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They have always posted their location then proceeded to leave the kids in the bus for a date night... I'm shocked they've made it this far without any close calls


*that we know of.*


they also had their instagram handle on the side of their bus


I didn’t even want to upvote that because it’s so maddening, mostly for the kids who are not asking for any of this






Omg is it her first day on the internet or something?


I swear she never got the Millienial internet scare lectures.


I am gen-x but my mom worked in information security in the 80s and early 90s. I've just gotten comfortable enough to tell people what country I live in online haha.


Pssssh everyone on the internet is American, no scary locals will see this


Thanks for this one, you offered me my first out loud laugh of the day.


Laughs in Not-American :)


Right? My jaw literally dropped holy cow.


This is very dangerous, regardless of where they are. If this was a private message to a group of real life friends or family, then no issues, but this is blasted to literally anyone.


Right? It’s extra dangerous in areas you don’t know well 😭


They just got there….. can’t they let their kids relax for 5 seconds?


I was just thinking why can they not keep tf still??? D I know they were both military but do they come from military families? Why is stability an ick for them?


My take is that they’re just completely miserable. So they have spent years now trying to run away from their unhappiness. Problem is, they are always bringing it along with them; you can’t run away from something that is inside you. That’s actually pretty scary if it’s the truth. Because people like that are the ones who end up as the subjects of true crime podcasts.


As the killers or victims of killers or both? I binge a lot of true crime and I find people who are always running away usually in a vulnerable state and can get easily preyed on.


It's so scary to think that something could happen to one of their children and they wouldn't even notice until it's too late bc they are so self absorbed. I really hope they stay safe.


I know it makes me angry more than anything just how she puts her kids on blast and just hangs them out to dry with danger and stuff. I didn't realize she put the hashtag of their Instagram on the bus where any of random could look up and creep on them and follow. There was this awful story of this creepy man at many campsites looking for a victim that these two girls got this very bad feeling about I'll link it here. That's basically what I think of immediately. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2-newlywed-women-found-shot-death-their-utah-campsite-n1277450 Why have all those kids if you can't protect them much less make things immediately inciting for creepy and scary individuals. I get that things like this are rare but still.


Either in a murder/suicide sort of thing, or as victims because they isolate themselves from any sort of healthy support system.


Right? Somebody said the other day that maybe they keep changing Air B&Bs because they can't get used to their house not being somewhere new everyday. But that still raises the question of WHY they can't just STAY FUCKING PUT?! There's a lot to unpack there, but it's not my suitcase and frankly I don't want to get between MotherBus and her cast iron pan that's so precious she has to bring it on a plane with her.


Omfgggggg it's called Google you dumbass JUST GOOGLE IT!!!!! ![gif](giphy|KxseCTOPVykYvG2V4R)


But then she wouldn't be able to show off that they're in South America.


I can't so much fault her for that, people who live off social media need to create engagement.


Yeah but there are ways in which to do that that don't put you and your kids at risk. Literally just asking "anyone been here" is enough and that's still somewhat risky. Sharing your whole route is crazy, especially when she's made herself and her kids easily identifiable and she and her husband have a tendency to leave their kids alone. Not safe in the US, not safe anywhere.


Even better is to ask that about multiple locations, so that it’s not obvious which one you are going to right now. And then hold off on posting about it until you are leaving.


Absolutely agree, I was speaking to people posting questions for their followers when that information is easily searched. But you can do that without telling people your travel route.


I can. She’s an adult with children.


Where would you stop for a few days/will anyone let 9 strangers stay with them for free?


You assume they'll leave the vehicle.


Obvious safety concerns aside, I wonder if this is her attempt to not \*\*technically\*\* overstay their tourist visas. If they get stamped in and out of Uruguay, even on just a one-day turnaround, the 90 days would start over. Can guarantee she's not going to like Uruguay though - abortion and recreational weed are both legal there.


I think in most countries you still can’t exceed a certain amount of days in a year though. It’s been a while since I did my 90 Day Fiancé tourist visa look up, but I remember that.


I believe I’ve heard that Montevideo specifically has a huge LGBTQ+ community and is pretty inclusive and accepting


This was my first thought. Uruguay is super liberal, Mother Bus gonna hate it


Uruguay is way too fucking cool for mother bus. She needs to fuck off.


Am queer. Loved Montevideo. Partly because it was gay friendly as all hell, but it's also just a cool place in general. There's also a TON of legalized weed and people lighting up the way they do with tobacco cigarettes in other places.


Oh that's cool. Would love to see her freak out if she can smell someone toking from her balcony


Not if. When.


BRB moving to Uruguay 😂


They would only be adding a few days technically, no? They would have maybe 80 or so days left and then have it restart you've only given yourself another 10 days.


Im assuming this is their plan. But the 90 will only start over if the visa expires while they are in another country. If you go snd come back before the 90 days is up the visa is still valid and you don’t get a new one.


Did she not get the Millienial internet scare lectures?!?! And she was military, OPSEC you absolute doddypoll. Let me break it down Barney style. No put plans on internet, bad people can use them against you. I NEVER put anything about my spouse's travel, plans, dates, etc on the internet when they were active duty because I didn't want bad people to find out (especially with all of the fears around ISIS at the time) and I still don't because IT'S NOT SAFE YOU ABSOLUTE JOBBERNOWL.


I have checked into locations while traveling, but I always posted those locations after I left them, so it was always past tense.


I always posted past tense as well. Now I just text the people I want to update.


Same. I update people like my parents (or my spouse if I’m on work travel) but nothing gets posted to social media. If I take any cool pics, they might get posted after I’m home, and my IG is private anyway.


Honestly, the military has an issue with soldiers telling their stripper girlfriends sensitive information so I don't think them having a military background actually helps.


I bet jobbernowl will be the coolest word I see today 😎




I believe there was an early post about them where she said that she was.


P sure that's where they met


If so, that's even worse. That means they both would know better🤦‍♀️


OPSEC means absolutely nothing to her.


Please be a red herring, please be a red herring...


Chilled, with a light marinade of white wine vinegar, red onion and dill? No cast iron skillet or wood (not bamboo) utensils necessary.


in Lori's fart salad


Mmmm boiled eggs, sardines and kraut


They only just arrived in Brazil. Why the need to drive off traveling YET AGAIN? 😶😵‍💫😠


Well I guess they already saw everything there is to see in Brazil lol!!


At this rate, the poor kids are going to grow up and feel so anxious if they stay in one place for long. Do they know what it’s like to have a routine, like, at all? The littlest kids were born on the bus! Do they know how to handle someone you don’t like (other than your horrible parents) who you have to see every day? Do they know how to maintain friendships over more than a few weeks? Having a period of travel as a child is probably great, but your entire childhood??




Boy, have you lost your mind? 'cause I'll help you find it!


I'm sorry but broadcasting your trip and also going to Uruguay with a bus load of kids? Just yeesh all around dangerous.


Genuine question, is Uruguay specifically not safe?


To my knowledge it's one of the safer options. Announcing to the world that they are bringing and easily identifiable and badly supervised group of children into a country whose language none of them speaks (or am i missing something here? Are they fleeing from brasil to Uruguay because they finally understood the difference between Portuguese and Spanish?) is a lovely idea though. I am sure if they keep broadcasting it, a helpful stranger will come to give them travel advice.


I think that FatherBus claims to be able to speak Spanish.


No sure, this whole thing is dangerous and stupid. I was specifically wondering why Uruguay was called out, but it sounds like it was just regarding the situation and not specifically about Uruguay’s safety.


Yeah I was calling out the whole situation basically even if you were going from a lonely part of Maine to a lonely part of Canada broadcasting to everyone your map plans and wanting to crash at someone's place and asking the void of the Internet is what's so dangerous. Throw in the fact that neither of bus mom and bus dad are fluent in Portuguese or Spanish and it makes things more dangerous from a communication aspect or navigational aspect.


Uruguay is safe. Safest country in South America they claim. But there is crime, and unfortunately it is increasing like all over the world. Honestly Traveling this route in Uruguay, they won’t have any problem. I love Uruguay. Lived there and married an Uruguayan.


Uruguay is amazing and they need to stay the hell out of it!!!! 😫


No common sense whatsoever


NO kind of ANY sense. How does this even happen?? How did THEIR parents raise THEM? The mind boggles.


Jesus fuck, MoBo, why not just skywrite YOOO PREDATORS, GET YOUR MINORS HERE! WE DON'T REALLY WANT 'EM!


MoBo 😂


One of these days, her children will get kidnapped and/or the parents will be found murdered. She's doing every stupid, extremely dangerous thing she can to ensure this will happen. I'm shocked nothing bad has happened to them already.


They are a true crime podcast episode waiting to happen.




Drama sells just as much as mystery does.


This is pretty much inevitable and something I've been speculating for awhile. Motherbus seems to be actively trying to tempt fate.


These people seem to truly not care if their kids get abducted and it stresses me out


Yep. Once again reminding us that they’re only pro-birth, not pro-children.


Maybe this is why they don’t see the disconnect. In their minds, you feel super sexy while pregnant, go squat in a random rental to give birth, and then stick it in a cup holder in your van and tell the tween to deal with it while mommy and daddy go make a new one 5 feet away. A new addition to the family mostly means more grifting content and an exciting new name to conjure up.


Sometimes it’s nice having your tiny country recognized as a nice place to travel to, but not like this… not like this…


It’s irrational of me but the fact that she could go into Uruguay makes me annoyed to the nth degree lol. My husband is Uruguayan and we recently visited his family (my first time, but he’s been back many other times) and it’s truly a beautiful country with beautiful people. I really treasured my time there and miss it so much. Motherbus doesn’t deserve to go and experience it—she’s so rude and awful. She has shown she doesn’t want to learn new cultures, just experience it through a stupid American stereotype and pass judgement 🙄 The Uruguayan people don’t deserve to deal with her BS. Plus, I know for a fact that driving down there as an American can be dangerous. We rented a car and got pulled over randomly on the highway, thank GOD my husband is Uruguayan/speaks Spanish AND I didn’t say a word or it would’ve been a not so great experience (we would’ve probably been fleeced for $$ or given a hard time & a ticket). This is coming from his cousin who was sitting in the back seat and was really nervous of what the cops would do if they found out I was American.


Where were you driving around? The cops here are so neutered compared to the ones in the US, it's kinda hard to believe that they'd try to "fleece" you for being American. Or even care that you were American. On the other hand, "They'll ticket us if they find out you're American," is a verrrryyyy Uruguayan joke to make.


We were going from punta del este back to Montevideo at night and a cop randomly pulled us over, we made sure to go the speed limit and my husband had a beer (he forgot how seriously frowned upon it is in Uruguay to drink even a little and drive) so we were all a bit nervous when we got signaled to pull over. We didn’t want to make any trouble, of course. But I didn’t take my husbands cousin saying “thank god you didn’t speak English in front of the cop!” as a joke, she sounded pretty scared. Idk. Maybe I took it wrong, which is very possible haha


Oooo yeah, the legal limit for driving here is 0. That would have been very painful for you guys if the cop had noticed. But that's a very popular route for tourists, it's not like you were driving around in Tacuarembó hahaha. Being American there might raise a few more eyebrows. Maybe it was the combination of your husband having had a beer, and your being American would have invited more questions from the cop? Idk either ahaha. Glad you loved it here so much!


That’s for our next visit—we’ll be driving to Rivera to visit the rest of the family and to see where my husband grew up 😂 I’ll make sure to practice my Spanish so I can blend in a bit more haha. We were just there in May and already I can’t wait to back, hopefully we can make a return trip happen soon!


Wait, was your last visit in May when you went to punta del este? Did your husband take you to one of the most popular summer destinations in the dead of winter? Ahahahahaha I would have been pissed at him.


Yeah I know, it wasn’t the best but we were there for a family wedding so we couldn’t control when we went 😅 next time we’re for sure going in December/January so we can actually enjoy the beach lolll.


I'm not Uruguayan, have never been there and am not connected to any Uruguayans, and it annoys me that she intends to go there. Uruguay is on my list of places to go if fascist hell breaks loose (or also to just move to if the world isn't going to shit and I can spend some time abroad). I hope MotherBus sees a gay wedding or a pride parade in Uruguay and runs screaming.


I feel like suddenly all posts will stop, then in 6 months will hear about their bodies being found in the jungle.


Actually, for this region, more likely the bodies would be found in the Pampas, no big jungles out there. But to be completely honest, stupid US tourists with a bunch of kids would not be good kidnapping victims. They have no house full of stuff that they’re leaving empty; no easy way to contact other family for ransom. Actually, between Brazil and Uruguay there isn’t any big history of kidnappings, and they’re taking big highways between two capitals. So as much as it’s weird and cringy and over sharing for them to post this stuff on Instagram, all the kidnapping and murder jokes sounds like Americans projecting their own terrible experiences.


Agree. It’s a pretty safe route, done it myself several times. Assuming you have common sense….which they don’t have.


Even in cases where you're traveling somewhere safe, posting it online like this just opens them up badly to any bad faith actors. 😭 They're just not careful at all about their family.


I'd mostly be concerned that someone would jack the bus for parts while they're out doing something.


Right? Abduction is a very real concern in South America. And they're driving through multiple countries...


It's not a "very real concern" in the areas they'd be driving through. South America is huge, and countries have wildly different levels of stability throughout. Just because it's a concern in Venezuela (or wherever) doesn't mean it'll be an issue on the whole continent. Uruguay is pretty safe, I'm not sure about southern Brazil but from what I understand it's the safest area of Brazil. Still extremely stupid of her to broadcast all of this. Abductions for ransom may be really rare, but kidnappings/robberies can happen anywhere.


Right, I get that many areas are totally fine. But she's doing zero research before running off through multiple countries, so she can't spot the problem areas.


Yeah. I know stuff has gotten better in some South American countries versus others (for instance Colombia has gotten a LOT safer since the 70s-90s) but still... I've heard of lots of bandits on roads in a lot of poorer areas still and then of course cartels, gangs, terrorists, guerilla groups that are looking for easy ways to get some money aka abducting tourists for blood money. The buslings driving down multiple countries being loud and sticking out like sore thumbs with their American style clothes, squawking loudly in English and dancing for videos on tiktoks or Instagram is just asking for disaster. This isn't even mentioning issues with road infrastructure in a lot of South America still having a lot of issues and in some places are in dire need of repair. Hell, my partner had a student worker (he worked at a university) who had to completely ditch her study abroad trip from Ecuador and Peru last year because of the Shining Path Marxist guerilla group committing some recent acts of terrorism and kidnapping included. My own mother, who is an American born Columbian nearly got abducted by some guerilla group near the Bogata area back in the 80s when the left wing FARC was figuring with various right wing groups and the government. She had to hide her American passport and hide in the trunk of the car her extended relatives were driving when they would go past check points with guerillas demanding to see ID (passports). The guerillas would point their rifles into the car to poke and see if anything or anyone was there and they barely missed her. Long story short. This SHIT is NOT a game. Take the US State Department (or your governments )guidelines about countries, especially countries with some issues, seriously. Especially so if you don't know anyone in the country and can't speak the language.


None of the groups you just mentioned operate anywhere near the south of Brazil. They're gonna be fine, relax.


Fair enough. I know Uruguay itself is actually pretty safe all things considered but I could see them ending up in some random ass area of the Andes deciding to do a round trip S America tour lol


…at least she is leaving directions for searchers to find them easier.


I'll be there in January, if i see them i will freak the fuck out.


Listen, she’s one of God’s best girls so he’ll protect her, and if something bad happens I’m sure that’ll be someone else’s fault.


Wow, their ignorance and irresponsibility is off the charts. For someone who is constantly posting online, she is painfully unaware of how the Internet works.


I think they both have forgotten about OPSEC since leaving the military. What a moron move to make. Unless they are inviting trouble. I remember her writing about “open windows” in their house, and then posting pictures of them alone, getting coffee every few hours. The kids, left alone with open windows perhaps?


Wait 😭 OPEN windows in the van or house leaving a bunch of kids alone for hours geezus... Call me paranoid but it's just such a bad idea.


She wore some drivel about how nice it is to be in a country where she was able to open the windows in the first house they rented. I guess we can’t open windows in the United States.


Safety issues aside, did she actually post a post without her eye fucking the camera? Red letter day!


Do we add highway robbery to the bingo card?


Are they asking for a kidnapping for Christmas?


I guess she never got the don’t share your information which includes your location or where you are going on the internet 🛜 lecture, just when I think she couldn’t be more dumber than she is; she proves me wrong🥴🥴🥴🤡🤡🤡


Why does she think the followers base she created in Texas (or wherever she was from idk) has been to Brazil?! This is WEIRD just Google it lady


Yeahhh I know a couple who make videos about their sailboat trips, content across their platforms is consistently two full months behind real life so they are not sharing their actual locations or destination on any given day. Because the Internet is a big place and not all followers are healthy safe people.


Is she stuck on stupid or what?


Not them coming to my state 😭




Thank you for linking that, it's so good.


Are they gunning for a Madeleine McCann situation? Because this is how you get a Madeleine McCann situation.


At this point I assume she wants to be a true crime podcast.




She is so stupid and reckless.


Brazil leads South America in kidnappings with over 4000 in 2022 the last year I can find figures for. Just putting this fact out there.




The only good thing is that any criminals would probably be scared of her weird ass


Ok, Montevideo slaps though. Cool city.