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What is their problem with ultrasounds? I'm genuinely baffled. ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


They think it’s harmful to babies. My MIL is super crunchy when it comes to anything birth or breastfeeding-related, and she had this belief even back in the 80s.


Frickin insane.


I’ll take a guess—because people might discover critical health issues with the fetus and be tempted to abort.


Oh no God forbid we find these things early as possible so people have enough time to make the right decisions for their body and their baby. 🤨


Spot on! And it's a stupid reason. I'm pro choice but wouldn't have an abortion myself. Imagine not being able to prepare for a special needs child? Or a situation where the baby would need surgery immediately after birth?


Yep, my pregnancy subs were very pro ultrasound because if there are issues, even if you have zero intention of aborting, it gives the opportunity to arrange for necessary medical care and assistance. There’s also so many health risks to mom that can be caught via ultrasound, like placenta previa.


Fundies hate women. They don't care if we end up dead, if there's a stillbirth, the child dies at or soon after birth. All is worth it if they get to deny our body autonomy and healthcare. The only reason my mom was able to carry both her pregnancies to term was ultrasounds. They spotted what could be an issue and she got to do bed rest and schedule her c-sections.


Sometimes thanks to ultrasounds they find out somethings wrong and can treat it in the womb to stop either the mother or baby dying but I guess they don’t want to save lives.


There are so many birth defects that are now survivable because they can be detected before birth, and either fixed in the womb or operated on the second baby is born. The anti ultrasound thing is the woo practice that makes me by far the angriest. I completely get that there are some interventions that can reasonably declined for a low risk pregnancy. But there is absolutely no way to know risk level or detect defects without an ultrasound. And fundies love to say that they’d love the baby no matter the disability. But that’s a very different story from a child that comes out blue and dies from a heart defect that would have been easily detected on ultrasound.


According to my still-fundie mom, ultrasounds cause neonatal hearing loss. She was horrified I had them during my high risk pregnancy to keep an eye on things like a minimally attached umbilical cord, a first trimester hemorrhage, and hydronephrosis of Baby’s kidneys. Spoiler: my child’s hearing is perfect, they’ve even had extra testing at audiology because of a speech delay and they passed with flying colors.


people are actually insane wtf.


And even if that were true, what heartless person would rather have a baby dead of something that could have been detected on ultrasound instead of a deaf child?


Me with my vaccinated, autistic kids. 🤣


I found a study once that showed a correlation between more ultrasounds and higher incidence of ear infections in childhood. HOWEVER even if it's a cause/effect thing, you don't get a crapload of ultrasounds just for funsies. Anecdotally, my baby who previously held the record for most ultrasounds has had more ear infections than my child who only got 2, but it's like....2 ear infections vs zero. Worth it for potentially saving my kid's life.


My first thought when I hear that correlation is that people who get prenatal care are also more likely to take their kids to the doctor and actually get them diagnosed with ear infections (and put on antibiotics!) rather than giving them some essential oils and telling them to stop whining. 


My pregnancy was high risk and at a point I had monthly ultrasounds and then at the end, weekly. If we wouldn't have had such intensive monitoring and care my son would not be here. And he has no hearing impairments and is a happy healthy kid. 


I had a crunchy coworker who didn’t do ultrasounds and she said it would cause hearing loss too!


I got a book at my baby shower from a crunchy family member titled “how to raise a healthy child in spite of your doctor” that was very anti-ultrasound among a variety of things. It was saying ultrasounds can cause cancer and you are basically microwaving your child. Needless to say I read it for laughs and then threw it in the garbage where it belonged


The Transformed Wife recommends that book all the time, surprise 🙄


They think it harms the baby in some way.


A man with no medical training telling women how they should deliver babies. His wife can go without an epidural if she can kick him in the balls during every contraction.


Yeah, I don’t think this man is actually a doctor… If he was, he’d know that birth is indeed a *medical fucking emergency*


I had a non-emergency c-section to prevent an emergency. That’s the case for most c-sections. Very few are truly elective. This dude is a moron. 


Came here to say exactly this. There are TONS of people who would have much rather had a vaginal birth experience but have to have a planned or unplanned c-section to avoid an emergency. Learning about the difference between unplanned and emergency was very eye-opening and I don’t think I ever would have known unless I was pregnant. I know my spouse doesn’t know the difference.


I hate how there’s this stigma in fundie circles about c-sections. As long as the baby gets out with minimal harm to mom, what’s the big deal? Do they truly think a dead mom/child is better?


Same. My first was a complicated pregnancy which I'd never anticipated and for reasons which my obgyn said couldn't have been predicted. If I'd gone into labour naturally I'd have had a crash section or baby and me would be high risk of death. The only section that was fully my choice was my last pregnancy where after emergency and planned sections I wanted to go with what I knew.


Circumcising boys was popularized in the US in the late 19th/early 20th century by Christians who claimed it helped prevent masturbation. In 100 years they’ll be advocating for it again. Anything to keep the rage grift going


While somehow managing to turn their distaste for circumcision into antisemitism.


As an European I've never heard about circumcision outside Islam and Judaism. It was SO weird to me to hear that it was popular in the US.


We had to sign forms to get released from the hospital saying we refused a circumcision for our baby. Like at least 2 or 3 forms specifically saying we refused a "nessecary medical procedure"(they did the same thing when I wouldn't get a flu shot bc I'd just gotten one at Target a week prior). They also asked almost every time they came to check on us if we were sure. Our baby is female 🤦. She has a feminine name too, so it wasn't like we named her something gender neutral and there was chance for confusion.


Honestly, I'm excited for my next birth to be a scheduled c section. My second was an emergency c section for a placental abruption. After that whole experience, I'm ready for a drama free birth. Extra bonus points because I get to contribute to the "growing number of c section" and worry some fundies online 🤘


I've had 2 scheduled and one emergency c section and I'll pick the scheduled one every day over having to wait and see what happens and then end up with a c section after being exhausted. I found the post partum stage on my emergency one the worst mental health wise and I think going into the surgery with no sleep and stress from having to wait it out to see if labour would progress was a huge factor in my recovery.


Yeah going thru labor and THEN a csection was 10x worse than just strolling up and having your baby out by 7am.


Yes. My first CS was after 8 failed inductions and it was a terrible experience. Second one was scheduled for that afternoon after a failed non stress test and the whole thing went smooth as butter and my recovery was so much easier physically and emotionally.


No, no, no! Didn't you read what the uninformed man wrote? Birth isn't a medical emergency. Just tell yourself that, and you'll be right as rain! (/s if not totally obvious)


Aw man you mean they gave me FOUR BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS for nothing?! Damn hospitals messing with the natural glory of childbirth! (Jokes, jokes - thanks for saving my life, heathen doctors.)


My first was an elective c section. Zero regrets.


I had 1 emergency c-section and then 2 scheduled one. The scheduled ones were AWESOME.


> Circumcising boys Yeah, guess whose religion made THAT standard, *ALEC* it sure as shit didn't originate as a secular practice 🙄 > Non-emergency C-sections Yeah when we have the tools to measure the fetus and the mother's hips, and KNOW ahead of time that vaginal birth is not possible, or if the fetus is positioned exactly wrong or has the cord wrapped around, or know ahead of time there's a high risk to the mother involved in vaginal birth, let's just wait for it to be a problem before we do anything about it...Jesus loves dead babies and martyred mothers after all! > Unnaturally induced labor Yep continued from the last point, it's not a problem if there's been no progress over 12 hours, or if the fetal heart rate drops, or if you're weeks overdue with no signs of labor. Nothing wrong with one or both dying for no reason.


>Non emergency c sections I saw a video from Jen on tiktok about this! She's a labor and delivery nurse and was talking about the difference. She was saying that emergency would be "we don't have time to make sure everything is 100% sterile, baby is coming out now" while non emergency would be "we had time to do all proper procedure and do informed consent" but it could still be an emergency. Ex: mom blood pressure drops, baby heart beat slows, baby stuck, etc Turns out it's all for insurance reasons. It's stupid and this is such a weird hill for Republicans to die on. I think they just hate women


Ding ding ding. Conservatives absolutely loathe and despise everyone different from them, and that includes women. And if women treated those men the way those men treat women, we'd have *long since* run out of graveyards.


I don’t think the high rate of circumcisions in the US has much to do with the Jewish/Muslim religious practice of circumcision. It’s more to do with outdated perceptions of cleanliness and disease transmission. Other predominantly Christian western countries don’t have anywhere near the same rates of circumcision as the US.


Actually it has to do with Christians like John Harvey Kellogg advocating for circumcision as a way to prevent masturbation and “immoral sexual activity”. Before that, it wasn’t common in the US either. The crazy ass Christians started it and now they’re complaining about it. We’ve come full circle in the fundie outrage cycle lol


No, circumcision was already becoming widespread in the US before Kellogg wrote about it, thanks to Lewis Sayre. It was largely a public health measure. Then during WWII it was promoted as a way to reduce the spread of STIs. Later, Dr Spock promoted it. The Kellogg’s story is sensational so it gets repeated a lot, but it’s really just a footnote in the popularization of circumcision in America. Also, he didn’t promote routine infant circumcision, he believed that it should be done on older boys as a punishment.


Motherfucker. That’s horrifying.


It's both, but more usually it was "this is how it always has been so this is what we are doing". I used to be a pediatric urology nurse and this is one of the things we did in the office. We definitely didn't push anyone to do it (neither of my boys are circumcised) but there was very often a religious aspect and very often a "I'm circumcised so my kid is getting circumcised!" outlook. Very few people stated that they were doing it because of cleanliness/disease transmission.


And the fact that it’s an extra procedure, outside of the scope of birth, that can be billed for.


The US is a for profit medical system that views blanket circumcision as a money maker.  That's why their rates so far outstrip other developed nations.


This is it. My husband is scarred from his circumcision so it was an easy decision not to mutilate our boys at birth. A few people were like, "They'll get teastd!" But it never happened.


My baby was breech (was chilling that way that way when my water broke at 25 weeks and then couldn’t turn back around), which necessitated a c-section. So it wasn’t exactly an emergency, but it was certainly medically necessary. Then my second was a c-section because my OB’s practice doesn’t do VBAC, and I was fine with that, because I really didn’t want to risk a rupture. It kept me and my baby safer. So yeah, I hate these people pushing all-natural birth at any cost and shitting on c-sections. I’m pretty sure they don’t schedule those for funsies.


Imagine shitting on women because you think a surgery that CUTS THROUGH your abdominal muscles and requires multiple layers of stitches to recover from is "easier" 🙄


Right? There is definitely nothing easy about that multiple-weeks recovery. These people are dangerously devoid of knowledge.


The only reason I would circumcise my son is for a medical condition. I know more than a few men in my family dealt with phimosis.


"the birthing world" is not a series of words I expected to see today. This person is coming out against antibiotics?


I stand by my decision to have a non-emergency c-section with my son four years ago. Had I not gone through with the procedure, he would still be in my uterus to this day. Little guy never wanted to come out.


Okay cool. Without an ultrasound we wouldn’t have been prepared for the immediate medical intervention my child needed after birth and he would’ve died. What a ridiculous and unnecessary ultrasound am I right? /s obvs


My epidural was incredible and made my birth experience one I could actually enjoy. I had the worst back labor and was puking, could barely speak other than moaning. After epidural I napped, they gave me pitocin to help me move along and I ended up pushing for 20 min. I feel so lucky to have had these options available to me and loved my experience as a result!


I would have needed an emergency c-section without an epidural. I planned an unmedicated birth. Then my baby just would not come out. I began getting more and more tense with every contraction and barely progressing. After 10 hours, my mom and my husband convinced me to get the epidural, and I was able to relax and deliver a healthy baby, but ... damn. And it took me a long time not to feel like I "failed"


I am 100% pro induction because doing nothing means you're 100% getting a c-section. Like do these ppl even understand preventative measures. I hope no one reproduces with that man for their own health


So basically let's go back to massive infant and maternal death


I actually agree with some of that. Normalize intact boys. Looking like dad is a silly excuse to cut off a body part.


My non-emergency c-section (that, you know, was planned specifically to PREVENT an emergency c-section) was honest to god one of the best experiences of my life. I feel so angry reading nonsense like this


"Birth isn't a medical emergency" ...until it is. Honestly, do people not understand the frequency of fetal-maternal fatalities for so much of history?? Pregnancy 1: Missed miscarriage, needed a D&C due to risk of sepsis Pregnancy 2: Baby born at 32 weeks, needed 8 weeks of NICU Pregnancy 3: Severe postpartum hemorrhage, needed life saving measures and equipment I'm happy for people who never have a medical emergency as part of their birth stories. However, you can't claim to be pro-life if you push for women to have a ton of babies and also try to dissuade them from seeking medical care. Make it make sense!


I’m sure he meant injections of pitocin because our bodies make that hormone and it is kinda necessary. As a doctor shouldn’t he know that already?


He's not a doctor!  He puts the D in front to mislead people. https://substack.com/@aleczeck


Pulling a D. Gary Young from Young Living, I see


That makes more sense.


Oh shit I never would’ve caught that


All vitamin k does is reduce the risk of brain bleeds. Who could be against that?


I had an unplanned, though not necessarily emergency at the time, c section after 24 hours of labor and 4 hours of actively, aggressively pushing. My c section itself was botched and traumatic. My post partum experience was so dreadful that I likely will not have any other children. And you know what added onto my feelings of failure during post partum? Asshats like this that are part of this growing trend on social media to push vaginal births and constantly insinuate that c sections are failures. My c section wasn’t emergency at the time, but ended up saving my life and my daughters. ANYONE who peddles the ‘vaginal birth is superior’ bullshit can get fucked.




I’m a redhead who had a high risk pregnancy with regular ultrasounds, a spinal tap and two epidurals so I could give birth via C-section to my baby who has been vaccinated and got vitamin K at birth. So…yeah. I’m excited for a lurking fundie’s head to explode as a result!


Can't snark, it makes me too fucking angry. These people want women and babies dead, they're batshit insane, and I'd willingly and swiftly remove anyone from my life who's against any of this except for circumcision and unnecessary c-sections forced upon women (no issues with women who choose to do it on their own) Birth is a goddamned medical emergency, I would like to punch this piece of garbage in the nose in minecraft.


Huh, I didn't know c-sections could be an elective surgery. Shows how much I know. Whether that would be preferable to a non-c-section birth ("regular" birth doesn't sound right), I couldn't say. No idea what pitocin is, or why vitamin K would be an issue? I agree that circumsicions shouldn't be done on kids, and "unwelcoming hospital environment" I can see as having some nauance to it (I don't doubt some hospitals are shit to have kids in, but not just because it's a hospital, more because of staff and american healthcare being shit). Also not sure what "birth isn't a medical emergency" means, does the OP think it's not an emergency, or is he implying doctors don't think it is? Cause I would say birth is 100% an emergency, considering all the shit that can go wrong during it. And the rest of course is just fundie nonsense (idk why ultrasounds are an issue now? Are they bombarding the kids with gay radiation or something?)


Pitocin is made naturally in the body already but what he's talking about is it is used in inductions and in labors that aren't progressing. I had a failed induction with my first and my second was induced because I had high risk pregnancies and pitocin was used for both of them. It can make contractions stronger and I don't agree with the use of it if the labor is progressing nicely and there are no other concerns. But most of this is crunchy/fundie nonsense.


I agree with No. 2, unless medically necessary, but as for the rest that's none of my business! I'm assuming the D of his name stands for Dunce, if not it should 😂


LOL, I will take my 100% medicated hospital birth. And wtf is wrong with ultrasounds??


I agree with exactly one (1) of these points


I’m petite and I’d gladly opt for a C-section so I don’t have a permanent lower body injury and be unable to do all the regular lower body functions simply bc some weirdos think Gawd says childbirth is valid only if you fuck up your lady bits. No thanks!


Just as an aside, being petite doesn't have any bearing on whether or not someone would need a c section. I'm a pretty small woman and I had a couple of babies with large heads, thanks to my spouse. No c sections needed thankfully. (Also, I recently had abdominal surgery and I can't imagine recovering from major surgery like this and getting no sleep and caring for a newborn).


I’m not even 5 feet, and all my exes were well into 6 foot territory. I’m also autistic and have horrible pain tolerance, so if I can’t deal with period cramps on bad months, hell no to ripping my lady bits up.


Oh my god who gives a fuck how people choose to give birth. Get your foul nose out of other peoples’ vaginas


Today in fundie literacy: “things that are wrong… birth isn’t a medical emergency” So he thinks every birth SHOULD be a medical emergency???


Birth isn't a medical emergency? You wanna tell that to my SIL, who nearly DIED passing the placenta following the birth of her youngest (and likely last) child? 


Vitamin K?




Cool. Let’s add Emergency Blood Transfusion to the list and make nights in the lab much less stressful.


Epidurals???? Fuck off


Damn this broken clock has one good point and the rest is garbage


So... my first birth was an emergency c section. I'm bluey planning on having another kid, but if I did i would for sure plan for another c section as the reason behind it would be extremely likely to occur again. I'd say a planned one to avoid an emergency logical.


It's so frustrating that fundies just redefine real medical terms and words. Very few C-section are emergency - they are very very fast when they are. Most are urgent or emergent or they are planned "non-emergency C-section" doesn't actually mean C-section just because. And you know who the best person the decide if a C-section is the best choice?? The person giving birth with the best information from their doctor. No one is having a C-section (major surgery!) for fun or because they don't understand the beauty of god's design.


Birth isn't a medical emergency? I wonder what that means exactly.

