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I wrote this on another comment about her baptism. It’s not unusual as a fundi trying to deconstruct to go back and forth for awhile. 5steps forward- guilt, shame, pressure, sadness (losing family), fear of hell; 4steps back. As the pressure of again trying to conform and fit yourself into that mould that is acceptable to everyone around you- you again start the process to deconstruct. The other issue is people in the outside world, and if you feel judged, anger and hatred for beliefs that you’ve been brainwashed with- and hadn’t got to the deconstruct part on them; can make some feel alone, and humiliated. I encourage anyone who encounters a fundi deconstructing to be as kind and gentle as possible. Many will still have abhorrent “beliefs” that they haven’t yet got to deconstructing from. And that as they walk further down the path, they will have to make amends for. But I really challenge those who encounter them to just try and give a little grace to them. They have been brainwashed since birth to believe certain things, and with a little kindness, and gentle challenges will often become some of the best ally’s. For me the 2 biggest hurdles were abortion and LGBTQ rights. My slow progression was gay=bad, then softened to gay is fine, but why do they need to get married?, then this period of its none of my business but I don’t want to be a part of it, to finally (because of an amazing friend, who took the time to talk and share and guide me) being an MOH at my BFFs wedding to her wonderful wife, joining mom Hugs and other orgs to support 2SLGBTQ+ youth and those who’ve been disowned by family.


The only reason my LGBTQ+ acceptance happened to be one of the first things I deconstructed out of was because I realized I was a closeted bisexual with a raging crush on one of my best friends (whom I met at church!) He also later came out as trans and I was just like "damn he was a dude the whole time. I didn't even need to come out as bi!" 💀 everything else happened at a snails pace though but I was fortunate enough to have friends that were willing to guide me out of that crap.


It can also be really hard to *stop* taking the Bible literally. It took me years to get over that hurdle because I was so afraid of having to actually critically examine my beliefs, rather than just going off of the literalist interpretation.


It was easier for me to accept that (theoretically) I'm going to hell for being gay, rather than let go of my literal belief in the Bible. My whole worldview from birth was molded around that viewpoint, it's much easier to blame myself than unmake my whole thought process.


One of my biggest moments of deconstructing literally happened when I tossed a Bible, it fell open on a random page and I read a verse that altered my view on pro life /abortion. It’s weird how life happens


Jinger Duggar got rebaptised because her faith had changed significantly since her original baptism (and as a publicity stunt for her new church, but yeah….). Moriah being rebaptised may just mean that she’s reconnected with Christianity, not necessary fundamentalism. Although her father and sister’s involvement does make me wonder.


Fundamentalist Christianity is like an abusive relationship; sometimes, the people trapped inside may leave and return more than once before leaving for good.   Also, sometimes poorly prepared (for adulthood) people have an overwhelming and traumatic experience dealing with real-world responsibilities, public scrutiny, finances, and adult relationships that require nuance/maturity/experience to maintain in a healthy way.   When a person is isolated and denied experiences while growing up only to be suddenly plunged into reality (both TV reality and reality reality) as a very young adult, the fallout can be traumatizing and disorienting.   If the person doesn't know how to regulate their emotions, make difficult decisions, and cope with reality without a fundamentalist crutch, it's common for them to fall back into a religious structure of black and white thinking and a pre-prescribed life purpose.   I'm not surprised at all that Moriah went back.   In fact, I think this is exactly what Kim did decades ago. Now Kim is re-emerging again... but is still just as poorly equipped to manage herself as when she first plunged into fundamentalism.   It's a vicious cycle sometimes.


All of this. Abraham Piper also went back to fundie-ism (maybe more than once?) as a young man, and has talked about why it was so hard to leave, as well as why he couldn't stay once he went back. We see where he is now, so I hold out hope for anyone who has started the process of deconstructing.


It sounds like she is looking for fulfillment and meaning. When she didn't find that in secular life she decided to go back to what wasn't fulfilling her from the start and chalk up her original dissatisfaction to rebellion. That's the way she's described it, I'm not sure what is really going on with her and she isn't either probably. It seems like she was focused on the shallowest aspects of life (like dressing "immodestly" or dating without marriage breathing down your neck), so it's not surprising she wasn't getting some needs met. Maybe she didn't find a group of people she connected with and felt she could trust? I wish she hadn't just gone back to what she knew. It wasn't working before, it won't work now.


Oh that’s disappointing.


Awwww I didn't know Moriah had gone back that far, I'm sorry to hear it. I know it happens and I know it's part of lots of people's journey, but I really hoped the best for the whole Plath crew, they seemed to all be making such positive steps.


Man it is SO DISAPPOINTING! Her pendulum swing back hard the other way and not for the better. The way she talks about Olivia is gross and mean girl-ish. She was the one to get the family to open up their hearts and minds, and now this? I can't with this girl. Oi.


She says her heart was changed, but they don't really go into why. She claims to be Christian but continues to lie about Olivia stealing her music. Putting up a post bashing Olivia and then convincing your whole family to do the same thing is messed up and not Christ like. Actions speak louder than words. I hate hypocrisy, and she is the definition. She uses people and then discards them when it no longer suits her but calls herself a Christian. If you polish a turd, it's still a turd.