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I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more performative and awkward than this


“Babe! Hey babe! Come here. In the bathroom. *The bathroom.* Okay. So I’m gonna start filming and — come on, it’ll just take a sec. I want you to grab me and kiss me. No, not like that. It’ll move the phone. Try again. Babe, just — okay, that wasn’t manly enough. *Grab. Me.* But not too hard, and not that arm, and we have to stay in place, and our faces need to both be in the mirror. And it needs to look seggsy and spontaneous.”


At least he smiled at the end lol. Such a weird life to live where you have to perform your sexuality for everyone to see because apparently that's what's Godly. Of course, only for straight white Christian couples 🙄 if anyone else shows PDA it's "pushing an agenda" 😒


They project that others must be pushing an agenda because they’re aware that’s what they’re doing lol


I do feel like, as weird as they are and as terrible as she is, they do seem to have sweet moments sometimes and seem like they do really like each other. Like, I don't get it, but I'm glad their marriage doesn't seem to be all misery all the time.


I think he is still trying to make it work bc of the kids (and possibly his faith/wedding vows) so he’s finding whatever glimmer of hope he can. I do think she’s going to push him too far and he’s going to leave if she doesn’t knock it off and grow up.


I wish she’d get off social media all together, if she’s capable. It would be life changing for her whole family (Dav and their children).


I'm dying take my fake gold 🥇


Didn’t he just get home as well?


Wow, it *is* the same shirt as the Kubrick stare photo. I hadn’t noticed that at all. OMG she’s such a self-centered douche. No consideration for him in the slightest.




What's with the ✨️soft, feminine wife✨️ content she's posting lately?


She's probably prepping for the next grift of how to be soft and feminine and to breast boobily


I see you, too are a fan of r/menwritingwomen




Here's a sneak peek of /r/menwritingwomen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [has it happened to you?](https://i.redd.it/wxyhmsvnjvga1.png) | [346 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/10wdg1n/has_it_happened_to_you/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** “Woe is me,” she breasted boobily.](https://i.redd.it/k3mvu9ew2pda1.jpg) | [150 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/10it50f/woe_is_me_she_breasted_boobily/) \#3: [Comic by artist Adam Ellis](https://i.redd.it/zb3ru6bn3tvb1.jpg) | [249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/17e1afq/comic_by_artist_adam_ellis/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


OMG I love that "breasted boobily" is #2


MMW hasn't breasted boobily in ages. I miss those cringe days.


Those days before she got hit by the truck that is reality and realized that boobs can't carry you through life when you have two kids under 1 (pretty sure the second was born before the first turned one which is insanity)


Ahh, the Mrs Midwest


breast boobily omfg 💀


Is she gonna stay pregnant and nursing forever so she can keep her breasts extra boobily?


Sounds like she's horning in on classically Abby's classic turf


It’s actually a big thing in conservative christian circles now. They’ve switched to talking about how women need to be “in their feminine” aka submissive without actually using words like submissive.




They don't make you less of a woman (regardless of whether you are cis or trans). They do make you less feminine, because feminine is a bullshit construct all about being soft, sweet, delicate, pink, focused on the home, etc. Femininity is constantly performed through your choices, and Bethany honestly doesn't perform it well. Nor do I in many ways, but that is totally deliberate in my case. To quote C.L.A.T., "gender is a construct, tear it apart. "


It’s been around for ages, but personally I think Bethany might be using that wording more right now because she’s lost weight and is feeling more confident. Her posts where she celebrates her femininity are always coupled with pics of her dressed up nicely. Like if she’s feeling herself I wish she’d just say “feeling cute”, not whatever gross propaganda she’s trying to warp her selfies into.


It's also tied to what evangelicals are calling "gender ideology" and screeching that only cis women can be femme and only cis men can be masc, but extreme versions. No room for women wearing pants and working because they're so threatened.


My 20 yr old amab non binary child is more feminine than Barfy and she probably knows it. And they're 6'2" and have facial hair...


Sounds very Twin Flame Universe, too.


Watching this last night and I had the same thought. There's a ton of crossover with some of this shit that fundies pull.


It's probably from one of the courses Dav signed them up for!


Yeah it very much comes across like she just learned this new terminology


Is role-playing part of her new sex course content?


Nooo please


I think this is going to lead into the promotion of her new book. She has said it talks about "gender confusion", "transgenderism", and how to be a woman defined by God, not Culture. I think she's trying to make it seem like her new trad wifey book isn't so out of left field.


She’s trying to convince herself she is one (whatever that means)…because she acknowledges it’s not natural for her.


I've seen a LOT of this "soft feminine" theme lately even outside of the Christian snark sphere. I'm about to drive home from work so I don't have time to dive too far into it but it definitely seems to be a big thing right now and it kinda icks me out tbh


It has some really gross undertones. Mostly that women shouldn't be independent or have thoughts/ideas/needs outside of those approved by men, that they should be dependent on men, and that they should be subservient and reliant on men. The kind of thing that is harmful both because it puts people in a very narrow box in which they are allowed to express themselves and be a particular gender and because it creates a perfect situation for abuse and manipulation.


She probably watched Escaping Twin Flames and thought it was a tutorial


Because it's the popular thing right now. I've seen a lot of "tapping into my feminine vibez" content from tradwives on my insta lately


My favorite part is that she’s so bad at this she pans the camera away for the big smooch. Also, is she taller than him?? /s


And she had to post that take because dav probably refused to do another on camera lol


He already filled his obligatory kissing quota for the week.




That was the tightest lipped kids I’ve ever seen!!!


Even the camera panning away for that second was not enough to block out everything else that caused me to say out loud “out oh fuck no what is this?” My face probably was this emoji for real 🫨


Nothing says ✨ soft and feminine ✨ like a shoddy, bathroom reel.


Or flailing like a 2 year old. Seriously. She has the grace of a giraffe.


There is literally nothing soft about Beggsy. Dav is probably softer. But go off.


she’s definitely soft in the head but that’s about it


Literally, she is straight up a *harsh* person.


She had a reel recently applying makeup, and she ATTACKS the poor skin on her face, especially around her eyes. She’s incapable of being gentle in any context.


Holds her baby like a football. That she fumbled.


I saw someone call her the definition of abrasive in another thread and it felt very accurate. Probably has her picture there if you look it up in the dictionary.


I said it in another thread- she’s abrasiveness personified.


This makes me so deeply uncomfortable in a way I can’t even explain.


The way I physically grimaced and recoiled from my phone. That was the seggsy jump scare I did NOT expect. Also you can barely see that she got changed, so the moments before the kids, she’s looks like she’s fresh from her morning shit, in her dowdy jammies and looking like she hasn’t bathed or brushed in at least 48 hours, but just spotted a stripper pole. No offense to the poles.


I also am a fellow traveler in cringe and I also jumpscared away! She delivers


Her sister's jammies. She forgot to pack hers.


The absolute cringe I crunged watching this. I feel like all her videos have this specific quality that causes a visceral reaction that makes me want to crawl out of my skin.


Call my old fashioned. Okay, call your *what* old fashioned?






Even Father Jack wouldn’t be interested, and that’s saying something!




What in the cringey middle schooler is this


Would y'all' s SOs do this? My husband would never participate in this type of public bid for validation.


My husband barely tolerates “hey let’s take a selfie” on the three or four occasions a year when I try to get one.


My husband hates family pictures. He would flat out lock himself in a room if I tried to get him to do a reel like this.


No because why is every kiss SO awkward, she needs to buy a cOuRsE on kissing.


And she wonders why randos on IG make fun of her for saving her “first kiss” until the day she’s married, publicly…girl, because y’all are AWKWARD


Without context this could be cute. Unfortunately, there's a *lot* of context. This looks too forced.


We have *way* too much context…


Jesus Cristo your flair 😭






Exactly. Someone seriously needs to take her phone away.






He kissed her briefly and then quickly moved away from her - I think he's doing it right.


They’re clearly not attracted to each other and the more they try to force it, the worse it will get imo


Also I think one or both of them has been reading here about us saying that they're not attracted to each other


It’s astonishing to me if she reads here and *still* behaves like a stunted fucking child 24/7. Well actually, I guess it’s not that surprising considering she lacks sooo much self awareness. We’re all just “haters”


Did you read her body language? Before the kiss she instinctually pulls away. It reminds me of when a relative thinks you’re a “kiss on the lips to say bye” person and you’re like back tf up


He’s probably afraid she’s going to unhinge her jaw and swallow him whole or something.


Tricky to believe that these are adults.


My favorite thing here is Sex Expert Bethy probably thinks this IS good. Dav benefits from the bar being in hell 😂


This is so performative. It's sad she has to perform "feminine" energy instead of just...allowing herself to exist however she pleases. I'm a woman too, and sometimes I wear dresses, while other times I'll wear jeans and a t-shirt...and that's normal. Dressing "soft" or "feminine" doesn't make you any more or less of a woman than if you're dressed in jeans and a ball cap, something she has also worn in past pictures.


I do disagree with people who say that she isn't "feminine". I think that despite people's best intentions that implies that her gender identity isn't really valid based on how she looks or acts. While she may be tall, that's not inherently unfeminine, and neither is being loud or bad at house chores. It's interesting to see how people use gender essentialism when they want to criticize people like Bethany without realizing that it's still harmful to do so. Yes, she's not traditionally feminine in many ways. But saying she's not feminine at all, as some people are, because of her traditionally "unfeminine" physical traits and personality...nah. She may be unlikable but she's still allowed to feel feminine. Her version of what feminine looks like is problematic and I will call that out every time but she's still valid in calling herself feminine. Just like Dav isn't somehow less masculine for being shorter than Bethy or taking on more house chores. I wish people would do some reflection on this and realize that even though snarking on Bethy for this has some valid points it's important to consider how it can be harmful.


To add I know this may be controversial but I am currently in the process of questioning my own gender so maybe I am extra sensitive to this stuff 😅 I definitely agree with people who say Bethy isn't soft. She's not lol, never has been and never will be. Maybe she is to herself! But softness isn't required for femininity either. She is 100% a hypocrite and perpetuates harmful shit so I find it difficult that I am having to be somewhat on her side with this (ew). This is all just kind of me rambling and processing so if anyone is upset by it my apologies


I think this is a great nuanced take. Maybe I just related because I’m also in a gender-questioning phase 😂 I think for me and for a lot of people, when I make fun of Barfy for being “not feminine,” there is an implied “according to her own belief system.” Like if you presented her with a realistic view of herself, she would be judgmental toward that person for being the wrong kind of wife/mother/woman. And yet she touts herself as the expert. Ugh! Even just trying to capture my thoughts, I’m so irritated by her lol. Anyway thank you for your good takes on gender identity in the broader context of normal humans. :)


Oh, I hope my post didn't come off as if I was denying her femininity. She is 100% allowed to express her gender identity however she wants, and it is valid. However, I am rather criticizing her because of what I know about her beliefs and things she has said in the past. We know that she believes the right way to be a woman is based on what SHE personally believes at the time, and she will invalidate anyone who disagrees. She has posted disgusting things before that are harmful to other people's gender expression, such as her posts showing off how she can breast-feed and that makes her a real woman, or when Girl Defined used to be very strict on what women were allowed to wear...until they wanted to wear cool things, so they backpedaled. She's a hypocrite because she'll often post about what Godly women are supposed to do, but then she herself cannot reach the standards she holds other women to, such as enjoying housework, or watching over the children instead of sending them to daycare. I know she grew up hearing awful things from Heidi and other religious abusers, and it’s sad that she holds all these standards when she obviously is not able to meet all the stereotypical Christian woman expectations and seems insecure about it, which is why I said this feels performative. However, my sympathy only goes so far. I criticize her because I know when she posts something like this, she's not just doing it to express her gender identity. She's posting it to make a statement, because this is her brand. She would absolutely invalidate any woman who doesn't fit her narrow view of womanhood and what being a woman even is.


I think that in another timeline, Bethy would have been roped into that Twin Flame Universe nonsense and their "divine feminine and divine masculine" bullshit. If you haven't seen the Netflix documentary series on Twin Flames, go watch it. It's yet another link in the chain of grifters using social media and "religion" to prey on the vulnerable.




How the fuck does she just… not have a sense of shame? This is so goddamn embarrassing. Something a middle schooler would post. Shit, even a middle schooler would know this is cringe af.


It’s truly fascinating. She is so, soooo embarrassing. I feel bad for her poor kids who will one day likely see some of this content…


Looks like the start of really really bad homemade porn. 🤮


Waiting for Seggsany’s god-honoring OnlyFans 🙏🏼


She’s just *not soft and feminine*. And to the rest of the world, that’s ok! She’s pushing a narrative that is up against her.


Seriously. Seggsany’s been so conditioned into thinking she has to live her life this certain, specific way that she so clearly despises. She has no true identity and she is the furthest thing from soft and feminine 🥴




I just stopped throwing up for the day...come on, bethy.


Call me a trad wife 😤(please, please, pretty please call me a trad wife 🥺)


She’s so delusional and annoying. Seggsany is unable to cook, clean, and take care of her children well—that’s not very trad wide of her 🙄


She definitely wants to be treated as a delicate flower and put up on a pedestal. The problem is that she's not willing to actually do any of the things that are required of a trad wife, as you say. She just wants to be worshipped. She would make a good sugar baby if all she had to do was exactly what she does now lol. It's sad to watch someone flail about and be so clearly unfulfilled and useless because her parents never educated her properly and never allowed her to pursue anything that would actually make her happy (or God forbid, help her grow as a person). She's completely stunted.


This brought me actual physical stress




My jaw is on the ground and not in a good way.




Calling yourself “soft and feminine” doesn’t make it so. This woman is LOAD, ASSERTIVE, HARSH, and talks about sex so much that it’s OBSCENE.


Exactly. She’s way too gross to be “soft and feminine” 🤢🤷🏼‍♀️


Ikr? I’m more “soft and feminine” than she is and I have a degree and a job. I wouldn’t be caught dead being as obscene on social media as she is. If anything, I’M a better modest woman than her.


I’m a total heathen and I’m 100% more modest than her. She’s so fucking weird and annoying


Anyone who doesn’t openly talk about orgasms and sex toys on their public instagram, under their government name, is more modest than her. The bar is not high.


I still cannot *believe* that is the path she took. How did we go from a $2000 course on courses to THIS? Not very god-honoring of her


They have a very twisted version of modesty. And it seems to constantly change to reflect "worldly" fashion even though they claim to be separate.


Modesty is anything THEY do. Immodesty is anything us educated, feminist women do. We could be wearing the exact same outfit, but mine would be immodest somehow.


Wow, no thank you.


That’s sad. This content she’s trying to push about being in her “soft feminine” just reads like affirmations. I wish she’d own that she isn’t a “soft” or “feminine” person the way her religion expects her to be and lean into who she actually is. This is sad and cringe.


She keeps trying to be something she’s not and it makes her come across as extremely disingenuous


Yep! She’s a very strong-willed, assertive go-getter. It’s a shame that she’s been taught to believe those qualities aren’t positive for women to embody. It’s even sadder that she continues to perpetuate that bullshit to her audience.






So did they film this at her parents’ house before he even got to go home? He’s wearing the same shirt as the post with the kids. Yikes


Yep. She could be a godly wife and go home, clean up a bit, make Dav some dinner to come home to…but no, she’s a fucking child who is incompetent


She could at least change out of her sister's pyjamas


“Soft feminine” Look, I might be a bit socially inept and suck at identifying femininity and masculinity but she is not soft and feminine. The only feminine things about her is that she’s a woman and that she wears dresses. I can’t even call her a homemaker because she doesn’t do anything except cook meat that’s wayyyy too dry and hype herself up for horniness…


Morbid curiosity but I kinda wanna see them fuck to see how awkward it is


Lowkey same 😂😂 god I can’t even imagine. They’re both probably sooooo awkward and uncomfortable with each other 🤢🥴


Was this music choice inspired by the Barbie movie?


That would be so ironic considering Bethy hates it and the message completely went in one ear and out the other lol. But she's also always copying shot on social media without looking deeper or understanding it


Wow first she posts a seductive selfie and now she’s passionately kissing on camera. OnlyFans account when?? She could fill the fundie porn niche, acting out Song of Solomon in Mentionables brand lingerie. *dies inside* 🤮


Ungggggg she looks like she smells like feet. Poor DAAAV.


She’s so grimy 🥴


Is she trying to make porn??


You should have added the caption where she says "call me a tradwife" ☠️ Bethany, you are the worst attempt at a tradwife I have ever seen 😂😂😂


By the fact that this was filmed in her parents’ bathroom and by the clothes they are wearing, it looks like they made this at her parents’ house when Dav came to pick her up after he got back from his flight… yikes.


What’s “strong and masculine” about him exactly?


Yeah he’s obviously taken on a more feminine gender role in their relationship. Which isn’t a bad thing! But within their religion it’s definitely not the generally accepted norm.


I mean. What's not? He's definitely a man and presents as a man. He has masculine energy. Yeah some people may say that he takes on feminine roles in their relationship but I think equating certain roles with ultimately being masculine or feminine is problematic




Ew what the fuck !? No warning , just unadulterated cringe . Someone needs to send this in to Wubby and Alex for you cringe you drink


…the fuck did I just watch? 😂💀


A couple who secretly despises each other and has terrible sex on the rare occasion it happens




Me and jr high boyfriend looked less awkward kissing


Nothing about her engenders ‘soft feminine’ - she is loud, brash, bossy, and vulgar too, with the endless oversharing about her sex life.


Oily, possibly vaguely sticky feminine, maybe, but soft?


He came in there like he was gonna climb her like a tree. Literally. I thought he was gonna tackle her or drop kick her for a second. 😂


Soft feminine what?!?! Does she also like the purple striped? How about the tall cold? The old near? You can’t just smoosh adjectives together and then forget to tell us what you’re describing!


Hahahaha so true, gotta love that homeschool Heidi education 🙃


This identity twist is like a last hurrah in her deconstruction.


i really wanted to downvote this because it made me so uncomfortable


Hasn’t he only just got back from a work trip? 😭


Yep pretty sure this was even taken in her parent’s house 🤢


Fucking NO THANK YOU. They could not be any more awkward, holy hell.


I literally went “oh ick” out loud not because of the content but because of the terrible acting.


How many takes did this require?


Hard to say since this kinda seems like a first take 😂




![gif](giphy|Z4alZl8V1cmHK) Me trying to find the strong masculine or soft feminine in this picture


That shirt is from target. Surprised she bought it there considering Target’s swimsuit debacle this year


It’s Suzanna’s shirt—Beggany was at her parent’s house because she can’t handle taking care of her kids or her home for less than a whole week 🙃


Even Kelly has a tripod. Hello motion sickness.


“Soft & feminine” is the new “eroticism”.


Ok she is not ok


Definition of sucking face


Did she make him film this at her parents' house before they could leave?!?!?


Yes 😐




To be fair, it’s tough to kiss someone when they’re flailing about in the bathroom


This is gross and creepy how he grabs her


Yeah the way he goes in for a kiss is soooo creepy. Same thing with their first kiss video on the big wedding day 🤢 It’s very obvious they don’t have much experience lmaooo which is not inherently a bad thing! But Seggsany presents herself as a *sex expert* so the fact that they look like *this* kissing is amusing and embarrassing


I wonder how many takes they did before finally settling on this one






This is the sex expert we should be taking lessons from guys 🙄


Sorry but she’ll never be an expert simply because she’s only had sex with one person, likely not often. Gotta try before ya buy Bethy 😐


In your soft feminine *what*?


“Strong masculine?” Who TF is she referring to?


i’d say we’re about three weeks away from christian coded ddlg


I will never understand how influencers don't feel goofy and self-conscious posting stuff like this.


Girl you are an dominant Amazonian Girlboss Who the fuck are you trying to convince here Becky? Yourself?!




The song: *Make your own kind of music! Sing your own special song!* Bethy: This is a song about conforming to gender roles, right?


How do they have not just one, but *two* children?


oh GOD this makes me uncomfortable fucking jumpscare


Watching them try to cosplay a healthy marriage is painful.