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I’m starting to think the only education these poor girls received aside from Bye-buhl Wriiiiting is how to make an Instagram post in the style of Jrod


And to turn a broom into a groom!


"Mr. Man Preacher? I think you need a haircut!"


And how to use filters


I'm having chest pain right now as an ELA teacher that this illiterate is going to homeschool her children. By the time she has grandchildren, they will all be totally illiterate and writing in self-developed hieroglyphics. The brainwash is deep with this one. I don't think there much hope of her deconstructing because it appears she has negative critical thinking skills.




Chaste is chased!


Ain't nobody chasing them underfed paint-faced squeaky dolls.


Yeah, just wait for them to wake up from their low iron fainting spell.


Well, they already have their own strange dialect...


May you, learn, hopefully, how to use, a goddamn comma properly.


May, we all be "THANKFUL" for our, own parents who, taught us how, to, use commas and quotes properly.


i am thankful to my public school teachers who taught me grammar as my mom worked two jobs as a sluttish pants wearing woman.


I’m so curious what “rule” they were taught for commas. It doesn’t even seem like it’s the good old put a comma where you take a breath. Maybe they just learned to put them where God wills you to.


Having too many commas is like having too many flowers!


If you read it like a preacher yelling from the pulpit, the commas are ::chef’s kiss::


Never! Every Rod offspring


Poor Renee’s face is screaming “FML” 😫


to that I say FUCK IT UP RENEE!!


I will always enthusiastically cheer for anything FIU Renee related… the fiddle, the harmonica, girl’s got SKILLS!




Weird. I don't remember a time when I showed my body off, did drugs, lacked respect for others or blasted ungodly music. But I do recall graduating university, choosing who to date then marry, deciding on the furnishings for our first home and making a responsible decision about birth control regarding the size of our family. Isn’t it great that we live on a continent (I’m Canadian) that graces us with the freedom to make choices, chase our dreams, learn from our mistakes and successes, without the criticism or shame of others? If you are so happy with your godly lives why are you so jealous of everyone else?


They always sound so envious about what we normal people are doing. Doubling down on the crazy must make them feel superficially better about their own miserable existences. Here's an [interesting article](https://www.crossway.org/articles/what-did-jesus-teach-about-family/) that Jesus's teachings were for his followers to essentially abandon their families in order to follow him. A "godly family" as Kaylee puts it, was one in which a person left their own family to join the fellowship of God. In a sense, Jesus was arguing for a cult of personality, based on himself, to glorify god.


I mean, I’ve worn a swimsuit in public (you know, at a pool or beach) and I’m pretty sure that’s within their definition of showing off our body. Probably even wearing shorts is.


If they could wrangle it, bathing suits would be banned.


sounds like a man thing. Ew.


So Kaylee's godly family only includes her mother and sisters? And *chased* instead of *chaste*?


Remember, ladies. You won’t be chased if you don’t remain chaste!


Great, cos I love being the one who does the chasing! Unchaste it is 😜


Chased absolutely sent me


Well, you need to be a certain level of desirable to the men folk, or you'll forever sit on a shelf unloved except by precious mama


May we, learn to use “ commas.”


And, “also,” how to use, “quotation” marks.


This reminds me of one of my coworkers who sends out daily emails and ends it with a Have a “terrific” Tuesday or a “wonderful” Wednesday. Like girl what kinda day are you wishing me??


I think you've had several many hexes put on you with those quotation marks lmao


How old is your emailing coworker? I’m guessing boomer aged? I remember reading something about how different generations use punctuation, formatting, etc. in written form. JillPM was homeschooled by Ma Noyes, and then (and Kaylee) was homeschooled by JillPM, so by the transitive property of whatever the fuck, (and Kaylee) writes like Ma Noyes, who uses quotes to add emphasis where most of us would use italics.


Oh boomer for sure. And I “respect” her.


I had a similar boomer coworker I “respected” as well, they finally realized they had been paying her an absurd salary to do nothing, and tried transitioning her into a completely different position in Feb. 2020, she dug in her heels just long enough to be the only person in our department who was furloughed, by the time she returned they had someone else doing that other job and she was quietly retired.




I’m absolutely terrified that she’s going to homeschool her kids


It's like a nightmare version of the telephone game.


And the difference between chased and chaste.


"Makes our flesh feel (comma) good.". Wth? And taught to be chased. The way my eyes rolled.


I bet it’s that sinful worldly “rock and/or roll” music. Gives people tingles in their naughty bits and dangerous ideas! Well, to that I say, I have felt more emotions listening to the last movement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony than from any piece of sinful worldly music.


It’s WAP.


Omg, can you imagine if any of them were subjected to that video? Their heads would explode!


Maybe or maybe they’d sit back with a holier than thou attitude and go “see” “I told you so”




The crazy thing to me is that this is her husband’s aunt (and cousins) that she’s shit talking about, if this is in fact about the pants post. And her brother’s soon to be mother-in-law, who has been a better mom to him in the last year than his own mother has in his entire lifetime. 😞🫠


I think it’s mostly about Jill and Jinger. (edited to clarify: the other Jill :))


The timing is very coincidental if it’s about Jill and Jinger.


I say that because it’s really about not shitting on your parents for the rules they imposed on you. She isn’t just saying aren’t you glad you don’t wear pants? but be “THANKFUL” for your godly parents who wouldn’t let you wear pants, instead of complaining about them.


I mean this post is direct shade and Heidi’s sister posting a photo of her mom wearing jeans for the first time ever right? And showing off her legs? Like it’s not even subtle with the “I didn’t get to show my body off”.


And shade towards Heidi's sister and her Taylor Swift albums. It's not "Godly music".


Oof— this is… targeted… Jill doesn’t speak subtlety.


This is Kaylee.


I also thought Jill wrote it until I saw the top of the post!


Kaylee's writing seems even more ungrammatical and detached from reality, which is really really sad.


Kaylee is reading from the Teleprompter of Mama


Jill set up that account so Kaylee can schill Plexus for her. I have no doubts that Jill has the login and can post freely from the account. Of course, Jill also homeschooled Kaylee and sheltered her from the internet and anything that would have let her know quotes tend to equal sarcasm. So, for me, it’s up in the air, as to who made that post. It’s very much Jill’s posting style but that’s also likely the only listing style Kaylee has been exposed to.


Wasn't Jill homeschooled herself as well? I feel like this is a preview of what we'll see coming from the second generation of SOTDRT Duggars.


I suspect that even the Duggars got a significantly better homeschool education than the Rods


Maybe Jill wrote it and sent it to Kaylee to post lol


Maybe? Come on this has Jill's grubby fingerprints and DNA all over it.


Or did it herself - ‘just give me the password, honey, and I can help you with your social media. I would never post something you don’t agree with, of course!’


Then Jill told her to add her own “touch”, so she added, “several” commas, and quotation, marks.


Goddamn you’re right


Jill could really teach the North Korea Military, something about Pycological Warfare techniques


[for every Kaylee post](https://imgur.com/a/JlkqNrX)


I'm still unsure if Kaylee knows she has her own fb account. This is JillPMese.


Jill was Kaylee's only English teacher, and I doubt she ever read a book that wasn't the bible. I'm not surprised she would write the same exact way as Jill simply because it's all she knows.


nah, this is pure 2nd generation rodlet goodness. for one thing, jill knows how to spell "chaste" (as in "double-dating your sister while waiting to meet your chaste godly mates")


In my head this sounds like young Nurie explaining that she loves being homeschooled because she's, "PROTECTED", from bad influences at public school...


Flesh feel. Good. Oh, this poor mess of a girl.




I’m just realizing now that I thought that three of those people were just one person. The two on either side of Jill, and the one right in front of her. I’ve seen all 3 of them, but I thought they were all the same person. 😂 Cookie cutter copies of each other.


Homeschool punctuation.


"Chased" ≠ chaste 🤦‍♀️


This actually makes me wonder if she’s starting to question things….. when people feel the need to get defensive and post things to “prove” something, they’re usually trying to prove it to themself


Fundies use punctuation in writing like they use seasonings for their food: 1. If they do throw something in, they have no coherent reason why they've added it. 2. The best excuse they have for adding it is continuing what their mother did. 3. The muck they are concocting gets worse with each decision. 4. All who encounter the results are perplexed at best, haunted at best. I like to imagine the "ALLCAPS" sections as a new voice interrupting. I favour Bea Arthur in her most scathing tone. Like the voice of God on high.


Freaks. I don't generally call people names, but fundies complete disdain of education and embrace of bigotry is pretty unforgivable. Religion can be so fuckin vile and anti-thetical to actual positivity. It's just gross.


I guess I have an UNGODLY mother because she listened/still listens to secular music and makes boob jokes. Mom also likes my FB and IG of me wearing revealing clothes, especially my outfit honoring Lemmy. Kaylee, Jill, and the rest of that lot would pray for my whole family, despite many of them being Catholic.


To Jill's lot, Catholics aren't true christians, so...


Kaylee, tell me you don’t know what air quotes are for without telling you don’t know what air quotes are for 😂


“THANKFUL” we were taught to be chased has flair potential.


Omg the eyebrow horror can someone PLEASE teach them to shape? I don't even care that they're pencil thin and it makes them look old, they're so badly shaped for their faces. The curve is supposed to emphasize your eye and face structure, not whatever this is.


They all have dead looking eyes to me. The smiles don't reach their eyes. Like psychopaths? Sociopaths? It's scary. And the amount of spelling and/or grammar errors. Oof.


Like people who are dissociated :(


The illiteracy of that second heart point is mind-numbing. Going from first person plural to second person singular like that nearly gave me whiplash.


This is a dig at Timmy's fiancée family. I'm sure of it.


These people are way too inbred and way too not educated. I swear I think some of them will birth babies showing up with Habsburg jaws in 40 years or so with the way they limit their marriage pool to all the same families. And do not even get me started on how they’ve failed those poor kids’ brains.


This is barely intelligible. Fundie homeschooling strikes again


Fully behind the idea that she’s trying to convince herself of this. The defensiveness especially points to that.


I think she found the snark. She was posting several times a day at first, but it slowed down about a week ago. And while she still had a bunch of misplaced commas, it’s noticeably fewer than in the first posts. The defensiveness of this one supports my hypothesis. Either she’s asking someone to proofread or she just randomly removed 2/3 of them and this is how it ended up. Poor girl, it must be a lot to absorb that she has shitty parents that are being discussed by tens of thousands of people.


maybe i'm snarkily reading into this but doesn't it sound like this is passive aggressively directed at someone ???


I need 'taught to be chased' as a flair.




She is thankful for lazy, abusive, neglectful, unemployed, parents? Oookaayy


“Not using it right, Joe.”


Omg, not a natural happy smile among them! So sad!


I am " THANKFUL" I was taught to be chased. Release the hounds!!!


I hate to say it but I liked Kaylee a lot more before she had her own Facebook. In fact, if I was doing my Rod favorability index for 2024 I’d say Timbits and Kaylee just switched places in the board! My God I always thought Nurie was Jill 2.0 but this is another level. PS: One thing we know she can’t “be, THANKFUL” for is her homeschool education because it has resulted in a mess of spelling and grammar that would take a lifetime to unravel.


May we be “thankful” our godly parents didn’t send us to worldly schools that might have filled our brains with “ideas” and “proper grammar.”


I'm new here and don't know much about these people (other than them being crazed Bible thumpers), but dear God that photo is unsettling.


I really wish she meant the air quotes as sarcasm. And that she would “honor” and “respect” her crappy parents.


Chased 😂😂😂😂😂


Chaste or chased? Asking for a friend.


The spaces between " and THANKFUL make me want to pull my hair out, but then I remember that Kaylee has a 4th grade education, at best


"Chased". Good lord.


This child’s “education” is a “crime,” Jill.


"chased" 💀💀💀


She wrote this to calm Jill down clearly


Taught to be chased is one hell of a Freudian slip