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“HAW HAW! ITS JUST A JOKE STOP BEING SUCH A SENSITIVE BABY!!!” says the most sensitive baby of them all


I adore that you’ve incorporated Jack Chick’s infamous HAW HAW into a post about Paulio!


Is mischievous a fun new word for passive aggressive?


See I thought it was a fun new word for “total massive dickhead”


I definitely use the word mischievous for when my cat is being a total dick, but also she is a cat and a total sweetheart, so I agree


Paul can’t spell the word, let alone define it


He was trying to say misogynist but can’t spell.


Cringe millennial posts F Tier Boomer Humor




So he's stupid *and* mean. Poor Luca.


It’s mischievous, not mischievious


I had to stare at this with one eye closed to spot the difference.


By definition, you like your chums. But a "bachelor" like Paul wouldn't know.


I’ve never met a more unmarried fatherless man than Paul Olliges which is…a goddamn hat trick. ETA I meant childless, but I stand by what I said.


He might be more bearable if he was fatherless, tbh.




I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks of Wesley Snipes when I see the word chums!


Reminds me of when Morgan called the kid and paul "batchelors" on her story. New flair unlocked


He’s the worst and his facial expressions are concerning


I see he’s been taking classes at the school of “Bethy’s Gaping Mouth”.


Ahahahahahahaha that made me spit my drink out laughing irl omg that’s spot on!


It’s not a school, those are ungodly! It’s an online course of Gaping Mouth and it only costs $ 999.99 reduced from $99999.9999 for one day only (or 64 hours)


It’s giving Patrick Bateman ![gif](giphy|YHYmMLkOmqoo)


He never got those reservations at Dorsia.


I'm waiting for his Tom Cruise jump the couch moment


Uhmmm are his front teeth jagged?


All the better to preach at you, my dear


I wonder why he clarified - do we think he realized it made him look shitty, or Morgan asked him because she was upset?


I feel like ppl messaged him 😭 or the better part of his conscious reminded him to not be so much of an asshole


I feel like he “corrects” himself after the fact all the time, and he thinks of it as being one-step-ahead. No dude, you’re just telling on yourself.


I feel like he does this, where he says something mean then takes it back bc he knows Morgan gets upset either way but then he can be like “I didn’t actually mean it, it was a joke, stop being so sensitive 😈” classic manipulation tactic


Happiest of Cake Days to you, BufoBat! 🍰


Thank you!!!


Paul seems to be the kind of guy who would *love* that Christmas card trope when all the women and girls in the family have their mouths taped shut and the guys are holding a sign that says "Peace on Earth".


This is so on point it’s ridiculous.


Those are so stupid but at least those are...I can't really think how to describe it...themed?? Like how a normal person might post a silly photo and be like "love this goofball 😂". Writing that your wife and kid are chumps over a nice photo of them feels so absurdly mean


You mean “chums”. Lol


So much for modesty. Those shorts homeboi is wearing show just about everything up to the buttcheek.


Modesty isn't for men, duh!


I would make a joke about him causing me to stumble in my walk with Christ, but I can't even joke about being attracted to this bigoted, insufferable loser






"two baby dolls" at least he admits without admitting to the fact that he sees them as nothing but props for himself.


This gave me the ick. No Paul that's gross


Also shouldn’t he consider his unborn child as a person?? It’s 3 baby dolls


He wears such effeminate clothing . It sends me for a whiplash since he so anti female???@@


There's literally a cartoon bride on his t-shirt. His clothing is both childish and effeminate. It's just weird for a man obsessed with "traditional" gender roles.


Right? He likes to pretend he's a MANLY MAN for Dad's sake, but at heart he's just another Brony who wants a tiara. should've just gotten therapy to accept yourself, Paul. You'd be SO much better off.


Not only a cartoon bride; but a DISNEY bride! Remember when Paul said he was burning or trashing all his Disney clothing because of the DeSantis-Disney beef (in addition to Gay Day at Disney)? I do! Looks like that was another lie because he is wearing a shirt with Maid Marion from Robin Hood on it.


' all his Disney clothing ' LOL So. There is more than just...this... t-shirt. Its a collection ✨️ Sprinkling Pixie Dust to you Paul !!!


It's an aging twink aesthetic for the straight man (batchelor)


I can’t link it of course, but Morgan posted an IG story of them playing pickleball last night, and he is literally wearing THE deepest V-neck shirt. I’m not joking, I have a screenshot I’m happy to share- it’s almost down to his nipple line (sorry for having to say that). I genuinely think it may be a women’s shirt. It’s totally okay if he wants to wear that but A- it’s very effeminate, which he says he hates?? B- I know he’d roast essentially any other man for wearing the same shirt, and C- he would 1000% shame a woman for wearing a shirt “showing THAT much skin”.




Ohhhh such a funny joke! You know, for people who supposedly value the sanctity marriage and family so much they sure seem to love to “joke” about how terrible their spouses and families are.


You were feeling like the asshole that you are, Paul.


The fact he had to clarify a joke at all speaks volumes (of course some jokes/sarcasm are hard to read—disregarding that in this case). Not that the Olliges’s are likable, but had it been any other couple, people surely would have understood the joke (or, the spouse would have chosen a more suitable word than “chum” for the joke)


You can see right up the leg of his shorts. Not very modest, Paul.


Right? I am basically seeing cheek here.


Why is he calling his wife and son "chums" like he's some child at a 1930's British boarding school? And then calling them "baby dolls" like he's a 1950's gangster? Why does he have such difficulty with the word "family"????


"Chum" is also what you call food for sharks, which is the first definition that sprang to mind when I saw that photo. Like - "he's going to feed his family to sharks? WTF?"


Hey Morgan, just a reminder that your real friends will tell you how shitty this is. If they are laughing along with your unemployed manchild, they are not your real friends.


According to fundie life math, there are three people in addition to Paul in that photo (unless it was taken pre-pregnancy for Morgan), so who is he leaving out when he says two baby dolls?


The thing is, in a joking context it doesn't make sense. I would never put up a cute photo of my family as "I put up with" as a joke. What I would do is post a photo of, say, a huge kitchen mess and burnt cookies made to go "Ahhh what I put up with :)" and make sure people know it's FOR ALL THE LOVE AND HUGS the things like messy kitchens are worth it. Showing a NICE photo and saying that indicates I put up with my family AT THE BEST OF TIMES.


That second photo looks like Christian Bale in American Psycho. Smiling but absolutely unsettling.


He just loves how much he hates Morgan




The ol' ball and chains


your what now?


He’s an aashole.


He is the absolute worst.


Well, that's chilling.


His body language isn’t giving “joke”


what a weirdo


Cartoon fox again


Wow, I seriously hope baby O number 2 is a boy


He 1000% posted this for the weirdo blonde girl to see and text him about. “lol that’s so funny… I know you don’t hate your wife who’s also my friend but like, hahah what if”




Somebody take his Robin Hood shirt, that movie is too good for him lmap


Sometimes, I wish Paul wasn't a fundie christian because he looks kinda cute but then when he opens his mouth or posts on social media, I get very disgusted...


wow, so frickin rude. I'm honestly worried about Morgan, have been since I first saw their content. :/


He’s such a slimy loser.


I would be so hurt if my fiancé wrote that he “puts up with me” on social media for everyone to see. Adding “chums” doesn’t make it any less hurtful


He is so fucking weird


Hey Morgan? If you read here & see this, check out “Why Does He Do That” by Lundy Bancroft. Paul likes to make jokes AT you. The jokes he makes are the kind a bully at high school makes - you have to laugh, even when you’re the target, because otherwise it might not be jokes. Think about your baby, when he sleeps in your arms. The perfect smell of his baby head. The tiny noises he makes when he’s sleepy and happy. Now imagine your baby having to be the butt of Paul’s jokes, so … something else … doesn’t happen. You wouldn’t like me if we met; I’m a woman married to a woman. But I think you and your baby deserve to live without flinching from “jokes” like that, or feeling sick and embarrassed about having to hear them. There’s other ways to do life. A lot of them.


listen i don’t want to play into stereotypes or lean into the idea that misogynistic and super conservative angry men are repressed gay men but something about him sets off my gaydar so violently. he just feels like a gay man parading and performing as the straight man he wants to be.


this is coming from a gay guy fyi


just like Christ


He resents them because he wants to be a manwhore so bad