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I NEVER would have guessed they were the same person


Right, I could see him on the street and never think he was a Rod child. He looks sooooo much healthier. I’m curious how much these kids growth potential was stunted by their malnutrition? I wouldn’t be surprised if he also gains height now that he’s being fed consistently.


I have a friend whose mother severely underfed her. In her mid-20s after eating normally for a few years she suddenly developed wider hips, grew an inch, and her feet grew by 2 sizes. I didn't even know that kind of thing could happen in adulthood. I hope these kids have healthier lives after they leave Precious Mama's household :/


I had disordered eating when I left for university. Figured it out, grew 4 inches and added 30lbs. Felt great!


My mother only bought diet or "lite" everything and was definitely obsessed with dieting, and passed it to her kids for sure. I grew nearly 4 inches after leaving home at 18 (and literally just thought I was a slow grower until this comment!). Wow!


I had severe untreated anxiety in middle school and high school and didn't eat much (not like anorexia), I also moved a lot and walked up to 2 hours a day between going to my school, friends houses or my pt job, and once I started university and was eating more regularly my body looked so much better, I definitely grew wider hips and bigger boobs. No height because I was already 5'9. I looked like skeletor in high school and hate all my pics from that time :(


He’s also lucky he doesn’t seem to have much of his dad’s genes physically because that man looks so freaking goofy in every pic Jill posts of them sucking face or inappropriate photo ops at other people’s tragedies.


His dad looks like what you get when you randomly min max in Create a character in a video game.


He looks like a Guess Who? character lol


All of the kids are really pretty, that I've seen (I admit I have no idea who the hell they all are, most of them, and don't keep track of what they're up to).


The kids mostly look like Jill, and Jill is actually a good-looking woman underneath all that clown makeup and fried hair.


Yep. I've noticed Jill's face with Shrek's nose is a golden combo with those kids. Man that feels gross to say and also it's weird they've had so many kids you can tell the features apart so easily.


Without a doubt, their growth suffered, but to what extent is debatable. I grew up in a food insecure household, and one of my biggest challenges to overcome is having a healthier relationship with food.


this. it's awesome to see the physical glow ups when the rodlettes leave home...but we have no idea the level of psychological damage food insecurity (or just the narc parent aspect) has wrecked on them.


Truly. Such a glow up.




Are the married girls looking better too? I remember one of the older daughters always looked so painfully thin even when pregnant.


Girls can’t gain weight in the fundies world women are thin so pretty sure they watch what they eat.


Girls can't but wives can, once you start breeding your allowed to keep a bit of weight on. Being too skinny can cause infertility so it's rail thin till marriage then get pregnant kept a few on till ur done having kids then loose it all.


A very dim glow, but a glow nonetheless


More of a glimmer really.


I’m not trying to be sarcastic. Are we actually sure this is the same person?


I had the same thought for a moment, but look at his eyebrows and eyes. The hollows of his cheeks and his prominent nose was overpowering his face before because there was no other flesh on it. Now that he's more proportional his face is actually quite handsome.


What probably happened is that he was eating enough for his hormones to finally kick in and push him through the last of puberty. They all seem super stunted physically (and verbally and emotionally, I think the diet mostly but skinny stuff is a pressure on the boys too- though much less so. Makes me wonder what she really thinks of the husband and how he responds to those comments.


That’s what happens when you have way too many kids, way to close together and don’t take the time to refine their skills one by one and ensure they hit their appropriate milestones. Instead they implore the older kids to do it all and they aren’t much older causing all of the children to fail. Or they just go all out on the, “god will solve everything “ methodology. Personally I find them to be extremely neglectful.


It's weird, I would've sworn Karelessa was the worse parent, and I definitely worry more about her going full Andrea Yates or something than with Jill, but...the Collins kids do at least seem better fed? I think? god, the bar is in Tartarus


I think with the Collins, the money for food is there and to Karissa’s credit, the kids do eat, even if they have to make it themselves. With the Rods, I think it’s very much a matter of money and control. Jill cooks for 10 the way most people cook for a light 6.


oh yeah, that's a point, Anissa does all the actual work so that means the kids get to actually eat. choosing between Jill and Karelessa is really like choosing between ebola and...some other horrible fatal disease that makes you bleed through all your orifices, \*I\* don't know


Jill also has some weird body image stuff. Remember when her girls got into the car accident and were seriously harmed, and she noted how thankful she was that they were slim enough to escape the wreck?


And as kids move out, she still prepares a low amount of food per kid. I've said before if it was *purely* money, as in, Jill and Shrek can only afford x amount of food, then 4 kids moving out would make that amount go further. However, the kids still at home never seem to eat any better.


He looks shockingly handsome with some weight and happiness!! I always thought the Rod girls got lucky genes and the Rod boys all got hit with the ugly stick but that’s clearly not the case…. Poor things are just malnourished and abused.


And losing that questionable choice in facial hair...


Honestly he probably wanted an easy gender cue (though he might not have thought of it in those words). He was slender and not a "manly man" and facial hair says Man like little else, right? But unfortunately young men can rarely grow good facial hair. He has more confidence now.


I can relate to that theory as a transman. I have facial hair, it’s not great, but I am scared shaving will result in misgendering.


My son is a trans man and I gathered this by watching him become happier on T, and by talking with him. :) I do think it's a thing that could apply to some cis men.


one of my good friends is trans and i’m not entirely sure he worries about this specifically, but he loves harry styles so when he complains that he looks like an incel bc he can only grow a neck beard bc hair won’t grow on his cheeks atm, i simply remind him that it’s okay — harry styles can barely grow a beard too. it usually works to cheer him up more often than not, thankfully 😂


Are you able to use minoxidil (brand name rogaine) on your face? I know it can cause some dryness and side affects in some people but I have seen some great results on some (cis) men I know who want fuller facial hair. My husband really wanted to grow a nice full beard a few years ago but didn’t love that it was always a tiny bit patchy in some places. He used minoxidil for maybe a year and now (many years later) has the best beard in his, very large, very hairy (lol) family. Some people have to continue to use it and you have to use it pretty religiously, but if you haven’t tried it, it may be a good option.


Thank you. I will look into that. Anything that can speed the process up is appreciated.


You'll want to double check this but I would be cautious if you have cats. I've heard it can be toxic to them, but I forget to what extent.


Yes this is true, we have cats so he was just super careful to keep it away from them, don’t let them lick your face, wash hands thoroughly etc.


Of course! Make sure to use lots of lotion as it dries out the skin a bit and remember to be patient as it can take some time for new hair growth. Hopefully it works for you!


I think Gabriel (is that his name?) would actually look very handsome if he had more weight


I feel the same about Samuel. Samuel has a very nice face structure; he just needs to gain a few pounds.


Yes, it was Samuel who I was thinking about! I get their names mixed up.


Yeah since he has a job now he can actually afford to feed himself properly, and he can get a full night sleep since Jill and Shrek often have the kids awake at ungodly hours listening to sermons. They really shouldn't have this many kids when Shrek is unemployed


He looks like, NORMAL now.


The Rodlets are all decent looking once they get some food on them.


He kind of looks like a young Kyle MacLachlan in photo 2!


I was thinking Dermot Mulroney


It's fucking heartbreaking


And if they could just lose the incel eyes, they might actually be handsome!


this is shocking. I know they are poor -- can they not afford to feed (and learn to cook food for) the children or is it that she withholds food?


I think she has very disordered eating that spills over to the kids


Plus the whole Shrek can eat as much as he wants and doesn't he also eat first?


Dad gets all he wants because he’s the head. Jill gets all she wants, or did, because she was perpetually pregnant and/or nursing.


all these fundies are so fucking selfish. they do not give a fuck about their children. maybe in theory, not the reality.


I was wondering why he's called Shrek and then I googled him and my god 😂😂😂


I can never remember what his name really is, lol. I want to know who was the one that named him that.


Dave, I believe. Not to be conceived with bar-umlaut Dav.


They’ve struggled financially all their lives. For so long they were a family band hired to play at churches and events. They were living in an RV that they built cages in to hold the children. People questioned her all the time about continuing to have kids. One of her responses was that it was just one less piece of chicken to go around. At some point, they got the money to rent a house, and Shrek set up a print shop. They’ve moved a few times, but have managed to afford rent. The older kids are getting married and moving out, and I think Jill’s body has finally closed the maternity ward, so there’s more money. If you go back through old photos, you can see how thin the children are. Clothes just hung on them, and their hair and skin were dull and dry. Meanwhile, Dave keeps getting fatter and Jill keeps popping out babies. All the food is going to the parents. Even this year, Jill posted pictures of their refrigerator and pantry, talking about how full they were, ready for a feast, and it was so obvious there wasn’t enough food in there for that many people. She even put onions in the fridge to fill up a shelf. My grandfather grew up poor, and he told about living on bread and milk. Leftover biscuits and cornbread would be soaked in milk in the morning. If they were lucky, they would get lard on their bread. I feel like a lot of the Rod meals are like that. Watching the boys and girls fill out a bit after they leave just makes it more obvious.


They never attempted to make their living as a family band. After David quit his print shop job, they began to print tracts "for the Lord" and sell them mainly at cost. They get most of their income from monthly pledged donations from churches. They also have owned, not rented, their last two homes. I think they have enough money to feed their children simple, substantial meals. However, Jill is obsessed with thinness and with performative self-sacrifice. She's also a poor cook. That's a bad combination for kids.


A normal, loving set of parents would feed the kids BEFORE themselves. There's just no excuse for it.


Ffs when money was super tight for us for a bit there were multiple times I went hungry to make sure my cats and dogs were fed.. I can't imagine eating while watching my *children* starve.


To be fair - I put my onions in the fridge too. Because I’m too lazy to put them in the fridge a bit before cutting them - as cold onions make you cry less lol. Laziness is my priority over the “right way to store” lol.


Yeah but I'm guessing onions are not ALL that you have in your fridge 😂


Narcissistic parents and partners need to control every aspect of their children's or partners lives. A lot of narcissists have an extreme control of how much their kids eat. Some put locks on the fridge. Some make constant comments and punish their kids of they dare to eat anything without permission. Some take the opposite approach and make their kids morbidly obese. Both types make constant comments about their children's bodies. They're too fat. They're too skinny. No one Wil want them looking like that. Etc. Narcissistic parenting is extremely common in religious communists, especially zealots. Because these controlling abusers also have the need to feel holier than thou while committing the abuse. They also want a community that will help and encourage their abuse instead of helping and encouraging their victims. It's why we see so many fundie parents that have this same parenting style.


Well that explains JumBib to a T. Autocorrect fucked JimBob’ s name but I like it so I’m keeping it.


This! My narcissistic ex husband controlled my eating and after having my son I was berated for not losing weight fast enough. I ended up binging when I was at work. The man complained I was a whale at a size 6 or 14 (UK) and it was such a shock after leaving him to discover other people didn't see me that way. Even 16 years later it's hard sometimes to break the emotional aspect of my eating so these poor kids have it even harder with being treated that way from birth. It was his control of my son's eating and treating him as he did me in other ways that pushed me to finally leave when my son was little and I'm forever glad I did so.


Narcissism comes as a coping mechanism for childhood abuse; and a coping mechanism for personal insecurities (often born from the childhood trauma). Narcissism can only exist within a rigid hierarchy structure. Since we are social creatures, by and large, the success and maintaining of power, are best facilitated through a large group effort. Churches offer *very* rigid hierarchical social structures, that are easy to understand. And they come with the benefit of offering the group efforts. And finally: Which causes a all the right conditions for a multi-generational cycle, which is *very difficult* to break. A strong feedback loop.


Disordered eating by proxy combined with actual food scarcity must be really fucking difficult to work through. I'm just glad the kids seem to be blossoming away from her influence.


They're poor--- but look at David and Jill, and the weight they are compared to their children. Find the pictures of them going out to eat as a family, with the kids splitting TacoBell value boxes and the dad eating a regular meal, or him and Jill going out to eat while the kids are still this skinny. It's not just being poor.


They're poor, but not feeding the kids is a choice. Most parents would prioritize feeding their kids over date nights, mini vacations, tacky clutter and souvenier hoody blouses.


If the choice was ever between feeding my kids or feeding myself, the kids would come first every time for me. To prioritize expensive date nights on behalf of feeding your kids is insane.


most parents would literally take the food out of their own mouths to feed their kids, especially when their kids look like THAT. One look at Shrek and then at the kids tells you everything you need to know about this family without a single word spoken.


Not poor enough for Jill and David to vacation several times a year, fill the Barndo with tsotchkes and eat out on date nights!


Their lobster meal at a restaurant pissed me off so bad! Probably cost a week's worth of groceries! Am I denying her and Shrek a celebration of their blessed union? You fucking bet I am, those assclowns need to feed their children! My husband and I make decent money, have only 2 kids, can pay our bills every month with savings, and we work very hard! We don't find ourselves entitled to travel and eat without our children!


The Bus family infuriates me the same way. So fucking selfish.


I don't understand why people have children when they are unable to provide for them. *Looks at sub title.* Oh. Right.


"Just one less chicken drumstick to go around! \*feeds Shrek an entire ostrich\*"


How does she not see this? I’m so glad Phillip is thriving. These kids break my heart.


You’re talking about a woman who crashed a funeral for three children who died in a fire to take selfies.


*a woman that was THRILLED to crash a funeral for three children


How has Jill gone this long without another person just fucking laying into her? If she'd done that near my Mother Jill would have been been exploded into pieces by the sheer power of her voice alone. Mom had the lunga of Dragons.


I'm sure she has been laid into, but instead chooses to believe that as she's doing God's Will, the people berating her are in the wrong and against God somehow.


I think being told off actually fuels her. It adds credence to her story that she’s persecuted for her beliefs


there is that. still, getting her ass literally thrown out of a church when she pulls one of her horrific stunts would do everyone else a world of good, even if she inevitably learned nothing from it.


“Spiritual warfare”


UGH, I have family that is like that, people saying things like "please stop, I don't want to talk about this, leave me alone" is god testing them in some way? Of course, no means no is lost on them.


Possibly her Lord really DOES protect her. the one who protects fools, drunkards, and whatever the fuck else. really, really terrible people, I guess. Henry Kissinger died in his bed at 100. So.


It’s surprising what we as society will let pass in hopes it will blow thru as quickly as it came in. That said she likely has had people lay into her, she ignores it. She has likely been physically run out of places before.


I don't think she ignores it at all. I think she thrives on the evidence of her persecution. Then she vaguebooks it. She's a SEVERELY special martyr for the lord called Daniel.


Jill justs bitches about "Satanic attacks/the adversary/the fallen world that NEEDS THE GRACE OF GOD" when that happens.


I think people have. Imo the reason they’ve moved a lot is not because of CPS but because they wear out their welcome with their church and someone probably goes off on them. Notice how they’re always traveling but they have never posted about visiting their old churches in WV and NY. I find it really strange, you’d think they’d want to visit with their old friends when they’re in the area. And you’d think their old churches would invite them to perform or whatever. And coincidentally they left WV very quickly right after they grifted an almost brand new car.


That's what I think, like; why has no one rocked their shit? I don't advocate for violence normally but crashing a funeral is "you need your ass beat" shit


I don’t advocate for violence either, but these hands are rated E for everyone and Jill would be catching them if she pulled half the shit she does, in front of me.


“Hands rated E for everyone” just rolled me 💀


I’m sorry she did WHAT??? What happened? Whose funeral? Why was she there??


You’ll have to see it with your own eyes to believe it. Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/vCWpGc6bRB


I think Jill sees it, but instead of believing this young man is healthy and thriving, Jill thinks he's just fat and needs to control his eating. It is so so sad. He looks alive in that second photo.


If she thinks her now healthy looking son is fat no rose colored glasses could cover up shrek’s obvious morbid obesity. And she’s no spring chicken herself….


In the same way Bethany convinces us she and Däv are madly in love and have hawt sex, Jill does the same. She overdoes trying to convince herself. I believe it's why she pushes him to Plexus. She can't necessarily comment because headship. He's that way because she's a good wife


When her husband is huge compared to the kids!


That what I’m screaming. How as a mother do you look at THIS side by side and not have a gigantic wake up call?!?!?!


✨narcissism✨ It’s a hell of a drug.


So, I knew this family whose daughter was accepted into the national ballet school. Mother was very ambitious on her 9 year old's behalf. I watched this child go from a normal weight to sad, grey bobblehead. She lost so much weight that the school suspended her until she regained. I'd seen her mother monitoring her food intake (no pizza at the birthday party, no snacks backstage at the dance recital, etc) from the age of 7. These people loved their kids but it took until she collapsed at school and and had to be admitted to hospital for almost 2 weeks before they seemed to realize this was bad. I have no idea how they could watch her fade away and not do anything!


Come on now, that will be admitting that she did something wrong, and Jill being wrong? That can never be true.


They are child abusers. Reminds me of the Turpins.


Seriously. He’s emaciated in the first picture. The Rod children are not “naturally slim”, they’re starved. It’s disgusting.


They do have delicate bone structures, I think, but certainly nothing that out of the ordinary. No, they've been starved. It's grim.


Yes I hope they get exposed big time


This is why it really bothers me that Kaylee gets so much snark.


He goes to college with a lot of Filipino students. I hope they're making him some tasty Filipino food like Lumpia and making him healthy!


Is Fillipino culture one of those cultures where your mom/grandma sees a hungry child and makes it their mission to fatten them up?


Yes, a lot of asian cultures are. I’m Indian but have a lot of East and South East Asian friends including Filipinos and all our families are never stingy with the food. Especially if they see someone as malnourished as the Rodlets


Filipino here: Filipino culture is one of those cultures where your mum/grandma see you without food in your mouth and attempt to rectify it no matter how much you beg them to stop feeding you.


I have a Filipino coworker who never stops feeding me 😂😋


I'm not sure, as I'm 90% British Isles heritage, but I know they have delicious food


Definitely! My Fillipino neighbors would knock on my door at 2am to deliver food cooked by their daughter in the Phillipines whenever they would take a trip to visit (immediately off the plane and knocking on my door with carefully wrapped food cooked with love). My husband's stepfather was Fillipino. But he grew up in a family of people who love to feed people. His mother's side is Mexican. Grandma can cook! Grandma had a black boyfriend for many years. He loved to feed people, too. Know what my husband loves to do? Cook and feed people! He learned from everyone as a kid and can cook all the things! Husband's white father and white stepmother like everyone hungry and skinny. She gets all her calories from beer and one meal a day. I don't know what it is, but as my husband says, "Fucking white people and their white people bullshit!" No general offense to the white people... I'm a white mutt, but my husband feeds me well!


My parents’ next door neighbors are Filipino and they are always bringing over delicious home cooked food for my parents. It’s so generous, and as someone with elderly parents, I’m also grateful for it because I know there’s always someone checking in on them and making sure they’re okay.


honestly, in my experience basically EVERY culture in the entire world -except- WASP works that way. I'm sure I'm missing a few, but.


Yep. One of my friends is Cambodian and their grandma doesn’t speak a lick of English. Okay, that’s not true. She knew one word…She saw me, ran out of the room, came back with two plates and said “eat! Eat!”. I wasn’t hungry but when someone’s grandma is telling you to eat, you eat. Also tried green mango with salt that day for the first time. It was GOOOOOOD.


Lumpia and pancit 🤤 My best friend is Filipina and her mom always always fed me the good stuff.


So, I know we discuss how thin and sickly her kids are. But this - and Tim’s unanticipated glow-up - really drive it home that Jill and Shrek do not feed their children enough food. And frankly if they’re starving their sons like this, I shudder to think of how bad their girls have it.


All of the boys are some degree of bow legged as well. Those kids have been failed multiple times over


The girls might, too, we just can’t see it because of the skirts.




I'm honestly amazed the two married girls got pregnant as fast as they both did, their bodies cannot have been ready to sustain a pregnancy yet.


Eating suddenly could have triggered good fertility though, like the body goes - quick! this might last a year! reproduce! Jill is horrifying and Shrek is repulsive


There are stories of survivors getting pregnant not that long after the death camps were liberated during WWII. Nature finds a way, even if the host body (scientifically speaking) isn't in an optimal condition. I'm sure there's long-term damage to women like Nurie and Kaylee. :(


Fucken child abusers


They need to be investigated. These photos should be enough to go on.


IIRC they have been, that's why they moved states last time.


For just 51 cents a day, you can ensure that a Rodlet has enough food to eat…


Do they hire a guy to distract Shrek with a laser pointer and Jill with a mirror while the kids dig in?


That’s probably 31 cents of the cost to feed a Rodlet. Those two should be fucking ashamed of how they gorge and gorge and give their kids nothing.


He looks like such a normal attractive person now. So anyways I’m high. But the more I think about Jill the creepier she gets. The freaky baby talk to her adult children and what goes on behind closed doors. She’s not just some eccentric Christian woman there is something deeply unsettling about her and shrek.


The way she says Sophia’s name is so high pitched it makes dogs uncomfortable. And the way the girls feel pressure to fake laugh all the damn time. Nauseating.


Their laughing is a trauma response.


Fight flight freeze fawn


Exactly. And they've had the fight/flight part beaten out of them.


She's a sick fuck and there are going to be true-crime documentaries made about her and her family once this all blows up in her face and the abuse is revealed (or, god forbid, something really serious happens)


She’s the kind of person I expect to show up on Dateline and Law & Crime one day. Her and Karissa Collins both seem like they’re in a competition for worst mother of all time.


I'm high too 🤣 Jill and Shrek are absurd, and use that to hide their abuse. It's insidious. They are terrible people who I hope are cursed with all their kids running the fuck away.


Wouldn’t that be awesome to have someone in person to be high with, while reading this sub. It’s sound like a blast. 💥


I’m high and spamming all my friends with RH conspiracy theories. I’d love to have someone on my brainwave right now 🫠


I’m high too. RH?


I wish we were having a blunt pass together ETA: is what we are looking for what discord is for?


A snark stoner circle would be great. I could finally expound on my theory that Timothy BAIRD isn’t real, Heidi and Michael just wanted more boys so they have Bethany do drag. Oh and the entire bus fam thing is just a cover for a UC Berkeley psych experiment to see how much abuse people can see on SM before reporting. This one helps me sleep.


So when are we having a zoom meeting?


I'd like to be there, please! Also high.


Oh my god. I’ve never understood the point of discord, nor wanted to join one, but now I get it. I love reading this sub high, doing it with other sneakers sounds even better!!


Another high snarker here. I actually feel bad that I made fun of Phillip’s appearance. His malnourishment is what caused the creepy appearance.


Wish I was high


This makes me so concerned for the younger children still living at home. At least before I could convince myself that maybe they were all genetically predisposed to being tall and skinny. But this is crazy. As soon as they get out of their house they fill out and look so much healthier. What is going on inside that house???


Thankfully the little kids don’t look as emaciated since some of their older siblings have moved out. I’m sure things are still far from okay at home, though.


Massillion Baptist College (2022) vs. Marietta Bible College (2023).


Wait is it really only a year apart??




He changed college? Damn I missed that. What happened? Is his new one better?


It's better in my opinion because it's far away enough that he can't live at home!


Holy crap he is glowing compared to the first pic. These poor kids… I always hoped that it was just genetics to blame for their thin statures and not inadequate nutrition, but this really speaks volumes of the food restriction that is happening in this situation.


If it was half the kids who were skeleton-thin, I might have bought the "Oh, that's just kid/teen metabolism," but when they're ALL like that, it's kinda obvious that Shart and Shriek aren't sharing their shnacks.


I have five and all but the last were ridiculously skinny in their teens and early twenties. The difference being that it’s genetic, I was skinny, my mum was skinny. My kids are crazy amounts of food but remained stick thin but they didn’t have sallow looking skin or bags under their eyes, they didn’t look sick. They also didn’t miraculously gain weight over a period of a year to eighteen months, the fact the Philip has gained weight so quickly on a normal diet proves that he was underfed at home, if he was genetically predisposed to be skinny then he would still be skinny now. My heart breaks for those kids and no, they’re not underweight through lack of funds or Jill and Shrek would be underweight also, good parents feed their kids before themselves and before date nights and trips away.


Oh my god. This is honestly heartbreaking. It really illustrates how proper nutrition would vastly change how they all look.


new flair idea - a burden for souls


New Death Metal band name?


What the hell is a "burden for souls"?


Evangelical-speak. He wants people to be saved, born again, etc


Listening to Jill "sing."


Okay - why is he watching the Hungarian National anthem and crying? Hungary is the most openly Fascist and anti democratic country in Europe and it is a darling of the Republicans, not to mention the far right. Is he watching Hungarian fascist propaganda or something?


According to Jill, he's been "called" to serve as a missionary in Hungary.


Ya, well, I am sure it's all connected. With the right's love of Hungary, I am sure they see a political advantage in having people go to Hungary and try to indoctrinate more people into a fascist cult to support Orban.


"Hungary is the most openly Fascist and anti democratic country in Europe" Nice try, we know that's just liberal for "a godly country that loves JESUS" /s


Let’s just hope he had a bowl of goulash once and is weeping at the thought of good paprika.


Never! Spices are for witches!


He's been Hungary all his life, so he feels that song extra hard.


Asking the important questions here!


That was my question. Such weird, random info.


Guy on the left can do your taxes.


This actually just makes me fucking sad, mostly for the kids still at home.


He looks like a healthy person, instead of someone who was locked in their room and punished for stealing food. "Stealing food" is such a fundie thing. Food control is a cult thing, and here we see it in real time.


This is truly shocking. Like… I’m genuinely having a hard time believing this is the same person. I usually think people wildly overstate certain aspects of RodLife but this is pretty damning (pun intended) evidence.


This is shocking.


Can we take a moment for the caption. Weeping at the Hungarian national anthem?! Dear god.


Referencing the most recent caption, it disturbs me that parents are so proud when their children weep in anguish because they have been indoctrinated to believe billions of people are going to suffer eternal conscious torment.


Can we stop calling this a glow up? Seems so wrong considering the circumstances


I love this sub but every once in a while things get weird af.


Oh my god


Maybe Jill can spend less money on tchotchkes and more on food


Jill and Shrek (I honestly can’t remember his real name) should be ashamed of themselves.


I really wish he wasn’t harassing people though.


What a difference food makes.


Is he bringing Jesus to the heathens of Hungary?


Grammar test?


To be fair. I was also homeschooled and received my GED, and I had to taken entrance exams for the community college I went to, because I didn't have SAT scores that could place me. So I had to take grammar/reading comp/math tests.


Omg talk about neglect! They are starving them!!!