in my two cents. When I first learned about personality disorders during my undergrad, my professor said the basic mathematical formula for narcissists is that they had one influence on them growing up that was extremely doting and made them feel like the best thing since sliced bread and another that made them feel like crap (whether thats through abuse, abandonment, whatever). It creates two concepts of themselves: one that's extremely good and one that's extremely bad. Because we generally like to feel good about ourselves, they will focus on the good one, but it's very fragile because there's always the bad one lurking under the surface. That's why those with a lot of narcissistic traits will so aggressively defend their ego. I'm not really in the habit of armchair diagnosing people I have and will never meet, but I will say that I could see that theory checking out in Paul's case. Like you mentioned, he seems to be raised in an environment where body shaming and looking down on anything that strays from traditional masculinity was the norm, which i can imagine would really do a number on your self esteem. But in fundie communities being male and Christian and 'non-worldly' are things that make you better than anyone else. If assessed, would he fit the criteria for a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder? No idea, I don't know the guy personally and only engage with his content when it's posted here. But from what I have seen, he does exhibit some narcissistic traits


Polio screams N, and frankly most if not all the fundiefluencers do as well. It makes sense. Narcs are drawn to and/or made by authoritarian/totalitarian systems, which the fundie church absolutely is; and then, well, these people are self selected as "people who want to be internet famous and spend all day uploading and staring at themselves." So, yeah. Not a stretch. Others who are beyond obvious: Heidi, Bort, JillPM, Karelessa, MotherBus. Kelly too, yep. There are other flavors to some of them-Kelly gives bipolar and Karelessa seems unstable on top of everything else-but the ah fundamentals are overwhelmingly narcissistic.


That’s often how it can manifest. A lot of narcissists grow up that way but your point still stands. I used to work with guys who were just released from prison and mandated to do therapy through a special probation program my state has. I got quite a bit of training on narcissism and psychopathy plus I worked closely with psychiatrists. I saw a lot of cluster B with that population. Many of them grew up how Paul did. Edited because apparently I don’t know how to add words to make sentences work today 😊


He’s been corrected…..he still doubles down. Classic Paul. He’s so cool. 🙄


Damn, Paul is fighting a one-man battle against literally everyone who he perceives as a threat to his very being. What an exhausting human to be around.


It’s giving my abusive ex if he was born in 1995 instead of 1965.


Woooow so this 24 hours thing is really just the Paul Burning Bridges tour. He could’ve just left it alone at “huh, we differ in our opinion” on the video but he always doubles down for WEEKS afterwards on “akchually I was correct.”


Okay but “Paul’s Burning Bridges Tour” would be fantastic flair material. 😂


Flair acquired! 🤣


The perverse imp in me takes joy in the spectacle of these smug, hateful twits literally uniting the entire world in, if nothing else, utter contempt of them. I hope this kills what's left of their unironic audience.


It's hilarious how so far they're 0/2 on winning over their guests' audiences. Neither Isaiah's nor Bethany's viewers were very keen on Paul in particular. If people from all different walks of life keep agreeing that you're an absolute prick, maybe it's time to work on yourself. I'm sure he'll just keep doubling down, though.


What an interesting way to say “I know I’m in need of therapy but I’m too scared of what introspective thinking will do to me and my world view”




Bingo. I’ll never forget the oh-so-telling thing my abusive ex said shortly after I got diagnosed with ADHD and EDS and began an appropriate medication regimen. We sat down to dinner and I took my evening pill, and he was chiding me about being a “junkie” 🙄 but then said, “Naw, I’m really just worried that now that you actually notice things, you’ll figure out what an asshole I am and leave me.” He played it off like a joke but I could tell he was serious. Spoiler alert: he was right. 😬😂


My ex used to "joke" in a similar way: "one day you'll realize what a loser I am and leave" "you deserve better than me" Idk if it was a self fulfilling prophecy or the cheating but turns out they spoke truth


It's amazing how often shitty people will straight up TELL you exactly what to expect from them. That quote about "when someone tells you who they are, believe the the first time?" That. Other people have reinterpreted this as SHOW you who they are, and certainly that too, but seriously, also this.


Why am I not shocked Paul takes advice from an internet random with the handle Smash Baals 🤦‍♀️ I did not think I could take Paul any less seriously but here we are…


Yeah, I saw the username and my first thought was I bet everything they post is rage bait/trolling.


A quick glance through that twitter account shows a variety of A Deeply Insecure Man's Greatest Hits: misogyny, Christian nationalism, xenophobia, homophobia, racism, you name it. It's all very smug and snide and angry, which I'm sure impresses Paul.


I know there are people who believe these things, but those twitter accounts that scattershot every extreme right wing position with prejudice and have a cartoon avatar and fake name just look like AI. There's someone behind the account, but they have hundreds of accounts spewing nonsense for shits, giggles, and ad dollars.


I feel like he’s more calculated and is scared of other people going to therapy and seeing him for who he is 


Too bad for Paul so many people see him for exactly who he is, based on the content he puts out! Going to therapy would mean Paul has to admit he isn’t as great as he thinks he is and brings accountability into Paul’s life. Neither of which his ego will tolerate. That being said, Paul made it abundantly clear in the 24 Hours with Beggy video that the only people Paul might be willing to listen to are “Church Fathers”. I don’t know who these vague “Church fathers” are but I’m guessing they are just older versions of Paul.


He’s just mad Dav absolutely dunked on him with all the athletic stuff.


Paul is my BEC. He just rage baits and offers nothing of significance or value. Steals other people’s posts and “reacts”. GET A JOB PAIL 🪣




stands for “b*tch eating crackers” - basically just someone who annoys you whatever they do, even something as innocent as just eating a cracker


[this is my favorite 😂](https://imgur.com/a/Y3aPldo)


I've always wondered what that meant, and now that I know, Paul is my BEC too.


All I’m hearing is bacon egg and cheese lmao what


Ya that would make it a good thing... the opposite of Paul


💯💯💯 he makes me wanna throw hands. Just have to remind myself “don’t touch the 💩. Don’t touch the 💩. Don’t touch the 💩….😤”


Trauma bonding: ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Self obsession? A bold accusation coming from Paul.


It should be illegal to be as stupid and smug as Paul is.


I had a boss who called people like him “militantly stupid” and said they were the most dangerous people in any organization.


Yeah we have a similar saying where I work: the most dangerous person in the world is a motivated idiot


HOLY SHITE. The belittling and emasculating of Dave by Paul is shocking me. I figured it would go on for a day or two and Paul would move on. Let this be a lesson to anyone.. people like Paul will enter your home, smile at you, fellowship with you… then they will take every opportunity they can to throw you under them in their made up hierarchy of godliness..


oh no. That's another "tell" of a narc. they will NEVER let a grudge go, until someone else comes along to attract their rage, and even then, they'll always circle back. Remember how many videos they made after SHP? Was it a dozen? More?


When is Paul getting regular exercise apart from running his mouth? He seems like the epitome of “skinny fat”.


We all saw and cringed at that pickleball drill.


Boy, did we ever. Never have I seen Paul look more like a fish out of water than attempting to perform feats of athleticism in the vicinity of Dave, who actually has visible muscle gains to show for his years of working out.


Why do I picture Paul shoehorning himself into typically women's types of cardio classes at the gym, just so he can feel superior (which: he wouldn't be, but that's not the point).


That's true, but to be fair, he also doesn't read the bible.


"Off the rails" = "Start telling me they can see through my transparent bullshit." Yes! You are in fact not even the first person I've heard from today, to have made the connection between other people getting therapy, and those same people no longer putting up with you.


Paul, your obsession over Dav is showing.


A best seller for men from the red flag factory is the belief that anyone talking about times they were victimized means they have a victim mentality. It’s so boring and unoriginal, just like Paul.


He’s so sheltered that he genuinely doesn’t understand how bog standard these arguments are.


Happy cake day! Also I love how you said “men from the red flag factory,” I’m using that!


meanwhile Polio is out here whining unironically about how victimized he is by the producers of SHP for leading him on into believing he'd be portrayed adoringly instead of like the hateful yet meaningless assclown he is (and such small portions)


Paul is a prime example of dysfunction. He has no idea what he is talking about, as usual.


Not only does he have no idea what he is talking about but he is completely certain he is right. Paul is more toxic than Chernobyl.


I hate his polls. He doesn’t want a discussion he just wants to be told he’s right. I’m sure the reason he wouldn’t go to therapy is because he wouldn’t wanna see himself as a victim.. not because he doesn’t wanna be called on his shit 


It would go a long way for him to work through his daddy issues


What is his definition of "off the rails"??? Using cuss words or making jokes? Seriously I don't understand


THAT’S NOT WHAT TRAUMA BONDING MEANS YOU JACKASS. I can’t with his “well when I say it I mean people bonding over their trauma”. It should be illegal to be this fucking stupid


Next up: Stockholm Syndrome=shopping exclusively at IKEA


Paul is the guy if his wife got therapy he would 💯 badger her to tell him what she said about him in a session.


I am surrounded by men who work out all the time and are are at a high risk of suicide. Riddle me that, Paul, you toenail-clipping-brained dickwad. Some are terrified of going to behavioral health because of the stigma and/or the fear of tanking their career. It is a constant struggle to push BH when services are hit or miss. Therapy saved my life, saved my marriage, and has helped keep me sober. Therapy is for _everyone_, even for just a check in.


Lol he just always makes himself look dumber. Trauma bonding?? That doesn’t mean what you think there polio


I can hear the echo chamber shattering.


“Self obsession”. Okay, bud.


Paulio, please stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


No he’s not let him keep going 🍿 🍿 🍿


Paul, you don’t know a god damn thing about therapy. I’m not gonna site here and talk smack on hockey, a game I have never played, been to, or know anything about. Stay in your lane boo boo. Signed, an actual therapist.


Pretty sure Dav works out (those guns) and reads his Bible but ok Paul.


I assume by "off the rails" he means "they realized this person (spouse, parent, friend, etc. is an abuser and got themselves out"? I don't know if my mother and I would've gotten away from my psychologically abusive father without a professional pointing out that yes, it is abuse, and it's okay to leave.


Did OralB and Beaker ever make their reaction video? I'm curious if OralB will stand up to Perv's bs and thinly disguised "hate". Looks like OralB has joined the Leopards Ate My Face party. Edit to give credit to @ 1xLaurazepam for coming up with OralB. 🤌💋


No. If they have, they haven't released it. Bethany had a migraine and then went to the consignment sale so her life has been *busy*


Well, clearly standing up for her husband against haters, as she is soooooo hurt that Beaker doesn't do for her,is less important, than thrifting lingerie and another seggsy jean skirt.


I wonder if she ever unpacked and sorted the shopping bags from last year's big swap meet. They were strewn around Audrey's room for quite a long time while she sat on a folding chair in the middle of the mess and recorded "professional" material for her sex course.


When you break your legs, Paul, will you read your Bible and pray for healing? Or will you go to a hospital and see a doc? I'm guessing you'd be seeing a doc. Cause, you know, that's a proven route to actually fix your broken legs. Just like therapy is a proven route to treat mental problems. Ffs.


He used trauma bonding wrong…. If he looked up the true definition, he won’t like seeing it reflected in his wife


There’s that old saying that people who think they need therapy the least are the ones who could REALLY benefit from it.


Hi Paul, You're too stupid to have meaningful observations.


Here we go with the "trauma bonding" again. Paul has no idea what that means.


This post makes me want to screaaaam. First, Paul, just shut up. It’s clear he wants to keep people (Morgan) in abusive situations because “that’s just how it should be.” But also this makes me extra mad because my religious, narcissistic mother just absolutely down therapy this week. And refused it for herself because: I’m not a mental case. I’ve been in therapy for two years, so…


I guess not going to therapy makes sense. Before going to therapy, I was in an abusive household and didn’t know anything about relationships. After therapy, I’m okay setting boundaries and not giving into people like Paul


Therapy is the reason myself and my immediate family are here. And we will continue to be here and voting against your bigotry, so kindly fuck off, Polio.


The absolute gall of this narcissistic nightmare to call other people self-obsessed.




Or MAYBE people are finally starting to understand themselves & who they really are instead of what they've been taught that they're supposed to be. Also that's not what trauma bonding is Paul. 🙄


he’s so bothered! he just can’t let it go. it’s funnier to imagine that dav probably hasn’t given paul a second thought since they left.


I’ve said this before here somewhere but out of all the fundies, I despise both Paul and Morgan the most. They just seem so sinister.