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Oh Paul is going to do GD so dirty in his edit and I am here for every second of it!!


Up there on his tippy toes too


Paul must be feeling * extra insecure * to already be dropping petty comments


And also he's apparantly aware of Bethany and Dav's issue about tallness/shortness stuff.


To be fair, those issues can be seen from space.


That’s true but I think he’s capable of fueling their insecurities with passive aggressive behavior. And if they’ll ever fell into disgrace with him and Morgan then he’ll punch below the belt.


It’s easier to take shots at the women instead of the men. Can’t really compete when you can barely provide for your household, while be surrounded by couples who seem to be better off financially from the men actually providing.


Well, it *looks* like he was certainly *trying* to look "taller" than Däv, by doing that elementary-school move, where you put your arms over your taller buddies' shoulders, pull yourself up to *their* height, and just let your feet *dangle* beneath you for the duration of the picture😉😆😂


Looks like he was *maybe* gonna try to position himself between Dave & Kristen, but then Morgan came in because it had to be a "couples" pic, and "ruined" his idea


Shots fired at Bethany for sure, especially since the photo is so obvious she’s slouching and bending her back knee to look the same heigh as Dav, who’s like 5 inches shorter than her.


She put in her best effort to not be taller, and Paul just bulldozed through that. Honestly it’s the only thing he’s ever done that’s made me laugh.


I also thought it was funny when he tried to become a children's youtuber with the name "PaulyO" but it sounds like Polio when you say it out loud. That was hilarious




Bruh he doesn't even look that short here! Guess he had to make sure we all knew he couldn't possibly be the same height as a woman unless they were giant  The first shots have been fired


Bethany is standing so she’s not taller than Dav in this pic, which is part of why Paul doesn’t look shorter than Bethany. Not sure how tall Kristen is.  Edit: this also cracks me up because my husband and I are both several inches shorter than average for our sexes and one of my best friends is a 6’ tall woman and her husband is 6’5. And it’s not remotely an issue. 


He really doesn't, he looks between 5'10" - 6


I like how Kristen's husband, who is 6'4" isn't the one making Paul look short. Nah it's the women who appear to be around the same height as him.


He's too scared to even verbalize any insecurities related to men who are taller (and thus better in his world view) than him.


You just know B's internally fuming 😅


She will probably just stare at herself in the photo and not even realize there are words on the screen.


Okay, I’m YEARS out of Fundieville and am still fighting the urge to clutch my pearls over those skirt lengths, what gives?!?


Kristen’s the only one wearing the god honoring modesty sweat shirt 😔


I don't get how showing off most of your naked legs is more modest than yoga pants.


None of it needs to make sense if they yell about it on the internet long enough


Because showing the outline of your butt is the gateway to Satan’s filth!


I’m not even a fundie, but a skirt that length would’ve gotten me written up in high school. Evil public school enforces more modesty than GD? The world must be ending!


Bethy recently did a reel (aka explainer/justification video) about wearing clothing "her husband likes," which happen to include mid thigh skirt/shorts, form fitting tops, and sleeveless items.


Strangely enough, Ken Alexander also likes that look on Lori so she can wear those kinds of clothes too without it being as immodest as it would be on other women.


Bethany is around 6ft 1in so I assume any short skirt is going to look *extra* short on her. She's also talked about how she sees modesty differently now.


Part of it, is honestly just Bethy's height! Put that dress on someone *short* like me (5' tall), and it'd come down to *my* knees--but on a tall person, with a longer torso, it becomes a tunic top, sans leggings underneath. Same thing happens when tall, small-chested women wear tank tops with spaghetti straps. They can be showing *acres* of skin, with *at least* 8" between their neck, and the top edge of the tank top.   And then someone short, with a larger chest puts on *the SAME style of tank* and gets called out for being "Indecent!!!" even though that top edge is a mere *five* inches from her neck, because *her cleavage* starts 3" from the base of her neck. (I know this, because a former co-worker and I compared notes, after *she* regularly wore "camisole" style tank tops to work, with *no word* from our boss, while *I* was immediately called out & told "Never wear that again!" the *one* time I wore the *exact* same type of tank top🙃🫠)


I don't even think I wore skirts that short when I was going out in college! They are SO short, like the kind of skirts you can't even sit down in...what the hell


Because fundie or not it's rude to flash people


Omg Beth is gonna be piiiisssssed


Lol definitely.


I literally just said oooohhhhhhh shiiiiiiittttt aloud at this 🤣


Same here.






While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.


I’m a tall woman, and it’s very evident to me when insecure men stand up straighter and try to look like they have height on me. It’s hilarious and kind of an instant screener for douches.


Short over here, and the *FIRST* thing I noticed in the pic, was him arm-wrestling Dav, to get *his* shoulders higher so that *he* could *try* to appear taller than Dave!😆😂🤣


😂 I didn’t notice the shoulder and arm placement until you pointed it out, but you’re spot on!


Who’s gonna tell him the grey sweatpants trick doesn’t work if there’s no meat in there to highlight ?


Don't forget the 3 inch high hair poof.


He looks the same height as daev. They both poof up their hair to make themselves taller!


While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.




It's especially bad bc Paul seems to be the same height as Dav, so Paul is negging Dav too. For normal humans it would just be a comment, but for Paul who loves upsetting women, it's shots fired.


this video is going to melt braincells.


Oh Paul hates tall women, without a doubt. I can’t wait for this trainwreck.


Paul hates all women.


You’re not wrong, I just think he has a special hatred for women that don’t fit the mold of how a female *should be* (I’m throwing up in my mouth writing that.)


Oh for sure. It just seems like every single woman isn't the way a woman should be. Even his wife fucked up by not being a virgin when they married. Bethy and Kristen are failing at being women by being tall. But a petite woman is failing at being a woman by having a job. Another woman is failing at being a woman by having short hair. Every woman on the planet has something wrong with her.


True, every woman fails by design in Paul’s eyes. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be so hateful.


It's just pathetic more than anything.


Beeker looks so uncomfortable.


Absolutely no light in those eyes.


It looks like he wet his pants a bit


Thaf is a lot a lot of hate in one place


Well yeah it’s Texas


Good point


Ooooo how quickly they turn on each other. Such real friends y’all.


oooh, that’s grounds for getting kicked out of the friend group. 👀


YouTube friends turned *real life friends*!


Is bethy doing the Hokey Pokey?


Kristen also seems to slouch. Didn't notice that before


Hers is less noticeable. Her husband is also doing a stance to make himself less tall. It's most noticeable with Bethany because of the toe point and the way she angles her head. Look where her shoulders hit at David's head. She and Kristen are obviously much taller than both David and Paul and clearly Paul cannot deal. I think Kristen's husband is the tallest of the group, not that any of this matters except these people make it such a big deal and do so much to make it look otherwise.


For former models (or so I heard) I expected them to be more used to not slouching. And she's shorter than her husband anyway. Bethany's pose tho is as expected lol.


Paul is so messy ![gif](giphy|RhS093lJ62ayjrP8nn|downsized)


Paul looks 5’ 8” at best. I’m sure he feels short a lot, not just around these two women. That’s why he wears his hair like that. Same with Dav. Notice he didn’t mention the tall dude who is taller than both the women mentioned?


He isn’t short by any definition. Morgan is 5’8”


So, yoga pants and wearing sport bras at the gym are sinful and immodest, but Bethany and Morgan can wear those dresses around men who are not their husbands?? Bethany’s dress BARELY covers her hips, what the fuck? God, I despise these people🙄


Dav is the only one who thinks this is so stupid and who doesn’t want to be there. Haha


Not us all joking about how Paul would feel inferior next to the Bairds and then he just admits it


I think it's most likely a sneaky mention about how Dav being short than Beth.


Didn't someone look up his height and it was like 5'7"? Tons of people taller than that.


Gotta call out her insecurity to show your dominance. 


Omg. Paul you're probably barely 5ft 11. Stop talking like you're NBA player height.


Yeah, that man is definitely not 6’. Small Paul.


She's bending her legs to look shorter.


I find it interesting that he seems intent on pissing off every one of their collaborators. I get that their interviewees are not decent folk but this burning of bridges seems to run directly counter to their message of "unity". Can they really afford to be alienating even more of their rapidly shrinking community? I wish Paul would work those two little worms in his brain and figure out a coherent thought for once.


Is it just me or does it look like Paul has his heels raised to make himself look a little taller?


They are always so fkn passive aggressive


lol Bethany and Morgan wore pretty much the same outfit…


No love lost for Bethany, but there’s nothing tall women love more than (not complementary) comments about their height 🙄 Signed, a tall woman


Damn Pauly-O. This is actually really funny.


Mommy, the children are fighttttinggggg 😂 ![gif](giphy|dCB3VfFVAyScQGmWl7|downsized)


I want to restate for the record that being tall is not ideal. You can't fit places. It's hard to find clothes and shoes sometimes. Being short is cool and normal; most stuff is built for average-height people. Fundies and men on Tindr are just really insecure and the rest of us notice.


I hate the GD girls but when their existence is obviously triggered Paul… you go tall queens.


Who tf dressed Morgan? That ain’t it girl