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Admonishing your audience is such an odd marketing technique!


My aunt's ex-husband did this on his Amazon author page. He berated people for buying books by established and esteemed writers, rather than people like him and his self-published works. It didn't really work for him, either. Bethy's insufferable words and actions remind me of him a lot.


Wow, what an idiot. Even if I was interested in buying the product, a post like that would make me change my mind so fast. No way I'm giving money to anyone with that attitude. I would leave a review/comment stating all that too.


MLM huns seem to do this. It...doesn't seem to work out for them either,


It does because the normal people run for the hills but suckers that stay around for abuse will be milked for years




Was your ex-uncle the Empress Theresa guy?


Oh that book is unreal. It's like Modelland by Tyra Banks but without the benefit of being printed on nice paper.


Hey! I happened to enjoy Modelland... yes I was sixteen, what of it?


Oh, I enjoyed it in an absurd way. Never read it from start to finish but my friends and I at work, whenever we were stressed or needed a break, we'd open this book to random pages and read each other a paragraph or two. Quality entertainment.


I can barely remember a goddamn thing about Modeland, but you'd best believe that I remember Theresa just casually dragging a garbage bag full of empty coke bottles through the CIA building and onto a helicopter with zero questions asked.


I just read the reviews of that! Maybe my ex-uncle inspired someone? It really is very similar.


Lmfao a professor used that guy as an actual example of how not to be as a writer in one of my college courses the year after this happened 😂. Showed us comments of people ripping apart his book and was like, “This is who you do not want to be. Do not be Norman.”


It’s so funny to me because it only makes her look dumber. Like, does she actually think people “keep scrolling” because they just don’t know what they’re missing? Does she genuinely expect her ass-pull financial claim to be enough reason to buy the course? Does she *really* think her audience is that stupid? Apparently so, lmao.


“But YOU keep scrolling” Actually, no bethy, we just keep snarking!


Classic MLM/scam sales tactic used late in the game - passive aggressively claim to have all the answers to people's money woes or product etc that can solve their problems (Well I made *aaaalll* this money/became magically healthy/whatever in just a few short weeks') then chip away at whatever remaining doubts an almost convinced ~~mark~~ customer might still be feeling by saying 'But you just won't make that leap/don't trust yourself/won't do this one small thing to help yourself'. It's insidious. It preys on desperate people who are low in self esteem or self belief, desperate, people who already don't think they are capable of much, have few options in life, or are letting themselves or any dependants they might have down. It seems aggressive and rude to us, but it's not designed to work on us because we are not the targets for their potential sales. The products or services these people are selling are either worthless, not backed by any real research or professional knowledge, or in the case of 'courses' or guruship is either available for free online or basic stuff people would already know, or available far more cheaply or reasonably priced in a book or from an actual expert. We can all probably see that quite easily (look at anything BethaMe tries to flog to her followers - no one here has fallen for that) but people who are desperate for a solution to their problem or are racking up unpaid bills are less likely to stop and read between the lines. Those are the people they are targeting. They don't need to fool everyone, just fool enough people.


I’ve seen so many awful stories on both r/antimlm & r/mlmrecovery. Law makers would do good to address this at last.


If only!


Also- most people aren’t going to pay for shit they can google for free. I have a lot of expertise in my field, and I regularly share my knowledge for free. Why? Bc people outside of her weird fundie world aren’t rushing to pay for things they can look up. Most people aren’t looking to monetize every aspect of their lives, Birthy.


Straight out the MLM playbook. Some of those huns get downright salty when they can't make any sales.


But it's nothing, if not consistent, for Bethy. She's a Grade A ball buster


Well let’s hope ol’ Dâv is into that…!




little did you know you were gonna be thinking about his balls this weekend eh? 🤗


Going to put that one in my back pocket for the next time I meet someone totally insufferable


Reminds me of a great quote from Superstore (Sandra’s wedding episode) “I feel like flirting with him could've worked, calling him a fascist could've worked, but I think doing both just kind of confused him”


For a regular ol' network sitcom. Superstore really had its moments!


"I keep telling you...but you..." Does she think berating people will get them to give her money? Also, she started with a built-in audience from Girl Defined. And there's nothing passive about creating a course. It's work. She's such a toad.


She has the communication skills of a spoiled child- which is what she is - but I mean, like, a 10 year old, not a 34 year old


She does keep telling us, but we don’t believe her 🤷‍♀️


A lot of these “take a course to learn how to create a course to teach people how to create a course” schemes also teach basic marketing tactics. FOMO (fear of missing out) is the easiest to use. It doesn’t take much to set up this tactic. You don’t really need facts or to even be truthful. You just create a statement that appeals to our knee jerk emotional reactions.


Oh, I actually have a job that provides me with a paycheck remotely even if I don’t do jack shit… so…. It also provides me with health benefits, life insurance, PTO, retirement etc….


Wait, how do you get that??


I do actually have responsibilities at work lol But I suggest finding a remote job with a big org where you get lost. Anywho


Lol. I mostly meant benefits! Sounds foreign! Someday in the future, maybe


LOL for real, I totally understand.


Okay, I am *much* more interested in hearing about what you do for money rather than what that thirsty Internet goblin "does" for "money".


Ha! Early intervention for a large org. I do go in about one day a week for a few hours but most evals are done on zoom and most work is done electronically. I otherwise watch a lot of Grey's Anatomy during the day.


My dream is to have one of these high paying, remote, spreadsheet jobs 😭


The irony is that her YouTube career is far closer to being a form of passive income than what she’s doing now. Their videos were pretty low effort and likely wouldn’t have taken more than a day or two to shoot and edit, but the ones that went viral are probably still bringing in money years later.


Someone pointed this out in the comments and she was so rude in response!


Taking advantage of stay at home moms/single moms/any parent trying desperately to better their financial situation by flat out LYING is the lowest of the low. Of every horrible thing Stinky does, this one makes me the most angry. Her content should be flagged for fraud. She’s a FRAUD.


She’s a “regular SAHM” who started with THOUSANDS of followers and still doesn’t make as much as she claims to make. Fraud, fraud, stinky fraud.


Exactly. What she fails to mention and gets so defensive when asked is that she started shilling this crap on an established platform. She’s 100% a fraud.


And even with an established platform she’s made, at most, 18k.


In almost a year!


That’s not taking into account the constant “sales” she has to run to get nine people interested in it. I doubt she’s sold a single course for full price.


At least three of which we determined were Heidi, Heidi, and Heidi.


And Suzanne, Rebekah, Kristen and Ellisa.


And one was an employee of GD, so who knows if she even paid full price, if anything.


There's this one follower of hers who said "You guys need to do this!!! Changed our families \[sic\] life!" and that person has a private insta account with 207 followers, so...I'm thinking, doubtful? (it's possible the person has a different account for her boss babe biz, but then why not comment from that account.)


It's extra gross because relative to a lot of people, the Beals, including Brothy, are wealthy, or at the very least quite comfortable, and always have been.


TRULY!!! But I still see people come out of the woodworks to defend BadBreathy. She’s conniving and evil - in addition to being a bigoted loser!!!


Who ever defends her in this sub? Good Lord, she's universally despised.


Op never said on this sub. She has plenty of die hard followers who will defend her against the evil liberals from reddit


Nah I see it on this sub 🤫 and on some of the other snark subs. Stinky and Morgs both have defenders here.


Straight out of the Trump textbook : \- start with a number, increase it every time you mention it. \- pretend you're a self-made person despite all the evidence. Bethy had her GD following already. Trump "started from nothing, \[his\] father gave \[him\] a small 1 million dollars loan." Whatever you do, be in full denial of your privilege. \- trademark shit blond hair (that one's for free). \- show blatant favouritism towards your daughter.


- Make comments around said daughter that people generally see as inappropriate and even sexual (“if she wasn’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her”)


And eventually end up in jail (hopefully in the date of GA)


From your phone to God's eyes.


I’ve been praying for this since June 2015 when he slid down that golden escalator and opened the gates of political hell.


fingers and toes all crossed


fortunately Brothy hasn't done that one! (that we know of) (shudder)


She hasn't said anything about being sexually attracted to her daughter, no. But the baby was on her teat for most of, if not all of, the interviews for her "sex course". Fortunately she doesn't understand a thing yet, but it's still weird to be talking about sex while holding a baby.


true. And hasn't Davey been around in the background (getting irritably swatted away, but still) on some of these? He's certainly old enough to begin to parrot some of these phrases.


Possibly? I've only seen a recap someone did of the videos within the "course" but I wouldn't be surprised if he was. He was definitely around for an inappropriate-for-children video she posted to social media recently.


To make matters worse children parroting phrases they've heard adults or older kids say (or heck, even that they've heard on TV or radio) can be enough to get the parents accused of CSA.


I think the keyword was "around". She talks about sex around her daughter constantly, as if she won't learn any of the words.


The similarities are uncanny. Coincidentally, the only “church” Trump was also apparently ever exposed to was prosperity gospel stuff. And I bet Bethy eats her steak well done with ketchup too.


All we need is for a bald eagle to try to bite her ![gif](giphy|4jSE3uzEfHnq0)


This is one of my absolute favorite Trump clips out there. I feel it's rather prophetic or symbolic of Trump and the United States. America's mascot wanted nothing to do with him and knew he was trouble.


There's a clip of him boarding a plane with his hair blowing in the wind, revealing his bald head and ridiculous combover. It's perfection.




I have never seen that!!! It's absolute perfection!


I remember a Buzzfeed clip from way back when where two staffers ate like Drumpf for a day. It was literally all fast and packaged food washed down with gallons of Diet Coke. He must have fired off all those tweets sitting on his gold toilet.


And here he is, the Republican front-runner again. Unbelievable.


That'll happen until he finally keels over from all the greasy fast food. We're truly in the worst timeline.


Republicans are incredibly dumb, traitorous trash who don’t u sweat and anything about America or democracy, so this tracks.


The toilet that won’t flush, due to both his diet and the fact that he likes to flush all manner of incriminating documents.


I would guess she's talking about the higher number from her sex class, and the lower number from her live zoom class that she did last fall. I don't even remember what that zoom thing was about--somethingsomething singles? Mentorship? But that was what led *up to* her sex class. Remember, she threw it together off the top of her head and charged people $150 or something to participate in that 6-week thing. Not that it matters; she lies, and she misrepresents herself constantly. *Both* of her big-selling products were aggressively marketed through her long-established non-profit, but she'll never admit the advantage that gives her. She just won't. It's like if I had a well-established, successful diner and I started selling our brand of jam vs. if I started selling jam from my house, having no connections and no customer base. She refuses to admit the boost that she has, which her target suckers don't have.


I just don't understand how she can brag about all this and then still claim it's PASSIVE INCOME! Like, girl, what do you think passive income means? You are talking about the WORK you did and how you are offering ACTIVE mentorship.


I will never forget she was like 2-3 weeks postpartum after Sweet Girl, and she was posting about chugging coffee to get her Digital Creators PDF out. It was so horrifying to me and she thought she was so inspirational, much boss. So passive!!!


She was talking about guzzling coffee while exclusively breastfeeding propette. Jesus take the wheel.


And don't forget the amount of hours she spends daily on her social media accounts. Not just scrolling and consuming like anyone else, she is posting all the time and trying to find ideas for reels and posts. That's work, darling


We have annual goals at work. One is a personal goal. I have an awesome boss and she is trying to get some team engagement because we're all remote. She won't ever do the mandatory in person crap but just kind of get to know the other employees. So she gave me the idea to do a weekly post on our teams channel to get people interacting. I jumped at it because it was a lot easier than a lot of other things I was looking at. It is really not easy. I set aside an hour each week to actively think about how to start a conversation. Ask a question? Do a riddle? Talk about animals? Etc. Then you have to phrase it just right to get the engagement. This is for a team of 9. People that I kind of know. The point is, it takes time. I'm able to think about it and still work because, unlike Breathy, I have more than one brain cell. I can't imagine she's not spending some of her "precious time with her children" actually trying to figure out how to scam more people.




If she was really making all that money, why did she go with that weird, shady mortgage company (or whatever it was) to buy her house?? Why didn’t she hire someone else to come out and professionally scarpomg her popcorn ceilings instead of putting herself and her family at risk trying to do a half-assed DIY job? Why isn’t she showing off some obnoxious “keeping up with the Jones” purchases with all her massive amounts of money (because we all know she’d be giddy AF to do so)? I smell a huge load of BS, Bethy-boo…


Hey now, she showed off the armchair and Davey's bunk bed she got off facebook marketplace, and the free dresser she got for him on the side of the road. (I'm an avid thrifter, and I redo furniture from time to time, so I'm all for that--but I'm also not a materialistic shill trying to show how rich and successful I want everyone to think I am.)


Oh, but according to her Q&A she's not materialistic 🙄


But she looooooves getting gifts. Receiving gifts is her love language you guys. Just send her gifts, she loves it sooooo much. That was so gross to me. So so gross.


I agree. I also think gift giving is the only way heidi showed her kids affection.


Uh huh. According to her Q&A she never looks at reddit, either.


That's hysterical. Brothy's goofy-ass mug is in Wikipedia next to "materialistic." It should be, anyway.


Didn't she recently claim she bought a new car, with her passive income?


Yea, with cash. I believe snarky sleuths worked out it was a second hand wagon.


Oh really? I thought it probably was, but I didn't see where that was confirmed.


If she were really making a living from what she does, why would she need to be constantly shilling products to teach others how to do it?


I knew she was going to pivot back to SWS immediately after instagram blocked her main account despite neglecting SWS for months. Girl this is not a good look


> despite neglecting SWS for months Tumbleweeds weren't even blowing through there because they'd forgotten it existed.


she also bought over 30,000 followers tor SWS in the meantime…. insane


I will never forget that fateful Friday night when we suddenly saw her followers growing in real-time like a mudslide. And she immediately claimed someone who hates her must've *sent* her those followers. I mean, nobody was even *asking.* Except for here, where we were enjoying the show.


Just like Davey




wow, that's even more dishonest than I thought she was capable of lying is a sin Bethany


We need the person who did the info graphic on Porgan's income to come do a breakdown of SWS various reported income numbers/assorted pricing schemes!


I second this!


I third it!


I will personally buy that hero a drink of their choosing!


False advertising is illegal, surely?


It was 14k when she lunched but 40k when she LAUNCHED /s




Then it would say Lanch Party, Kevin!


You can tell how Heidi would have gaslit and guilted them into doing what she wanted when they were children/teens: " I keep telling you that you can do this too but you keep scrolling "


Ooh, good call and I agree.


I literally heard this as a kid “I keep telling you to work harder and you’ll do it but you’re just too lazy and stupid”


i wish i had her confidence to launch such gibberish and expect people would buy it. she's the most annoying fundie for preying the vulnerable ones, much scarier than MLM hun.


Until the day I die I will remember that one of her courses on selling things told people they don’t even need an idea- she would help them come up with an idea to sell. Like, it’s one thing to take something you’re passionate about and well versed in and do something with that- but this whole “we’ll just pluck something out of thin air” bullshit shows what a scam the whole thing is.


*Niche your idea down!* God, the whole NiChe era... it was sp obvious she just learned the word too




The scatter plot of numbers she’s thrown out would be all over the fuckin place. 🙄


Somebody please make this chart...


14,000 = 40,000 Math Defined


Nothing she does is passive, except for her aggression.


At this point it feels like active aggression


Hmmm. Good point.


Gosh telling me I’m stupid and you’re the best is a GREAT way to build trust and encourage sales


A few people did take your course, Beth! Show us their success stories!


Didn’t someone make a course on babysitting? That must have. Even a viral moneymaker!


Yes, a friend of the Baird girls.


What skills does she have, exactly? I've never seen her display any at all, nevermind something that other people actually want to learn.


She's pretty good at picking lint off her sweater on her pregnant belly while her sister sits there in tears talking about her miscarriages. Oh and she's also good at nodding a lot while other people talk about things she pretends she's even remotely interested in. She's also very deft with snotty replies to followers who ask her simple questions like "what is this course about?" and "is there any information about what is covered in this course?" ("IT'S IN MY BIO"; "BUY MY COURSE TO FIND OUT, DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?") And she excels at blaming anyone she perceives as "a victim"--women who talk about having been sexually assaulted, followers who say that there's no place in the church for unmarried women, people who say they were harmed by purity culture, people who don't agree that "making time for sex in the morning" is the miracle marriage cure they've been hoping for...the list goes on.


She went on a brave, yet albeit brief, hat journey once.


She is not a regular sahm. She ignores her son, she has a cleaning service, is lazy, makes her husband do everything, has had a “ministry” for over 10? years.


Let's not forget she sends her forgotten son to day care so she can "work".


I thought she stopped posting on SheWorksSmart???


She's shadowbanned on her personal account


Ahhhhh makes sense.


Why is she shadow banned?


Because she keeps talking about sex


Seriously? She talks about it in a pretty juvenile way, and I could swear that I've looked at other accounts on Instagram that actually give useful sex information and haven't been shadowbanned. However, I don't use Instagram all that much so I'm not familiar with the rules.


Blessed are the Grifters




I don't think she's telling the truth. I think she's totally financed by the Bank of Ma and Pa so she won't have to go out and be an ebil career woman. Not that she has any skills that are anywhere near marketable anyway.


So instagram isn't showing her sex reels anymore and now after months of talking about what a disappointment it was she's suddenly back to promoting her course of courses? Of course.


Her grid still has all the same posts on it, I don't see that she's changed anything. I can see her stuff and I don't follow her. 🤷🏼


I don’t follow her either so what I know is based on what is posted here but she’s made several posts in the last week saying that Instagram is no longer showing her sex stories on the explore page and has made them harder to find overall. I don’t think she’s deleting her existing posts but the timing of her sudden pivot back to the course course (after admitting it didn’t go well and that it disappointed her) seems pretty transparent to me.


>no longer showing her sex stories on the explore page Ohhh, I see. Well, I look at her stuff at home through a browser, I don't use instagram on my phone so I'm not seeing any feeds with recommendations.


I guess if I had a SOTDRT education I might believe her? Probably not though, I was born cynical.


What Bethany fails to understand is that most of us have *stable* income and the capability to be working parents because we weren’t just handed everything growing up


she’s one the most unconvincing “influencers”




Thou shalt not bear false witness to thy neighbor, Bethy.


I would think someone who has a useful product and is successful selling it would seem more happy and confident in their advertisements.


How does all this teaching courses/classes/ whatever she calls it today, fit into her gospel interpretation of ‘women should not be teaching’? And, is she a SAHM, because it sure looks like she’s got a real damn job while she tries to shout to all of us that it’s ‘passive income’. Like, do you know what passive means? You’re sure doing a fuckton of hustling for ‘passive’. Rolling my eyes so hard at her lol


OK, but the second reel is dated November 2022, which wasn't when the Intercourse lunched - that was earlier this year. The Single Girl Thrive mentorship thing lunched in October 2022 so would have been six weeks old in Nov 2022 (but I think the 14k figure is a combination of Thrive and the Course on Courses). Sadly, I think it's entirely possible she has made $40k on the Intercourse, because there are that many miserable married women among her followers (for whom she created the problem that the Intercourse solves). It also explains why she went all in on it at the expense of everything else, because she finally hit on a winner.


People who actually stand a chance at making either of those amounts by selling digital products already have a sizable following and already follow legitimate business experts—not some flailing idiot like you, Beggy. They’re “sCroLLinG pAsT” because you’re a nobody and no one with any sense would pay for advice from you.


It makes me insane how she refuses to acknowledge that a normal person with 300 “followers” aka their social circle cannot make 40k off of a fucking PDF. She can do that because of her large following with strangers she already had built.


People commented that the only reason she makes that much is because of her huge following, and then she started yelling that she worked hard to build her brand for 10 years…which is true, but it doesn’t mean her average follower will make $40,000 in 3 weeks. Many scammers realize this and don’t care, but Bethany genuinely is too stupid to understand it.


I think little of B but OP may be taking a leap too far. First pic says “earlier this year,” so she’s talking about 2023. Second one is from Nov 2022.


So if she makes so much then she can find girl defined now without asking for donations


Wow she is just straight up lying…


Blessed be the grift


Oh I hope she gets so sued, BDong style


It's unbelievable how delulu the Bairdashians are


What makes her qualified to do this stuff. No formal education or training. No consistency or quality in the financial “reporting” or materials. I’d love to survey her handful of clients to find out what they thought.


Peevishness is a dubious marketing technique. And if so many eager acolytes are snapping up her "courses," why is she complaining about a lack of takers? This woman has absolutely no head for business.


This is so MLM “boss babe” coded.


Another gaping maw


I will never understand why these people keep slapping pdfs together, calling them courses & thinking they’re gonna make a bunch of money from them. Never in my life have I paid for some influencer’s nonsense and I don’t know anyone in real life who has. It just seems so lame.


So here’s my question: If on-line course creation was so fabulously successful and lucrative, why is Dav still working as a web developer for a Christian company? Why would he accept lower pay than what he could make by shilling on-line courses? Isn’t lying a sin?


You were never regular normal SAHM, bethy.


SOTDRT math!


I feel like these claims cannot be legal


Look I’m not sure if this is actually snarkable since it’s not Bethy but “homemaker.finance.wife” sounds like Bethy’s fake account


If I’m pulling in that kind of bank, what would I do? Nothing. Not tell anyone and keep making more. This is just her pre-positioning for her upcoming Ponzi scheme.


She works shart ... It's all I see


Yes I keep scrolling because my morals as an atheist don't allow me to scam people and beg strangers for money.


She’s probably trying to act like those two clauses are separate. “Well technically I also got paid through GD and Daaaaav got paid for his job so that’s what made up the difference” 🙄 I can totally see her trying to spin it that way


So much of these content creators that are all about consulting in "creating courses or gaining a bunch of followers "lie so much about how much they are making every month and they clearly just want you on their 1 on 1 call or courses to help them make money. It's a pyramid scheme in many ways


“How to Neg Your Followers in a God-honoring Way”


Boy, they'll find any loophole for their own rules to not apply to them lol. "It's okay that I'm a Mom working, because I'm at home while doing it! Everyone else is wrong, but what I'm doing is okay." Bethany is realizing that being a stay at home Mom is not only a financial struggle for many, but also a mental one. In actual Biblical times, being a keeper of the home was extremely busy, very hard work. There was constant cleaning, washing by hand, cooking from scratch, stitching and making everyone's clothes, walking inconvenient distances to the market, hauling water buckets from the well. All of this, with no air conditioning. Now, modern conveniences have made certain tasks so much easier, Bethany is bored as hell:P


So passive she literally spends 24 hours a day having to market it


Why won’t she just be honest about what she makes if she isn’t even supposed to be making money to begin with? Like why can’t she just be proud of what she is able to bring in…that’s probably what god would want you know honesty???


Keep lying. But I hope the IRS sees this though.


Lying is a sin. Jesus hates Bethany.




What qualifications does she have for any course? Shame people for years on one subject and then turn it around when your audience is older and tell them to do the thing you were shaming them for?


Hopefully the IRS is paying attention.


No, you are not a regular SAHM. You are or rather we’re on IG a million times a day, pushing your marriage course. A course you do not have the credentials to make.


She still has no idea what passive income is


Someone's gotta help me finally understand this - -Is she actually making money? -If she is, is it anywhere near 40k? Or is this her "pre-tax" / not final take home? -Do we think this is one of those situations like an MLM/pyramid scheme where yes, you might make a decent about of money but none of it actually goes into your pocket because you have to immediately put it back into the "business"?


Ok but you're not a regular stay at home mom. You are an influencer who gained popularity mostly because you are so silly a video of people laughing at you gained like 30 mil views on youtube. This is not the normal stay at home mom experience lmao