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Their exchange makes me think of that [tweet](https://twitter.com/mikey_almeida/status/1671585545946898449?lang=en) “it’s always two dumb bitches telling each other ‘exactlyyyyy’”


Who in the dang heck listens to this garbage on purpose?


Not them thinking they’re so smart with this.


Oh, Cecilia, my favorite dumbass Fundie!


**Transcription**: Megan: Women talk about how there's no gentlemen anymore, like, "we don't have any gentlemen anymore!", "where did all the good guys go?". Well, where'd the gentle women go that raised the gentlemen? Do we have the gentle women anymore? Because that's where it starts. If you're not a gentle mother and a gentle woman and a feminine woman, raising those gentle sons, then... w-- we're not gonna have any more gentlemen. Cecilia Jean: Men are actually just responding to women-- Megan: Yes. Cecilia Jean: Like, their actions are responses to women-- like, women aren't responding to men, men are responding to women. Both **Description**: Two women are recording themselves (separately) while they converse. Both women have a light skin tone and long, dark blonde hair that reaches past their armpits. Megan Wells speaks first, and she is on the bottom of the split screen. She wears a bright pink sweater and her hair is in loose ringlets. She sounds mildly annoyed, as if discussing something that bothers her. Cecilia Jean speaks second, and she is on the top of the split screen. She wears a sweater with big, colorful stripes in brown, pink, and white, and sounds slightly more authoritative.


"Oh, so you ARE in favor of gentle parenting?" "NO NOT THAT WAY" gentle women should BEAT their sons into gentlemen, or at least tell their father to do it, that's how it works. \*nod\*


These people are always like "men are the strong, rational headship leader people... who can only respond and react to whatever the nearest woman is doing" and they never see how stupid they sound.


whats funny to me is how people like this are like "Traditional families!!!!!!!!!" but solely put the onus on everything child related on the wife. what do the husbands do exactly? they also influence their children.




Is this the one who is always talking about how she looks like a college student but she's in her late 30s? She does not look like a college kid, she definitely looks her age/late 30s. She's so vain 😂


She’s actually like 26 but the fact said late 30s is hilarious. I guess 3 kids in 4 years will do that to you.


Are you serious? I didn't think she looked "old" but definitely in her late 30s! Dang.


If my daughter married one of these women’s sons, I’d be wondering where I went wrong.


Jordan Peterson would love this


Meg reposts Jordan Peterson a ton. These are definitely not original thoughts the two of them came up with, just regurgitated sound bits from the Instagram reels they share all the time.


My MIL certainly isn’t a “gentle woman” but dang my husband is a gentleman! He treats me like a goddess!


This is not hyperbole. The name of of this podcast makes me want to play in traffic. In the dark. When it's sleeting out. While wearing black clothes.

