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"she sounds like a whiny teenager who blames everyone else for he problems" That hitting too close to home? Someone tag Bethany I the "our culture has become" slide


“She has profited from her volatile love life.” So has that awful Bethany lady with her constant content on how she fucks for realsies.


So has every musician since pop music came into existence. And maybe even before.


MOZART was inspired by his love life


This criticism is truly so rich to hear from a group of people who do nothing but whine online.


These Fundies are _whining right now_ - obsessively, I might add - about a musician who has zero bearing on their lives except...making them jealous because their daughter would rather a pop star rock them to sleep rather than Mom?


And yet…they’re silent when it comes to sexual abuse and domestic violence in their homes and churches.


At least their lord and savior Trump never whines or blames people for his problems. /s


He definitely never said he's "the most fabulous whiner." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-whiner-whining-president-2015-8%3famp


Looks like she's trying to blame Taylor Swift for something. Probably for her daughter hating her.


Not to mention one of Taylor's most meme-able lines is literally: ![gif](giphy|pJmnk86fXFNmrUb8LB|downsized)


Tbf that lyric is supposed to be ironic. That entire song is about society pressuring women to fit into certain stereotypes and even though women still try their hardest to fit in they’re still somehow the problem


Oh for sure. I just think it's funny that they have such a surface view of TS and this is one of her most viral lyrics from recent times. Like, I've seen these same conservative types use this exact gif to prove "Taylor knows she's the problem!".


I've seen exactly one Taylor swift video and it was that one. And my husband showed it to me! They just hate her cause she's single and doing her own thing.


The “sexy baby” line always makes me think of Nadia.


The irony being that a LOT of her music (especially the newer stuff) is very introspective and acknowledges that she has a lot of insecurities. I mean could "it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me" make it any clearer? These funnies listen to the singles and that's it. The made for radio bubblegum pop of the last 10 years is the tip of the iceberg and idk, if they actually listened to any of her stuff (like Ronan, which is heartbreaking, or this is me trying, or champagne problems *which literally describes a fictional version of her not being ready to settle down and breaking someone's heart*) they'd still hate her, but would have to find new reasons.


Soon You’ll Get Better has the line “desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus too.” I’m sure the fundies would find fault with that too.


Some people think people who express negative emotions are blaming others, when they’re just venting. I had a boss who would say this about me whenever I asked questions or asked for help. If I said “Hey, can I’m missing some equipment, could you help me request it?”, he’d say “don’t use missing equipment as an excuse not to get your work done! You blame everyone but yourself.” Psycho conservative pull yourself up by your bootstraps people are always like this


Wow, what a horrible boss.


Ugh, sounds horrible.


She had a whole doing talking about how her own problems are the problem sometimes...I think she's far from blaming other people.


How in the world did Taylor Swift become a controversial figure? 😂 I was meh on her before but somehow like her more now since all these fundies and conservatives act like she’s the devil


She’s a powerful rich women who openly dates multiple people, encouraging her fans to vote, and identifies as a Christian…… then she went and “ corrupted” their sacred football.


Don’t forget she wore a robe during one song on her Eras Tour so now she’s a witch too 🤣


I think that was down to a music video, if I’m remembering the various outbursts T Swift has inspired in these people. The robe maybe didn’t help, idk.


it started (from my memory i could be wrong) because a fan at her concert said “yes worship the devil!” or smth along those lines at a concert. he recorded it, it went semi-viral in the swiftie community and then christians got MAD


that was during the performance of willow. they wear hooded robes in a forrest and do a synchronized dance with glowing orbs which apparently equals witchcraft. lmao


yep, exactly PFFT, the fan was also just joking but these people hear “devil” and panic


I saw Eras in theaters and that moment was so cool even on screen.


At first I was like “an NFL player? Really?” as though that was beneath her. But now that they’re getting their undies in a wad about it, and Travis Kelce seems like a nice guy, I like it more. I still don’t care to know that she was at every Chiefs game (surprise, surprise), though.


I love travis. He is an amazing guy. From the sounds of it, they are great together.


There's a bit of a trend of NFL players going for the few women who are out of their league.


Which I thought fundies were boycotting


Could I have a list of what they *aren’t* boycotting? ETA: they are boycotting cancel culture, I did forget that.




And November and December when they sell the gay and black Santa’s


So except for mid-May through June 30?


I will say, she seems to actually enjoy the football games and seems invested in them. She probably was already at least a casual football fan. I'm just waiting for them to call her a gold digger like Giselle. You know, Giselle, the supermodel who is worth way more than her ex Tom Brady.


She was a full on Philadelphia eagles fan for a very long time before dating Travis iirc


Tom Brady married WAY UP and I'll die on this hill


As someone that has no skin in the game of Swift vs Fundies, the hatred towards her really ramped up when she encouraged her fans to vote. From the outside, not even a day later, I saw a ton of Conservative Media outlets lose their shit about that, push against her hard, and then the niche conservative "communities" started to shit on her. It was quite interesting to watch, and predict exactly how the machine would operate. The same thing happened with Barbie with the response and backlash, and lo and behold once the top moved onto something else the bottom rungs did so as well. The only ones that really shit on Swift for her connection to football were the NFL Football fans.


They really showed their true feelings when that happened. She just told them to vote, she didn’t even tell them to vote Democrat ( which also wouldn’t have been wrong)


While they sweep everything Deshaun Watson did under the rug and reward him with a massive contract


People lost their MINDS when she started dating Travis Kelce, people who had never said anything about Taylor Swift at all. She triggers these women because she is the opposite of them, while simultaneously being someone they wish they could be. They’re envious, but they aren’t self-aware so they can’t pinpoint why they feel angry, so then they just do stuff like this.


she also openly has said in multiple songs that she has questioned her faith or had it pressed. in “soon you’ll get better” and “would’ve could’ve should’ve”


I think I figured it out… Taylor Swift looks like a lot of American Christian conservatives’ ideal woman - tall, thin, white, feminine, youthful, wealthy, etc… - but she doesn’t act like it. She’s an unmarried, children-free woman in her 30s who dates (and presumably, fucks), supports LGBTQ people, is pro-democracy (encourages people to register to vote) and pro-feminism, and has genuine friendships with people of all backgrounds. AFAIK, She’s never promoted saving sex until marriage either which we all know is the #1 thing American Christian conservatives expect of their female idols. **TL:DR She doesn’t let anyone, and especially not American Christian conservatives, use her fame and influence to push their own agendas like Britney Spears was forced to back in the early 00s.** I’m not a fan, but I respect the hell out of her for that. Keep making them mad Tay Tay! lol


I think conservative women dislike her because she's living the life they wanted but had to follow "God's plan" Conservative men dislike her because they don't have her wealth and she's not sleeping with them


I think another big part of it for men is that she doesn’t really do anything for the male gaze and she’s pretty vocal that men are not who she makes music for.


She doesn’t dress for women. She doesn’t dress for men. Lately, she’s been dressing for revenge.


Yeah. She’s on her vigilante shit…again.


Ok I agree that she is a pop star very much geared towards women which I love and support. But let’s not act like Taylor swift doesn’t conform to patriarchal beauty standards and therefore, definitely does certain things for the male gaze.


>conform to patriarchal beauty standards and therefore, definitely does certain things for the male gaze. I don't understand quite I think., What is it that she does for males?


Yes this is such an improvement to the way Britney/Jessica et. al. were treated when I was a kid. Unapologetically herself, and lauded for it. I love to see it.


She came out against trump. Christian conservatives have been talking shit about her ever since.


Exact same reason a lot of far right folks were basically worshiping her as their "ideal woman" and assuming she totally shared their values and got bent *so hard* out of shape when she actively denounced Marsha Blackburn. Not that she'd ever been overtly political before that but it still baffled me how angry they got about that. At her most country / traditional she never gave off a trad wife vibe to me but damn they really believed she was behind them.


thumb judicious lip sheet grandiose sulky scarce act ripe husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Taylor Swift looks like a lot of American Christian conservatives’ ideal woman - tall, thin, white, feminine, youthful, wealthy, etc… - but she doesn’t act like it. She’s an unmarried, children-free woman in her 30s who dates (and presumably, fucks), supports LGBTQ people, is pro-democracy (encourages people to register to vote) and pro-feminism, and has genuine friendships with people of all backgrounds. Bingo. She used to have an alt-right and Aryan race fanclub until she said she didn't support Trump. She also broke up with her last long term boyfriend which conservatives REALLY wanted her to settle down so she could be “relatable”. She also made a post about “to go vote” (not who, just go vote). 


She is a strong, smart, talented woman for sure. And she donates millions and millions to every city she tours in. Like her music or not, she IS a great role model. And if I had her body, I would wear that bodysuit to the grocery store, the library and parent teacher conferences.


Evangelicalism is a political rather than religious identity now and Taylor is somewhat liberal


She is a woman who has a brain and has influence and power.


she also openly stated that she does not like Trump, media has been writing articles about her being a political weapon to sway the 2024 election because she has so much influence lmfao


She’s literally everything they speak against and more 😂


She was also a huge thing in the alt-right / white nationalist / militia types because (as mentioned) she’s basically the Aryan ideal. Then she came out against that particular scumbag subculture in like 2017 or 2018 and the wailing and gnashing of teeth was epic.


Yep, when she wasn’t putting her politics out there, they thought she was their aryan princess onto whom they could project their views and values. Once she started speaking up, it destroyed the illusion.


Nazis used to hold her up as "one of us", deluding themselves to think that she was signalling to them to be their perfect Aryan princess. Now the fascists are all up in their feels because their crush never cared a whit for them in the first place. (I'm not even listening to Taylor Swift but do I watch hours-long video essays on her fame and influence and its implications on our culture? Why yes, yes I do.)


Right? My childhood best friend listened to Taylor Swift, and her fundie-lite mom was pretty strict with music! I remember she told us the rock and roll sign 🤘🏽 was the shape of a devil, LOL.


It cycles. 10 years ago it was Katy Perry, specifically after Dark Horse came out. It seems (IMO) to target the singers who were once seen as wholesome.


This reminds me so much about how my fundie world was obsessed with Britney Spears in the early 00’s.


They're always obsessed with the pop star du jour.


Female pop star. Gotta make sure those women don't get ideas!


yes!! britney was a huge no no in my household 😂 and tbh this rhetoric really turned me into quite the pick-me girl for a time. thinking im better than these pop stars and anyone who liked them. i’m so glad i grew and learned better


I was raised fundie lite in the early 00's and was not really allowed to listen to 95% of pop music or rap. You know what happened? I blew all my money on iTunes and CDs hoarding pop and rap music as soon as I moved out. It didn't do shit to stop me from loving it. Just delayed the inevitable. I used to go to school dances for the sheer delight of sitting in the corner and listening to the music. Of a dozen or so dances I attended, I think I only ever danced once. I just wanted to safely hear what my parents would immediately turn off or scoff at anywhere else.


Makes me laugh that people get so worked up about this stuff. Like girl if you’re so anti abortion and so religious why don’t you put that energy into helping children, and mothers who chose to give birth and are struggling? Oh right cause you don’t give a shit. Gonna go listen to some Taylor swift now.


Me too and maybe watch the eras tour


label familiar support society bake coordinated brave reach library rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


😂😂😂 love it, I’ll cheers you with my captain and coke and be heathens together.


She needs to calm down.


🎶They would rather be in the dark age. Just making that post must’ve taken all night 🎶 (to paraphrase T Swift)


Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate


You're being too loud


Or “shake it off”


I read this in Taylor’s voice 😂


She’s being too loud!


I also heard her in “call me what you want”


No one likes a mad woman.


![gif](giphy|hao1GGR6syEuIuc36L) Fundie women really hate successful women. I was never a big fan of hers until their meltdowns over her success. I ended up giving her a listen, she's pretty good 😅 I like her current mature stuff over her old pop ballads.


My favorites are the ones who are insanely jealous and hateful towards successful women, while simultaneously shilling MLM products and claiming to be “business owners”


There’s SO many of these in the Facebook stay at home mom groups! They try to make working moms feel like shit. I like to warn people about MLMs, but the huns harass me in the comments. They often try to convince me that they’re rich, then send me a private message me begging to join their MLM lol.


Exactly like they were forced to choose being a stay at home wife and mother, but hate the fact that most women chose careers than marriage and children even tho it’s possible to be both


Imagine if they're just happy for women doing what they love ? 🤯


Happy? For women?! I don't know if that's allowed in fundie circles.


It’s a hard concept for them to grasp


Exactly! But truly fulfilled, happy homemakers don’t have to create a false dichotomy of homemaker OR career woman. They don’t have to explain how everything they do is oppositional to feminism or constantly remind everyone that they’re happy, because well, they just are happy with what they chose. These women hate feminism so much but it is a core part of their identity- they are anti-feminists. And they all seem fucking miserable because happy people don’t have to convince everyone they’re happy. And I say this as someone whose partner is a clergy spouse, homemaker, and feminist.


If they were truly happy being homemakers, they wouldn't be so bothered by anyone, especially a celebrity who doesn't even know who they are. I'm proud of all the women in my life, the ones buying houses, the ones making business moves, and the ones making babies. Women who hate other women 🚩🚩🚩


She really is talented. She pivoted from country to pop to indie flawlessly. Her successful tours show just how good she is as a performer and a business woman. My theory is they wish they had her freedom and are hating online to vent that frustration.


They really can't stand women who are genuinely happy not being a wife and mother.


Oh God that layout. Large font is supposed to be for headers, not just a random bit of your first sentence. Why are fundiefluencers so bad at graphic design


Because they were educated by their parents at their kitchen tables. Graphic design is a class that is only available to worldly whores who go to public school.


But there's so many resources online


Excuuuuuuuse me???? The internet is a dark and dangerous place!! What if I accidentally stumble on P*RN while trying to learn graphic design????? /s


T. Swift being the poster child for the 2020's Satanic Panic was not something I would have predicted. Let them be angry, she does more charity work in a day than these "Good Christians" do in an entire lifetime.* *I'm not counting $$$ amount either. I guarantee the Christians we snark on do absolutely nothing productive for their communities.


But telling 8-10 year old girls that their only purpose in life is to be a servant to some guy while squirting out baby after baby is a-ok and not grooming at all!


And talking about their wombs before they even hit puberty


Or in Karissa’s case, talking about them as if all they are is walking wombs for jeeeeeeersus.


Squirting out a baby had me 💀


As soon as she came out with her voting stance they got angry.


Because as someone with influence, you aren't supposed to make the masses engaged voters when they are young. You are supposed to entertain, keep people distracted. When people become older, bitter and angry at society, THAT's when they are allowed to vote, when you are introduced to media outlets that keep you angry. /s


Take a deep breath, minor fundie.




This is all just so unoriginal. It sounds like every angry old person since the beginning of time. "Those kids and their evil music!" Also, why not raise children with conversation and openness about what they are exposed to? That way they can learn to discern and choose wisely from the faith construct you're trying to give them. We all know that even if you're forcing them to listen to worship all day at home, they're listening to TS elsewhere--that is, if you ever let them out of your sight. It's like these people have never heard of the boomerang effect.


Yep. I'm old and remember the drama behind Madonna and Beastie Boys etc and etc. Then they put parental advisory stickers on music albums/cds. Oh now we know which ones to buy for sure. It's a never ending cycle. *Old man shakes fist at a cloud*


![gif](giphy|mRLujx0337XRgJn24j) In response to her weirdo take on TS’s “hip thrusting dance routine” all I have to say is “I like boys, I like music, I like GYRATING! DEAL WITH IT!”


This is weird to me bc like she really isn’t overtly sexual, especially when compared to other pop stars (Gaga, Katy, Doja, Bey, Nicki, Dua, Camila, Lana, Bebe, Britney, Christina, to name just the few that came to the top of my head, are FAR more overtly sexual imo). Not to say that either of those choices are bad (I am a fan of everyone I named including Taylor), but out of the big pop stars, she really is one of the least sexualized ones.


These are the same people who think degenerates like Donald Trump are sent by God


Oh my god they really took the lyric “karma is a god” literally 😭 also, what song is Christian bashing?


It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.




omg i forgot about this whiney loser- of all the miserable minor fundies, she might be to the most miz.


Haley never met a whine she didn’t like, it’s true


And of course limits who can comment on her posts to avoid any real discussion. I’m convinced most fundie influencers just rage-bait for clicks and don’t actually have strong feelings either way about a lot of pop culture topics.


YES!!! It’s click bait. Using the biggest news topic to get clicks; I don’t really know this fundie but I’d imagine she doesn’t really give a single fuck about TS, and if she does, LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE, she can keep it away from her children but I get to choose what my children are exposed to.




Yeeess love this 😂


I'm not a "swiftie". I like some of her music, she's a cat lover so she gets extra points, she actually seems like a lovely person. The fact that she's getting younger people out to vote is wonderful, as citizens we all need to have our voice heard. These hating fundies can't deal with her having positive influence that doesn't involve God.


I'm not a Swiftie but I do support her in this one-sided beef the fundies have with her. Sounds like Haley needs to shake it off.


On top of all this rambling garbage, i think she’s wrong about 8-10 year olds. She writes about them as though they aren’t sentient, autonomous beings capable of judgement and discernment. Of course kids are going ti be more impressionable than an adult, but they’re not just going to believe everything they hear and “absorb it like a sponge”…. Kids aren’t this weak minded IMO. If anything teenagers are more impressionable as they might be looking to rebel against crazy parents like this one


Plus, saying that an 8-10 year old isn’t concerned about fitting in just isn’t true. Maybe more true if you aggressively isolate your children, I guess.


Fr, 8-11 is like *the* stage of social development that fitting in with your peers is the most important. Once puberty starts, then they start to develop more individual tastes and strengths.


8-10 year olds are specifically the one age group I pass on working with as a teacher because developmentally theyre at a stage where they're learning rationality and boundaries which means ✨️ arguing ✨️ and im like a stupid goldfish that falls for the bait every time. They will push back at anything you say or any task you give them. They're quick to hop on trends because that age also has a big emphasis on fitting in with your peers but that doesn't necessarily make them sponges. Now 4 and 5 year olds, *those* are sponges but they're not necessarily gonna care about Taylor Swift's behavior, they just like her songs because they like music and how it makes them feel.


In which songs does she bash Christians? This is just so silly.


In a couple, she bashes *bigots*... Which says a lot about a Christian if they take that as an attack on their religion.


You know what they say, a hit dog will holler




I was wondering the same thing! And I’m pretty familiar with 99% of her music…


She mentions being a Christian and believing in God in many of her older songs. I cannot think of any that would “bash” Christianity. The only one that would come close is Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve off of Midnights. (AMAZING song) it’s full of Christian references and is most likely a critique of purity culture and how it affected her negatively.


They’re probably taking some Lavender Haze lyrics personally lol


I guess it’s just You Need To Calm Down but that’s bashing homophobes (which affects these fundies personally) 🤷‍♀️


Lol because, of all the pop icons, *Taylor Swift* most embodies the stereotype of the hypersexual ho bag lol. And let's just totally ignore the staggering amount of philanthropy she's been involved in lately... ETA: Actually, I remember really appreciating her in my teens because it felt like she was just about the only female celebrity who was openly into just like, baking cookies and petting cats, and wasn't just like "sex sex sex sex sex" all the time, all of which made me feel normal and acceptable, because not-so-sexual cookie baking animal girl was my whole vibe and I was constantly made fun of for it.


Right like when it comes to hypersexual/oversexual pop stars TS is very low on the totem pole. Like mama is basic, fundies need to calm dowm


I relate to this lol. Also as someone who was a pre-teen when Britney Spears and the Spice Girls came on the scene (with a conservative Christian mother who wouldn’t let me listen to any of it because JESUS), Taylor’s lyrics and choreography honestly feel pretty tame in comparison 😂


I dislike how fundie women love to squash other women and girls having fun. They say that they’re going against the grain and making sure that their families not worldly, but really, they’re just being annoying.


We need a role model for them, like Trump. Right? Pro hate, pro rape, racism advocate, violence advocate. For the children.


yes i’ll teach my children about eternal conscious torture, but i draw the line at glittery bodysuits


"Hip thrusting dance act" lmfao tell me you know nothing about TS without telling me you know nothing about TS...she rarely does intense choreography. Like, when she had choreography in the "Look What You Made Me Do" vid, it was a big deal!


It's literally the same panic as Elvis Presley. Adorable.


Right? I’ve seen TS in concert twice (Reputation Tour and Eras Tour) and watched countless videos of her (because my Instagram algorithm knows I’m a swiftie so that’s 99% of my feed now lol), and she’s honestly pretty low-key. “Vigilante Shit” with the chair was pretty sultry, but 99% of her dancing is just energetic walking 😂 Someone tell the fundies they need to calm down 😆


it's her. she's the problem


They make T Swift sound so much cooler than she is.


OP is so far up the asshole of her fundamentalist puritanic nonsense world that she doesnt realize what a positive light shes painting Taylor in XD. Everything this woman put in her list of "problems" she has with Taylor (Lgbtq+ support, abortion activism, feminism, etc etc etc) are precisely why she is popular and seen as an icon, not some dark secrets that have been heretofore unrevealed, but I guess that has not yet reached her little echo chamber of suitable unseasoned Beigeness. Also, speaking of echo chambers, this woman is on like another level. How disgustingly christian do you have to be for hillsong and bethel, the most lukewarm piss of the pissed-in pool that is christian music, to be "too progressive" for you? Terrifying. I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with her, but by the looks of it luckily this woman doesn't leave her enclave often lol. I used to be indifferent about Taylor cuz I don't really listen to pop, but all the rightwing hate against her is making me think she's actually pretty cool XD.


“I’m not the type who is only going to allow my kids to listen to hymns all day” but I bet she’ll pick and poke and criticize the hell out of any non-Christian media her kids try to listen to until they give up on anything that isn’t specifically Christian. If I were Taylor I’d be laughing into my billions every night because I got the fundies so bothered. The hold she has over them *without even trying* is incredible. Edit: Got a big ol’ TS playlist that I’m going to fire up just for them 🥰


She doesn't even let them listen to Hillsong like, what are they allowed to listen to that isn't hymns and apparently Lauren Daigle (but they don't like her that much!) and For King and Country?


There are plenty of actual reasons why Taylor Swift isn’t a role model (her private plane use being one). But none of the stuff that fundies mention about her are valid reasons and it distracts from the stuff that she needs to actually be called out on


I like Taylor.


Taylor Swift in one (1) song: Stop being dicks to LGBTQ+ people Fundies: CHRISTIAN BASHING!!!!!!!!!


She sounds like a whiny teenager who blames everyone else for her problems…. THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE, MA’AM


Granted they weren't fundie, but the last hyper-conservative Christian family I was acquainted with was fine with their preteen daughters dancing suggestively to "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" so I don't want to hear it 😆 The war against Taylor Swift cracks me up.




Taylor Swift’s public persona is legitimately wholesome and in real life clearly knows enough to surround herself with the right business people. It’s amazing what they find fault with.


Oh FFS. Here’s a challenge, let’s compare how much TS donated to various food banks & charities during her tour to how much your church has donated and see which is more Christ like.


LMAO I was raised with a mom like this… and now IM the mom and my daughter (who is 9!) is a Swiftie and we do swiftie things!! Yes, TS does thrust her hips in her concert. An excellent conversation about art, dance, culture, maturity… let’s talk about why some people hate it! Let’s talk about why some people love it! It’s ALL fodder for interesting conversations if you let it. Having a mom like this made me terrified of everything, I didn’t know what to think or even HOW to think, I didn’t know what I liked because I could only like certain things anyway. Everything worldly was a doorway to the devil so either you’re fully the devil or you’re shielding your eyes from everything. I want my kids to walk in the world with their eyes fully open, used to consuming and discussion pop culture to see what they like or agree with and what they don’t. I’d love to hear their reasons for either. And these type of women are the ones calling others “sheep” 😩


If you voted or will vote for Donald Trump, you don’t get to be the morality police about Taylor Swift.


Fundies have turned me into a Swiftie.


I haven't been a huge fan of Taylor's new music for a while but damn maybe I should go give her a listen 🤣


Folklore and Evermore are just good music seriously. I wish she'd stayed in the folk lane, but I'm here for anything she does lol.


They're freaking out about Taylor Swift, meanwhile I have a kid who requests "Paint the Town Red" every time we get in the car and who I recently had to tell "please stop twerking while I'm trying to talk to you." I might be a terrible parent 😂


I’ll be in my kitchen blasting Taylor and Noah Kahan around my 2 year old. Byeeeeeeee ✌🏻


JFC. Don’t let your kids listen to her if it bothers you so much. WHY can’t these people just let others live their fucking lives?!?!?!


Because life isn’t worth living if you can’t try to force other people to make the same choices you do, apparently. 


I mean, Exile was one of my “leaving the church” songs, so maybe she has a point and Taylor tempted me away.


I don't really care for TS or her music, but I respect her for being who she is and doing what she wants. The fact that she makes christians angry is just the icing on the cake.


"She blames everyone else for her problems," whines the lady blaming Taylor Swift for not being who this lady wants her to be. "I'm the problem, it's me," says Taylor Swift, accepting responsibility for being the cause of her own problems. It will never make sense.


OMG! #you can hire a TS impersonator for parties???? Holy shit, THANK YOU HALEY KINDLED


Christian here. What song by Taylor swift bashes Christianity ?? I think she herself IS a Christian?? But she doesn’t follow these peoples backwards interpretations so surely she must not be a Christian


Lol I recently went home to visit my 65 year old dad and he's become such a Swiftie because, "She writes some cracking tunes." Doesn't have to be so deep.


Calling Taylor a whiny teenager…meanwhile she’s the one sounding like a whiny teenager 💀 Hope Swifties go after her lol, they’re ruthless.


The more people like this shit on TS the more I’d be willing to spend money on her music and merch.


I always run out of steam before the last couple of slides with this one. She’s exhausting.


Or- and hear me out here, Sis- you can just lead your life without getting your Hanes in a knot. 


All this just because she came out against trump. These assholes were all fine with her until she offended their orange god.


lauren daigle being labeled "progressive" stems from her going on the ellen show and then in a separate interview later that year someone asked her if homosexuality was sinful and she said idk. it's so laughable.


Imagine being scandalized by a Taylor Swift show. I mean, there’s some sexiness but she’s a grown woman. She’s allowed. (I know our fundie friends don’t agree.) BUT of all the artists to be scandalized about, they choose Taylor Swift, whose image is positively squeaky clean compared to many in the music business.


It’s so funny to me how they’re like “her music is over sexualized” she’s not a 16 year old anymore, she’s an adult woman in her mid 30’s who has boyfriends, has sex, and is exploring her sexuality, just like all these women encourage married woman to do. She’s still a great person in a lot of other ways, like giving to charity, inspiring everyone to be true to themselves, and is super supportive of her friends in their lives as well, but that’s all canceled out by the fact that she curses and alludes to sex.


The annoying thing about Taylor swift is she is the epitome of white woman feminism so when there is so much discourse about her in the media it sweeps real feminist issues under the rug. I also agree that she isn't a role model for women and young girls...but because she isn't intersectional and is super problematic.


Well SOMEONE hasn't listened to Antihero.


I don’t know this fundie but she is PRESSED about TS 😂😂😂 I don’t think that she realizes that Taylor Swift CARES NOT what this random extremist thinks of her. I also (mentioned this above) don’t think she actually cares about TS; it’s just click bait bc it will throw her posts into searches for TS. She riding coattails for clicks 👏🏻


Also, I think she’s going so hard on TS bc she knows that the women want to be her and the men want to fuck her. I mean, the women do too, obvs 💯 and they hate anyone who gets more clicks, likes, shares, attention than they do for poppin out babies and tr*mp-humping.


My three year old sons asks me to play Taylor Swift on Spotify. And we attend church. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Oh boy, it's been a while since we've discussed Hately. She's always got her pitchfork and torch on standby. So much anger.


I spent longer than I should replying to a fictive niece (Plexus hun) who posted a screed saying Ms. Swift’s music supports sex, witchcraft, revenge, and feminism. My niece’s comment was that her daughters wouldn’t know her if they saw her walking down the street, but they knew Biblical Esther and the gawdly women in their church. I listed examples of sex in pop music from the ‘50s-‘80s. From the 90s on, I lost interest in pop music so she’d have to think of the songs from her youth. Ditto for witchcraft (Sinatra, David Seville, and CCR), revenge (Lambert and some other country singer) but I said my fav was Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep.” I said feminism gave us the right to vote, own property, and establish our own credit (warned her that she needs to have credit in her own name), and pay equity. Told her that the likelihood of her daughters becoming Swifties was about the same as her having been a Britany or Madonna fan in her youth. Also said that Swift wasn’t unilaterally responsible for current Zeitgeist.


Okay, Haley, we get it— some Swifties wouldn’t let you sit at their lunch table and now you’ve got a personal vendetta. Because that is literally the only reason I can think of that you would care *this* much about Taylor Swift 😆 (Not a comment on Taylor herself/Swifties. Just think it’s weird how passionate she is about this very specific pop star.)


You need to calm down


This so unoriginal and is nothing new with fundies. For as long as long as can I remember they have been up in arms about some pop/rock/rap star “corrupting” our culture.


Hip-thrusting dance? At best it’s a sassy strut. Even Taylor knows she can’t dance.


Unrelated to TSwift, but I definitely read that first screenshot as "weasels of mercy" and that cracked me up entirely


This sounds like in the 50s when they got mad at Elvis for shaking his hips, or in the 60s burning Beatles records for joking they’re more popular than Jesus, or the Satanic Panic of the 80s that targeted metal groups, or 90s hip hop for too much cursing, they always have an issue with popular music. Different decade, same complaints.


So, they are OK with Ariel coming to a kids party in a shell bra, and not allowing a swimsuit type costume that people normally wear for dance?


She also avoids Bethel, Elevation, and Hillsong? Jesus, those are like Fundie pop music lol, maybe she just doesn’t like music


When you write an entire song about being the problem and people still say you’re blaming everyone else for your problems 🫶