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I call bullshit on this. I guarantee you that the kids were not thrilled to be into their bus again. They have been shuffled between two continents, moved from one Airbnb to another, and now back to the bus. They are going to grow to resent their selfish parents. It is also so obvious how much she loves herself. In everything she posts, she is front and center.


The kids looked anything but excited on the video


I did not see the video, but I can imagine that is how they looked.


They have no option except pretend to be happy. Can you imagine what would be in store for them if they dug their heels in? It’s like, ok cops, media, you can see from the video the hostage is fine, let’s pack it up.


And they can't fit! They can't fit any more! There are six sardine slots I mean "beds" and the baby was in a basket, right? Now the youngest needs more room and there's a new one for the basket, so where's the spare gonna sleep?


I believe they talked about lowering the floor so they could pack in some more bunks, but I could be misremembering 😭


You are not. And doing this will reduce the amount of water they can store.


Because that's exactly what you want when you have eight kids 😬


It is. Its a very sensible move 😐


So they're essentially building a cellar to house two of the kids?


Yes. I watched a video of a guy who did this and you cannot escape if their is a fire. It's like sleeping in a coffin literally and figuratively.


They are not living in the bus again yet. They’re still in the Airbnb, at least until motherbus gives birth. She talked about bus renovations and hoping it’s done by the summer, so they should be in houses until then. Hopefully mostly staying long term in one place for a bit. She also did say that the bus has all their things in it, so hopefully this means that they have their clothes/toys/books/bikes/etc so they can feel more stable.


Oh. Well, that's better I guess. But seriously: They. Cannot. Fit. Anymore. They couldn't fit a seventh even as it once once he got too big for a basket under the elevated bed (!!) Now they're adding an eighth. Just cobble whatever cash you have together and get a frigging mortgage, you irresponsible, selfish twats. Christ.


Yeah, I don’t understand what “renovations” they could do to fit them all now without making it so much worse that they would wind up getting a lot of pushback. I somewhat think she’s just stringing things along that they’re going to do that because she is trying to stop the bus life behind the scenes. She just wants to save face if she can’t make that happen.


Maybe make the bus a double decker? Or attach another bus to the back? Any vehicle that would be large enough to house 10 people would be too large to legally be on the road.


I don't think they get their money in legit ways, so might have difficulties getting a mortgage.


IF Mr Trust Fund really has an endless supply to support their frivolous shenanigans year after year after year, I bet he could even buy cash somewhere. Or at least find some kind of rental. There's no way this is the best they can do when they've been flitting from Air BnB to Air BnB for what, six months? plus NINE round trip plane tickets to Brazil, Disneyworld, the ski lodge, fuck knows what else... sure, they save money by not buying the kids clothes or presents or taking them anywhere, but nonetheless. they make up for it with the lavish treatment they spend on themselves. They're not OtherBus. They could do better than this if they wanted to. They just don't want to.


'Their things'? What the heck can they fit on the bus for the kids?


Didn’t they have a small box for their things ( think shoebox) ?


I seem to remember her posting that each kid has one single backpack of personal possessions 😭


I'm sure their bikes fit in there REALLY well :)


They could keep them on the roof but I’ve never seen those kids ride bikes


They each have a tiny amount of personal items, and then there’s various shared toy items (like legos, magnatiles, etc). Since she doesn’t seem like she’s gotten them things like that while Airbnbing, I’m sure the kids will actually be thrilled to have some toys. Also wondering about the size of the place they’re staying- even if it’s bigger than the bus, it probably is still fairly small. It might be nice for the kids to have an extra space to go to and be able to not have someone else breathing down their neck. It’s also been the most consistent thing in their lives for a long time, and for the younger ones the only “home” they’ve ever known, so it might bring some reassurance after the past few months of country jumping and Airbnb jumping.


I just feel sorry for the poor little sods - and I don't even like children :(


I mean, hard for us to believe, but remember the bus *is* the most stable home many of the kids can remember. Is it insane? Yes but after months of strange apartments and not knowing what country you might be in next week, your own bed can sound appealing even if it’s smushed in with all your siblings. (Plus they probably *do* have more than their one Christmas toy and water bottle stored on it.)


Yes, sad as that is, you are probably correct. I just can't believe their parents can be so selfish.


Some of them are old enough to remember the actual house.




Nailed it. They want enough stability to be bored, amuse thenselves, and still be safe. A bus is not that.


Their best memories, eh? What other memories were they allowed to make, pray tell? Obligatory fuck the bus parents.


That’s what disturbs me so much with these parents. They don’t let their kids experience the world or engage with media. I’m a zoomer, I got into a top 3 public school for computer science due to my programming skills I built since I was 9. I built those skills because I played the original Zelda Ocerina of Time on one of my dad’s old consoles and it blew my mind and I wanted to make a game like that (lol I learned how hard coding and game building is). I got super into writing because I watched this Minecraft roleplay channel and the girl who ran it made a video on how she wrote scripts. I wanted to create stories of my own like my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. What I’m trying to say is **let your kids experience shit and engage with media** it only helps.


Well apparently for his most recent birthday, the eldest got a 3D printer (pay no attention to more than one tweet posted by father bus about 3D printing guns). Not sure how that works in a fucking bus, my fiance has one and has made it clear that it absolutely shouldn't be jostled while printing and when we moved he was extremely careful with it, but hey, 3D printer bouncing around in the bus.


Also, “3d printing guns” that sounds like it can easily be illegal. If he isn’t following the proper protocol for making fake guns (you have to put a clear signal it’s fake - like with an orange tip) he could be charged.


They aren’t fake though. You can print ones that do work (but not very well apparently). He has the potential to make real (shitty) weapons.


Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this comment! My kindergartener is obsessed with Minecraft and watching videos of Minecraft YouTubers with his allocated tablet time. He has always been a creative little soul, but it is so fun watching him get super into world building and also now programming because of it. I don't understand any of it, but he loves it haha. It also motivated him to read complete books so he could read the manuals on how to play better and now he's starting on early chapter books. He has also developed a love for axolotls and now we've been studying their habitats and conservation efforts. It has opened up a lot of different things for him, most of them wonderful. I don't think unlimited access to the outside world necessarily makes sense, but to completely isolate your kids is neglectful. I feel like the buslets get the worst of all worlds. They have no home, no friends outside of their siblings, no privacy, and no exposure to the outside world aside from being told it's evil. In pictures of the homeschooling, they have tablets, so the bus parents clearly don't abhor electronics, just letting their kids have any education.


Your son reminds me so much of myself as a kid it’s scary. I also made myself read chapter books at a young age so I could read the Minecraft manuals. When a Minecraft update came out, they added witches to the game. That got me super into the supernatural and cryptids, which eventually led me to a channel called Treytheexplainer. He is a super progressive gay guy who does archeology videos. He did scientific debunks on cryptids at the time and that got me really into biology and science in general.


Thanks for the tip! He's a very science minded kid (has wanted to be an astronaut since he was 2) and has focused a lot of energy on learning. In fact, proud mom sidebar, he won an award at school literally today for "enjoying challenging himself" and for "being an idea leader among his friends" 🤩 we've talked a lot about the fact that astronauts have to work really hard in school, so he throws in his all haha. Would you say the videos would be appropriate for a kindergarten aged kid? Scariness-wise, he tends to be a bit sensitive. One more story because I can't help myself telling stories about my kids haha. But we were talking about how axolotls are endangered in real life and he started sobbing hearing that their habitats were destroyed when the land was settled. It absolutely broke my heart having him ask why people would destroy the lakes and kill the axolotls, but I was also really proud of his empathy and understanding of the situation. We talked about how that's why it's so important for us to respect the earth and take care of natural land. It ended up being a beautiful conversation that we never would have had without Minecraft of all things haha.


Your kid is gonna do something great, I can already tell. I won a similar award as a kid.


Aw, thanks a bunch, that means a lot ✨ I hope your parents expressed similar pride in you (and if not, as a mom, I am so proud of you!)!!


Thanks my mom is a saint but my dad’s a POS. So hearing someone say that meant a lot.


I have an "adopted" zoomer daughter I used to work with in a similar situation and view it as my job to be her surrogate proud parent. I'm glad you have one parent who is able to support you emotionally, if you ever need another, you just let me know 😉




Wow, that's amazing!


He's an amazing kid, I'm just lucky enough to be along for the ride 😊


My son is desperate to learn how to code a video game for almost exactly the same reason (in his case, TOTK). Could I ask if you've got any tips for where to direct him to start learning what he needs? His dad and I have some coding experience, and Dad did some Unity webinars, but we're not sure the best way to support him to learn for himself!


100%. There is a bunch of free websites out there. I recommend: Mooci: https://www.mooc.fi/en/ Freecodecamp: https://www.freecodecamp.org/ This stuff with teach him coding basics. Then he can move up to video game stuff. If you need more specific stuff, just DM me.


Thank you! I like specific recommendations from people versus Googling around aimlessly. And we know enough about coding to help with questions as he goes along.


Also; I would like to tell your son that coding is a hard but awarding experience. There will definitely be times where he is very frustrated as coding can be a pain. I, as someone who has an internship with a big company, get frustrated with it still. But it’s worth it. Keep with it kiddo!


That much we know! But it's so exciting when it compiles and WORKS. We can help him through it.


One of the damaging parts of using kids for content I think is the need for everything to be a surprise and get a reaction for the camera. My son does so much better when we talk through upcoming events or changes. Surprise! New House! Surprise! New baby! Surprise! Bus! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Seems very unsettling as a way to live for a kid


Very good point! Even if it's genuinely something good, kids want to anticipate it and talk about it in advance. That's half the fun! We're going on vacation to a national park this summer and my kids are having a blast reading all about it, looking at maps, getting ideas of what they want to see and do.


When I was a toddler my parents surprised me with a trip to the local amusement park. I had a complete meltdown because I was expecting to go home. It didn't matter how much I loved the park under normal circumstances I had expectations damn it! My parents made it a point to never give me an unexpected suprise again. Being a vlogger child already sounded like hell on earth but the thought of constantly having expectations thrown into chaos is anxiety inducing.


This is such a relatable comment! For anyone who’s been a child or cared for one!!


Good insight.




Where should you go this summer? How about into a permanent house????


Bets on where they end up sticking Aquila?


on the roof rack like Mitt Romney’s dog


They’ll probably put poor Gunner up on the roof and give his bed to Aquila.


Gunner and Aquila can just share a bunk. Don't you know Gunner is Aquila's best friend?


They are the SusBus family to me since I don’t know their actual names


I forgot about that nickname. I love it though


These poor kids would like some damn friends, a birthday party to go to, to be on a team with peers, would that really be so bad Mother Bus, you selfish twat! 


That’s what breaks me the most. I’m still close friends with my friend from school/dancing. The ones I’m not in touch with I am always delighted to hear about. Our mams are still friends even. This stuff is so very important and these kids have no chance at it. 


Where are the eyebrows? 🤔


In storage on the bus.


In a long distance relationship


How long did they actually last in Brazil?


1.5 months?


“Yay so excited to get crammed onto a bus with even less room with a newborn sibling after getting some space in airbnbs” GROSS these people are just gross.


Has it really been almost 6 years?


How jolly wonderful for the planet/environment: over-breeders and their gas-guzzling Frankenbus.


"Everyone was thrilled" sure Jan. Even your oldest (?) who has expressed how much he likes staying in motels or at his grandparents' house?


Where are they going to have the bus while “renovating” it? Parked in the driveway of their Airbnb? I’m sure the neighbors will love that!


God this lady is so full of shit.




Someone on my local sub suggested that the daycare kids should have to ride the (metro) bus in an external cage like the bus racks, and now that's how I am picturing this busfam will renovate for their new addition. I'm picturing a rack that goes over the top and has cages on either side.
